Category:Notetags (MZ)

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RPG Maker MZ's editor is unable to allow for custom traits/properties that a game dev may wish to associate with a database object, event, map, etc. Notetags are used to work around such limitations by allowing the game dev to tag certain traits/properties using specific Notetags declared by the related plugin.

Here is a list of Notetag(s) that you may use.

Active Chain Skills VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Chain Skill-Related Notetags

ActiveChainSkills Preview.gif


<Chain Skill key: id>
<Chain Skill key: name>

<Available Chain Skill key: id>
<Available Chain Skill key: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Adds a chainable skill to the specific 'key' when pressed. This variant
  requires the actor to either have learned the skill or have it temporarily
  accessible through traits.
- There are no differences between the <Chain Skill key: x> and the
  <Available Chain Skill key: x> notetags, it's a matter of preference of
  which you want to use.
- Replace 'key' with a string representing the key trigger you wish to bind
  this chain skill with.
  - 'down', 'left', 'right', 'up'
  - You can substitute the above for the NumPad values: 'down' with '2',
    'left' with '4', 'right' with '6', and 'up' with '8'
  - 'ok', 'cancel', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'shift'
  - You can substitute the above for the Keyboard inputs: 'ok' with 'z',
    'cancel' with 'x', 'pageup' with 'q', 'pagedown' with 'w', and
    'shift' for 's'
  - Do not include the quotes.
- For 'id' variant: replace 'id' with the ID of the skill to chain using
  the marked key.
- For 'name' variant: replace 'name' with the name of the skill to chain
  using the marked key.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to bind different keys.


  <Chain Skill up: Thunder I>
  <Chain Skill left: 107>
  <Available Chain Skill down: Fire I>
  <Available Chain Skill right: 123>


<Learned Chain Skill key: id>
<Learned Chain Skill key: name>

<Known Chain Skill key: id>
<Known Chain Skill key: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Adds a chainable skill to the specific 'key' when pressed. This variant
  requires the actor to have learned the skill in order to chain it
  regardless of whether or not the actor has temporary trait access.
- There are no differences between the <Learned Chain Skill key: x> and the
  <Known Chain Skill key: x> notetags, it's a matter of preference of
  which you want to use.
- Replace 'key' with a string representing the key trigger you wish to bind
  this chain skill with.
  - 'down', 'left', 'right', 'up'
  - You can substitute the above for the NumPad values: 'down' with '2',
    'left' with '4', 'right' with '6', and 'up' with '8'
  - 'ok', 'cancel', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'shift'
  - You can substitute the above for the Keyboard inputs: 'ok' with 'z',
    'cancel' with 'x', 'pageup' with 'q', 'pagedown' with 'w', and
    'shift' for 's'
  - Do not include the quotes.
- For 'id' variant: replace 'id' with the ID of the skill to chain using
  the marked key.
- For 'name' variant: replace 'name' with the name of the skill to chain
  using the marked key.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to bind different keys.


  <Learned Skill up: Thunder I>
  <Learned Skill left: 107>
  <Known Chain Skill down: Fire I>
  <Known Chain Skill right: 123>


<Forced Chain Skill key: id>
<Forced Chain Skill key: name>

<Always Chain Skill key: id>
<Always Chain Skill key: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Adds a chainable skill to the specific 'key' when pressed. This variant
  will always have the skill available for chaining.
- There are no differences between the <Forced Chain Skill key: x> and the
  <Always Chain Skill key: x> notetags, it's a matter of preference of
  which you want to use.
- Replace 'key' with a string representing the key trigger you wish to bind
  this chain skill with.
  - 'down', 'left', 'right', 'up'
  - You can substitute the above for the NumPad values: 'down' with '2',
    'left' with '4', 'right' with '6', and 'up' with '8'
  - 'ok', 'cancel', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'shift'
  - You can substitute the above for the Keyboard inputs: 'ok' with 'z',
    'cancel' with 'x', 'pageup' with 'q', 'pagedown' with 'w', and
    'shift' for 's'
  - Do not include the quotes.
- For 'id' variant: replace 'id' with the ID of the skill to chain using
  the marked key.
- For 'name' variant: replace 'name' with the name of the skill to chain
  using the marked key.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to bind different keys.


  <Forced Skill up: Thunder I>
  <Forced Skill left: 107>
  <Always Chain Skill down: Fire I>
  <Always Chain Skill right: 123>


<Chain Only>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Causes this skill to only become usable during an Active Chain Skill
  sequence as long as other costs and conditions have been met.


Confirmation-Related Notetags

ActiveChainSkills Preview.gif


<Chain Confirm Animation: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Changes the confirmation animation when chaining into this skill.
- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the animation to play
  when chaining into this skill.
- If this notetag is not used, play the animation found in the
  Plugin Parameters instead.


Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

Provoke-Related Notetags

AggroControlSystem Provoke.gif

The following notetags enable you to utilize the Provoke effects added by this plugin. Provoked targets can only attack the provoking unit for single target actions.



- Used for: State Notetags
- Causes the state affected unit to be able to only attack the caster of the
  provoke state for single target actions.
- If multiple provoke states are applied, then the provoker is the one who
  applied the highest priority provoke state.
- States with <Provoke> on them will automatically remove themselves if the
  provoker dies. Update made by Arisu.


<Provoke Height Origin: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets the provoke height origin point to x% of the sprite's height.
- This is the landing point for the provoke trails.
- Replace 'x' with a number presenting what rate of the sprite's height to
  set as the provoke height origin point.


<Bypass Provoke>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Makes the affected unit to ignore any and all provoke effects applied by
  any provoke states, allowing them to target foes as if they are unaffected
  by provoke states altogether.


<Bypass Provoke>
- Used for: Skill and Item Notetags
- Makes the action bypass provoke effects applied by any provoke states,
  allowing this action to target foes as if the user is unaffected by any
  provoke effects altogether.


Taunt-Related Notetags

AggroControlSystem Taunt.gif


<All Taunt>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Causes the taunting unit to become the target of the opposing team's
  single target actions for physical, magical, and certain hit actions.
- If multiple taunters exist, then the opposing team can select between any
  of the taunters for targets.


<Physical Taunt>
<Magical Taunt>
<Certain Taunt>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Causes the taunting unit to become the target of the opposing team's
  single target actions for physical, magical, and certain hit actions
- Add/remove any combination of the above to cause the affected unit to
  become the target of those types of actions.
- If multiple taunters exist, then the opposing team can select between any
  of the taunters for targets.


<Bypass Taunt>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- The affected unit will ignore any and all taunt effects created by the
  opposing team, allowing them to use single target actions as if no
  taunters exist on the opposing team.


<Bypass Taunt>
- Used for: Skill and Item Notetags
- Makes the action bypass taunt effects created by the opposing team,
  allowing the user to use single target actions as if no taunters exist on
  the opposing team.


Aggro-Related Notetags

AggroControlSystem Aggro.png


<User Aggro: +x>
<User Aggro: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item
- Upon using this action, raise the user's battle aggro value by 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with the amount of battle aggro to increase/decrease by.
- This effect will only apply once per usage regardless of the number of
  successful hits landed by the action.


<Target Aggro: +x>
<Target Aggro: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item
- Upon using this action, raise the target's battle aggro value by 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with the amount of battle aggro to increase/decrease by.
- This effect will apply multiple times based on the number of successful
  hits landed by the action.


<Aggro: +x>
<Aggro: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Causes the affected unit to passively have increased/decreased aggro
  values independent of the amount of aggro it earns in battle.
- Replace 'x' with the amount of aggro this object increases/decreases by.


<Aggro Multiplier: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Causes the affected unit to increase the amount of perceived aggro it has
  by the aggro multiplier.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the percentage to increase/decrease
  the perceived aggro by.
- If multiple of these traits exist across different trait objects, the
  effects are increased multiplicatively.


<Bypass Highest Aggro>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills or items, the action will decide targets by aggro weight
  instead of always picking the highest aggro unit(s).
- If used on trait objects, the affected unit will decide targets by aggro
  weight instead of always picking the highest aggro unit(s).
- This is used for enemy A.I. or Actor auto battle A.I.


<Bypass Highest Aggro>
- Used for: Skill and Item Notetags
- Makes the action bypass highest aggro effects and instead focuses on
  targets by aggro weight instead.
- This is used for enemy A.I. or Actor auto battle A.I.


<Target Highest Aggro>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills or items, the action will always decide its targets by
  the highest aggro value.
- If used on trait objects, the affected unit will always decide on targets
  by the highest aggro value.
- If the <Bypass Highest Aggro> notetag exists, this effect is ignored.
- This is used for enemy A.I. or Actor auto battle A.I.


JavaScript Notetags: Aggro-Related

AggroControlSystem Aggro.png


<JS User Aggro>
 value = code
</JS User Aggro>

- Used for: Skill, Item
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the final 'value' to
  change the user's battle aggro to upon using this skill.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.
- This effect will only apply once per usage regardless of the number of
  successful hits landed by the action.


<JS Target Aggro>
 value = code
</JS Target Aggro>

- Used for: Skill, Item
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the final 'value' to
  change target's battle aggro to upon using this skill.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.
- This effect will apply multiple times based on the number of successful
  hits landed by the action.


Ambience Sounds VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Event-Related Notetags

VisuMZ AmbienceSounds Preview.png


<Ambience SFX: name>
<Ambience SFX: name, volume>
<Ambience SFX: name, volume, pitch>
<Ambience SFX: name, volume, pitch, pan>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adds the ambience sound effect to the event's ambience pool.
  - If there are multiple entries, add multiple sound effects.
  - A random sound effect will be picked each time it's ready to play.
- The variant you use will determine how customized you want the sound
  effect's properties. Otherwise, the information will come from the default
  Plugin Parameter settings.
- Replace 'name' with the filename of the sound effect found in /audio/se/
  to play. Do NOT include the file extension.
- Replace 'volume' with a number representing the volume of the sound.
- Replace 'pitch' with a number representing the pitch of the sound effect.
- Replace 'pan' with a number representing the pan of the sound effect.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Ambience Interval: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the interval at which the ambience sound effects play.
- If this notetag is not used, then the interval played will be determined
  by the default Plugin Parameter settings.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the time in frames between ambience
  sound effects playing. 60 frames is equal to a second.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Ambience Distance: x>
<Ambience Proximity: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the maximum proximity distance in tiles away from the event the
  player can hear the ambience sound effects from.
- This will not form a diamond shape. This will form a circular radius.
- There are no difference between the notetags. The one you use is entirely
  up to your own personal preferences.
- If this notetag is not used, then the maximum proximity distance will be
  determined by the default Plugin Parameter settings.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the maximum proximity distance in
  tiles to hear the event from.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Ambience Interval Variance: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the interval variability. The value of the final interval
  amount will vary by this percentage value.
- If this plugin is not used, then the interval variance will be determined
  by the default Plugin Parameter settings.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the variability amount.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Ambience Volume Variance: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the volume variability. The value of the final volume amount
  will vary by this percentage value.
- If this plugin is not used, then the volume variance will be determined by
  the default Plugin Parameter settings.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the variability amount.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Ambience Pitch Variance: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the pitch variability. The value of the final pitch amount will
  vary by this percentage value.
- If this plugin is not used, then the pitch variance will be determined by
  the default Plugin Parameter settings.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the variability amount.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Anti-Damage Barriers VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Cancellation Barrier-Related Notetags

AntiDmgBarrier Cancel.gif


<hitType Barrier Cancel Damage Over: x>
<hitType Barrier Cancel Damage Over: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns this state into a Cancellation Barrier that blocks all damage equal
  to or over a specific amount determined by a formula.
- Replace 'hitType' with any of the following:
  - 'All' for all damage types.
  - 'Certain Hit' for certain hit damage only.
  - 'Physical' for physical damage only.
  - 'Magical' for magical damage only.
  - 'Element id' for elemental damage that matches the element's 'id'.
  - 'Element name' for elemental damage that matches the element's name.
  - Insert multiple element id's or names with commas separating them.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine the damage threshold that
  will be blocked by this barrier type.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines how much damage will
  be the barrier's threshold.
  - 'user' will refer to the current attacking user. If none is present,
    then refer to the target.
  - 'target' will be the battler receiving the damage.


  <All Barrier Cancel Damage Over: 1000>
  <Physical Barrier Cancel Damage Over: 500>
  <Magical Barrier Cancel Damage Over: user.def + target.mdf>
  <Element Fire Cancel Damage Over: Math.randomInt(300)>
  <Element Wind, Ice Barrier Cancel Damage Over: $gameVariables.value(42)>


<hitType Barrier Cancel Damage Under: x>
<hitType Barrier Cancel Damage Under: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns this state into a Cancellation Barrier that blocks all damage equal
  to or under a specific amount determined by a formula.
- Replace 'hitType' with any of the following:
  - 'All' for all damage types.
  - 'Certain Hit' for certain hit damage only.
  - 'Physical' for physical damage only.
  - 'Magical' for magical damage only.
  - 'Element id' for elemental damage that matches the element's 'id'.
  - 'Element name' for elemental damage that matches the element's name.
  - Insert multiple element id's or names with commas separating them.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine the damage threshold that
  will be blocked by this barrier type.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines how much damage will
  be the barrier's threshold.
  - 'user' will refer to the current attacking user. If none is present,
    then refer to the target.
  - 'target' will be the battler receiving the damage.


  <All Barrier Cancel Damage Under: 100>
  <Physical Barrier Cancel Damage Under: 200>
  <Magical Barrier Cancel Damage Under: user.def + target.mdf>
  <Element Fire Barrier Cancel Damage Under: Math.randomInt(500)>
  <Element Wind, Ice Barrier Cancel Damage Under: $gameVariables.value(42)>


Nullification Barrier-Related Notetags

AntiDmgBarrier Null.gif


<hitType Nullify Barrier: x>
<hitType Nullify Barrier: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Nullification Barriers block all damage at the cost of one charge.
- If a Nullification Barrier runs out of charges, it will automatically
  remove itself from the battler.
- Replace 'hitType' with any of the following:
  - 'All' for all damage types.
  - 'Certain Hit' for certain hit damage only.
  - 'Physical' for physical damage only.
  - 'Magical' for magical damage only.
  - 'Element id' for elemental damage that matches the element's 'id'.
  - 'Element name' for elemental damage that matches the element's name.
  - Insert multiple element id's or names with commas separating them.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine the number of charges the
  Nullification Barrier will have.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines how much damage will
  be the barrier's charges.
  - 'user' will refer to the current attacking user. If none is present,
    then refer to the target.
  - 'target' will be the battler receiving the damage.
- Note! This effect is incompatible with the Absorption Barrier effect and
  both cannot be placed on the same state. They can, however, be placed on
  two separate states.


  <All Nullify Barrier: 3>
  <Physical Nullify Barrier: 5>
  <Magical Nullify Barrier: user.level + target.level>
  <Element Fire Nullify Barrier: Math.randomInt(10)>
  <Element Wind, Ice Nullify Barrier: $gameVariables.value(42)>


<Nullify Barrier Degen: x>
<Nullify Barrier Degen: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- This will cause the charges for the Nullification Barrier to decay by a
  certain amount each regeneration phase.
- Replace 'x' with a static number for it to decay by.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines how many charges it
  will decay by.
  - 'target' will be the battler the Nullification Barrier is on.


  <Nullify Barrier Degen: 1>
  <Nullify Barrier Degen: Math.randomInt(3)>


<Nullify Barrier Regen: x>
<Nullify Barrier Regen: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- This will cause the charges for the Nullification Barrier to raise by a
  certain amount each regeneration phase.
- Replace 'x' with a static number for it to regen by.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines how many charges it
  will regen by.
  - 'target' will be the battler the Nullification Barrier is on.


  <Nullify Barrier Regen: 1>
  <Nullify Barrier Regen: Math.randomInt(3)>


Reduction Barrier-Related Notetags

AntiDmgBarrier Reduction.gif


<hitType Reduce Barrier: x%>
<hitType Reduce Barrier: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Reduction Barrier. Reduction Barriers reduce
  incoming damage by a percentile.
- If a battler has multiple Reduction Barriers, they stack additively.
- Replace 'hitType' with any of the following:
  - 'All' for all damage types.
  - 'Certain Hit' for certain hit damage only.
  - 'Physical' for physical damage only.
  - 'Magical' for magical damage only.
  - 'Element id' for elemental damage that matches the element's 'id'.
  - 'Element name' for elemental damage that matches the element's name.
  - Insert multiple element id's or names with commas separating them.
- Replace 'x' with a percentile number indicating the amount of damage it
  will reduce by.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines the percentage of
  damage that will be reduced by.
  - 'user' will refer to the current attacking user. If none is present,
    then refer to the target.
  - 'target' will be the battler receiving the damage.


  <All Reduce Barrier: 20%>
  <Physical Reduce Barrier: 40%>
  <Magical Reduce Barrier: user.hpRate()>
  <Element Fire Reduce Barrier: Math.random() * 0.50>
  <Element Wind, Ice Reduce Barrier: $gameVariables.value(42) * 0.01>


Absorption Barrier-Related Notetags

AntiDmgBarrier Absorb.gif


<hitType Absorb Barrier: x>
<hitType Absorb Barrier: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into an Absorption Barrier which contains a visible
  barrier that will block damage 1 for 1.
- If the Absorption Barrier's value is reduced to 0, it will automatically
  remove itself.
- Replace 'hitType' with any of the following:
  - 'All' for all damage types.
  - 'Certain Hit' for certain hit damage only.
  - 'Physical' for physical damage only.
  - 'Magical' for magical damage only.
  - 'Element id' for elemental damage that matches the element's 'id'.
  - 'Element name' for elemental damage that matches the element's name.
  - Insert multiple element id's or names with commas separating them.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine the barrier value the
  Absorption Barrier state has upon being applied.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines what barrier value
  Absorption Barrier state has upon being applied.
  - 'user' will refer to the current attacking user. If none is present,
    then refer to the target.
  - 'target' will be the battler receiving the damage.
- Note! This effect is incompatible with the Nullification Barrier effect
  and both cannot be placed on the same state. They can, however, be placed
  on two separate states.


  <All Absorb Barrier: 300>
  <Physical Absorb Barrier: 500>
  <Magical Absorb Barrier: user.def + target.mdf>
  <Element Fire Absorb Barrier: Math.randomInt(1000)>
  <Element Wind, Ice Absorb Barrier: $gameVariables.value(42)>


<Absorb Barrier Degen: x>
<Absorb Barrier Degen: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- This will cause the barrier for the Absorption Barrier to decay by a
  certain amount each regeneration phase.
- Replace 'x' with a static number for it to decay by.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines how much barrier it
  will decay by.
  - 'target' will be the battler the Absorption Barrier is on.


  <Absorb Barrier Degen: 1>
  <Absorb Barrier Degen: Math.randomInt(3)>


<Absorb Barrier Regen: x>
<Absorb Barrier Regen: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- This will cause the barrier for the Absorption Barrier to regen by a
  certain amount each regeneration phase.
- Replace 'x' with a static number for it to regen by.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines how much barrier it
  will regen by.
  - 'target' will be the battler the Absorption Barrier is on.


  <Absorb Barrier Regen: 1>
  <Absorb Barrier Regen: Math.randomInt(3)>


MP Barrier-Related Notetags

AntiDmgBarrier DivertMP.gif


<hitType MP Barrier: x%>
<hitType MP Barrier: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns this state into an MP-Dispersion Barrier state where a portion of
  the incoming damage can be dispersed into the affected battler's MP pool.
- Damage will be dispersed 1 for 1 with MP. If there is insufficient MP,
  the damage dispersion percentile will be reduced to account for MP.
- If MP reaches 0, the state will automatically remove itself.
- Replace 'hitType' with any of the following:
  - 'All' for all damage types.
  - 'Certain Hit' for certain hit damage only.
  - 'Physical' for physical damage only.
  - 'Magical' for magical damage only.
  - 'Element id' for elemental damage that matches the element's 'id'.
  - 'Element name' for elemental damage that matches the element's name.
  - Insert multiple element id's or names with commas separating them.
- Replace 'x' with a percentile number indicating the amount of damage that
  is dispersed into the battler's MP pool.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines the percentage of
  damage that will be dispersed into the MP pool.
  - 'user' will refer to the current attacking user. If none is present,
    then refer to the target.
  - 'target' will be the battler receiving the damage.


  <All MP Barrier: 20%>
  <Physical MP Barrier: 40%>
  <Magical MP Barrier: user.hpRate()>
  <Element Fire MP Barrier: Math.random() * 0.50>
  <Element Wind, Ice MP Barrier: $gameVariables.value(42) * 0.01>


TP Barrier-Related Notetags

AntiDmgBarrier DivertTP.gif


<hitType TP Barrier: x%>
<hitType TP Barrier: formula>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns this state into a TP-Dispersion Barrier state where a portion of
  the incoming damage can be dispersed into the affected battler's TP pool.
- Damage will be dispersed 1 for 1 with TP. If there is insufficient TP,
  the damage dispersion percentile will be reduced to account for TP.
- If TP reaches 0, the state will automatically remove itself.
- TP can be generated upon being hit. This gained TP does not apply to the
  TP-Dispersion Barrier as it is generated after being hit.
- Replace 'hitType' with any of the following:
  - 'All' for all damage types.
  - 'Certain Hit' for certain hit damage only.
  - 'Physical' for physical damage only.
  - 'Magical' for magical damage only.
  - 'Element id' for elemental damage that matches the element's 'id'.
  - 'Element name' for elemental damage that matches the element's name.
  - Insert multiple element id's or names with commas separating them.
- Replace 'x' with a percentile number indicating the amount of damage that
  is dispersed into the battler's TP pool.
- Replace 'formula' with a calculation that determines the percentage of
  damage that will be dispersed into the TP pool.
  - 'user' will refer to the current attacking user. If none is present,
    then refer to the target.
  - 'target' will be the battler receiving the damage.


  <All TP Barrier: 20%>
  <Physical TP Barrier: 40%>
  <Magical TP Barrier: user.hpRate()>
  <Element Fire TP Barrier: Math.random() * 0.50>
  <Element Wind, Ice TP Barrier: $gameVariables.value(42) * 0.01>


Barrier Bypass-Related Notetags


<Ignore Barriers>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes this skill or item to completely ignore any barriers on the target.


<Ignore Barriers as User>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If an attacker with this notetag on any of its trait objects attacks a
  target with barriers, ignore the target's barriers.


<Ignore Barriers as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If a target battler has this notetag on any of its trait objects receives
  an attack, any barriers on the target battler will be ignored.


Break State-Related Notetags


<hitType Breaks State>

- Used for: State Notetags
- If an attack hits a battler with this state and state's notetag, as long
  as the damage type matches, automatically remove the state.
- Replace 'hitType' with any of the following:
  - 'All' for all damage types.
  - 'Certain Hit' for certain hit damage only.
  - 'Physical' for physical damage only.
  - 'Magical' for magical damage only.
  - 'Element id' for elemental damage that matches the element's 'id'.
  - 'Element name' for elemental damage that matches the element's name.
  - Insert multiple element id's or names with commas separating them.
- This can be used for states that aren't barriers.
- This occurs before most of the pre-damage phase.


Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Skill Trigger-Related Notetags

AutoSkillTrigger SelfDestruct.gif


<No Auto Skill Trigger>

- Used for: Skill, Item State Notetags
- This prevents Auto Skill Triggers from occurring upon using this
  skill or item.


<Auto Trigger: condition>

<Auto Trigger x%: condition>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Turns this skill into an Auto Trigger Skill, where it will automatically
  be used if the 'condition' has been met.
- If using the x% variant, the Auto Trigger has a x% chance to occur.
  - Replace 'x' with a number value representing the chance to succeed.
- Skill must be usable normally outside of the occasion in order to trigger.
- This marked skill cannot trigger any other Auto Skill Triggers in order to
  prevent an infinite loop.
- Skills can have multiple Auto Triggers and will trigger upon meeting the
  conditions of any of them.
- Replace 'condition' with any of the below keywords:

  *Note1*: Being the target of an action means the potential target must be
    a part of the original scope, regardless of how the targets are changed
    up later by Action Sequences.



  Battle Start
  - Triggers skill when the battle starts.

  Battle Win
  - Triggers skill when the battle is won.

  - Triggers skill moments before the user's death.
  - If the user recovers enough HP from the skill trigger, then the
    user won't die. However, any other Death triggered effects will
    still continue to prompt.


  Attack User
  - Triggers skill when the user uses a basic attack.

  Guard User
  - Triggers skill when the user guards.

  Item User
  - Triggers skill when the user uses any item.

  Physical User
  - Triggers skill when the user performs any physical action.

  Magical User
  - Triggers skill when the user performs any magical action.

  Certain Hit User
  - Triggers skill when the user performs a certain hit action.

  Skill Type name User
  - Triggers skill when the user performs a skill of the named
    Skill Type.

  Element name User
  - Triggers skill when the user performs an action with the named
    element type.


  Attack Target
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a basic attack.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Guard Target
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a guard action.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Item Target
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of an item action.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Physical Target
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a physical action.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Magical Target
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a magical action.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Certain Hit Target
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a certain hit action.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Skill Type name Target
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a skill by named
    Skill Type.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Element name Target
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of of an action with the named
    element type.
  - See Note1 Above.


  Attack Ally
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a basic attack
    and is an ally of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Guard Ally
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a guard action
    and is an ally of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Item Ally
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of an item action
    and is an ally of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Physical Ally
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a physical action
    and is an ally of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Magical Ally
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a magical action
    and is an ally of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Certain Hit Ally
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a certain hit action
    and is an ally of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Skill Type name Ally
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a skill by named
    Skill Type and is an ally of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Element name Ally
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of of an action with the named
    element type and is an ally of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.


  Attack Enemy
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a basic attack
    and is an enemy of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Guard Enemy
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a guard action
    and is an enemy of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Item Enemy
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of an item action
    and is an enemy of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Physical Enemy
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a physical action
    and is an enemy of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Magical Enemy
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a magical action
    and is an enemy of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Certain Hit Enemy
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a certain hit action
    and is an enemy of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Skill Type name Enemy
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of a skill by named
    Skill Type and is an enemy of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.

  Element name Enemy
  - Triggers skill when user is the target of of an action with the named
    element type and is an enemy of the currently active battler.
  - See Note1 Above.


  Attack Friends
  - Triggers skill when a basic attack occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team.

  Guard Friends
  - Triggers skill when a guard action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team.

  Item Friends
  - Triggers skill when an item action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team.

  Physical Friends
  - Triggers skill when a physical action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team.

  Magical Friends
  - Triggers skill when a physical action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team.

  Certain Hit Friends
  - Triggers skill when a certain hit action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team.

  Skill Type name Friends
  - Triggers skill when a skill by the named Skill Type action occurs and
    the active battler is in the user's allied team.

  Element name Friends
  - Triggers skill when an action with the named element type occurs and
    the active battler is in the user's allied team.


  Attack Friends Only
  - Triggers skill when a basic attack occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team, but the active battler cannot be the user.

  Guard Friends Only
  - Triggers skill when a guard action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team, but the active battler cannot be the user.

  Item Friends Only
  - Triggers skill when an item action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team, but the active battler cannot be the user.

  Physical Friends Only
  - Triggers skill when a physical action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team, but the active battler cannot be the user.

  Magical Friends Only
  - Triggers skill when a physical action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team, but the active battler cannot be the user.

  Certain Hit Friends Only
  - Triggers skill when a certain hit action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's allied team, but the active battler cannot be the user.

  Skill Type name Friends Only
  - Triggers skill when a skill by the named Skill Type action occurs and
    the active battler is in the user's allied team, but the active battler
    cannot be the user.

  Element name Friends Only
  - Triggers skill when an action with the named element type occurs and
    the active battler is in the user's allied team, but the active battler
    cannot be the user.


  Attack Opponents
  - Triggers skill when a basic attack occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's opposing team.

  Guard Opponents
  - Triggers skill when a guard action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's opposing team.

  Item Opponents
  - Triggers skill when an item action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's opposing team.

  Physical Opponents
  - Triggers skill when a physical action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's opposing team.

  Magical Opponents
  - Triggers skill when a physical action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's opposing team.

  Certain Hit Opponents
  - Triggers skill when a certain hit action occurs and the active battler
    is in the user's opposing team.

  Skill Type name Opponents
  - Triggers skill when a skill by the named Skill Type action occurs and
    the active battler is in the user's opposing team.

  Element name Opponents
  - Triggers skill when an action with the named element type occurs and
    the active battler is in the user's opposing team.



  <Auto Trigger: Battle Start>
  <Auto Trigger: Death>
  <Auto Trigger: Attack User>
  <Auto Trigger: Guard User>
  <Auto Trigger: Physical Target>
  <Auto Trigger: Magical Target>
  <Auto Trigger: Certain Hit Ally>
  <Auto Trigger: Item Enemy>
  <Auto Trigger: Skill Type Magic Ally>
  <Auto Trigger: Skill Type Special Enemy>
  <Auto Trigger: Element Fire Friends>
  <Auto Trigger: Element Ice Opponents>


Battle AI VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

General A.I. Settings Notetags

These notetags set the general A.I. related settings for enemies and any actors that use A.I. (requires Auto Battle and has a reference A.I.).


BattleAI Styles.png

<AI Style: x>

- Used for: Class, Enemy Notetags
- Replace 'x' with 'Classic', 'Gambit', 'Casual', or 'Random' without the
  quotes. Example: <AI Style: Gambit>
- Determines the A.I. style used. Refer to the A.I. Styles section on the
  various types of styles.
- For actors, place this inside the associated class's notebox instead.
- For actors, this does not apply if there is no referenced enemy A.I. list.
- Setup the reference enemy through either the Plugin Parameters or by using
  the <Reference AI: Enemy id> notetag found below.


BattleAI Levels.png

<AI Level: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Designates the unit's A.I. level if A.I. is to be used.
- Replace 'x' with a number from 0 to 100.
- Units with higher A.I. Levels will be more strict about conditions.
- Units with lower A.I. Levels will be more lax about conditions.


<AI Rating Variance: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets the variance amount when determining A.I. actions by rating.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 9.
- 0 for no variance.
- Lower numbers for less variance.
- Higher numbers for more variance.


BattleAI Reference.png

<Reference AI: Enemy id>
<Reference AI: name>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Causes any actor using this class that has the Auto Battle trait to use
  a specific enemy's attack pattern (ratings, conditions, etc.) to determine
  which skill to use in battle.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the enemy's ID to reference.
- Replace 'name' with the name the enemy to reference.
- Actors are only able to use skills they would normally have access to.
  - Actors need to have LEARNED the skill.
  - Actors need to be able to access the skill's SKILL TYPE.
  - Actors need to have the RESOURCES to pay for the skill.
- If you cannot figure out why an auto battle actor cannot use a
  specific skill, turn OFF auto battle and see if you can use the skill


<No Reference AI>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Prevents the class from using any enemies as their reference A.I. pattern
  (including the one set in the Plugin Parameters).


Skill A.I. Condition Notetags

Insert these notetags into the noteboxes of skills that you'd like to give custom A.I. conditions for. The 'All' version of the notetags require every condition to be met while the 'Any' version of the notetags require only one of the conditions to be met.

If both are used together, then the 'All' conditions must be completely fulfilled while the 'Any' conditions need only one to be fulfilled.


BattleAI Params2.png

<All AI Conditions>
</All AI Conditions>

- Used for: Skill
- Add/remove as many conditions as needed for the skill.
- All conditions must be met in order for this to become a valid skill for
  the AI to use.
- This can be used together with <Any AI Conditions>. If either of these
  notetags exist, do not use the Plugin Parameter defaul conditions.
- This will not inherit default 'All' conditions in the Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'condition' with any of the following Condition List below.


<Any AI Conditions>
</Any AI Conditions>

- Used for: Skill
- Add/remove as many conditions as needed for the skill.
- As long as one condition is met, this becomes a valid skill for the AI
  to use. If none of them are met, this skill becomes invalid for AI use.
- This can be used together with <All AI Conditions>. If either of these
  notetags exist, do not use the Plugin Parameter defaul conditions.
- This will not inherit default 'Any' conditions in the Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'condition' with any of the following Condition List below.


<No AI Conditions>

- Used for: Skill
- Removes any default 'All' and 'Any' conditions for this skill.


Condition List

BattleAI Params2.png

Replace 'condition' in the notetags in the above section with any of the following to make conditions. These conditions are also used in the Plugin Parameters for the default conditions, too.


x >= y
x > y
x === y
x !== y
x < y
x <= y

- Replace 'x' and 'y' with any of the following:

- A numeric value representing a hard number.
- '50%' or any other percentile number to represent a rate.
- '0.5' or any other float number to represent a rate.

- 'Variable x' (replace 'x' with a number) for variable x's current value.

- 'HP%', 'MP%', 'TP%' for HP, MP, and TP rates respectively.
- 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'MaxTP' for the potential target's respective values.
- 'Level' for the potential target's level. Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine for
  this to affect enemies.
- 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK' for the potential target's total
  parameter value.

- 'param Buff Stacks' for the potential target's current Buff stacks.
  - Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'
- 'param Debuff Stacks' for the potential target's current Debuff stacks.
  - Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'

- 'param Buff Turns' for potential target's current buff turn duration.
  - Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'
  - Returns 0 if the potential target is not affected by that buff.
- 'param Debuff Turns' for potential target's current debuff turn duration.
  - Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'
  - Returns 0 if the potential target is not affected by that debuff.

- 'State id Turns' or 'State name Turns' for potential target's current turn
  duration on that particular state.
  - Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the state.
  - Replace 'name' with the state's name.
  - Returns 0 if the potential target is not affected by that state.
  - Returns the max safe number value if the potential target is has that
    state as a passive state.

- 'Element id Rate', 'Element name Rate', 'name Element Rate'
  - Returns a (float) value of the potential target's element's rate.
  - Replace 'id' with the ID of the element whose rate is to be checked.
  - Replace 'name' with the name of the element whose rate is to be checked.
    - Ignore any text codes in the element name.

- 'Team Alive Members'
  - Returns a number value indicating how many alive members there are on
    the potential target's team.

- 'Team Dead Members'
  - Returns a number value indicating how many dead members there are on
    the potential target's team.

- When no keyword matches are found, the comparison value will be
  interpreted as JavaScript code. If the JavaScript code fails, it will
  default to a 0 value.

  *NOTE* JavaScript cannot be used without comparison operators to reduce
  error. This means if you want to check if a switch is on or not, don't
  simply use "$gameSwitches.value(42)" as it does not have any comparison
  operators. Instead, use "$gameSwitches.value(42) === true" to check.

  *NOTE* To make any of these conditions base off of the user instead, add
  the word 'user' before the condition as such:

  user hp% >= 0.50
  user atk buff stacks === 2
  user team alive members < 3



- Going to be valid no matter what.


x% Chance

- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the percent chance this skill
  would pass as valid.


Switch x On
Switch x Off

- Replace 'x' with the ID of the switch to check as ON/OFF.


User is Actor
User is Enemy
Target is Actor
Target is Enemy

- Requires the user or potential target to be an actor/enemy.


User Has State id
User Has State name
Target Has State id
Target Has State name

- Replace 'id' with the ID of the state the user or potential target needs
  to have.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the state the target needs to have.


User Not State id
User Not State name
Target Not State id
Target Not State name

- Replace 'id' with the ID of the state the user or potential target
  cannot have.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the state the target cannot have.


User Has param Buff
User Has param Debuff
Target Has param Buff
Target Has param Debuff

- Requires user or potential target to have the associated parameter
  buff/debuff at any stack level.
- Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'


User Has param Max Buff
User Has param Max Debuff
Target Has param Max Buff
Target Has param Max Debuff

- Requires potential user or target to have the associated parameter
  buff/debuff at maxed out stacks.
- Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'


User Not param Buff
User Not param Debuff
Target Not param Buff
Target Not param Debuff

- Requires user or potential target to not have the associated parameter
  buff/debuff at any stack level.
- Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'


User Not param Max Buff
User Not param Max Debuff
Target Not param Max Buff
Target Not param Max Debuff

- Requires user or potential target to not have the associated parameter
  buff/debuff at maxed out stacks.
- Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'


A.I. => TGR Weight Notetags

BattleAI Params3.png

You can set how much influence on TGR weights actors and enemies will place when determining valid targets for their actions.


<AI Element Rate Influence: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the element rate.
- Replace 'x.x' with a numberic value representing the influence rate.


<Bypass AI Element Rate Influence>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in element rates when calculating TGR
  weights to determine action targets.


<AI EVA Influence: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the EVA rate.
- Replace 'x.x' with a numberic value representing the influence rate.


<Bypass AI EVA Influence>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in EVA rates when calculating TGR
  weights to determine action targets.


<AI MEV Influence: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the MEV rate.
- Replace 'x.x' with a numberic value representing the influence rate.


<Bypass AI MEV Influence>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in MEV rates when calculating TGR
  weights to determine action targets.


<AI PDR Influence: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the PDR rate.
- Replace 'x.x' with a numberic value representing the influence rate.


<Bypass AI PDR Influence>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in PDR rates when calculating TGR
  weights to determine action targets.


<AI MDR Influence: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the MDR rate.
- Replace 'x.x' with a numberic value representing the influence rate.


<Bypass AI MDR Influence>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in MDR rates when calculating TGR
  weights to determine action targets.


Battle Command - Talk VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Enemy-Related Notetags

BattleCmdTalk 2.gif


<Talk Common Event: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines the Common Event that will be ran when talking to this specific
- If this notetag is not used, the Common Event used will be whatever has
  been set up as default in the Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Common Event's ID to run.


Talk-Related Notetags

BattleCmdTalk Preview.png


<Battle Command Talk>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Allows the affected actor to talk.
- This will bypass the default show Plugin Parameter.
- This does not bypass the leader-only Plugin Parameter.


<No Battle Command Talk>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Prevents the affected actor from being able to talk.
- This will bypass the default show Plugin Parameter.


Battle Core VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

HP Gauge-Related Notetags


The following notetags allow you to set whether or not HP Gauges can be displayed by enemies regardless of Plugin Parameter settings.


<Show HP Gauge>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Will always show the HP Gauge for the enemy regardless of the defeat
  requirement setting.
- This does not bypass the player's Options preferences.
- This does not bypass disabling enemy HP Gauges as a whole.


<Hide HP Gauge>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Will always hide the HP Gauge for the enemy regardless of the defeat
  requirement setting.
- This does not bypass the player's Options preferences.


<Battle UI Offset: +x, +y>
<Battle UI Offset: -x, -y>

<Battle UI Offset X: +x>
<Battle UI Offset X: -x>

<Battle UI Offset Y: +y>
<Battle UI Offset Y: -y>

- Used for: Actor and Enemy Notetags
- Adjusts the offset of HP Gauges and State Icons above the heads of actors
  and enemies.
- Replace 'x' with a number value that offsets the x coordinate.
- Negative x values offset left. Positive x values offset right.
- Replace 'y' with a number value that offsets the y coordinate.
- Negative y values offset up. Positive x values offset down.


Animation-Related Notetags


The following notetags allow you to set animations to play at certain instances and/or conditions.


<Slip Animation: x>

- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!
- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- During the phase at which the user regenerates HP, MP, or TP, this
  animation will play as long as the user is alive and visible.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Animation ID to play.


<Cast Animation: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Plays a battle animation at the start of the skill.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Animation ID to play.


<Attack Animation: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Gives an enemy an attack animation to play for its basic attack.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Animation ID to play.


Battleback-Related Notetags


You can apply these notetags to have some control over the battlebacks that appear in different regions of the map for random or touch encounters.


<Region x Battleback1: filename>
<Region x Battleback2: filename>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- If the player starts a battle while standing on 'x' region, then the
  'filename' battleback will be used.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the region ID you wish to use.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic to use. Do not insert
  any extensions. This means the file 'Castle1.png' will be only inserted
  as 'Castle1' without the '.png' at the end.
- *NOTE: This will override any specified battleback settings.


Battle Command-Related Notetags


You can use notetags to change how the battle commands of playable characters appear in battle as well as whether or not they can be used.


<Seal Attack>
<Seal Guard>
<Seal Item>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Prevents specific battle commands from being able to be used.


<Battle Commands>
 SType: x
 SType: name
 All Skills
 Skill: x
 Skill: name
 Auto Battle
 Combat Log
 Weapon Swap
</Battle Commands>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Changes which commands appear in the Actor Command Window in battle.
  If this notetag is not used, then the default commands determined in
  Plugin Parameters => Actor Command Window => Command List will be used.
- Add/remove/modify entries as needed.

- Attack
  - Adds the basic attack command.

- Skills
  - Displays all the skill types available to the actor.

- SType: x
- Stype: name
  - Adds in a specific skill type.
  - Replace 'x' with the ID of the skill type.
  - Replace 'name' with the name of the skill type (without text codes).

- All Skills
  - Adds all usable battle skills as individual actions.

- Skill: x
- Skill: name
  - Adds in a specific skill as a usable action.
  - Replace 'x' with the ID of the skill.
  - Replace 'name' with the name of the skill.

- Guard
  - Adds the basic guard command.

- Item
  - Adds the basic item command.

- Party
  - Requires VisuMZ_2_PartySystem.
  - Allows this actor to switch out with a different party member.

- Escape
  - Adds the escape command.

- Auto Battle
  - Adds the auto battle command.

- Combat Log
  - Requires VisuMZ_4_CombatLog.
  - Opens up the combat log.

- Talk
  - Requires VisuMZ_3_BattleCmdTalk!
  - Shows talk command if applicable.

- Weapon Swap
  - Requires VisuMZ_2_WeaponSwapSystem.
  - Swaps the current weapon.


<Battle Commands>
 Skill: Heal
</Battle Commands>


<Command Text: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When a skill is used in a <Battle Commands> notetag set, you can change
  the skill name text that appears to something else.
- Replace 'x' with the skill's name you want to shown in the Actor Battle
  Command window.
- Recommended Usage: Shorten skill names that are otherwise too big to fit
  inside of the Actor Battle Command window.


<Command Icon: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When a skill is used in a <Battle Commands> notetag set, you can change
  the skill icon that appears to something else.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of icon you want shown in the Actor Battle Command
  window to represent the skill.


<Command Require Learn>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines if a battle command is visible or not by whether the actor has
  learned the skill.
- Learning the skill is a requirement. Acquiring the skill through traits
  does not count as learning the skill.


<Command Require Access>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines if a battle command is visible or not by whether the actor has
  access to the skill.
- Having access to the skill can come through either learning the skill or
  temporarily acquiring it through trait objects.


<Command Show Switch: x>

<Command Show All Switches: x,x,x>
<Command Show Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines if a battle command is visible or not through switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the skill's visibility.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, item will be hidden until all
  switches are ON. Then, it would be shown.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, item will be shown if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be hidden.
- This can be applied to Attack and Guard commands, too.


<Command Hide Switch: x>

<Command Hide All Switches: x,x,x>
<Command Hide Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines if a battle command is visible or not through switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the skill's visibility.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, item will be shown until all
  switches are ON. Then, it would be hidden.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, item will be hidden if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be shown.
- This can be applied to Attack and Guard commands, too.


<Battle Portrait: filename>

- Used for: Actor
- This is used with the "Portrait" Battle Layout.
- Sets the battle portrait image for the actor to 'filename'.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out the filename
  extension from the notetag.
- This will override any menu images used for battle only.


<Battle Portrait Offset: +x, +y>
<Battle Portrait Offset: -x, -y>

<Battle Portrait Offset X: +x>
<Battle Portrait Offset X: -x>

<Battle Portrait Offset Y: +y>
<Battle Portrait Offset Y: -y>

- Used for: Actor
- This is used with the "Portrait" and "Border" Battle Layouts.
- Offsets the X and Y coordinates for the battle portrait.
- Replace 'x' with a number value that offsets the x coordinate.
- Negative x values offset left. Positive x values offset right.
- Replace 'y' with a number value that offsets the y coordinate.
- Negative y values offset up. Positive x values offset down.


<Help Description>
</Help Description>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Assigns a help description for the state that's displayed under the
  "Status" actor command.
- Replace 'text' with text you want displayed for the help window.
- This best works with one line for compatibility with other plugins.
- Insert %1 into the help description to show any data that would otherwise
  be shown as the state display, such as Absorption Barrier count.
- This is used as a common notetag between Battle Core's state descriptions
  and State Tooltips' state descriptions.


<In-Battle Status Description>
</In-Battle Status Description>
- Assigns a help description for the state that's displayed under the
  "Status" actor command.
- Replace 'text' with text you want displayed for the help window.
- This best works with one line for compatibility with other plugins.
- Insert %1 into the help description to show any data that would otherwise
  be shown as the state display, such as Absorption Barrier count.
- The description used here will not be used for State Tooltips.
- If both <Help Description> and <In-Battle Status Description> notetags
  exist in the same state, priority will be given to this one for the
  In-Battle Status Window.


<Exclude From Status Listing>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Excludes the state from being displayed in the status listing.


JavaScript Notetag: Battle Command-Related

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to determine if skill-based battle commands are visible or hidden.


<JS Command Visible>
 visible = code;
</JS Command Visible>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- The 'visible' variable is the final returned variable to determine the
  skill's visibility in the Battle Command Window.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the skill's visibility in
  the Battle Command Window.
- The 'user' variable represents the user who will perform the skill.
- The 'skill' variable represents the skill to be used.


Targeting-Related Notetags

The following notetags are related to the targeting aspect of skills and items and may adjust the scope of how certain skills/items work.


<Always Hit>

<Always Hit Rate: x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes the action to always hit or to always have a hit rate of exactly
  the marked x%.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the hit success percentage.


<Repeat Hits: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the number of hits the action will produce.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of hits to incur.


<Target: x Random Any>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the skill pick 'x' random targets when used.
- Targets can be both actors and enemies.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of random targets.


<Target: x Random Enemies>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the skill pick 'x' random targets when used.
- Targets are only enemies.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of random targets.


<Target: x Random Allies>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the skill pick 'x' random targets when used.
- Targets are only actors.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of random targets.


<Target: All Allies But User>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Targets all allies with the exception of the user.


<Target: Ally or Enemy>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the player to target allies or enemies with the skill/item.
  - Keep in mind this does NOT allow you to select dead party members.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Target selection emphasis will go to allies first.
- Ignored when used by enemies and will be treated as an ally scope.
- Auto-battle actors will also treat this action as an ally scope.
- For certain battle layouts in frontview, this will open the Actor Select
  window in order for Touch Input to be able to select actors.


<Target: Enemy or Ally>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the player to target enemies or allies with the skill/item.
  - Keep in mind this does NOT allow you to select dead party members.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Target selection emphasis will go to enemies first.
- Ignored when used by enemies and will be treated as an enemy scope.
- Auto-battle actors will also treat this action as an enemy scope.
- For certain battle layouts in frontview, this will open the Actor Select
  window in order for Touch Input to be able to select actors.


<Single or Multiple Select>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Requires an original scope that can select individual targets.
- This will allow the skill/item to be able to select either single targets
  or multiple targets at once.
  - In order to select "all enemies", the player must press the "Page Up"
    keyboard button or the visual on screen "All Enemies" button.
  - In order to select "all allies", the player must press the "Page Down"
    keyboard button or the visual on screen "All Allies" button.
  - Those wondering why this isn't regulated to a command left or right of
    the enemies and actors is because mouse controls and touch controls
    would not be able to select all enemies or all allies that way.
  - This can NOT be used with single dead ally scopes.
- If there is an enemy with Taunt or Provoke, the option to select
  "All Enemies" does not become possible.
- The enemy AI and Auto-Battle actor AI will NOT make use of the ability to
  toggle between single and multiple target scopes. They will only use the
  single target versions of these skills.


<Disperse Damage>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will cause any damage dealt by this skill to be split equally amongst
  all targets of the skill including repeats.
  - For basic attacks, any damage reduction added attack trait totals will
    by reverted.
- This does NOT have to be used with <Single or Multiple Select> notetag and
  can be used by itself for an "All" scope, making the skill/item deal less
  damage if there's more enemies and more damage if there's less enemies.


<Cannot Target User>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will cause the action to be unable to select the user as the target.
- This is not a targeting scope. Instead, it is used in addition to any
  other targeting scopes out there.
- When used with "All" scopes, the user is removed from the target pool.
- This is also applied outside of battle.
- If the user somehow enters the target pool, the user is then replaced by
  a random ally found in the party.


JavaScript Notetag: Targeting-Related


<JS Accuracy>
 rate = code;
</JS Accuracy>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Only applies during battle.
- The 'rate' variable is the final returned amount to determine the
  accuracy hit success rate.
  - Base value comes from Game_Action.itemHit
  - Skill/Item <JS Accuracy> runs
  - Then <JS Accuracy as User/Target> notetags run
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the final 'rate' to be
  returned as the accuracy hit success rate.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.
- Works best with VisuMZ Core Engine's "Improved Accuracy" QoL formula in
  order to consolidate both HIT and EVA.


<JS Accuracy as User>
 rate = code;
</JS Accuracy as User>

<JS Accuracy as Target>
 rate = code;
</JS Accuracy as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Only applies during battle.
- The 'rate' variable is the final returned amount to determine the
  accuracy hit success rate.
  - Base value comes from Game_Action.itemHit
  - Skill/Item <JS Accuracy> runs
  - Then <JS Accuracy as User/Target> notetags run
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Targets>
 targets = [code];
</JS Targets>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The 'targets' variable is an array that is returned to be used as a
  container for all the valid action targets.
  - This is NOT used for filtering out who the player can or cannot select.
  - This determines a final result.
- The 'targets' variable will include the original set of targets determined
  by the skill/item's original scale.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine valid targets.


Damage-Related Notetags



<Damage Style: name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'name' with a Damage Style name to change the way calculations are
  made using the damage formula input box.
- Names can be found in Plugin Parameters => Damage Settings => Style List


<Armor Reduction: x>
<Armor Reduction: x%>
- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, sets the current skill/item's armor
  reduction properties to 'x' and/or 'x%'.
- If used on trait objects, adds 'x' and/or 'x%' armor reduction properties
  when calculating one's own armor.
- Use the 'x' notetag variant to determine a flat reduction value.
- Use the 'x%' notetag variant to determine a percentile reduction value.


<Armor Penetration: x>
<Armor Penetration: x%>
- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, sets the current skill/item's armor
  penetration properties to 'x' and/or 'x%'.
- If used on trait objects, adds 'x' and/or 'x%' armor penetration
  properties when calculating a target's armor.
- Use the 'x' notetag variant to determine a flat penetration value.
- Use the 'x%' notetag variant to determine a percentile penetration value.


<Magic Reduction: x>
<Magic Reduction: x%>
- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, sets the current skill/item's armor
  reduction properties to 'x' and/or 'x%'.
- If used on trait objects, adds 'x' and/or 'x%' armor reduction properties
  when calculating one's own armor.
- This applies to magical attacks.
- Use the 'x' notetag variant to determine a flat reduction value.
- Use the 'x%' notetag variant to determine a percentile reduction value.


<Magic Penetration: x>
<Magic Penetration: x%>
- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, sets the current skill/item's armor
  penetration properties to 'x' and/or 'x%'.
- If used on trait objects, adds 'x' and/or 'x%' armor penetration
  properties when calculating a target's armor.
- This applies to magical attacks.
- Use the 'x' notetag variant to determine a flat penetration value.
- Use the 'x%' notetag variant to determine a percentile penetration value.


<Bypass Damage Cap>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, this will cause the action to never have
  its damage capped.
- If used on trait objects, this will cause the affected unit to never have
  its damage capped.


<Damage Cap: x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, this will declare the hard damage cap to
  be the 'x' value.
- If used on trait objects, this will raise the affect unit's hard damage
  cap to 'x' value. If another trait object has a higher value, use that
  value instead.


<Bypass Soft Damage Cap>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, this will cause the action to never have
  its damage scaled downward to the soft cap.
- If used on trait objects, this will cause the affected unit to never have
  its damage scaled downward to the soft cap.


<Soft Damage Cap: +x%>
<Soft Damage Cap: -x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, this will increase/decrease the action's
  soft cap by x% where 'x' is a percentage value representing the increment
  changed by the hard cap value.
- If used on trait objects, this will raise the affect unit's soft damage
  limit by x% where 'x' is a percentage value representing the increment
  changed by the hard cap value.



- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Using "Guard" against this skill will not reduce any damage.


<Popup Position: Head>
<Popup Position: Center>
<Popup Position: Base>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines the popup starting position for this enemy.
  - Head makes the popups start at the top of the ennemy.
  - Center makes the popups start at the center of the ennemy.
  - Base makes the popups start at the bottom of the ennemy.
- If this notetag is not used, refer to the default Plugin Parameter setting
  found in Damage Settings.


<Popup Offset X: +x>
<Popup Offset X: -x>
<Popup Offset Y: +y>
<Popup Offset Y: -y>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Alters the popup x/y position offset for this enemy.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the horizontal position x offset.
  - Negative: left. Positive: right.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the vertical position y offset.
  - Negative: up. Positive: down.
- If these notetags are not used, refer to the default Plugin Parameter
  settings found in Damage Settings.


Critical-Related Notetags

The following notetags affect skill and item critical hit rates and the critical damage multiplier.


<Always Critical>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This skill/item will always land a critical hit regardless of the
  user's CRI parameter value.


<Set Critical Rate: x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This skill/item will always have a x% change to land a critical hit
  regardless of user's CRI parameter value.
- Replace 'x' with a percerntage value representing the success rate.


<Modify Critical Rate: x%>
<Modify Critical Rate: +x%>
<Modify Critical Rate: -x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Modifies the user's CRI parameter calculation for this skill/item.
- The 'x%' notetag variant will multiply the user's CRI parameter value
  for this skill/item.
- The '+x%' and '-x%' notetag variants will incremenetally increase/decrease
  the user's CRI parameter value for this skill/item.


<Modify Critical Multiplier: x%>
<Modify Critical Multiplier: +x%>
<Modify Critical Multiplier: -x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- These notetags determine the damage multiplier when a critical hit lands.
- The 'x%' notetag variant multiply the multiplier to that exact percentage.
- The '+x%' and '-x%' notetag variants will change the multiplier with an
  incremenetal rate for this skill/item.


<Modify Critical Bonus Damage: x%>
<Modify Critical Bonus Damage: +x%>
<Modify Critical Bonus Damage: -x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- These notetags determine the bonus damage added when a critical hit lands.
- The 'x%' notetag variant multiply the damage to that exact percentage.
- The '+x%' and '-x%' notetag variants will change the bonus damage with an
  incremenetal rate for this skill/item.


JavaScript Notetags: Critical-Related

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to determine how critical hit-related aspects are calculated.


<JS Critical Rate>
 rate = code;
</JS Critical Rate>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The 'rate' variable is the final returned amount to determine the
  critical hit success rate.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the final 'rate' to be
  returned as the critical hit success rate.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Critical Rate as User>
 rate = code;
</JS Critical Rate as User>

<JS Critical Rate as Target>
 rate = code;
</JS Critical Rate as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Only applies during battle.
- The 'rate' variable is the final returned amount to determine the
  critical hit success rate.
  - Base value comes from Game_Action.itemCri
  - Skill/Item <JS Critical Rate> runs
  - Then <JS Critical Rate as User/Target> notetags run
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the final 'rate' to be
  returned as the critical hit success rate.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Critical Damage>
 multiplier = code;
 bonusDamage = code;
</JS Critical Damage>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The 'multiplier' variable is returned later and used as the damage
  multiplier used to amplify the critical damage amount.
- The 'bonusDamage' variable is returned later and used as extra added
  damage for the critical damage amount.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how the 'multiplier' and
  'bonusDamage' variables are calculated.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


Life Steal-Related Notetags

BattleCore Update123 Preview1.png


<HP Life Steal: x%>
<MP Life Steal: x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes this skill/item to have Life Steal properties, allowing the user to
  take x% of the HP/MP Damage as recovered HP/MP.
  - HP Life Steal can only take HP from dealt HP damage.
  - MP Life Steal can only take MP from dealt MP damage.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the percentage of the dealt damage
  used as HP/MP recovery.
- This cannot be used with skills/items with HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal
  is a different mechanic from HP Drain/MP Drain.


<HP Life Steal Certain Hit: +x%>
<HP Life Steal Physical Hit: +x%>
<HP Life Steal Magical Hit: +x%>

<HP Life Steal Certain Hit: -x%>
<HP Life Steal Physical Hit: -x%>
<HP Life Steal Magical Hit: -x%>

<MP Life Steal Certain Hit: +x%>
<MP Life Steal Physical Hit: +x%>
<MP Life Steal Magical Hit: +x%>

<MP Life Steal Certain Hit: -x%>
<MP Life Steal Physical Hit: -x%>
<MP Life Steal Magical Hit: -x%>

- Used for: Used for: Actor, Class, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- The related battler's various trait properties can have passive life steal
  properties that will trigger upon using skills/items with matching hit
  types regardless of whether or not the skill/item innately has Life Steal.
  - Notetag variants with "Certain Hit" will only trigger from "Certain Hit"
    skill and item types. Same with "Physical" and "Magical" variants.
  - HP Life Steal can only take HP from dealt HP damage.
  - MP Life Steal can only take HP from dealt MP damage.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the additive stacking percentage
  boost of the dealt damage used as HP/MP recovery. The effects will stack
  additively with other trait objects.
- This cannot be used with skills/items with HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal
  is a different mechanic from HP Drain/MP Drain.


<Cancel Life Steal>

<Cancel HP Life Steal>
<Cancel MP Life Steal>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Prevents this skill from allowing Life Steal effects to occur including
  the passive life steal calculators from the skill/item user.
- This does not affect HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal is a different mechanic
  from HP Drain/MP Drain.


<Guard Life Steal>

<Guard HP Life Steal>
<Guard MP Life Steal>

- Used for: Used for: Actor, Class, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If the related battler becomes the target of Life Steal, this will prevent
  the Life Steal effects from taking effect.
- This does not affect HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal is a different mechanic
  from HP Drain/MP Drain.


<Disarm Life Steal>

<Disarm HP Life Steal>
<Disarm MP Life Steal>

- Used for: Used for: Actor, Class, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Makes the related battler unable to HP/MP Life Steal regardless of the
  skill/item and its related properties like equipment.
- This does not prevent skills/items with innate Life Steal from being used.
  Only the Life Steal part of the skill/item will have no effect.
- This does not affect HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal is a different mechanic
  from HP Drain/MP Drain.


<Negative Life Steal>

<Negative HP Life Steal>
<Negative MP Life Steal>

- Used for: Used for: Actor, Class, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If the related battler becomes the target of Life Steal, this will invert
  the healing properties of Life Steal, causing the Life Steal user to
  instead take HP/MP damage.
  - This does NOT heal the target related battler.
- This does not prevent skills/items with innate Life Steal from being used.
  Only the Life Steal part of the skill/item will have no effect.
- This does not affect HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal is a different mechanic
  from HP Drain/MP Drain.


Action Sequence-Related Notetags


Action Sequences allow you full control over how a skill and/or item plays through its course. These notetags give you control over various aspects of those Action Sequences. More information is found in the Action Sequences help section.



<Custom Action Sequence>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Removes all automated Action Sequence parts from the skill.
- Everything Action Sequence-related will be done by Common Events.
- Insert Common Event(s) into the skill/item's effects list to make use of
  the Custom Action Sequences.
- This will prevent common events from loading in the Item Scene and Skill
  Scene when used outside of battle.


<Auto Action Sequence>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If the Action Sequence Plugin Parameter "Auto Notetag" is enabled, this
  plugin will prevent custom action sequences from happening for the skill
  or item, and instead, use an Automatic Action Sequence instead.
- Ignore this if you have "Auto Notetag" disabled or set to false. By
  default, this setting is set to false. Please be aware of the changes
  you've made to your game before using it.


<Bypass Auto Action Sequence>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This notetag is used for the game devs that have the Action Sequence
  Plugin Parameter "Auto Notetag" on for applying <Custom Action Sequence>
  to everything.
- This will allow items and skills to be able to launch their common
  events from the menu scene regardless of the inherent restriction to
  prevent action sequence based skills/items with common events from
- Ignore this if you have "Auto Notetag" disabled or set to false. By
  default, this setting is set to false. Please be aware of the changes
  you've made to your game before using it.


<Common Event: name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Battle only: calls forth a Common Event of a matching name.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a Common Event to call from when this
  skill/item is used in battle.
  - Remove any \I[x] in the name.
- Insert multiple notetags to call multiple Common Events in succession.
- This will occur after any Common Event Trait Effects for the skill/item's
  database entry.
- This is primarily used for users who are reorganizing around their Common
  Events and would still like to have their skills/items perform the correct
  Action Sequences in case the ID's are different.


<Display Icon: x>
<Display Text: string>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- When displaying the skill/item name in the Action Sequence, determine the
  icon and/or text displayed.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the icon ID to be displayed.
- Replace 'string' with a text value representing the displayed name.


BattleCore CommonEventKeys.png

<Common Event Key: name>
<Common Event Keys: name, name, name>

<Common Event Keys>
</Common Event Keys>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Will generate Common Events for the skill/item with a corresponding key.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the Common Event's key that you want to
  reference. That key will be converted into a Common Event effect for the
  skill/item and be treated as an action sequence.
  - The notetag variants that use multiple keys will have the keys added in
    the order they are listed.
  - If keys do not reference any Common Events, no Common Events will be
    added for that key.
- To mark a Common Event with a key, insert inside a Common Event's name the
  [ and ] brackets around the text that will be used as the Common Event's
  key text.
  - For example, if Common Event's name is "Penta Slash [PENTA]", then the
    key used is "PENTA" without the quotes.
  - This key could then be referenced by <Common Event Key: PENTA> notetag.
  - Do not use commas (,) inside the key text as it will be automatically
    removed for the sake of consistency.
- This feature is made for make the process of sharing Action Sequences to
  become easier without needing to line up Common Event ID's.


Animated Sideview Battler-Related Notetags


Enemies can use Animated Sideview Actor graphics thanks to this plugin. These notetags give you control over that aspect. Some of these also affect actors in addition to enemies.


<Sideview Battler: filename>

<Sideview Battlers>
 filename: weight
 filename: weight
 filename: weight
</Sideview Battlers>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Replaces the enemy's battler graphic with an animated Sideview Actor
  graphic found in the img/sv_actors/ folder.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic to use. Do not insert
  any extensions. This means the file 'Actor1_1.png' will be only inserted
  as 'Actor1_1' without the '.png' at the end.
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random filename is selected
  from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'filename'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'filename' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Sideview Battlers>
 Actor1_1: 25
 Actor1_3: 10
</Sideview Battlers>


<Sideview Anchor: x, y>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets the sprite anchor positions for the sideview sprite.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers depicting where the anchors should be for
  the sideview sprite.
- By default, the x and y anchors are 0.5 and 1.0.


