Boost Point System (Olivia)

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This is a plugin created for RPG Maker MV.

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Masterarbeit Writer

Fallen Angel Olivia


This is a plugin created by Fallen Angel Olivia.

You can also follow Fallen Angel Olivia on

RPG Maker Version

This plugin is made for RPG Maker MV versions 1.6.1 and below. If you update RPG Maker MV past that and this plugin breaks, I am NOT responsible for it.

Terms of Use

You are only allowed to use the plugins made by Atelier Irina if you agree to all of the following:

  1. These plugins may be used in free or commercial games.
  2. 'Fallen Angel Olivia' must be given credit in your games.
  3. You are allowed to edit the code.
  4. Do NOT change the filename, parameters, and information of the plugin.
  5. You are NOT allowed to redistribute these Plugins.
  6. You may NOT take code for your own released Plugins.

OctoPack Battler

This plugin is a part of the OctoPack Battler plugin series!


This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that adds a Boost Point System to your game. This is a newly added mechanic that allows actors and enemies to temporarily power themselves up for the current turn by using a new resource called Boost Points. Boost Points are acquired at the end of each turn if the battler did not use Boost Points. While Boosted, actions can either deal more damage, hit more times, make buff/debuff effects last longer, and more.

The Boost Point System plugin has many ways for you to customize it. Please go through the plugin's parameters to adjust the settings for your game.

Plugin Parameters

There are Plugin Parameters that you may configure for this plugin.

Battle Control

Boost Command: How command for how Boost is displayed

Show Command?: Show the Boost Command in the Actor Command Window?

Unboost Command: How command for how Unboost is displayed

Show Command?: Show the Unboost Command in the Actor Command Window?

Use L and R Buttons?: Use L and R buttons (Q and W keys) to control boosting? Allows you to use Boost in any kind of battle menu without having to use the specialized Boost and Unboost commands.


Start Battle BP: The amount of BP battlers start each battle with

Regen BP: The amount of BP battlers regenerate each turn

Always Regenerate: Always regenerate BP. Otherwise, regenerate BP when BP wasn't used that turn. Change this if you want the battlers to always have BP regeneration

Max Stored BP: The most amount of BP a battler can hold onto at any time

Max Used BP: The most amount of BP a battler can use at once.


Damage Multipliers: The multipliers for each BP used from 0 to max. This is the percentage of the multiplier. This affects all skills and items with the <Boost Damage> notetag. For actions you want to deal more damage.

Damage Addition: The addition for each BP used from 0 to max. This is the integer version of the bonus.​ This affects all skills and items with the <Boost Damage> notetag. For actions you want to deal more damage.​

Repeat Multipliers: The multipliers for each BP used from 0 to max. This is the percentage of the multiplier. This affects all skills and items with the <Boost Repeats> notetag. For actions you want to hit more times.

Repeat Addition: The addition for each BP used from 0 to max. This is the integer version of the bonus.​ This affects all skills and items with the <Boost Repeats> notetag. For actions you want to deal more damage.​

Turn Multipliers: The multipliers for each BP used from 0 to max. This is the percentage of the multiplier. This affects all skills and items with the <Boost Turns> notetag. For actions that apply states, buffs, or debuffs.

Turn Addition: The addition for each BP used from 0 to max. This is the integer version of the bonus.​ This affects all skills and items with the <Boost Turns> notetag. For actions you want to deal more damage.​

Analyze Multipliers: The multipliers for each BP used from 0 to max. This is the percentage of the multiplier. This affects all skills and items with the <Boost Analyze> notetag. For the effects found in Weakness Display plugin.

Analyze Addition: The addition for each BP used from 0 to max. This is the integer version of the bonus.​ This affects all skills and items with the <Boost Analyze> notetag. For actions you want to deal more damage.​

BP Effect Multipliers: The multipliers for each BP used from 0 to max. This is the percentage of the multiplier. This affects all skills and items with the <Boost BP Effect> notetag. For the actions that alter user or target BP.

BP Effect Addition: The addition for each BP used from 0 to max. This is the integer version of the bonus.​ This affects all skills and items with the <Boost BP> notetag. For actions you want to deal more damage.​


Animations: Choose animations to play when changing to different levels of BP

Show Icons?: Show boost point icons in the party status menu in battle?

Boost Icon: Icon ID used to represent a Boost slot

Empty Icon: Icon ID used to represent an empty slot

Small Boost Icons: Draw smaller icons?

Boost Icon Size: Rate of how much to shrink the Boost icons

Text: Text used to accompany small Boost icons

Text Alignment: Text alignment used for the small Boost text



RPG Maker MV's editor is unable to allow for custom traits/properties that a game dev may wish to associate with a database object, event, map, etc. Notetags are used to work around such limitations by allowing the game dev to tag certain traits/properties using specific Notetags declared by the related plugin.