<Sideview Home Offset: +x, +y>
<Sideview Home Offset: -x, -y>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Offsets the sideview actor sprite's home position by +/-x, +/-y.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers depicting how much to offset each of the
  coordinates by. For '0' values, use +0 or -0.
- This notetag will not work if you remove it from the JavaScript code in
  Plugin Parameters > Actor > JS:  Home Position


<Sideview Weapon Offset: +x, +y>
<Sideview Weapon Offset: -x, -y>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy State Notetags
- Offsets the sideview weapon sprite's position by +/-x, +/-y.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers depicting how much to offset each of the
  coordinates by. For '0' values, use +0 or -0.


<Sideview Show Shadow>
<Sideview Hide Shadow>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets it so the sideview battler's shadow will be visible or hidden.


<Sideview Shadow Scale: x%>
<Sideview Shadow Scale: x.y>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Adjusts the scaling size of the sideview battler's shadow.
- This affects both the X and Y scale.


<Sideview Shadow Scale X: x%>
<Sideview Shadow Scale X: x.y>

<Sideview Shadow Scale Y: x%>
<Sideview Shadow Scale Y: x.y>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Adjusts the scaling size of the sideview battler's shadow.
- These affect their respective X and Y scales separately.


<Sideview Collapse>
<Sideview No Collapse>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Either shows the collapse graphic or does not show the collapse graphic.
- Collapse graphic means the enemy will 'fade away' once it's defeated.
- No collapse graphic means the enemy's corpse will remain on the screen.


<Sideview Idle Motion: name>

<Sideview Idle Motions>
 name: weight
 name: weight
 name: weight
</Sideview Idle Motions>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes the default idle motion for the enemy.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following motion names:
  - 'walk', 'wait', 'chant', 'guard', 'damage', 'evade', 'thrust', 'swing',
    'missile', 'skill', 'spell', 'item', 'escape', 'victory', 'dying',
    'abnormal', 'sleep', 'dead'
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random motion name is
  selected from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'name'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'name' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Sideview Idle Motions>
 walk: 25
 wait: 50
</Sideview Idle Motions>


<Sideview Size: width, height>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- When using a sideview battler, its width and height will default to the
  setting made in Plugin Parameters => Enemy Settings => Size: Width/Height.
- This notetag lets you change that value to something else.
- Replace 'width' and 'height' with numbers representing how many pixels
  wide/tall the sprite will be treated as.
- This does NOT change the image size. This only changes the HITBOX size.


<Sideview Weapon: weapontype>

<Sideview Weapons>
 weapontype: weight
 weapontype: weight
 weapontype: weight
</Sideview Weapons>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Give your sideview enemies weapons to use.
- Replace 'weapontype' with the name of the weapon type found under the
  Database => Types => Weapon Types list (without text codes).
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random weapon type is
  selected from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the weapontype
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'weapontype' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Sideview Weapons>
 Dagger: 25
 Sword: 25
</Sideview Weapons>


<traitname Sideview Battler: filename>

<traitname Sideview Battlers>
 filename: weight
 filename: weight
 filename: weight
</traitname Sideview Battlers>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore
- Allows certain Trait Sets to cause battlers to have a unique appearance.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic to use. Do not insert
  any extensions. This means the file 'Actor1_1.png' will be only inserted
  as 'Actor1_1' without the '.png' at the end.
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random filename is selected
  from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'filename'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'filename' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Male Sideview Battlers>
 Actor1_1: 25
 Actor1_3: 10
</Male Sideview Battlers>

<Female Sideview Battlers>
 Actor1_2: 25
 Actor1_4: 10
</Female Sideview Battlers>


<traitname Sideview Idle Motion: name>

<traitname Sideview Idle Motions>
 name: weight
 name: weight
 name: weight
</traitname Sideview Idle Motions>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore
- Allows certain Trait Sets to cause battlers to have unique idle motions.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following motion names:
  - 'walk', 'wait', 'chant', 'guard', 'damage', 'evade', 'thrust', 'swing',
    'missile', 'skill', 'spell', 'item', 'escape', 'victory', 'dying',
    'abnormal', 'sleep', 'dead'
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random motion name is
  selected from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'name'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'name' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Jolly Sideview Idle Motions>
 wait: 25
 victory: 10
</Jolly Sideview Idle Motions>

<Serious Sideview Idle Motions>
 walk: 25
 guard: 10
</Jolly Sideview Idle Motions>


<traitname Sideview Weapon: weapontype>

<traitname Sideview Weapons>
 weapontype: weight
 weapontype: weight
 weapontype: weight
</traitname Sideview Weapons>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore
- Allows certain Trait Sets to cause battlers to have unique weapons.
- Replace 'weapontype' with the name of the weapon type found under the
  Database => Types => Weapon Types list (without text codes).
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random weapon type is
  selected from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the weapontype
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'weapontype' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Male Sideview Weapons>
 Dagger: 25
 Sword: 25
</Male Sideview Weapons>

<Female Sideview Weapons>
 Dagger: 25
 Spear: 25
</Female Sideview Weapons>


Enemy-Related Notetags


<Battler Sprite Cannot Move>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Prevents the enemy from being able to move, jump, and/or float due to
  Action Sequences. Useful for rooted enemies.



<Swap Enemies>
 name: weight
 name: weight
 name: weight
</Swap Enemies>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Causes this enemy database object to function as a randomizer for any of
  the listed enemies inside the notetag. When the enemy is loaded into the
  battle scene, the enemy is immediately replaced with one of the enemies
  listed. The randomization is based off the 'weight' given to each of the
  enemy 'names'.
- Replace 'name' with the database enemy of the enemy you wish to replace
  the enemy with.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'name'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'name' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Swap Enemies>
 Bat: 50
 Slime: 25
</Swap Enemies>


<Aspect Name: name>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes enemy's aspect name shown in the In-Battle Status and other
  supported plugin menus.
  - Requires <Aspect Description> in order to show.
- Replace 'name' with text for how enemy aspect should be renamed.


<Aspect Color: color>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes enemy's aspect name color shown in the In-Battle Status and other
  supported plugin menus.
  - Requires <Aspect Description> in order to show.
- Replace 'color' with either a number from 0 to 31 representing the text
  color or in the format of '#rrggbb' to custom pick a hex color.


<Aspect Icon: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes enemy's aspect icon shown in the In-Battle Status and other
  supported plugin menus.
  - Requires <Aspect Description> in order to show.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the icon index used to represent
  the enemy aspect.


<Aspect Description>
</Aspect Description>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes enemy's aspect description shown in the In-Battle Status and other
  supported plugin menus.
- Replace 'text' with the text you would like to appear as a description for
  the enemy's aspect.


JavaScript Notetags: Mechanics-Related

These JavaScript notetags allow you to run code at specific instances during battle provided that the unit has that code associated with them in a trait object (actor, class, weapon, armor, enemy, or state). How you use these is entirely up to you and will depend on your ability to understand the code used and driven for each case.


<JS Pre-Start Battle>
</JS Pre-Start Battle>

<JS Post-Start Battle>
</JS Post-Start Battle>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the start of battle aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-Start Turn>
</JS Pre-Start Turn>

<JS Post-Start Turn>
</JS Post-Start Turn>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the start of a turn aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-Start Action>
</JS Pre-Start Action>

<JS Post-Start Action>
</JS Post-Start Action>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the start of an action aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on skills and/or items, this will only apply to the skill/item
  being used and does not affect other skills and items.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-Apply>
</JS Pre-Apply>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the start of an action hit aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
- If used on skills and/or items, this will only apply to the skill/item
  being used and does not affect other skills and items.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Pre-Apply as User>
</JS Pre-Apply as User>

<JS Pre-Apply as Target>
</JS Pre-Apply as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the start of an action hit aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Pre-Damage>
</JS Pre-Damage>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code before damage is dealt aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
- If used on skills and/or items, this will only apply to the skill/item
  being used and does not affect other skills and items.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Pre-Damage as User>
</JS Pre-Damage as User>

<JS Pre-Damage as Target>
</JS Pre-Damage as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code before damage is dealt aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Post-Damage>
</JS Post-Damage>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code after damage is dealt aimed at the function:
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on skills and/or items, this will only apply to the skill/item
  being used and does not affect other skills and items.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Post-Damage as User>
</JS Post-Damage as User>

<JS Post-Damage as Target>
</JS Post-Damage as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code after damage is dealt aimed at the function:
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Post-Apply>
</JS Post-Apply>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the end of an action hit aimed at the function:
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on skills and/or items, this will only apply to the skill/item
  being used and does not affect other skills and items.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Post-Apply as User>
</JS Post-Apply as User>

<JS Post-Apply as Target>
</JS Post-Apply as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the end of an action hit aimed at the function:
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.


<JS Pre-End Action>
</JS Pre-End Action>

<JS Post-End Action>
</JS Post-End Action>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the end of an action aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-End Turn>
</JS Pre-End Turn>

<JS Post-End Turn>
</JS Post-End Turn>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the end of a turn aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-Regenerate>
</JS Pre-Regenerate>

<JS Post-Regenerate>
</JS Post-Regenerate>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when a unit regenerates HP/MP aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Battle Victory>
</JS Battle Victory>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when a battle is won aimed at the function:
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Escape Success>
</JS Escape Success>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when escaping succeeds aimed at the function:
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Escape Failure>
</JS Escape Failure>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when escaping fails aimed at the function:
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Battle Defeat>
</JS Battle Defeat>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when a battle is lost aimed at the function:
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-End Battle>
</JS Pre-End Battle>

<JS Post-End Battle>
</JS Post-End Battle>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when the battle is over aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


Battle Layout-Related Notetags


These tags will change the battle layout for a troop regardless of how the plugin parameters are set up normally. Insert these tags in either the noteboxes of maps or the names of troops for them to take effect. If both are present for a specific battle, then priority goes to the setting found in the troop name.


<Layout: type>
<Battle Layout: type>

- Used for: Map Notetags, Troop Name Tags, and Troop Comment Tags
- Changes the battle layout style used for this specific map or battle.
- Replace 'type' with 'default', 'list', 'xp', 'portrait', or 'border'.
- Those with VisuMZ_3_FrontviewBattleUI can use 'frontview'.
- Those with VisuMZ_3_SideviewBattleUI can use 'sideview'.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


Troop Size Tags

BattleCore ExtTroop.png


<Extend: x>
<Extend: x, x, x>

- Used for: Troop Name Tags and Troop Comment Tags
- Adds enemies from another troop to the current troop.
- Enemies from another troop will retain their database positions.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the database troop entry you wish to add enemy
  members from.
  - Insert multiple x's to add from more troops.
- Extended troop members will be added in the order they're listed.
- Be cautious of how many enemies you add as too many will lag the battle
  system. We are not responsible for frame drops due to this.


Troop Comment Tags

Place these tags inside of a comment found in a troop page's event list.


BattleCore OnceParallelWhenStartBattle.png

<Once Parallel When Start Battle>

- Used for: Troop Page Comment Tags
- Causes the troop page to immediately load the moment the battle scene
  begins to fade in (not after it fades in). This is faster than a turn 0
  condition troop page. Troop page conditions are ignored.
- This can be used for things like the Action Sequence Camera plugin, the
  Visual Battle Environment plugin, and/or initial battle poses and such in
  order to provide a near seamless battle transition experience.
- This does NOT trigger when coming out of the options menu or party menu.
- This WILL trigger when going from battle to battle nonstop via plugins
  like VisuStella MZ's Chain Battles.
- When actors are moving towards their home positions, it will take around
  30 frames by default. Use this information however you like.


Battle Cursor VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Cursor Appearance-Related Notetags

BattleCursor Preview.gif


<Battle Cursor Icon: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the battle select cursor into the specific icon.
- Replace 'x' with the icon index you wish to use.


<Battle Cursor Picture: filename>
<Battle Cursor System: filename>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the battle select cursor into the specific image.
- The 'Picture' variant loads images from img/pictures/.
- The 'System' variant loads images from img/system/.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the image found in the specific
  target folder.
  - Do not include the file extension.


<Battle Cursor Frame Delay: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- If using a 'picture' or 'system' image that has the animated format, you
  can adjust how much delay there is between each animated frame.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the delay between frames.
  Lower is faster. Higher is slower.


Cursor Location-Related Notetags

BattleCursor Preview.gif


<Battle Cursor Anchor X: Left>
<Battle Cursor Anchor X: Center>
<Battle Cursor Anchor X: Right>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Determines the origin/anchor X location of the battle cursor sprite for
  this specific actor/enemy.


<Battle Cursor Anchor Y: Top>
<Battle Cursor Anchor Y: Middle>
<Battle Cursor Anchor Y: Bottom>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Determines the origin/anchor Y location of the battle cursor sprite for
  this specific actor/enemy.


<Battle Cursor Position X: Left>
<Battle Cursor Position X: Center>
<Battle Cursor Position X: Right>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Determines the position X location of where the battle cursor sprite
  appears on the actor or enemy sprite when targeting them.


<Battle Cursor Position Y: Top>
<Battle Cursor Position Y: Middle>
<Battle Cursor Position Y: Bottom>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Determines the position Y location of where the battle cursor sprite
  appears on the actor or enemy sprite when targeting them.


<Battle Cursor Offset X: +x>
<Battle Cursor Offset X: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Offsets the X position of the battle cursor sprite by pixels.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the pixels to offset the battle
  cursor sprite by.
  - Negative numbers go left.
  - Positive numbers go right.


<Battle Cursor Offset Y: +y>
<Battle Cursor Offset Y: -y>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Offsets the Y position of the battle cursor sprite by pixels.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the pixels to offset the battle
  cursor sprite by.
  - Negative numbers go up.
  - Positive numbers go down.


Cursor Wave-Related Notetags

BattleCursor Preview.gif


<Battle Cursor No Wave>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Removes any oscillation from the battle cursor.


<Battle Cursor Horizontal Wave: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- The battle cursor will oscillate back and forth horizontally from the
  left to the right.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the pixel distance to oscillate.


<Battle Cursor Vertical Wave: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- The battle cursor will oscillate back and forth vertically from the
  top to the bottom.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the pixel distance to oscillate.


<Battle Cursor Wave Speed: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Select how fast the cursor oscillates.
- Lower is slower. Higher is faster.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the speed at which the cursor will
  oscillate at.
- Use decimal values between 0 and 1 for the best results.


Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Setup Nodes-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Preview1.png


<Start Rank: x>
<Start Ranks: x, x, x>

<Start Flank: x>
<Start Flanks: x, x, x>

- Used for: Actor and Enemy Notetags
- If "Battle Grid Tactics" is enabled, ignore this for actors. The grid
  tactics menu will determine where actors will start in battle.
- Determines the preferred starting Rank/Flank 'x' node for this battler.
- If another allied battler is already on that node, then this battler will
  pick the next available 'x' Rank/Flank.
- If none of the preferred Ranks/Flanks are available, then the battler will
  start at the next suitable location without getting in another battler's
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ideal starting Ranks/Flanks for
  this battler with higher priority given to the numbers at the start.
- This notetag can be used together with each otherfor more precise starting
  node locations.


<Grid Size: r X f>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes the space occupied by this enemy to be 'r' Ranks and 'f' Flanks.
- This turns the enemy into a "Large Enemy" and "Large Enemies" have the
  special properties listed below:
  - Large enemies will occupy multiple nodes at the same time and will take
    on any of the effects applied all of the occupied nodes.
  - Large enemies cannot move or be moved to different nodes.
  - Large enemies will bypass the usage requirements for the notetag:
    <rule Move User Node direction: x>
  - If a small enemy transforms into a large enemy, the enemy will adjust
    its node position in order to accomodate fitting in the grid. It may or
    may not overlap other enemies and will do little to change that in order
    to avoid conflicts. Be wary of transforming enemies from smaller sizes
    to larger sizes as this can look very janky.
- If there is not enough space on the grid to fit all enemies listed in the
  troop, the plugin will ask you to redesign that troop.


  <Grid Size: 1 X 3>
  <Grid Size: 2 X 2>
  <Grid Size: 3 X 2>
  <Grid Size: 4 X 3>


Movement Range-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Movement.gif


<Move Base: type>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Sets the movement base to 'type'.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Movement Range Types" section below.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to combine the movement base.
- If this notetag or its variant is not used, then the movement base range
  will be determined by the Plugin Parameters.


<Move Base>
</Move Base>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Sets the movement base to 'type'.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Movement Range Types" section below.
- Insert as many types as you want to combine the movement base.
- If this notetag or its variant is not used, then the movement base range
  will be determined by the Plugin Parameters.


<Move Range: type>

- Used for: Actor, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Expands the movement range with 'type'.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Movement Range Types" section below.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to expand the movement range.


<Move Range>
</Move Range>

- Used for: Actor, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Expands the movement range with 'type'.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Movement Range Types" section below.
- Insert as many types as you want to expand the movement range.


<No Grid Movement>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Once applied to the affected battler, the battler cannot change grid node
  positions as if completely bound to the grid node.
- This will also disable an actor's ability to use the Move command.
- This will also disable a battler's ability to use skills/items that have
  the <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag.
- When the battler is targeted with a <rule Move Target Node direction: x>
  notetag, the battler will NOT move.


<Seal Grid Movement>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Once applied to the affected battler, the battler cannot change grid node
  positions willingly as the user but can be moved as the target.
- This will also disable an actor's ability to use the Move command.
- This will also disable a battler's ability to use skills/items that have
  the <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag.
- When the battler is targeted with a <rule Move Target Node direction: x>
  notetag, the battler can be moved.


Movement Types

BattleGridSystem Movement.gif

These are used with the <Movement Base> and <Movement Range> notetags and are the values you'd insert in place of the 'type' parameter.


 - Expands the movement range to the whole grid.
 - Takes priority over the rest of the types.
 - Removes all movement range options.
 - Takes priority over the rest of the types except for "All".


 Square x
 - Base: Sets a square-shaped range around the user.
 - Range: Expands area to a square-shaped range around the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Square x" types.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the side of a square.
 Radius x
 - Base: Sets a diamond-shaped range around the user.
 - Range: Expands area to a diamond-shaped range around the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Radius x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" type.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the edge of the radius.
 Full Rank
 - Expands movement range to the nodes with the same rank as the user.
 Rank x
 - Base: Sets the ranks to the side of the user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to side nodes the same rank as the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the Rank's ID starting from 1.
 Full Flank
 - Expands movement range to the nodes with the same flank as the user.
 Flank x
 - Base: Sets the flank to the front and back of the user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to front and back nodes the same flank as
   the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the Flank's ID starting from 1.
 Full All Diagonal
 - Expands movement range to all nodes diagonal from user.
 All Diagonal x
 - Base: Sets the movement range to diagonals from user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to diagonals from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "All Diagonal x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Diagonal Forward
 - Expands movement range to all front diagonal nodes from user.
 Diagonal Forward x
 - Base: Sets the movement range to front diagonal nodes from user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to front diagonal nodes from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Diagonal Forward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Diagonal Backward
 - Expands movement range to all behind diagonal nodes from user.
 Diagonal Backward x
 - Base: Sets the movement range to behind diagonal nodes from user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to behind diagonal nodes from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Diagonal Backward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Forward
 - Expands movement range to all nodes directly in front of user.
 Forward x
 - Base: Sets movement range to nodes directly in front of user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to nodes directly in front of user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Forward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Backward
 - Expands movement range to all nodes directly behind user.
 Backward x
 - Base: Sets movement range to nodes directly behind user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to nodes directly behind user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Backward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Upward
 - Expands movement range to all nodes to the flank above user.
 Upward x
 - Base: Sets movement range to nodes to the flank above user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to nodes to the flank above user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Upward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Downward
 - Expands movement range to all nodes to the flank below user.
 Downward x
 - Base: Sets movement range to nodes to the flank below user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to nodes to the flank below user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Downward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.


 Not Square x
 - Restricts nodes in a square-shaped area around the user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Square x" types.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the side of a square.
 Not Radius x
 - Restricts nodes in a diamond-shaped area around the user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the edge of the radius.
 Not Full Rank
 - Restricts all of the nodes with the same rank as the user.
 Not Rank x
 - Restricts movement from the side nodes the same rank as the user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Rank x" types.
 - x refers to the Rank's ID starting from 1.
 Not Full Flank
 - Restricts all of the nodes with the same flank as the user.
 Not Flank x
 - Restricts movement from the front/back nodes the same flank as the user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Flank x" types.
 - x refers to the Flank's ID starting from 1.
 Not Full All Diagonal
 - Restricts movement from all nodes diagonal from user.
 Not All Diagonal x
 - Restricts movement range from diagonals from user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not All Diagonal x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Not Full Diagonal Forward
 - Restricts movement from all front diagonal nodes from user.
 Not Diagonal Forward x
 - Restricts movement from front diagonal nodes from user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Diagonal Forward x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Not Full Diagonal Backward
 - Restricts movement from all behind diagonal nodes from user.
 Not Diagonal Backward x
 - Restricts movement from behind diagonal nodes from user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Diagonal Backward x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Not Full Forward
 - Restricts movement from all nodes directly in front of user.
 Not Forward x
 - Restricts movement from nodes directly in front of user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Forward x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Not Full Backward
 - Restricts movement from all nodes directly behind user.
 Not Backward x
 - Restricts movement from nodes directly behind user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Backward x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Not Full Upward
 - Restricts movement from nodes to the flank above user.
 Not Upward x
 - Restricts movement from nodes to the flank above user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Upward x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Not Full Downward
 - Restricts movement from nodes to the flank below user.
 Not Downward x
 - Restricts movement from nodes to the flank below user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Downward x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.


 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's King piece.
 - This is essentially the same as "Square 1" type.
 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's Queen piece.
 - This is essentially a combination of "Full Rank", "Full Flank", and
   "Full All Diagonals" types.
 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's Rook piece.
 - This is essentially a combination of "Full Rank" and "Full Flank" types.
 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's Rook piece.
 - This is essentially a combination of "Full All Diagonals" types.
 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's Knight piece.
 - This is essentially a combination of "Square 2", "Not All Diagonal 2",
   "Not Rank 2", "Not Flank 2" types.
 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's Pawn piece.
 - This is essentially the same as "Forward 1" type.


User Action Movement-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Bladerush.gif


<rule Move User Node direction: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Upon using this skill/item, the user will move 'x' nodes in the specified
  'direction' while following the movement 'rule' needed.
  - This effect will occur before applying damage or other effects.
  - This effect will occur regardless of missing or evasion.
  - This effect will occur only once during the action and will not trigger
    multiple times with a multi-hit or multi-target skill/item.
  - This effect will NOT occur when used by Triggers.
- Replace 'rule' with any of the following text to for movement ruling:
  - Must, Mid, Must Mid, Switch, Switch Mid, Must Switch, Must Switch Mid

    - Must - User MUST be able to land on target node or else the user
      cannot move and the skill/item will be rendered unusable. If there are
      any obstacles or allies on that node, the user cannot move and cannot
      use the skill/item.

    - Mid - User aims to land on target node, but will stop mid-way if any
      allies or obstacles are in the way. User will stop at earliest node.
      If the user cannot move past the initial node, the skill/item will be
      used as if there's no need to move.

    - Must Mid - Same as the above except if the user cannot move past the
      initial node, the skill/item cannot be used.

    - Switch - Moves to target node. If there is an ally on target node that
      can switch, the user will switch positions with that ally and then the
      skill/item can be used. If the user cannot move to target node, then
      the skill/item will be used as if there's no need to move.

    - Switch Mid - User will try to move to target node. If there is an ally
      on the way towards the target node that can switch, then the user will
      switch with the ally even if the ally is not at the target node. The
      user will stop halfway for any other obstacles. If the user cannot
      move past the initial node, the skill/item will be used as if there's
      no need to move.

    - Must Switch - User must move to target node where there is an ally
      that can switch positions. If not, the skill/item cannot be used.

    - Must Switch Mid - Similar to the above but will switch to an earlier
      position if there are any allies on the way that can switch, then the
      user will switch with that ally even if the ally is not at the target
      node and then the skill/item can be used. Otherwise, the skill/item
      cannot be used even if there is a clear path to the target node.

- Replace 'direction' with any of the following text for direction:
  - Forward, Backward, Upward, Downward, Leftward, Rightward
  - Up-Forward, Up-Backward, Up-Leftward, Up-Rightward
  - Down-Forward, Down-Backward, Down-Leftward, Down-Rightward
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of nodes to move in the
  specified direction.


  <Must Move User Node Upward: 1>
  <Switch Move User Node Downward: 1>
  <Mid Move User Node Forward: 2>
  <Mid Move User Node Backward: 2>
  <Switch Move User Node Up-Forward: 1>
  <Must Switch Mid Move User Node Forward: 3>


<Silent Move User Node>
<Visual Move User Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used together with <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag.
- Determines if the change to the user's node location will be silent and
  discreet or visual and noticeable.
  - Use one notetag or the other.
- If neither notetag is used, then the effect will default to the setting
  found in the Plugin Parameters.


<Move User Node Duration: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used together with <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag.
  - Also requires the movement to be visual and noticeable.
  - Do this with either the <Visual Move User Node> notetag or the related
    Plugin Parameter.
- Determines how many frames the movement node change will take.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frame duration of the node
  change animation.
- If this notetag is not used, then the duration will default to the setting
  found in the Plugin Parameters.


Target Action Movement-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Knockback.gif

BattleGridSystem Switchback.gif

BattleGridSystem Crashback.gif


<rule Move Target Node direction: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Upon using this skill/item, the target will move 'x' nodes in the
  specified 'direction' while following the movement 'rule' needed.
  - This effect will occur after applying damage or other effects.
  - This effect will occur only if the action effect connects.
  - This effect will occur only once during the action and will not trigger
    multiple times with a multi-hit or multi-target skill/item.
  - This effect will not affect the user if the user performed a self
    movement effect with the <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag.
  - This effect will NOT occur when used by Triggers.
- Replace 'rule' with any of the following text to for movement ruling:
  - Exact, Mid, Switch, Switch Mid, Crash, Crash Mid

    - Exact - Aims to move target to target node and will take no other
      nodes except for that exact target node. If target cannot be moved to
      target node due to it being out of bounds or there being any battlers
      on that node, then no movements will be made.

    - Mid - Aims to move target to target node, but will stop mid-way if any
      battlers or obstacles are in the way. Target will stop at earliest
      node. However, if the target cannot move past the initial node, then
      no movements will be made.

    - Switch - Target a specific node and moves the target there. If there
      is a battler on target node, the target will switch positions with
      that battler if the battler can switch. If the other battler cannot
      switch, then the target will not move.

    - Switch Mid - Same as the above except the target will stop at the
      earliest available node. If there is a battler on the way, the target
      will switch places with that battler if the battler can switch nodes.
      If there are no available nodes, then the battler will not move.

    - Crash - Aims to move target to target node, but if there is another
      battler on that node, then crashing will occur and both the target and
      the battler will take crash damage. The battler will remain in place
      while the target moves back to its original node.

    - Crash Mid - Aims to move target to target node, but will stop at the
      earliest node. If there's a battler in the way, then crashing will
      occur and both the target and battler will take crash damage. The
      battler will remain in place while the target stops at the last
      availabe node before the crash.

- Replace 'direction' with any of the following text for direction:
  - Forward, Backward, Upward, Downward, Leftward, Rightward
  - Up-Forward, Up-Backward, Up-Leftward, Up-Rightward
  - Down-Forward, Down-Backward, Down-Leftward, Down-Rightward
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of nodes to move in the
  specified direction.


  <Mid Move Target Node Forward: 1>
  <Switch Move Target Node Forward: 1>
  <Switch Mid Move Target Node Backward: 2>
  <Crash Move Target Node Forward: 1>
  <Crash Mid Move Target Node Backward: 2>


<Silent Move Target Node>
<Visual Move Target Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used together with <rule Move Target Node direction: x> notetag.
- Determines if the change to the target's node location will be silent and
  discreet or visual and noticeable.
  - Use one notetag or the other.
- If neither notetag is used, then the effect will default to the setting
  found in the Plugin Parameters.


<Move Target Node Duration: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used together with <rule Move Target Node direction: x> notetag.
  - Also requires the movement to be visual and noticeable.
  - Do this with either the <Visual Move Target Node> notetag or the related
    Plugin Parameter.
- Determines how many frames the movement node change will take.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frame duration of the node
  change animation.
- If this notetag is not used, then the duration will default to the setting
  found in the Plugin Parameters.


<Grid Distance Damage Per Node: x% param>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used together with one of the target movement notetags.
- Deals 'x%' of user's 'param' as damage based on target's distance moved.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing a percentage of the user's
  parameter to deal as damage.
- Replace 'param' with text representing the parameter to reference for
  - 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', or 'LUK'
  - 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT', 'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG'
  - 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR', 'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR'
  - Keep in mind if you use values like 'HIT', they will be often be rates
    (numbers between 0 and 1 as rates) so adjust your 'x%' accordingly.


<Hide Grid Range>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This skill/item will not display its grid target and usability ranges.
- These refer to the required rank/flank and node targeting notetags.


<Crash Self Damage Rate: x%>
<Crash Target Damage Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the crash damage received by a percentile rate.
  - Self refers to the moved enemy.
  - Target refers to the enemy crashed into.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing a percentile rate that will alter
  the base damage by.
- This can be stacked multiplicatively with other trait objects.
- This will be calculated before the flat bonus damage.
- Example Usage: Rubber enemies have lower crash self damage.
- Example Usage: Fluffy enemies have lower crash target damage.


<Crash Self Damage Bonus: +x>
<Crash Self Damage Bonus: -x>

<Crash Target Damage Bonus: +x>
<Crash Target Damage Bonus: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the crash damage received by a flat bonus amount.
  - Self refers to the moved enemy.
  - Target refers to the enemy crashed into.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing a flat bonus amount of damage.
- This can be stacked additively with other trait objects.
- This will be calculated before the percentile damage rate.
- Example Usage: Brittle enemies have higher flat bonus target crash damage.
- Example Usage: Thorny enemies have higher flat bonus target crash damage.


Action-User Requirements-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Preview3.png


<Require Rank: x>
<Require Ranks: x, x, x>

<Require Flank: x>
<Require Flanks: x, x, x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Requires the user of the skill/item to be standing on a Rank/Flank 'x'
  node in order to be usable in battle.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the node Rank/Flank required for
  the user to stand on in order to use this skill/item.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to allow for a larger spread of Ranks/Flanks.
- If the user is moved to a different node that does not meet the Rank/Flank
  requirements to use this skill/item, the user will not use it.


<Require Not Rank: x>
<Require Not Ranks: x, x, x>

<Require Not Flank: x>
<Require Not Flanks: x, x, x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Requires the user of the skill/item to NOT be standing on a Rank/Flank 'x'
  node in order to be usable in battle.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the node Rank/Flank required for
  the user to NOT stand on in order to use this skill/item.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to allow for a larger spread of Ranks/Flanks.
- If the user is moved to a different node that does not meet the Rank/Flank
  requirements to use this skill/item, the user will not use it.


<Require Front Rank>
<Require Back Rank>

<Require Top Flank>
<Require Bottom Flank>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Requires the user of the skill/item to be standing on the a certain
  Rank/Flank node.
  - A team's "Front Rank" is its first Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Back Rank" is its last Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Top Flank" is its first Flank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Bottom Flank" is its last Flank occupied by living members.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
- If the user is moved to a different node that does not meet the Rank/Flank
  requirements to use this skill/item, the user will not use it.


Action-Target Requirements-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Preview3.png


<Target Only Rank: x>
<Target Only Ranks: x, x, x>

<Target Only Flank: x>
<Target Only Flanks: x, x, x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The skill/item will only affect the targets found in Rank/Flank 'x' and
  will require there to be a target found in that Rank/Flank in order to be
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are no valid targets found in the Rank/Flank, then the
    skill/item will be disabled and cannot be used.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Target Only" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
  - This does not work with <Target: x Node, Rank, Flank> notetags.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Rank/Flank to restrict the
  scope of the skill/item action to.


<Target Only Same Rank>
<Target Only Same Flank>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The skill/item will only affect targets found in the same Rank/Flank as
  the action's user.
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are no valid targets found in the Rank/Flank, then the
    skill/item will be disabled and cannot be used.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Target Only" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
  - This does not work with <Target: x Node, Rank, Flank> notetags.


<Target Only Front Rank>
<Target Only Back Rank>

<Target Only Top Flank>
<Target Only Bottom Flank>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The skill/item will only affect targets found in certain Rank/Flank node.
  - A team's "Front Rank" is its first Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Back Rank" is its last Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Top Flank" is its first Flank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Bottom Flank" is its last Flank occupied by living members.
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Target Only" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
  - This does not work with <Target: x Node, Rank, Flank> notetags.


Weapon Range-Target Requirements-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Preview3.png


<Target In Weapon Range>
<Use Weapon Range>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The skill/item will utilize the battler's weapon range instead of the
  action's weapon range.
- This will completely bypass the "Target Only" notetags in favor of the
  "Weapon Range" notetags.
- Actors will use the weapon range of their first weapon if they are using
  multiple weapons.
- If an actor is not using any weapon, it will use the default melee range.
  - Depending on the settings found in the Plugin Parameters, the default
    melee range may only target the Front Rank.
- Enemies will use the weapon range found in their own notetags. If there
  aren't any "Weapon Range" notetags found in the enemy's note box, then it
  will use the default melee range.
  - Depending on the settings found in the Plugin Parameters, the default
    melee range may only target the Front Rank.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- This does not work with <Target: x Node, Rank, Flank> notetags.


<Weapon Range Melee>
<Weapon Range All>

- Used for: Weapon, Enemy Notetags
- These are quick shortcuts to mark specific range types.
  - Melee - Targets only the front rank. Same as <Weapon Range Front Rank>.
  - All - Targets the whole battlefield. When using this, everything becomes
    a valid target. This is mostly used as a shortcut to bypass the default
    Plugin Parameter weapon range settings.
- These notetags will follow the rules of others:
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are no valid targets found in the Rank/Flank, then the
    dependent action will be disabled and cannot be used.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Weapon Range" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.


<Weapon Range Rank: x>
<Weapon Range Ranks: x, x, x>

<Weapon Range Flank: x>
<Weapon Range Flanks: x, x, x>

- Used for: Weapon, Enemy Notetags
- The weapon range will only affect the targets found in Rank/Flank 'x' and
  will require there to be a target found in that Rank/Flank in order to be
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are no valid targets found in the Rank/Flank, then the
    dependent action will be disabled and cannot be used.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Weapon Range" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Rank/Flank to restrict the
  scope of the weapon range to.


<Weapon Range Same Rank>
<Weapon Range Same Flank>

- Used for: Weapon, Enemy Notetags
- The weapon range will only affect targets found in the same Rank/Flank as
  the action's user.
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are no valid targets found in the Rank/Flank, then the
    dependent action will be disabled and cannot be used.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Weapon Range" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.


<Weapon Range Front Rank>
<Weapon Range Back Rank>

<Weapon Range Top Flank>
<Weapon Range Bottom Flank>

- Used for: Weapon, Enemy Notetags
- The weapon range will only affect targets found in set Rank/Flank node.
  - A team's "Front Rank" is its first Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Back Rank" is its last Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Top Flank" is its first Flank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Bottom Flank" is its last Flank occupied by living members.
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Weapon Range" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.


Action-Target Specific Ranks, Flanks, Nodes-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem SelectNode.gif


<Target: Enemy Grid Node>
<Target: Enemy or Ally Grid Node>

<Target: Ally Grid Node>
<Target: Ally or Enemy Grid Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the player to select a specific node to target on either the enemy
  or ally grid side (or both).
  - Using the "Enemy or Ally" or "Ally or Enemy" variants will allow players
    to select from either side. "Enemy or Ally" will default to enemy side
    first while "Ally or Enemy" will default to ally side first.
  - This can be used together with the <Area of Effect> notetags.
  - This will suppress the <Target Only> and <Weapon Range> notetag effects.
- The player must select a tile that contains a battler on it.
  - If used together with <Area of Effect> notetags, the nodes within the
    Area of Effect must contain at least one battler in it.
- If the enemy team has provoked the user or if there are taunt targets,
  the selectable nodes become limited only the provoker or taunt targets.
  - Although selecting the enemy provoker or taunter is required, they are
    not required to be present when the skill/item launches. If they changed
    nodes, the target will still be the selected node.


BattleGridSystem SelectEmpty.gif

<Target: Empty Enemy Grid Node>
<Target: Empty Enemy or Ally Grid Node>
<Target: Empty Ally Grid Node>
<Target: Empty Ally or Enemy Grid Node>

<Target: Any Enemy Grid Node>
<Target: Any Enemy or Ally Grid Node>
<Target: Any Ally Grid Node>
<Target: Any Ally or Enemy Grid Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Similar to <Target: x Grid Node> targeting types except that these require
  the player to select a specific type of node.
- "Empty" will require the player to select a node without any alive
  battlers standing on top of it.
  - Enemy AI and Auto-Battle AI will select a random empty node. If not, it
    will select a random node regardless of empty-state.
- "Any" will allow the player to select any node.
  - Enemy AI and Auto-Battle AI will select a random node.
- This will NOT select any battlers as targets. Instead, it will utilize the
  selected node to perform actions through either Action Sequences or
  special notetags found in the "Special Target Node Effects" section.


BattleGridSystem SelectRank.gif

<Target: Enemy Grid Rank>
<Target: Enemy or Ally Grid Rank>

<Target: Ally Grid Rank>
<Target: Ally or Enemy Grid Rank>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the player to select a specific Rank to target on either the enemy
  or ally grid side (or both).
  - Using the "Enemy or Ally" or "Ally or Enemy" variants will allow players
    to select from either side. "Enemy or Ally" will default to enemy side
    first while "Ally or Enemy" will default to ally side first.
  - This ignores any <Area of Effect> notetags.
  - This will suppress the <Target Only> and <Weapon Range> notetag effects.
- The player must select a Rank that contains a battler on it.
- If the enemy team has provoked the user or if there are taunt targets,
  the selectable Ranks become limited only the provoker or taunt targets.
  - Although selecting the enemy provoker or taunter is required, they are
    not required to be present when the skill/item launches. If they changed
    Ranks, the target will still be the selected Rank.


BattleGridSystem SelectFlank.gif

<Target: Enemy Grid Flank>
<Target: Enemy or Ally Grid Flank>

<Target: Ally Grid Flank>
<Target: Ally or Enemy Grid Flank>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the player to select a specific Flank to target on either the enemy
  or ally grid side (or both).
  - Using the "Enemy or Ally" or "Ally or Enemy" variants will allow players
    to select from either side. "Enemy or Ally" will default to enemy side
    first while "Ally or Enemy" will default to ally side first.
  - This ignores any <Area of Effect> notetags.
  - This will suppress the <Target Only> and <Weapon Range> notetag effects.
- The player must select a Flank that contains a battler on it.
- If the enemy team has provoked the user or if there are taunt targets,
  the selectable Flanks become limited only the provoker or taunt targets.
  - Although selecting the enemy provoker or taunter is required, they are
    not required to be present when the skill/item launches. If they changed
    Flanks, the target will still be the selected Flank.


Area of Effect-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem SelectAoE.gif


<Area of Effect: type>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Adds an area of effect to this skill/item.
  - Can only be used with skills/items that have selection properties such
    as single target skills/items or the ability to target specific nodes.
  - This does not work with non-selection skills like All targets, Random
    Targets, or User only.
  - This does not work with specific Rank and Flank selection.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Area of Effect Types" section below.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to expand the Area of Effect range.


<Area of Effect>
</Area of Effect>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Adds an area of effect to this skill/item.
  - Can only be used with skills/items that have selection properties such
    as single target skills/items or the ability to target specific nodes.
  - This does not work with non-selection skills like All targets, Random
    Targets, or User only.
  - This does not work with specific Rank and Flank selection.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Area of Effect Types" section below.
- Insert as many types as you want to expand the Area of Effect range.


Area of Effect Types

BattleGridSystem SelectAoE.gif

These are used with the <Area of Effect> notetags and are the values you'd insert in place of the 'type' parameter.


 - Expands the Area of Effect range to the whole grid.
 - Takes priority over the rest of the types.
 - Removes all Area of Effect range options.
 - Takes priority over the rest of the types except for "All".


 Square x
 - Expands area to a square-shaped range around the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Square x" types.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the side of a square.
 Radius x
 - Expands area to a diamond-shaped range around the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Radius x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" type.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the edge of the radius.
 Full Rank
 - Expands Area of Effect range to the nodes with the same rank as
   the user.
 Rank x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to side nodes the same rank as the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the Rank's ID starting from 1.
 Full Flank
 - Expands Area of Effect range to the nodes with the same flank as
   the user.
 Flank x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to front and back nodes the same flank as
   the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the Flank's ID starting from 1.
 Full All Diagonal
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes diagonal from user.
 All Diagonal x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to diagonals from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "All Diagonal x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Diagonal Forward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all front diagonal nodes from user.
 Diagonal Forward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to front diagonal nodes from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Diagonal Forward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Diagonal Backward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all behind diagonal nodes from user.
 Diagonal Backward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to behind diagonal nodes from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Diagonal Backward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Forward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes directly in front of user.
 Forward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes directly in front of user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Forward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Backward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes directly behind user.
 Backward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes directly behind user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Backward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Upward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes to the flank above user.
 Upward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes to the flank above user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Upward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Downward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes to the flank below user.
 Downward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes to the flank below user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Downward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.


Temporary Troop Grid-Related Name Tags

BattleGridSystem Preview1.png


<Battle Grid>

<No Grid>
<No Battle Grid>

- Used for: Map Notetags, Troop Name Tags, and Troop Comment Tags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!
- Changes the battle system to utilize the Battle Grid System or not.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.
- If none of these notetags or comment tags are found, refer to the default
  settings found in the Plugin Parameters.


Node Passive States-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem NodePassives.gif


<Actor Node x, y Passive State: id>
<Actor Node x, y Passive States: id, id, id>

<Actor Node x, y Passive State: name>
<Actor Node x, y Passive States: name, name, name>

<Enemy Node x, y Passive State: id>
<Enemy Node x, y Passive States: id, id, id>

<Enemy Node x, y Passive State: name>
<Enemy Node x, y Passive States: name, name, name>

- Used for: Troop Comment Tags
- Adds a passive state(s) to the Actor/Enemy Node at 'x', 'y' so that when a
  battler stands on that Node, that battler will gain the passive state(s).
- Pick 'Actor' or 'Enemy' to determine which side of the screen to place
  the passive state(s) on.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Node Rank.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the Node Flank.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  state you wish to add as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'id' values to add multiple passive states.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the state that you
  wish to add as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'name' values to add multiple passive states.
- Insert multiple copies of this comment tag to add Passive State Nodes
  at different grid locations.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


  <Actor Node 1, 2 Passive State: 15>
  <Actor Node 4, 3 Passive States: 15, 16>

  <Enemy Node 1, 2 Passive State: HP Regeneration>
  <Enemy Node 4, 3 Passive States: HP Regeneration, MP Regeneration>


Node Trigger-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem NodeTraps.gif


<Actor Node x, y Trigger: id>
<Actor Node x, y Trigger: name>

<Enemy Node x, y Trigger: id>
<Enemy Node x, y Trigger: name>

- Used for: Troop Comment Tags
- Adds a trigger to the Actor/Enemy Node at 'x', 'y' so that when a battler
  stands on that Node, that battler will activate the trigger and skill 'id'
  will affect the battler.
- Pick 'Actor' or 'Enemy' to determine which side of the screen to place
  the passive state(s) on.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Node Rank.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the Node Flank.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  skill you wish to set as a trigger effect.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the skill that you
  wish to set as a trigger effect.
- Insert multiple copies of this comment tag to add Trigger Nodes at
  different grid locations.
  - Each node can only contain ONE trigger!
  - Otherwise, newly placed triggers will overwrite the old ones.
- When actors and enemies spawn in upon setup, if they happen to start the
  battle on a node with a trigger, the trigger will be erased.
- Triggers added by these notetags will have no innate user. Instead, the
  user will become the battler that triggers it.
  - Triggers will only affect the battler that triggered it regardless base
    skill's scope.
  - The trigger skill's damage formula, effects, animation, and repeat times
    will be used to determine the type of effect that occurs on the battler.
    - Common Event effects will not occur.
  - If the trigger skill has notetags that would move the user or target,
    they will NOT occur and the related notetag effects are suppressed.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


  <Actor Node 1, 2 Trigger: 52>
  <Actor Node 4, 3 Trigger: Heal I>

  <Enemy Node 1, 2 Trigger: 99>
  <Enemy Node 4, 3 Trigger: Fire I>


<Trigger Name: text>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When this skill is used as a trigger, the popup text that appears will
  show 'text' instead of the skill's name.
- Replace 'text' with text you want to display as the Trigger Skill's popup
  text when a battler activates it.


<Trigger Icon: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When this skill is used as a trigger, the popup text that appears will
  show 'x' icon instead of the skill's icon.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the icon index you want to display
  as the Trigger Skill's popup text when a battler activates it.


<Trigger Animation: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When this skill is used as a trigger, the animation that is played will
  show 'x' animation instead of the skill's animation.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the animation you want to
  play as the Trigger Skill's animation when a battler activates it.


Special Target Node Effects-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem SelectEmpty.gif


<Clear Passive States From Target Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Clears all Passive States from target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.


<Add Passive State To Target Node: id>
<Add Passive States To Target Node: id, id, id>

<Add Passive State To Target Node: name>
<Add Passive States To Target Node: name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Adds specific Passive State(s) to target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  state you wish to add as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'id' values to add multiple passive states.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the state that you
  wish to add as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'name' values to add multiple passive states.


<Remove Passive State From Target Node: id>
<Remove Passive States From Target Node: id, id, id>

<Remove Passive State From Target Node: name>
<Remove Passive States From Target Node: name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Removes specific Passive State(s) from target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  state you wish to remove as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'id' values to remove multiple passive states.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the state that you
  wish to remove as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'name' values to remove multiple passive states.


<Add Trigger to Target Node>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Plants this skill as a Trigger on target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> targeting notetag.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.


<Remove Trigger From Target Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Removes any Trigger effects from target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.


<Teleport to Target Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Moves user (if selected on the user's side of the grid) or a random
  opposing battler (if selected on the opponent's side of the grid) to
  target selected node instantaneously.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
  - When used with <Target: Any x Grid Node>, if there is another battler on
    target node and that battler can switch, switch both members.
  - Otherwise, ignore the teleport effect.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.
- This cannot be used with <Traverse to Target Node: x Frames>.


<Traverse to Target Node: x Frames>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Moves user (if selected on the user's side of the grid) or a random
  opposing battler (if selected on the opponent's side of the grid) to
  target selected node with a duration of 'x' frames.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frame duration in the movement
  time needed to traverse to target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
  - When used with <Target: Any x Grid Node>, if there is another battler on
    target node and that battler can switch, switch both members.
  - Otherwise, ignore the traverse effect.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.
- This cannot be used with <Teleport to Target Node>.


<Level x Push From Target Node: y Frames>
<Level x Pull To Target Node: y Frames>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- 'Push' variant pushes all movable members on the targeted side of the grid
  away from target Node with 'x' strength and a duration of 'y' frames.
- 'Pull' variant pulls all movable members on the targeted side of the grid
  towards target Node with 'x' strength and a duration of 'y' frames.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the maximum times a member can move
  from this effect.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the frame duration in the movement
  time caused by this effect.
- These notetags are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together.


Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

General ATB-Related Notetags

VisuMZ ATB Preview3.png

These notetags are general purpose notetags that have became available through this plugin.


<ATB Help>
</ATB Help>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If your game happens to support the ability to change battle systems, this
  notetag lets you change how the skill/item's help description text will
  look under TPB/ATB.
- This is primarily used if the skill behaves differently in TPB/ATB versus
  any other battle system.
- Replace 'description' with help text that's only displayed if the game's
  battle system is set to TPB/ATB.


<Hide ATB Gauge>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- If you don't want an enemy to show their ATB Gauge, use this notetag.


ATB Field Gauge-Related Notetags

VisuMZ ATB Preview1.png

These notetags only work if the ATB Field Gauge is enabled.


<ATB Field Gauge Icon: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the marker graphic used for the battler to a specific icon.
- Replace 'x' with the icon index to be used.


<ATB Field Gauge Face: filename, index>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the marker graphic used for the enemy to a specific face.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the image.
  - Do not include the file extension.
- Replace 'index' with the index of the face. Index values start at 0.
- Example: <ATB Field Gauge Face: Monster, 1>


ATB Gauge Manipulation-Related Notetags

VisuMZ ATB Preview2.png

These notetags are used for ATB Gauge manipulation purposes.


<ATB After Gauge: x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- After using the skill/item, the user's ATB Gauge will be set to x%.
- Replace 'x' with a percentile value representing the amount you want the
  ATB Gauge to reset to after the skill/item's usage.


<ATB Charge Gauge: x%>
<ATB Charge Gauge: +x%>
<ATB Charge Gauge: -x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If the target is in a charging state, change the target's gauge amount to
  x% or by x% (if using the +/- variants).
- Replace 'x' with a percentile value representing the amount of the ATB
  Gauge you wish to alter it to/by.
- This only affects targets who are in a charging state.


<ATB Cast Gauge: x%>
<ATB Cast Gauge: +x%>
<ATB Cast Gauge: -x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If the target is in a casting state, change the target's gauge amount to
  x% or by x% (if using the +/- variants).
- Replace 'x' with a percentile value representing the amount of the ATB
  Gauge you wish to alter it to/by.
- This only affects targets who are in a casting state.


<ATB Interrupt>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If this skill/item hits a target who is in a casting state, interrupt that
  action to cancel it and reset the target's ATB Gauge to 0%.


<ATB Cannot Be Interrupted>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the skill/item immune to ATB Interruptions.


<ATB Battle Start Gauge: +x%>
<ATB Battle Start Gauge: -x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Determine how much extra or less ATB Gauge the battler will start with if
  associated with one of these database objects.
- Replace 'x' with a percentile value determining how much extra or less ATB
  Gauge value the battler will start battle with.
- These values are additive when stacked.


<ATB After Gauge: +x%>
<ATB After Gauge: -x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Determine how much influence there is on the ATB Gauge after finishing a
  skill/item. Increase or decrease the amount after each action.
- Replace 'x' with a percentile value determining how much influence there
  is on the ATB Gauge after the skill/item has finished performing.
- These values are additive when stacked.


JavaScript Notetags: ATB Gauge Manipulation

VisuMZ ATB Preview2.png

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to give more control over conditional ATB Gauge Manipulation.


<JS ATB Charge Gauge>
 rate = code;
</JS ATB Charge Gauge>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  ATB Gauge to if the target is in a charging state.
- The 'rate' variable represents rate value the ATB Gauge will change to
  between the values of 0 and 1.
- The 'rate' variable will default to the target's current ATB Gauge rate
  if the target is in a charging state.


<JS ATB Cast Gauge>
 rate = code;
</JS ATB Cast Gauge>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  ATB Gauge to if the target is in a casting state.
- The 'rate' variable represents rate value the ATB Gauge will change to
  between the values of 0 and 1.
- The 'rate' variable will default to the target's current ATB Gauge rate
  if the target is in a casting state.


<JS ATB After Gauge>
 rate = code;
</JS ATB After Gauge>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  ATB Gauge to after performing this skill/item action.
- The 'rate' variable represents rate value the ATB Gauge will change to
  between the values of 0 and 1.
- The 'rate' variable will default to 0.


Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


General BTB-Related Notetags

BattleSysBTB Preview1.png

These notetags are general purpose notetags that have became available through this plugin.


<BTB Help>
</BTB Help>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If your game happens to support the ability to change battle systems, this
  notetag lets you change how the skill/item's help description text will
  look under BTB.
- This is primarily used if the skill behaves differently in BTB versus any
  other battle system.
- Replace 'description' with help text that's only displayed if the game's
  battle system is set to BTB.


<BTB Cannot Brave>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If a battler is affected by a trait object with one of these notetags,
  that battler cannot use Brave to generate more actions.
- For actors, this will come with the Brave Command disabled.


<BTB Hide Brave>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If a battler is affected by a trait object with one of these notetags,
  that battler cannot use Brave to generate more actions.
- For actors, this will come with the Brave Command hidden along with their
  BP values.


BTB Turn Order Display-Related Notetags

BattleSysBTB TurnOrder.png

These notetags affect the BTB Turn Order Display


<BTB Turn Order Icon: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the slot graphic used for the battler to a specific icon.
- Replace 'x' with the icon index to be used.


<BTB Turn Order Face: filename, index>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the slot graphic used for the enemy to a specific face.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the image.
  - Do not include the file extension.
- Replace 'index' with the index of the face. Index values start at 0.
- Example: <BTB Turn Order Face: Monster, 1>


Brave Points Cost-Related Notetags

BattleSysBTB Costs.png

The following notetags are used to manage Brave Point (BP) costs, how some actions can alter other BP values, and more.


<BTB BP Cost: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Determines how much BP the battler uses when performing this action.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine its BP cost.


<BTB Hide BP Cost>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Prevents the BP cost from being shown for this action.


Brave Point Manipulation-Related Notetags

BattleSysBTB BPManip.png

The following notetags are used to manage Brave Point (BP) costs, how some actions can alter other BP values, and more.


<BTB User Set BP: x>
<BTB Target Set BP: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Sets the user/target's current BP to a specific value.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine how much you want the user
  or target's BP to be set to.
- The 'user' variant only affects the action's user.
- The 'target' variant only affects the action's target.


<BTB User Gain BP: +x>
<BTB Target Gain BP: +x>

<BTB User Lose BP: -x>
<BTB Target Lose BP: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes the action to alter how much BP the user/target has.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine how much BP is gained/lost
  for the user/target.
- The 'user' variant only affects the action's user.
- The 'target' variant only affects the action's target.


JavaScript Notetags: Brave Point Manipulation

BattleSysBTB BPManip.png

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to give more control over Brave Point alteration.


<JS BTB User BP>
 value = code;
</JS BTB User BP>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine what is the user's final
  BP value after all of the code is ran.
- The 'value' variable is the returned value to be set as the user's BP.
  This value also starts off as the user's current BP.
- The 'user' variable refers to the action's user.
- The 'target' variable refers to the action's current target.


<JS BTB Target BP>
 value = code;
</JS BTB Target BP>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine what is the current
  target's final BP value after all of the code is ran.
- The 'value' variable is the returned value to be set as the target's BP.
  This value also starts off as the target's current BP.
- The 'user' variable refers to the action's user.
- The 'target' variable refers to the action's current target.


Brave Point Managment-Related Notetags

BattleSysBTB BPManip.png

The following notetags are used to for battlers to manage their BP settings throughout the course of the fight.


<BTB Initial BP: +x>
<BTB Initial BP: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If a battler is affected by a trait object with one of these notetags,
  alter that battler's initial BP at the start of battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing how much you want to alter
  the affected battler's initial BP at the start of battle.


<BTB BP Regen: +x>
<BTB BP Degen: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If a battler is affected by a trait object with one of these notetags,
  alter the amount of BP regenerated at the end of each battle turn.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing how much BP is regenerated
  (or decreased).
  - Use a positive number for gaining BP at the end of each turn.
  - Use a negative number for losing BP at the end of each turn.


<BTB Maximum BP: +x>
<BTB Maximum BP: -x>

<BTB Minimum BP: +x>
<BTB Minimum BP: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If a battler is affected by a trait object with one of these notetags,
  increase or decrease the maximum/minimum BP that battler can have by 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the amount to change the
  battler's maximum/minimum BP by.
- These numbers cannot exceed or go under the designated amounts set by the
  hard cap in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


Multiple Action-Related Notetags

BattleSysBTB BraveCmd.png

These notetags allow you to determine how multiple actions are handled through the Brave Turn Battle system.


<BTB Maximum Actions: +x>
<BTB Maximum Actions: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If a battler is affected by a trait object with one of these notetags,
  increase/decrease the maximum number of actions that battler can have
  through the Brave Command.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the amount of maximum actions
  to increase/decrease by.
- This value cannot make a battler go below 1 maximum action.
- This value cannot make a battler go above the hard cap set in this
  plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<BTB Multiple Actions: id, id>
<BTB Multiple Actions: id, id, id>
<BTB Multiple Actions: id, id, id, id>

<BTB Multiple Actions: name, name>
<BTB Multiple Actions: name, name, name>
<BTB Multiple Actions: name, name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When an enemy (NOT ACTOR) uses this skill, the game will appear as if the
  enemy is using the Brave Command to load up multiple actions at a time.
- Replace 'id' with the database ID of the skill to use in the multiple
  action queue.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the skill to use in the enemy's multiple
  action queue.


Action Fusion-Related Notetags

BattleSysBTB ActionFusion.png

Icons by CazWolf

For more details, please refer to the Action Fusion dedicated section listed earlier in the documentation.


Flexible Action Fusion

<BTB Flexible Fusion: id, id>
<BTB Flexible Fusion: id, id, id>
<BTB Flexible Fusion: id, id, id, id>

<BTB Flexible Fusion: name, name>
<BTB Flexible Fusion: name, name, name>
<BTB Flexible Fusion: name, name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This Action Fusion skill/item will occur as long as any of the listed
  combination skills/items are queued in the action list for that turn.
  These actions can be queued in any order.
- Replace 'id' with the database ID of the skill/item to use as a
  combination requirement.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the skill/item to use as a combination
- Skill Action Fusions can only use skills for combinations.
- Item Action Fusions can only use items for combinations.
- Skills and items that have selectable targets need to have matching
  targets to be a part of the same Action Fusion combination.
- Skills and items that do not have selectable targets are combination
  targets for any and all candidates.
- When an Action Fusion is performed, it will not consume the resources for
  the database object itself, but instead, from each of the skills/items
  used to bring it out.
- Is used directly, this action's resource consumption will be performed as
  if it was not an Action Fusion skill/item.
- If a queue could potentially meet the demands of multiple Action Fusions,
  then the Action Fusion with the highest database ID is given priority.
- The battler must be able to pay the actions of each of the queued actions
  used to form the Action Fusion.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to give this Action Fusion more
  combinations that can activate it.


Strict Action Fusion

<BTB Strict Fusion: id, id>
<BTB Strict Fusion: id, id, id>
<BTB Strict Fusion: id, id, id, id>

<BTB Strict Fusion: name, name>
<BTB Strict Fusion: name, name, name>
<BTB Strict Fusion: name, name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This Action Fusion skill/item will occur as long as the exact listed
  combination(s) of skills/items is queued in the action list for that turn.
  These actions can be queued in any order.
- Replace 'id' with the database ID of the skill/item to use as a
  combination requirement.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the skill/item to use as a combination
- Skill Action Fusions can only use skills for combinations.
- Item Action Fusions can only use items for combinations.
- Skills and items that have selectable targets need to have matching
  targets to be a part of the same Action Fusion combination.
- Skills and items that do not have selectable targets are combination
  targets for any and all candidates.
- When an Action Fusion is performed, it will not consume the resources for
  the database object itself, but instead, from each of the skills/items
  used to bring it out.
- Is used directly, this action's resource consumption will be performed as
  if it was not an Action Fusion skill/item.
- If a queue could potentially meet the demands of multiple Action Fusions,
  then the Action Fusion with the highest database ID is given priority.
- The battler must be able to pay the actions of each of the queued actions
  used to form the Action Fusion.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to give this Action Fusion more
  combinations that can activate it.


<BTB Cannot Fusion>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If a battler is affected by a trait object that has this notetag, that
  battler cannot perform any Action Fusions. Queued skills will occur
  normally instead.
- If the actor is affected by both notetags for <BTB Cannot Fusion> and
  <BTB Enable Fusion> priority will be given based on the order of their
  trait objects.


<BTB Enable Fusion>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If a battler is affected by a trait object that has this notetag, that
  battler is allowed to perform any Action Fusions. Queued skills will occur
  normally instead.
- If the actor is affected by both notetags for <BTB Cannot Fusion> and
  <BTB Enable Fusion> priority will be given based on the order of their
  trait objects.


Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


General CTB-Related Notetags

These notetags are general purpose notetags that have became available through this plugin.


<CTB Help>
</CTB Help>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If your game happens to support the ability to change battle systems, this
  notetag lets you change how the skill/item's help description text will
  look under CTB.
- This is primarily used if the skill behaves differently in CTB versus any
  other battle system.
- Replace 'description' with help text that's only displayed if the game's
  battle system is set to CTB.


CTB Turn Order Display-Related Notetags

CTB TurnOrder.png

These notetags affect the CTB Turn Order Display


<CTB Turn Order Icon: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the slot graphic used for the battler to a specific icon.
- Replace 'x' with the icon index to be used.


<CTB Turn Order Face: filename, index>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the slot graphic used for the enemy to a specific face.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the image.
  - Do not include the file extension.
- Replace 'index' with the index of the face. Index values start at 0.
- Example: <CTB Turn Order Face: Monster, 1>


CTB Speed Manipulation-Related Notetags

CTB Delay.gif

These notetags are used for CTB Speed manipulation purposes.


<CTB Set Order: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Sets the target's CTB Turn Order position to exactly x.
- Replace 'x' with a number value depicting the exact position of the turn
  order position. 0 is the currently active battler and cannot be used.
  1 is closest to taking a turn. Higher numbers are further away.
- This does not affect the currently active battler.


<CTB Change Order: +x>
<CTB Change Order: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Sets the target's CTB Turn Order position by x slots.
- Replace 'x' with a number value indicating the increase or decrease.
  Negative values decrease the turns needed to wait while positive values
  increase the turns needed.
- This does not affect the currently active battler.


<CTB After Speed: x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- After using the skill/item, the user's CTB Speed will be set to x%.
- Replace 'x' with a percentile value representing the amount you want the
  CTB Speed to reset to after the skill/item's usage.


<CTB Charge Speed: x%>
<CTB Charge Speed: +x%>
<CTB Charge Speed: -x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If the target is in a charging state, change the target's speed amount to
  x% or by x% (if using the +/- variants).
- Replace 'x' with a percentile value representing the amount of the CTB
  Speed you wish to alter it to/by.
- This only affects targets who are in a charging state.


<CTB Cast Speed: x%>
<CTB Cast Speed: +x%>
<CTB Cast Speed: -x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If the target is in a casting state, change the target's speed amount to
  x% or by x% (if using the +/- variants).
- Replace 'x' with a percentile value representing the amount of the CTB
  Speed you wish to alter it to/by.
- This only affects targets who are in a casting state.


JavaScript Notetags: CTB Speed Manipulation

CTB Delay.gif

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to give more control over conditional CTB Speed Manipulation.


<JS CTB Order>
 order = code;
</JS CTB Order>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine where to set the target's
  order on the CTB Turn Order Display to.
- The 'order' variable represents the final position on the Turn Order
  Display to place the target.
- The 'position' variable represents the target's current position on the
  Turn Order Display.
- This does not affect the currently active battler.


<JS CTB Charge Speed>
 rate = code;
</JS CTB Charge Speed>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  CTB Speed to if the target is in a charging state.
- The 'rate' variable represents rate value the CTB Speed will change to
  between the values of 0 and 1.
- The 'rate' variable will default to the target's current CTB Speed rate
  if the target is in a charging state.


<JS CTB Cast Speed>
 rate = code;
</JS CTB Cast Speed>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  CTB Speed to if the target is in a casting state.
- The 'rate' variable represents rate value the CTB Speed will change to
  between the values of 0 and 1.
- The 'rate' variable will default to the target's current CTB Speed rate
  if the target is in a casting state.


<JS CTB After Speed>
 rate = code;
</JS CTB After Speed>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  CTB Speed to after performing this skill/item action.
- The 'rate' variable represents rate value the CTB Speed will change to
  between the values of 0 and 1.
- The 'rate' variable will default to 0.


Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


General ETB-Related Notetags

These notetags are general purpose notetags that have became available through this plugin.


<ETB Help>
</ETB Help>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If your game happens to support the ability to change battle systems, this
  notetag lets you change how the skill/item's help description text will
  look under ETB.
- This is primarily used if the skill behaves differently in ETB versus any
  other battle system.
- Replace 'description' with help text that's only displayed if the game's
  battle system is set to ETB.


Energy Cost-Related Notetags

BattleSysETB Energy.png


<ETB Energy Cost: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the ETB energy cost of this skill/item to 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the energy cost required to
  perform the skill.


<ETB Hide Energy Cost>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the ETB energy cost for this skill/item hidden regardless of Plugin
  Parameter settings.


<ETB Show Energy Cost>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the ETB energy cost for this skill/item visible regardless of Plugin
  Parameter settings.


Mechanics-Related Notetags

BattleSysETB Energy.png


<ETB Pass Turn>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If a battler uses this skill/item, then even if there is energy left for
  the team to perform, that battler would no longer be able to input as they
  have already passed their turn.
- By default, this applies to "Guard". If you don't want it to apply to the
  Guard skill, turn it off in the Plugin Parameters for mechanics.


<ETB Energy: +x>
<ETB Energy: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Battlers associated with these trait objects can increase or decrease the
  maximum number of actions performed each turn.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the increase or decrease in energy
  count per turn.
- Depending on the Plugin Parameters, altering the max value can result in
  gaining or losing remaining actions for the current turn.


Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


General FTB-Related Notetags

These notetags are general purpose notetags that have became available through this plugin.


<FTB Help>
</FTB Help>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If your game happens to support the ability to change battle systems, this
  notetag lets you change how the skill/item's help description text will
  look under FTB.
- This is primarily used if the skill behaves differently in FTB versus any
  other battle system.
- Replace 'description' with help text that's only displayed if the game's
  battle system is set to FTB.


Action Cost-Related Notetags

BattleSysFTB ActionOrbs.png


<FTB Action Cost: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the FTB action cost of this skill/item to 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the action cost required to
  perform the skill.


<FTB Hide Action Cost>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the FTB action cost for this skill/item hidden.


Mechanics-Related Notetags


<FTB Pass Turn>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If a battler uses this skill/item, then even if there are actions left for
  the team to perform, that battler would no longer be able to input as they
  have already passed their turn.
- By default, this applies to "Guard". If you don't want it to apply to the
  Guard skill, turn it off in the Plugin Parameters for mechanics.


<FTB Actions: +x>
<FTB Actions: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Battlers associated with these trait objects can increase or decrease the
  maximum number of actions performed each turn.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the increase or decrease in action
  count per turn.
- Depending on the Plugin Parameters, altering the max value can result in
  gaining or losing remaining actions for the current turn.


Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


General OTB-Related Notetags

These notetags are general purpose notetags that have became available through this plugin.


<OTB Help>
</OTB Help>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If your game happens to support the ability to change battle systems, this
  notetag lets you change how the skill/item's help description text will
  look under OTB.
- This is primarily used if the skill behaves differently in OTB versus any
  other battle system.
- Replace 'description' with help text that's only displayed if the game's
  battle system is set to OTB.


OTB Turn Order Display-Related Notetags

BattleSysOTB TurnOrderDisplay.png

These notetags affect the OTB Turn Order Display


<OTB Turn Order Icon: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the slot graphic used for the battler to a specific icon.
- Replace 'x' with the icon index to be used.


<OTB Turn Order Face: filename, index>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the slot graphic used for the enemy to a specific face.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the image.
  - Do not include the file extension.
- Replace 'index' with the index of the face. Index values start at 0.
- Example: <OTB Turn Order Face: Monster, 1>


Instant Use-Related Notetags

BattleSysOTB Preview.png


<OTB Instant>
<OTB Instant Use>
<OTB Instant Cast>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the skill/item to be used immediately without consuming a turn.


Action-Related Notetags

BattleSysOTB Preview.png


<OTB User Add Current Turn Actions: x>
<OTB User Add Next Turn Actions: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Adds extra actions for the user to perform during the current/next turn.
  - Added actions will go towards the back of the action list.
  - Multi-hit skills/items will trigger this effect multiple times.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of actions to add.


<OTB Target Add Current Turn Actions: x>
<OTB Target Add Next Turn Actions: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Adds extra actions for the target to perform during the current/next turn.
  - Added actions will go towards the back of the action list.
  - Multi-hit skills/items will trigger this effect multiple times.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of actions to add.


Turn Order Manipulation-Related Notetags

BattleSysOTB TurnOrderChange.png


<OTB User Current Turn: +x>
<OTB User Next Turn: +x>
<OTB User Follow Turn: +x>

<OTB User Current Turn: -x>
<OTB User Next Turn: -x>
<OTB User Follow Turn: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the user's position in the turn order for the current turn, next
  turn, or whichever turn is following.
- If using the "Follow" variant, if the user has actions left for the
  current turn, it will affect the current turn. If not, it affects the
  next turn instead.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of slots to change.
  - Negative numbers move the user closer to the front.
  - Positive numbers move the user towards the back.
- This effect only occurs once per skill/item use and at the start of the
  action when initializing the skill/item.


<OTB Target Current Turn: +x>
<OTB Target Next Turn: +x>
<OTB Target Follow Turn: +x>

<OTB Target Current Turn: -x>
<OTB Target Next Turn: -x>
<OTB Target Follow Turn: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the target's position in the turn order for the current turn, next
  turn, or whichever turn is following.
- If using the "Follow" variant, if the target has actions left for the
  current turn, it will affect the current turn. If not, it affects the
  next turn instead.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of slots to change.
  - Negative numbers move the target closer to the front.
  - Positive numbers move the target towards the back.
- This effect will occur as many times as there are successfully connected
  hits for each target, meaning a target can have its turn order shifted
  multiple times.
- These are best used with single target skills/items as multi-target skills
  may shift multiple targets back and forth with each other if they are
  adjacent to one another.


Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


General PTB-Related Notetags

BattleSys PTB Weakness.gif

These notetags are general purpose notetags that have became available through this plugin.


<PTB Help>
</PTB Help>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If your game happens to support the ability to change battle systems, this
  notetag lets you change how the skill/item's help description text will
  look under PTB.
- This is primarily used if the skill behaves differently in PTB versus any
  other battle system.
- Replace 'description' with help text that's only displayed if the game's
  battle system is set to PTB.


Press Action Cost-Related Notetags

BattleSys PTB Icons.png


<PTB Press Consume: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the PTB press action cost of this skill/item to consume 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the press action cost
  required to perform the skill.
- When consuming press actions, it will consume half actions before full
- The consume/convert type can be altered by the skill results.


<PTB Press Convert: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the PTB press action cost of this skill/item to convert 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the press action cost
  required to perform the skill.
- When converting press actions, it will convert full actions into half
  actions. If there are no full actions to convert, it will instead consume
  half actions.
- The consume/convert type can be altered by the skill results.


<PTB Press Compress: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the PTB press action cost of this skill/item to compress 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the press action cost
  required to perform the skill.
- When converting press actions, it will consume any half actions. If there
  are no half actions, it will convert full actions into half actions.
- The consume/convert type can be altered by the skill results.


<PTB Press Force Consume: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the PTB press action cost of this skill/item to consume 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the press action cost
  required to perform the skill.
- When consuming press actions, it will consume half actions before full
- The consume/convert type CANNOT be altered by the skill results.


<PTB Press Force Convert: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the PTB press action cost of this skill/item to convert 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the press action cost
  required to perform the skill.
- When converting press actions, it will convert full actions into half
  actions. If there are no full actions to convert, it will instead consume
  half actions.
- The consume/convert type CANNOT be altered by the skill results.


<PTB Press Force Compress: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the PTB press action cost of this skill/item to compress 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the press action cost
  required to perform the skill.
- When converting press actions, it will consume any half actions. If there
  are no half actions, it will convert full actions into half actions.
- The consume/convert type CANNOT be altered by the skill results.


<PTB Hide Press Cost>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the PTB press cost for this skill/item hidden regardless of Plugin
  Parameter settings.


<PTB Show Press Cost>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the PTB press cost for this skill/item visible regardless of Plugin
  Parameter settings.


Post Gain-Related Notetags

BattleSys PTB Weakness.gif


<PTB Post-Gain Full Actions: +x>
<PTB Post-Lose Full Actions: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes the user's team to gain full actions AFTER paying the action costs.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of full actions to gain
  or lose.


<PTB Post-Gain Half Actions: +x>
<PTB Post-Lose Half Actions: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes the user's team to gain half actions AFTER paying the action costs.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of half actions to gain
  or lose.


Mechanics-Related Notetags

BattleSys PTB Immune.gif


<PTB Pass Turn>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If a battler uses this skill/item, then even if there are actions left for
  the team to perform, that battler would no longer be able to input as they
  have already passed their turn.


<PTB Full Actions: +x>
<PTB Full Actions: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Battlers associated with these trait objects can increase or decrease the
  maximum number of full actions performed each turn.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the increase or decrease in action
  count per turn.
- Depending on the Plugin Parameters, altering the max value can result in
  gaining or losing remaining actions for the current turn.


Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


General STB-Related Notetags

These notetags are general purpose notetags that have became available through this plugin.


<STB Help>
</STB Help>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If your game happens to support the ability to change battle systems, this
  notetag lets you change how the skill/item's help description text will
  look under STB.
- This is primarily used if the skill behaves differently in STB versus any
  other battle system.
- Replace 'description' with help text that's only displayed if the game's
  battle system is set to STB.


STB Turn Order Display-Related Notetags

BattleSysSTB TurnOrder.png

These notetags affect the STB Turn Order Display


<STB Turn Order Icon: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the slot graphic used for the battler to a specific icon.
- Replace 'x' with the icon index to be used.


<STB Turn Order Face: filename, index>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Changes the slot graphic used for the enemy to a specific face.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the image.
  - Do not include the file extension.
- Replace 'index' with the index of the face. Index values start at 0.
- Example: <STB Turn Order Face: Monster, 1>


Instant Use-Related Notetags

BattleSysSTB Instant.gif


<STB Instant>
<STB Instant Use>
<STB Instant Cast>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the skill/item to be used immediately without consuming a turn.


Exploit-Related Notetags

BattleSysSTB Exploit.gif


<STB Exploited Gain State: id>
<STB Exploited Gain State: id, id, id>

<STB Exploited Gain State: name>
<STB Exploited Gain State: name, name, name>

- Used for: Class, Enemy Notetags
- If an actor (with the specified class) or enemy is exploited via elemental
  weaknesses or critical hits, apply the listed penalty state(s).
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the penalty state ID's you wish
  to apply to the exploited battler.
- Insert multiple 'id' values to apply multiple penalty states at once.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the penalty state you wish to apply to the
  exploited battler.
- Insert multiple 'name' entries to apply multiple penalty states at once.


<STB Cannot Be Exploited>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- This prevents the affected battler from being exploited via elemental
  weaknesses or critical hits.


<STB Exploiter Gain State: id>
<STB Exploiter Gain State: id, id, id>

<STB Exploiter Gain State: name>
<STB Exploiter Gain State: name, name, name>

- Used for: Class, Enemy Notetags
- If an actor (with the specified class) or enemy exploits an opponent with
  an elemental weakness or critical hit, apply the listed bonus state(s).
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the bonus state ID's you wish
  to apply to the exploited battler.
- Insert multiple 'id' values to apply multiple bonus states at once.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the bonus state you wish to apply to the
  exploited battler.
- Insert multiple 'name' entries to apply multiple bonus states at once.


<STB Cannot Be Exploiter>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- This prevents the affected battler from exploiting any opponents via
  elemental weaknesses or critical hits.


Battle Voices VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Voice Set-Related Notetags


<Voice Set: name>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Declares a battle voice set for the target actor/enemy to use.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the battle voice set used in the Plugin
  Parameters to declare the contents of that battle voice set to be played.
  - If you are unsure which, it's the Plugin Parameter that says "Name" and
    in its decription will show "<Voice Set: name>".
- If nothing is declared, the actor/enemy will not use battle voice lines.
- This can be changed for actors via Plugin Commands.


<Language lang Voice Set: name>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_VoiceActControl and Voice Language Switching enabled.
- Declares a battle voice set for the target actor/enemy to use when using
  a certain voice language.
- Replace 'lang' with the language name this voice set is used for.
  - Bengali, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French,
    German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
    Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish,
    Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish
- Replace 'name' with the name of the battle voice set used in the Plugin
  Parameters to declare the contents of that battle voice set to be played.
  - If you are unsure which, it's the Plugin Parameter that says "Name" and
    in its decription will show "<Voice Set: name>".
- Insert multiple of these notetags to have different voice sets for
  different voiced languages.
- This can be changed for actors via Plugin Commands.



<Voice Set Volume: x>
<Voice Set Pitch: x>
<Voice Set Pan: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Adjusts the battle voice set's volume, pitch, and panning.
- Replace 'x' with number values representing the setting you want used.
  - For volume, use a number between 0 and 100. 100 is full volume.
  - For pitch, use a number between 50 and 150. 100 is neutral.
  - For pan, use a number between -100 and 100. 0 is neutral.
- If these notetags are not used, the actor/enemy will use the settings
  found in the default Plugin Parameters instead.


<Trait Voice Sets>
 type Set: name
 type Volume: value
 type Pitch: value
 type Pan: value

 type Set: name
 type Volume: value
 type Pitch: value
 type Pan: value

 type Set: name
 type Volume: value
 type Pitch: value
 type Pan: value
</Trait Voice Sets>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore!
- Allows enemies that have different trait variants to have different battle
  voice sets, such as different voices for Male and Female, or different
  elements, blessings, etc.
- Replace 'type' with the name of an associated Trait Set type found in the
  Plugin Parameters. This can be for any Trait Set except 'SubElement'.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the battle voice set used in the Plugin
  Parameters to declare the contents of that battle voice set to be played.
  - If you are unsure which, it's the Plugin Parameter that says "Name" and
    in its decription will show "<Voice Set: name>".
- Replace 'value' with number values representing the setting you want used.
  - For volume, use a number between 0 and 100. 100 is full volume.
  - For pitch, use a number between 50 and 150. 100 is neutral.
  - For pan, use a number between -100 and 100. 0 is neutral.
- If none of these are used, then the enemy will not have any battle voices.


Bestiary VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Bestiary-Related Notetags


Bestiary Preview1.png

<Bestiary Category: x>
<Bestiary Categories: x, x, x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Displays this enemy in the Bestiary category(ies) 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with the ID Key of the category or categories found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- If this notetag is not used, use the default category determined by the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Hide in Bestiary>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Prevents this enemy from being listed in the Bestiary.


Bestiary Preview2.png

<Bestiary Custom Picture: filename>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Makes this enemy display a custom picture in the Bestiary instead of the
  battler graphic used in-game.
- Replace 'filename' with the name of the image file to pick from the game
  project's /img/pictures/ folder.
  - Filenames are case sensitive.
  - Leave out the filename extension from the notetag.


Bestiary Preview3.png

<Bestiary Battleback 1: filename>
<Bestiary Battleback 2: filename>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Makes this enemy display a custom battleback background in the Bestiary
  instead of the default graphic determined by the Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'filename' with the name of the image file to pick from the game
  project's /img/battlebacks1/ and /img/battlebacks2/ folders.
  - Filenames are case sensitive.
  - Leave out the filename extension from the notetag.
- If these notetags are not used, use the default settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters instead.


Bestiary Preview7.png

<Bestiary Lore>
</Bestiary Lore>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Inserts the written 'text' as the enemy's lore in the Bestiary.
- Replace 'text' with whatever you want as the enemy's lore.
- If this notetag is not used, then the text displayed will be the default
  settings found in the Plugin Parameters.


Bestiary Preview4.png

<Hide Skill in Bestiary>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Prevents this skill from being listed in the Bestiary.


Boost Action VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Boost Effect-Related Notetags

BoostAction Ani Full.gif


<Boost Damage>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Boosts will alter the damage dealt by this skill/item.
- The amount of damage increased will be determined by the Plugin Parameter
  Mechanical settings for Damage Multipliers and Addition.
- When using Action Sequences, this will have no effect outside of the
  MECH: Action Effect command.


<Boost Turns>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Boosts will alter the duration of skills, buffs, and debuffs added by
  this skill/item.
- The amount of turns increased will be determined by the Plugin Parameter
  Mechanical settings for Turn Multipliers and Addition.
- When using Action Sequences, this will have no effect outside of the
  MECH: Action Effect command.


<Boost Repeat>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Boosts will alter the number of repeated hits dealt by this skill/item.
- The amount of hits increased will be determined by the Plugin Parameter
  Mechanical settings for Repeated Hits Multipliers and Addition.
- When using Action Sequences, this will have no effect outside of the
  MECH: Action Effect command.


<Boost Effect Gain>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Boosts will alter the number of Boost Points acquired through the
  <Target Boost Points: +x> and <User Boost Points: +x> notetags.
- The power of the effect will be determined by the Plugin Parameter
  Mechanical settings for Effect Multipliers and Addition.
- When using Action Sequences, this will have no effect outside of the
  MECH: Action Effect command.


<Boost Analyze>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_3_WeaknessDisplay!
- Boosts will alter the number of revealed weaknesses by this skill/item.
- The amount of weaknesses revealed will be determined by the Plugin
  Parameter Mechanical settings for Analyze Multipliers and Addition.
- When using Action Sequences, this will have no effect outside of the
  MECH: Action Effect command.


Boost Points Gain/Loss-Related Notetags

BoostAction Ui1.png


<User Boost Points: +x>
<User Boost Points: -x>

<Target Boost Points: +x>
<Target Boost Points: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The user/target will gain/lose Boost Points if this skill/item connects.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of Boost Points for the
  user/target to gain/lose.


<Boost Points Battle Start: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Determines how many extra (or less) Boost Points the battler will start
  a new battle with.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Boost Points to
  increase or decrease the starting Boost Points value by multiplicatively.


<Boost Points Battle Start: +x>
<Boost Points Battle Start: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Determines how many extra (or less) Boost Points the battler will start
  a new battle with.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Boost Points to
  increase or decrease the starting Boost Points value by additively.


Boost Point Requirements-Related Notetags

BoostAction Ani Sequence.gif

The following are notetags that make skills/items require a certain amount of Boost Points to be in "use" before they can become enabled.


<Require x Boost Points>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This causes the skill to require at least x Boost Points to be spent.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Boost Points to be spent.


<Require >= x Boost Points>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This causes the skill to require at least x Boost Points to be spent.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Boost Points to be spent.


<Require > x Boost Points>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This causes the skill to require more than x Boost Points to be spent.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Boost Points to be spent.


<Require = x Boost Points>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This causes the skill to require exactly x Boost Points to be spent.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Boost Points to be spent.


<Require < x Boost Points>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This causes the skill to require less than x Boost Points to be spent.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Boost Points to be spent.


<Require <= x Boost Points>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This causes the skill to require at most x Boost Points to be spent.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Boost Points to be spent.


Boosting-Related Notetags


<Boost Sealed>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- As long as the battler is affected by a trait object with this notetag,
  the battler cannot Boost.


Enemy-Related Notetags


<Boost Skill id: Full>
<Boost name: Full>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines which skills the notetag'd enemy will Boost and their range
  for Boosting it.
- When the enemy Boosts for this skill, the enemy will use as many Boost
  Points as it can to cast it.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the skill ID to Boost.
- Replace 'name' with the skill's name to Boost.


<Boost Skill id: At Least x>
<Boost name: At Least x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines which skills the notetag'd enemy will Boost and their range
  for Boosting it.
- When the enemy Boosts for this skill, the enemy will only use Boost Points
  after reaching 'x' Boost Points and will use as much as it can.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the skill ID to Boost.
- Replace 'name' with the skill's name to Boost.


<Boost Skill id: At Most x>
<Boost name: At Most x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines which skills the notetag'd enemy will Boost and their range
  for Boosting it.
- When the enemy Boosts for this skill, the enemy will only as many Boost
  Points as it can unless the Boost Points spent go over 'x'.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the skill ID to Boost.
- Replace 'name' with the skill's name to Boost.


<Boost Skill id: Exactly x>
<Boost name: Exactly x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines which skills the notetag'd enemy will Boost and their range
  for Boosting it.
- When the enemy Boosts for this skill, the enemy will only use 'x' Boost
  Points when Boosting for the skill.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the skill ID to Boost.
- Replace 'name' with the skill's name to Boost.


Regeneration-Related Notetags


<Boost Points Regen: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the amount of Boost Points gained when regenerating Boost Points
  (as long as the battler can).
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the amount of Boost Points
  to increase or decrease the regenerated amount by multiplicatively.


<Boost Points Regen: +x>
<Boost Points Regen: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the amount of Boost Points gained when regenerating Boost Points
  (as long as the battler can).
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the amount of Boost Points
  to increase or decrease the regenerated amount by additively.


Break Shields VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Break Shield Calculation-Related Notetags

BreakShields Ani.gif


<Break Shields: x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Enemy Notetags
- Declares the base amount of Break Shields this battler will have.
- This will ignore the default setting from the Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the base amount of Break Shields to
  give this battler.
- If both the Actor and Class database object has this notetag, priority
  will be given to the Class before the Actor.


<Break Shields: +x>
<Break Shields: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Allows trait objects to alter the amount of Break Shields battlers have
  whenever their Break Shields are reset.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Break Shields to increase or
  decrease the amount by.
- Total Break Shields cannot go under 1 and cannot go whatever the maximum
  is declared inside the Plugin Parameters.


Break Shield Alteration-Related Notetags

BreakShields Ani.gif


<Break Reduce: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Reduces the target's Break Shield by x if this action hits a weakness.
- This will ignore the default setting from the Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number to determine how many Break Shields to reduce.
- If Break Shields reach 0, the target will enter a Stun state.


<Change Break Shield: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will change the target battler's Break Shield value to x if the
  battler isn't currently stunned.
- No effect if you don't use this notetag.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to change the target battler's Break
  Shield value to.


<Increase Break Shield: +x>
<Decrease Break Shield: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will either increase the target battler's break shield by x or
  decrease the target battler's break shield by x.
- Happens after the Change Break Shield notetag.
- No effect if you don't use this notetag.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the amount to alter the
  target's Break Shields by.


Element-Related Notetags

BreakShields ProtectElement.png


<Protect Element: id>
<Protect Elements: id, id, id>

<Protect Element: name>
<Protect Elements: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Specified element(s) will be guarded and Break Shields cannot be reduced
  when struck with that element (as long as the requirement is above 100%).
- The element rate for those will cap at 100%, preventing extra damage from
  being dealt despite having weaknesses, although custom JS effects will
  bypass this.
- Replace 'id' with a number value representing the ID(s) of the element(s).
- Replace 'name' with the name(s) of the element(s).


Bright Effects VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Bloom-Related Notetags


<Bloom Scale: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Changes the bloom scale to x for map/battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Less bloom
  - Higher - More bloom


<Bloom Brightness: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Changes the bloom brightness to x for map/battle
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Darker
  - Higher - Brighter


<Bloom Threshold: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Changes the bloom threshold to x for map/battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Less picky
  - Higher - More picky


<Bloom Horz Scale: x to y>
<Bloom Vert Scale: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Map only. Sets an adjusting scale when traveling left to right on the map
  (Horz) or up to down on the map (Vert).
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Less bloom
  - Higher - More bloom


<Bloom Horz Brightness: x to y>
<Bloom Vert Brightness: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Map only. Sets an adjusting brightness when traveling left to right on the
  map (Horz) or up to down on the map (Vert).
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Darker
  - Higher - Brighter


<Bloom Horz Threshold: x to y>
<Bloom Vert Threshold: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Map only. Sets an adjusting threshold when traveling left to right on the
  map (Horz) or up to down on the map (Vert).
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Less picky
  - Higher - More picky


Blur-Related Notetags

BrightEffects Blur Preview.png


<Blur: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Changes the blur strength used for the screen to 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the blur strength. For best
  results, use numbers between 0 and 5 where 0 is no blur and higher numbers
  mean higher blur strength.


Godray-Related Notetags


<No Godray>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Changes if there will be a godray on the map/battle regardless of the
  default settings in the plugin parameters.


<Godray Speed: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Sets the flickering speed of the rays.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Slower
  - Higher - Faster


<Godray Gain: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Sets the gain/intensity of the rays.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Lighter
  - Higher - Intense


<Godray Lacunarity: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Sets the lacunarity/density of the rays.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Less dense
  - Higher - More dense


<Godray Angle: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Sets the angle of the rays.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the value. Use a negative or
  positive integer value.
  - Negative - Coming from the left
  - Positive - Coming from the right


<Godray Horz Speed: x to y>
<Godray Vert Speed: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Map only. Adjusts godray speed going left to right on a map (Horz) or up
  to down on a map (Vert).
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Slower
  - Higher - Faster


<Godray Horz Gain: x to y>
<Godray Vert Gain: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Map only. Adjusts godray gain going left to right on a map (Horz) or up to
  down on a map (Vert).
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Lighter
  - Higher - Intense


<Godray Horz Lacunarity: x to y>
<Godray Vert Lacunarity: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Map only. Adjusts godray lacunarity going left to right on a map (Horz) or
  up to down on a map (Vert).
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Less dense
  - Higher - More dense


<Godray Horz Angle: x to y>
<Godray Vert Angle: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Map only. Adjusts godray angle going left to right on a map (Horz) or up
  to down on a map (Vert).
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers to represent the value. Use a negative or
  positive integer values.
  - Negative - Coming from the left
  - Positive - Coming from the right


Color Adjust-Related Notetags


<Color Adjust Brightness: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Alters the screen brightness for the map/battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Darker
  - Higher - Brighter


<Color Adjust Contrast: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Adjusts the screen contrast for the map/battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Less contrast
  - Higher - More contrast


<Color Adjust Saturate: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Adjusts the screen saturation for the map/battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Darker
  - Higher - Brighter


<Color Adjust Horz Brightness: x to y>
<Color Adjust Vert Brightness: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Map only. Alters the screen brightness when moving left to right on a map
  (Horz) or up to down on a map (Vert).
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Darker
  - Higher - Brighter


<Color Adjust Horz Contrast: x to y>
<Color Adjust Vert Contrast: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Map only. Adjusts the screen contrast when moving left to right on a map
  (Horz) or up to down on a map (Vert).
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Less contrast
  - Higher - More contrast


<Color Adjust Horz Saturate: x to y>
<Color Adjust Vert Saturate: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Map only. Adjusts the screen saturation when moving left to right on a map
  (Horz) or up to down on a map (Vert).
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers to represent the value. Use decimals.
  - Lower - Less intensity
  - Higher - More intensity


Tilt Shift Notetags

BrightEffects TiltShift.png


<Tilt Shift Pixel Blur: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Adjusts the tilt shift filter's pixel blur amount for the map/battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the blur intensity.
  - Lower = less blur
  - Higher = more blur


<Tilt Shift Gradient Blur: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags and Troop Names
- Adjusts the tilt shift filter's gradient blur amount for the map/battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent the gradient blur distance.
  - Lower = less gradient
  - Higher = more gradient


Button Trigger Events VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Event-Related Notetags and Comment Tags

Riviera Preview1.gif


<Trigger Button: button>
<Trigger Buttons: button, button, button>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Comment Tags
- Allows the event to remotely trigger upon the player pressing a specific
  keyboard button.
  - The event's Trigger condition must be either "Action Button",
    "Player Touch", or "Event Touch".
  - This does not work with "Autorun" or "Parallel".
- Insert the tag inside the Notebox to make the Button Trigger apply to ALL
  of the event's pages.
- Insert the tag inside of a Comment to make the Button Trigger apply ONLY
  to the specific event pages that have those comments on them.
- Replace 'button' with any of the following buttons (remove quotes):
  - "Down", "Left", "Right", "Up"
  - "OK", "Cancel", "PageUp", "PageDown",
  - "Control", "Shift", "Tab"
  - Typing in a button wrong (such as adding a space to "Page Up") will
    yield no results.
  - The "Cancel" button trigger will prevent the Main Menu from being called
    when pressed with the Keyboard, but it will NOT prevent the Main Menu
    from being called with mouse buttons or touch controls.
- Insert multiple buttons separated by commas to allow for multiple keyboard
  buttons to trigger them.


<Trigger Button: OK>
<Trigger Button: Left, Down>
<Trigger Button: Up, Right>
<Trigger Button: PageUp, PageDown>


<No Auto Trigger Icon>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Comment Tags
- Prevents icons from being automatically assigned to the event if it is
  assigned a Trigger Button.


<No Auto Click Trigger>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Comment Tags
- Prevents click trigger from being automatically assigned to the event if
  it is assigned a Trigger Button.


Map-Related Notetags

Riviera Preview2.gif


<Seal Input Move>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Prevents the player from being able to use directional inputs and touch
  navigation on this specific map.
- If this notetag is not used, the setting will default to whatever is set
  up in the Plugin Parameters > Auto QOL Settings > Auto <Seal Input Move>


<No Seal Input Move>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Allows the player to be able to use directional inputs and utilize touch
  navigation on this specific map.
- If this notetag is not used, the setting will default to whatever is set
  up in the Plugin Parameters > Auto QOL Settings > Auto <Seal Input Move>


Challenge System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Map-Related Notetags

ChallengeSystem Preview3.png


<Challenge Set: name>
<Challenge Sets: name, name, name>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Use this to define which local Challenge Sets will affect this map.
- Replace 'name' with the named 'Challenge Set ID' found in the Challenge
  Set groups in the Plugin Parameters.
- Insert multiple 'name' entries to allow more than one Challenge Set to
  affect this map.
- The Global Challenge Set affects all maps except those marked with the
  <No Global Challenges> notetag.


<No Global Challenges>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Prevents this map from being affected by the Global Challenge Set found in
  the Plugin Parameters.
- This map can still be affected by local Challenge Sets marked through the
  <Challenge Set: name> notetag.


Character Creation System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Actor-Related Notetags

CharaCreateSys Preview2.gif


<Cannot Select Dismiss>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- This actor cannot be selected as a dismissal target through the actor
  selection scene.
- This actor can still be manually dismissed from the party through event
  commands and/or script calls.


<Cannot Select Retrain>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- This actor cannot be selected as a retrain target through the actor
  selection scene.
- This actor can still be manually retrained by having the associated Plugin
  Command directly target the actor (instead of using 0 for selection).


Class-Related Notetags

CharaCreateSys Preview1.gif

<Icon: x>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Sets the icon used for this class to icon index 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the index of the icon you wish to
  use as a marker for this class.


Class Change System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Class Basics-Related Notetags

ClassChangeSys Ani.gif


<Icon: x>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Assigns an icon index for the class to 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the index value on the IconSet
  image in the img/system/ folder for the icon you want to assign.
- If this notetag is not used, the icon index will default to the setting
  found in the Class Change System's Plugin Parameters.


<Help Description>
</Help Description>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Assigns a help description to the class.
- Replace 'text' with text you want displayed when this class is selected
  in the Class Change scene's class list.
- If this notetag is not used, the help description will default to the
  setting found in the Class Change System's Plugin Parameters.


<Class Change Animation: x>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Assigns an animation for the class when the actor changes to that class.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the animation found in
  the database to play when the actor changes to that class.
- If this notetag is not used, the animation will default to the setting
  found in the Class Change System's Plugin Parameters.


<Class Change Picture: filename>
<Picture: filename>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Uses a picture from your project's /img/pictures/ folder instead of the
  class's icon during for the Class Change scene.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the image.
  - Do not include the file extension.
- Scaling will not apply to the picture.
- Use the <Picture: filename> version for any other plugins that may be
  using this as an image outside of class changing, too.
- The size used for the image will vary based on your game's resolution.


Class Specific Graphics-Related Notetags

ClassChangeSys Ani.gif


<Class id Face: filename, index>

<Class name Face: filename, index>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Gives this actor a class specific face graphic.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing class's ID.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the class's name.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic found inside the
  img/faces/ folder. Do not include the file extension.
- Replace 'index' with the index of the graphic. Index values start at 0.


  <Class 1 Face: Actor2, 0>

  <Class Swordsman Face: Actor2, 0>


<Class id Character: filename, index>

<Class name Character: filename, index>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Gives this actor a class specific map character sprite graphic.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing class's ID.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the class's name.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic found inside the
  img/characters/ folder. Do not include the file extension.
- Replace 'index' with the index of the graphic. Index values start at 0.


  <Class 1 Character: Actor2, 0>

  <Class Swordsman Character: Actor2, 0>


<Class id Battler: filename>

<Class name Battler: filename>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Gives this actor a class specific sideview battler graphic.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing class's ID.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the class's name.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic found inside the
  img/sv_actors/ folder. Do not include the file extension.


  <Class 1 Battler: Actor2_1>

  <Class Swordsman Battler: Actor2_1>


<Class id Menu Portrait: filename>

<Class name Menu Portrait: filename>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_MainMenuCore!
- Gives this actor a class specific menu portrait graphic.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing class's ID.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the class's name.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic found inside the
  img/pictures/ folder. Do not include the file extension.


  <Class 1 Menu Portrait: Actor2_1>

  <Class Swordsman Menu Portrait: Actor2_1>


<Class id Battle Portrait: filename>

<Class name Battle Portrait: filename>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore!
- Gives this actor a class specific battle portrait graphic.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing class's ID.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the class's name.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic found inside the
  img/pictures/ folder. Do not include the file extension.


  <Class 1 Battle Portrait: Actor2_1>

  <Class Swordsman Battle Portrait: Actor2_1>


Class Unlocking-Related Notetags

ClassChangeSys Unlocked.png


<Unlocked Classes: id>
<Unlocked Classes: id, id, id>

<Unlocked Classes: name>
<Unlocked Classes: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Allows this actor to start with certain classes unlocked. These classes
  are unlocked in addition to the ones found in the Plugin Parameters.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing class's ID.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the class's name.
- Insert multiple data entries to unlock more classes.


<Auto Unlock Requirements>
 Class id: Level x
 Class name: Level x

 Class id: x AP
 Class name: x AP

 Class id: x CP
 Class name: x CP

 Class id: x JP
 Class name: x JP

 Class id: x SP
 Class name: x SP

 AP: x
 CP: x
 JP: x
 SP: x
</Auto Unlock Requirements>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Have this class unlock automatically whenever all of the conditions have
  been met after a battle is over or upon entering the Class Change scene.
- Insert/delete any number of copies of the middle conditions as needed.
- For 'id' conditions, replace 'id' with a number representing class's ID.
- For 'name' conditions, replace 'name' with the class's name.
- For 'AP', 'CP', 'JP', 'SP' conditions that have class markers, they
  require that many of the resource as the 'x' value for that class.
  These are best used with resource types that are class specific.
- For 'AP', 'CP', 'JP', 'SP' conditions that have class markers, they
  require that many of the resource as the 'x' value for the current class.
  These are best used with resource types that are shared.
- 'AP' and 'SP' conditions require VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem.


<Auto Unlock Requirements>
 Class 4: Level 20
 Class 6: Level 15
</Auto Unlock Requirements>

<Auto Unlock Requirements>
 Class Knight: Level 20
 Class Spellblade: Level 15
</Auto Unlock Requirements>

<Auto Unlock Requirements>
 Class Knight: 200 JP
 Class Spellblade: 100 JP
</Auto Unlock Requirements>

<Auto Unlock Requirements>
 Class Knight: 200 JP
 CP: 500
</Auto Unlock Requirements>


Category-Related Notetags

ClassChangeSys Prevew1.png


<Starting Multiclasses: x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Lets the actor start with 'x' amount of class slots to assign.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of slots the
  actor can assign classes to.
- If this notetag is not used, the slot values will default to the setting
  found in the Class Change System's Plugin Parameters.
- Slot values cannot go under 1 or exceed the maximum number of layers found
  in the "Multiclass Settings" Plugin Parameters.


<Starting Tier x Class: id>

<Starting Tier x Class: name>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- If an actor has multiclass slots, determine which subclasses are assigned
  to them at the start.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the multiclass slot to assign
  to. '1' is the primary slot. '2' is the second slot.
- For 'id' conditions, replace 'id' with a number representing class's ID.
- For 'name' conditions, replace 'name' with the class's name.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to assign multiple classes to
  different slots.


<Starting Tier 2 Class: Sorcerer>

<Starting Tier 3 Class: Priest>


<Restrict Class Change Tier: x>
<Restrict Class Change Tiers: x, x, x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- This makes an actor unable to change the class found in any of the listed
  tier slots unless this effect is cancelled by Plugin Commands.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the tier slot(s) to restrict.


<Class Change Tier Only: x>
<Class Change Tiers Only: x, x, x>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- This makes the specific class only assignable to specific class tiers.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the tier slot(s) that this class
  can be assigned and equipped to.


Class Points-Related Notetags

ClassChangeSys Resources.png


<Starting CP: x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Determines the amount of Class Points the actor starts with in his/her
  starting class.
- Replace 'x' with a numeric value representing the amount of Class Points
  to start out with.


<Class id Starting CP: x>
<Class name Starting CP: x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Determines the amount of Class Points the actor starts with in a specific
  class if Class Points aren't shared across all classes.
- Replace 'x' with a numeric value representing the amount of Class Points
  to start out with.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the class to set starting Class Points for.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the class to set starting Class Points


<CP Gain: x>
<User CP Gain: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- When this skill/item is used in battle, the user will acquire 'x' amount
  of Class Points.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Class Points for the
  user to earn upon usage.
- This effect will trigger each time per "hit".
- This effect will take over the "Per Action Hit" Class Points gain from the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Target CP Gain: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- When this skill/item is used in battle, the target will acquire 'x' amount
  of Class Points.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Class Points for the
  target to earn upon usage.
- This effect will trigger each time per "hit".


<CP: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines the amount of Class Points the enemy will give the player's
  party upon being defeated.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Class Points to grant
  the player's party each.
- This effect will take over the "Per Enemy" Class Points gain from the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Class Points Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Increases the amount of Class Points the affected battler will gain by a
  percentile value.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage number representing the amount of Class
  Points that will be acquired.
- This stacks multiplicatively with each other.
- This does not apply when Class Points are directly added, lost, or set.


Job Points-Related Notetags

ClassChangeSys Resources.png


<Starting JP: x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Determines the amount of Job Points the actor starts with in his/her
  starting class.
- Replace 'x' with a numeric value representing the amount of Job Points to
  start out with.


<Class id Starting JP: x>
<Class name Starting JP: x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Determines the amount of Job Points the actor starts with in a specific
  class if Job Points aren't shared across all classes.
- Replace 'x' with a numeric value representing the amount of Job Points to
  start out with.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the class to set starting Job Points for.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the class to set starting Job Points for.


<JP Gain: x>
<User JP Gain: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- When this skill/item is used in battle, the user will acquire 'x' amount
  of Job Points.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Job Points for the
  user to earn upon usage.
- This effect will trigger each time per "hit".
- This effect will take over the "Per Action Hit" Job Points gain from the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Target JP Gain: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- When this skill/item is used in battle, the target will acquire 'x' amount
  of Job Points.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Job Points for the
  target to earn upon usage.
- This effect will trigger each time per "hit".


<JP: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines the amount of Job Points the enemy will give the player's party
  upon being defeated.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Job Points to grant
  the player's party each.
- This effect will take over the "Per Enemy" Job Points gain from the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Job Points Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Increases the amount of Job Points the affected battler will gain by a
  percentile value.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage number representing the amount of Job Points
  that will be acquired.
- This stacks multiplicatively with each other.
- This does not apply when Job Points are directly added, lost, or set.


Combat Log VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Bypass-Related Notetags


CombatLog Preview1.png

<Bypass Combat Log>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Insert this notetag inside a state to make its state messages ignored.


Common Event Menu VisuStella MZ

Comment Tags

The following are comment tags that have been added through this plugin. These comment tags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present. To make a comment tag, create a comment inside of the Common Event and type in any of the comment tags seen below for their effects.


Basic-Related Comment Tags

CommonEventMenu Layout 054 Standard.png


<Name: text>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- Replaces the text that appears in the Common Event Menu List with this
  instead of the Common Event's name found in the database.
- Replace 'text' with the name you want to be displayed in the List Window.
- If this comment tag is not used, default to the Common Event's name.


<Icon: x>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- Sets the icon shown next to this Common Event.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the icon index used for this
  Common Event.
- If this comment tag is not used, default to the Plugin Parameters.


<Indent: x>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- Indents the name when it appears in the Common Event List.
- Replace 'x' with the number of times to indent the name.
- Each indent is equal to an icon width.


<Picture: filename>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- Description
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder.
  - Filenames are case sensitive.
  - Leave out the filename extension from the notetag.


Description-Related Comment Tags

CommonEventMenu Layout 074 Standard Thick-Sub-Corner-List.png


<Help Description>
</Help Description>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- When this Common Event is selected, display this text in the Help Window.
- Replace 'text' with the text you want to display in the Help Window when
  this Common Event is selected.
- You can chain together Comment event commands in the RPG Maker Editor to
  combine their contents in case you want to add more than 4 lines of text.


<Subtext Description>
</Subtext Description>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- When this Common Event is selected, display this text in the Sub Window.
- Replace 'text' with the text you want to display in the Sub Window when
  this Common Event is selected.
- You can chain together Comment event commands in the RPG Maker Editor to
  combine their contents in case you want to add more than 4 lines of text.


<Extra Description x>
</Extra Description x>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- When this Common Event is selected, display this text in the Extra Window.
- Replace 'x' with a number from 1 to 10 to determine which Extra Window to
  display the text in.
- Replace 'text' with the text you want to display in the Extra Window when
  this Common Event is selected.
- You can chain together Comment event commands in the RPG Maker Editor to
  combine their contents in case you want to add more than 4 lines of text.


Visibility-Related Comment Tags

CommonEventMenu Layout 005 Gallery 4-Row-List.png


<Show Switch: x>

<Show All Switches: x,x,x>
<Show Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- Determines the visible status of the Common Event based on switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the Common Event's visibility.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, the Common Event will be hidden until
  all switches are ON. Then, it would be shown.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, the Common Event will be shown if any
  of the switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be hidden.


<Hide Switch: x>

<Hide All Switches: x,x,x>
<Hide Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- Determines the visible status of the Common Event based on switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the Common Event's visibility.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, the Common Event will be shown until
  all switches are ON. Then, it would be hidden.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, the Common Event will be hidden if any
  of the switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be shown.


JavaScript Comment Tag: Visibility

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to determine if a Common Event is visible in the menu by code.


<JS Visible>
 visible = code;
</JS Visible>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- Determines the visible status of the Common Event based on JavaScript
- Replace 'code' to determine the type visible status of the Common Event.
- You can chain together Comment event commands in the RPG Maker Editor to
  combine their contents in case you want to add more than 4 lines of code.
- The 'visible' variable returns a boolean (true/false) to determine if the
  Common Event will be visible or not.
- All other Common Event conditions must be met in order for this to code to


Enable-Related Comment Tags

CommonEventMenu Layout 042 Side-Sub Firm-List.png


<Enable Switch: x>

<Enable All Switches: x,x,x>
<Enable Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- Determines the enabled status of the Common Event based on switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine if the Common Event's enabled.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, the Common Event will be disabled until
  all switches are ON. Then, it would be enabled.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, the Common Event will be enabled if any
  of the switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be disabled.


<Disable Switch: x>

<Disable All Switches: x,x,x>
<Disable Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- Determines the enabled status of the Common Event based on switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine if the Common Event's enabled.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, the Common Event will be enabled until
  all switches are ON. Then, it would be disabled.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, the Common Event will be disabled if any
  of the switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be enabled.


JavaScript Comment Tag: Enable

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to determine if a Common Event can be selectable by code.


<JS Enable>
 enabled = code;
</JS Enable>

- Used for: Common Event Comment Tag
- Determines the enabled status of the Common Event based on JavaScript
- Replace 'code' to determine the type enabled status of the Common Event.
- You can chain together Comment event commands in the RPG Maker Editor to
  combine their contents in case you want to add more than 4 lines of code.
- The 'enabled' variable returns a boolean (true/false) to determine if the
  Common Event will be enabled or not.
- All other Common Event conditions must be met in order for this to code to


Conditional Random Encounters VisuStella MZ

To make these comment tags work, insert any of the below comment tags inside a comment found within any of the troop's pages. The page's conditions do not need to be met and can even work with the "Don't Run" condition.

If there are multiple comments, the comments will be stringed together allowing for more than 6 lines of conditions.

If using the Battle Core's "Base Troop ID(s)" Plugin Parameter, the comments from the Base Troop pages will also be copied over.


Requirement Comment Tags

CondRandEnc Preview1.png


<Random Encounter Requirements>
</Random Encounter Requirements>

- Used for: Troop Page Comment Tags
- Create conditional requirements for this random encounter to be met before
  it would appear in the random encounter pool for the map.
- Replace 'condition' with any of the conditions listed in below section.
- Insert and/or remove 'condition' lines to add/remove conditions.
- If you are using the Battle Core, this will NOT work with a Base Troop.
  You will get an alert message saying so.
  - Why? Because this can cause all of the troops in the game to just shut
    off and you don't want that.

Condition List

CondRandEnc Preview1.png

Replace 'condition' in the notetags in the above section with any of the following to make conditions. These conditions are also used in the Plugin Parameters for the default conditions, too.


x >= y
x > y
x === y
x !== y
x < y
x <= y

- Replace 'x' and 'y' with any of the following:

- 'Switch x' (replace 'x' with a number) for switch x's current state.
- 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'ON', 'OFF' for the opposite x/y value.
- Using any of these boolean modifiers must be paired with '===' or '!=='

- 'Variable x' (replace 'x' with a number) for variable x's current value.
- A numeric value representing a hard number.
- '50%' or any other percentile number to represent a rate.
- '0.5' or any other float number to represent a rate.

- 'Item id Count' for the number of specific items the party owns.
  - Replace 'id' with the ID of the item.
- 'Item name Count' for the number of specific items the party owns.
  - Replace 'name' with the ID of the item.

- 'Weapon id Count' for the number of specific weapons the party owns.
  - Replace 'id' with the ID of the weapon.
- 'Weapon name Count' for the number of specific weapons the party owns.
  - Replace 'name' with the ID of the weapon.

- 'Armor id Count' for the number of specific armors the party owns.
  - Replace 'id' with the ID of the armor.
- 'Armor name Count' for the number of specific armors the party owns.
  - Replace 'name' with the ID of the armor.

- 'Alive Members' for the number of alive party members when drops are
  being determined.

- 'Battle Members' for the number of participating party members in battle.

- 'Dead Members' for the number of dead party members when drops are
  being determined.

- 'Death Turn' for the turn the enemy died. If an enemy was revived during
  battle, then take the most recent turn the enemy has died.

- 'Party Gold' for the party's current gold value when drops are
  being determined.

- 'Party Members' for the number of total party members in battle.


BGM Comment Tags


<Forced BGM>
 Name: filename
 Volume: x
 Pitch: x
 Pan: x
</Forced BGM>

- Used for: Troop Page Comment Tags
- Forces a specific BGM to play whenever this specific encounter is primed
  for battle.
- This will override any database settings or music changes from event
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the BGM you want to play.
  - Do NOT include the file extension.
- Replace 'volume' with a number to determine sound volume.
- Replace 'pitch' with a number to determine sound pitch.
- Replace 'pan' with a number to determine sound panning.


Consumable Defensive States VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Reflection-Related Notetags

ConsumDefState Preview.gif


<1 Time Reflect Element: id>
<1 Time Reflect Elements: id, id, id>
<1 Time Reflect Element: name>
<1 Time Reflect Elements: name, name, name>

<x Charges Reflect Element: id>
<x Charges Reflect Elements: id, id, id>
<x Charges Reflect Element: name>
<x Charges Reflect Elements: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will reflect the
  specific element until consumed.
  - Reflection will occur before Evasion and Damage Immunity.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the element ID to be reflected.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the element to be reflected.
  - Remove any \I[x] text codes from it if present.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Reflect SType: id>
<1 Time Reflect STypes: id, id, id>
<1 Time Reflect SType: name>
<1 Time Reflect STypes: name, name, name>

<x Charges Reflect SType: id>
<x Charges Reflect STypes: id, id, id>
<x Charges Reflect SType: name>
<x Charges Reflect STypes: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will reflect a
  skill with the specific skill type until consumed.
  - Reflection will occur before Evasion and Damage Immunity.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the skill type ID to be reflected.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the skill type to be reflected.
  - Remove any \I[x] text codes from it if present.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Reflect Certain Hit Skills>
<1 Time Reflect Physical Hit Skills>
<1 Time Reflect Magical Hit Skills>
<1 Time Reflect All Skills>

<x Charges Reflect Certain Hit Skills>
<x Charges Reflect Physical Hit Skills>
<x Charges Reflect Magical Hit Skills>
<x Charges Reflect All Skills>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will reflect a
  skill with the specific hit type until consumed.
  - Reflection will occur before Evasion and Damage Immunity.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Reflect Certain Hit Items>
<1 Time Reflect Physical Hit Items>
<1 Time Reflect Magical Hit Items>
<1 Time Reflect All Items>

<x Charges Reflect Certain Hit Items>
<x Charges Reflect Physical Hit Items>
<x Charges Reflect Magical Hit Items>
<x Charges Reflect All Items>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will reflect an
  item with the specific hit type until consumed.
  - Reflection will occur before Evasion and Damage Immunity.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Reflect Certain Hit Actions>
<1 Time Reflect Physical Hit Actions>
<1 Time Reflect Magical Hit Actions>
<1 Time Reflect All Actions>

<x Charges Reflect Certain Hit Actions>
<x Charges Reflect Physical Hit Actions>
<x Charges Reflect Magical Hit Actions>
<x Charges Reflect All Actions>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will reflect an
  action (skill and/or item) with the specific hit type until consumed.
  - Reflection will occur before Evasion and Damage Immunity.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


Evasion-Related Notetags

ConsumDefState Charges.png


<1 Time Evasion Element: id>
<1 Time Evasion Elements: id, id, id>
<1 Time Evasion Element: name>
<1 Time Evasion Elements: name, name, name>

<x Charges Evasion Element: id>
<x Charges Evasion Elements: id, id, id>
<x Charges Evasion Element: name>
<x Charges Evasion Elements: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will evade the
  specific element until consumed.
  - Evasion will occur after Reflection and before Damage Immunity.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the element ID to be evaded.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the element to be evaded.
  - Remove any \I[x] text codes from it if present.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Evasion SType: id>
<1 Time Evasion STypes: id, id, id>
<1 Time Evasion SType: name>
<1 Time Evasion STypes: name, name, name>

<x Charges Evasion SType: id>
<x Charges Evasion STypes: id, id, id>
<x Charges Evasion SType: name>
<x Charges Evasion STypes: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will evade a
  skill with the specific skill type until consumed.
  - Evasion will occur after Reflection and before Damage Immunity.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the skill type ID to be evaded.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the skill type to be evaded.
  - Remove any \I[x] text codes from it if present.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Evasion Certain Hit Skills>
<1 Time Evasion Physical Hit Skills>
<1 Time Evasion Magical Hit Skills>
<1 Time Evasion All Skills>

<x Charges Evasion Certain Hit Skills>
<x Charges Evasion Physical Hit Skills>
<x Charges Evasion Magical Hit Skills>
<x Charges Evasion All Skills>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will evade a
  skill with the specific hit type until consumed.
  - Evasion will occur after Reflection and before Damage Immunity.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Evasion Certain Hit Items>
<1 Time Evasion Physical Hit Items>
<1 Time Evasion Magical Hit Items>
<1 Time Evasion All Items>

<x Charges Evasion Certain Hit Items>
<x Charges Evasion Physical Hit Items>
<x Charges Evasion Magical Hit Items>
<x Charges Evasion All Items>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will evade an
  item with the specific hit type until consumed.
  - Evasion will occur after Reflection and before Damage Immunity.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Evasion Certain Hit Actions>
<1 Time Evasion Physical Hit Actions>
<1 Time Evasion Magical Hit Actions>
<1 Time Evasion All Actions>

<x Charges Evasion Certain Hit Actions>
<x Charges Evasion Physical Hit Actions>
<x Charges Evasion Magical Hit Actions>
<x Charges Evasion All Actions>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will evade an
  action (skill and/or item) with the specific hit type until consumed.
  - Evasion will occur after Reflection and before Damage Immunity.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


Immunity-Related Notetags

ConsumDefState Charges.png


<1 Time Immunity Element: id>
<1 Time Immunity Elements: id, id, id>
<1 Time Immunity Element: name>
<1 Time Immunity Elements: name, name, name>

<x Charges Immunity Element: id>
<x Charges Immunity Elements: id, id, id>
<x Charges Immunity Element: name>
<x Charges Immunity Elements: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will nullify damage
  from the specific element until consumed. Other effects may still occur.
  - Immunity will occur after Reflection and Evasion.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the element ID to nullify.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the element to nullify.
  - Remove any \I[x] text codes from it if present.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Immunity SType: id>
<1 Time Immunity STypes: id, id, id>
<1 Time Immunity SType: name>
<1 Time Immunity STypes: name, name, name>

<x Charges Immunity SType: id>
<x Charges Immunity STypes: id, id, id>
<x Charges Immunity SType: name>
<x Charges Immunity STypes: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will nullify damage
  from a skill with the specific skill type until consumed. Other effects
  may still occur.
  - Immunity will occur after Reflection and Evasion.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the skill type ID to nullify.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the skill type to nullify.
  - Remove any \I[x] text codes from it if present.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Immunity Certain Hit Skills>
<1 Time Immunity Physical Hit Skills>
<1 Time Immunity Magical Hit Skills>
<1 Time Immunity All Skills>

<x Charges Immunity Certain Hit Skills>
<x Charges Immunity Physical Hit Skills>
<x Charges Immunity Magical Hit Skills>
<x Charges Immunity All Skills>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will nullify damage
  from a skill with the specific hit type until consumed. Other effects may
  still occur.
  - Immunity will occur after Reflection and Evasion.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Immunity Certain Hit Items>
<1 Time Immunity Physical Hit Items>
<1 Time Immunity Magical Hit Items>
<1 Time Immunity All Items>

<x Charges Immunity Certain Hit Items>
<x Charges Immunity Physical Hit Items>
<x Charges Immunity Magical Hit Items>
<x Charges Immunity All Items>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will nullify damage
  from an item with the specific hit type until consumed. Other effects may
  still occur.
  - Immunity will occur after Reflection and Evasion.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


<1 Time Immunity Certain Hit Actions>
<1 Time Immunity Physical Hit Actions>
<1 Time Immunity Magical Hit Actions>
<1 Time Immunity All Actions>

<x Charges Immunity Certain Hit Actions>
<x Charges Immunity Physical Hit Actions>
<x Charges Immunity Magical Hit Actions>
<x Charges Immunity All Actions>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Turns the state into a Consumable Defensive State that will nullify damage
  from an action (skill and/or item) with the specific hit type until
  consumed. Other effects may still occur.
  - Immunity will occur after Reflection and Evasion.
- If VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed, you may use the 'x' notetags.
  - Replace 'x' with the number of usable charges the state would have
    before being consumed. Usable charges go down by 1 each trigger.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot use other Consumable Defensive State notetags
  together in the same state.


Stackable Charges-Related Notetags

ConsumDefState Charges.png


<Max Stackable Charges: x>

- State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- Allows the max stackable charges for the state to become 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the maximum charges the state can
  potentially have. If 'x' is lower than the default charge amount, 'x' will
  become the default charge amount.
- This is not a Consumable Defensive State notetag and can therefore be used
  together with the above notetags.
- If this notetag is not present, whenever a Consumable Defensive State is
  reapplied, the charge number resets. With this notetag, the charges become
  stackable up to a maximum of 'x'.


Core Engine VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

Actors-Related Notetags

Parameter limits can be adjusted in the Plugin Parameters, but this won't lift the ability to change the values of an actor's initial or max level past the editor's limits. Instead, this must be done through the usage of notetags to accomplish the feat.


<Max Level: x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Replace 'x' with an integer to determine the actor's max level.
- This allows you to go over the database limit of 99.
- If this notetag isn't used, default to the actor's database value.


<Initial Level: x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Replace 'x' with an integer to determine the actor's initial level.
- This allows you to go over the database limit of 99.
- If this notetag isn't used, default to the actor's database value.


Classes-Related Notetags

As actor levels can now surpass 99 due to the notetag system, there may be some skills you wish certain classes can learn upon reaching higher levels past 99, too.


<Learn At Level: x>

- Used for: Class Skill Learn Notetags
- Replace 'x' with an integer to determine the level this class will learn
  the associated skill at.
- This allows you to go over the database limit of 99.
- If this notetag isn't used, default to the class's database value.


Enemies-Related Notetags

Enemies are now given levels. The levels don't do anything except to serve as a container for a number value. This way, levels can be used in damage formulas (ie. a.atk - b.level) without causing any errors. To give enemies levels, use the notetags below. These notetags also allow you to adjust the base parameters, EXP, and Gold past the database limitations.


<Level: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Replace 'x' with an integer to determine the enemy's level.
- If no level is declared, the level will default to 1.


<param: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to alter.
  - This notetag does NOT work with X Parameters, S Parameters, or any
    custom parameters. This notetag ONLY works with the base parameters.
- Replace 'x' with an integer to set an enemy's 'param' base value.
- This will overwrite the enemy's database value and can exceed the original
  value limitation in the database.
- If these notetags aren't used, default to the enemy's database value.


<EXP: x>
<Gold: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Replace 'x' with an integer to determine the enemy's EXP or Gold values.
- This will overwrite the enemy's database value and can exceed the original
  value limitation in the database.
- If these notetags aren't used, default to the enemy's database value.


Animations-Related Notetags


Animations in RPG Maker MZ are done by Effekseer and the animation system has been revamped. However, the animations are only centered on the targets now, and cannot be attached to the head or foot. Insert these tags into the names of the animations in the database to adjust their positions.



- Used for: Animation Name Tags
- Will set the animation to anchor on top of the sprite (if <Head> is used)
  or at the bottom of the sprite (if <Foot> is used).


<Anchor X: x>
<Anchor Y: y>

<Anchor: x, y>

- Used for: Animation Name Tags
- Will anchor the animation at a specific point within the sprite based on
  the 'x' and 'y' values.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numeric values representing their positions based
  on a rate where 0.0 is the furthest left/up (x, y respectively) to 1.0 for
  the furthest right/down (x, y respectively).


<Anchor X: 0.4>
<Anchor Y: 0.8>

<Anchor: 0.2, 0.9>


<Offset X: +x>
<Offset X: -x>
<Offset Y: +y>
<Offset Y: -y>

<Offset: +x, +y>
<Offset: -x, -y>

- Used for: Animation Name Tags
- Will anchor the animation to be offset by an exact number of pixels.
- This does the same the editor does, except it lets you input values
  greater than 999 and lower than -999.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numeric values the exact number of pixels to
  offset the animation's x and y coordinates by.


<Offset X: +20>
<Offset Y: -50>

<Offset: +10, -30>


<Mirror Offset X>
<No Mirror Offset X>

- Used for: Animation Name Tags
- If an animation is mirrored, you can choose to have the animation's Offset
  X value be mirrored, too (or not at all).
- If no name tag is discovered, this will use the setting found in the
  Plugin Parameters > QoL Settings > Misc > Ani: Mirror Offset X setting.


<Rate: x>

- Used for: MV Animation Name Tags
- Allows you to adjust the update for this MV Animation.
  - Does NOT work with Effekseer animations.
- The lower the number, the faster.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the animation update rate.
  - Default rate: 4.
  - Minimum rate: 1.
  - Maximum rate: 10.


Quality of Life-Related Notetags

By default, RPG Maker MZ does not offer an encounter step minimum after a random encounter has finished. This means that one step immediately after finishing a battle, the player can immediately enter another battle. The Quality of Life improvement: Minimum Encounter Steps allows you to set a buffer range between battles for the player to have some breathing room.


<Minimum Encounter Steps: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Replace 'x' with the minimum number of steps before the player enters a
  random encounter on that map.
- If this notetag is not used, then the minimum encounter steps for the map
  will default to Quality of Life Settings => Encounter Rate Min.


Tile shadows are automatically added to certain tiles in the map editor. These tile shadows may or may not fit some types of maps. You can turn them on/off with the Quality of Life Plugin Parameters or you can override the settings with the following notetags:

<Show Tile Shadows>
<Hide Tile Shadows>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Use the respective notetag for the function you wish to achieve.
- If this notetag is not used, then the tileset shadow settings for the map
  will default to Quality of Life Settings => No Tile Shadows.


<Scroll Lock X>
<Scroll Lock Y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Will prevent the map from being able to scroll left/right(x) or up/down(y)
  if these notetags are present.
- Useful for when maps are just slightly smaller than normal and the tiny
  scrolling is distracting.
- This will use the display nudge setting found in the Plugin Parameters.
- This setting will be disabled if the map is zoomed in.


<Scroll Lock X: x>
<Scroll Lock Y: y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Will prevent the map from being able to scroll left/right(x) or up/down(y)
  if these notetags are present and will nudge the map camera slightly.
- Useful for when maps are just slightly smaller than normal and the tiny
  scrolling is distracting.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers between 0 and 1 to represent how much is
  being judged.
  - For example, for a 1280x720 resolution, a 27 tile wide map will benefit
    from a nudge of 0.15625. Play with these numbers to determine the best
    value for your maps.
- This setting will be disabled if the map is zoomed in.


Basic, X, and S Parameters-Related Notetags

A battler's parameters, or stats as some devs know them as, are the values that determine how a battler performs. These settings allow you to alter behaviors and give boosts to trait objects in a more controlled manner.