Here is a list of Notetag(s) that you may use.


Skill and Item Notetags:

<Require x BP>
This will make the action require at least x BP to use for actors.
If for enemies, then at least x BP must be stored. This will not
make the enemies use the BP until you use the enemy BP use notetags.

<Require > x BP>
<Require >= x BP>
<Require = x BP>
<Require <= x BP>
<Require < x BP>
This will make the action require greater than, greater than or equal to,
equal to exactly, less than or equal to, or less than x BP for the skill
to be used for actors. If for enemies, this will be the BP stored. This
will not make the enemies use the BP until you use the enemy BP use notetag.

<Target BP: +x>
<Target BP: -x>
The target will gain or lose BP equal to x. This is a BP effect.

<User BP: +x>
<User BP: -x>
The user will gain or lose BP equal to x. This is a BP effect.

<Boost Damage>
If the action's user is using BP, this will boost the damage multiplier
for this action by the multiplier set in the plugin parameters.

<Boost Turns>
If the action's user is using BP, this will boost the state/buff turns
for this action by the multiplier set in the plugin parameters.

<Boost Repeats>
If the action's user is using BP, this will boost the number of repeated
hits for this action by the multiplier set in the plugin parameters.

<Boost Analyze>
If the action's user is using BP, this will boost the number of weaknesses
revealed for this action by the multiplier set in the plugin parameters.

<Boost BP Effect>
If the action's user is using BP, this will boost the number of BP effects
for this action by the multiplier set in the plugin parameters.

Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetags:

<BP Battle Start: x%>
<BP Battle Start: +x>
<BP Battle Start: -x>
Changes the amount of BP the battler starts with in battle by a
percentage (x%) or by a flat amount (+x or -x);

<BP Regen: x%>
<BP Regen: +x>
<BP Regen: -x>
Changes the amount of BP the battler regens each turn in battle by a
percentage (x%) or by a flat amount (+x or -x);

Enemy Notetags:

<Boost Skill x: Full>
<Boost skillname: Full>
Whenever the enemy uses skill x (or the skillname if you use that),
it will use as much BP as it can for the skill when it performs it.

<Boost Skill x: At Least y>
<Boost skillname: At Least y>
Whenever the enemy uses skill x (or the skillname if you use that),
it will use BP after reaching y BP and use as much as it can.

<Boost Skill x: At Most y>
<Boost skillname: At Most y>
Whenever the enemy uses skill x (or the skillname if you use that),
it will use as much BP as it can unless BP is over y BP.

State Notetags:

<Boost Sealed>
If a battler is affected by a state with this notetag, they cannot boost.

Text Codes


Text Codes are used in the Show Text event command. They are used to display things that text normally can't produce on its own, such as colors, get the name of a specific actor, change icons, and more.

You can put these in a skill or item's help description and it will change the text depending on how much BP the current actor is using.

This will apply BP damage multipliers to number x based on the
actor's currently used BP amount.

This will apply BP turn multipliers to number x based on the
actor's currently used BP amount.

This will apply BP repeat multipliers to number x based on the
actor's currently used BP amount.

This will apply BP analyze multipliers to number x based on the
actor's currently used BP amount.

This will apply BP effect multipliers to number x based on the
actor's currently used BP amount.

The text inside the brackets won't appear unless
at least 1 BP is used.

The text inside the brackets will only appear if
no BP is being used.

The text inside the brackets will only appear if
more than x BP is being used.

The text inside the brackets will only appear if
more than or exactly x BP is being used.

The text inside the brackets will only appear if
exactly x BP is being used.

The text inside the brackets will only appear if
less than or exactly x BP is being used.

The text inside the brackets will only appear if
less than x BP is being used.


  • Sep 2 2018: Bug fix for help window not updating properly sometimes
  • Sep 4 2018: Added <Boost Sealed> notetag for states.
  • Sep 7 2018: Added new parameters: Death Removal and Death Regen
  • Sep 8 2018: Bug fix for minimum turn calculation and bug fix for BP regeneration not working right
  • Sep 9 2018: Added new parameters: Damage Addition, Repeat Addition, Turn Addition, Analyze Addition, BP Addition
  • Sep 19 2018: Bug fixed for \bpEffect[x] displaying wrong value
  • Sep 20 2018: Bug fixed for plugin parameters: Boost Point Death Regen and Boost Point BP Addition
  • Sep 21 2018: <BP Regen: +x> notetag fixed to work properly!
  • Sep 25 2018: Compatibility added for Item Concoctions.

Help File