<param Plus: +x>
<param Plus: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Adds or subtracts 'x' to 'param' plus value when calculating totals.
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to modify.
- Replace 'x' with an integer on how much to adjust the parameter by.
- This is used to calculate the 'plus' portion in the Parameter Settings =>
  Basic Parameter => Formula.


<param Rate: x%>
<param Rate: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Changes 'param' rate to 'x' to alter the total 'param' value.
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to modify.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage (ie. 150%) or a rate (ie. 1.5).
- This is used to calculate the 'paramRate' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  Basic Parameter => Formula.


<param Flat: +x>
<param Flat: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Adds or subtracts 'x' to 'param' plus value when calculating totals.
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to modify.
- Replace 'x' with an integer on how much to adjust the parameter by.
- This is used to calculate the 'flatBonus' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  Basic Parameter => Formula.


<param Max: x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Sets max caps for the 'param' to be 'x'. If there are multiple max caps
  available to the unit, then the highest will be selected.
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to modify.
- Replace 'x' with an integer to determine what the max cap should be.
- This does NOT set the max cap to be lower than the default cap.


<xparam Plus: +x%>
<xparam Plus: -x%>

<xparam Plus: +x.x>
<xparam Plus: -x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Adds or subtracts 'x' to 'xparam' plus value when calculating totals.
- Replace 'xparam' with 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT',
  'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG' to determine which X parameter to modify.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage (ie. 150%) or a rate (ie. 1.5).
- This is used to calculate the 'plus' portion in the Parameter Settings =>
  X Parameter => Formula.


<xparam Rate: x%>
<xparam Rate: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Changes 'param' rate to 'x' to alter the total 'xparam' value.
- Replace 'xparam' with 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT',
  'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG' to determine which X parameter to modify.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage (ie. 150%) or a rate (ie. 1.5).
- This is used to calculate the 'paramRate' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  X Parameter => Formula.


<xparam Flat: +x%>
<xparam Flat: -x%>

<xparam Flat: +x.x>
<xparam Flat: -x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Adds or subtracts 'x' to 'xparam' plus value when calculating totals.
- Replace 'xparam' with 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT',
  'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG' to determine which X parameter to modify.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage (ie. 150%) or a rate (ie. 1.5).
- This is used to calculate the 'flatBonus' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  X Parameter => Formula.


<sparam Plus: +x%>
<sparam Plus: -x%>

<sparam Plus: +x.x>
<sparam Plus: -x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Adds or subtracts 'x' to 'sparam' plus value when calculating totals.
- Replace 'sparam' with 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR',
  'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR' to determine which S parameter to modify.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage (ie. 150%) or a rate (ie. 1.5).
- This is used to calculate the 'plus' portion in the Parameter Settings =>
  S Parameter => Formula.


<sparam Rate: x%>
<sparam Rate: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Changes 'param' rate to 'x' to alter the total 'sparam' value.
- Replace 'sparam' with 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR',
  'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR' to determine which S parameter to modify.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage (ie. 150%) or a rate (ie. 1.5).
- This is used to calculate the 'paramRate' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  S Parameter => Formula.


<sparam Flat: +x%>
<sparam Flat: -x%>

<sparam Flat: +x.x>
<sparam Flat: -x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Adds or subtracts 'x' to 'sparam' plus value when calculating totals.
- Replace 'sparam' with 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR',
  'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR' to determine which S parameter to modify.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage (ie. 150%) or a rate (ie. 1.5).
- This is used to calculate the 'flatBonus' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  S Parameter => Formula.


Tileset-Related Notetags



<Taller By x: id>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- Changes any page B, C, D, E tile marked by terrain tag 'id' to be taller
  by 'x' tiles.
  - Replace 'x' with a number representing the tiles to be taller by.
  - Replace 'id' with a number representing the Terrain Tag you will use to
    mark this tile with in the Database editor.
- When placing these tiles on the map, all you have to do is just place the
  bottom tile.
  - ie.: For a tree that's one tile taller, just place the tile at the
    bottom where you see the trunk).
  - Then, in-game, the tree will appear taller by one tile as marked.
- Depending on the priority settings, the tile will appear on different
  - O will place the tile on the below player layer.
  - X will place the tile on the same level as the player.
  - ★ will place the tile on the above player layer.
  - O/X layer tiles have a special property where tall sprites standing in
    front of it will no longer clip the top of the sprite, while sprites
    standing behind it will be covered by it.
  - The X layer sprite will only have a hitbox of 1x1 at the base.
- This does not work with events using tiles as graphics. Instead, if you
  want to do similar, use the Event & Movement Core's <Tile Expand> notetags
  for better control.


JavaScript Notetags: Basic, X, and S Parameters

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge. These notetags are primarily aimed at Basic, X, and S Parameters.


<JS param Plus: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs 'code' to change the 'param' plus value.
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to modify.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  plus amount for the parameter's total calculation.
- This is used to calculate the 'plus' portion in the Parameter Settings =>
  Basic Parameter => Formula.


<JS param Rate: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs 'code' to change the 'param' rate value.
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to modify.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  param rate amount for the parameter's total calculation.
- This is used to calculate the 'paramRate' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  Basic Parameter => Formula.


<JS param Flat: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs 'code' to change the 'param' flat value.
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to modify.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  flat bonus amount for the parameter's total calculation.
- This is used to calculate the 'flatBonus' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  Basic Parameter => Formula.


<JS param Max: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs 'code' to determine what the max cap for 'param' should be. If there
  are multiple max caps available to the unit, then the highest is selected.
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to modify.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the max cap for the
  desired parameter.


<JS xparam Plus: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs 'code' to change the 'xparam' plus value.
- Replace 'xparam' with 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT',
  'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG' to determine which X parameter to modify.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  plus amount for the X parameter's total calculation.
- This is used to calculate the 'plus' portion in the Parameter Settings =>
  X Parameter => Formula.


<JS xparam Rate: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs 'code' to change the 'xparam' rate value.
- Replace 'xparam' with 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT',
  'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG' to determine which X parameter to modify.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  param rate amount for the X parameter's total calculation.
- This is used to calculate the 'paramRate' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  X Parameter => Formula.


<JS xparam Flat: code>
- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs 'code' to change the 'xparam' flat value.
- Replace 'xparam' with 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT',
  'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG' to determine which X parameter to modify.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  flat bonus amount for the X parameter's total calculation.
- This is used to calculate the 'flatBonus' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  X Parameter => Formula.


<JS sparam Plus: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs 'code' to change the 'sparam' plus value.
- Replace 'sparam' with 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR',
  'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR' to determine which S parameter to modify.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  plus amount for the S parameter's total calculation.
- This is used to calculate the 'plus' portion in the Parameter Settings =>
  S Parameter => Formula.


<JS sparam Rate: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs 'code' to change the 'sparam' rate value.
- Replace 'sparam' with 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR',
  'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR' to determine which S parameter to modify.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  param rate amount for the S parameter's total calculation.
- This is used to calculate the 'paramRate' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  S Parameter => Formula.


<JS sparam Flat: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs 'code' to change the 'sparam' flat value.
- Replace 'sparam' with 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR',
  'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR' to determine which S parameter to modify.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how much to change the
  flat bonus amount for the S parameter's total calculation.
- This is used to calculate the 'flatBonus' portion in Parameter Settings =>
  S Parameter => Formula.


Battle Setting-Related Notetags

These tags will change the settings for battle regardless of how the battle system is set up normally. Insert these tags in either the noteboxes of maps or the names of troops for them to take effect. If both are present for a specific battle, then priority goes to the setting found in the troop name.


<Front View>
<Battle View: FV>
<Battle View: Front View>

- Used for: Map Notetags, Troop Name Tags, and Troop Comment Tags
- Changes the perspective of battle to front view for this specific map or
- Make sure you have the enemy image files available in the img/enemies/
  folder as they will used instead of the "sv_enemies" graphics.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


<Side View>
<Battle View: SV>
<Battle View: Side View>

- Used for: Map Notetags, Troop Name Tags, and Troop Comment Tags
- Changes the perspective of battle to side view for this specific map or
- Make sure you have the enemy image files available in the img/sv_enemies/
  folder as they will used instead of the "enemies" graphics.
- Make sure your actors have "sv_actor" graphics attached to them.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


<Battle System: DTB>

- Used for: Map Notetags, Troop Name Tags, and Troop Comment Tags
- Changes the battle system to the default battle system (DTB).
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


<TPB Active>
<ATB Active>
<Battle System: TPB Active>
<Battle System: ATB Active>

<TPB Wait>
<ATB Wait>
<Battle System: TPB Wait>
<Battle System: ATB Wait>

- Used for: Map Notetags, Troop Name Tags, and Troop Comment Tags
- Changes the battle system to the time progress battle system (TPB) or
  active turn battle system (ATB) if you have VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemATB
  installed for the game project.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


<Battle System: BTB>

<Battle System: CTB>

<Battle System: ETB>

<Battle System: FTB>

<Battle System: OTB>

<Battle System: PTB>

<Battle System: STB>

- Used for: Map Notetags, Troop Name Tags, and Troop Comment Tags
- Changes the battle system to the respective battle system as long as you
  have those plugins installed in the current project.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


<Battle Grid>

<No Grid>
<No Battle Grid>

- Used for: Map Notetags, Troop Name Tags, and Troop Comment Tags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!
- Changes the battle system to utilize the Battle Grid System or not.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.
- If none of these notetags or comment tags are found, refer to the default
  settings found in the Plugin Parameters.


Database Inheritance VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Everything-Related Notetags

DatabaseInherit Example.png


<Inherit Everything From: id>
<Inherit Everything From: id, id, id>

<Inherit Everything From: name>
<Inherit Everything From: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit notetags, basic properties, damage formulas, parameters,
  action patterns, traits, and effects from the parent object.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the database object to inherit from.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the database object to inherit from.
- The database object must exist within the same database.
- You cannot inherit data from objects of a different database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit First Everything>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit notetags, basic properties, damage formulas, parameters,
  action patterns, traits, and effects from the parent object.
- This will inherit from the first object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Last Everything>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit notetags, basic properties, damage formulas, parameters,
  action patterns, traits, and effects from the parent object.
- This will inherit from last object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Previous Everything>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit notetags, basic properties, damage formulas, parameters,
  action patterns, traits, and effects from the parent object.
- This will inherit from previous object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Next Everything>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit notetags, basic properties, damage formulas, parameters,
  action patterns, traits, and effects from the parent object.
- This will inherit from next object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


Notetag Inheritance-Related Notetags

DatabaseInherit Example.png


<Inherit Notetags From: id>
<Inherit Notetags From: id, id, id>

<Inherit Notetags From: name>
<Inherit Notetags From: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit notetags from the parent object.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the database object to inherit from.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the database object to inherit from.
- The database object must exist within the same database.
- You cannot inherit data from objects of a different database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit First Notetags>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit notetags from the parent object.
- This will inherit from the first object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Last Notetags>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit notetags from the parent object.
- This will inherit from last object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Previous Notetags>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit notetags from the parent object.
- This will inherit from previous object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Next Notetags>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit notetags from the parent object.
- This will inherit from next object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


Basic Property Inheritance-Related Notetags

DatabaseInherit Example.png


<Inherit Properties From: id>
<Inherit Properties From: id, id, id>

<Inherit Properties From: name>
<Inherit Properties From: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit basic properties determined by the plugin parameters.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the database object to inherit from.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the database object to inherit from.
- The database object must exist within the same database.
- You cannot inherit data from objects of a different database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.
- If there are multiple parent objects, the inheritance for overwritten
  properties will come from the last listed parent object.


<Inherit First Properties>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit basic properties determined by the plugin parameters.
- This will inherit from the first object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.
- If there are multiple parent objects, the inheritance for overwritten
  properties will come from the last listed parent object.


<Inherit Last Properties>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit basic properties determined by the plugin parameters.
- This will inherit from last object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.
- If there are multiple parent objects, the inheritance for overwritten
  properties will come from the last listed parent object.


<Inherit Previous Properties>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit basic properties determined by the plugin parameters.
- This will inherit from previous object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.
- If there are multiple parent objects, the inheritance for overwritten
  properties will come from the last listed parent object.


<Inherit Next Properties>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State, and
  Tileset Notetags
- This will inherit basic properties determined by the plugin parameters.
- This will inherit from next object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.
- If there are multiple parent objects, the inheritance for overwritten
  properties will come from the last listed parent object.


Damage Formula Inheritance-Related Notetags

DatabaseInherit Example.png


<Inherit Damage Formula From: id>
<Inherit Properties From: id, id, id>

<Inherit Damage Formula From: name>
<Inherit Damage Formula From: name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the damage formula from the parent object.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the database object to inherit from.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the database object to inherit from.
- The database object must exist within the same database.
- You cannot inherit data from objects of a different database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit First Damage Formula>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the damage formula from the parent object.
- This will inherit from the first object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Last Damage Formula>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the damage formula from the parent object.
- This will inherit from last object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Previous Damage Formula>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the damage formula from the parent object.
- This will inherit from previous object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Next Damage Formula>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the damage formula from the parent object.
- This will inherit from next object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


Parameters Inheritance-Related Notetags

DatabaseInherit Example.png


<Inherit Parameters From: id>
<Inherit Parameters From: id, id, id>

<Inherit Parameters From: name>
<Inherit Parameters From: name, name, name>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor, Enemy Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the parameters from the parent object.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the database object to inherit from.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the database object to inherit from.
- The database object must exist within the same database.
- You cannot inherit data from objects of a different database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit First Parameters>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor, Enemy Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the parameters from the parent object.
- This will inherit from the first object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Last Parameters>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor, Enemy Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the parameters from the parent object.
- This will inherit from last object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Previous Parameters>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor, Enemy Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the parameters from the parent object.
- This will inherit from previous object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Next Parameters>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor, Enemy Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the parameters from the parent object.
- This will inherit from next object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


Enemy Action Patterns-Related Notetags

DatabaseInherit Example.png


<Inherit Action Patterns From: id>
<Inherit Action Patterns From: id, id, id>

<Inherit Action Patterns From: name>
<Inherit Action Patterns From: name, name, name>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the action patterns from the parent object.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the database object to inherit from.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the database object to inherit from.
- The database object must exist within the same database.
- You cannot inherit data from objects of a different database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit First Action Patterns>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the action patterns from the parent object.
- This will inherit from the first object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Last Action Patterns>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the action patterns from the parent object.
- This will inherit from last object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Previous Action Patterns>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the action patterns from the parent object.
- This will inherit from previous object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Next Action Patterns>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the action patterns from the parent object.
- This will inherit from next object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


Trait Inheritance-Related Notetags

DatabaseInherit Example.png


<Inherit Traits From: id>
<Inherit Traits From: id, id, id>

<Inherit Traits From: name>
<Inherit Traits From: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, and State Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the traits from the parent object.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the database object to inherit from.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the database object to inherit from.
- The database object must exist within the same database.
- You cannot inherit data from objects of a different database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit First Traits>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, and State Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the traits from the parent object.
- This will inherit from the first object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Last Traits>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, and State Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the traits from the parent object.
- This will inherit from last object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Previous Traits>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, and State Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the traits from the parent object.
- This will inherit from previous object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Next Traits>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, and State Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the traits from the parent object.
- This will inherit from next object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


Effects Inheritance-Related Notetags

DatabaseInherit Example.png


<Inherit Effects From: id>
<Inherit Effects From: id, id, id>

<Inherit Effects From: name>
<Inherit Effects From: name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill and Item Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the effects from the parent object.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the database object to inherit from.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the database object to inherit from.
- The database object must exist within the same database.
- You cannot inherit data from objects of a different database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit First Effects>

- Used for: Skill and Item Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the effects from the parent object.
- This will inherit from the first object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Last Effects>

- Used for: Skill and Item Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the effects from the parent object.
- This will inherit from last object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Previous Effects>

- Used for: Skill and Item Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the effects from the parent object.
- This will inherit from previous object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


<Inherit Next Effects>

- Used for: Skill and Item Notetags
- This will inherit and extend the effects from the parent object.
- This will inherit from next object of the same database.
- Insert multiple inheritance notetags to inherit from more than one parent
  object for this child object.


Date and Time VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Time-Type-Related Notetags

DateTimeSystem Preview1.gif


<Time System: None>
<Time System: Game>
<Time System: Real>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Insert one of these notetags into your map's notebox and it will change
  the time type to the desired type.
- If this notetag is not used, use the default Time System type declared in
  the Plugin Parameters.


<Pause Game Time>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- While the player is on this map, prevent Game Time from progressing
- This does NOT apply to Real Time.
- The Plugin Command to pause/unpause Game Time will have no effect on any
  map that has this notetag.


Time Tone-Related Notetags

DateTimeSystem Preview1.gif


<No Time Tone>
<Time Tone>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Insert one of these notetags into your map to decide if you want the map
  to use the time-based screen tone (or overlay for those using the
  VisuMZ_2_LightingEffects plugin).
  - Places where you wouldn't want time tones would be indoor areas where
    the screen tone/overlay wouldn't matter.
  - Places where you would want to use time tones would be outdoor areas
    where the screen tone/overlay would matter.
- If this notetag is not used, use the default Time Tone type declared in
  the Plugin Parameters.


HUD-Related Notetags

DateTimeSystem HUD.png


<Show Date Time HUD>
<Hide Date Time HUD>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Insert one of these notetags into your map to decide if you want the map
  to show the Date/Time HUD or not.
  - If the player has opted to hide the Date/Time HUD in the options, that
    will take priority over the map notetag deciding to show it.
  - If the game dev opted to hide the Date/Time HUD through Plugin Commands,
    that will take priority over the map notetag deciding to show it.
- If this notetag is not used, use the default setting visuals declared in
  the Plugin Parameters.


Battle-Related Notetags


<Encounter Hour: x>
<Encounter Hours: x, x, x>

<Encounter Weekday: x>
<Encounter Weekdays: x, x, x>

<Encounter Date: x>
<Encounter Dates: x, x, x>

<Encounter Month: x>
<Encounter Months: x, x, x>

- Used for: Troop Page Comment Tags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore!
- Makes this encounter only appear during the specified hours, weekdays,
  dates, and/or months.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hour, weekday, date, or month.
  - Hours start at 0.
  - Weekdays, dates, and months start at 1.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more instances.
- You can use multiple combinations of types together, like in order to make
  a troop encounter that only occurs during the last day of the year by
  using the Month and Date comment tags together.
- This will NOT work with a Base Troop. You will get an alert saying so.
  - Why? Because this can cause all of the troops in the game to just shut
    off and you don't want that.


<Encounter Season: type>
<Encounter Seasons: type, type, type>

<Encounter Cycle: type>
<Encounter Cycle: type, type, type>

- Used for: Troop Page Comment Tags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore!
- Makes this encounter only appear during the specified seasons or parts of
  the day cycle.
- Replace 'type' with a string representing the season or day cycle type.
  - Seasons are: "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter" (no quotes).
  - Cycles are: "dawn", "day", "dusk", "night" (no quotes).
  - Insert multiple 'type' values to cover more instances.
- You can use multiple combinations of types together, like in order to make
  a troop encounter that only occurs during winter and at night by using the
  two comment tags together.
- This will NOT work with a Base Troop. You will get an alert saying so.
  - Why? Because this can cause all of the troops in the game to just shut
    off and you don't want that.


<season Battleback1: filename>
<season Battleback2: filename>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore!
- Changes the primary map battleback(s) to the designated 'filename' when
  the player has entered the map at a specific 'season'.
  - If the player has entered the map at a specific 'season', but time has
    moved forward and the season has changed, the season will be whatever it
    was upon the time the player has entered in order to prevent any weird
    and out of place transitions from happening.
- Replace 'season' with a string representing the season.
  - Seasons are: "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter" (no quotes).
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic to use. Do not insert
  any extensions. This means the file 'Castle1.png' will be only inserted
  as 'Castle1' without the '.png' at the end.
- Insert multiples of these notetags to declare different settings for
  different seasons.
- *NOTE: This will override any specified battleback settings.


<season Region x Battleback1: filename>
<season Region x Battleback2: filename>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore!
- Changes the primary map battleback(s) to the designated 'filename' when
  the player has entered the map at a specific 'season' and while on a
  specific 'region' on the map.
  - If the player has entered the map at a specific 'season', but time has
    moved forward and the season has changed, the season will be whatever it
    was upon the time the player has entered in order to prevent any weird
    and out of place transitions from happening.
- Replace 'season' with a string representing the season.
  - Seasons are: "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter" (no quotes).
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the region ID you wish to use.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic to use. Do not insert
  any extensions. This means the file 'Castle1.png' will be only inserted
  as 'Castle1' without the '.png' at the end.
- Insert multiples of these notetags to declare different settings for
  different season and region combinations.
- *NOTE: This will override any specified battleback settings.


Tileset-Related Notetags


<type Swap To: x>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- If a map loads a tileset with this notetag and it happens to be that
  season, swap to 'x' tileset instead and repeat the check.
  - The repeated check will only last for 5 checks max for each map loading.
- Replace 'type' with a string representing the season or cycle.
  - Seasons are: "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter" (no quotes).
  - Cycles are: "dawn", "day", "dusk", "night" (no quotes).
  - Priority will be given to seasons first before cycles.
  - Insert multiples of this notetag to cover different cases.
- Each successful check will result in another check on the newer tileset
  for up to 5 times.
- This can be chained in such a way where an "Outdoor" tileset can chain
  into something like "Summer Outdoor", which can then be chained into
  "Summer Outdoor Day" or "Summer Outdoor Night" for more accuracy.
- Priority will be given to seasons first, then  the day cycles (dawn, day,
  dusk, night). This way, you can ensure that the tileset you're using
  matches the conditions of the season or time of day if so desired.
- If time changes into a new season or day cycle while on the map, there
  won't be any changes made immediately. Instead, the player must exit and
  reenter the map for the changes to be seen. This is to prevent any awkward
  changes and transitions that may occur otherwise.


<Bypass Tileset Swap>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- If a map with this notetag loads a tileset that would normally swap out,
  this will prevent it from happening.
- This can be used for things like flashbacks where it would make sense for
  a specific tileset to be used as opposed to the current season's variant.


Shop-Related Notetags


<Shop Buy Hour: x>
<Shop Buy Hours: x, x, x>

<Shop Buy Weekday: x>
<Shop Buy Weekdays: x, x, x>

<Shop Buy Date: x>
<Shop Buy Dates: x, x, x>

<Shop Buy Month: x>
<Shop Buy Months: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ItemsEquipsCore!
- These shop listings can only be bought at specific hours, weekdays, dates,
  and/or months.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hour, weekday, date, or month.
  - Hours start at 0.
  - Weekdays, dates, and months start at 1.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more instances.
- You can use multiple combinations of types together, like in order to make
  a shop listing that only appears during the last day of the year by using
  the Month and Date notetags together.


<Shop Buy Season: type>
<Shop Buy Seasons: type, type, type>

<Shop Buy Cycle: type>
<Shop Buy Cycle: type, type, type>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ItemsEquipsCore!
- Makes this shop listing only appear during the specified seasons or parts
  of the day cycle.
- Replace 'type' with a string representing the season or day cycle type.
  - Seasons are: "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter" (no quotes).
  - Cycles are: "dawn", "day", "dusk", "night" (no quotes).
  - Insert multiple 'type' values to cover more instances.
- You can use multiple combinations of types together, like in order to make
  a shop listing that onlappears occurs during winter and at night by using
  the two notetags together.


<Shop Price Hour x: y%>
<Shop Price Hours x, x, x: y%>

<Shop Price Weekday x: y%>
<Shop Price Weekdays x, x, x: y%>

<Shop Price Date x: y%>
<Shop Price Dates x, x, x: y%>

<Shop Price Month x: y%>
<Shop Price Months x, x, x: y%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ItemsEquipsCore!
- These shop listings will have their (gold only) prices affected by 'y%'
  when it is the specific hour, weekday, date, and/or month.
- This ONLY affects gold prices and does not affect anything else that may
  be added by other plugins such as VisuMZ_2_MoreCurrencies.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hour, weekday, date, or month.
  - Hours start at 0.
  - Weekdays, dates, and months start at 1.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more instances.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the percent change for the price.
- If multiples of these notetags are used together, the effects will be
  - For example, if price drops by 50% at the last hours of the work day,
    and the price also drops by 50% at the last day of the week, then the
    last hours of the last day of the week will have the price drop to 25%.


<Shop Price Spring Months: y%>
<Shop Price Summer Months: y%>
<Shop Price Autumn Months: y%>
<Shop Price Winter Months: y%>

<Shop Price Weekdays Only: y%>
<Shop Price Weekends Only: y%>

<Shop Price Dawn Hours: y%>
<Shop Price Day Hours: y%>
<Shop Price Dusk Hours: y%>
<Shop Price Night Hours: y%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ItemsEquipsCore!
- These shop listings will have their (gold only) prices affected by 'y%'
  when it is the specific season, weekday type, or day cycle.
- This ONLY affects gold prices and does not affect anything else that may
  be added by other plugins such as VisuMZ_2_MoreCurrencies.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the percent change for the price.
- If multiples of these notetags are used together, the effects will be
  - For example, if price drops by 50% at the dusk hours of the work day,
    and the price also drops by 50% at the weekend, then the dusk hours of a
    weekend will have the price drop to 25%.


Skill-Related Notetags


<Require Hour x: y%>
<Require Hours x, x, x: y%>

<Require Weekday x: y%>
<Require Weekdays x, x, x: y%>

<Require Date x: y%>
<Require Dates x, x, x: y%>

<Require Month x: y%>
<Require Months x, x, x: y%>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- These skills can only be used during specific hours, weekdays, dates,
  and/or months.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hour, weekday, date, or month.
  - Hours start at 0.
  - Weekdays, dates, and months start at 1.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more instances.
- You can use multiple combinations of types together, like in order to make
  a skill that can only be used during the first month of the year and the
  first few days of the year by using those specific notetags together.


<Require Season: type>
<Require Seasons: type, type, type>

<Require Cycle: type>
<Require Cycle: type, type, type>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- These skills can only be used during specific seasons or day cycles.
- Replace 'type' with a string representing the season or day cycle type.
  - Seasons are: "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter" (no quotes).
  - Cycles are: "dawn", "day", "dusk", "night" (no quotes).
  - Insert multiple 'type' values to cover more instances.
- You can use multiple combinations of types together, like in order to make
  a skill that can only be used during winter nights by using those specific
  notetags together.


<type Cost If Hour x: y%>
<type Cost If Hours x, x, x: y%>

<type Cost If Weekday x: y%>
<type Cost If Weekdays x, x, x: y%>

<type Cost If Date x: y%>
<type Cost If Dates x, x, x: y%>

<type Cost If Month x: y%>
<type Cost If Months x, x, x: y%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- This skill's cost 'type' will be affected by 'y%' when it is the specific
  hour, weekday, date, and/or month.
- Replace 'type' with either 'HP', 'MP', or 'TP' to represent the cost type
  that you wish to affect.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hour, weekday, date, or month.
  - Hours start at 0.
  - Weekdays, dates, and months start at 1.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more instances.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the percent change for the skill
  cost type.
- If multiples of these notetags are used together, the effects will be
  - For example, if skill cost drops by 50% at the last hours of the day,
    and the skill cost also drops by 50% at the last day of the week, then
    the last hours of the last day of the week will have the cost drop to
    a multiplicative 25%.


<type Cost If Spring Months: y%>
<type Cost If Summer Months: y%>
<type Cost If Autumn Months: y%>
<type Cost If Winter Months: y%>

<type Cost If Weekdays Only: y%>
<type Cost If Weekends Only: y%>

<type Cost If Dawn Hours: y%>
<type Cost If Day Hours: y%>
<type Cost If Dusk Hours: y%>
<type Cost If Night Hours: y%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- This skill's cost 'type' will be affected by 'y%' when it is the specific
  season, weekday type, or day cycle.
- Replace 'type' with either 'HP', 'MP', or 'TP' to represent the cost type
  that you wish to affect.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the percent change for the skill
  cost type.
- If multiples of these notetags are used together, the effects will be
  - For example, if skill cost drops by 50% at the dusk hours of the day,
    and the skill cost also drops by 50% at the weekend, then the dusk hours
    of a weekend will have the skill cost drop to 25%.


<Damage If Hour x: y%>
<Damage If Hours x, x, x: y%>

<Healing If Hour x: y%>
<Healing If Hours x, x, x: y%>

<Damage If Weekday x: y%>
<Damage If Weekdays x, x, x: y%>

<Healing If Weekday x: y%>
<Healing If Weekdays x, x, x: y%>

<Damage If Date x: y%>
<Damage If Dates x, x, x: y%>

<Healing If Date x: y%>
<Healing If Dates x, x, x: y%>

<Damage If Month x: y%>
<Damage If Months x, x, x: y%>

<Healing If Month x: y%>
<Healing If Months x, x, x: y%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- This skill's damage or healing dealt will be affected by 'y%' when it is
  the specific hour, weekday, date, and/or month.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hour, weekday, date, or month.
  - Hours start at 0.
  - Weekdays, dates, and months start at 1.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more instances.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the percent change for the skill's
  dealt damage or healing.
- If multiples of these notetags are used together, the effects will be
  - For example, if skill damage/healing drops by 50% at the last hours of
    the day, and the skill damage/healing also drops by 50% at the last day
    of the week, then the last hours of the last day of the week will have
    the damage/healing drop to a multiplicative 25%.


<Damage If Spring Months: y%>
<Damage If Summer Months: y%>
<Damage If Autumn Months: y%>
<Damage If Winter Months: y%>

<Healing If Spring Months: y%>
<Healing If Summer Months: y%>
<Healing If Autumn Months: y%>
<Healing If Winter Months: y%>

<Damage If Weekdays Only: y%>
<Damage If Weekends Only: y%>

<Healing If Weekdays Only: y%>
<Healing If Weekends Only: y%>

<Damage If Dawn Hours: y%>
<Damage If Day Hours: y%>
<Damage If Dusk Hours: y%>
<Damage If Night Hours: y%>

<Healing If Dawn Hours: y%>
<Healing If Day Hours: y%>
<Healing If Dusk Hours: y%>
<Healing If Night Hours: y%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- This skill's damage or healing dealt will be affected by 'y%' when it is
  the specific season, weekday type, or day cycle.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the percent change for the skill
  cost type.
- If multiples of these notetags are used together, the effects will be
  - For example, if skill damage/healing drops by 50% at the dusk hours of
    the day, and the skill damage/healing also drops by 50% at the weekend,
    then the dusk hours of a weekend will have the damage/heal drop to 25%.


State-Related Notetags


<Turns If Hour x: +y>
<Turns If Hour x: -y>

<Turns If Hours x, x, x: +y>
<Turns If Hours x, x, x: -y>

<Turns If Weekday x: +y>
<Turns If Weekday x: -y>

<Turns If Weekdays x, x, x: +y>
<Turns If Weekdays x, x, x: -y>

<Turns If Date x: +y>
<Turns If Date x: -y>

<Turns If Dates x, x, x: +y>
<Turns If Dates x, x, x: -y>

<Turns If Month x: +y>
<Turns If Month x: -y>

<Turns If Months x, x, x: +y>
<Turns If Months x, x, x: -y>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- These state durations will have their turn counts affected by '+y' or '-y'
  when it is the specific hour, weekday, date, and/or month.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hour, weekday, date, or month.
  - Hours start at 0.
  - Weekdays, dates, and months start at 1.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more instances.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the turn count change.
- If multiples of these notetags are used together, the effects will be
  - For example, if state's turn count drops by -1 at the last hours of the
    day, and state's turn count also drops by -1 at the last day of the
    week, then the last hours of the last day of the week will have the
    state's turn count drop by -2.


<Turns If Spring Months: +y>
<Turns If Spring Months: -y>

<Turns If Summer Months: +y>
<Turns If Summer Months: -y>

<Turns If Autumn Months: +y>
<Turns If Autumn Months: -y>

<Turns If Winter Months: +y>
<Turns If Winter Months: -y>

<Turns If Weekdays Only: +y>
<Turns If Weekdays Only: -y>

<Turns If Weekends Only: +y>
<Turns If Weekends Only: -y>

<Turns If Dawn Hours: +y>
<Turns If Dawn Hours: -y>

<Turns If Day Hours: +y>
<Turns If Day Hours: -y>

<Turns If Dusk Hours: +y>
<Turns If Dusk Hours: -y>

<Turns If Night Hours: +y>
<Turns If Night Hours: -y>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- These state durations will have their turn counts affected by '+y' or '-y'
  when it is the specific season, weekday type, or day cycle.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the turn count change.
- If multiples of these notetags are used together, the effects will be
  - For example, if state's turn count drops by -1 at the dusk hours of the
    day, and state's turn count also drops by -1 on weekends, then the dusk
    hours of a weekend day will have the state's turn count drop by -2.


Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Dragonbones Battler Notetags


The following notetags are to be assigned to either actors and/or enemies. An assigned actor/enemy will have their original sprite hidden from view in favor of the Dragonbones armature to be displayed. Use these notetags to declare various settings for your Dragonbones armatures.


<Dragonbones Battler: filename>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets the DragonBones associated with this actor/enemy to be 'filename'.
- The name will be associated with the assets used.
- It will be used to check for associated filenames that end with _ske.json,
  _tex.json, and _tex.png.
- The listed assets must be found in the assigned assets folder.


<Dragonbones Battler: Demon>
<Dragonbones Battler: DragonBoy>
<Dragonbones Battler: Swordsman>
<Dragonbones Battler: Ubbie>


<Dragonbones Battler Scale: x, y>

<Dragonbones Battler Scale X: x>
<Dragonbones Battler Scale Y: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets the base scale for the Dragonbones associated with this actor/enemy.
  This is for those instances where a Dragonbones armature is too large or
  small and needs to be scaled down/up.
- This scale will be amplified by the actor/enemy's sprite's scale value.
- Use the 1st notetag to assign values to both Scale X and Scale Y.
- Use the 2nd/3rd notetags to assign Scale X and Y values separately.
- Use negative values to flip the Dragonbones armature around.


<Dragonbones Battler Scale: -0.3, 0.3>

<Dragonbones Battler Scale X: -0.3>
<Dragonbones Battler Scale Y: 0.3>


<Dragonbones Battler Offset: x, y>

<Dragonbones Battler Offset X: x>
<Dragonbones Battler Offset Y: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- When a Dragonbones armature is attached to an actor/enemy's sprite, it
  will always be attached at the root point assigned within the Dragonbones
  data. If a Dragonbones armature has a root point that does not fit well
  with your battler sprite, you can offset it using these notetags.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with number values representing how many pixels you
  want to offset the Dragonbones armature by.
- Use the 1st notetag to assign values to both Offset X and Offset Y.
- Use the 2nd/3rd notetags to assign Offset X and Y values separately.
- Use negative values to offset to the left (X) or up (Y) directions.


<Dragonbones Battler Offset: -10, 5>

<Dragonbones Battler Offset X: -10>
<Dragonbones Battler Offset Y: 5>


<Dragonbones Battler Size: width, height>

<Dragonbones Battler Width: x>
<Dragonbones Battler Height: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Dragonbones armatures have no standard width or height. This makes it
  problematic when trying to calculate the sprite's width/height for Action
  Sequences and the like. These notetags allow you to assign a width and
  height value to the sprite, despite the fact the Dragonbones armatures
  have no such thing.
- Replace 'width', 'height', or 'x' with number values representing the
  dimension values in pixels.
- Use the 1st notetag to assign values to both Width and Height.
- Use the 2nd/3rd notetags to assign Width and Height values separately.
- If these notetags aren't used, then use the values defined by default in
  Plugin Parameters => Battler Settings => Default => Width/Height.


<Dragonbones Battler Size: 50, 100>

<Dragonbones Battler Width: 50>
<Dragonbones Battler Height: 100>


<Dragonbones Battler Time Scale: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Lets you adjust the time scale for the Dragonbones armature.
- Replace 'x' with a number value depicting how fast the armature should
  - 1.0 is the default value.
  - Higher numbers animate faster.
  - Lower numbers animate slower.
  - If a number is too small, it may not animate at all.


<Dragonbones Battler Time Scale: 1.5>


<Dragonbones Battler Motion Walk: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Wait: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Chant: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Guard: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Damage: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Evade: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Thrust: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Swing: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Missile: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Skill: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Spell: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Item: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Escape: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Victory: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Dying: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Abnormal: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Sleep: animation>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Dead: animation>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Use these notetags to assign Dragonbones animations to play when the
  actor/enemy sprite is supposed to play such a motion.
- Replace 'animation' with the name of the Dragonbones animation.
- If this notetag is not used, when such a motion is rquested, it will
  default to attempting to play the animation name equal to the motion.
- Animation names do not need to be case sensitive.
- If no animation is found, then no animation will be played.


<Dragonbones Battler Motion Wait: idle>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Swing: attack>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Thrust: attack>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Missle: attack>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Skill: special>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Spell: special>
<Dragonbones Battler Motion Dead: defeated>


<Dragonbones Battler Settings>
 Battler: filename

 Scale: x, y

 Scale X: x
 Scale Y: x

 Offset: x, y

 Offset X: x
 Offset Y: x

 Size: width, height

 Width: x
 Height: x

 Time Scale: x

 Motion Walk: animation
 Motion Wait: animation
 Motion Chant: animation
 Motion Guard: animation
 Motion Damage: animation
 Motion Evade: animation
 Motion Thrust: animation
 Motion Swing: animation
 Motion Missile: animation
 Motion Skill: animation
 Motion Spell: animation
 Motion Item: animation
 Motion Escape: animation
 Motion Victory: animation
 Motion Dying: animation
 Motion Abnormal: animation
 Motion Sleep: animation
 Motion Dead: animation
</Dragonbones Battler Settings>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- The above notetag allows to wrap up all the information you'd like to
  set for Dragonbones battler armatures needed inside a single notetag
- The settings are the same as the notetags listed above it.
- You may remove the settings you don't wish to change.
- The only necessary data is the 'Battler: filename' line.


<Dragonbones Battler Settings>
 Battler: Demon

 Scale: 0.3, 0.3

 Size: 80, 80

 Motion Wait: idle
 Motion Damage: hit
 Motion Swing: attack
 Motion Thrust: attack
 Motion Missile: attack
 Motion Skill: special
 Motion spell: special
 Motion Dead: defeated
</Dragonbones Battler Settings>


<Dragonbones Hue Affected>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- The above notetag enables hues to affect enemy battlers.
- This will bypass the Plugin Parameter default settings.


<Dragonbones No Hue>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- The above notetag disables hues to affect enemy battlers.
- This will bypass the Plugin Parameter default settings.


Dragonbones Map Sprite Notetags & Comment Tags


You can also use Dragonbones armatures as map sprites. When used, any of the original sprites before will become invisible and will be replaced with the Dragonbones armature.

These notetags can be used for actors and events. In the case of events, both notetags and comment tags can be used to determine what settings to use for the Dragonbones armatures.

Be cautious when using Comment Tags for event pages since comments contain a maximum line count of 6.



<Dragonbones Sprite: filename>

- Used for: Actor, Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the DragonBones associated with this map sprite to be 'filename'.
- The name will be associated with the assets used.
- It will be used to check for associated filenames that end with _ske.json,
  _tex.json, and _tex.png.
- The listed assets must be found in the assigned assets folder.


<Dragonbones Sprite: Demon>
<Dragonbones Sprite: DragonBoy>
<Dragonbones Sprite: Swordsman>
<Dragonbones Sprite: Ubbie>


<Dragonbones Sprite Scale: x, y>

<Dragonbones Sprite Scale X: x>
<Dragonbones Sprite Scale Y: x>

- Used for: Actor, Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the base scale for the Dragonbones associated with this map sprite.
  This is for those instances where a Dragonbones armature is too large or
  small and needs to be scaled down/up.
- This scale will be amplified by the character's sprite's scale value.
- Use the 1st notetag to assign values to both Scale X and Scale Y.
- Use the 2nd/3rd notetags to assign Scale X and Y values separately.
- Use negative values to flip the Dragonbones armature around.


<Dragonbones Sprite Scale: -0.3, 0.3>

<Dragonbones Sprite Scale X: -0.3>
<Dragonbones Sprite Scale Y: 0.3>


<Dragonbones Sprite Offset: x, y>

<Dragonbones Sprite Offset X: x>
<Dragonbones Sprite Offset Y: x>

- Used for: Actor, Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- When a Dragonbones armature is attached to an character's map sprite, it
  will always be attached at the root point assigned within the Dragonbones
  data. If a Dragonbones armature has a root point that does not fit well
  with your battler sprite, you can offset it using these notetags.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with number values representing how many pixels you
  want to offset the Dragonbones armature by.
- Use the 1st notetag to assign values to both Offset X and Offset Y.
- Use the 2nd/3rd notetags to assign Offset X and Y values separately.
- Use negative values to offset to the left (X) or up (Y) directions.


<Dragonbones Sprite Offset: -10, 5>

<Dragonbones Sprite Offset X: -10>
<Dragonbones Sprite Offset Y: 5>


<Dragonbones Sprite Time Scale: x>

- Used for: Actor, Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Lets you adjust the time scale for the Dragonbones armature.
- Replace 'x' with a number value depicting how fast the armature should
  - 1.0 is the default value.
  - Higher numbers animate faster.
  - Lower numbers animate slower.
  - If a number is too small, it may not animate at all.


<Dragonbones Sprite Time Scale: 1.5>


<Dragonbones Sprite Walk Rate: x>

- Used for: Actor, Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Lets you adjust the animation speed for the Dragonbones armature only
  when it is walking.
- Replace 'x' with a number value depicting how fast the armature should
  - 1.0 is the default value.
  - Higher numbers animate faster.
  - Lower numbers animate slower.
  - If a number is too small, it may not animate at all.
- If used with the <Dragonbones Sprite Time Scale: x>, the speed will stack


<Dragonbones Sprite Walk Rate: 1.5>


<Dragonbones Sprite Dash Rate: x>

- Used for: Actor, Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Lets you adjust the animation speed for the Dragonbones armature only
  when it is dashing.
- Replace 'x' with a number value depicting how fast the armature should
  - 1.0 is the default value.
  - Higher numbers animate faster.
  - Lower numbers animate slower.
  - If a number is too small, it may not animate at all.
- If used with the <Dragonbones Sprite Time Scale: x>, the speed will stack


<Dragonbones Sprite Dash Rate: 1.5>


<Dragonbones Sprite Size: width, height>

<Dragonbones Sprite Width: x>
<Dragonbones Sprite Height: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Dragonbones armatures have no standard width or height. This makes it
  problematic when trying to calculate the sprite's width/height for various
  plugins that use it. These notetags allow you to assign a width and
  height value to the sprite, despite the fact the Dragonbones armatures
  have no such thing.
- Replace 'width', 'height', or 'x' with number values representing the
  dimension values in pixels.
- Use the 1st notetag to assign values to both Width and Height.
- Use the 2nd/3rd notetags to assign Width and Height values separately.
- If these notetags aren't used, then use the values defined by default in
  the Plugin Parameters.


<Dragonbones Sprite Size: 48, 64>

<Dragonbones Sprite Width: 48>
<Dragonbones Sprite Height: 64>


<Dragonbones Sprite Flip Left>
<Dragonbones Sprite Flip Right>

<Dragonbones Sprite No Flip Left>
<Dragonbones Sprite No Flip Right>

- Used for: Actor, Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Lets the map sprite know to flip itself when facing either the left/right
  directions in order to reuse animations.
- The 'No' variants will prevent flipping from occuring.
- These notetags will override settings applied in the Plugin Parameters.


<Dragonbones Sprite Motion Idle: animation>
<Dragonbones Sprite Motion Walk: animation>
<Dragonbones Sprite Motion Dash: animation>
<Dragonbones Sprite Motion Jump: animation>
<Dragonbones Sprite Motion LadderIdle: animation>
<Dragonbones Sprite Motion LadderClimb: animation>
<Dragonbones Sprite Motion RopeIdle: animation>
<Dragonbones Sprite Motion RopeClimb: animation>

- Used for: Actor, Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Lets you set specific animations different from the ones listed in the
  Plugin Parameters for specific motions.
- Replace 'animation' with the name of the Dragonbones animation.
- If this notetag is not used, when such a motion is rquested, it will
  default to attempting to play the animation name equal to the motion.
- Animation names do not need to be case sensitive.
- If no animation is found, then no animation will be played.


<Dragonbones Sprite Motion Idle: stand>
<Dragonbones Sprite Motion Walk: move>
<Dragonbones Sprite Motion Dash: run>
<Dragonbones Sprite Motion Jump: hop>


<Dragonbones Sprite Settings>
 Filename: filename

 Scale: x, y

 Scale X: x
 Scale Y: x

 Offset: x, y

 Offset X: x
 Offset Y: x

 Time Scale: x

 Width: x
 Height: x

 Flip Left
 Flip Right

 No Flip Left
 No Flip Right

 Motion Idle: animation
 Motion Walk: animation
 Motion Dash: animation
 Motion Jump: animation
 Motion LadderIdle: animation
 Motion LadderClimb: animation
 Motion RopeIdle: animation
 Motion RopeClimb: animation
</Dragonbones Sprite Settings>

- Used for: Actor, Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- The above notetag allows to wrap up all the information you'd like to
  set for Dragonbones battler armatures needed inside a single notetag
- The settings are the same as the notetags listed above it.
- You may remove the settings you don't wish to change.
- The only necessary data is the 'Filename: filename' line.


<Dragonbones Sprite Settings>
 Filename: Ubbie

 Scale: 0.1, 0.1

 Flip Right

 Motion Idle: stand
 Motion Walk: walk
</Dragonbones Sprite Settings>


Dice Rolls and RNG Seeds VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Action-Related Notetags



<RNG Seed: x>
<Daily Seed: x>
<Unique Seed: x>
<Daily Unique Seed: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes the skill or item to utilize Random Number Seeds to yield
  predictable outcomes for damage, hit rate, critical rate, etc.
- Replace 'x' with the "seed" you would like to use.
  - Replace 'x' with "auto" to automatically name the seed based on the
    skill/item's name.
  - Seed will be furthered modified by the plugin based on the user, the
    target, and the action used as to prevent RNG manipulation.
- "RNG Seed" variant is a generalized seed.
- "Daily Seed" variant will have results vary based on the day.
- "Unique Seed" variant will have results vary based on save marker.
- "Daily Unique Seed" variant will have results vary based on the day and
    and save marker.
- Only applies to the happenings of inside Game_Action.prototype.apply and
  Action Sequence - MECH: Action Effect.
  - For all other things, utilize the Plugin Commands for this plugin to
    grab RNG-generated values within variables and use that or use the
    script calls to access RNG-generated results.
- If this notetag is not used, default to the settings found in the Plugin
  Parameters for the default action Random Number Generator seed.


    <Unique Seed: RpgTsukuru>


<No RNG Seed>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used to suppress the Plugin Parameter's default action Random Number
  Generator seed and to prevent this skill/item from using RNG seeds.


Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

Element-Related Notetags


The following are element-related notetags.


<Multi-Element: x>
<Multi-Element: x,x,x>

<Multi-Element: name>
<Multi-Element: name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Gives this action an additional element (alongside the Damage element)
  when calculating damage.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the element from Database > Types.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.


<Multi-Element Rule: Maximum>
<Multi-Element Rule: Minimum>
<Multi-Element Rule: Multiply>
<Multi-Element Rule: Additive>
<Multi-Element Rule: Average>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the multi-element ruling for this action to either 'Maximum',
  'Minimum', 'Multiply', 'Additive', or 'Average'.
- If this notetag is not used, refer to the default ruling set by the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Force Action Element: Null>

<Force Action Element: x>
<Force Action Element: x,x,x>

<Force Action Element: name>
<Force Action Element: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Forces any actions performed by this unit to be the specific element(s).
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the element from Database > Types.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- If multiples of this notetag are found across various Database objects,
  priority will go in the order of states, actor, enemy, class, equips.


<Force Received Element id Rate: x%>
<Force Received Element id Rate: x.x>

<Force Received Element name Rate: x%>
<Force Received Element name Rate: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Forces the unit to receive elemental damage at x multiplier.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.


<Received Element id Plus: +x%>
<Received Element id Plus: +x.x>

<Received Element name Plus: +x%>
<Received Element name Plus: +x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the received elemental damage additively before applying rates and
  flat bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.
- Formula works as follows: (base + plus) * rate + flat
- Formula may vary if changed up in the Plugin Parameters.
- This does not add on flat bonus damages after calculating elemental rates.
  This merely adds onto it at the end after applying rates if the formula
  from above is unchanged.


<Received Element id Rate: x%>
<Received Element id Rate: x.x>

<Received Element name Rate: x%>
<Received Element name Rate: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the received elemental damage multiplicatively after applying plus and
  before applying flat bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.
- Formula works as follows: (base + plus) * rate + flat
- Formula may vary if changed up in the Plugin Parameters.


<Received Element id Flat: +x%>
<Received Element id Flat: +x.x>

<Received Element name Flat: +x%>
<Received Element name Flat: +x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the received elemental damage additively after applying rates and
  plus bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.
- Formula works as follows: (base + plus) * rate + flat
- Formula may vary if changed up in the Plugin Parameters.
- This does not add on flat bonus damages after calculating elemental rates.
  This merely adds onto it at the end after applying rates if the formula
  from above is unchanged.


<Dealt Element id Plus: +x%>
<Dealt Element id Plus: +x.x>

<Dealt Element name Plus: +x%>
<Dealt Element name Plus: +x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the dealt elemental damage additively before applying rates and
  flat bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.
- Formula works as follows: (base + plus) * rate + flat
- Formula may vary if changed up in the Plugin Parameters.
- This does not add on flat bonus damages after calculating elemental rates.
  This merely adds onto it at the end after applying rates if the formula
  from above is unchanged.


<Dealt Element id Rate: x%>
<Dealt Element id Rate: x.x>

<Dealt Element name Rate: x%>
<Dealt Element name Rate: x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the dealt elemental damage multiplicatively after applying plus and
  before applying flat bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.
- Formula works as follows: (base + plus) * rate + flat
- Formula may vary if changed up in the Plugin Parameters.


<Dealt Element id Flat: +x%>
<Dealt Element id Flat: +x.x>

<Dealt Element name Flat: +x%>
<Dealt Element name Flat: +x.x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the dealt elemental damage additively after applying rates and
  plus bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.
- Formula works as follows: (base + plus) * rate + flat
- Formula may vary if changed up in the Plugin Parameters.
- This does not add on flat bonus damages after calculating elemental rates.
  This merely adds onto it at the end after applying rates if the formula
  from above is unchanged.


<Element Absorb: x>
<Element Absorb: x,x,x>

<Element Absorb: name>
<Element Absorb: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Gives the unit the ability to absorb damage from element.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the element from Database > Types.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to absorb more elements.
- Absorption is calculated after all other element rates have been made.


<Element Reflect: x>
<Element Reflect: x,x,x>

<Element Reflect: name>
<Element Reflect: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Gives the unit the ability to reflect damage from element.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the element from Database > Types.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to reflect more elements.
- Reflection occurs before any damage is calculated and dealt.
- Elemental Reflection will take priority over Magic Reflection.


<Bypass Element Reflect>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes this skill/item unable to be reflected by Element Reflect effect.


<Element Reflect Rule: All>
- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes this skill/item require all of the action's elements to be
  considered "reflected" in order for this action to be actually reflected.
- If this notetag is not used, refer to setting found in Plugin Parameters.


<Element Reflect Rule: All>
- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes this skill/item require only one of action's element to be
  considered "reflected" in order for this action to be actually reflected.
- If this notetag is not used, refer to setting found in Plugin Parameters.


<Element Pierce: x>
<Element Pierce: x,x,x>

<Element Pierce: name>
<Element Pierce: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Gives the unit the ability to attack with the element and bypass any kinds
  of damage immunities, reflections, and absorptions.
  - Actions can still miss or be countered, however.
- If an action has multiple elements, as long as one element has pierce, the
  action will go through.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the element from Database > Types.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
  Remove any \I[x] in the 'name' replacement.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to reflect more elements.


<Element Pierce>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes this skill/item bypass any kinds of damage immunities, reflections,
  and absorptions.
  - Action can still miss or be countered, however.


JavaScript Notetags: Element-Related


The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to determine dynamic element-related effects.


<JS Force Received Element id Rate: code>
<JS Force Received Element name Rate: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Forces the unit to receive elemental damage at a code-determined rate.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the change.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.


<JS Received Element id Plus: code>
<JS Received Element name Plus: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the received elemental damage additively before applying rates and
  flat bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the change.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.


<JS Received Element id Rate: code>
<JS Received Element name Rate: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the received elemental damage additively after applying plus and
  before applying flat bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the change.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.


<JS Received Element id Flat: code>
<JS Received Element name Flat: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the received elemental damage additively after applying rates and
  plus bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the change.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.


<JS Dealt Element id Plus: code>
<JS Dealt Element name Plus: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the dealt elemental damage additively before applying rates and
  flat bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the change.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.


<JS Dealt Element id Rate: code>
<JS Dealt Element name Rate: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the dealt elemental damage additively after applying plus and
  before applying flat bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the change.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.


<JS Dealt Element id Flat: code>
<JS Dealt Element name Flat: code>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the dealt elemental damage additively after applying rates and
  plus bonuses.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the element.
- For 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the element's name.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the change.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to allow unit to assign more elements.


Trait Set Notetags


Trait Sets are used to apply various properties to actor and enemy units as a whole depending on what the trait set is. Use the following notetags to determine how to properly assign the desired Trait Set.

WARNING: Trait Sets only work if they are enabled in the Plugin Parameters: ElementStatusCore => General Trait Set Settings => Enable Trait Sets?


<Element: name>
<SubElement: name>
<Gender: name>
<Race: name>
<Nature: name>
<Alignment: name>
<Blessing: name>
<Curse: name>
<Zodiac: name>
<Variant: name>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Determines the specific Trait Set(s) for the actor or enemy unit.
- Replace 'name' with the name of an associated Trait Set type found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- If any of these notetags are unused, the Trait Set will default to the one
  determined in the Plugin Parameters.


<Element: Fire>
<SubElement: Thunder>
<Gender: Male>
<Nature: Jolly>
<Alignment: Chaotic Good>
<Zodiac: Aries>


<Trait Sets>
 Element:    name
 SubElement: name
 Gender:     name
 Race:       name
 Nature:     name
 Alignment:  name
 Blessing:   name
 Curse:      name
 Zodiac:     name
 Variant:    name
</Trait Sets>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Determines the Trait Set(s) for the actor or enemy unit.
- Replace 'name' with the name of an associated Trait Set type found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- You may remove the Trait Set types (ie. Blessing and Curse) that you don't
  want to assign anything to from the list.
- If any of these sets are unused, the Trait Set will default to the one
  determined in the Plugin Parameters.


<Trait Sets>
 Element:    Fire
 SubElement: Thunder
 Gender:     Male
 Nature:     Jolly
 Alignment:  Chaotic Good
 Zodiac:     Aries
</Trait Sets>


<Random type>
 name: weight
 name: weight
 name: weight
</Random type>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Assigns a random Trait Set for this Trait Set 'type'.
- Replace 'type' with 'Element', 'SubElement', 'Gender', 'Race', 'Nature',
  'Alignment', 'Blessing', 'Curse', 'Zodiac', or 'Variant' depending on
  which you're trying to randomize.
- Replace 'name' with the name of an associated Trait Set type found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'name'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'name' instead.
- This would bypass the innate settings determined in the Plugin Parameters.


<Random Gender>
 Male: 75
 Female: 25
</Random Gender>

<Random Variant>
 Mighty: 10
 Major: 20
 Greater: 60
 Normal: 200
 Lesser: 10
</Random Variant>


<No Random Trait Sets>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Prevents random Trait Sets from being assigned to this actor/enemy unit.


<Trait Set Name Format>
</Trait Set Name Format>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Enemy names can be affected by the Trait Sets they have. Replace 'text'
  with the format you wish to see them have.
- Insert [Name] into 'text' to determine where the enemy's name goes.
- Insert [Letter] into 'text' to determine where the enemy's letter goes.
- Insert [Element] into 'text' to determine where the format text goes.
- Insert [SubElement] into 'text' to determine where the format text goes.
- Insert [Gender] into 'text' to determine where the format text goes.
- Insert [Race] into 'text' to determine where the format text goes.
- Insert [Nature] into 'text' to determine where the format text goes.
- Insert [Alignment] into 'text' to determine where the format text goes.
- Insert [Blessing] into 'text' to determine where the format text goes.
- Insert [Curse] into 'text' to determine where the format text goes.
- Insert [Zodiac] into 'text' to determine where the format text goes.
- Insert [Variant] into 'text' to determine where the format text goes.


<Trait Set Name Format>
 [Alignment] [Nature] [Element] [Name][Gender] [Letter]
</Trait Set Name Format>


<traitname Battler Name: filename>

<traitname Battler Names>
 filename: weight
 filename: weight
 filename: weight
</traitname Battler Names>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Allows certain Trait Sets to cause battlers to have a unique appearance.
- Replace 'traitname' with the name of the Trait Set (ie. Male, Female).
- Replace 'filename' with the battler graphic to associate with that
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'name'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'name' instead.
  Trait Set.


<Male Battler Name: Spider1>
<Female Battler Name: Spider2>

<Male Battler Names>
 Rogue: 25
 Fighter: 10
</Male Battler Names>



<traitname Battler Hue: x>

<traitname Battler Hues>
 x: weight
 x: weight
 x: weight
</traitname Battler Hues>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Allows certain Trait Sets to cause battlers to use a different hue.
- Replace 'traitname' with the name of the Trait Set (ie. Male, Female).
- Replace 'x' with a number from 0 to 360 depicting the hue to become.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'name'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'name' instead.


<Male Battler Hue: 160>
<Female Battler Hue: 275>

<Female Battler Hues>
 275: 10
 325: 5
</Female Battler Hues>


<Equip Trait Requirement: name>
<Equip Trait Requirement: name, name, name>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Makes this piece of equipment equippable by only actors with those traits.
- If there are multiple traits required, all of them have to be met.
- If multiple trait types share the same trait name, the listed name will
  count for all of them.
- Replace 'name' with the name of an associated Trait Set type found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- Changing trait sets mid-game will remove unmatched traits.
- Usage Example: <Equip Trait Requirement: Female> makes the item only
  equippable by female actors as long as they are tagged as female.


<Damage VS name Trait: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on a skill or item, the action will perform 'x%' damage versus any
  targets with 'name' trait sets (any of them).
- If present in an actor, class, weapon, armor, enemy, or state's notebox,
  all damage types will be multiplied by 'x%' versus targets with 'name'
  trait sets (any of them).
- This notetag does not affect healing.
- Replace 'name' with the name of an associated Trait Set type found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing a percentage value to augment
  damage by.
- Use multiple notetags to affect multiple trait types. If multiple effects
  manage to stack, they will stack multiplicatively.


<Healing VS name Trait: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on a skill or item, the action will perform 'x%' heals versus any
  targets with 'name' trait sets (any of them).
- If present in an actor, class, weapon, armor, enemy, or state's notebox,
  all heal types will be multiplied by 'x%' versus targets with 'name'
  trait sets (any of them).
- This notetag does not affect damage.
- Replace 'name' with the name of an associated Trait Set type found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing a percentage value to augment
  heals by.
- Use multiple notetags to affect multiple trait types. If multiple effects
  manage to stack, they will stack multiplicatively.


<Accuracy VS name Trait: x%>
<Accuracy VS name Trait: +x%>
<Accuracy VS name Trait: -x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on a skill or item, the action will have 'x%', '+x%', or '-x%'
  accuracy against any targets with 'name' trait sets (any of them).
- If present in an actor, class, weapon, armor, enemy, or state's notebox,
  all actions will have 'x%', '+x%', or '-x%' accuracy against any targets
  with 'name' trait sets (any of them).
- Replace 'name' with the name of an associated Trait Set type found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' respectively for percentile or additive/subtractive values.
  - 'x%' means an action with an accuracy rate of 20% will be (20% * x%).
  - '+x%' means an action with an accuracy rate of 20% will be (20% + x%).
  - '-x%' means an action with an accuracy rate of 20% will be (20% - x%).
- Multiple 'x%' notetags will stack multiplicatively.
- Multiple '+x' and '-x' notetags will stack additively.


<Critical VS name Trait: x%>
<Critical VS name Trait: +x%>
<Critical VS name Trait: -x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on a skill or item, the action will have 'x%', '+x%', or '-x%'
  crtical rate against any targets with 'name' trait sets (any of them).
- If present in an actor, class, weapon, armor, enemy, or state's notebox,
  all actions will have 'x%', '+x%', or '-x%' crtical rate against any
  targets with 'name' trait sets (any of them).
- Replace 'name' with the name of an associated Trait Set type found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' respectively for percentile or additive/subtractive values.
  - 'x%' means an action with a critical rate of 20% will be (20% * x%).
  - '+x%' means an action with a critical rate of 20% will be (20% + x%).
  - '-x%' means an action with a critical rate of 20% will be (20% - x%).
- Multiple 'x%' notetags will stack multiplicatively.
- Multiple '+x' and '-x' notetags will stack additively.


Actor Biography Notetag


The following notetag is used for the Status Menu if the updated Status Menu Layout option has been enabled from the Plugin Parameters.



- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Determines the actor's biography shown in the Status Menu.
- Replace 'text' with the text intended.
- Text Codes are allowed.
- The biography can be changed mid-game through Plugin Commands.
- If this notetag isn't used, then the actor's profile message is displayed
  as the biography.


Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Battle Advantage-Related Tags

EncounterEffects Preemptive.png



- Used for: Troop Name Tag
- Any troop with this tag in its name will have the battle start off with
  the preemptive advantage (in favor of the player party).


EncounterEffects Surprise.png


- Used for: Troop Name Tag
- Any troop with this tag in its name will have the battle start off with
  the surprise advantage (in favor of the enemy party).


<No Advantage>

- Used for: Troop Name Tag
- Any troop with this tag in its name will have the battle start off with
  no advantage at all.



- Used for: Troop Name Tag
- Any troop with this tag in its name will have the battle start off with
  a chance for preemptive, surprise, or no advantages (calculated normally).


Event Encounter-Related Notetags

EncounterEffects EncounterLock.png


<Follower Trigger>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- This event can trigger by touching a follower instead of only the player.


<Encounter Direction Lock>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Normally when an event triggers without Direction Fix, it will face the
  player character. This tag prevents the event from facing the player, but
  still allows the event to freely turn directions.
- This is best used in conjunction with the Conditional Branch scripts.


Alert-Related Notetags

EncounterEffects Chase.gif



- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- This will use the default settings unless changed by other tags.


EncounterEffects FoV.gif

<Alert Range: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- Changes the event's alert detection range to 'x' tiles.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of tiles to use
  for its detection range.


<Alert Dash>
<Alert Walk>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- If alerted, the event will dash/walk instead of whatever is set as a
  default setting within the Plugin Parameters.


<Alert Time: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- This determines the amount of time in frames for the event to chase the
  player continuously while the player is outside of the detection range.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of frames for the
  event to keep chasing the player with.
- If the player steps back into the alert detection range, the timer will be


<Alert FoV Angle: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the Field of View angle to 'x' for the event.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the degrees of for the field
  of view angle used by the event to detect players.
- The angle will always be centered to the event's line of sight.


<Alert Show FoV>
<Alert Hide FoV>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Shows/hides the field of view for the event.
- If an event's field of view is hidden, it can still chase players when
  entering the event's range.


EncounterEffects Chase.gif

<Alert Response: chase>
<Alert Response: rush>
<Alert Response: flee>
<Alert Response: random>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- This determines how an alerted event will react.
- Chase: Use path finding to find a route to the player
- Rush: Rush directly at the player
- Flee: Run away from the player
- Random: Move in random directions


<Response Balloon: name>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- Determines the balloon displayed when initially alerted and responding.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following:
  - None
  - Exclamation
  - Question
  - Music Note
  - Heart
  - Angle
  - Sweat
  - Frustration
  - Silence
  - Light Bulb
  - Zzz
  - User-defined 1
  - User-defined 2
  - User-defined 3
  - User-defined 4
  - User-defined 5


<Alert React Delay: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- When initially alerted, there is a small window of waiting before starting
  the chase.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of frames for the
  initial reaction delay.


<Alert Common Event: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- Runs a Common Event when initially alerted.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event to run.
- Use 0 to run no Common Events.


<Alert Sound Name: name>
<Alert Sound Volume: x>
<Alert Sound Pitch: y>
<Alert Sound Pan: z>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- Play this sound effect when the event is initially alerted.
- Replace 'name' with the filename of the sound effect found in /audio/se/
  to play. Do NOT include the file extension.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the volume of the sound effect.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the pitch of the sound effect.
- Replace 'z' with a number representing the pan of the sound effect.


<Return Position>
<Stay Position>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- Decide if the event will return back to its initial position after an
  alert chase is over.
- Or if it will stay where it currently is.


<Return Time: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- This is the amount of time spent (in frames) after an alert chase is over
  but returning back to the event's original position.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of frames for the
  duration between idling and returning.


<Idle Balloon: name>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- Determines the balloon displayed when beginning the idle phase after an
  alert chase is over but before returning back to the original position.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following:
  - None
  - Exclamation
  - Question
  - Music Note
  - Heart
  - Angle
  - Sweat
  - Frustration
  - Silence
  - Light Bulb
  - Zzz
  - User-defined 1
  - User-defined 2
  - User-defined 3
  - User-defined 4
  - User-defined 5


<Returning Balloon: name>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Enables alert detection towards the player on the event.
- Determines the balloon displayed when the event starts returning back to
  the event's original position.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following:
  - None
  - Exclamation
  - Question
  - Music Note
  - Heart
  - Angle
  - Sweat
  - Frustration
  - Silence
  - Light Bulb
  - Zzz
  - User-defined 1
  - User-defined 2
  - User-defined 3
  - User-defined 4
  - User-defined 5


Alert Vision Blocking-Related Notetags


<Block Vision Tag: x>
<Block Vision Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Tileset and Map Notetags
- When using a specific tileset or on a specific map, tiles marked with the
  terrain tag 'x' will obscure the line of sight from the event to the
  player character.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the terrain tag used.
- This does NOT change the Field of View Alert Detection Range graphic.


<Block Vision Region: x>
<Block Vision Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Tileset and Map Notetags
- When using a specific tileset or on a specific map, tiles marked with the
  region ID 'x' will obscure the line of sight from the event to the
  player character.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the region ID used.
- This does NOT change the Field of View Alert Detection Range graphic.


Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


General TP Mode Notetags

EnhancedTP Preview2.png

These are TP Mode-related notatags that affect both actors and enemies.


<TP Mode: name>

- Used for: Actor Enemy, State Notetags
- Sets the starting TP Mode for this actor/enemy to be 'name'.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a TP Mode from the Plugin Parameters =>
  TP Modes listing.


<Starting TP Modes>
</Starting TP Modes>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Adds TP Modes to the actor's available list of TP Modes from the start.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a TP Mode from the Plugin Parameters =>
  TP Modes listing.
- Insert more 'name' entries for more TP Modes.


<Change Target TP Mode: name>

<Change User TP Mode: name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the target/user's TP Mode to the target TP Mode upon using this
- For <Change Target TP Mode: name>, the action must successfully hit the
  target in order for the TP Mode to change.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a TP Mode from the Plugin Parameters =>
  TP Modes listing.


Actor-Only TP Mode Notetags

EnhancedTP Preview2.png

These are TP Mode-related notetags that only affect actors.


<Learn TP Mode: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Causes the target selected actor to learn the specific TP Mode when the
  skill is learned.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to have the skill learn more
  TP Modes for the target actor.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a TP Mode from the Plugin Parameters =>
  TP Modes listing.
- Keep in mind that learning the skill is required for the TP Mode to be
  learned. Adding the skill through a trait will not teach the TP Mode.


<Learn TP Modes>
</Learn TP Modes>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Causes the target selected actor to learn the specific TP Mode when the
  skill is learned.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a TP Mode from the Plugin Parameters =>
  TP Modes listing.
- Insert more 'name' entries for more TP Modes.


<Unlock TP Mode: name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes the target selected actor to unlock the specific TP Mode.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to have the item/skill unlock more
  TP Modes for the target actor.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a TP Mode from the Plugin Parameters =>
  TP Modes listing.


<Unlock TP Modes>
</Unlock TP Modes>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes the target selected actor to unlock the specific TP Mode.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a TP Mode from the Plugin Parameters =>
  TP Modes listing.
- Insert more 'name' entries for more TP Modes.


<Force TP Mode: name>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Forces the affected battler to use the specific named TP Mode in battle.
- Priority is given based the ordering of trait objects if multiple forced
  TP Mode effects are present.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a TP Mode from the Plugin Parameters =>
  TP Modes listing.


Enemy Levels VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Setup Enemy Level Notetags

Enemy Levels.png

These are the notetags that determine an enemy's level upon creation.


<Show Level>
<Hide Level>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Lets you show or hide an enemy's level from their name.
- This will override the Plugin Parameters => General => Show Enemy Level?


<Level: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Sets the enemy's level to a static level of 'x' whenever it's created.
- Replace 'x' with a numeric value representing its level.
- This will bypass the default level settings and ignore map levels.
- This is affected by the Level Bonus and Level Variance modifiers.


<Level: x to y>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Sets the enemy's level to a level between 'x' and 'y'  whenever the enemy
  is created.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with a numeric values representing its level range.
- This will bypass the default level settings and ignore map levels.
- This is affected by the Level Bonus and Level Variance modifiers.


<Level Variable: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Sets the enemy's level to a level represented by the value used inside
  Game Variable x.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the Game Variable to reference its value.
- This will bypass the default level settings and ignore map levels.
- This is affected by the Level Bonus and Level Variance modifiers.


<Level: Highest Actor Level>
<Level: Highest Party Level>

<Level: Average Actor Level>
<Level: Average Party Level>

<Level: Lowest Actor Level>
<Level: Lowest Party Level>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Sets the base level of this enemy equal to either (respectively:
  - The highest level of any actor in the player's party.
  - The highest level of any actor in the battling party.
  - The average level of any actor in the player's party.
  - The average level of any actor in the battling party.
  - The lowest level of any actor in the player's party.
  - The lowest level of any actor in the battling party.
- This will bypass the default level settings and ignore map levels.
- This is affected by the Level Bonus and Level Variance modifiers.


<Level Bonus: +x>
<Level Bonus: -x>

- Used for: Enemy
- This will add/subtrack the base level decided using the above notetags
  with a specific value.
- Replace 'x' with a numeric value on how much to adjust the base level by.


<Level Variance: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- This can allow the level range for the enemy to be anywhere from 'x' less
  than the base to 'x' more than the base.
- Replace 'x' with a numeric value indicating how much level variance there
  is from the base level.


<Positive Level Variance: x>
<Negative Level Variance: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- This specifies the positive and negative level variances applied to the
  base level, specifying a change anywhere between the negative and positive
  modifiers to the base level.
- Replace 'x' with a numeric value indicating how much level variance there
  is from the base level (negatively or positively).


<Minimum Level: x>
<Maximum Level: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- These notetags determine the absolute lowest and absolute highest level
  the enemy can be after all other modifiers.
- Even if the bonus, variance, and manual level changes are applied, the
  enemy's level cannot be less than the minimum or larger than the maximum.
- Replace 'x' with numeric values representing the limits of the enemy's
  level ranges.


JavaScript Notetags: Setup Enemy Level

Enemy Levels.png

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to determine dynamic enemy level setup notetags.


<JS Level: code>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Sets the enemy's level to a static level determined by code whenever
  it's created.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the enemy's base level.


<JS Level Bonus: code>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- This will add/subtrack the base level decided using the above notetags
  by a value determined by JavaScript code.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the level bonus.


<JS Level Variance: code>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- This can allow the level range for the enemy determined by JavaScript code
  as variance.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the level variance.


<JS Positive Level Variance: code>
<JS Negative Level Variance: code>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- This specifies the positive and negative level variances applied to the
  base level, specifying a change anywhere between the negative and positive
  modifiers to the base level.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the level variance.


Enemy Appearance-Related Notetags

Enemy Levels.png

These notetags allow you to adjust how enemies look based on their level. These settings will always start with level 1 being the default appearance while changing appearances once they reach a specific level.


<Level x Image: filename>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Once the enemy reaches level 'x' and above, its image will change to
  whatever 'filename' is used until it reaches the next appearance setting.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the level required to reach.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the enemy in the img/enemies/
  and/or img/sv_enemies folder.
- Insert multiples of these notetags to give them different image settings
  throughout various levels.
- If multiple notetags are used, the settings will be arranged from lowest
  to highest, giving priority to the highest met level.


<Level Images>
 x: filename
 x: filename
 x: filename
</Level Images>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Once the enemy reaches level 'x' and above, its image will change to
  whatever 'filename' is used until it reaches the next appearance setting.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the level required to reach.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the enemy in the img/enemies/
  and/or img/sv_enemies folder.
- Insert multiple lines of the 'x: filename' portion of the notetag to
  designate multiple settings.
- If multiple settings are used, the settings will be arranged from lowest
  to highest, giving priority to the highest met level.


Map Notetags that Determine Enemy Levels

EnemyLevels MapNotetag.png

The following are notetags that are placed inside of a map's notebox to determine the levels of enemies fought on that map. These notetags cannot bypass the <Level: x> notetags but will take priority over the default Plugin Parameter settings.


<Enemy Level: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Sets the levels of the map's enemies to a static level of 'x' whenever
  they're created.
- Replace 'x' with a numeric value representing its level.
- This will bypass the default level settings but cannot bypass any of the
  <Level: x> notetags.
- This is affected by the Level Bonus and Level Variance modifiers.


<Enemy Level: x to y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Sets the map's enemy levels to a level between 'x' and 'y'  whenever they
  are created.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with a numeric values representing its level range.
- This will bypass the default level settings but cannot bypass any of the
  <Level: x> notetags.
- This is affected by the Level Bonus and Level Variance modifiers.


<Enemy Level: Highest Actor Level>
<Enemy Level: Highest Party Level>

<Enemy Level: Average Actor Level>
<Enemy Level: Average Party Level>

<Enemy Level: Lowest Actor Level>
<Enemy Level: Lowest Party Level>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Sets the base level of this map's levels equal to either (respectively:
  - The highest level of any actor in the player's party.
  - The highest level of any actor in the battling party.
  - The average level of any actor in the player's party.
  - The average level of any actor in the battling party.
  - The lowest level of any actor in the player's party.
  - The lowest level of any actor in the battling party.
- This will bypass the default level settings but cannot bypass any of the
  <Level: x> notetags.
- This is affected by the Level Bonus and Level Variance modifiers.


JavaScript Notetags: Map Notetags that Determine Enemy Levels

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to make map-related notetags that determine enemy levels. These notetags cannot bypass the <Level: x> notetags but will take priority over the default Plugin Parameter settings.


<JS Enemy Level: code>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Sets the levels of the map enemies to a static level determined by code
  whenever it's created.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the enemy's base level.


Enemy Level Parameter Notetags

EnemyLevel StatView.png

The growth rate and flat growth amounts can be determined by default in Plugin Parameters => Parameters Growth. However, if you wish for enemies to have special or unique growth, use the following notetags.


<Growth Rate Per Level>
 MaxHP: +x.x
 MaxMP: +x.x
 ATK: +x.x
 DEF: +x.x
 MAT: +x.x
 MDF: +x.x
 AGI: +x.x
 LUK: +x.x
 EXP: +x.x
 Gold: +x.x
 Drop: +x.x
</Growth Rate Per Level>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes the rate of growth per level for the enemy.
- Replace 'x.x' with a positive or negative value on how much to raise the
  parameter by for each level relative to the base value.


<Growth Flat Per Level>
 MaxHP: +x.x
 MaxMP: +x.x
 ATK: +x.x
 DEF: +x.x
 MAT: +x.x
 MDF: +x.x
 AGI: +x.x
 LUK: +x.x
 EXP: +x.x
 Gold: +x.x
 Drop: +x.x
</Growth Flat Per Level>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes the flat growth value per level for the enemy.
- Replace 'x.x' with a positive or negative value on how much to raise the
  parameter by for each level as a flat value.


<Static Level Parameters>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Insert this notetag if you do not wish for the growth modifiers to affect
  the enemy and just use the database's parameters as its current parameters
  no matter the level.


Enemy Level Skill Requirement Notetags


<Enemy Skill id Require Level: x>
<Enemy Skill name Require Level: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- To make actions for enemies require specific levels, use the above notetag
  to define what level the enemy can use the identified skill at.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the skill to assign a level to.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the skill to assign a level to.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to assign levels to multiple skills.


Enemy Level Change Notetags

These notetags affect mid-battle level changing effects for enemies.


<Change Enemy Level: +x>
<Change Enemy Level: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the enemy's level by 'x' positively or negatively mid-battle.
- This will also alter the enemy's parameters.
- Replace 'x' with the amount to raise/drop the level by.


<Reset Enemy Level>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Resets any level changes made to the enemy from the start of battle.


<Resist Level Change>

- Used for: Enemy, State Notetags
- Makes the affected enemy resist level changes.


JavaScript Notetags: Enemy Level Change

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to affect mid-battle level changing effects for enemies.


<JS Change Enemy Level: code>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the enemy's level by a value determined by JavaScript code either
  positively or negatively mid-battle.
- This will also alter the enemy's parameters.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the amount to change the
  enemy's level by.


Equip Battle Skills VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Max Slots-Related Notetags

EquipBattleSkills Preview1.png


<Equip Skill Base Slots: x>

- Used for: Actor, Class Notetags
- Determines the base equip battle skill slots an actor can have.
- Priority will be given to the actor notetag over the class notetag if both
  notetags are present.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the base slots amount.
- If this notetag is not used, use the Plugin Parameters default value.


<Equip Skill Slots: +x>
<Equip Skill Slots: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Alters the maximum amount of equip battle skill slots an actor can have on
  top of the base value.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the increase or decrease in maximum
  equip battle skill slots.


Skill Tier-Related Notetags

EquipBattleSkills Preview2.png


<Skill Tier: key>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines the skill tier the skill belongs to.
- Replace 'key' with the 'Tier ID Key' of the tier. You can find this data
  in the 'Skill Tiers' Plugin Parameters.


<Skill Tier key Base Slots: x>

- Used for: Actor, Class Notetags
- Determines the base skill slots associated with the 'key' skill tier that
  an actor can have.
- Priority will be given to the actor notetag over the class notetag if both
  notetags are present.
- Replace 'key' with the 'Tier ID Key' of the tier. You can find this data
  in the 'Skill Tiers' Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the base slots amount.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to provide different base amounts
  for different skill tiers.


<Skill Tier key Slots: +x>
<Skill Tier key Slots: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Alters the maximum amount of skill slots associated with the 'key' skill
  tier that an actor can have.
- Replace 'key' with the 'Tier ID Key' of the tier. You can find this data
  in the 'Skill Tiers' Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the increase or decrease in maximum
  equip battle skill slots.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to provide different bonus amounts
  for different skill tiers.


Equip Bonuses-Related Notetags

EquipBattleSkills Preview2.png


<Equip param: +x>
<Equip param: -x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- If this skill is equipped as a battle skill, it will also provide a flat
  stat increase/decrease to 'param' by 'x' amount.
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to alter.
- Replace 'x' with an integer to determine the flat increase or decrease to
  the designated parameter.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to provide different bonus amounts
  for different parameters.


<Equip State: id>
<Equip States: id, id, id>
<Equip State: name>
<Equip States: name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- If this skill is equipped as a battle skill, it will also provide the
  designated state(s) as passive state(s) as long as the skill is equipped.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the state to add as a
  passive state that is only active while this equipped as a battle skill.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the state to add as a passive state that
  is only active while this equipped as a battle skill.
  - Separate multiple names with commas. Case is not sensitive.
- This differs from <Passive State: x> in how <Passive State: x> will always
  be providing the passive state regardless if the skill is equipped or not.
  This notetag requires the skill to be equipped in order to work.


Actor Restriction-Related Notetags

EquipBattleSkills Preview3.png


<Can Equip Battle Skills>
<Cannot Equip Battle Skills>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Determines if certain classes can equip battle skills or not.
- If a class can equip battle skills, then the actor can utilize the equip
  battle skill mechanics.
- If a class cannot, then they will behave as normally.


Skill Restriction-Related Notetags

EquipBattleSkills Preview2.png


<Cannot Equip>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- This skill cannot be equipped as a battle skill.


<Hide Equippable>
- Used for: Skill Notetags
- This skill cannot be equipped as a battle skill and will also be hidden
  from the equip skill list.


<Access Equippable>
<Access Only Equippable>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- This skill can only be equipped as a battle skill if the actor would
  normally have access to its skill type(s).
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.


<Always Equippable>
<All Access Equippable>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- This skill can always be equipped as a battle skill regardless if the
  actor would normally have access to its skill type(s).
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.


Equip Medal System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Setup-Related Notetags

EquipMedalSys Preview1.png


<Equip Medal Cost: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Determines the Medal Slot cost of the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Medal Slot cost.
- If this notetag is not used, the Medal Slot cost will default to
  the setting found in the Plugin Parameters.


<Learnable Equip Medal: id>
<Learnable Equip Medals: id, id, id>

<Learnable Equip Medal: name>
<Learnable Equip Medals: name, name, name>

<Learnable Equip Medals>
</Learnable Equip Medals>

- Used for: Actor, Class Notetags
- Determines which Equippable Medals that actors and classes can learn.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the medal.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the medal.


<Equip Medal Icon: x>
<Equip Medal Name: name>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Changes the icon and name of the Equippable Medal to something different
  than how it is listed in the database or found in other menus.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the icon index you want.
- Replace 'name' with the text of the name you want used.


<Equip Medal Help Description>
</Equip Medal Help Description>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Changes the help description of the Equippable Medal to something
  different than how it is listed in the database or found in other menus.
- Replace 'text' with text you want displayed when this medal is selected
  and can be possibly equipped.


<Learned Equip Medal: id>
<Learned Equip Medals: id, id, id>

<Learned Equip Medal: name>
<Learned Equip Medals: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Allows this actor to already have learned this Equippable Medal by
  default so that it is available when the actor joins your party.
- These Equippable Medals do not have to be listed through the learnable
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the medal.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the medal.


<Already Equip Medal: id>
<Already Equip Medals: id, id, id>

<Already Equip Medal: name>
<Already Equip Medals: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Allows this actor to already have learned this Equippable Medal and has
  it equipped by default so that it is available when the actor joins your
- These Equippable Medals do not have to be listed through the learnable
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the medal.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the medal.


<Branch Learn Equip Medal: id>
<Branch Learn Equip Medals: id, id, id>

<Branch Learn Equip Medal: name>
<Branch Learn Equip Medals: name, name, name>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- When this Equippable Medal is learned, also learn target medal(s).
- Target medal(s) does not have to be learnable listed.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the target medal.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the target medal.


<Branch Learnable Equip Medal: id>
<Branch Learnable Equip Medals: id, id, id>

<Branch Learnable Equip Medal: name>
<Branch Learnable Equip Medals: name, name, name>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- When this Equippable Medal is learned, add target medal(s) to the
  actor's learnable medal list.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the target medal.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the target medal.


<Link Learn Equip Medal: id>
<Link Learn Equip Medals: id, id, id>

<Link Learn Equip Medal: name>
<Link Learn Equip Medals: name, name, name>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is gained, also learn target medal(s).
- Target medal(s) does not have to be learnable listed.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the target medal.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the target medal.


<Link Learnable Equip Medal: id>
<Link Learnable Equip Medals: id, id, id>

<Link Learnable Equip Medal: name>
<Link Learnable Equip Medals: name, name, name>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is gained, add target medal(s) to the
  actor's learnable medal list.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the target medal.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the target medal.


Hiding-Related Notetags

EquipMedalSys Preview2.png


<Hide If Not Learned Equip Medal>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Bypasses Medals listing and hides the medal regardless of the
  Plugin Parameter settings.


<Hide If Learned Equip Medal: id>
<Hide If Learned Equip Medal: name>

<Hide If Learned All Equip Medals: id, id, id>
<Hide If Learned All Equip Medals: name, name, name>

<Hide If Learned Any Equip Medals: id, id, id>
<Hide If Learned Any Equip Medals: name, name, name>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Hides the medal from the Medals listing based on whether or not
  other medals are learned.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the medal.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the medal.
- The 'All' notetag variant requires all of the listed medals to be
  learned in order for this medal to be hidden.
- The 'Any' notetag variant requires only one of the listed medals to be
  learned in order for this medal to be hidden.


Masking-Related Notetags

EquipMedalSys Preview2.png


<Mask If Not Learned Equip Medal>
<No Mask If Not Learned Equip Medal>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Bypasses the masking settings determined in the Plugin Parameters to mask
  or not mask the Equippable Medal if the medal is not learned.


<Equip Medal Mask Name: name>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Instead of displaying ?'s for the mask name, this allows you to insert
  custom mask names instead.
- Replace 'name' with the text you want for the mask name.


Medal Evolution-Related Notetags

EquipMedalSys Preview3.png


<Equip Medal Evolves Into id: exp>
<Equip Medal Evolves Into name: exp>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Allows this Equippable Medal to evolve into target medal upon reaching
  'exp' Medal EXP.
- Equipped Medal must be equipped in order to receive Medal EXP.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the evolution medal ID
  (armor ID).
- Replace 'name' with text representing the evolution medal (armor) name.
- Replace 'exp' with a number representing the amount of Medal EXP needed
  for this Equippable Medal to evolve.
- If no evolve notetags are used, the Equippable Medal will not evolve and
  won't receive any Medal EXP.


<Equip Medal Evolves Into Next: exp>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Allows this Equippable Medal to evolve into the next available armor as
  a medal in the database upon reaching 'exp' Medal EXP.
  - The target armor/medal is just whatever this Equippable Medal's ID is
    but +1.
- Equipped Medal must be equipped in order to receive Medal EXP.
- Replace 'exp' with a number representing the amount of Medal EXP needed
  for this Equippable Medal to evolve.
- If no evolve notetags are used, the Equippable Medal will not evolve and
  won't receive any Medal EXP.


<Medal EXP: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines how much Medal EXP this enemy will give when defeated.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Medal EXP given.
- If this notetag is not used, the Medal EXP given will be determined by
  the Plugin Parameters.


<Medal EXP Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Increases the amount of Medal EXP the affected actor will gain by a
  percentile value.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage number representing the amount of Medal EXP
  that will be acquired.
- This stacks multiplicatively with each other.
- This does not apply when Medal EXP are directly added.


<Equip Medal Full EXP Gauge>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- If you want an Equippable Medal to have a gauge but it does not evolve,
  this will allow a full gauge to appear.
- Useful for medals at the end of an evolution track.


<Equip Medal EXP Gauge Color 1: x>
<Equip Medal EXP Gauge Color 2: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Allows you to adjust the gauge colors used for this Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the text color you want (ranges
  from 0 to 31).
- Alternatively, use '#rrggbb' for custom colors in hex color format.


Unlock Conditions-Related Notetags

EquipMedalSys Preview2.png


<Equip Medal Learn Condition Text>
</Equip Medal Learn Condition Text>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Assigns text to the Equip Medals learn unlock conditions.
- Replace 'text' with text you want displayed when this medal is selected
  and has not yet been learned.
- If this notetag is not used, the help description will default be
  automatically constructed through the plugin using Plugin Parameters.


<Equip Medal Learn Level: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must reach level 'x'.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the level the actor must reach.


<Equip Medal Learn Battles: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Victories: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Escapes: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Defeats: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds a battle result-related unlock condition that the actor must fulfill
  in order to learn this Equippable Medal.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of battle results that
  must be fulfilled.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Medal is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous battle results before listing.
- The 'Battles' notetag variant requires participating in any battles.
- The 'Victories' notetag variant requires winning battles.
- The 'Escapes' notetag variant requires successfully escaping battles.
- The 'Defeats' notetag variant requires losing battles.


<Equip Medal Learn Attack Times: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Guard Times: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must attack or guard 'x' times.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  attack or guard.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Medal is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.


<Equip Medal Learn Use Skills: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Use Physical Skills: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Use Magical Skills: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Use Certain Hit Skills: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must use 'x' skills.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  use skills.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Medal is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Skills' notetag variant allows any kind of skill usage.
- The 'Physical Skills' notetag variant requires physical hit skills.
- The 'Magical Skills' notetag variant requires magical hit skills.
- The 'Certain Hit Skills' notetag variant requires certain hit skills.


<Equip Medal Learn SType id: x>
<Equip Medal Learn SType name: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must use 'x' skills that belong to
  a specific skill type.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the needed skill type's ID number.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the needed skill type's name.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  use skills belonging to the needed skill type.


<Equip Medal Learn Use Items: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must use 'x' items.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  use items.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Medal is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- Any kind of item can be used.


<Equip Medal Learn Inflict Critical Times: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Receive Critical Times: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must inflict or receive 'x'
  critical hits from actions.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  inflict or receive critical hits.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Medal is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Inflict' notetag variant requires the critical hit to be caused by
  the actor.
- The 'Receive' notetag variant requires the critical hit to be caused
  against the actor.


<Equip Medal Learn Miss Times: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Evade Times: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must miss or evade 'x' actions.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  miss or evade actions.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Medal is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Miss' notetag variant requires the actor to miss an action.
- The 'Evade' notetag variant requires the actor to evade an action.


<Equip Medal Learn Inflict Element id Damage: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Inflict Element name Damage: x>

<Equip Medal Learn Receive Element id Damage: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Receive Element name Damage: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must inflict or receive damage
  from a specific element 'x' times.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the element ID number.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the element's name.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  inflict or receive damage from a specific element.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Medal is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Inflict' notetag variant requires the elemental damage to be caused
  by the actor.
- The 'Receive' notetag variant requires the elemental damage to be caused
  against the actor.


<Equip Medal Learn Inflict State id: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Inflict State name: x>

<Equip Medal Learn Receive State id: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Receive State name: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must inflict or receive a specific
  state 'x' times.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the state ID number.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the state's name.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  inflict or receive a specific state.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Medal is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Inflict' notetag variant requires the target state damage to be caused
  by the actor.
- The 'Receive' notetag variant requires the target state damage to be caused
  against the actor.


<Equip Medal Learn Defeat name Trait: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore!
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must defeat enemies with specific
  trait sets 'x' times.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the trait set's name.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  defeat enemies with the target trait set.


<Equip Medal Learn Inflict Total Damage: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Receive Total Damage: x>

<Equip Medal Learn Inflict Total Healing: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Receive Total Healing: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must inflict or receive a total
  amounts of damage or healing since the time the medal is listed.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the total number of damage and
  healing the actor must reach.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Medal is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Inflict' notetag variant requires the damage/healing to be caused
  by the actor.
- The 'Receive' notetag variant requires the damage/healing to be caused
  against the actor.


<Equip Medal Learn Kill Count: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Death Count: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Assist Count: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must fulfill the needed amount of
  kills, suffer the amount of deaths, or partake in the number of assists
  since the time the medal is listed.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of kills, deaths, or
  assists the actor must reach.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Medal is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Kill' notetag variant refers to the number of enemies directly
  defeated by the actor (death via slip damage or events do not count).
- The 'Death' notetag variant refers to the number of times the actor must
  die (ie reaching 0 HP or receiving the Death state).
- The 'Assist' notetag variant refers to the number of times the actor is
  present in battle when an enemy is defeated and not directly by the actor.


<Equip Medal Learn Have Gold: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the party must have 'x' gold present at the
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the needed amount of gold.


<Equip Medal Learn Have Item id: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Have Item name: x>

<Equip Medal Learn Have Weapon id: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Have Weapon name: x>

<Equip Medal Learn Have Armor id: x>
<Equip Medal Learn Have Armor name: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the party must have 'x' quantities of a
  specific item, weapon, or armor present at the moment.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the item, weapon, or
  armor needed for the medal.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the name of the item, weapon, or
  armor needed for the medal.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the needed amount of the item,
  weapon, or armor.


<Equip Medal Learn Reach Param name: x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must have 'x' value for its base
  parameter value at the moment.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'name' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to be referenced.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the needed parameter value.


<Equip Medal Learn Reach XParam name: x%>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must have 'x' value for its
  X-parameter value at the moment.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'name' with 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT',
  'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG' to determine which parameter to be referenced.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the needed parameter percent value.


<Equip Medal Learn Reach SParam name: x%>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must have 'x' value for its
  S-parameter value at the moment.
- If this Equippable Medal is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Medal.
- Replace 'name' with 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR',
  'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR' to determine which parameter to be referenced.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the needed parameter percent value.


Equip Passive System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Setup-Related Notetags

EquipPassiveSys Preview1.png


<Equip Passive Cost: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Determines the Passive Capacity cost of the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Passive Capacity cost.
- If this notetag is not used, the Passive Capacity cost will default to
  the setting found in the Plugin Parameters.


<Learnable Equip Passive: id>
<Learnable Equip Passives: id, id, id>

<Learnable Equip Passive: name>
<Learnable Equip Passives: name, name, name>

<Learnable Equip Passives>
</Learnable Equip Passives>

- Used for: Actor, Class Notetags
- Determines which Equippable Passives that actors and classes can learn.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the passive state.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the passive state.
- This does NOT put the passives in the Skill Learn System. This only adds
  them to the Passives command where they are learnable through meeting any
  necessary unlock conditions.


<Equip Passive Icon: x>
<Equip Passive Name: name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Changes the icon and name of the Equippable Passive to something different
  than how it is listed in the database or found in other menus.
- This can be used for states that you may want to hide icons for so that
  they do not show up in the states list when the passive is equipped.
- If these notetags are not used, the passive will refer to the state's
  original icon and name.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the icon index you want.
- Replace 'name' with the text of the name you want used.


<Learned Equip Passive: id>
<Learned Equip Passives: id, id, id>

<Learned Equip Passive: name>
<Learned Equip Passives: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Allows this actor to already have learned this Equippable Passive by
  default so that it is available when the actor joins your party.
- These Equippable Passives do not have to be listed through the learnable
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the passive state.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the passive state.


<Already Equip Passive: id>
<Already Equip Passives: id, id, id>

<Already Equip Passive: name>
<Already Equip Passives: name, name, name>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Allows this actor to already have learned this Equippable Passive and has
  it equipped by default so that it is available when the actor joins your
- These Equippable Passives do not have to be listed through the learnable
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the passive state.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the passive state.


<Branch Learn Equip Passive: id>
<Branch Learn Equip Passives: id, id, id>

<Branch Learn Equip Passive: name>
<Branch Learn Equip Passives: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- When this Equippable Passive is learned, also learn target passive(s).
- Target passive(s) does not have to be learnable listed.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the target passive.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the target passive.


<Branch Learnable Equip Passive: id>
<Branch Learnable Equip Passives: id, id, id>

<Branch Learnable Equip Passive: name>
<Branch Learnable Equip Passives: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- When this Equippable Passive is learned, add target passive(s) to the
  actor's learnable passive list.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the target passive.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the target passive.


<Link Learn Equip Passive: id>
<Link Learn Equip Passives: id, id, id>

<Link Learn Equip Passive: name>
<Link Learn Equip Passives: name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When this skill is learned, also learn target passive(s).
- Target passive(s) does not have to be learnable listed.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the target passive.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the target passive.


<Link Learnable Equip Passive: id>
<Link Learnable Equip Passives: id, id, id>

<Link Learnable Equip Passive: name>
<Link Learnable Equip Passives: name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When this skill is learned, add target passive(s) to the actor's learnable
  passive list.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the target passive.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the target passive.


<Help Description>
</Help Description>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Assigns a help description for the passive state.
- Replace 'text' with text you want displayed for the help window.
- This best works with one line to best fit other plugins.


Hiding-Related Notetags

EquipPassiveSys Preview1.png


<Hide If Not Learned Equip Passive>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Bypasses Passives listing and hides the passive state regardless of the
  Plugin Parameter settings.


<Hide If Learned Equip Passive: id>
<Hide If Learned Equip Passive: name>

<Hide If Learned All Equip Passives: id, id, id>
<Hide If Learned All Equip Passives: name, name, name>

<Hide If Learned Any Equip Passives: id, id, id>
<Hide If Learned Any Equip Passives: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Hides the passive state from the Passives listing based on whether or not
  other passives are learned.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the passive state.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the passive state.
- The 'All' notetag variant requires all of the listed passives to be
  learned in order for this passive to be hidden.
- The 'Any' notetag variant requires only one of the listed passives to be
  learned in order for this passive to be hidden.


Masking-Related Notetags

EquipPassiveSys Preview2.png


<Mask If Not Learned Equip Passive>
<No Mask If Not Learned Equip Passive>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Bypasses the masking settings determined in the Plugin Parameters to mask
  or not mask the Equippable Passive if the passive is not learned.


<Equip Passive Mask Name: name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Instead of displaying ?'s for the mask name, this allows you to insert
  custom mask names instead.
- Replace 'name' with the text you want for the mask name.


Unlock Conditions-Related Notetags

EquipPassiveSys Preview2.png


<Equip Passive Learn Condition Text>
</Equip Passive Learn Condition Text>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Assigns text to the Equip Passives learn unlock conditions.
- Replace 'text' with text you want displayed when this passive is selected
  and has not yet been learned.
- If this notetag is not used, the help description will default be
  automatically constructed through the plugin using Plugin Parameters.


<Equip Passive Learn Level: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must reach level 'x'.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the level the actor must reach.


<Equip Passive Learn Battles: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Victories: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Escapes: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Defeats: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds a battle result-related unlock condition that the actor must fulfill
  in order to learn this Equippable Passive.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of battle results that
  must be fulfilled.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Passive is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous battle results before listing.
- The 'Battles' notetag variant requires participating in any battles.
- The 'Victories' notetag variant requires winning battles.
- The 'Escapes' notetag variant requires successfully escaping battles.
- The 'Defeats' notetag variant requires losing battles.


<Equip Passive Learn Attack Times: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Guard Times: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must attack or guard 'x' times.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  attack or guard.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Passive is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.


<Equip Passive Learn Use Skills: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Use Physical Skills: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Use Magical Skills: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Use Certain Hit Skills: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must use 'x' skills.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  use skills.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Passive is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Skills' notetag variant allows any kind of skill usage.
- The 'Physical Skills' notetag variant requires physical hit skills.
- The 'Magical Skills' notetag variant requires magical hit skills.
- The 'Certain Hit Skills' notetag variant requires certain hit skills.


<Equip Passive Learn SType id: x>
<Equip Passive Learn SType name: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must use 'x' skills that belong to
  a specific skill type.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the needed skill type's ID number.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the needed skill type's name.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  use skills belonging to the needed skill type.


<Equip Passive Learn Use Items: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must use 'x' items.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  use items.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Passive is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- Any kind of item can be used.


<Equip Passive Learn Inflict Critical Times: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Receive Critical Times: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must inflict or receive 'x'
  critical hits from actions.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  inflict or receive critical hits.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Passive is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Inflict' notetag variant requires the critical hit to be caused by
  the actor.
- The 'Receive' notetag variant requires the critical hit to be caused
  against the actor.


<Equip Passive Learn Miss Times: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Evade Times: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must miss or evade 'x' actions.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  miss or evade actions.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Passive is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Miss' notetag variant requires the actor to miss an action.
- The 'Evade' notetag variant requires the actor to evade an action.


<Equip Passive Learn Inflict Element id Damage: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Inflict Element name Damage: x>

<Equip Passive Learn Receive Element id Damage: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Receive Element name Damage: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must inflict or receive damage
  from a specific element 'x' times.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the element ID number.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the element's name.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  inflict or receive damage from a specific element.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Passive is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Inflict' notetag variant requires the elemental damage to be caused
  by the actor.
- The 'Receive' notetag variant requires the elemental damage to be caused
  against the actor.


<Equip Passive Learn Inflict State id: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Inflict State name: x>

<Equip Passive Learn Receive State id: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Receive State name: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must inflict or receive a specific
  state 'x' times.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the state ID number.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the state's name.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  inflict or receive a specific state.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Passive is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Inflict' notetag variant requires the target state to be caused
  by the actor.
- The 'Receive' notetag variant requires the target state to be caused
  against the actor.


<Equip Passive Learn Defeat name Trait: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore!
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must defeat enemies with specific
  trait sets 'x' times.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the trait set's name.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of times the actor must
  defeat enemies with the target trait set.


<Equip Passive Learn Inflict Total Damage: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Receive Total Damage: x>

<Equip Passive Learn Inflict Total Healing: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Receive Total Healing: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must inflict or receive a total
  amounts of damage or healing since the time the passive is listed.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the total number of damage and
  healing the actor must reach.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Passive is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Inflict' notetag variant requires the damage/healing to be caused
  by the actor.
- The 'Receive' notetag variant requires the damage/healing to be caused
  against the actor.


<Equip Passive Learn Kill Count: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Death Count: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Assist Count: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must fulfill the needed amount of
  kills, suffer the amount of deaths, or partake in the number of assists
  since the time the passive is listed.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of kills, deaths, or
  assists the actor must reach.
  - The number counter will start from the moment Equippable Passive is
    listed in the learnable list.
  - This does NOT take into account previous actions before listing.
- The 'Kill' notetag variant refers to the number of enemies directly
  defeated by the actor (death via slip damage or events do not count).
- The 'Death' notetag variant refers to the number of times the actor must
  die (ie reaching 0 HP or receiving the Death state).
- The 'Assist' notetag variant refers to the number of times the actor is
  present in battle when an enemy is defeated and not directly by the actor.


<Equip Passive Learn Have Gold: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the party must have 'x' gold present at the
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the needed amount of gold.


<Equip Passive Learn Have Item id: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Have Item name: x>

<Equip Passive Learn Have Weapon id: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Have Weapon name: x>

<Equip Passive Learn Have Armor id: x>
<Equip Passive Learn Have Armor name: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the party must have 'x' quantities of a
  specific item, weapon, or armor present at the moment.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the item, weapon, or
  armor needed for the passive.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the name of the item, weapon, or
  armor needed for the passive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the needed amount of the item,
  weapon, or armor.


<Equip Passive Learn Reach Param name: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must have 'x' value for its base
  parameter value at the moment.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'name' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine which parameter to be referenced.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the needed parameter value.


<Equip Passive Learn Reach XParam name: x%>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must have 'x' value for its
  X-parameter value at the moment.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'name' with 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT',
  'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG' to determine which parameter to be referenced.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the needed parameter percent value.


<Equip Passive Learn Reach SParam name: x%>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adds an unlock condition that the actor must have 'x' value for its
  S-parameter value at the moment.
- If this Equippable Passive is found in the learnable list and all unlock
  conditions in addition to this unlock condition are met, then the actor
  will learn the Equippable Passive.
- Replace 'name' with 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR',
  'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR' to determine which parameter to be referenced.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the needed parameter percent value.


Skill Learn System Integration-Related Notetags

EquipPassiveSys Preview3.png


<Learn Passive: id>
<Learn Passives: id, id, id>

<Learn Passive: name>
<Learn Passives: name, name, name>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Determines what Equippable Passives the class can learn through the
  Skill Learn System.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the passive state that
  can be learned through the Skill Learn System menu.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the passive state that can be learned
  through the Skill Learn System menu.
- Multiple entries are permited.


<Learn Passives>
</Learn Passives>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Determines what Equippable Passives the class can learn through the
  Skill Learn System.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the passive state that
  can be learned through the Skill Learn System menu.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the passive state that can be learned
  through the Skill Learn System menu.
- Multiple middle entries are permited.


<Learn AP Cost: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Determines the Ability Point cost needed for an actor to learn the passive
  state through the Skill Learn System.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Ability Points needed
  to learn this passive state.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Ability Point cost will default to
  the value found in the settings.


<Learn CP Cost: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Requires VisuMZ_2_ClassChangeSystem!
- Determines the Class Point cost needed for an actor to learn the passive
  state through the Skill Learn System.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Skill Points needed
  to learn this passive state.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Skill Point cost will default to
  the value found in the settings.


<Learn JP Cost: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Requires VisuMZ_2_ClassChangeSystem!
- Determines the Job Point cost needed for an actor to learn the passive
  state through the Skill Learn System.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Skill Points needed
  to learn this passive state.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Skill Point cost will default to
  the value found in the settings.


<Learn SP Cost: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Determines the Skill Point cost needed for an actor to learn the passive
  state through the Skill Learn System.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of Skill Points needed
  to learn this passive state.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Skill Point cost will default to
  the value found in the settings.


<Learn Item id Cost: x>
<Learn Item name Cost: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Determines the items needed to be consumed for an actor to learn the
  passive state through the Skill Learn System.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the item needed to be
- Replace 'name' with the name of the item needed to be consumed.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of the item needed
  to learn this passive state.
- You may insert multiple copies of this notetag.


<Learn Weapon id Cost: x>
<Learn Weapon name Cost: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Determines the weapons needed to be consumed for an actor to learn the
  passive state through the Skill Learn System.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the weapon needed to be
- Replace 'name' with the name of the weapon needed to be consumed.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of the weapon needed
  to learn this passive state.
- You may insert multiple copies of this notetag.


<Learn Armor id Cost: x>
<Learn Armor name Cost: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Determines the armors needed to be consumed for an actor to learn the
  passive state through the Skill Learn System.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the armor needed to be
- Replace 'name' with the name of the armor needed to be consumed.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of the armor needed
  to learn this passive state.
- You may insert multiple copies of this notetag.


<Learn Gold Cost: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Determines the gold cost needed for an actor to learn the passive state
  through the Skill Learn System.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of gold needed to learn
  this passive state.
- If this notetag is not used, then the gold cost will default to the value
  found in the settings.


<Learn Show Level: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Actors must be at least the required level in order for the passive state
  to even appear visibly in the Skill Learn System menu.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the required level for the actor
  in order for the passive state to visibly appear.


<Learn Show Skill: id>
<Learn Show Skill: name>

<Learn Show All Skills: id, id, id>
<Learn Show All Skills: name, name, name>

<Learn Show Any Skills: id, id, id>
<Learn Show Any Skills: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- The actor must have already learned the above skills in order for the
  learnable passive state to appear visibly in the Skill Learn System menu.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the skill required to be
  known by the actor in order to appear visibly in the menu.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the skill required to be known by the
  actor in order to appear visibly in the menu.
- The 'All' notetag variant requires all of the listed skills to be known
  before the learnable passive state will appear visibly in the menu.
- The 'Any' notetag variant requires any of the listed skills to be known
  before the learnable passive state will appear visibly in the menu.


<Learn Show Switch: x>

<Learn Show All Switches: x, x, x>

<Learn Show Any Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- The switches must be in the ON position in order for the learnable passive
  state to appear visibly in the Skill Learn System menu.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the switch required to be
  in the ON position in order to appear visibly in the menu.
- The 'All' notetag variant requires all of the switches to be in the ON
  position before the learnable passive state will appear visibly in the
- The 'Any' notetag variant requires any of the switches to be in the ON
  position before the learnable passive state will appear visibly in the


<Learn Require Level: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Actors must be at least the required level in order for the passive state
  to be enabled in the Skill Learn System menu.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the required level for the actor
  in order for the passive state to visibly appear.


<Learn Require Skill: id>
<Learn Require Skill: name>

<Learn Require All Skills: id, id, id>
<Learn Require All Skills: name, name, name>

<Learn Require Any Skills: id, id, id>
<Learn Require Any Skills: name, name, name>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- The actor must have already learned the above skills in order for the
  learnable passive state to be enabled in the Skill Learn System menu.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the skill required to be
  known by the actor in order to be enabled in the menu.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the skill required to be known by the
  actor in order to be enabled in the menu.
- The 'All' notetag variant requires all of the listed skills to be known
  before the learnable passive state will be enabled in the menu.
- The 'Any' notetag variant requires any of the listed skills to be known
  before the learnable passive state will be enabled in the menu.


<Learn Require Switch: x>

<Learn Require All Switches: x, x, x>

<Learn Require Any Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- The switches must be in the ON position in order for the learnable passive
  state to be enabled in the Skill Learn System menu.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the switch required to be
  in the ON position in order to be enabled in the menu.
- The 'All' notetag variant requires all of the switches to be in the ON
  position before the learnable passive state will be enabled in the menu.
- The 'Any' notetag variant requires any of the switches to be in the ON
  position before the learnable passive state will be enabled in the menu.


<Learn Skill Animation: id>
<Learn Skill Animation: id, id, id>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Plays the animation(s) when this passive state is learned through the
  Skill Learn System's menu.
- This will override the default animation settings found in the plugin
  parameters and use the unique one set through notetags instead.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the animation you wish to play.
- If multiple ID's are found, then each animation will play one by one in
  the order they are listed.


<Learn Skill Fade Speed: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- This determines the speed at which the passive state's icon fades in
  during the skill learning animation.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine how fast the icon fades in.
- Use lower numbers for slower fade speeds and higher numbers for faster
  fade speeds.


<Learn Skill Picture: filename>
<Picture: filename>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_SkillLearnSystem!
- Uses a picture from your project's /img/pictures/ folder instead of the
  passive state's icon during learning instead.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the image.
  - Do not include the file extension.
- Scaling will not apply to the picture.
- Use the <Picture: filename> version for any other plugins that may be
  using this as an image outside of learning skills, too.
- The size used for the image will vary based on your game's resolution.


Equipment Set Bonuses VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Equipment Set Declaration-Related Notetags

EquipSetBonuses Preview1.png


<Equip Set: name>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- This assigns this item to an equipment set.
- Replace 'name' with the set name you're going to associate this equip
  with. Names must equal the Equipment Set names declared in the Plugin
  Parameters or else they will not have any effect.
- If you want to make a piece of equipment be a part of two different
  equipment sets, use multiple copies of this notetag.


EquipSetBonus Wildcards.png

<Equip Set Wildcard>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Assigns a wildcard effect for this equipment piece.
- Cannot be assigned to regular equipment set pieces.
- This will add +1 to every currently equipped equipment set on the actor.
  - Equip sets that are NOT equipped will not have their effects applied.
  - If multiple equipment bonus sets are equipped, the +1 effect will be
    applied to each of them.


<Equip Set Wildcards: name, name, name>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Assigns a limited wildcard effect for this equipment piece for specific
  equipment sets.
- Replace 'name' with the set name you're going to associate the limited
  pool of wildcard for.
- This will add +1 to every listed limited set that is currently equipped on
  the actor.
  - Equip sets that are NOT equipped will not have their effects applied.
  - If multiple equipment bonus sets are equipped, the +1 effect will be
    applied to each of them if they are listed as a wildcard 'name'.


Equipment Set Graphics-Related Notetags

EquipSetBonuses Preview2.png


<name Set, x Pieces Face: filename, index>
<name Set, x+ Pieces Face: filename, index>
<name Set, x to y Pieces Face: filename, index>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Gives this actor an Equipment Set face graphic.
- Replace 'name' with the Equipment Set name to apply to. Use the set names
  that are declared in the Plugin Parameters or there will be no effect.
- Replace 'x' with the exact number of pieces to apply this graphic to.
  This does NOT apply to larger number numbers, only exactly that amount.
- The 'x+' variant will apply the graphic from 'x' to higher numbers.
- The 'x to y' variant will apply the graphic for a range of pieces to be
  equipped in order to apply the graphic.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic found inside the
  img/faces/ folder. Do not include the file extension.
- Replace 'index' with the index of the graphic. Index values start at 0.


<name Set, x Pieces Character: filename, index>
<name Set, x+ Pieces Character: filename, index>
<name Set, x to y Pieces Character: filename, index>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Gives this actor an Equipment Set face graphic.
- Replace 'name' with the Equipment Set name to apply to. Use the set names
  that are declared in the Plugin Parameters or there will be no effect.
- Replace 'x' with the exact number of pieces to apply this graphic to.
  This does NOT apply to larger number numbers, only exactly that amount.
- The 'x+' variant will apply the graphic from 'x' to higher numbers.
- The 'x to y' variant will apply the graphic for a range of pieces to be
  equipped in order to apply the graphic.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic found inside the
  img/characters/ folder. Do not include the file extension.
- Replace 'index' with the index of the graphic. Index values start at 0.


<name Set, x Pieces Battler: filename>
<name Set, x+ Pieces Battler: filename>
<name Set, x to y Pieces Battler: filename>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Gives this actor an Equipment Set face graphic.
- Replace 'name' with the Equipment Set name to apply to. Use the set names
  that are declared in the Plugin Parameters or there will be no effect.
- Replace 'x' with the exact number of pieces to apply this graphic to.
  This does NOT apply to larger number numbers, only exactly that amount.
- The 'x+' variant will apply the graphic from 'x' to higher numbers.
- The 'x to y' variant will apply the graphic for a range of pieces to be
  equipped in order to apply the graphic.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic found inside the
  img/sv_actors/ folder. Do not include the file extension.


<name Set, x Pieces Menu Portrait: filename>
<name Set, x+ Pieces Menu Portrait: filename>
<name Set, x to y Pieces Menu Portrait: filename>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_MainMenuCore!
- Gives this actor an Equipment Set face graphic.
- Replace 'name' with the Equipment Set name to apply to. Use the set names
  that are declared in the Plugin Parameters or there will be no effect.
- Replace 'x' with the exact number of pieces to apply this graphic to.
  This does NOT apply to larger number numbers, only exactly that amount.
- The 'x+' variant will apply the graphic from 'x' to higher numbers.
- The 'x to y' variant will apply the graphic for a range of pieces to be
  equipped in order to apply the graphic.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic found inside the
  img/pictures/ folder. Do not include the file extension.


<name Set, x Pieces Battle Portrait: filename>
<name Set, x+ Pieces Battle Portrait: filename>
<name Set, x to y Pieces Battle Portrait: filename>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore!
- Gives this actor an Equipment Set face graphic.
- Replace 'name' with the Equipment Set name to apply to. Use the set names
  that are declared in the Plugin Parameters or there will be no effect.
- Replace 'x' with the exact number of pieces to apply this graphic to.
  This does NOT apply to larger number numbers, only exactly that amount.
- The 'x+' variant will apply the graphic from 'x' to higher numbers.
- The 'x to y' variant will apply the graphic for a range of pieces to be
  equipped in order to apply the graphic.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic found inside the
  img/pictures/ folder. Do not include the file extension.


Event Chain Reactions VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Positioning-Related Notetags

EventChainReact PushPull.gif



- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Allows this event to be pushed when using the Plugin Command:
  "Positioning: Push Player Front".
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.



- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Allows this event to be pushed when using the Plugin Command:
  "Positioning: Pull Player Front".
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Push Pull>
<Pull Push>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Allows this event to be pushed when using the Plugin Commands:
  "Positioning: Push Player Front" and "Positioning: Pull Player Front".
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Catalyst and Reactor-Related Notetags

EventChainReact Catalyst.gif


<type speed Catalyst: range>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes this event into a 'type' catalyst source that spreads at 'speed'
  intervals onto events within 'range'.
- Replace 'type' with a string representing the reaction type to be spread
  to other event reactors of the same 'type'.
  - This is NOT case sensitive.
- Replace 'speed' with any of the following text to represent the repeating
  interval at which the catalyst event spreads:
  - 'tick', 'fast', 'quick', 'short', 'average', 'slow', 'long', 'late'
  - Do NOT include the quotes.
  - Faster speeds can potentially cause lag, so use slower speeds to ensure
    FPS stability.
- Replace 'range' with any of the following to determine the range:
  - 'exact' - Coordinates must equal the catalyst event's X, Y position.
  - 'front' - Coordinates equal the tile in front of the catalyst.
  - 'back' - Coordinates equal the tile behind the catalyst.
  - 'cw' - Coordinates equal the tile clockwise from catalyst.
  - 'ccw' - Coordinates equal the tile counterclockwise from catalyst.
  - 'adjacent' - Any of the 4 tiles surrounding the catalyst.
  - 'near' - Any of the 8 tiles surrounding the catalyst.
  - 'down' - Coordinates equal the tile below the catalyst on the map.
  - 'left' - Coordinates equal the tile left of the catalyst on the map.
  - 'right' - Coordinates equal the tile right of the catalyst on the map.
  - 'up' - Coordinates equal the tile above the catalyst on the map.
  - 'lower left' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's lower left.
  - 'lower right' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's lower right.
  - 'upper left' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's upper left.
  - 'upper right' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's upper right.
  - Do NOT include the quotes.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<type x Frames Catalyst: range>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes this event into a 'type' catalyst source that spreads at 'x' frame
  intervals onto events within 'range'.
- Replace 'type' with a string representing the reaction type to be spread
  to other event reactors of the same 'type'.
  - This is NOT case sensitive.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of frames that determine
  the ongoing intervals the catalysts cycle through.
  - Faster speeds can potentially cause lag, so use slower speeds to ensure
    FPS stability.
- Replace 'range' with any of the following to determine the range:
  - 'exact' - Coordinates must equal the catalyst event's X, Y position.
  - 'front' - Coordinates equal the tile in front of the catalyst.
  - 'back' - Coordinates equal the tile behind the catalyst.
  - 'cw' - Coordinates equal the tile clockwise from catalyst.
  - 'ccw' - Coordinates equal the tile counterclockwise from catalyst.
  - 'adjacent' - Any of the 4 tiles surrounding the catalyst.
  - 'near' - Any of the 8 tiles surrounding the catalyst.
  - 'down' - Coordinates equal the tile below the catalyst on the map.
  - 'left' - Coordinates equal the tile left of the catalyst on the map.
  - 'right' - Coordinates equal the tile right of the catalyst on the map.
  - 'up' - Coordinates equal the tile above the catalyst on the map.
  - 'lower left' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's lower left.
  - 'lower right' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's lower right.
  - 'upper left' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's upper left.
  - 'upper right' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's upper right.
  - Do NOT include the quotes.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<type Reactor Switch On: x>
<type Reactor Switches On: x, x, x>

<type Reactor Switch Off: x>
<type Reactor Switches Off: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes this event into a 'type' reactor that upon a catalyst creating a
  reaction will turn any linked switch(es) or self switch(es) ON or OFF.
  - The ON variant will turn the linked switch ON when a reaction occurs.
  - The OFF variant will turn the linked switch OFF when a reaction occurs.
- Replace 'type' with a string representing the reaction type to be react
  to from catalysts of the same 'type'.
- Replace 'x' with either a number to represent a numeric global switch or
  a letter to represent a native RPG Maker MZ self switch.
  - If a numeric switch value happens to be a self switch or map switch due
    to VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore, then it will be treated as such.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to change multiple switches or self switches
    upon a successful reaction.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Pressure Plate and Heavy Object-Related Notetags

EventChainReact PressurePlate.gif


<Pressure Plate Switch: x>
<Pressure Plate Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Turns this event into a pressure plate that upon having a heavy object on
  it will trigger any linked switch(es) and self switch(es) to turn ON and
  upon stepping off will also turn them OFF.
- Using this notetag will set the event's priority to "Below characters".
- Replace 'x' with either a number to represent a numeric global switch or
  a letter to represent a native RPG Maker MZ self switch.
  - If a numeric switch value happens to be a self switch or map switch due
    to VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore, then it will be treated as such.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to change multiple switches or self switches
    upon a successful activation.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Heavy Object>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Marks this event as a heavy object that can stand on top of and activate
  pressure plate events.
- Using this notetag will set the event's priority to "Same as characters".
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Not Heavy>
<Not Heavy Object>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Marks this event as an object not heavy enough to activate pressure
  plates events.
- This is used to offset the Plugin Parameter that sets "Same as characters"
  events as heavy objects.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<All Pressure Plates Switch: x>
<All Pressure Plates Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- If all native pressure plate events on the map has been stepped on, turn
  ON the switch(es). Otherwise, set the switch(es) to OFF.
- Erased and spawned pressure plate events do not count.
- Replace 'x' with a number to represent a numeric global switch.
  - If a numeric switch value happens to be a map switch or map self due to
    VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore, then it will be treated as such.


Charger and Conductor-Related Notetags

EventChainReact Conduct.gif


<type Charger>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Marks this event as a charger event that produces a 'type' current that
  can be received by same 'type' conductors.
- Replace 'type' with a string representing the current type released from
  this charger event to other conductor events of the same 'type'.
  - This is NOT case sensitive.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<type Conductor Switch: x>
<type Conductor Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Marks this event as a conductor event that receives a 'type' current and
  will turn on any linked switch(es) or self switch(es) based on its current
  conduction state.
- Conductor events will also transfer its current to other conductors of the
  same 'type'.
- Replace 'type' with a string representing the current type released from
  this charger event to other conductor events of the same 'type'.
  - This is NOT case sensitive.
- Replace 'x' with either a number to represent a numeric global switch or
  a letter to represent a native RPG Maker MZ self switch.
  - If a numeric switch value happens to be a self switch or map switch due
    to VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore, then it will be treated as such.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to apply multiple switches or self switches
    based on the conduction state.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Current Direction: range>
<Charge Direction: range>
<Conduct Direction: range>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Used for charger events and conductor events to determine which direction
  the current will travel.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'range' with any of the following to determine the range:
  - 'exact' - Coordinates must equal the catalyst event's X, Y position.
  - 'front' - Coordinates equal the tile in front of the catalyst.
  - 'back' - Coordinates equal the tile behind the catalyst.
  - 'cw' - Coordinates equal the tile clockwise from catalyst.
  - 'ccw' - Coordinates equal the tile counterclockwise from catalyst.
  - 'adjacent' - Any of the 4 tiles surrounding the catalyst.
  - 'near' - Any of the 8 tiles surrounding the catalyst.
  - 'down' - Coordinates equal the tile below the catalyst on the map.
  - 'left' - Coordinates equal the tile left of the catalyst on the map.
  - 'right' - Coordinates equal the tile right of the catalyst on the map.
  - 'up' - Coordinates equal the tile above the catalyst on the map.
  - 'lower left' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's lower left.
  - 'lower right' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's lower right.
  - 'upper left' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's upper left.
  - 'upper right' - Coordinates equal the tile to catalyst's upper right.
  - Do NOT include the quotes.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Decay-Related Notetags

EventChainReact Decay.gif


<speed Decay Switch On: x>
<speed Decay Switches On: x, x, x>

<speed Decay Switch Off: x>
<speed Decay Switches On: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Marks this event as one that upon availability, will start decaying and
  start a countdown timer, where upon reaching 0, any linked switch(es) and
  self switch(es) will have their values changed.
  - The ON variant will turn the linked switch ON when the decay occurs.
  - The OFF variant will turn the linked switch OFF when the decay occurs.
- Replace 'speed' with any of the following text to represent the duration
  time of the decay countdown:
  - 'tick', 'fast', 'quick', 'short', 'average', 'slow', 'long', 'late'
  - Do NOT include the quotes.
- Replace 'x' with either a number to represent a numeric global switch or
  a letter to represent a native RPG Maker MZ self switch.
  - If a numeric switch value happens to be a self switch or map switch due
    to VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore, then it will be treated as such.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to change multiple switches or self switches
    upon the decay countdown reaching 0.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<x Frames Decay Switch On: id>
<x Frames Decay Switches On: id, id, id>

<x Frames Decay Switch Off: id>
<x Frames Decay Switches Off: id, id, id>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Marks this event as one that upon availability, will start decaying and
  after x frames, any linked switch(es) and self switch(es) will have their
  values changed.
  - The ON variant will turn the linked switch ON when the decay occurs.
  - The OFF variant will turn the linked switch OFF when the decay occurs.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of frames that determine
  the total frames before the decay occurs.
  - Faster speeds can potentially cause lag, so use slower speeds to ensure
    FPS stability.
- Replace 'id' with either a number to represent a numeric global switch or
  a letter to represent a native RPG Maker MZ self switch.
  - If a numeric switch value happens to be a self switch or map switch due
    to VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore, then it will be treated as such.
  - Insert multiple 'id' values to change multiple switches or self switches
    upon the decay countdown reaching 0.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Submerge-Related Notetags

EventChainReact Submerge.gif


<Submerge Switch On: x>
<Submerge Switches On: x, x, x>

<Submerge Switch Off: x>
<Submerge Switches Off: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Marks this event as a submersive event, which upon being on top of a water
  tile, will instantly alter any linked switch(es) and self switch(es).
  - The ON variant will turn the linked switch ON when the decay occurs.
  - The OFF variant will turn the linked switch OFF when the decay occurs.
- This notetag variant will treat both shallow water and deep water tiles
  the same as one another.
- Replace 'x' with either a number to represent a numeric global switch or
  a letter to represent a native RPG Maker MZ self switch.
  - If a numeric switch value happens to be a self switch or map switch due
    to VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore, then it will be treated as such.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to change multiple switches or self switches
    upon being submerged into water.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Shallow Submerge Switch On: x>
<Shallow Submerge Switches On: x, x, x>

<Shallow Submerge Switch Off: x>
<Shallow Submerge Switches Off: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Marks this event as a submersive event, which upon being on top of a water
  tile, will instantly alter any linked switch(es) and self switch(es).
  - The ON variant will turn the linked switch ON when the decay occurs.
  - The OFF variant will turn the linked switch OFF when the decay occurs.
- This notetag variant will only trigger on shallow water tiles and not
  deep water tiles.
- Replace 'x' with either a number to represent a numeric global switch or
  a letter to represent a native RPG Maker MZ self switch.
  - If a numeric switch value happens to be a self switch or map switch due
    to VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore, then it will be treated as such.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to change multiple switches or self switches
    upon being submerged into shallow water.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Deep Submerge Switch On: x>
<Deep Submerge Switches On: x, x, x>

<Deep Submerge Switch Off: x>
<Deep Submerge Switches Off: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Marks this event as a submersive event, which upon being on top of a water
  tile, will instantly alter any linked switch(es) and self switch(es).
  - The ON variant will turn the linked switch ON when the decay occurs.
  - The OFF variant will turn the linked switch OFF when the decay occurs.
- This notetag variant will only trigger on deep water tiles and not
  shallow water tiles.
- Replace 'x' with either a number to represent a numeric global switch or
  a letter to represent a native RPG Maker MZ self switch.
  - If a numeric switch value happens to be a self switch or map switch due
    to VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore, then it will be treated as such.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to change multiple switches or self switches
    upon being submerged into deep water.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Submerged Effect>

<Submerged Effect: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adds a visual effect to the event, making it bob up and down like at the
  surface of the water.
- Use the <Submerged Effect: x> variant to visually submerge the event
  further, making it appear heavier and deeper in the water.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing how many pixels deep to submerge
  the event visually.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.



- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Marks the event as a bridge, allowing the player and other events to walk
  on top of it, even if it is over water.
- Using this notetag will set the event's priority to "Below characters".
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Useful-Related Notetags


<Exit Reset Self Data>

- Used for: Event Notetags ONLY
- When the player leaves the current map, all Self Switches and Self
  Variables related to this event will be reset.
- This notetag is a part of VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore but is recommended to be
  listed here with this plugin.


Event Signals VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Signal-Related Notetags


<Responds to Signal: text>
<Responds to Signals: text, text, text>

- Used for: Event Comment Tags
- Must be used in an event's page comments and NOT its note box.
- Causes this specific event page to be a response to receiving 'text'
  signal(s) as long as its other page conditions are met.
- This page becomes the active page and the event commands will be ran as
  a parallel from start to finish.
- Once the events finished, the event returns to its normal behavior.
- Replace 'text' with the signal being emitted.
  - Insert multiple 'text' entries for this page to respond to multiple
    signals being emitted.


<Immune to Signal: text>
<Immune to Signals: text, text, text>

- Used for: Event Comment Tags
- Must be used in an event's page comments and NOT its note box.
- While this page is the active event page, it will not respond to 'text'
  signal even if the other signal respond conditions are met.
- Replace 'text' with the signal that this active event page will ignore.
  - Insert multiple 'text' entires for this active event page to ignore as
    signal emissions.


Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

Some of these are comment tags. Comment tags are used for events to mark and affect individual event pages rather than the whole event.

Map Notetags

The following notetags are used for maps only. While some of these options are also available in the Plugin Parameters, some of these notetags extend usage to specific maps marked by these notetags as well.



<Diagonal Movement: On>
<Diagonal Movement: Off>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Turns on/off diagonal movement for those maps.
- If notetag isn't present, use Plugin Parameter setting.



<type Allow Region: x>
<type Allow Region: x, x, x>

<type Forbid Region: x>
<type Forbid Region: x, x, x>

<type Dock Region: x>
<type Dock Region: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Replace 'type' with 'All', 'Walk', 'Player', 'Event', 'Vehicle', 'Boat',
  'Ship', or 'Airship'.
- 'Allow' notetag variants allow that type to pass through them no matter
  what other passability settings are in place.
- 'Forbid' notetag variants forbid that type from passing through at all.
- 'Dock' notetag variants allow vehicles to dock there. Boats and ships must
  face the region direction while airships must land directly on top.


<Map Load Common Event: x>
<Map Load Common Events: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- When this map is loaded, run the specified Common Events once available.
  - Does NOT trigger if you transfer to a different part of the same map.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event you wish
  to reserve and run once ready.


<Save Event Locations>

- Used for: Maps Notetags
- Saves the locations of all events on the map so that when you return to
  that map at a later point, the events will be in the position they were
  last in.


<Hide Player>
<Show Player>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Forcefully hides or shows the player sprite. This is so you don't need to
  manually turn the setting on/off each time you enter a specific map.
- These settings will take priority over the event commands.
- If the player sprite is hidden, so are the player's followers.
- If the player sprite is visible, the player's followers will still depend
  on their settings.
- These notetags are mutually exclusive from each other.


<Hide Followers>
<Show Followers>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Forcefully hides or shows the player's followers. This is so you don't
  need to manually turn them on/off each time you enter a specific map.
- These settings will take priority over the event commands.
- These notetags are mutually exclusive from each other.


Page Comment Tags

The following comment tags are to be put inside of the pages of events, troops, and common events for them to work!


<Page Conditions>
</Page Conditions>

- Used for: Map Event Page, Troop Page, and Common Event Page Comment Tags
- This allows you to create custom page conditions that utilize the
  Conditional Branch event command to see if the additional page conditions
  are met.


<Conditions Met>
- Used for: Map Event Page, Troop Page, and Common Event Page Comment Tags
- If used between the <Page Conditions> and </Page Conditions> comment tag,
  upon reaching this part of event command list, the custom page conditions
  will be considered met.




◆Comment:<Page Conditions>
◆If:Reid has equipped Potion Sword
  ◆Comment:If Reid has equipped the Potion Sword
:       :<Condition Met>
◆Comment:</Page Conditions>

If Reid has the "Potion Sword" weapon equipped, then the additional custom
page conditions are met and the event page will be present/active.

If this is a troop condition, the troop page event will activate.

If this is a common event, there will be a parallel common event active.


Event and Event Page Notetags

The following notetags have comment tag variants (with a few exceptions). If a notetag is used for an event, it will affect the event constantly. If a comment tag is used, it will only affect the page the comment tag is on and only that page.



<Activation Region: x>
<Activation Regions: x,x,x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Allows this event to be remotely activated as long as the player is
  standing within a tile marked by a designated region.
- Replace 'x' with the regions you wish to remotely activate this event in.
  - Action Button: Player must press OK while being in the region.
  - Player/Event Touch: Player must step onto the region.
  - Autorun/Parallel: Player be in the region.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- NOTE: This cannot be used with any other activation tags.



<Activation Square: x>
<Activation Circle: x>
<Activation Delta: x>
<Activation Row: x>
<Activation Column: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Allows this event to be remotely activated as long as the player is
  within range of its activation type.
- Replace 'x' with a number stating the range in tiles.
  - Square: A square-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Circle: A circle-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Delta: A diamond-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Row: Spans horizontally across the map. 'x' expands up and down.
  - Column: Spans vertically across the map. 'x' expands left and right.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- NOTE: This cannot be used with any other activation tags.


<Always Update Movement>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Events normally have to be within screen range for them to update their
  self movement. If this tag is present, the event is always updating.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.



<Click Trigger>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Allows this event to activate upon being clicked on with the mouse.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Copy Event: Map x, Event y>
<Copy Event: x, y>

<Copy Event: template>

- Used for: Event Notetags ONLY
- Makes this event copy all of the event settings from a different event
  that can be found on a different map (as long as that map is registered
  inside of Plugin Parameters => Event Template Settings => Preloaded Maps).
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the copied event's Map ID.
  - If '0' is used for the Map ID, reference the current map.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the copied event's Event ID.
- For the 'template' variant, replace 'template' with the name of the
  template made in Plugin Parameters => Event Template Settings =>
  Event Template List.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.


<Custom Z: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine the event sprite's Z value
  relative to the tilemap.
- For reference from rmmz_core.js:
  - 0 : Lower tiles
  - 1 : Lower characters
  - 3 : Normal characters
  - 4 : Upper tiles
  - 5 : Upper characters
  - 6 : Airship shadow
  - 7 : Balloon
  - 8 : Animation
  - 9 : Destination
- You can use numbers below 0 and above 9.
  - Values under 0 go below the tilemap.
  - Values above 9 go above everything else on the tilemap.
  - These values do NOT go below or above other screen objects that are
    NOT attached to the tilemap layer such as parallaxes or weather or
    windows because that's simply not how z-axis work with sprite layers.


<Encounter Half Square: x>
<Encounter Half Circle: x>
<Encounter Half Delta: x>
<Encounter Half Row: x>
<Encounter Half Column: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- If the player is within the 'x' area effect of this event, the random
  encounter rate will be halved.
- Replace 'x' with a number stating the range in tiles.
  - Square: A square-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Circle: A circle-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Delta: A diamond-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Row: Spans horizontally across the map. 'x' expands up and down.
  - Column: Spans vertically across the map. 'x' expands left and right.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.

Script Call Check:

  $isTileEncounterHalf(x, y)

- This can be used to check if a certain map tile (x, y) has an encounter
  rate halving effect on it.
- Returns a boolean (true or false) when used.


<Encounter None Square: x>
<Encounter None Circle: x>
<Encounter None Delta: x>
<Encounter None Row: x>
<Encounter None Column: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- If the player is within the 'x' area effect of this event, the random
  encounter rate will be suppressed completely.
- Replace 'x' with a number stating the range in tiles.
  - Square: A square-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Circle: A circle-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Delta: A diamond-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Row: Spans horizontally across the map. 'x' expands up and down.
  - Column: Spans vertically across the map. 'x' expands left and right.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.

Script Call Check:

  $isTileEncounterNone(x, y)

- This can be used to check if a certain map tile (x, y) has an encounter
  rate suppression effect on it.
- Returns a boolean (true or false) when used.


<Erase if Encounter Half>
<Erase if Encounter None>

- Used for: Event Notetags ONLY
- Automatically erase this event if the player's party has an encounter half
  or encounter none effect, or if the event has spawned in an encounter half
  or encounter none area.
- This check only occurs in two situations: when the map is first loaded
  after being teleported into or when the player leaves a menu and returns
  back to the map.
- Events that have been erased due to this effect will NOT return even if
  the encounter half/none effect is removed while the player is still on the
  map. The event will return if the player exits the map and comes back.


<Exit Reset Self Data>

- Used for: Event Notetags ONLY
- When the player leaves the current map, all Self Switches and Self
  Variables related to this event will be reset.


EventsMoveCoreHitbox fixed.png

<Hitbox Left: x>
<Hitbox Right: x>
<Hitbox Up: x>
<Hitbox Down: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Replace 'x' with a number to extend the hitbox of the event by that many
  tiles towards the listed direction.
- Use multiples of this notetag to extend them to different directions.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.



<Icon: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Replace 'x' with the Icon ID you wish to put above this event.
- This will not override any Icons designated to the ID through a
  Plugin Command.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Icon Buffer X: +x>
<Icon Buffer X: -x>

<Icon Buffer Y: +x>
<Icon Buffer Y: -x>

<Icon Buffer: +x, +y>
<Icon Buffer: -x, -y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Allows you to adjust the positions of the icon on the envent by buffers.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with the values to adjust the position buffers by.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.



<Label: text>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Puts a label over the event's head displaying 'text'.
- Text codes can be used.
  - If text codes are used, avoid text codes that use < and > wrappers.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.



- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Puts a label over the event's head displaying 'text'.
- This can display multiple lines.
- Text codes can be used.
  - You can use text codes with < and > wrappers.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Label Range: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets a range requirement for the player to be in order for the event's
  label to appear.
- Replace 'x' with a number value depicting the range in tiles.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Label Range Type: Square>
<Label Range Type: Circle>
<Label Range Type: Diamond>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets a range type for the label to appear visible for.
  - Square: A square-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Circle: A circle-shaped range with the event at the center.
  - Diamond: A diamond-shaped range with the event at the center.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If this tag is not used, refer to the default plugin parameter settings.


<Label Offset X: +x>
<Label Offset X: -x>

<Label Offset Y: +x>
<Label Offset Y: -x>

<Label Offset: +x, +y>
<Label Offset: -x, -y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Allows you to adjust the positions of the label on the envent by offsets.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with the values to adjust the position offsets by.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


EventsMoveCore LabelHueShift.gif

<Label Hue Shift: +x>
<Label Hue Shift: -x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the hue of the event label by +x or -x every frame.
  - Keep in mind that since this is changing hue, this will appear to have
    no effect if you are using black and white labels.
  - Use labels with text codes that add color to them like '\C[4]text'
- This only works with the sprite version of event labels and does not work
  with the legacy version.


<Location X: +x>
<Location X: -x>

<Location Y: +x>
<Location Y: -x>

<Location: +x, +y>
<Location: +x, -y>
<Location: -x, +y>
<Location: -x, -y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the initial location of this event by +x and +y (or -x and -y).
- This allows you to stack events on top of each other or even move them to
  various places of the map.
- Replace 'x' with a number that represents the horizontal tiles to adjust
  the initial starting location by.
- Replace 'y' with a number that represents the vertical tiles to adjust
  the initial starting location by.


EventsMoveCore MirrorSprite.gif

<Mirror Sprite>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- The event sprite's visual appearance is mirrored.



<Move Only Region: x>
<Move Only Regions: x,x,x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the move range of this event to only the region(s) marked by the
  notetag(s) or comment tag(s).
- This will bypass terrain passability.
- This will not bypass event collision.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.



<Move Synch Target: Player>

<Move Synch Target: Event x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Synchronizes the movement of this event with a target (either the player
  or another event). This event will only move whenever the synchronized
  target moves.
- For 'Event x' variant, replace 'x' with the ID of the event to synch to.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Move Synch Type: Random>
<Move Synch Type: Approach>
<Move Synch Type: Away>
<Move Synch Type: Custom>

<Move Synch Type: Mimic>
<Move Synch Type: Reverse Mimic>

<Move Synch Type: Mirror Horizontal>
<Move Synch Type: Mirror Vertical>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Choose the type of movement the event will have if it is synchronized to
  a target.
  - Random: Move to a random position.
  - Approach: Approaches target.
  - Away: Flees from target.
  - Custom: Follows a custom move route.
  - Mimic: Imitates the target's movement style.
  - Reverse Mimic: Does the opposite of the target's movement.
  - Mirror Horizontal: Moves as if a mirror is placed horizontally.
  - Mirror Vertical: Moves as if a mirror is placed vertically.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Move Synch Delay: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- If this tag is present, the event will wait a bit after each move before
  moving again.
- Replace 'x' with the number of movement instances in between.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Move Synch Distance Opacity: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the opacity of the event based on the distance between it and its
  move synched target. Closer means more opaque. Further away means more
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the opacity change per pixel
  distance away. 'x' can use decimal values like 1.05 and 1.5.


EventsMoveCore EventPicture.gif

<Picture Filename: filename>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Applies a picture graphic from the /img/pictures/ folder of your project.
- This graphic will be on top of the character sprite but below the event
  icon sprite.
  - The picture priority will be the same as the event's priority.
  - If it is "below characters", the player can walk on top of it.
  - If it is "above characters", the player will behind it.
  - If it is "same as characters", the priority will be based on the
    current relative Y position. This also means, if the picture is big
    enough, it can clip into the top of tree tiles and such.
- Replace 'filename' with a filename from the game project's /img/pictures/
  folder. This is case sensitive. Do NOT include the file extension.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Picture Type: Enemy>
<Picture Type: SV Enemy>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Used with <Picture Filename: filename> notetag.
- Will use /img/enemies/ or /img/sv_enemies/ instead of /img/pictures/ to
  grab a picture graphic from.
- Other picture graphic sprite related notetags will apply as normal.


EventsMoveCore EventPicture.gif

<Picture Max Size: x>
<Picture Scale: y%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Used with <Picture Filename: filename> notetag.
- If the "Max Size" or "Scale" supplementary notetags are used, the picture
  graphic will be scaled proportionally to fit either the exact pixel size
  for "Max Size" or the "Scale" ratio.
  - Both the "Max Size" and "Scale" notetags require the "Filename" notetag.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the exact pixel size for the
  "Max Size" notetag.
- Replace 'y' with a number value representing the scale on which to shrink
  or enlarge the picture. 100% is normal size. 50% is half size. 200% is
  double size.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


EventsMoveCore EventPicture.gif

<Picture Offset X: +x>
<Picture Offset X: -x>

<Picture Offset Y: +x>
<Picture Offset Y: -x>

<Picture Offset: +x, +y>
<Picture Offset: -x, -y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Used with <Picture Filename: filename> notetag.
- Offsets the X and Y position of the event picture relative to the event
  sprite's own position.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers indicating the offset in pixels.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


EventsMoveCore EventPicture.gif

<Picture Wait Frames: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Used with <Picture Filename: filename> notetag.
- Requires VisuMZ_4_AnimatedPictures!
- "Wait Frames" is used with VisuMZ's Animated Pictures plugin. This
  determines the delay inbetween frame changes.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of frames to wait
  inbetween frame changes.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.



- Used for: Event Notetags.
- This does NOT work when it's in the Event Page Comment Tags.
- If this notetag is found in the event's notebox (NOT comments), then the
  event will only appear during a playtest session. It will not appear in a
  deployed game where the playtest flag is not on.


EventsMovementCore Update25 WeightedRandom.png

<Random Move Weight: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- If this tag is used on an event with random-type autonomous movement, then
  the event will stick closer to their home location (where they are located
  upon spawning on the map). How close they stick to their home location
  will depend on the weighted 'x' value.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 1. Numbers closer to 0 give the
  event more freedom when moving randomly while numbers closer to 1 cause
  the event to stick closer to their home position.


<True Random Move>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- If this tag is used on an event with random-type autonomous movement, then
  that event will ignore the effects of weighted randomized movement.


<Save Event Location>

- Used for: Event Notetags ONLY
- Saves the locations of the event on the map so that when you return to
  that map at a later point, the event will be in the position it was
  last in.



<Hide Shadow>
- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Hides the shadow for the event.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


EventsMoveCore Update123 Preview.png

<Scale: x%>

<Scale X: x%>
<Scale Y: y%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the scale of the sprite to the designated size.
- For <Scale: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing the
  scaling overall percentage to be used.
- For <Scale X: x%> variant, replace 'x' with a number representing the x
  factor for the horizontal scaling percentage to be used.
- For <Scale Y: y%> variant, replace 'y' with a number representing the y
  factor for the vertical scaling percentage to be used.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Shadow Filename: filename>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Replaces the shadow graphic used with 'filename' found in the
  img/system/ project folder.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Sprite Offset X: +x>
<Sprite Offset X: -x>

<Sprite Offset Y: +x>
<Sprite Offset Y: -x>

<Sprite Offset: +x, +y>
<Sprite Offset: -x, -y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes how much the event's sprite is visibly offset by.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers indicating the offset in pixels.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Step Pattern: Left to Right>
<Step Pattern: Right to Left>

<Step Pattern: Spin Clockwise>
<Step Pattern: Spin CW>

<Step Pattern: Spin CounterClockwise>
<Step Pattern: Spin CCW>
<Step Pattern: Spin AntiClockwise>
<Step Pattern: Spin ACW>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the way the event animates if a tag is present.
  - Left to Right: Makes the event sprite's step behavior go from frame 0 to
    1 to 2, then back to 0 instead of looping backward.
  - Right to Left: Makes the event sprite's step behavior go from frame 2 to
    1 to 0, then back to 2 instead of looping forward.
  - Spin Clockwise: Makes the event sprite's step behavior spin CW.
  - Spin CounterClockwise: Makes the event sprite's step behavior spin CCW.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


EventsMoveCore TileExpand.png

<Tile Expand Up: x>
<Tile Expand Down: x>
<Tile Expand Left: x>
<Tile Expand Right: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Used for events with tile graphics. Expands the graphic up, down, left, or
  right from the spritesheet.
  - This does NOT expand the hitbox.
- The graphic will be anchored to the tile it's expanded from. This means
  even if you expanded downward, the actual event's position will still be
  the current event's X/Y coordinates. It's just grown more vertically and
  is still centered horizontally.
- This is primarily used to save on having to use too many events for tiles
  that expanded past 1x1 tile sizes.


Evolution Matrix Skills VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Evolution Matrix-Related Notetags

EvoMatrixSkills Preview.gif


<Matrix Skill key: id>
<Matrix Skill key: name>

<Available Matrix Skill key: id>
<Available Matrix Skill key: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Adds an evolution matrix to a skill when the specific 'key' is pressed.
  This variant requires the actor to either have learned the skill or have
  it temporarily accessible through traits.
- There are no differences between the <Matrix Skill key: id> and
  <Available Matrix Skill key: id> notetags, it's a matter of preference of
  which you want to use.
- Replace 'key' with a string representing the key trigger you wish to bind
  this chain skill with.
  - 'down', 'left', 'right', 'up'
  - You can substitute the above for the NumPad values: 'down' with '2',
    'left' with '4', 'right' with '6', and 'up' with '8'
  - 'cancel', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'shift'
  - You can substitute the above for the Keyboard inputs: 'cancel' with 'x',
    'pageup' with 'q', 'pagedown' with 'w', and 'shift' for 's'
  - 'ok' and/or 'z' is not available since it's for the Center Skill.
  - Do not include the quotes.
- For 'id' variant: replace 'id' with the ID of the skill to evolve using
  the marked key.
- For 'name' variant: replace 'name' with the name of the skill to evolve
  using the marked key.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to bind different keys.


  <Matrix Skill up: Fire II>
  <Matrix Skill left: 108>
  <Available Matrix Skill right: Fire III>
  <Available Matrix Skill down: 110>


<Learned Matrix Skill key: id>
<Learned Matrix Skill key: name>

<Known Matrix Skill key: id>
<Known Matrix Skill key: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Adds an evolution matrix to a skill when the specific 'key' is pressed.
  This variant requires the actor to have learned the skill in order to
  evolve to it regardless of whether or not the actor has temporary trait
  access to the skill.
- There are no differences between the <Learned Matrix Skill key: id> and
  <Known Matrix Skill key: id> notetags, it's a matter of preference of
  which you want to use.
- Replace 'key' with a string representing the key trigger you wish to bind
  this chain skill with.
  - 'down', 'left', 'right', 'up'
  - You can substitute the above for the NumPad values: 'down' with '2',
    'left' with '4', 'right' with '6', and 'up' with '8'
  - 'cancel', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'shift'
  - You can substitute the above for the Keyboard inputs: 'cancel' with 'x',
    'pageup' with 'q', 'pagedown' with 'w', and 'shift' for 's'
  - 'ok' and/or 'z' is not available since it's for the Center Skill.
  - Do not include the quotes.
- For 'id' variant: replace 'id' with the ID of the skill to evolve using
  the marked key.
- For 'name' variant: replace 'name' with the name of the skill to evolve
  using the marked key.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to bind different keys.


  <Learned Matrix Skill up: Fire II>
  <Learned Matrix Skill left: 108>
  <Known Matrix Skill right: Fire III>
  <Known Matrix Skill down: 110>


<Always Matrix Skill key: id>
<Always Matrix Skill key: name>

<Forced Matrix Skill key: id>
<Forced Matrix Skill key: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Adds an evolution matrix to a skill when the specific 'key' is pressed.
  This variant will always have the skill available for evolution.
- There are no differences between the <Always Matrix Skill key: id> and
  <Forced Matrix Skill key: id> notetags, it's a matter of preference of
  which you want to use.
- Replace 'key' with a string representing the key trigger you wish to bind
  this chain skill with.
  - 'down', 'left', 'right', 'up'
  - You can substitute the above for the NumPad values: 'down' with '2',
    'left' with '4', 'right' with '6', and 'up' with '8'
  - 'cancel', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'shift'
  - You can substitute the above for the Keyboard inputs: 'cancel' with 'x',
    'pageup' with 'q', 'pagedown' with 'w', and 'shift' for 's'
  - 'ok' and/or 'z' is not available since it's for the Center Skill.
  - Do not include the quotes.
- For 'id' variant: replace 'id' with the ID of the skill to evolve using
  the marked key.
- For 'name' variant: replace 'name' with the name of the skill to evolve
  using the marked key.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to bind different keys.


  <Always Matrix Skill up: Fire II>
  <Always Matrix Skill left: 108>
  <Forced Matrix Skill right: Fire III>
  <Forced Matrix Skill down: 110>


Animation-Related Notetags

EvoMatrixSkills Preview.gif


<Evo Matrix Animation: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Changes the animation played when evolving into this skill or initially
  using it to create an Evolution Matrix.
- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the animation to play
  when selecting this skill in the Evolution Matrix.
- If this notetag is not used, play the animation found in the Plugin
  Parameters instead.


Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

General Drop-Related Notetags

The following notetags are related to giving enemies additional drops with more control over probability rates.


<Item Drop id: x%>
<Item Drop id To id: x%>
<Item Drop name: x%>

<Weapon Drop id: x%>
<Weapon Drop id To id: x%>
<Weapon Drop name: x%>

<Armor Drop id: x%>
<Armor Drop id To id: x%>
<Armor Drop name: x%>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Gives the enemy 'x' percent chance to drop the designated item, weapon,
  or armor.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the item, weapon, or armor you wish to assign
  to the enemy as a potential drop.
  - For 'id To id' variants, insert the starting ID and ending ID for the
    items, weapons, and/or armors you wish to add as a batch. This will
    ignore any entries without a name or with ----- in its name.
- With the 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the name of the item,
  weapon, or armor you wish to assign to the enemy as a potential drop.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the percentile probability chance
  of successfully acquiring that item as a drop.
- Insert multiple copies of these notetags if you wish to include more drops
  for the enemies.


<Item Drop 5: 20%>
<Item Drop 5 To 10: 20%>
<Item Drop Potion: 30%>

<Weapon Drop 27: 45%>
<Weapon Drop 27 To 37: 45%>
<Weapon Drop Blade of Reckoning: 55%>

<Armor Drop 19: 72%>
<Armor Drop 19 To 23: 72%>
<Armor Drop Flame Shield: 90%>


 Item id: x%
 Item id To id: x%
 Item name: x%
 Weapon id: x%
 Weapon id To id: x%
 Weapon name: x%
 Armor id: x%
 Armor id To id: x%
 Armor name: x%

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Creates a batch list of item, weapon, armor drops.
- This isn't any different than creating individual copies of the above
  notetags as far as results go, but some may prefer this approach to make
  the drop table look "cleaner".
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the item, weapon, or armor you wish to assign
  to the enemy as a potential drop.
  - For 'id To id' variants, insert the starting ID and ending ID for the
    items, weapons, and/or armors you wish to add as a batch. This will
    ignore any entries without a name or with ----- in its name.
- With the 'name' notetag variant, replace 'name' with the name of the item,
  weapon, or armor you wish to assign to the enemy as a potential drop.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the percentile probability chance
  of successfully acquiring that item as a drop.


 Item 5: 20%
 Item Potion: 30%
 Weapon 27: 45%
 Weapon Blade of Reckoning: 55%
 Armor 72: 72%
 Armor Flame Shield: 90%


Conditional Drop-Related Notetags

Conditional drops are drops that only appear once specific conditions have been met. For each condition met, their chances of dropping can be raised higher or lower.


<Conditional Item id Drop>
 condition: +x%
 condition: +x%
 condition: -x%
 condition: -x%
</Conditional Item id Drop>

<Conditional Item id To id Drops>
 condition: +x%
 condition: +x%
 condition: -x%
 condition: -x%
</Conditional Item id To id Drops>

<Conditional Item name Drop>
 condition: +x%
 condition: +x%
 condition: -x%
 condition: -x%
</Conditional Item name Drop>

<Conditional Weapon id Drop>
 condition: +x%
 condition: +x%
 condition: -x%
 condition: -x%
</Conditional Weapon id Drop>

<Conditional Weapon id To id Drop>
 condition: +x%
 condition: +x%
 condition: -x%
 condition: -x%
</Conditional Weapon id To id Drop>

<Conditional Weapon name Drop>
 condition: +x%
 condition: +x%
 condition: -x%
 condition: -x%
</Conditional Weapon name Drop>

<Conditional Armor id Drop>
 condition: +x%
 condition: +x%
 condition: -x%
 condition: -x%
</Conditional Armor id Drop>

<Conditional Armor id To id Drop>
 condition: +x%
 condition: +x%
 condition: -x%
 condition: -x%
</Conditional Armor id To id Drop>

<Conditional Armor name Drop>
 condition: +x%
 condition: +x%
 condition: -x%
 condition: -x%
</Conditional Armor name Drop>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Create conditional item, weapon, and/or armor drops for this enemy.
- Insert multiples of these notetags if you want more than one conditional
  drop for this enemy.
- Use the associated item, weapon, or armor type notetag for the type of
  conditional drop you want for the enemy.
- Replace 'id' with the ID number of the item, weapon, or armor to drop.
  - For 'id To id' variants, insert the starting ID and ending ID for the
    items, weapons, and/or armors you wish to add as a batch. This will
    ignore any entries without a name or with ----- in its name.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the item, weapon, or armor to drop.
- Replace 'condition' with any of the conditions listed in below section.
- Replace 'x' with the increase or decrease in percentage drop chance.


Condition List

Replace 'condition' in the notetags in the above section with any of the following to make conditions. These conditions are also used in the Plugin Parameters for the default conditions, too.


x >= y
x > y
x === y
x !== y
x < y
x <= y

- Replace 'x' and 'y' with any of the following:

- 'Switch x' (replace 'x' with a number) for switch x's current state.
- 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'ON', 'OFF' for the opposite x/y value.
- Using any of these boolean modifiers must be paired with '===' or '!=='

- 'Variable x' (replace 'x' with a number) for variable x's current value.
- A numeric value representing a hard number.
- '50%' or any other percentile number to represent a rate.
- '0.5' or any other float number to represent a rate.

- 'Item id Count' for the number of specific items the party owns.
  - Replace 'id' with the ID of the item.
- 'Item name Count' for the number of specific items the party owns.
  - Replace 'name' with the ID of the item.

- 'Weapon id Count' for the number of specific weapons the party owns.
  - Replace 'id' with the ID of the weapon.
- 'Weapon name Count' for the number of specific weapons the party owns.
  - Replace 'name' with the ID of the weapon.

- 'Armor id Count' for the number of specific armors the party owns.
  - Replace 'id' with the ID of the armor.
- 'Armor name Count' for the number of specific armors the party owns.
  - Replace 'name' with the ID of the armor.

- 'Alive Members' for the number of alive party members when drops are
  being determined.

- 'Battle Members' for the number of participating party members in battle.

- 'Battle Turns' for the number of turns passed in battle when drops are
  being determined.

- 'Dead Members' for the number of dead party members when drops are
  being determined.

- 'Death Turn' for the turn the enemy died. If an enemy was revived during
  battle, then take the most recent turn the enemy has died.

- 'Enemy Level' for the current level of the enemy if using the 'level'
  property for the Game_Enemy object.

- 'Party Gold' for the party's current gold value when drops are
  being determined.

- 'Party Members' for the number of total party members in battle.

- 'Times type id Struck' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  with 'type' 'id' during battle.
- Replace 'type' with 'Element' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  with specific elemental damage.
- Replace 'type' with 'Item' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  with a specific item.
- Replace 'type' with 'Skill' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  with a specific skill.
- Replace 'type' with 'SType' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  by any skill of a specifici skill type.
- Replace 'type' with 'State' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  with a specific state.
- Replace 'id' with the type's ID.

- 'Times type name Struck' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  with 'type' 'name' during battle.
- Replace 'type' with 'Element' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  with specific elemental damage.
- Replace 'type' with 'Item' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  with a specific item.
- Replace 'type' with 'Skill' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  with a specific skill.
- Replace 'type' with 'SType' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  by any skill of a specifici skill type.
- Replace 'type' with 'State' for the number of times the enemy was struck
  with a specific state.
- Replace 'name' with the type's name in the database.



- This condition is always met. Use this to set a base drop chance.


Random x%

- Offers a random 'x' chance to increase/decrease drop chance.


Last Strike type id
Last Strike type name

- Checks the condition to see if the last struck action against the enemy
  was done by a specific action.
- Replace 'type' with 'Element' for the last struck element.
- Replace 'type' with 'Item' for the last struck item if it was an item.
  This will override the 'Skill' and 'SType' types.
- Replace 'type' with 'Skill' for the last struck skill if it was a skill.
  This will override the 'Item' type.
- Replace 'type' with 'SType' for the last struck skill type if it was
  a skill. This will override the 'Item' type.
- Replace 'type' with 'State' for the last struck state.



The following are some examples on how these conditional drops are used:


<Conditional Item Potion Drop>
 Always: +20%
 Death Turn <= 3: +50%
</Conditional Item Potion Drop>

- Conditional drop is the Potion item.
- It has a base chance of 20%.
- If the enemy was defeated during or before turn 3, increase the drop
  chance by another 50%.


<Conditional Weapon Mithril Sword Drop>
 Always: +100%
 Times SType Magic Struck: -10%
 Times SType Spell Struck: -10%
</Conditional Weapon Mithril Sword Drop>

- Conditional drop is the Mithril Sword weapon.
- It starts off with a 100% chance of a drop.
- Each time the enemy is struck with 'Magic' or 'Spell' type attacks,
  the drop chance decreases by 10%.


<Conditional Armor Elemental Cloak Drop>
 Times Element Fire Struck: +10%
 Times Element Ice Struck: +10%
 Times Element Thunder Struck: +10%
 Times Element Physical Struck: -20%
 Times Skill Element Force Struck: +50%
</Conditional Armor Elemental Cloak Drop>

- Conditional drop is the Elemental Cloak armor.
- Each time the enemy is struck by 'Fire', 'Ice', or 'Thunder' damage,
  increase the drop chance by 10%.
- Each time the enemy is struck by 'Physical' damage, decrease the drop
  chance by 10%.
- Each time the enemy is struck by the specific skill 'Element Force',
  increase the drop chance by +50%.


JavaScript Notetags: Drops

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to give more control over conditional enemy drop manipulation.


<JS Drops>
</JS Drops>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to make conditional checks in order
  to determine which items, weapons, and/or armors would be added to the
  drop pool.
- The 'drops' variable is an array which contains all of the currently
  existing drops from the enemy this notetag is on. It will be returned as
  an array upon running the notetag's JavaScript code.
- Add to or remove from the 'drops' variable to change up its contents.


Visual Drop-Related Notetags

ExtraEnemyDrops VisualDrops.gif

For those who want to customize how some items, weapons, or armors appear as visual drops, use the following notetags.


<Visual Drop Icon: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Forces the drop item, weapon, or armor to appear as a different icon.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the icon you wish to show.


<Visual Drop Rarity: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Sets the item, weapon, or armor drop to be a specific rarity.
- Replace 'x' with a rarity value between 0 and 10. The settings applied to
  the visual drop will be based on their Plugin Parameter settings.
- This is mutually exclusive from the <Visual Drop Tint Color: r, g, b, k>
  and <Visual Drop Tint Duration: x> notetags.


<Visual Drop Tint Color: r, g, b, k>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Sets the tint of visual drop item when it's visible on the battlefield.
- Replace 'r' with a red value between -255 and 255.
- Replace 'g' with a green value between -255 and 255.
- Replace 'b' with a blue value between -255 and 255.
- Replace 'k' with a gray value between 0 and 255.
- This does not work with the <Visual Drop Rarity: x> notetag.


<Visual Drop Tint Duration: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Sets the duration of the tint effect.
- Replace 'x' with the number of frames to tint the visual drop. The lower
  the number, the faster the tint pulses. The higher the number, the slower
  the tint pulses.


<Visual Drop Spawn SFX: filename>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When the item, weapon, or armor's visual drop spawns on the battlefield,
  play a sound effect.
- Replace 'filename' with the name of a sound effect from the game project's
  /audio/se/ folder. Do not include the file extension.
- Example: <Visual Drop Spawn SFX: Float1>


<Visual Drop Bounce Height: x%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Alters how bouncy this visual drop is as it spawns on the battlefield.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage value on how much higher the visual drop
  should bounce than normal (whatever is set in the Plugin Parameters).


<Visual Drop Bounce SFX: filename>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When the item, weapon, or armor's visual drop bounces on the battlefield,
  play a sound effect.
- Replace 'filename' with the name of a sound effect from the game project's
  /audio/se/ folder. Do not include the file extension.
- Example: <Visual Drop Bounce SFX: Float1>


<Visual Drop Flag: Rainbow>
<Visual Drop Flag: Additive>
<Visual Drop Flag: Multiply>
<Visual Drop Flag: Screen>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Adds visual effects to visual drop when it's on the battlefield.
- The 'Rainbow' effect causes the icon's hue to constantly change.
- The 'Additive', 'Multiply', and 'Screen', effects are blend modes.


Field Skills VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Field Skill-Related Notetags

FieldSkills Preview2.gif


<Field Skill Common Event: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Makes the skill into a Field Skill that activates Common Event 'x'.
  - If this is used for a "Battle Only" or "Never" skill while the Plugin
    Parameter for "Scene_Skill > Usable Field Skills?" is on, the skill can
    now be activated through the Skill scene.
  - Field Skills will have a different effect from their battle variants.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event to
  activate for this Field Skill.


<Field Skill Help Description>
</Field Skill Help Description>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When usable as a Field Skill, display different help description.
- Replace 'text' with the text data you'd like displayed in place of the
  default skill description if this skill can be used as a Field Skill.


<Disable Field Skills>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Disables Field Skills from being able to be used on this map.


<Show Field Skill Switch: x>

<Show Field Skill All Switches: x,x,x>
<Show Field Skill Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines the visibility of the Field Skill based on switches.
  - The invisibility will only affect the map Field Skill List Window.
  - However, invisibility will disable the Field Skill in the Skill scene.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the skill's visibility.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more ID's.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, skill will be hidden until all switches
  are ON. Then, it would be shown.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, skill will be shown if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be hidden.


<Show Field Skill Region ID: x>
<Show Field Skill Region ID: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- If the player's current standing tile's Region ID is listed, then the
  Field Skill is considered visible and shown.
  - The invisibility will only affect the map Field Skill List Window.
  - However, invisibility will disable the Field Skill in the Skill scene.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the region to determine the skill's visibility.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more ID's.


<Hide Field Skill Switch: x>

<Hide Field Skill All Switches: x,x,x>
<Hide Field Skill Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines the visibility of the Field Skill based on switches.
  - The invisibility will only affect the map Field Skill List Window.
  - However, invisibility will disable the Field Skill in the Skill scene.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the skill's visibility.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more ID's.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, skill will be shown until all switches
  are ON. Then, it would be hidden.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, skill will be hidden if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be shown.


<Hide Field Skill Region ID: x>
<Hide Field Skill Region ID: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- If the player's current standing tile's Region ID is listed, then the
  Field Skill is considered invisible and hidden.
  - The invisibility will only affect the map Field Skill List Window.
  - However, invisibility will disable the Field Skill in the Skill scene.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the region to determine the skill's visibility.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more ID's.


<Enable Field Skill Switch: x>

<Enable Field Skill All Switches: x,x,x>
<Enable Field Skill Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines the enabled status of the Field Skill based on switches.
  - The usability only affects the Field Skill as a Field Skill and does
    not affect its usability as a battle skill.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the skill's enabled status.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more ID's.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, skill will be disabled until all
  switches are ON. Then, it would be enabled.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, skill will be enabled if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be disabled.


<Enable Field Skill Region ID: x>
<Enable Field Skill Region ID: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- If the player's current standing tile's Region ID is listed, then the
  Field Skill is considered enabled.
  - The usability only affects the Field Skill as a Field Skill and does
    not affect its usability as a battle skill.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the region to enable the skill.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more ID's.


<Disable Field Skill Switch: x>

<Disable Field Skill All Switches: x,x,x>
<Disable Field Skill Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines the enabled status of the Field Skill based on switches.
  - The usability only affects the Field Skill as a Field Skill and does
    not affect its usability as a battle skill.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the skill's enabled status.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more ID's.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, skill will be enabled until all switches
  are ON. Then, it would be disabled.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, skill will be disabled if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be enabled.


<Disable Field Skill Region ID: x>
<Disable Field Skill Region ID: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- If the player's current standing tile's Region ID is listed, then the
  Field Skill is considered disabled.
  - The usability only affects the Field Skill as a Field Skill and does
    not affect its usability as a battle skill.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the region to disable the skill.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to cover more ID's.


Fluctuating Shop Prices VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Price-Related Notetags

FlucShopPrices Params1.png


<Price Base Variable: x>
<Buy Base Variable: x>
<Sell Base Variable: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines the 'base' price for the affected item, weapon, or armor.
  - By default, the price formula goes (base + plus) * rate + flat
- With 'Price', the notetag will affect both 'Buy' and 'Sell' prices.
  - 'Buy' version of the notetag will only affect price when buying.
  - 'Sell' version of the notetag will only affect price when selling.
  - When selling, the base price is affected by the Sell Price Rate modifier
    if you decide to let it affect it. These settings can be altered in the
    Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the game variable whose value determines the
  'base' price of this item, weapon, or armor.


<Price Plus Variable: x>
<Buy Plus Variable: x>
<Sell Plus Variable: x>

<Price Plus Variable: x, x, x>
<Buy Plus Variable: x, x, x>
<Sell Plus Variable: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines the 'plus' price for the affected item, weapon, or armor.
  - By default, the price formula goes (base + plus) * rate + flat
- With 'Price', the notetag will affect both 'Buy' and 'Sell' prices.
  - 'Buy' version of the notetag will only affect price when buying.
  - 'Sell' version of the notetag will only affect price when selling.
  - When selling, the plus price is affected by the Sell Price Rate modifier
    if you decide to let it affect it. These settings can be altered in the
    Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the game variable whose value determines the
  'plus' price of this item, weapon, or armor.
  - Insert multiple 'x' for more variables to contribute additively to the
    total 'plus' value amount when determining the price.
- By default, finalized prices will round up.


<Price Rate Variable: x>
<Buy Rate Variable: x>
<Sell Rate Variable: x>

<Price Plus Variable: x, x, x>
<Buy Plus Variable: x, x, x>
<Sell Plus Variable: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines the 'rate' price for the affected item, weapon, or armor.
  - By default, the price formula goes (base + plus) * rate + flat
- With 'Price', the notetag will affect both 'Buy' and 'Sell' prices.
  - 'Buy' version of the notetag will only affect price when buying.
  - 'Sell' version of the notetag will only affect price when selling.
  - When selling, the rate price is normally NOT affected by the Sell Price
    Rate modifier unless you decide to let it affect it. These settings can
    be altered in the Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the game variable whose value determines the
  'rate' price of this item, weapon, or armor.
  - Insert multiple 'x' for more variables to contribute multiplicatively to
    the total 'rate' value amount when determining the price.
- When the value of the marked variable is called upon, divide the value by
  100 in order to determine the rate.
  - This means that if this variable's value is 250, it will have a
    multiplier rate of 2.50 and not 250.0.
- By default, finalized prices will round up.


<Price Flat Variable: x>
<Buy Flat Variable: x>
<Sell Flat Variable: x>

<Price Flat Variable: x, x, x>
<Buy Flat Variable: x, x, x>
<Sell Flat Variable: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines the 'flat' price for the affected item, weapon, or armor.
  - By default, the price formula goes (base + plus) * rate + flat
- With 'Price', the notetag will affect both 'Buy' and 'Sell' prices.
  - 'Buy' version of the notetag will only affect price when buying.
  - 'Sell' version of the notetag will only affect price when selling.
  - When selling, the flat price is affected by the Sell Price Rate modifier
    if you decide to let it affect it. These settings can be altered in the
    Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the game variable whose value determines the
  'flat' price of this item, weapon, or armor.
  - Insert multiple 'x' for more variables to contribute additively to the
    total 'flat' value amount when determining the price.
- By default, finalized prices will round up.


Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Portrait-Related Notetags

FrontviewUI Preview2.png


<Battle Portrait: filename>

- Used for: Actor Notetag
- Sets the battle portrait image for the actor to 'filename'.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out the filename
  extension from the notetag.
- This will override any menu images used for battle only.


<Frontview UI Portraits>
 key: filename
 key: filename
 key: filename
</Frontview UI Portraits>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Allows varying portraits to be displayed when certain 'key' elements are
  selected or used.
- Replace 'key' with a setting from the following (without the quotes):
  - When performing actions (priority from top to bottom):
    - The exact name of the skill or item being used.
    - "Item" - When actor uses an item.
    - "Friendly" - When actor performs an action that targets allies.
    - "Certain Hit" - When actor uses an action that is Certain Hit type.
    - "Physical" - When actor uses an action that is Physical hit type.
    - "Magical" - When actor uses an action that is Magical hit type.
    - "Opponent" - When actor performs an action that targets enemies.
    - "Magic" - When actor performs a magic-type skill.
    - "Skill" - When actor performs a general skill.
    - "Normal" - Everything else.
    - "Default" - Everything else.
  - When choosing during input (priority from top to bottom):
    - The exact name of the skill or item being used.
    - The 'symbol' used for the command item.
      - "Attack", "Guard", "Skill", "Item", "Escape", "AutoBattle"
      - "Brave" - From VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemBTB
      - "Formation" - From VisuMZ_2_PartySystem
      - "WeaponSwap" - From VisuMZ_2_WeaponSwapSystem
      - "Boost" - From VisuMZ_3_BoostAction
      - "CombatLog" - From VisuMZ_4_CombatLog
    - "Normal" - Everything else.
    - "Default" - Everything else.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out the filename
  extension from the notetag.


Map-Related Notetags

FrontviewUI Preview3.png


<Show Frontview UI>
<Hide Frontview UI>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Show or hide the Frontview Battle UI when entering this specific map.
- The visibility can be changed via Plugin Command.


Full Field Recovery VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Map-Related Notetags

FullFieldRec Preview2.gif


<Disable Full Field Recovery>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Disables Full Field Recovery from being used on this map.


Item-Related Notetags

FullFieldRec Preview2.gif


<Exclude Field Recovery>
<Exclude Field HP Recovery>
<Exclude Field MP Recovery>
<Exclude Field State Recovery>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Excludes this specific item from being included into the automatically
  generated lists of field recovery items.
- If using a planned priority list, ignore this notetag.
- The general <Exclude Field Recovery> notetag will exclude from all three
  lists while the HP, MP, and State specific ones target only those lists.


<Include Field HP Recovery>
<Include Field MP Recovery>
<Include Field State Recovery>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Includes this specific item into the automatic field recovery item list.
- If using a planned priority list, ignore this notetag.
- This still requires the item to have an occassion type of "Always" or
  "Menu Only" in order to be usable via Full Field Recovery.


Furniture System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Map-Related Notetags

FurnitureSys Preview.gif


<Allow Furniture>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Allows furniture objects to be placed on this map by the player.
- If this notetag is not present, the furniture-accessibility for the player
  is depending on the settings found in the Plugin Parameters.


<No Furniture>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Prevents furniture objects from being placed on this map by the player.
- You can still spawn furniture objects onto the map via Plugin Command.
- If this notetag is not present, the furniture-accessibility for the player
  is depending on the settings found in the Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Type: type>
<Furniture Types: type, type, type>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Determines which furniture types are allowed on the map to be placed from
  the item menu.
- Furniture items with those any of matching furniture types are allowed to
  be placed on the map.
  - This does NOT affect the furniture types placed through the Plugin
    Commands or pre-existing pieces of furniture placed there.
- Replace 'type' with text categories explaining the type.
- All maps allow the 'any' furniture type.
- This will also provide the effect of the <Allow Furniture> notetag.


  <Furniture Type: Outdoor>
  <Furniture Types: Outdoor, Lighting>


Furniture-Related Notetags

FurnitureSys Preview2.gif


<Furniture Template: name>
<Furniture Templates: name, name, name>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Marks this item database object as a furniture piece of item.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a stored Event Template found within the
  Events and Movement Core's Plugin Parameters.
  - Insert multiple names if you want more variations associated with this
    furniture item.
  - These variations can be different rotations of the item or different
    colors of them, or maybe even both. The choice is yours.
- This notetag is absolutely needed in order to mark this database object as
  a piece of furniture item.


<Furniture Type: type>
<Furniture Types: type, type, type>

- Used for: Items Notetags
- Determines which furniture types this furniture item is considered to be
  when being placed by the player from the item menu.
- Furniture items can only be placed on maps that allow any of the matching
  furniture types.
  - This does NOT affect the furniture types placed through the Plugin
    Commands or pre-existing pieces of furniture placed there.
- Replace 'type' with text categories explaining the type.
- If no 'type' is used, this furniture item will default to the 'any' type.


  <Furniture Type: Outdoor>
  <Furniture Types: Outdoor, Lighting>


<Furniture Allow Region: x>
<Furniture Allow Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Dictates the regions that the player can ONLY place this piece of
  furniture on. In other words, you cannot place furniture on tiles without
  the region.
- This will bypass passability rules (so that you can use them for wall
- Replace 'x' with a number between 1 and 255 representing the Region ID
  associated with this notetag effect.
  - Insert multiple numbers to expand the regions that the furniture can
    be placed on.
- This notetag CANNOT be used together on the same object with the notetag:
  <Furniture Forbid Region: x> and variants.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Allowed Regions settings will
  default to whatever setting is found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Forbid Region: x>
<Furniture Forbid Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Dictates the regions that the player CANNOT place this piece of furniture
  on. In other words, you cannot place furniture on tiles with this region.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 1 and 255 representing the Region ID
  associated with this notetag effect.
  - Insert multiple numbers to expand the regions that the furniture cannot
    be placed on.
- This notetag CANNOT be used together on the same object with the notetag:
  <Furniture Allow Region: x> and variants.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Forbid Regions settings will
  default to whatever setting is found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Allow Terrain Tag: x>
<Furniture Allow Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Dictates the terrain tag tiles that the player can ONLY place this piece
  of furniture on. In other words, you cannot place furniture on tiles
  without the terrain tag.
- This will bypass passability rules (so that you can use them for wall
- Replace 'x' with a number between 1 and 7 representing the Terrain Tag
  associated with this notetag effect.
  - Insert multiple numbers to expand the tiles that the furniture can
    be placed on.
- This notetag CANNOT be used together on the same object with the notetag:
  <Furniture Allow Terrain Tag: x> and variants.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Allowed Terrain Tag settings will
  default to whatever setting is found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Forbid Terrain Tag: x>
<Furniture Forbid Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Dictates the terrain tag tiles that the player CANNOT place this piece of
  furniture on. In other words, you cannot place furniture on tiles with
  this terrain tag.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 1 and 7 representing the Terrain Tag
  associated with this notetag effect.
  - Insert multiple numbers to expand the tiles that the furniture cannot
    be placed on.
- This notetag CANNOT be used together on the same object with the notetag:
  <Furniture Forbid Terrain Tag: x> and variants.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Forbid Terrain Tag settings will
  default to whatever setting is found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Check Event Collision>
<Furniture Allow Event Stacking>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Causes the furniture object to check for event collision or let the player
  stack events on a single tile infinitely.
- We recommend not using the "Allow" version. Best leave this notetag alone
  unless you absolutely know what you're doing with it.
- If either of these notetags are not used, then the default settings will
  be determined by the setting found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Need Passability>
<Furniture Free Passability>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- The "Need" notetag variant determines if the furniture object checks if
  the tile it's placed on must have passability in order to be valid.
- The "Free" notetag variant version does the opposite; it does not need any
  passability settings.
- This effect is ignored with the Allowed Region/Terrain Tag notetags.
- If either of these notetags are not used, then the default settings will
  be determined by the setting found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.
- *NOTE!* The passability check does not work well with the A4 Tiles.
  Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about this because of the way
  RPG Maker MZ handles it. No matter how you mark them in the database, RPG
  Maker MZ will decide that they are passable. You have to work around this
  with Forbid Region notetags or Forbid Terrain Tag notetags.


<Furniture Place Common Event: x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Runs a Common Event when the furniture object is placed.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event to run.
- If this notetag is not used, then the default settings for this effect
  will be determined by this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Place Once>
<Furniture Place Until Empty>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Automatically exit "Furniture Mode" once a furniture object is placed or
  only exit after the items placing them have been emptied out (or until the
  player presses cancel).
- If this notetag is not used, then the default settings for this effect
  will be determined by this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Prevent Cancel Exit>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- For those weird times where you don't want the player to be able to cancel
  out of furniture mode when using this item.
- There is no Plugin Parameter default for this.


JavaScript-Furniture Notetags

FurnitureSys Preview.gif


<JS On Place Furniture>
</JS On Place Furniture>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- When this furniture item is placed, run JavaScript 'code'.
- The 'item' variable will refer to this item.
- This JS code will run when the furniture item is placed down be it
  directly from the inventory or upon being moved and stamped down.


<JS On Remove Furniture>
</JS On Remove Furniture>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- When this furniture item is removed, run JavaScript 'code'.
- The 'item' variable will refer to this item.
- This JS code will run when the furniture item is removed after originally
  being placed down from an item.
- This code will also run at the start of a furniture item being moved.


Event-Related Notetags

FurnitureSys Preview3.gif


<Furniture Not Movable>

- Used for: Event Notetags
- NOTE! This does NOT work if you put it inside an event's comments.
- Prevents the furniture from being movable by either player interaction or
  Plugin Command.
- Use for things like crops.


Hospital Shop VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


State-Related Notetags

HospitalShop Preview.png


<Hospital Cost: x>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Changes the cost to recover this state in the hospital to 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the amount of gold needed to help
  the actor remove this state in the hospital scene.
- If this notetag is not used, use the default cost found in the
  Plugin Parameters.


<No Recover All Clear>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- This notetag will prevent the hospital and the "Recover All" event command
  from removing this state nor charging for it.


Input Combo Skills VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Input Combo Origin-Related Notetags

InputComboSkills Preview.gif


<Combo Skill key: id>
<Combo Skill key: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Declares this skill as an Input Combo origin skill. This notetag sets
  an input skill to the specific 'key' when pressed.
  - The input skills do not need to be learned or available through traits
    in order to be used.
- Replace 'key' with a string representing the key trigger you wish to bind
  this chain skill with.
  - 'down', 'left', 'right', 'up'
  - You can substitute the above for the NumPad values: 'down' with '2',
    'left' with '4', 'right' with '6', and 'up' with '8'
  - 'ok', 'cancel', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'shift'
  - You can substitute the above for the Keyboard inputs: 'ok' with 'z',
    'cancel' with 'x', 'pageup' with 'q', 'pagedown' with 'w', and
    'shift' for 's'
  - Do not include the quotes.
- For 'id' variant: replace 'id' with the ID of the skill to combo using
  the marked key.
- For 'name' variant: replace 'name' with the name of the skill to combo
  using the marked key.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to bind different keys.


  <Combo Skill Down: Leg Sweep>
  <Combo Skill Left: 107>
  <Input Combo Skill Right: Hook Punch>
  <Input Combo Skill Up: 123>


<Combo Max: x>

<Input Combo Max: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Sets a maximum combo count that this Input Combo origin skill can have.
- There are no differences between the two <Combo Max: x> and
  <Input Combo Max: x> notetags, it's a matter of preference of which you
  want to use.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the max combo inputs you want to
  allow the player to input.
- If this notetag is not used, the combo max will default to the value found
  in the Plugin Parameters.
- The max combo will NOT include any special skills added through a specific
  sequence string, meaning that a special skill from a combo sequence can
  go past the designated combo max.


<Combo Start Animation: x>

<Input Combo Start Animation: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Changes the animation played when initiating the Input Combo origin skill.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the animation to play.
- If this notetag is not used, play the animation found in the
  Plugin Parameters instead.


<Combo Special sequence: id>
<Combo Special sequence: name>

<Available Combo Special sequence: id>
<Available Combo Special sequence: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- If the player inputs a matching 'sequence', this Input Combo origin skill
  will add the target skill to the combo queue. This variant requires the
  actor to either have learned the target skill or have it temporarily
  accessible through traits.
- There are no differences between the <Combo Special sequence: id> and the
  <Available Combo Special sequence: id> notetags, it's a matter of
  preference of which you want to use.
- Replace 'sequence' with any of the below:
  - '2' for 'down'
  - '4' for 'left'
  - '6' for 'right'
  - '8' for 'up'
  - 'Z' for 'ok'
  - 'X' for 'cancel'
  - 'Q' for 'pageup'
  - 'W' for 'pagedown'
  - 'S' for 'shift'
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to add more special combos.


  <Combo Special 226Z: Hadoken>
  <Combo Special 4268: 360>
  <Available Combo Special QWQWQ: Dempsey Roll>
  <Available Combo Special ZXSQW: 123>


<Learned Combo Special sequence: id>
<Learned Combo Special sequence: name>

<Known Combo Special sequence: id>
<Known Combo Special sequence: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- If the player inputs a matching 'sequence', this Input Combo origin skill
  will add the target skill to the combo queue. This variant requires the
  actor to have learned in order to special combo into it regardless of
  whether or not the actor has temporary trait access.
- There are no differences between the <Learned Combo Special sequence: id>
  and the <Known Combo Special sequence: id> notetags, it's a matter of
  preference of which you want to use.
- Replace 'sequence' with any of the below:
  - '2' for 'down'
  - '4' for 'left'
  - '6' for 'right'
  - '8' for 'up'
  - 'Z' for 'ok'
  - 'X' for 'cancel'
  - 'Q' for 'pageup'
  - 'W' for 'pagedown'
  - 'S' for 'shift'
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to add more special combos.


  <Learned Combo Special 226Z: Hadoken>
  <Learned Combo Special 4268: 360>
  <Known Combo Special QWQWQ: Dempsey Roll>
  <Known Combo Special ZXSQW: 123>


<Always Combo Special sequence: id>
<Always Combo Special sequence: name>

<Forced Combo Special sequence: id>
<Forced Combo Special sequence: name>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- If the player inputs a matching 'sequence', this Input Combo origin skill
  will add the target skill to the combo queue. This variant will always
  allow the target skill to be used as a special combo skill.
- There are no differences between the <Always Combo Special sequence: id>
  and the <Forced Combo Special sequence: id> notetags, it's a matter of
  preference of which you want to use.
- Replace 'sequence' with any of the below:
  - '2' for 'down'
  - '4' for 'left'
  - '6' for 'right'
  - '8' for 'up'
  - 'Z' for 'ok'
  - 'X' for 'cancel'
  - 'Q' for 'pageup'
  - 'W' for 'pagedown'
  - 'S' for 'shift'
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag to add more special combos.


  <Always Combo Special 226Z: Hadoken>
  <Always Combo Special 4268: 360>
  <Forced Combo Special QWQWQ: Dempsey Roll>
  <Forced Combo Special ZXSQW: 123>


Input Combo Special Skill-Related Notetags

InputComboSkills Preview.gif


<Combo Only>

<Input Combo Only>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Causes this skill to only become usable during an Input Combo sequence as
  a special combination skill.


Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.



These notetags affect the Items, Weapons, and Armors on a general scale.


<Max: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines the maximum quantity that can be held for this item.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine the maximum amount.



<Color: x>
<Color: #rrggbb>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor, Skill Notetags
- Determines the color of the object inside the in-game menus.
- Replace 'x' with a number value depicting a window text color.
- Replace 'rrggbb' with a hex color code for a more custom color.


<Category: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Arranges items into certain/multiple categories to work with the Category
  Plugin Parameter setting: "Category:x".
- Replace 'x' with a category name to mark this item as.



- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Arranges items into certain/multiple categories to work with the Category
  Plugin Parameter setting: "Category:x".
- Replace each 'x' with a category name to mark this item as.


<Conserve: x%>

- Used for: Item
- Gives the item a percent chance when used to not consume the item.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the percent chance to successfully
  conserve the item.
- If an item cannot be consumed, conserve chance will be 100% regardless.


<ID Sort Priority: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, and Armor Notetags
- Used for Scene_Item, Scene_Equip, Scene_Battle, and Scene_Shop's sell
  option (only when selling).
- Changes sorting priority by ID for item, weapon, or armor to 'x'.
  - Default priority level is '50'.
- Items, weapons, and armors with higher priority values will be sorted
  higher up on the list while lower values will be lower on the list.


Item Accessibility Notetags

The following notetags allow you to choose when items can/cannot be used based on switches.


<Enable Switch: x>

<Enable All Switches: x,x,x>
<Enable Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Determines the enabled status of the item based on switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the item's enabled status.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, item will be disabled until all
  switches are ON. Then, it would be enabled.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, item will be enabled if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be disabled.


<Disable Switch: x>

<Disable All Switches: x,x,x>
<Disable Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Determines the enabled status of the item based on switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the item's enabled status.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, item will be enabled until all switches
  are ON. Then, it would be disabled.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, item will be disabled if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be enabled.


JavaScript Notetags: Item Accessibility

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to determine if an item can be accessible by code.


<JS Item Enable>
 enabled = code;
</JS Item Enable>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Determines the enabled status of the item based on JavaScript code.
- If the actor this is disabled for is the only party member, it will not be
  visible in the item list unless the VisuStella Battle Core is installed.
  - If the VisuStella Battle Core is installed, then all battle scope items
    will be visible even if they're disabled.
- Replace 'code' to determine the type enabled status of the item.
- The 'enabled' variable returns a boolean (true/false) to determine if the
  item will be enabled or not.
- The 'user' variable refers to the user with the item.
- The 'item' variable refers to the item being checked.
- All other item conditions must be met in order for this to code to count.


Equipment Notetags

The following notetags provide equipment-related effects from deciding what equip slots can be given to classes to the base parameter changes asigned to weapons and armors.



<Equip Slots>
</Equip Slots>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Changes the equipment slot loadout for any actor who is that class.
- Replace 'slotName' with an Equipment Type name from Database > Types.
  This is case-sensitive.
- Insert or remove as many "slotName" equipment types as needed.


<param: +x>
<param: -x>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Changes the base parameter value for the equip item.
- Replace 'param' with any of the following: 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF',
  'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', or 'LUK' to change that specific parameter's value.
  - These notetags do NOT work with X Parameters, S Parameters, or any
    custom parameters. These notetags ONLY work with the base parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to set the parameter value to.
- This allows you to bypass the Database Editor's number limitations.


<Equip Copy Limit: x>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Sets a maximum number of copies that the actor can wear of this equipment.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine the copy limit.
- This can be bypassed using Event Commands and/or Script Calls.
- Usage Example: Actors can only equip one copy of the "One-of-a-Kind Ring"
  on at any time despite having empty accessory slots because the ring has a
  <Equip Copy Limit: 1> notetag.


<Equip Weapon Type Limit: x>

- Used for: Weapon
- This weapon cannot be equipped with other weapons of the same type once
  the limited amount has been reached.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine the weapon type limit.
- This can be bypassed using Event Commands and/or Script Calls.
- Usage Example: A dualwielding warrior who can only equip one sword and a
  dagger but never two swords or two daggers because the swords and daggers
  all have the <Equip Weapon Type Limit: 1> notetags on them.


<Equip Armor Type Limit: x>

- Used for: Armor
- This armor cannot be equipped with other armors of the same type once the
  limited amount has been reached.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine the armor type limit.
- This can be bypassed using Event Commands and/or Script Calls.
- Usage Example: People cannot equip more than two glove accessories on at a
  time because the glove is a "Glove" armor-type and each glove item has the
  <Equip Armor Type Limit: 2> notetags on them.


<Party Artifact>
<Troop Artifact>

<Stackable Party Artifact>
<Stackable Troop Artifact>

- Used for: Armor
- This armor cannot be equipped at all. However, by simply being in the
  party's inventory, its parameter bonuses and traits will be applied
  globally throughout the whole party or troop (depending on the notetag).
- Add both notetags to affect both groups.
- The normal versions of the notetag is only applied once regardless of the
  number of copies are found in the party's inventory.
- The stackable versions of the notetag will have the bonuses and traits
  stacked multiple times relative to the number of copies found in the
  party's inventory.
- This item will NOT be added during the setup phase for Battle Tests.
  - If you want to add the item, do it manually.


<Equip For Class Only: x>
<Equip For Classes Only: x, x, x>
<Equip For Class Only: name>
<Equip For Classes Only: name, name, name>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- This piece of equipment can only be worn by members with 'x' as the main
  class. If there are multiple classes listed, at least one of them need to
  be the actor's main class.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the class required.
- For the 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the required class
  the actor needs to have in order to equip this object.


<Equip Requirements>
</Equip Requirements>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Defines a requirement(s) for the actor to meet in order for the equip item
  to be equippable.
- Failure to meet these requirements will cause the equipment to unequip
  - Keep in mind that in some cases, this will not happen immediately.
    Things like switches will require the actor to meet its cache clear
    in order to trigger the automatic unequip.
  - Some ways to trigger a cache clear would be to change the actor's HP/MP,
    or adding and then removing a state for the actor (preferrably an unused
    state that has no real effect).
- Replace 'requirement' with one of the settings bellow:
- Add multiple 'requirement' lines for more requirements.


  param > x
  param >= x
  param === x
  param <= x
  param < x
  - Replace 'param' with 'level', 'maxhp', 'maxmp', 'atk', 'def', 'mat',
    'mdf', 'agi', or 'luk'.
  - This will make the piece of equipment require the actor's base parameter
    to be greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=), equal to (===),
    less than or equal to (<=), or less than (<).
  - This is NOT the value for the total parameter, only the base parameter.
  - The base parameter is calculated by the user's class parameter value and
    any bonuses received through permanent stat increases.

  learned skill: x
  learned skill: name
  - This will make the piece of equipment require the actor to have learned
    skill 'x'.
  - If 'name' is used, priority will be given to the skill with the highest
    ID in the database.
  - The actor needs to have LEARNED the skill. This means that if you have
    added a skill to the actor's kit through a trait, it will not count.

  switch: x
  - This will require switch X to be on.
  - If it isn't, the piece of equipment cannot be worn.
  - Insert multiple of these to add more switches that are are required to
    be on.

  ***NOTE 1***
  There is no "class: x" for these equip requirements. Instead, use the
  <Equip For Class Only: x> notetags.

  ***NOTE 2***
  For those wondering where "unique only" is, that does not exist in this
  plugin. Instead, use the <Equip Copy Limit: x> notetag listed above.

  Example A:

    <Equip Requirements>
    level >= 20
    </Equip Requirements>

    - Requires the user to be at least level 20 in order to equip.

  Example B:

    <Equip Requirements>
    atk >= 50
    def <= 50
    </Equip Requirements>
    - Requires the user have at least 50 base ATK to equip.
    - Requires the user to be under 50 base DEF to equip.


<Added EType: x>
<Added ETypes: x, x, x>

- Used for: Armor Notetags
- This is for armors only and does NOT work with weapons!
- Allows a piece of armor to belong to multiple ETypes. This means a glove
  can be equipped as "Armgear" or as an "Accessory" if you so choose.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the EType you wish to add
  to the list of ETypes.
  - Insert multiple 'x' entries to add more than one EType ID.



- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- If this weapon or armor is equipped, it cannot manually be removed by the
  player until it is purified.
- To remove it, it must be done by event commands, script calls, or through
  the Purify-related Plugin Commands provided by this plugin.
- Once purified, the weapon or armor will become unequipped unless it has a
  purify transformation.
  - If the newly transformed weapon/armor is equippable, it will remain in
    the actor's equipment slots.
- If you are using VisuMZ_2_WeaponSwapSystem, weapons cannot become cursed
  in order to allow free weapon swapping. Weaponry will not be cursed
  if VisuMZ_2_WeaponSwapSystem is installed.


<Purify Transform: id>
<Purify Transform: name>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- If this notetag is present on a <Cursed> weapon or armor, then upon the
  actor receiving purification, the weapon or armor will transform into a
  different item.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the transformed weapon/armor's ID.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the transformed weapon/armor's name.
- Weapons can only transform into weapons.
- Armors can only transform into armors.


JavaScript Notetags: Equipment

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to adjust the parameter through code.



<JS Parameters>
 MaxHP = code;
 MaxMP = code;
 ATK = code;
 DEF = code;
 MAT = code;
 MDF = code;
 AGI = code;
 LUK = code;
</JS Parameters>

- Used for: Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Uses JavaScript to determine the values for the basic parameters based on
  the code used to calculate its value.
- The variables 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', and
  'LUK' are used to determine the finalized value of the parameter. This
  variable is case sensitive.
- If a parameter is not present, its value will be treated as +0.

'''WARNING!''' If you are trying to calculate a value based off a full
parameter value, such as "ATK = user.atk * 0.10", it's going to break and
will cause an infinite loop. Use base parameter values instead.


Status Window Notetags

The following notetags will affect the Shop Status Window info. If for any reason the data that is displayed is not to your liking or insufficient, you can change it up using the following notetags.



<Status Info>
 key: data
 key: data
 key: data
</Status Info>

- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- If you do not like the generated data that's displayed, you can change it
  using this notetag to display what you want.
- Replace 'key' with one of the following for skills and items:
  - Consumable
  - Quantity
  - Occasion
  - Scope
  - Speed
  - Success Rate
  - Repeat
  - Hit Type
  - Element
  - Damage Multiplier
  - HP Recovery
  - MP Recovery
  - TP Recovery
  - HP Damage
  - MP Damage
  - TP Damage
  - User TP Gain
  - Added Effects
  - Removed Effects
- Replace 'key' with one of the following for weapons and armors:
  - 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', or 'LUK'
  - For those with VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine:
    - 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT', 'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG'
    - 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR', 'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR'
  - Only relevant if the Draw Style for equipment is "classic" or "double".
- Replace 'data' with the text data you want to visually appear. You may use
  text codes for this.
- This only affects info entries that are already visible and won't make
  other categories suddenly appear.
- Insert or remove as many "key: data" lines as needed.



<Custom Status Info>
 key: data
 key: data
 key: data
</Custom Status Info>

- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- If you want custom categories and data to be displayed for your items that
  aren't provided by the Shop Status Window Info to begin with, you can use
  this notetag to add in your own entries.
  - When used with weapon or armor database objects, this information is
    only relevant if the Draw Style for equipment is "classic" or "double".
- Replace 'key' with text of the exact label you want. You may use text
  codes for this.
- Replace 'data' with text of the exact text data you want. You may use text
  codes for this.
- Insert or remove as many "key: data" lines as needed.


ItemsEquipsCore ShopPicture.png

<Shop Picture Name: filename>

- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Enables a shop picture for the status window. This image can be seen in
  the item scene, shop scene, and skill scene if enabled.
- If this notetag is not used, there will be no image.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic to use from the game
  project's img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out
  the filename extension from the notetag.
- Use the supporting notetags to determine where the image appears. If not,
  they will default to the background, fit to the window dimensions,
  centered at the middle of the window.


ItemsEquipsCore ShopPicture.png

<Shop Picture Layer: Background>
<Shop Picture Layer: Foreground>

- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines which layer the graphic will be drawn on.
- If the background layer is selected, the picture will appear behind the
  data text.
- If the foreground layer is selected, the picture will appear in front of
  the data text.
- If this notetag is not used, it will default to the background layer.


ItemsEquipsCore ShopPicture.png

<Shop Picture Max Width: x>
<Shop Picture Max Height: y>
<Shop Picture Max Dimensions: x, y>

- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines the maximum width and/or height for the image.
- This means the image will be automatically scaled proportionally to that
  width or height as long as everything else does not break boundaries.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with number values representing the maximum dimensions
  the image can be in pixels.
- If these notetags are not used, the image will be automatically scaled to
  the dimensions of the shop status window.


ItemsEquipsCore ShopPicture.png

<Shop Picture Alignment: Left>
<Shop Picture Alignment: Center>
<Shop Picture Alignment: Right>

- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Adjusts the horizontal alignment for the image.
- Left, center, right determines how it's aligned horizontally if the
  image does not horizontally fit in the width of the window.
- If any of these notetags are not used, the image will default to the
  'center' alignment.


ItemsEquipsCore ShopPicture.png

<Shop Picture Position: Top>
<Shop Picture Position: Middle>
<Shop Picture Position: Bottom>

- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Adjusts the vertical position for the image.
- Top, middle, bottom determines how it's positioned vertically if the
  image does not vertically fit in the width of the window.
- If any of these notetags are not used, the image will default to the
  'middle' position.


ItemsEquipsCore ShopPicture.png

<Shop Picture Offset X: +x>
<Shop Picture Offset X: -x>

<Shop Picture Offset Y: +y>
<Shop Picture Offset Y: -y>

<Shop Picture Offset: +x, +y>
<Shop Picture Offset: -y, -y>

- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Offsets the X and Y positions of the image in the shop status window.
- X offsets adjust the horizontal position by x pixels.
  - Positive goes right.
  - Negative goes left.
- Y offsets adjust the horizontal position by y pixels.
  - Positive goes down.
  - Negative goes up.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with number values representing the pixels to offset
  the image by. The '+' and '-' signs are required.
- If none of these notetags are used, there will be no offsets.


ItemsEquipsCore ShopPicture.png

<Shop Picture Opacity: x>
<Shop Picture Opacity: x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Adjusts the opacity of the image used.
- When using 'x' and not 'x%', use a number between 0 and 255.
  - The closer to 0, the more transparent the image is.
  - The closer to 255, the more opaque the image is.
- When using 'x%' and not 'x', use a number between 0% and 100%.
  - The closer to 0%, the more transparent the image is.
  - The closer to 100%, the more opaque the image is.


Shop Menu Notetags


These notetags adjust how prices and such are managed inside the Shop Menu as well as whether or not some items are visible depending on switch states.


<Price: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Adjusts the buying price for this item.
- Replace 'x' with a number depicting the desired value for the buy price.
- This allows you to bypass the RPG Maker MZ editor's limitation of 999,999.


<Can Sell>
<Cannot Sell>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Makes the item either always sellable or cannot be sold.
- This bypasses the game's internal hard-coding to prevent items with a
  price of 0 from being able to be sold.
- This bypasses the game's internal hard-coding to always allow items with
  a price value of being able to be sold.


<Sell Price: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Changes the sell price to be something different than the default amount.
- Replace 'x' with a number depicting the desired value for the sell price.


<Show Shop Switch: x>

<Show Shop All Switches: x,x,x>
<Show Shop Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines the visibility of the shop item based on switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the shop item's visibility.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, item will be hidden until all switches
  are ON. Then, it would be shown.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, item will be shown if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be hidden.


<Hide Shop Switch: x>

<Hide Shop All Switches: x,x,x>
<Hide Shop Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines the visibility of the shop item based on switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the shop item's visibility.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, item will be shown until all switches
  are ON. Then, it would be hidden.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, item will be hidden if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be shown.


<Cannot Sell Switch: x>

<Cannot Sell All Switches: x,x,x>
<Cannot Sell Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines the sellability of the shop item based on switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the shop item's sellability.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, item cannot be sold until all switches
  are ON. Otherwise, it can be sold.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, item cannot be sold if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it can be sold.


<Buy Turn On Switch: x>
<Buy Turn On Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is bought in the shop scene, turn on the
  switch(es) 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the switch to turn on.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to turn on multiple switches upon buying.


<Buy Turn Off Switch: x>
<Buy Turn Off Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is bought in the shop scene, turn off the
  switch(es) 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the switch to turn off.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to turn off multiple switches upon buying.


<Sell Turn On Switch: x>
<Sell Turn On Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is sold in the shop scene, turn on the
  switch(es) 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the switch to turn on.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to turn on multiple switches upon selling.


<Sell Turn Off Switch: x>
<Sell Turn Off Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is sold in the shop scene, turn off the
  switch(es) 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the switch to turn off.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to turn off multiple switches upon selling.


JavaScript Notetags: Shop Menu

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge. These notetags are primarily aimed at Buy and Sell prices.


<JS Buy Price>
 price = code;
</JS Buy Price>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Replace 'code' to determine the buying 'price' of the item.
- Insert the final buy price into the 'price' variable.
- The 'item' variable refers to the item being bought.


<JS Sell Price>
 price = code;
</JS Sell Price>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Replace 'code' to determine the selling 'price' of the item.
- Insert the final sell price into the 'price' variable.
- The 'item' variable refers to the item being sold.


Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

General Notetags

ItemCraftingSys Preview1.png

These notetags are used to mark the item as a craftable item or as items that can only be crafted through a custom crafting list.


<Crafting Ingredients>
 Item id: x
 Item name: x
 Weapon id: x
 Weapon name: x
 Armor id: x
 Armor name: x
 Gold: x
 Category name: x
</Crafting Ingredients>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Turns this item/weapon/armor into a craftable item by using the listed
  ingredients to craft with.
- If the 'Category name' variant is used, it will draw from all items,
  weapons, and armors that have matching <Category: x> notetag data.
- Insert/delete any number of copies of the ingredients as needed.
- Replace 'id' with the item/weapon/armor ID of the ingredient to be used.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the item/weapon/armor/category to be used.
- Replace 'x' with the number of ingredients needed to be used for crafting.

Category Rules:

- If the 'Category name' variant is used, it will draw from all items,
  weapons, and armors that have matching <Category: x> notetag data.
- Multiples of the same category name can be used. However, the player must
  select different items each time.
- If the selected category item already exists as a static ingredient, that
  item cannot be selected either.


<Crafting Ingredients>
 Item 5: 1
 Item 6: 3
 Gold: 100
</Crafting Ingredients>

<Crafting Ingredients>
 Item Potion: 1
 Item Magic Water: 3
 Gold: 100
</Crafting Ingredients>

<Crafting Ingredients>
 Weapon 1: 4
 Armor 2: 2
</Crafting Ingredients>

<Crafting Ingredients>
 Weapon Sword: 4
 Armor Hat: 2
</Crafting Ingredients>

<Crafting Ingredients>
 Category Fruit: 2
 Category Meat: 3
</Crafting Ingredients>


<Custom Crafting Only>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- This item can only be crafted with custom crafting lists selected through
  the Plugin Command.


Proxy Notetags


<Proxy: id>
<Proxy: name>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- REQUIRES the most up to date VisuMZ Items and Equips Core!
- Turns this item, weapon, or armor into a proxy for another item, allowing
  you to create recipes with different ingredients in <Crafting Ingredients>
  notetag contents and yield the same item.
- The proxy item itself will take on the name, icon, and description of the
  original item it is supposed to represent.
- No other properties are carried over from the original.
- When viewed through the Window_ShopStatus window, the contents will
  reference the original item and not the proxy item.
- Proxy items themselves cannot be acquired. This includes event commands,
  item drops, or equips.
- When crafted, the item yielded won't be the proxy item but the item it is
  a proxy for.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the item, weapon, or armor ID of
  the same item type. If the proxy is an item, this will reference an item.
  If the proxy is a weapon, this will reference a weapon. Same for armors.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the item, weapon, or armor's name.
  The referenced item needs to be the same item type as the proxy. Item for
  item, weapon for weapon, armor for armor.


Switch-Related Notetags

ItemCraftingSys Preview1.png

These notetags can make item crafting require certain switches to be on, or turn switches on/off upon crafting items.


<Crafting Show Switch: x>

<Crafting Show All Switches: x,x,x>
<Crafting Show Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Determines the visibility of the craftable item in the crafting scene.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the item's visibility.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, item will be hidden until all switches
  are ON. Then, it would be shown.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, item will be shown if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be hidden.
- Insert as many switch ID's as needed.
- This can be bypassed with the custom Item Crafting list plugin command
  option if enabled.


<Crafting Turn On Switch: x>
<Crafting Turn On Switches: x,x,x>

<Crafting Turn Off Switch: x>
<Crafting Turn Off Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Upon crafting this item, turn on/off the marked switch(es).
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to turn on/off.


Masking-Related Notetags

ItemCraftingSys Preview1.png

These notetags can are used to determine name-masking properties for uncrafted items.


<Crafting Mask: text>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Displays the specific 'text' when the item has not yet been crafted.
- Replace 'text' with the text you wish to display if the item has not yet
  been crafted by the player.
- This can be bypassed with the custom Item Crafting list plugin command
  option if enabled.


<Crafting No Mask>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Bypasses name masking even if the item has not yet been crafted.


JavaScript Notetag: Effect-Related

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to make custom effects that occur upon crafting the item.


<JS Crafting Effect>
</JS Crafting Effect>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine what kinds of effects you
  want to occur upon crafting this item.
- The 'item' variable represents the item being crafted.
- The 'number' variable represents the number of items being crafted.


Crafting Animation-Related Notetags

ItemCraftingSys Animation.gif

These notetags let you set custom crafting animations when a specific item, weapon, or armor is crafted so that way, they don't all have to use the default crafting animation from the plugin parameters.


<Crafting Animation: id>
<Crafting Animation: id, id, id>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Plays the animation(s) when this item, weapon, or armor is crafted.
- This will override the default animation settings found in the plugin
  parameters and use the unique one set through notetags instead.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the animation you wish to play.
- If multiple ID's are found, then each animation will play one by one in
  the order they are listed.


<Crafting Fade Speed: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- This determines the speed at which the item's icon fades in during the
  crafting animation.
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine how fast the icon fades in.
- Use lower numbers for slower fade speeds and higher numbers for faster
  fade speeds.


<Crafting Picture: filename>
<Picture: filename>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Uses a picture from your project's /img/pictures/ folder instead of the
  item, weapon, or armor's icon during crafting instead.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the image.
  - Do not include the file extension.
- Scaling will not apply to the picture.
- Use the <Picture: filename> version for any other plugins that may be
  using this as an image outside of crafting, too.
- The size used for the image will vary based on your game's resolution.


Crafting Common Event Notetags




<Once Craft Common Event: id>
<Repeat Craft Common Event: id>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_ShopCommonEvents!
- This will cause a specific Common Event to launch when crafted.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event that
  you wish to launch upon this item being crafted.
- The "Once" notetag variant will only occur once when crafted.
  - Any subsequent purchases of the item will not launch the Common Event.
- The "Repeat" notetag variant will occur repeatedly when crafted.
- If both "Once" and "Repeat" notetags are present in the item, then the
  "Once" variant will take priority first. Any subsequent purchases will go
  to the "Repeat" variant.
- Any switch requirement notetags need to be met in order for either
  notetag to have any effect.
- Use the Plugin Command "Scene: Common Event Return" to return back to the
  last Item Crafting scene.


Crafting Common Event Requirement-Related Notetags




<Once Craft Common Event Switch: id>
<Once Craft Common Event All Switches: id, id, id>
<Once Craft Common Event Any Switches: id, id, id>

<Repeat Craft Common Event Switch: id>
<Repeat Craft Common Event All Switches: id, id, id>
<Repeat Craft Common Event Any Switches: id, id, id>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_ShopCommonEvents!
- Requires the respective Craft Common Events to have these Switches enabled
  in the "ON" position in order for them to launch.
  - "Once" variant will only affect the "Once" notetag variants.
  - "Repeat" variant will only affect the "Repeat" notetag variants.
- The "All" variant will require all listed Switch ID's to be "ON".
- The "Any" variant will require only one listed Switch ID to be "ON".
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the Switch ID that needs to be in
  the "ON" position for the requirement to be met.
  - Insert multiple 'id' to require more Switch ID's.


Batch-Related Notetags



<Craft Batch>
</Craft Batch>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ShopBatches!
- Creates a list of items, weapons, and armors that the player will gain
  when this batch object is crafted.
  - This also means that in addition to this notetag, the notetag for
    <Crafting Ingredients> is also needed.
  - This item will also not be masked.
- Proxy items, weapons, or armors cannot be listed and will be bypassed.
- This item, weapon, or armor cannot be crafted if all of the listed items,
  weapons, or armors are at max quantity within the party's inventory.
- The listed items will NOT utilize any on craft effects for the individual
  listed items themselves.
- Replace 'listing' with any of the listing types found below:

    Item id
    Item name
    Weapon id
    Weapon name
    Armor id
    Armor name

    Item id: quantity
    Item name: quantity
    Weapon id: quantity
    Weapon name: quantity
    Armor id: quantity
    Armor name: quantity

  - Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the item, weapon, or
    armor that is to be listed.
  - Replace 'name' with the associated item, weapon, or armor's name.
  - Replace 'quantity' with a number representing the number of items,
    weapons, or armors that will be acquired when the batch item is crafted.
    - If the variant without 'quantity' is used, quantity will default to 1.



  <Craft Batch>
   Item Potion: 10
   Item Super Potion: 5
   Weapon Short Sword: 3
   Weapon Long Sword: 2
   Armor Linen Clothing: 4
   Armor Cloth Armor: 3
  </Craft Batch>


  <Craft Batch>
   Item 7: 10
   Item 8: 5
   Weapon 1: 3
   Weapon 2: 2
   Armor 2: 4
   Armor 8: 3
  </Craft Batch>



Item Concoction Skills VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Concoction-Related Notetags

ItemConcoct Preview1.gif


<Can Concoct: x>
<Can Concoct: x, x, x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Sets this skill to be able to concoct items that have 'x' type as an item
  base (or bases).
- Replace 'x' with text marking the type or category.
  - Insert more 'x' entries to add more types.
  - Use 'any' or 'all' in place of 'x' to use any kind of item base.
- Types are determined by the <Concoct Type: x> or <Category: x> notetags.
- This cannot be used with skills that are made to be used as Active Chain
  Skills, Input Combo Skills, or Evolution Matrix Skills.
- Likewise, this cannot be used with Item Throw and Amplify effects.
- Concoctions will consume both of the selected items as well pay the skill
  cost from the selected skill to initiate this effect.
  - Key Items, nonconsumable items, and any items with a successful proc of
    the <Concoct Conserve: x%> notetag will not be consumed.


<Concoct Type: x>
<Concoct Types: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- These are the types that are used to determine what the Item Concoction
  skills can use as an item base. This does not affect item pairs.
- Replace 'x' with text marking the type.
  - Insert more 'x' entries to add more types.
- <Category: x> will also count as a concoct base type. However, this
  notetag will separate the concoction types from anything else that uses
  the <Category: x> notetag.



- Used for: Item Notetags
- Determines the list of items that can be paired with this item base.
- Replace 'list' with the section below to determiner the formatting:

  'list' can be formatted in any of these four ways:

  Item id: Item id
  Item id: name
  name: Item id
  name: name

- If you are using 'Item id', replace 'id' with the ID of the item you wish
  to refer to. If you are using a name version, replace name with the full
  name of the item (it is case sensitive). The first item on the list before
  the : is the pair item for item concoctions. The second item on the list
  after the : is the item effect that will occur when the base and pair
  items are combined. The effects of the first and second items are
  unrelated to the combined item effect.


 Item 51: Item 61
 Item 52: Item 62
 Item 53: Lucid Mist
 Item 54: Healing Mist
 Plum Essence: Inspiriting Mist
 Tomato Essence: Boosting Mist
 Onion Bloom: Item 67
 Curious Bloom: Item 68


<Concoct Conserve: x%>

- Used for: Item
- When this item is selected and used as a base or pair item for concocting,
  there is a 'x' percent chance of it not being consumed.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the percent chance for this item to
  not be consumed.
  - 100% will mean it will never be consumed.
- If this notetag is not used, then the item will always be consumed unless
  it is a non-consumable item set by the database.


Item Throw Skills VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Throw Skill-Related Notetags

ItemThrowSkills Preview.gif


<Can Throw: x>
<Can Throw: x, x, x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- This notetag causes the skill to be able to throw items of 'x' type.
- Replace 'x' with text marking the type or category.
  - Insert more 'x' entries to add more types.
  - Use 'any' or 'all' in place of 'x' to throw any kind of item.
  - Use 'weapon' or 'armor' in place of 'x' to throw any weapon or armor.
- Types are determined by the <Throw Type: x> or <Category: x> notetags.
- This cannot be used with skills that are made to be used as Active Chain
  Skills, Input Combo Skills, or Evolution Matrix Skills.
- Likewise, this cannot be used with Item Concoction and Amplify effects.
- Throw will consume the selected item, weapon, or armor as well as pay the
  throw skill's cost to initiate this effect.
  - Key Items, nonconsumable items, and any items with a successful proc of
    the <Throw Conserve: x%> notetag will not be consumed.


<Throw Type: x>
<Throw Types: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- These are the types that are used to determine what the Item Throw skills
  can throw.
- Replace 'x' with text marking the type.
  - Insert more 'x' entries to add more types.
- <Category: x> will also count as a throwable type. However, this notetag
  will separate the throwable types from anything else that uses the
  <Category: x> notetag.
- Some types will be automatically incorporated:
  - All items, weapons, and armors will have "Any" and "All" types.
  - "Item" and "Items" will be automatically incorporated into item types.
  - "Weapon" and "Weapons" will be automatically added into weapon types.
  - Weapon types will also have their weapon type names added.
  - "Armor" and "Armors" will be automatically added into weapon types.
  - Armor types will also have their armor type names and equip type names
    added to their throwable types.


<Throw Power: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Adjusts the throw power of the item to 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a numeric value to determine its impact on the item throw
  skill's damage formula.
  - The 'x' value will replace the 'power' entry in the item throw skill's
    damage formula.
  - You can also use JavaScript in place of 'x' like the following:
    <Throw Power: $gameVariables.value(5)>
- If this notetag is not used, then the throw power will default to a value.
  - If an item, default throw power is found in the Plugin Parameters.
  - If a weapon or armor, default throw power is this item's ATK parameter.


<Throw Impact Animation: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Changes the impact animation of this thrown item, weapon, or armor to 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the animation you wish to
  play as the impact animation.


<Throw Conserve: x%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is selected and thrown, there is a 'x'
  percent chance of it not being consumed.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the percent chance for this item,
  weapon, or armor to not be consumed.
  - 100% will mean it will never be consumed.
- If this notetag is not used, then the item, weapon, and armor will always
  be consumed unless it is a non-consumable item set by the database.


Throw Properties-Related Notetags

ItemThrowSkills Preview.gif


<Throw Hit Rate: x%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is selected and thrown, change the hit
  rate of the action to 'x' percent.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the percent chance to hit the
  skill target.
- If this notetag is not used, refer to the hit rate of the skill itself.


<Throw Critical: x%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is selected and thrown, change the
  critical hit rate of the action to 'x' percent.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the percent chance to land a
  critical hit on the skill target.
- If this notetag is not used, refer to the critical rate of the skill user
  or the skill if applicable.


<Throw Variance: x%>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is selected and thrown, change the damage
  variance of the action to 'x' percent.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the damage variance.
- If this notetag is not used, refer to the damage variance of the skill.


<Throw Ignore Guard>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is selected and thrown, ignore any damage
  modifiers if the target is guarding.
- If this notetag is not used, the usual damage modifiers applied if the
  target is guarding will be normally applied.


Throw Effects-Related Notetags

ItemThrowSkills Preview.gif


<Throw Add Element: id>
<Throw Add Elements: id, id, id>
<Throw Add Element: name>
<Throw Add Elements: name, name, name>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore!
- Adds the specified element(s) to the item throw.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  element you wish to add with the thrown item.
  - Insert multiple 'id' entries to add more elements.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the element you wish
  to add with the thrown item.
  - Insert multiple 'name' entries to add more elements.


<Throw Replace Element: id>
<Throw Replace Elements: id, id, id>
<Throw Replace Element: name>
<Throw Replace Elements: name, name, name>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore!
- Replaces the specified element(s) to the item throw. Any element that the
  item throw skill had before will be replaced with the declared notetag's.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  element you wish to replace with the thrown item.
  - Insert multiple 'id' entries to add more elements.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the element you wish
  to replace with the thrown item.
  - Insert multiple 'name' entries to add more elements.


<Throw Add State: id>
<Throw Add States: id, id, id>
<Throw Add State: name>
<Throw Add States: name, name, name>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is thrown at the target, apply the
  state(s) listed in the notetag to the target.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  state you wish to apply to the target.
  - Insert multiple 'id' entries to add more states.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the state you wish to
  apply to the target
  - Insert multiple 'name' entries to add more states.


<Throw Remove State: id>
<Throw Remove States: id, id, id>
<Throw Remove State: name>
<Throw Remove States: name, name, name>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is thrown at the target, remove the
  state(s) listed in the notetag from the target.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  state you wish to remove from the target.
  - Insert multiple 'id' entries to remove more states.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the state you wish to
  remove from the target
  - Insert multiple 'name' entries to remove more states.


<Throw Add Buff: param For x Turns>
<Throw Add Buff: param, param, param For x Turns>
<Throw Add Debuff: param For x Turns>
<Throw Add Debuff: param, param, param For x Turns>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is thrown at the target, apply a buff
  or debuff to the target for the specified base parameter(s).
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine the type of buff or debuff to add.
  - Insert multiple 'param' entries to add more buffs or debuffs.
  - If you want to add multiple stacks of a parameter, insert that parameter
    multiple times.
    - Example: <Throw Add Debuff: DEF, DEF For 5 Turns>
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of turns to set the buff
  or debuff to.
- Insert multiple copies of this notetag if you want to add a variety of
  buffs and/or debuffs at different turn intervals.


<Throw Remove Buff: param>
<Throw Remove Buff: param, param, param>
<Throw Remove Debuff: param>
<Throw Remove Debuff: param, param, param>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is thrown at the target, remove a buff
  or debuff to the target for the specified base parameter(s).
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
  or 'LUK' to determine the type of buff or debuff to remove.
  - Insert multiple 'param' entries to remove more states.


JavaScript Notetag: Effect-Related

ItemThrowSkills Preview.gif


<JS Throw Effect>
</JS Throw Effect>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When this item, weapon, or armor is thrown at the target, run the 'code'
  found inside of the notetags.
- The 'user' variable represents the battler throwing the item.
- The 'target' variable represents the target the item is thrown at.
- The 'item' variable represents the item, weapon, or armor being thrown.
- The 'skill' variable represents the throw skill being used.
- This effect will occur each time it hits a target.


Action Sequence-Related Notetags

ItemThrowSkills Preview.gif


<Throw Icon: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!
- Changes the action sequence's projectile icon to 'x'.
  - Used for both custom action sequences and auto action sequences.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the icon index of the projectile
  being thrown to the target.
- If this notetag is not used, the default icon used will be the item,
  weapon, or armor's icon.


<Throw Duration: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!
- Gives the projectile 'x' frames of air time for the action sequence.
  - Used for both custom action sequences and auto action sequences.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the duration in frames the
  projectile will spend flying through the air to the target.
  - 60 frames = 1 second.
- If this notetag is not used, the duration will be set to the default value
  found in the Plugin Parameters or the Plugin Command.


<Throw Auto Angle>
<No Throw Auto Angle>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!
- Turns on/off auto angle for the action sequence.
  - Used for both custom action sequences and auto action sequences.
- If neither notetag is used, the setting will be the default value found in
  the Plugin Parameters or the Plugin Command.


<Throw Angle Offset: +x>
<Throw Angle Offset: -x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!
- Rotates the initial offset of the projectile icon by 'x' degrees.
  - Used for both custom action sequences and auto action sequences.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the initial angle degree offset.
- If this notetag is not used, the offset will be set to the default value
  found in the Plugin Parameters or the Plugin Command.


<Throw Arc: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!
- Sets the projectile's arc peak to 'x' pixels.
  - Used for both custom action sequences and auto action sequences.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the arc peak in pixels.
- If this notetag is not used, the arc peak will be set to the default value
  found in the Plugin Parameters or the Plugin Command.


<Throw Hue: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!
- Sets the projectile icon's hue to 'x'.
  - Used for both custom action sequences and auto action sequences.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hue of the icon.
  - Use a number between 0 and 360.
- If this notetag is not used, the hue will be set to the default value
  found in the Plugin Parameters or the Plugin Command.


<Throw Scale: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!
- Sets the projectile icon's scale to 'x' value.
  - Used for both custom action sequences and auto action sequences.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the scale of the icon.
  - 0.5 is 50% scale.
  - 1.0 is 100% scale.
  - 1.5 is 150% scale.
  - 2.0 is 200% scale.
- If this notetag is not used, the scale will be set to the default value
  found in the Plugin Parameters or the Plugin Command.


<Throw Spin: +x>
<Throw Spin: -x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!
- Sets the projectile icon's spin speed to 'x'.
  - Used for both custom action sequences and auto action sequences.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the spin speed of the icon.
  - A positive spin speed rotates clockwise.
  - A negative spin speed rotates counterclockwise.
- This cannot be used with auto angle.
- If this notetag is not used, the spin will be set to the default value
  found in the Plugin Parameters or the Plugin Command.


Life State Effects VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


State-Only Effects


LifeStateEffects AutoLife.gif

<Auto Life: x%>

- Used for: State Notetags
- When the affected battler dies with this state present, this state will
  automatically remove itself (and any other states with <Auto Life: x%>) to
  restore that much HP% for the battler.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing that percentage of HP to heal the
  battler upon dying.


LifeStateEffects Doom.gif


- Used for: State Notetags
- When this state expires naturally (without direct removal), kill the
  affected battler.


LifeStateEffects Extinct.gif


- Used for: State Notetags
- When applied to a target, the target is no longer able to revive or be
  revived until this state is removed.
  - Enemy still needs to be defeated after applying Extinct state.
- This will suppress the Auto Life effect.
- This does NOT suppress enemy Death Transformations.


Trait-Object Effects


LifeStateEffects Curse.gif

<Curse HP>
<Curse MP>
<Curse TP>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Prevents the affected battler from being able to recover HP, MP, and/or TP
  depending on which notetag is being used.


LifeStateEffects Fragile.gif


- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If a battler affected by <Fragile> receives a direct attack and takes any
  HP damage (as opposed to event command damage or regeneration damage),
  then instantly kill the affected battler.


LifeStateEffects Guts.gif


- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- This will prevent the battler from taking any fatal damage and leaves them
  with only 1 HP. However, if the battler has 1 HP and receives damage, then
  the battler will actually die.


LifeStateEffects Undead.gif


- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If the battler receives HP Healing, it receives damage instead.
- If the battler is a target of an instant death skill or item, then the
  battler will recover full HP.
- If the battler is the target of an HP Drain action, then the battler will
  drain HP from the attacker instead.
- If the battler is the target of an elemental attack and the battler would
  absorb that element, the target will bypass the undead effect and recovers
  HP instead. Now your zombies can absorb "Darkness" elements.


<Allow Undead Regen>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If an undead battler gets affected by a trait object (such as a state)
  with this notetag, then HP Regeneration will no longer damage the undead
  enemy but instead, heal it.


Enemy-Only Effects


LifeStateEffects DeathTransform.gif

<Death Transform>
 name: weight
 name: weight
 name: weight
</Death Transform>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Upon death, the enemy will transform into another enemy with full HP/MP.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the enemy to transform into.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'name'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(: ) and just type in the 'name' instead.


<Death Transform>
</Death Transform>

<Death Transform>
 Slime: 75
 Goblin: 25
</Death Transform>

<Death Transform>
 Slime: 10
</Death Transform>

<Death Transform>
</Death Transform>


Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Auto-Tint-Related Notetags

LightingEffects AutoTint.png


<Auto-Tint: Normal>
<Auto-Tint: Dark>
<Auto-Tint: Sepia>
<Auto-Tint: Sunset>
<Auto-Tint: Night>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Automatically tints the screen upon map entry with a preset tone.
- Screen tint preset values are based on RPG Maker MZ's default presets.
- Keep in minds that lights do not pierce through tones.


<Auto-Tint: r, g, b, k>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Automatically tints the screen upon map entry with a custom tone.
- Replace 'r' with a number representing the red tone value (-255 to 255).
- Replace 'g' with a number representing the green tone value (-255 to 255).
- Replace 'b' with a number representing the blue tone value (-255 to 255).
- Replace 'k' with a number representing the grey tone value (0 to 255).
- Values that exceed -255 or 255 will be automatically timmed down.
- Grey values that are negative will have their absolute value taken of.
- Keep in minds that lights do not pierce through tones.


Darkness Overlay-Related Notetags

LightingEffects Quick5.png


<Overlay: name>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Applies a darkness overlay to the map that lights can penetrate through.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following preset names:
  - Normal, Dawn, Day, Dusk, Night
  - White, Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple, Magenta,
    Pink, Brown
  - Light Red, Light Orange, Light Yellow, Light Green, Light Cyan,
    Light Blue, Light Purple, Light Magenta, Light Pink, Light Brown
  - Dark Red, Dark Orange, Dark Yellow, Dark Green, Dark Cyan,
    Dark Blue, Dark Purple, Dark Magenta, Dark Pink, Dark Brown
- Some of the above presets automatically adjust opacity levels to certain
  values. Otherwise, they will be at 255.


<Overlay Color: #rrggbb>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Applies a darkness overlay using a custom color.
- Replace 'rr' with a hexadecimal value for red.
- Replace 'gg' with a hexadecimal value for green.
- Replace 'bb' with a hexadecimal value for blue.
- Leave the '#' in place.
- If you are unsure of what hexadecimal value your color is, please use an
  online site like:
- These settings do not adjust opacity levels.


<Overlay Opacity: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Adjusts the darkness overlay's opacity level.
- Replace 'x' with a number value from 0 to 255, where 0 is transparent
  and 255 is opaque.


<Overlay Opacity: x%>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Adjusts the darkness overlay's opacity level by rate.
- Replace 'x' with a number value from 0 to 100, where 0% is transparent
  and 100% is opaque.


<No Overlay>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- For the maps where you don't want there to be any overlay, but you don't
  want this to affect the other maps using them.


Anti-Light-Related Notetags

LightingEffects AntiLight.jpg


<Hard Anti-Light Region: x>
<Hard Anti-Light Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Tiles marked by these regions won't have any light shown on them.
  - This will use hard edges.
  - This will override the settings found in the Plugin Parameters.
  - If this notetag is not used, use the settings in the Plugin Parameters
    instead for the map.
  - This does NOT work with looping maps.
- This does NOT block light from going to the other side. If the light
  radius is large enough, it will pierce through to the other side. It just
  won't be visible on the region marked tiles.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the region ID to function as an
  anti-light tile marker.
  - You cannot use region 0. Use a number from 1 to 255 instead.


<Hard Anti-Light Terrain Tag: x>
<Hard Anti-Light Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Tiles marked by these terrain tags won't have any light shown on them.
  - This will use hard edges.
  - This will override the settings found in the Plugin Parameters.
  - If this notetag is not used, use the settings in the Plugin Parameters
    instead for the map.
  - This does NOT work with looping maps.
- This does NOT block light from going to the other side. If the light
  radius is large enough, it will pierce through to the other side. It just
  won't be visible on the terrain tag marked tiles.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the terrain tag to function as an
  anti-light tile marker.
  - You cannot use terrain tag 0. Use a number from 1 to 7 instead.


<Soft Anti-Light Region: x>
<Soft Anti-Light Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Tiles marked by these regions won't have any light shown on them.
  - This will use soft edges.
  - This will override the settings found in the Plugin Parameters.
  - If this notetag is not used, use the settings in the Plugin Parameters
    instead for the map.
  - This does NOT work with looping maps.
- This does NOT block light from going to the other side. If the light
  radius is large enough, it will pierce through to the other side. It just
  won't be visible on the region marked tiles.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the region ID to function as an
  anti-light tile marker.
  - You cannot use region 0. Use a number from 1 to 255 instead.


<Soft Anti-Light Terrain Tag: x>
<Soft Anti-Light Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Tiles marked by these terrain tags won't have any light shown on them.
  - This will use soft edges.
  - This will override the settings found in the Plugin Parameters.
  - If this notetag is not used, use the settings in the Plugin Parameters
    instead for the map.
  - This does NOT work with looping maps.
- This does NOT block light from going to the other side. If the light
  radius is large enough, it will pierce through to the other side. It just
  won't be visible on the terrain tag marked tiles.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the terrain tag to function as an
  anti-light tile marker.
  - You cannot use terrain tag 0. Use a number from 1 to 7 instead.


Radial Light General-Related Notetags

LightingEffects RadialLight.png

Using this notetag will override the default settings found in the Plugin Parameters provided that they are adjusting already present settings.


<Radial Light>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Quick and simple setup to add radial lights to this event.
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- This will use the default settings found in the Plugin Parameters for
  Event Radial Lights.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


<No Radial Light>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Disables radial lights for this event.
- Primarily used if the default settings for Event Radial Lights would have
  the radial light enabled.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Filename.gif

<Radial Light Filename: filename>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Uses an image instead of generated radial lights.
  - Using this notetag will lock out the usage of generated radial light
    notetags found below.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out the filename
  extension from the notetag.
- Image will be centered on the target where the center of the image is the
  anchor point and will be rotated.
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects ColorMix.png

<Radial Light Color: name>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Creates a generated radial light using a preset color.
  - This notetag cannot be used with <Radial Light Filename: filename>.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following:
  - Normal, Dawn, Day, Dusk, Night
  - White, Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple, Magenta,
    Pink, Brown
  - Light Red, Light Orange, Light Yellow, Light Green, Light Cyan,
    Light Blue, Light Purple, Light Magenta, Light Pink, Light Brown
  - Dark Red, Dark Orange, Dark Yellow, Dark Green, Dark Cyan,
    Dark Blue, Dark Purple, Dark Magenta, Dark Pink, Dark Brown
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects ColorMix.png

<Radial Light Color: #rrggbb>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Creates a generated radial light using a custom color.
  - This notetag cannot be used with <Radial Light Filename: filename>.
- Replace 'rr' with a hexadecimal value for red.
- Replace 'gg' with a hexadecimal value for green.
- Replace 'bb' with a hexadecimal value for blue.
- Leave the '#' in place.
- If you are unsure of what hexadecimal value your color is, please use an
  online site like:
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects RadialLight.png

<Radial Light Radius: r>
<Radial Light Diameter: d>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the radius/diameter of the generated radial light.
  - This notetag cannot be used with <Radial Light Filename: filename>.
- Replace 'r' with a number representing the pixel radius of the generated
  radial light.
- Replace 'd' with a number representing the pixel diameter of the generated
  radial light.
- Use one or the other.
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.
  - If this notetag is used, this will disable the "Auto-Calc Radius" Plugin
    Parameter for this specific actor/enemy.


LightingEffects Intensity.png

<Radial Light Intensity: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the light intensity of the generated radial light.
  - This notetag cannot be used with <Radial Light Filename: filename>.
  - Intensity determines how much of the light's luminosity extends outwards
    at full strength between fading away.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 100 representing the intensity
  percentage for the generated radial light.
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Filename.gif

<Radial Light Angle: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the initial angle of the generated radial light.
  - Can be used with both image and generated radial lights.
  - Best used with the <Radial Light Filename: filename> notetag in order to
    see any changes.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 360 representing the angle.
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Filename.gif

<Radial Light Rotate Speed: +x>
<Radial Light Rotate Speed: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the speed at which the radial light rotates.
  - Can be used with both image and generated radial lights.
  - Best used with the <Radial Light Filename: filename> notetag in order to
    see any changes.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing how slow (smaller numbers) or fast
  (larger numbers) the light rotates.
  - Use negative numbers for a reverser rotation going counter-clockwise.
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects RadialLight.png

<Radial Light Blend Mode: Normal>
<Radial Light Blend Mode: Additive>
<Radial Light Blend Mode: Multiply>
<Radial Light Blend Mode: Screen>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the blend mode of the radial light.
  - Can be used with both image and generated radial lights.
  - We recommend that you use 'screen'.
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Opacity.png

<Radial Light Opacity: x>
<Radial Light Opacity: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the opacity level of the radial light.
  - Can be used with both image and generated radial lights.
  - The opacity of a light determines how bright (larger numbers) or dim
    (smaller numbers) it is.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 255 to determine how dim (smaller
  numbers) or bright (larger numbers) the light is.
- Replace 'x%' with a percentage between 0% and 100% to determine how
  dim (smaller numbers) or bright (larger numbers) the light is.
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects RadialLight.png

<Radial Light Offset: +x, +y>
<Radial Light Offset: -x, -y>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Offsets the position of the radial light, which is normally centered on
  the sprite it is coming from.
  - Can be used with both image and generated radial lights.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numeric values the exact number of pixels to
  offset the radial light's x and y coordinates by.
- Using this notetag will enable radial lights for this event.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


Radial Light Behavior-Related Notetags

Using this notetag will override the default settings found in the Plugin Parameters provided that they are adjusting already present settings.


LightingEffects Blink.gif

<Radial Light Blink Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the frequency at which the radial light will blink.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the frequency.
  - Lower numbers mean less frequent.
  - Higher numbers mean more frequent.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Blink.gif

<Radial Light Blink Modifier: +x%>
<Radial Light Blink Modifier: -x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts a static multiplicative opacity modifier at which lights will
  become brighter (+) or dimmer (-) when flashing.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the static multiplier increase.
  - Positive numbers mean brighter.
  - Negative numbers mean dimmer.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Flicker.gif

<Radial Light Flicker Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the frequency at which the radial light will flicker.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the frequency.
  - Lower numbers mean less frequent.
  - Higher numbers mean more frequent.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Flicker.gif

<Radial Light Flicker Modifier: +x%>
<Radial Light Flicker Modifier: -x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts a randomized multiplicative opacity modifier at which lights will
  become brighter (+) or dimmer (-) when flashing.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the randomized multiplier
  - Randomized multiplier will range anywhere from 0 to the number itself.
  - Positive numbers mean brighter.
  - Negative numbers mean dimmer.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Flash.gif

<Radial Light Flash Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the frequency at which the radial light will flash.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the frequency.
  - Lower numbers mean less frequent.
  - Higher numbers mean more frequent.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.
- Must be used with a lower opacity setting.
  - Use with <Radial Light Opacity: x%> notetag.
  - If <Radial Light Opacity: x%> is not used, default to 50%.


LightingEffects Flash.gif

<Radial Light Flash Modifier: +x%>
<Radial Light Flash Modifier: -x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts a static additive opacity modifier at which lights will become
  brighter (+) or dimmer (-) when flashing.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the static additional change.
  - Positive numbers mean brighter.
  - Negative numbers mean dimmer.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Flare.gif

<Radial Light Flare Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the frequency at which the radial light will flare.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the frequency.
  - Lower numbers mean less frequent.
  - Higher numbers mean more frequent.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.
- Must be used with a lower opacity setting.
  - Use with <Radial Light Opacity: x%> notetag.
  - If <Radial Light Opacity: x%> is not used, default to 50%.


LightingEffects Flare.gif

<Radial Light Flare Modifier: +x%>
<Radial Light Flare Modifier: -x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts a randomized additive opacity modifier at which lights will become
  brighter (+) or dimmer (-) when flaring up.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the randomized multiplier
  - Randomized multiplier will range anywhere from 0 to the number itself.
  - Positive numbers mean brighter.
  - Negative numbers mean dimmer.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Glow.gif

<Radial Light Glow Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts how much the radial light will oscillate its brightness back and
  forth in a glow-like fashion.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the change in brightness.
  - Lower numbers mean less fluctuation.
  - Higher numbers mean more fluctuation.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Glow.gif

<Radial Light Glow Speed: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the speed at which the glow oscillates back and forth.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the speed.
  - Lower numbers mean slower.
  - Higher numbers mean faster.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Glow.gif

<Radial Light Glow Random>
<Radial Light Glow No Random>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adds a random seed (or not) to the glow oscillation. This can be used to
  put multiple lights glowing at different starting points.
- This is used to offset the default RNG settings found in the default
  Plugin Parameters.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Pulse.gif

<Radial Light Pulse Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts how much the radial light will oscillate its radius back and
  forth in a pulse-like fashion.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the change in size.
  - Lower numbers mean less shrinking.
  - Higher numbers mean more shrinking.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Pulse.gif

<Radial Light Pulse Speed: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the speed at which the pulse oscillates back and forth.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the speed.
  - Lower numbers mean slower.
  - Higher numbers mean faster.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Pulse.gif

<Radial Light Pulse Random>
<Radial Light Pulse No Random>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adds a random seed (or not) to the pulse oscillation. This can be used to
  put multiple lights pulsing at different starting points.
- This is used to offset the default RNG settings found in the default
  Plugin Parameters.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Pattern.gif

<Radial Light Pattern Type: name>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Uses a premade pattern by this plugin. The pattern will change the
  brightness of the light in a sequenced pattern.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following text:
  - none, normal
  - fluorescent, halogen, incandescent
  - candle, torch, campfire
  - fast strobe, slow strobe
  - strong pulse, medium pulse, slow pulse
  - underwater
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


LightingEffects Pattern.gif

<Radial Light Custom Pattern: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Uses a custom pattern determined by you, the game dev, on how the light's
  brightness will change over time.
- Replace 'x' with letters of the alphabet from 'a' to 'z'.
  - 'a' is completely transparent.
  - 'm' is midway in brightness.
  - 'z' is the brightest the light can be.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.
- Examples:
  - <Radial Light Custom Pattern: mmmmmaaaaammmmmaaaaaabcdefgabcdefg>
  - <Radial Light Custom Pattern: nmonqnmomnmomomno>
  - <Radial Light Custom Pattern: abcdefghijklmnopqrrqponmlkjihgfedcba>


LightingEffects Pattern.gif

<Radial Light Pattern Delay: x>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines how many frames to wait before going to the next part of the
  preset pattern and/or custom pattern.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frames the radial light needs
  to wait before moving forward in the pattern.
  - Lower numbers mean faster (minimum: 1).
  - Higher numbers mean slower.
- When used for actors and/or enemies, the effects will occur in battle.
  - Actor effects are NOT applied to the map.
  - When on the map, the radial light settings used will be dependent on
    the player and follower radial light settings instead of the individual
    actor radial light settings.


Conical Light General-Related Notetags

Using this notetag will override the default settings found in the Plugin Parameters provided that they are adjusting already present settings.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Quick and simple setup to add conical lights to this event.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.
- This will use the default settings found in the Plugin Parameters for
  Event Conical Lights.


<No Conical Light>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Disables conical lights for this event.
- Primarily used if the default settings for Event Conical Lights would have
  the conical light enabled.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light Filename: filename>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Uses an image instead of generated conical lights.
  - Using this notetag will lock out the usage of generated conical light
    notetags found below.
  - By default, you should have your conical light image face the right at
    "0 degrees".
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out the filename
  extension from the notetag.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light File Angle Offset: +x>
<Conical Light File Angle Offset: -x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines how much to offset the angle of the conical light image by.
- Replace 'x' with a number from 0 to 360 representing the angle offset.
  - Negatives are allowed in order to quickly go the other way.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light File Anchor: x, y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determine the anchor points for the conical light image.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers between 0 and 1.
  - For x: 0.0 is left-aligned, 0.5 is center-aligned, 1.0 is right-aligned.
  - For y: 0.0 is top-aligned, 0.5 is middle-aligned, 1.0 is bottom-aligned.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ColorMix.png

<Conical Light Color: name>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Creates a generated conical light using a preset color.
  - This notetag cannot be used with <Conical Light Filename: filename>.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following:
  - Normal, Dawn, Day, Dusk, Night
  - White, Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple, Magenta,
    Pink, Brown
  - Light Red, Light Orange, Light Yellow, Light Green, Light Cyan,
    Light Blue, Light Purple, Light Magenta, Light Pink, Light Brown
  - Dark Red, Dark Orange, Dark Yellow, Dark Green, Dark Cyan,
    Dark Blue, Dark Purple, Dark Magenta, Dark Pink, Dark Brown
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ColorMix.png

<Conical Light Color: #rrggbb>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Creates a generated conical light using a custom color.
  - This notetag cannot be used with <Conical Light Filename: filename>.
- Replace 'rr' with a hexadecimal value for red.
- Replace 'gg' with a hexadecimal value for green.
- Replace 'bb' with a hexadecimal value for blue.
- Leave the '#' in place.
- If you are unsure of what hexadecimal value your color is, please use an
  online site like:
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light Radius: r>
<Conical Light Diameter: d>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the radius/diameter of the generated conical light.
  - This notetag cannot be used with <Conical Light Filename: filename>.
- Replace 'r' with a number representing the pixel radius of the generated
  conical light.
- Replace 'd' with a number representing the pixel diameter of the generated
  conical light.
- Use one or the other.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


<Conical Light Source Radius: r>
<Conical Light Source Diameter: d>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the radius/diameter of the generated conical light's light
  source, creating a little circle from where the cone starts.
  - This notetag cannot be used with <Conical Light Filename: filename>.
- Replace 'r' with a number representing the pixel radius of the generated
  conical light.
- Replace 'd' with a number representing the pixel diameter of the generated
  conical light.
- Use one or the other.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects Intensity.png

<Conical Light Intensity: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the light intensity of the generated conical light.
  - This notetag cannot be used with <Conical Light Filename: filename>.
  - Intensity determines how much of the light's luminosity extends outwards
    at full strength between fading away.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 100 representing the intensity
  percentage for the generated conical light.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light Blend Mode: Normal>
<Conical Light Blend Mode: Additive>
<Conical Light Blend Mode: Multiply>
<Conical Light Blend Mode: Screen>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the blend mode of the conical light.
  - Can be used with both image and generated conical lights.
  - We recommend that you use 'screen'.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects Opacity.png

<Conical Light Opacity: x>
<Conical Light Opacity: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the opacity level of the conical light.
  - Can be used with both image and generated conical lights.
  - The opacity of a light determines how bright (larger numbers) or dim
    (smaller numbers) it is.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 255 to determine how dim (smaller
  numbers) or bright (larger numbers) the light is.
- Replace 'x%' with a percentage between 0% and 100% to determine how
  dim (smaller numbers) or bright (larger numbers) the light is.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light Angle: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the arc angle of the generated conical light.
  - The larger the angle, the wider the arc.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 360 representing the angle.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light Angle Sway: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines how many degrees the light will sway back and forth.
  - The larger the angle, the wider the sway.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 360 representing the degrees the
  light will sway.
  - Use 0 for no sway.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light Sway Speed: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines how fast the light will sway back and forth.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage from 1% to 100%.
  - Lower numbers mean slower.
  - Higher numbers mean faster.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light Sway Random>
<Conical Light Sway No Random>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adds a random seed (or not) to the sway oscillation. This can be used to
  put multiple lights swaying at different starting points.
- This is used to offset the default RNG settings found in the default
  Plugin Parameters.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalHandDir.png

<Conical Light Force Direction: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Forces the conical light to face a certain direction.
  - This is primarily used for tile events or direction fixed events that
    would otherwise lock a conical light to face a certain direction.
- Replace 'x' with any of the following:
  - none
  - down, left, right, up
  - lower left, lower right, upper left, upper right
- Use 'none' to remove any forced directions.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalLight.png

<Conical Light Follow Cursor>
<Conical Light Not Follow Cursor>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Causes the conical light to face towards the direction of the mouse
  cursor if it's within the game client window.
- This is used to offset the default settings found in the default
  Plugin Parameters.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalHandDir.png

<Conical Light Hand Offset>
<Conical Light Center Offset>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Causes the conical light to follow either the hand-focused offsets or
  base the offset at the center of the character.
- This is used to offset the default settings found in the default
  Plugin Parameters.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalHandDir.png

<Conical Light Offset: +x, +y>
<Conical Light Offset: -x, -y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Offsets the position of the conical light, which is normally centered on
  the sprite it is coming from.
  - Can be used with both image and generated conical lights.
  - This is NOT used with the <Conical Light Hand Offset> notetag.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numeric values the exact number of pixels to
  offset the conical light's x and y coordinates by.
- Using this notetag will enable conical lights for this event.


LightingEffects ConicalHandDir.png

<Conical Light d Pattern p: +x, +y>
<Conical Light d Pattern p: -x, -y>
<Conical Light d Pattern p: +x, -y>
<Conical Light d Pattern p: -x, +y>

- Used for: Actor Notetags, Event Notetags, and Event Page Comment Tags
- When using hand-based offsets for the conical light, this will cause the
  light source to come from the target's hand instead of their chest/face.
- For actors, the light source origin will vary depending on who is in the
  lead, in case certain actors may be left or right handed, or if happen to
  be a robot that has the light shining from their eyes.
- Replace 'd' with text representing the direction the offset is for. Use
  any of the directions below:
  - down, left, right, up
  - lower left, lower right, upper left, upper right
- Replace 'p' with a number representing the pattern index. Patterns are
  the individual frames used in the sprite when walking.
  - By default, RPG Maker MZ sprites have the following patterns:
  - Left frame is pattern 0.
  - Center frame is pattern 1.
  - Right frame is pattern 2.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numeric values the exact number of pixels to
  offset the conical light's x and y coordinates by.
- Examples:
  - <Conical Light Down Pattern 0: +12, +14>
  - <Conical Light Left Pattern 1: +4, +16>
  - <Conical Light Right Pattern 2: -6, +16>


Conical Light Behavior-Related Notetags

Using this notetag will override the default settings found in the Plugin Parameters provided that they are adjusting already present settings.


LightingEffects Blink.gif

<Conical Light Blink Rate: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the frequency at which the conical light will blink.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the frequency.
  - Lower numbers mean less frequent.
  - Higher numbers mean more frequent.


LightingEffects Blink.gif

<Conical Light Blink Modifier: +x%>
<Conical Light Blink Modifier: -x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts a static multiplicative opacity modifier at which lights will
  become brighter (+) or dimmer (-) when flashing.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the static multiplier increase.
  - Positive numbers mean brighter.
  - Negative numbers mean dimmer.


LightingEffects Flicker.gif

<Conical Light Flicker Rate: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the frequency at which the conical light will flicker.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the frequency.
  - Lower numbers mean less frequent.
  - Higher numbers mean more frequent.


LightingEffects Flicker.gif

<Conical Light Flicker Modifier: +x%>
<Conical Light Flicker Modifier: -x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts a randomized multiplicative opacity modifier at which lights will
  become brighter (+) or dimmer (-) when flashing.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the randomized multiplier
  - Randomized multiplier will range anywhere from 0 to the number itself.
  - Positive numbers mean brighter.
  - Negative numbers mean dimmer.


LightingEffects Flash.gif

<Conical Light Flash Rate: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the frequency at which the conical light will flash.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the frequency.
  - Lower numbers mean less frequent.
  - Higher numbers mean more frequent.
- Must be used with a lower opacity setting.
  - Use with <Conical Light Opacity: x%> notetag.
  - If <Conical Light Opacity: x%> is not used, default to 50%.


LightingEffects Flash.gif

<Conical Light Flash Modifier: +x%>
<Conical Light Flash Modifier: -x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts a static additive opacity modifier at which lights will become
  brighter (+) or dimmer (-) when flashing.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the static additional change.
  - Positive numbers mean brighter.
  - Negative numbers mean dimmer.


LightingEffects Flare.gif

<Conical Light Flare Rate: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the frequency at which the conical light will flare.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the frequency.
  - Lower numbers mean less frequent.
  - Higher numbers mean more frequent.
- Must be used with a lower opacity setting.
  - Use with <Conical Light Opacity: x%> notetag.
  - If <Conical Light Opacity: x%> is not used, default to 50%.


LightingEffects Flare.gif

<Conical Light Flare Modifier: +x%>
<Conical Light Flare Modifier: -x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts a randomized additive opacity modifier at which lights will become
  brighter (+) or dimmer (-) when flaring up.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the randomized multiplier
  - Randomized multiplier will range anywhere from 0 to the number itself.
  - Positive numbers mean brighter.
  - Negative numbers mean dimmer.


LightingEffects Glow.gif

<Conical Light Glow Rate: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts how much the conical light will oscillate its brightness back and
  forth in a glow-like fashion.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the change in brightness.
  - Lower numbers mean less fluctuation.
  - Higher numbers mean more fluctuation.


LightingEffects Glow.gif

<Conical Light Glow Speed: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the speed at which the glow oscillates back and forth.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the speed.
  - Lower numbers mean slower.
  - Higher numbers mean faster.


LightingEffects Glow.gif

<Conical Light Glow Random>
<Conical Light Glow No Random>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adds a random seed (or not) to the glow oscillation. This can be used to
  put multiple lights glowing at different starting points.
- This is used to offset the default RNG settings found in the default
  Plugin Parameters.


LightingEffects Pulse.gif

<Conical Light Pulse Rate: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts how much the conical light will oscillate its radius back and
  forth in a pulse-like fashion.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the change in size.
  - Lower numbers mean less shrinking.
  - Higher numbers mean more shrinking.


LightingEffects Pulse.gif

<Conical Light Pulse Speed: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adjusts the speed at which the pulse oscillates back and forth.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage representing the speed.
  - Lower numbers mean slower.
  - Higher numbers mean faster.


LightingEffects Pulse.gif

<Conical Light Pulse Random>
<Conical Light Pulse No Random>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Adds a random seed (or not) to the pulse oscillation. This can be used to
  put multiple lights pulsing at different starting points.
- This is used to offset the default RNG settings found in the default
  Plugin Parameters.


LightingEffects Pattern.gif

<Conical Light Pattern Type: name>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Uses a premade pattern by this plugin. The pattern will change the
  brightness of the light in a sequenced pattern.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following text:
  - none, normal
  - fluorescent, halogen, incandescent
  - candle, torch, campfire
  - fast strobe, slow strobe
  - strong pulse, medium pulse, slow pulse
  - underwater


LightingEffects Pattern.gif

<Conical Light Custom Pattern: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Uses a custom pattern determined by you, the game dev, on how the light's
  brightness will change over time.
- Replace 'x' with letters of the alphabet from 'a' to 'z'.
  - 'a' is completely transparent.
  - 'm' is midway in brightness.
  - 'z' is the brightest the light can be.
- Examples:
  - <Conical Light Custom Pattern: mmmmmaaaaammmmmaaaaaabcdefgabcdefg>
  - <Conical Light Custom Pattern: nmonqnmomnmomomno>
  - <Conical Light Custom Pattern: abcdefghijklmnopqrrqponmlkjihgfedcba>


LightingEffects Pattern.gif

<Conical Light Pattern Delay: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines how many frames to wait before going to the next part of the
  preset pattern and/or custom pattern.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frames the conical light needs
  to wait before moving forward in the pattern.
  - Lower numbers mean faster (minimum: 1).
  - Higher numbers mean slower.


Limited Skill Uses VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Basic Limited Use-Related Notetags

LimitedSkillUses Preview1.png


<Limited Uses: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Sets the limited use maximum base amount for this skill.
- This value will override the Plugin Parameter settings for a base value if
  "All Skills Limited?" is turned on.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the base maximum uses this
  skill can have.


<Unlimited Use>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- If the Plugin Parameter "All Skills Limited?" is turned on, this will
  disable limited uses for this skill, allowing it to be used in unlimited
  amounts independent of the Limited Use base.


Use Recovery-Related Notetags

LimitedSkillUses Preview1.png


<Victory Uses Recover: x>
<Escape Uses Recover: x>
<Defeat Uses Recover: x>
<After Battle Uses Recover: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines how many limited uses are recovered at the end of each battle
  depending on the result.
  - Victory notetag variant requires winning the battle.
  - Escape notetag variant requires escaping the battle.
  - Defeat notetag variant requires losing the battle.
  - After Battle notetag variant applies to all cases.
- Replace 'x' with how many uses are restored upon completing a battle.


<Bypass Recover All Uses>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- This prevents the skill from recovering all uses with the "Recover All"
  event command.


<Allow Recover All Uses>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- This allows the skill to recover all uses with the "Recover All" event
  command when the "Recover All?" plugin parameter is disabled.


Use Alteration-Related Notetags

LimitedSkillUses Preview1.png


<User Global Uses: +x>
<User Global Uses: -x>

<User SType id Uses: +x>
<User SType id Uses: -x>
<User SType name Uses: +x>
<User SType name Uses: -x>

<User Skill id Uses: +x>
<User Skill id Uses: -x>
<User Skill name Uses: +x>
<User Skill name Uses: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Alters the limited use amounts for the action's user.
  - Global notetag variant affects all limited uses.
  - SType notetag variant effects all skills with a matching type.
  - Skill notetag viarant effects a specific matching skill.
- This effect will only trigger once per action even if there are
  multiple hits as long as it successfully hits one target.
- Replace 'id' with the ID of the skill type.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the skill type (without text codes).
- Replace 'x' with the amount to alter the remaining uses by. Positive
  values restore uses while negative values reduce remaining uses.


<Target Global Uses: +x>
<Target Global Uses: -x>

<Target SType id Uses: +x>
<Target SType id Uses: -x>
<Target SType name Uses: +x>
<Target SType name Uses: -x>

<Target Skill id Uses: +x>
<Target Skill id Uses: -x>
<Target Skill name Uses: +x>
<Target Skill name Uses: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Alters the limited use amounts for the action's target.
  - Global notetag variant affects all limited uses.
  - SType notetag variant effects all skills with a matching type.
    - Replace 'id' with the ID of the skill type.
    - Replace 'name' with the name of the skill type (without text codes).
  - Skill notetag viarant effects a specific matching skill.
    - Replace 'id' with the ID of the skill.
    - Replace 'name' with the name of the skill.
- This effect will trigger with each successful hit against its target.
- Replace 'x' with the amount to alter the remaining uses by. Positive
  values restore uses while negative values reduce remaining uses.


Trait Based-Related Notetags

LimitedSkillUses Preview1.png


<Gloal Use Max: +x>
<Gloal Use Max: -x>

<SType id Use Max: +x>
<SType id Use Max: -x>
<SType name Use Max: +x>
<SType name Use Max: -x>

<Skill id Use Max: +x>
<Skill id Use Max: -x>
<Skill name Use Max: +x>
<Skill name Use Max: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Changes the maximum limited uses for all skills, skills of a particular
  type, or individual skills.
  - Global notetag variant affects all limited uses.
  - SType notetag variant effects all skills with a matching type.
    - Replace 'id' with the ID of the skill type.
    - Replace 'name' with the name of the skill type (without text codes).
  - Skill notetag viarant effects a specific matching skill.
    - Replace 'id' with the ID of the skill.
    - Replace 'name' with the name of the skill.
- Replace 'x' with the amount to adjust the maximum uses by. Positive values
  increase the maximum uses while negative values decrease them.
  - These will be hard capped by the settings found in the Plugin Parmeters.


Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Portrait-Related Notetags


<Menu Portrait: filename>

- Used for: Actor
- This is used with the "Portrait" style Main Menu List.
- Sets the menu image for the actor to 'filename'.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out the filename
  extension from the notetag.


<Menu Portrait Offset: +x, +y>
<Menu Portrait Offset: -x, -y>

<Menu Portrait Offset X: +x>
<Menu Portrait Offset X: -x>

<Menu Portrait Offset Y: +y>
<Menu Portrait Offset Y: -y>

- Used for: Actor
- This is used with the "Portrait" style Main Menu List.
- Offsets the X and Y coordinates for the menu image.
- Replace 'x' with a number value that offsets the x coordinate.
- Negative x values offset left. Positive x values offset right.
- Replace 'y' with a number value that offsets the y coordinate.
- Negative y values offset up. Positive x values offset down.
- This only applies to the Main Menu portraits.


Map Camera Zoom VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Map-Related Notetags

VisuMZ MapCameraZoom Preview Zoom.gif


<Zoom: x%>
<AutoZoom: x%>
<Auto Zoom: x%>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Causes the game camera to automatically zoom to x% when entering a map
  with this notetag.
  - This does NOT reverse itself when exiting the map. The zoom settings
    will carry over to other maps unless those maps have their own auto-zoom
    notetag present.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'x' with a percentage value above 100% to represent the zoom scale
  you wish to change to when entering this map.
  - 'x' cannot be under 100%! Read the "Cannot Go Under 100%" section for
    more information as to why.


Map Damage Effect VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Custom Tile Effect-Related Notetags

VisuMZ MapDamageEffect Preview.gif


<Floor State Region x: id>
<Floor State Region x: id, id, id>
<Floor State Region x: name>
<Floor State Region x: name, name, name>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- When stepping onto a tile marked by region 'x', afflict all party members
  with the associated state(s).
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the Region ID used to
  mark the floor damage tiles with this Map Damage Effect.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the state to afflict
  upon all party members.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the state(s) to afflict all party members.


JavaScript Notetags: Custom Floor Damage

VisuMZ MapDamageEffect Regions.png


<Floor Damage Formula Region x>
 damage = code
</Floor Damage Formula Region x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Determines the amount of damage to deal to each actor when this Map Damage
  Effect triggers. Also changes any tile marked by region 'x' into a damage
  tile regardless of its setting in the database's tileset.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the Region ID used to
  mark the floor damage tiles with this Map Damage Effect.
- The 'damage' variable is returned to determine how much damage the actor
  will receive as floor damage (before being affected by the actor's FDR).
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code used to calculate the 'damage'.
- The 'a' variable represents the actor receiving the damage.
- The 'user' variable represents the actor receiving the damage.


Floor Damage Effect-Related Notetags

VisuMZ MapDamageEffect Preview.gif


<Map Damage Effect Region x Color: #rrggbb>
<Damage Region x Color: #rrggbb>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- When taking damage from tiles marked by 'x' region, play a custom color.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the Region ID used to
  mark the floor damage tiles with this Map Damage Effect.
- Replace 'rr' with a hexadecimal value for red.
- Replace 'gg' with a hexadecimal value for green.
- Replace 'bb' with a hexadecimal value for blue.
- Leave the '#' in place.
- If you are unsure of what hexadecimal value your color is, please use an
  online site like:
- When using this notetag, custom images won't be used.


<Map Damage Effect Region x Gradient Length: y>
<Damage Region x Gradient Length: y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Changes the gradient length of the pre-render effect.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the Region ID used to
  mark the floor damage tiles with this Map Damage Effect.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing in pixels how long the gradient
  length is.


<Map Damage Effect Region x Image: filename>
<Damage Region x Image: filename>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Uses a custom image found in the img/pictures/ folder of your game project
  to use when taking floor damage on these region-marked tiles.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the Region ID used to
  mark the floor damage tiles with this Map Damage Effect.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out the filename
  extension from the notetag.
- If this notetag is used, ignore the hex color and gradient notetags.


<Map Damage Effect Region x Opacity: y>
<Damage Region x Opacity: y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Adjusts the starting opacity to 'y' for this region-marked-tile's
  Map Damage Effect.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the Region ID used to
  mark the floor damage tiles with this Map Damage Effect.
- Replace 'y' with a number (0 to 255) representing the starting opacity
  used by the region-marked-tile's Map Damage Effect.


<Map Damage Effect Region x Opacity: y%>
<Damage Region x Opacity: y%>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Adjusts the starting opacity to 'y%' for this region-marked-tile's
  Map Damage Effect.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the Region ID used to
  mark the floor damage tiles with this Map Damage Effect.
- Replace 'y' with a percent (0% to 100%) representing the starting opacity
  used by the region-marked-tile's Map Damage Effect.


<Map Damage Effect Region x Duration: y>
<Damage Region x Duration: y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Alters the duration for this region-marked-tile's Map Damage Effect.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the Region ID used to
  mark the floor damage tiles with this Map Damage Effect.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the duration of the Map Damage
  Effect in frames where 60 frames is equal to 1 second.


<Map Damage Effect Region x Blend Mode: Normal>
<Map Damage Effect Region x Blend Mode: Additive>
<Map Damage Effect Region x Blend Mode: Multiply>
<Map Damage Effect Region x Blend Mode: Screen>
<Damage Region x Blend Mode: Normal>
<Damage Region x Blend Mode: Additive>
<Damage Region x Blend Mode: Multiply>
<Damage Region x Blend Mode: Screen>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Changes the blend mode used for the region-marked-tile's Map Damage Effect
  sprite to mesh with the map screen differently.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the Region ID used to
  mark the floor damage tiles with this Map Damage Effect.


<Map Damage Effect Region x Once Parallel: y>
<Damage Region x Once Parallel: y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!
- Causes a region-marked-tile's Map Damage Effect to also launch a Once
  Parallel from the VisuMZ Core Engine.
  - A Once Parallel is a Common Event that occurs as a one-time parallel
    process event that does not loop.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the Region ID used to
  mark the floor damage tiles with this Map Damage Effect.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event to run
  as a Once Parallel.


State Damage-Related Notetags

VisuMZ MapDamageEffect Preview.gif


<Map Damage Effect Color: #rrggbb>
<Damage Color: #rrggbb>

- Used for: State Notetags
- When taking damage from states on the map, play a custom color.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'rr' with a hexadecimal value for red.
- Replace 'gg' with a hexadecimal value for green.
- Replace 'bb' with a hexadecimal value for blue.
- Leave the '#' in place.
- If you are unsure of what hexadecimal value your color is, please use an
  online site like:
- When using this notetag, custom images won't be used.
- If an actor has multiple damage states, the damage state with a Map Damage
  Effect and the highest priority will take effect.


<Map Damage Effect Gradient Length: y>
<Damage Gradient Length: y>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Changes the gradient length of the pre-render effect.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing in pixels how long the gradient
  length is.
- If an actor has multiple damage states, the damage state with a Map Damage
  Effect and the highest priority will take effect.


<Map Damage Effect Image: filename>
<Damage Image: filename>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Uses a custom image found in the img/pictures/ folder of your game project
  to use when taking damage from states on the map.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out the filename
  extension from the notetag.
- If an actor has multiple damage states, the damage state with a Map Damage
  Effect and the highest priority will take effect.
- If this notetag is used, ignore the hex color and gradient notetags.


<Map Damage Effect Opacity: y>
<Damage Opacity: y>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adjusts the starting opacity to 'y' for this damage state's
  Map Damage Effect.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'y' with a number (0 to 255) representing the starting opacity
  used by the region-marked-tile's Map Damage Effect.
- If an actor has multiple damage states, the damage state with a Map Damage
  Effect and the highest priority will take effect.


<Map Damage Effect Opacity: y%>
<Damage Opacity: y%>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Adjusts the starting opacity to 'y%' for this damage state's
  Map Damage Effect.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'y' with a percent (0% to 100%) representing the starting opacity
  used by the region-marked-tile's Map Damage Effect.
- If an actor has multiple damage states, the damage state with a Map Damage
  Effect and the highest priority will take effect.


<Map Damage Effect Duration: y>
<Damage Duration: y>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Alters the duration for this damage state's Map Damage Effect.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the duration of the Map Damage
  Effect in frames where 60 frames is equal to 1 second.
- If an actor has multiple damage states, the damage state with a Map Damage
  Effect and the highest priority will take effect.


<Map Damage Effect Blend Mode: Normal>
<Map Damage Effect Blend Mode: Additive>
<Map Damage Effect Blend Mode: Multiply>
<Map Damage Effect Blend Mode: Screen>
<Damage Blend Mode: Normal>
<Damage Blend Mode: Additive>
<Damage Blend Mode: Multiply>
<Damage Blend Mode: Screen>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Changes the blend mode used for the damage state's Map Damage Effect
  sprite to mesh with the map screen differently.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- If an actor has multiple damage states, the damage state with a Map Damage
  Effect and the highest priority will take effect.


<Map Damage Effect Once Parallel: y>
<Damage Once Parallel: y>

- Used for: State Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!
- Causes the damage state's Map Damage Effect to also launch a Once
  Parallel from the VisuMZ Core Engine.
  - A Once Parallel is a Common Event that occurs as a one-time parallel
    process event that does not loop.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event to run
  as a Once Parallel.
- If an actor has multiple damage states, the damage state with a Map Damage
  Effect and the highest priority will take effect.


Map Event Effects VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Breathing-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Breathe.gif


<Breathing Rate: x%>

<Breathing Rate X: x%>
<Breathing Rate Y: y%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the breathing rate of the sprite to the percentile amount.
- For <Breathing Rate: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing
  the general breathing percentage to be used.
- For <Breathing Rate X: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing
  the horizontal breathing percentage to be used.
- For <Breathing Rate Y: y%> variant: replace 'y' with a number representing
  the vertical breathing percentage to be used.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Breathing Speed: x>

<Breathing Speed X: x>
<Breathing Speed Y: y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the breathing speed of the sprite.
- For <Breathing Speed: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing
  the general breathing speed rate to be used.
  - For best results, use numbers between 0 and 1.
- For <Breathing Speed X: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number
  representing the horizontal breathing speed rate to be used.
  - For best results, use numbers between 0 and 1.
- For <Breathing Speed Y: y%> variant: replace 'y' with a number
  representing the vertical breathing speed rate to be used.
  - For best results, use numbers between 0 and 1.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Breathing Random Offset>

<Breathing Random Offset X>
<Breathing Random Offset Y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's breathing rate effect different from other events by
  having different starting points.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Breathing Static Offset: x> variants.
- For <Breathing Random Offset> variant, this will affect both breathing
  rates for horizontal and vertical directions.
- For <Breathing Random Offset X> variant, this will affect only breathing
  rates for the horizontal direction.
- For <Breathing Random Offset Y> variant, this will affect only breathing
  rates for the vertical direction.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Breathing Static Offset: x>

<Breathing Static Offset X: x>
<Breathing Static Offset Y: y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's breathing rate starting count begin at 'x' and will
  share similar starting float height offsets with other events that use the
  same offset number.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Breathing Random Offset> variants.
- For <Breathing Static Offset: x> variant, replace 'x' with a number that
  adjusts the starting point for both horizontal and vertical breathing.
- For <Breathing Static Offset X: x> variant, replace 'x' with a number that
  adjusts the starting point for only horizontal breathing.
- For <Breathing Static Offset Y: y> variant, replace 'y' with a number that
  adjusts the starting point for only vertical breathing.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Flash-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Flash.gif


<Flash Color: r, g, b, a>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Gives the event an effect that will periodically flash a custom color.
- Replace 'r' with a number representing the red color value (0 to 255).
- Replace 'g' with a number representing the green color value (0 to 255).
- Replace 'b' with a number representing the blue color value (0 to 255).
- Replace 'a' with a number representing the alpha value (0 to 255).
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Flash Duration: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the duration of the flash effect to 'x' frames.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing how long the flash lasts in frames.
  - 60 frames per second.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If this notetag is not used, use the default flash duration found within
  the Plugin Parameters.


<Flash Cycle: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the cycle time of the flash effect to 'x' frames.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing how long the flash cycle begins
  anew again.
  - 60 frames per second.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If this notetag is not used, use the default flash cycle found within
  the Plugin Parameters.


Floating-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Float.gif


<Float Height: x>

<Float Height: x to y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's float height to 'x' or hover between 'x' and 'y'.
- With the <Float Height: x> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing
  the pixels off the ground.
- With the <Float Height: x to y> variant, replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers
  representing what pixel heights to shift between.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Float Speed: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's float speed to 'x' for the hovering float effect.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the speed at which the event floats
  between heights with.
  - For best results, use a number between 0 and 1.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Float Random Offset>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's floating height effect different from other events by
  having different starting points.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Float Static Offset: x>.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Float Static Offset: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's floating height starting count begin at 'x' and will
  share similar starting float height offsets with other events that use the
  same offset number.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Float Random Offset>.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Hue-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Hue.gif


<Hue: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's hue color to 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hue shift.
  - For best results, use a number between 0 and 360.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Random Hue>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's hue color to a random amount between 0 and 360.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Random Hue: x to y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's hue color to a random amount between 'x' and 'y'.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers representing the hue shifts.
  - For best results, use numbers between 0 and 360.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Hue Per Frame: +x>
<Hue Per Frame: -x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- The event will constantly shift hue values by 'x' each frame.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hue shift.
  - For best results, use a number between 0 and 360.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Repeat Animation-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects RepeatMapAni.gif


<Repeat Animation: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Plays animation 'x' on event over and over.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the animation to be
  played on this event repeatedly.
  - Keep in mind that if an event changes pages to one that does not have an
    animation or if the event is erased, the animation will still have to
    finish up playing.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Repeat Animation Cycle: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the animation cycle used for repeated animations. Animations
  will be repeated every 'x' frames.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frame count between each
  animation playthrough. 60 frames = 1 second.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Repeat Animation Mirror: On>
<Repeat Animation Mirror: Off>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines if the repeating animation is mirrored or not.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Repeat Animation Mute: On>
<Repeat Animation Mute: Off>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines if the repeating animation is muted or not.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Scale-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Scale.gif


<Scale: x%>

<Scale X: x%>
<Scale Y: y%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the scale of the sprite to the designated size.
- For <Scale: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing the
  scaling overall percentage to be used.
- For <Scale X: x%> variant, replace 'x' with a number representing the x
  factor for the horizontal scaling percentage to be used.
- For <Scale Y: y%> variant, replace 'y' with a number representing the y
  factor for the vertical scaling percentage to be used.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Shake-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Shake.gif


<Shake Power: x>

<Shake Power X: x>
<Shake Power Y: y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's shaking to 'x' and/or 'y' power.
- For <Shake Power: x> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing the
  shake power used for both horizontal and vertical shaking.
- For <Shake Power X: x> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing the
  shake power used for only horizontal shaking.
- For <Shake Power Y: y> variant: replace 'y' with a number representing the
  shake power used for only vertical shaking.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Sidestepping-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Sidestep.gif


<Sidestep: x>

<Sidestep: x to y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's sidestep distance to 'x' or hover between 'x' and 'y'.
- With the <Sidestep: x> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing
  the pixels to the side.
  - Negative numbers go left. Positive numbers go right.
- With the <Sidestep: x to y> variant, replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers
  representing what pixel heights to shift between.
  - Negative numbers go left. Positive numbers go right.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Sidestep Speed: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's shifting speed to 'x' for the sidestepping effect.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the speed at which the event will
  sidestep between.
  - For best results, use a number between 0 and 1.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Sidestep Random Offset>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's sidestepping effect different from other events by
  having different starting points.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Sidestep Static Offset: x>.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Sidestep Static Offset: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's sidestepping distance starting count begin at 'x' and
  will share similar starting sidestep static offsets with other events that
  use the same offset number.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Sidestep Random Offset>.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Tint-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Tint.gif


<Tint Color: r, g, b, k>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Tints the event with a custom tone.
- Replace 'r' with a number representing the red tone value (-255 to 255).
- Replace 'g' with a number representing the green tone value (-255 to 255).
- Replace 'b' with a number representing the blue tone value (-255 to 255).
- Replace 'k' with a number representing the grey tone value (0 to 255).
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


More Currencies VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Cost-Related Notetags

MoreCurrencies Preview2.png


<Item id Buy Cost: x>
<Item name Buy Cost: x>

<Item id Sell Cost: x>
<Item name Sell Cost: x>

<Item id Cost: x>
<Item name Cost: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- The "buy" variant determines the item and quantity needed to purchase this
  object in the shop.
- The "sell" variant determines the item and quantity acquired when selling
  this object in the shop.
- The neither variant will determine both buy/sell transactions related to
  the item and quantities when selling.
  - Selling the object will yield a lower quantity determined by the sell
    rate found in Plugin Parameters > General > Automatic Sell Rate.
  - This variant cannot be used with the Buy/Sell notetag variants. If
    either the buy or sell notetag variants are detected, this doesn't work.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the item to be taken
  (when bought) or acquired (when sold).
- Replace 'name' with the name of the item to be taken (when bought) or
  acquired (when sold).
- Replace 'x' with the quantity of the item that will be taken (when bought)
  or acquired (when sold).
- Insert multiple copies of these notetags to add more item costs.


<Weapon id Buy Cost: x>
<Weapon name Buy Cost: x>

<Weapon id Sell Cost: x>
<Weapon name Sell Cost: x>

<Weapon id Cost: x>
<Weapon name Cost: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- The "buy" variant determines the weapon and quantity needed to purchase
  this object in the shop.
- The "sell" variant determines the weapon and quantity acquired when
  selling this object in the shop.
- The neither variant will determine both buy/sell transactions related to
  the weapon and quantities when selling.
  - Selling the object will yield a lower quantity determined by the sell
    rate found in Plugin Parameters > General > Automatic Sell Rate.
  - This variant cannot be used with the Buy/Sell notetag variants. If
    either the buy or sell notetag variants are detected, this doesn't work.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the weapon to be taken
  (when bought) or acquired (when sold).
- Replace 'name' with the name of the weapon to be taken (when bought) or
  acquired (when sold).
- Replace 'x' with the quantity of the weapon that will be taken (when
  bought) or acquired (when sold).
- Insert multiple copies of these notetags to add more weapon costs.


<Armor id Buy Cost: x>
<Armor name Buy Cost: x>

<Armor id Sell Cost: x>
<Armor name Sell Cost: x>

<Armor id Cost: x>
<Armor name Cost: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- The "buy" variant determines the armor and quantity needed to purchase
  this object in the shop.
- The "sell" variant determines the armor and quantity acquired when
  selling this object in the shop.
- The neither variant will determine both buy/sell transactions related to
  the armor and quantities when selling.
  - Selling the object will yield a lower quantity determined by the sell
    rate found in Plugin Parameters > General > Automatic Sell Rate.
  - This variant cannot be used with the Buy/Sell notetag variants. If
    either the buy or sell notetag variants are detected, this doesn't work.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the armor to be taken
  (when bought) or acquired (when sold).
- Replace 'name' with the name of the armor to be taken (when bought) or
  acquired (when sold).
- Replace 'x' with the quantity of the armor that will be taken (when
  bought) or acquired (when sold).
- Insert multiple copies of these notetags to add more armor costs.


<Variable id Buy Cost: x>

<Variable id Sell Cost: x>

<Variable id Cost: x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- The "buy" variant determines the variable and quantity needed to purchase
  this object in the shop.
- The "sell" variant determines the variable and quantity acquired when
  selling this object in the shop.
- The neither variant will determine both buy/sell transactions related to
  the variable and quantities when selling.
  - Selling the object will yield a lower quantity determined by the sell
    rate found in Plugin Parameters > General > Automatic Sell Rate.
  - This variant cannot be used with the Buy/Sell notetag variants. If
    either the buy or sell notetag variants are detected, this doesn't work.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the variable to be taken
  (when bought) or acquired (when sold).
- Replace 'name' with the name of the variable to be taken (when bought) or
  acquired (when sold).
- Replace 'x' with the quantity of the variable that will be taken (when
  bought) or acquired (when sold).
- Insert multiple copies of these notetags to add more variable costs.


Proxy Notetags

MoreCurrencies Preview1.png


<Proxy: id>
<Proxy: name>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- REQUIRES the most up to date VisuMZ Items and Equips Core!
- Turns this item, weapon, or armor into a proxy for another item, allowing
  you to create trades with different components using the above notetag
  contents and yield the same item.
- The proxy item itself will take on the name, icon, and description of the
  original item it is supposed to represent.
- No other properties are carried over from the original.
- When viewed through the Window_ShopStatus window, the contents will
  reference the original item and not the proxy item.
- Proxy items themselves cannot be acquired. This includes event commands,
  item drops, or equips.
- When bought, the item yielded won't be the proxy item but the item it is
  a proxy for.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the item, weapon, or armor ID of
  the same item type. If the proxy is an item, this will reference an item.
  If the proxy is a weapon, this will reference a weapon. Same for armors.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the item, weapon, or armor's name.
  The referenced item needs to be the same item type as the proxy. Item for
  item, weapon for weapon, armor for armor.
- Insert multiple copies of these notetags to add more variables costs.


Movement Effects VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Dust Cloud-Related Notetags


MovementEffects DustClouds.gif

<Force Dust Cloud>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Forces Dust Clouds to be kicked up whenever characters are dashing
  regardless of whatever settings are found in the Plugin Parameters for
  this particular map.
- Plugin Command changes won't bypass this notetag either.
- However, if the player turns off Dust Clouds in the options menu, then
  this setting will be turned off.


<No Dust Cloud>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- This disables Dust Clouds from being kicked up whenever characters are
  dashing regardless of whatever settings are found in the Plugin Parameters
  for this particular map.
- Plugin Command changes won't bypass this notetag either.


Footprints-Related Notetags

MovementEffects Footprints2.gif


<Footprint Region: x>
<Footprint Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- This declares which regions will have visible footprints when characters
  walk over those areas.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the region used to mark
  tiles that can have footprints.
- Insert multiple 'x' values to add multiple regions.
- If this notetag is used, ignore the default settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.


<No Footprint Region: x>
<No Footprint Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- This declares which regions CANNOT have footprints when characters walk
  over those areas.
- This is primarily used to offset the default settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the region used to mark
  tiles that CANNOT have footprints.
- Insert multiple 'x' values to add multiple regions.


<Region x Footprint Opacity: y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- This changes the opacity of the footprints that spawn in region 'x' to
  have an opacity value of 'y' instead of the default settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) to indicate which region is being
- Replace 'y' with a number (0 to 255) to represent the starting opacity
  value of the footprints made in that region.


<Region x Footprint Duration: y>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- This changes the duration of the footprints that spawn in region 'x' to
  have a duration time of 'y' instead of the default settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) to indicate which region is being
- Replace 'y' with a number in frames to represent the starting duration
  time of the footprints made in that region.


<Footprint Terrain Tag: x>
<Footprint Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- This declares which terrain tag marked tiles will have visible footprints
  when characters walk over those areas.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 7) representing the terrain tag used to
  mark tiles that can have footprints.
- Insert multiple 'x' values to add multiple terrain tags.
- If this notetag is used, ignore the default settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.


<No Footprint Terrain Tag: x>
<No Footprint Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- This declares which terrain tag marked tiles CANNOT have footprints when
  characters walk over those areas.
- This is primarily used to offset the default settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 7) representing the terrain tag used to
  mark tiles that CANNOT have footprints.
- Insert multiple 'x' values to add multiple terrain tags.


<Terrain Tag x Footprint Opacity: y>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- This changes the opacity of the footprints that spawn in tiles with
  terrain tag 'x' to have an opacity value of 'y' instead of the default
  settings found in the Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 7) to indicate which terrain tag is being
- Replace 'y' with a number (0 to 255) to represent the starting opacity
  value of the footprints made in that tile.


<Terrain Tag x Footprint Duration: y>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- This changes the duration of the footprints that spawn in tiles with
  terrain tag 'x' to have a duration time of 'y' instead of the default
  settings found in the Plugin Parameters.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 7) to indicate which terrain tag is being
- Replace 'y' with a number in frames to represent the starting duration
  time of the footprints made in that tile.


<Disable Footprints>

- Used for: Actor Notetags, Event Notetags, or Event Page Comment Tags
- Prevents the character from being able to leave behind footprints.


<Footprint d Pattern p Filename: filename>

- Used for: Actor Notetags, Event Notetags, or Event Page Comment Tags
- Allows you to set a specific image to be used in place of a generated
  footprint for 'd' direction 'p' pattern.
- Using this will bypass any settings made for generated footprints.
- Replace 'd' with text representing the direction the setting is for. Use
  any of the directions below:
  - down, left, right, up
  - lower left, lower right, upper left, upper right
- Replace 'p' with a number representing the pattern index. Patterns are
  the individual frames used in the sprite when walking.
  - By default, RPG Maker MZ sprites have the following patterns:
  - Left frame is pattern 0.
  - Center frame is pattern 1.
  - Right frame is pattern 2.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out the filename
  extension from the notetag.
- Examples:
  - <Footprint Down Pattern 0 Filename: FootprintDownA>
  - <Footprint Left Pattern 2 Filename: FootprintLeftB>
  - <Footprint Right Pattern 0 Filename: FootprintRightA>


<Footprint d Pattern p Width: x>
<Footprint d Pattern p Height: y>

- Used for: Actor Notetags, Event Notetags, or Event Page Comment Tags
- For non-image generated footprints, these notetags let you set the width
  and/or height of the footprint for 'd' direction and 'p' pattern.
- Replace 'd' with text representing the direction the setting is for. Use
  any of the directions below:
  - down, left, right, up
  - lower left, lower right, upper left, upper right
- Replace 'p' with a number representing the pattern index. Patterns are
  the individual frames used in the sprite when walking.
  - By default, RPG Maker MZ sprites have the following patterns:
  - Left frame is pattern 0.
  - Center frame is pattern 1.
  - Right frame is pattern 2.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the width of footprint in pixels.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the height of footprint in pixels.
- Examples:
  - <Footprint Down Pattern 0 Width: 6>
  - <Footprint Left Pattern 2 Height: 4>


<Footprint d Pattern p Offset: +x, +x>
<Footprint d Pattern p Offset: -x, -x>
<Footprint d Pattern p Offset: +x, -x>
<Footprint d Pattern p Offset: -x, +x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags, Event Notetags, or Event Page Comment Tags
- For non-image generated footprints, these notetags let you set the offsets
  X and Y of the footprint for 'd' direction and 'p' pattern.
- Replace 'd' with text representing the direction the setting is for. Use
  any of the directions below:
  - down, left, right, up
  - lower left, lower right, upper left, upper right
- Replace 'p' with a number representing the pattern index. Patterns are
  the individual frames used in the sprite when walking.
  - By default, RPG Maker MZ sprites have the following patterns:
  - Left frame is pattern 0.
  - Center frame is pattern 1.
  - Right frame is pattern 2.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numeric values the exact number of pixels to
  offset the footprint's x and y coordinates by.
- Examples:
  - <Footprint Up Pattern 0 Width: +4, +2>
  - <Footprint Right Pattern 2 Height: -6, -4>


Footsteps-Related Notetags

MovementEffects Footsteps.png


<Force Footsteps>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Forces footstep sounds to be played whenever characters are walking on the
  screen, regardless of the settings found in the Plugin Parameters for the
  particular map.
- Plugin Command changes won't bypass this notetag either.
- However, if the player turns off Footstep Sounds in the options menu, then
  this setting will be turned off.


<No Footsteps>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Prevents footstep sounds from being played whenever characters are walking
  on the screen, regardless of the settings found in the Plugin Parameters
  for the particular map.
- Plugin Command changes won't bypass this notetag either.


<Region x Footstep Sound: filename>
<Region x Footstep Sound: filename, volume>
<Region x Footstep Sound: filename, volume, pitch>
<Region x Footstep Sound: filename, volume, pitch, pan>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Causes a different sound effect to be played in place of the default
  footstep sound if a character walks on a map tile marked by region 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0-255) representing the region.
- Replace 'volume' with a number (0 to 100) representing the volume.
- Replace 'pitch' with a number (50 to 150) representing the pitch.
- Replace 'pan' with a number (-100 to 100) representing the pan.
- If 'volume', 'pitch', or 'pan' aren't present, then the values used for
  them will be based off the default settings in the Plugin Parameters.
- This will take priority over any terrain tags with unique footstep sounds.


<No Region x Footsteps>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- No sound effects will be played when a character walks over a map tile
  marked by region 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0-255) representing the region.


<Terrain Tag x Footsteps: filename>
<Terrain Tag x Footsteps: filename, volume>
<Terrain Tag x Footsteps: filename, volume, pitch>
<Terrain Tag x Footsteps: filename, volume, pitch, pan>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- Causes a different sound effect to be played in place of the default
  footstep sound if a character walks on a map tile with terrain tag 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0-7) representing the terrain tag.
- Replace 'volume' with a number (0 to 100) representing the volume.
- Replace 'pitch' with a number (50 to 150) representing the pitch.
- Replace 'pan' with a number (-100 to 100) representing the pan.
- If 'volume', 'pitch', or 'pan' aren't present, then the values used for
  them will be based off the default settings in the Plugin Parameters.
- This will have LESS priority than any regions with unique footstep sounds.


<No Terrain Tag x Footsteps>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- No sound effects will be played when a character walks over a map tile
  marked by terrain tag 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0-7) representing the terrain tag.


<Enable Footsteps>

- Used for: Actor Notetags, Event Notetags, or Event Page Comment Tags
- If actor or event footstep sounds are normally disabled, this will enable
  them when moving.
- Footstep sounds coming from actors will be given priority to the party
  leader first before anyone else.


<Disable Footsteps>

- Used for: Actor Notetags, Event Notetags, or Event Page Comment Tags
- If actor or event footstep sounds are normally enabled, this will disable
  them when moving.


<Footsteps Volume: x%>

- Used for: Actor Notetags, Event Notetags, or Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the volume for any footstep sounds made by this actor/event.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 100) representing the percentile modifier,
  a multiplicative rate from the usual footstep volume.


<Footsteps Pitch: x%>

- Used for: Actor Notetags, Event Notetags, or Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the pitch for any footstep sounds made by this actor/event.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 100) representing the percentile modifier,
  a multiplicative rate from the usual footstep pitch.


<Footsteps Frame: x>
<Footsteps Frames: x, x, x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags, Event Notetags, or Event Page Comment Tags
- For those using the "Sound by Frame?" Plugin Parameter, this will cause
  the footstep sounds to trigger whenever the sprite changes to the listed
  frame(s) in order to match up the sound with the image of the sprite
  stepping on the ground.
- This will override the setting found in the Plugin Parameters for this
  specific actor or event.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frame. Frames start at 0 and
  increase by 1 going left to right.


Smart Blink-Related Notetags

MovementEffects SmartBlink.gif


<No Smart Blink>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Prevents Smart Blink from being used at all on this map.


<Smart Blink Non-Land Region: x>
<Smart Blink Non-Land Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Use this notetag to mark tiles on the map where Smart Blink cannot land.
- This is primarily used for things like rooftops, which if characters can
  land on there, can blink onto.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the region ID used to
  mark the non-landable tiles.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more regions.
- This will override the region settings found in the Plugin Parameters for
  this specific map.
  - However, it will not override custom settings found in Smart Blink
    Plugin Command.
  - The Smart Blink Plugin Command's restrictions will be added onto these.


<Smart Blink Non-Land Terrain Tags: x>
<Smart Blink Non-Land Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- Use this notetag to mark tiles on the map where Smart Blink cannot land.
- This is primarily used for things like rooftops, which if characters can
  land on there, can blink onto.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 7) representing the terrain tag ID used to
  mark the non-landable tiles.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more terrain tags.
- This will override the terrain tag settings found in the Plugin Parameters
  for this specific map.
  - However, it will not override custom settings found in Smart Blink
    Plugin Command.
  - The Smart Blink Plugin Command's restrictions will be added onto these.


<Smart Blink Non-Pass Region: x>
<Smart Blink Non-Pass Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Use this notetag to mark tiles on the map where Smart Blink cannot pass.
- This is primarily used for things like barriers, preventing the player
  from being able to teleport past it or on it.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the region ID used to
  mark the non-passable tiles.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more regions.
- This will override the region settings found in the Plugin Parameters for
  this specific map.
  - However, it will not override custom settings found in Smart Blink
    Plugin Command.
  - The Smart Blink Plugin Command's restrictions will be added onto these.


<Smart Blink Non-Pass Terrain Tags: x>
<Smart Blink Non-Pass Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- Use this notetag to mark tiles on the map where Smart Blink cannot land.
- This is primarily used for things like barriers, preventing the player
  from being able to teleport past it or on it.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 7) representing the terrain tag ID used to
  mark the non-passable tiles.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more terrain tags.
- This will override the terrain tag settings found in the Plugin Parameters
  for this specific map.
  - However, it will not override custom settings found in Smart Blink
    Plugin Command.
  - The Smart Blink Plugin Command's restrictions will be added onto these.


Smart Jump-Related Notetags

MovementEffects SmartJump.gif


<No Smart Jump>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Prevents Smart Jump from being used at all on this map.


<Smart Jump Non-Land Region: x>
<Smart Jump Non-Land Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Use this notetag to mark tiles on the map where Smart Jump cannot land.
- This is primarily used for things like rooftops, which if characters can
  land on there, can jump onto.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the region ID used to
  mark the non-landable tiles.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more regions.
- This will override the region settings found in the Plugin Parameters for
  this specific map.
  - However, it will not override custom settings found in Smart Jump
    Plugin Command.
  - The Smart Jump Plugin Command's restrictions will be added onto these.


<Smart Jump Non-Land Terrain Tags: x>
<Smart Jump Non-Land Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- Use this notetag to mark tiles on the map where Smart Jump cannot land.
- This is primarily used for things like rooftops, which if characters can
  land on there, can jump onto.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 7) representing the terrain tag ID used to
  mark the non-landable tiles.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more terrain tags.
- This will override the terrain tag settings found in the Plugin Parameters
  for this specific map.
  - However, it will not override custom settings found in Smart Jump
    Plugin Command.
  - The Smart Jump Plugin Command's restrictions will be added onto these.


<Smart Jump Non-Pass Region: x>
<Smart Jump Non-Pass Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Use this notetag to mark tiles on the map where Smart Jump cannot pass.
- This is primarily used for things like barriers, preventing the player
  from being able to leap past it or on it.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the region ID used to
  mark the non-passable tiles.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more regions.
- This will override the region settings found in the Plugin Parameters for
  this specific map.
  - However, it will not override custom settings found in Smart Jump
    Plugin Command.
  - The Smart Jump Plugin Command's restrictions will be added onto these.


<Smart Jump Non-Pass Terrain Tags: x>
<Smart Jump Non-Pass Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- Use this notetag to mark tiles on the map where Smart Jump cannot land.
- This is primarily used for things like barriers, preventing the player
  from being able to leap past it or on it.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 7) representing the terrain tag ID used to
  mark the non-passable tiles.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more terrain tags.
- This will override the terrain tag settings found in the Plugin Parameters
  for this specific map.
  - However, it will not override custom settings found in Smart Jump
    Plugin Command.
  - The Smart Jump Plugin Command's restrictions will be added onto these.


<Smart Jump Height-Based Regions: x, x>
<Smart Jump Height-Based Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Allows you to assign certain tiles to be marked as a specific height for
  Smart Jump to interact with.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the region ID to use as
  a height marker.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more regions.
- Height-Based Region interactions work as follows:
  - Players can jump from a height-based region to another height-based
    region of the same or lower value as long as that region is listed, too.
    - Regions listed: 10, 13, 15.
    - ie. The player can jump from Region 15 to 15.
    - ie. The player can jump from Region 15 to 13.
    - ie. The player can jump from Region 15 to 10.
    - ie. The player CANNOT jump from Region 13 to 15.
    - ie. The player CANNOT jump from Region 10 to 13.
    - ie. The player CANNOT jump from Region 10 to 15.
  - The lowest value number in the list is considered a "ledge" and the
    lowest possible level.
  - Players can jump in and out of the lowest level regions into non-height
    marked regions.
  - If the player is jumping towards the up, left, right directions, they
    cannot jump directly into a "ledge" region unless they are adjacent to
    the marked tile. A distance greater than 1 tile apart cannot be and the
    jump will be cut short.
  - If the player is jumping upward towards a "ledge", the player will jump
    directly onto the next available tile.
  - If the player is jumping towards the left or right directions into a
    "ledge" region, the player will "fall" a tile distance equal to the
    difference from the region height they're jumping from.
    - Regions listed: 10, 13, 15.
    - If the player is on Region 15 and jumps into a ledge (10), the player
      will drop 5 tiles downward.
    - If the player is on Region 13 and jumps into a ledge (10), the player
      will drop 3 tiles downward.
  - If the player is jumping downward towards a "ledge", the player will
    jump the full distance.
  - Examples:
    - <Smart Jump Height-Based Regions: 10, 13, 15>
      - Region 10 will be considered the "ledge" region.

Keep in mind that despite the fact that there is Height-Based Region support
for Smart Jump, maps in RPG Maker MZ are still inherently 2D. Therefore, not
everything will look correct for every jump-related scenario involving
region heights. You may need to make adjustments to maps that work best for
the limited 2D nature of mapping in order to adhere to what Height-Based
Region support can handle.


<Smart Jump Non-Land>

- Used for: Event Notetags or Event Page Comment Tags
- Prevents the player from being able to land on this event.


<Smart Jump Non-Pass>
<Illegal Jump>

- Used for: Event Notetags or Event Page Comment Tags
- Prevents the player from being able to leap past this event or on it.


Smart Rush-Related Notetags

MovementEffects SmartRush.gif


<No Smart Rush>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Prevents Smart Rush from being used at all on this map.


<Smart Rush Non-Crash Region: x>
<Smart Rush Non-Crash Region: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Prevents a screen shake crash effect when crashing into tiles marked by
  'x' region(s) after using a Smart Rush.
- This is primarily used for tiles such as water tiles so that it doesn't
  look like there's an invisible wall where the player is crashing into.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 255) representing the region ID used to
  mark the non-crashable tiles.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more regions.
- This will override the region settings found in the Plugin Parameters for
  this specific map.


<Smart Rush Non-Crash Terrain Tag: x>
<Smart Rush Non-Crash Terrain Tag: x, x, x>

- Used for: Tileset Notetags
- Prevents a screen shake crash effect when crashing into tiles marked by
  'x' terrain tag(s) after using a Smart Rush.
- This is primarily used for tiles such as water tiles so that it doesn't
  look like there's an invisible wall where the player is crashing into.
- Replace 'x' with a number (0 to 7) representing the terrain tag ID used to
  mark the non-crashable tiles.
  - Insert multiple numbers to mark more terrain tags.
- This will override the region settings found in the Plugin Parameters for
  this specific tileset.


Smooth Camera-Related Notetags

MovementEffects SmoothCam.gif


<Force Smooth Camera>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- This forcefully enables Smooth Camera scrolling regardless of whatever
  settings are found in the Plugin Parameters for this particular map.
- Plugin Command changes won't bypass this notetag either.
- However, if the player turns off Smooth Camera scrolling in the options
  menu, then this setting will be turned off.


<No Smooth Camera>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- This disables Smooth Camera scrolling regardless of whatever settings are
  found in the Plugin Parameters for this particular map.
- Plugin Command changes won't bypass this notetag either.


Multi-Layer HP Gauge VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Enemy-Related Notetags


MultiLayerHpGauge Preview3.gif

<Show Multi-Layer HP Gauge>
<Hide Multi-Layer HP Gauge>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines if the enemy will have the Multi-Layer HP Gauge visible or not
  and bypasses the default setting found in the Plugin Parameters.
- Keep in mind that using any of the other notetags found below will also
  prompt the Multi-Layer HP Gauge to 'Show'. This makes the 'Show' notetag a
  bit redundant but it is there for those who want extra clarity in their
  note boxes.


<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Persist>
<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Temporal>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines if the Multi-Layer HP Gauge is persistant or temporal and will
  bypass the default settings found in the Plugin Parameters.
- When 'Persist' is used, the Multi-Layer HP Gauge will stay visible even
  after the enemy tied to it has died in combat.
- When 'Temporal' is used, the Multi-Layer HP Gauge will vanish after the
  enemy tied to it has died in combat, although it will reappear if it is
  revived later.
- Also sets the visibility of the Multi-Layer HP Gauge to 'Show'.


<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Layers: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Sets the total number of layers used for the enemy as 'x' layers.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing a number between 1 and 10 as the
  total number of layers used.
- Also sets the visibility of the Multi-Layer HP Gauge to 'Show'.


<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Face: filename, index>
<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Graphic: filename, index>
<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Face Graphic: filename, index>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes the graphic used by the enemy to this face graphic.
- Replace 'filename' with the name of the image file to pick from the game
  project's /img/faces/ folder.
  - Filenames are case sensitive.
  - Leave out the filename extension from the notetag.
- Replace 'index' with a number representing the face graphic cell used.
  - Index values start at 0.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Also sets the visibility of the Multi-Layer HP Gauge to 'Show'.


<Multi-Layer HP Gauge BgColor: color1>
<Multi-Layer HP Gauge BG Color: color1>
<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Background Color: color1>

<Multi-Layer HP Gauge BgColor: color1, color2>
<Multi-Layer HP Gauge BG Color: color1, color2>
<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Background Color: color1, color2>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Adjusts the background color(s) used for the enemy graphic.
- Replace 'color1' and/or 'color2' with either a number from 0 to 31
  representing the text color or in the format of '#rrggbb' to custom pick a
  hex color.
- If two colors are used, a vertical gradient will form.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Also sets the visibility of the Multi-Layer HP Gauge to 'Show'.


  <Multi-Layer HP Gauge BgColor: 2>
  <Multi-Layer HP Gauge BgColor: #ff0000>
  <Multi-Layer HP Gauge BgColor: 2, 18>
  <Multi-Layer HP Gauge BgColor: #ff0000, #000000>


<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Border Color: color>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Adjusts the border color used for the enemy graphic.
- Replace 'color' with either a number from 0 to 31 representing the text
  color or in the format of '#rrggbb' to custom pick a hex color.
- Also sets the visibility of the Multi-Layer HP Gauge to 'Show'.


  <Multi-Layer HP Gauge Border Color: 2>
  <Multi-Layer HP Gauge Border Color: #ff0000>


<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Border Size: x>
<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Border Thick: x>
<Multi-Layer HP Gauge Border Thickness: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Determines the thickness of the color section of the border.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing how thick the color section of the
  border is in pixels.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- Also sets the visibility of the Multi-Layer HP Gauge to 'Show'.


New Game Plus VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


New Game+-Related Notetags


NewGamePlus Preview1.png

<No New Game+ Carry Over>

- Used for: Actor, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- This will prevent the item, weapon, or armor from being carried over to
  New Game+. If this is used on an actor, the actor will be in its default
  state as if a new game started.


Proximity Compass VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

Some of these are comment tags. Comment tags are used for events to mark and affect individual event pages rather than the whole event.


Map Notetags Tags



<Hide Compass>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps where you don't want the compass to show.


ProximityCompass Minimap01.gif

<Hide Minimap>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps where you don't want the minimap to show.
- The compass, however, can show by itself.
- However, if the compass does not show, neither will the minimap.


ProximityCompass Minimap02.png

<Minimap Image: filename>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps that you want to use custom minimaps for
  instead of the rendered passability map created by the plugin.
- This image will appear in both the compass's minimap and the toggled
  large minimap.
- This will remove any blend modes used by the large minimap to keep color
  consistency in line with the compass.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder.
  - Filenames are case sensitive.
  - Leave out the filename extension from the notetag.
- If the compass does not show, neither will the minimap.


ProximityCompass Minimap03.gif


- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps that you want to be explorable.
- The explorable portion will only appear with the toggled "large" minimap.
- This has no effect on maps where the compass does not show.
- This overrides the "Default Explorable?" Plugin Parameter settings.


ProximityCompass Minimap04.png

<Already Explored>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps that you want to be already explored.
- The whole map will be visible from the getgo when viewing the "large"
  version of the minimap.
- This has no effect on maps where the compass does not show.
- This overrides the "Default Explorable?" Plugin Parameter settings.


Event Notetags and Comment Tags



<Compass Icon: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- This will assign an icon to the event or the event's page.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the icon index you wish for this
  event or event page to appear as in the Proximity Compass.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Compass Proximity: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- This icon will only appear on the compass if the player is within range.
- Replace 'x' with the number of tiles the player must be within range of
  this event or event page in order to appear in the Proximity Compass.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


ProximityCompass Minimap03.gif

<Minimap Icon: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- This icon will only appear if there is no designated compass icon AND
  will ONLY appear on the large minimap.
- If <Compass Icon: x> is used, then <Compass Icon: x> will take priority.
- This is primarily used to mark NPC locations.
- This will override the setting found in the Plugin Parameters.
- Minimap icons will appear a different size (by default smaller) than
  events with <Compass Icon: x>.


<Hide Minimap Icon>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes it so that it will not show an icon while on the minimap.
- If <Compass Icon: x> is used, then <Compass Icon: x> will take priority.
- This is primarily used to hide event locations that would be marked by
  default due to the Plugin Parameters.
- This will override the setting found in the Plugin Parameters.


Proximity Messages VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Proximity Message-Related Tags

ProximityMsg Preview.gif


<Proximity Message>
</Proximity Message>

- Used for: Event Page Comment Tags
- Displays 'text' in the event's Proximity Message text window.
- Replace 'text' with the text you would like displayed.
  - Text codes allowed.


<Proximity Message Range Type: Circle>
<Proximity Message Range Type: Radius>
<Proximity Message Range Type: Square>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the proximity range type for the event's Proximity Message.
  - Circle - Be within circular range of event with event at center.
  - Radius - Have to be x tiles within range of event.
  - Square - Within a square range with event at the center.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If none of these tags are used, use the settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Proximity Message Max Range: x>
<Proximity Message Min Range: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the maximum and minimum range for the Proximity Message to dislay.
  - For max range variant, replace 'x' with a number representing the
    maximum range. If the player is outside of this range, hide the
    Proximity Message.
  - For min range variant, replace 'x' with a number representing the
    minimum range. If the player is within this range, hide the
    Proximity Message.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If none of these tags are used, use the settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Proximity Message Offsets: +x, +y>
<Proximity Message Offsets: -x, -y>
<Proximity Message Offsets: +x, -y>
<Proximity Message Offsets: -x, +y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Offsets the Proximity Message text window for this event by 'x' and 'y'.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers representing how much to offset the
  window position by.
  - For 'x', lower numbers move left and higher numbers move right.
  - For 'y', lower numbers move up and higher numbers move down.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If none of these tags are used, use the settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Proximity Message Scale: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the size scaling of the Proximity Message window to 'x' percent.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the scaling percent.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If none of these tags are used, use the settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Proximity Message Tail Type: Bottom Left>
<Proximity Message Tail Type: Bottom Right>
<Proximity Message Tail Type: None>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the speech tail type used for the Proximity Message text window.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If none of these tags are used, use the settings found in the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Proximity Message Tail X: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Moves the position of the speech tail to 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the x position of the Proximity
  Message text window.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If not used, the speech tail will be centered.


Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Action Tracking-Related Notetags



<Variable id On Use: +x>
<Variable id On Use: -x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Whenever any actor uses this specific skill or item, increase or decrease
  the target variable by a certain amount.
- Replace 'id' with the Variable ID you wish to alter.
- Replace 'x' with the increase or decrease in value for the variable.


Enemy Tracking-Related Notetags



<Variable id On Death: +x>
<Variable id On Death: -x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Whenever this specific enemy dies, increase or decrease the target
  variable by a certain amount.
- Replace 'id' with the Variable ID you wish to alter.
- Replace 'x' with the increase or decrease in value for the variable.


Item Tracking-Related Notetags



<Variable id On Gain: +x>
<Variable id On Gain: -x>

- Used Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Whenever the party gains the specific item, weapon, or armor, increase or
  decrease the target variable by a certai amount.
- Replace 'id' with the Variable ID you wish to alter.
- Replace 'x' with the increase or decrease in value for the variable.


<Variable id On Lose: +x>
<Variable id On Lose: -x>

- Used Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Whenever the party loses the specific item, weapon, or armor, increase or
  decrease the target variable by a certai amount.
- Replace 'id' with the Variable ID you wish to alter.
- Replace 'x' with the increase or decrease in value for the variable.


<Track With Variable id>

- Used Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Whenever there is a change made to the specific item, weapon, or armor,
  set the value of the target variable to the number of items owned.
- Replace 'id' with the Variable ID you wish to alter.


QTE and Trigger System VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Trigger-Related Notetags



<Toggle Trigger Common Event: x>
<Toggle Trigger Common Events: x, x, x>

- Used for: Switch Names
- Whenever this Switch is turned ON or OFF, trigger the Common Event(s) 'x'.
  - This is a constantly recurring effect.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event(s) you
  wish to trigger.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to trigger multiple at a time.
- A triggered Common Event can only be repeated once per availability. Refer
  to the "Major Changes" section for more information.


<Change Trigger Common Event: x>
<Change Trigger Common Events: x, x, x>

- Used for: Variable Names
- Whenever this Variable changes its value, trigger the Common Event(s) 'x'.
  - This is a constantly recurring effect.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event(s) you
  wish to trigger.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to trigger multiple at a time.
- A triggered Common Event can only be repeated once per availability. Refer
  to the "Major Changes" section for more information.


<Change Trigger Common Event: x>
<Change Trigger Common Events: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, and Armor Notetags
- Whenever this item, weapon, or armor gains or loses an item (any amount),
  then trigger the Common Event(s) 'x'.
  - This is a constantly recurring effect.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event(s) you
  wish to trigger.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to trigger multiple at a time.
- A triggered Common Event can only be repeated once per availability. Refer
  to the "Major Changes" section for more information.


<Trigger on Switch: x>
<Trigger on Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: Common Event Names
- Whenever Switch(es) 'x' changes ON/OFF, trigger this Common Event.
  - This is a constantly recurring effect.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Switch(es) you wish
  to trigger upon them changing ON/OFF.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to register multiple Switch IDs at once.
- A triggered Common Event can only be repeated once per availability. Refer
  to the "Major Changes" section for more information.


<Trigger on Variable: x>
<Trigger on Variables: x, x, x>

- Used for: Common Event Names
- Whenever Variable(s) 'x' changes its value, trigger this Common Event.
  - This is a constantly recurring effect.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the variable(s) you wish
  to trigger upon them changing values.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to register multiple Switch IDs at once.
- A triggered Common Event can only be repeated once per availability. Refer
  to the "Major Changes" section for more information.


Game Over-Related Notetags



<Game Over Common Event: x>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- If the player gets a game over through a battle on this map, then Common
  Event 'x' will run in place of a regular Game Over.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event you wish
  to run as a Game Over Common Event.


<Game Over Common Event: x>

- Used for: Troop Name Tags
- If the player gets a game over through a battle fighting this troop, then
  Common Event 'x' will run in place of a regular Game Over.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event you wish
  to run as a Game Over Common Event.


Random Dungeon Maps VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Map Cell-Related Name Tags

RandomDungeonMaps Preview1.png


<Cell: x>
<Cells: x, x, x>
<Cell Exit: x>
<Cell Exits: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
  - These tags will have zero effect inside the notebox of the map.
  - You can use any of the variations. They all do the same thing.
- These tags let the plugin know which parts of the map are exit points for
  the individual cell.
- Replace 'x' with any of the following letters to represent the exit points
  for that individual map cell. Order does not matter:
  - Cardinal Format
    - N - North / Up    Exit Point
    - E - East  / Right Exit Point
    - S - South / Down  Exit Point
    - W - West  / Left  Exit Point
    - Z - Zero  / No Exit Points
  - Directional Format
    - L - Left  / West  Exit Point
    - R - Right / Right Exit Point
    - D - Down  / South Exit Point
    - U - Up    / North Exit Point
    - X - No    / Zero  Exit Points
- Alternatively, you can replace 'x' with a number to represent the
  direction of the exit based off the NumPad direction. Symbols can be
  used too for those who have easy access to symbols or prefer to use the
  plugin's auto creator.
  - Numpad Format
    - 2 - South / Down  Exit Point
    - 4 - West  / Left  Exit Point
    - 6 - East  / Right Exit Point
    - 8 - North / Up    Exit Point
    - 0 - No    / Zero  Exit Points
  - Symbol Format
    - ↓ - South / Down  Exit Point
    - ← - West  / Left  Exit Point
    - → - East  / Right Exit Point
    - ↑ - North / Up    Exit Point
    - ◌ - No    / Zero  Exit Points
- The commas , are optional.
- These map with these name tags MUST be a child map of the map container
  that draws information out of it.
  - It can also be a child map of a child map of the map container.


  <Cell: S>       <Cell: WE>       <Cell: N,S,W>
  <Cell: D>       <Cell: LR>       <Cell: U,D,L>
  <Cell: 2>       <Cell: 46>       <Cell: 8,2,4>

  Exits:          Exits:           Exits:
  - South/Down    - West/Left      - North/Up
  - ...           - East/Right     - South/Down
  - ...           - ...            - West/Left


Pick a type column. Each of those cells in that column need to be present as a child map to the Container Map.

   Cardinal        Direction        Numpad         Symbol

   <Cell: X>       <Cell: Z>        <Cell: 0>      <Cell: ◌>
   <Cell: S>       <Cell: D>        <Cell: 2>      <Cell: ↓>
   <Cell: W>       <Cell: L>        <Cell: 4>      <Cell: →>
   <Cell: E>       <Cell: R>        <Cell: 6>      <Cell: ←>
   <Cell: N>       <Cell: U>        <Cell: 8>      <Cell: ↑>
   <Cell: SW>      <Cell: DL>       <Cell: 24>     <Cell: ↓←>
   <Cell: SE>      <Cell: DR>       <Cell: 26>     <Cell: ↓→>
   <Cell: SN>      <Cell: DU>       <Cell: 28>     <Cell: ↓↑>
   <Cell: WE>      <Cell: LR>       <Cell: 46>     <Cell: ←→>
   <Cell: WN>      <Cell: LU>       <Cell: 48>     <Cell: ←↑>
   <Cell: EN>      <Cell: RU>       <Cell: 68>     <Cell: →↑>
   <Cell: SWE>     <Cell: DLR>      <Cell: 246>    <Cell: ↓←→>
   <Cell: SWN>     <Cell: DLU>      <Cell: 248>    <Cell: ↓←↑>
   <Cell: SEN>     <Cell: DRU>      <Cell: 268>    <Cell: ↓→↑>
   <Cell: WEN>     <Cell: LRU>      <Cell: 468>    <Cell: ←→↑>
   <Cell: SWEN>    <Cell: DLRU>     <Cell: 2468>   <Cell: ↓←→↑>

Any duplicates will be counted as variations.


<Switch: x>

- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
- This map cell variation can only appear if the switch 'x' is ON.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Switch that must be
  ON in order for this map cell variation to appear.

Possible Uses:

- Player can invest in a shop. Shop cells become enabled and can appear.
- Player angered certain monster factions. Monster nest cells can appear.


<All Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
- This map cell variation can only appear if ALL of the listed switches
  are in the ON position.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID(s) of the Switches that must
  be ON in order for this map cell variation to appear.

Possible Uses:

- Player can invest in a shop. Shop cells become enabled and can appear.
- Player angered certain monster factions. Monster nest cells can appear.


<Any Switches: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
- This map cell variation can only appear if ANY of the listed switches
  are in the ON position.
  - This means as long as one of them are on, this map cell variation
    becomes a valid variation.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID(s) of the Switches that must
  be ON in order for this map cell variation to be considered.

Possible Uses:

- Player can invest in a shop. Shop cells become enabled and can appear.
- Player angered certain monster factions. Monster nest cells can appear.


<Floor Only: x>
<Floors Only: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
- This map cell variation can only appear if the current floor number
  matches the listed number.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the exact floor number that the
  cell variation can appear in.
- This is used for floors that use numeric values.

Possible Uses:

- Specific event cell that only appears in a specific floor(s).
- Specific layout that can be seen only in a specific floor(s).


<Floor Name: x>
<Floor Names: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
- This map cell variation can only appear if the current floor name matches
  the listed text.
- Replace 'x' with a string representing the exact floor name that the
  cell variation can appear in.
- This is used for floors that use strings instead of numbers.

Possible Uses:

- Specific event cell that only appears in a specific floor(s).
- Specific layout that can be seen only in a specific floor(s).


<Floor Multiple of: x>
<Floor Multiples of: x, x, x>

<Floor Multiple Buffer: y>

- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
- This map cell variation can only appear if the current floor ID is a
  multiple of any of the listed values.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the floor multiples that can be
  allowed for the cell variation.
- To offset the range of the multiples by a flat amount, use the
  <Floor Multiple Buffer: y> notetag.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the amount to offset the values by.
  - For example, <Floor Multiple of: 3> with <Floor Multiple Buffer: 1> will
    allow for floors 1, 4, 7, 10 to be acceptable.

Possible Uses:

- Certain cells that appear only in staggering formations.
- Cells that show certain patterns that only appear in certain floors.


<Floor Ends In: x>
<Floor Ends In: x, x, x>

- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
- This map cell variation can only appear if the current floor number's last
  digit ends in x.
- Replace 'x' with a number presenting an acceptable floor number to end in
  for this cell variation to appear.

Possible Uses:

- Designate a mini-boss room to appear in every floor that ends in 5.
- Designate a big boss room to appear in every floor that ends in 0.



- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
- This map cell variation can only appear once per floor layout when
  generating the floor.
- There is an equal chance of other cell variations appearing.
- If used with the Switch notetags, the Switch conditions must be met first.

Possible Uses:

- Healing fountain cells can appear and only at once per floor.
- NPC gatherings can appear and only at once per floor.


<Unique Priority>

- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
- This map cell variation can only appear once per floor layout when
  generating the floor.
- This cell will appear first for this cell layout before other non-priority
  cell variations are considered.
- If used with the Switch notetags, the Switch conditions must be met first.
- If used with the Floor notetags, the Floor conditions must be met first.
- <Unique Priority> cells will have priority than <Priority> cells.

Possible Uses:

- Healing fountain cells can appear and only at once per floor.
- NPC gatherings can appear and only at once per floor.



- Used for: Map Names
- These are for map NAMES only and NOT their noteboxes.
- Makes these cells have priority if they are available.
- If used with the Switch notetags, the Switch conditions must be met first.
- If used with the Floor notetags, the Floor conditions must be met first.
- If multiple cells have priorities with the same exit type, the plugin will
  select the priority cells at random.
- <Unique Priority> cells will have priority than <Priority> cells.

Possible Uses:

- Make certain cell junction types appear on specific floors.
- Player upgraded certain cell junctions to be more reinforced.


Map Display Name-Related Tags

RandomDungeonMaps FloorName.png



- Used for: Map Display Names
- Replaces the <Floor> text with the floor number generated for the map.
- The way the floor text appears can be changed in Plugin Parameters'
  General Settings.
- Only works for Container Maps when used as Randomized Dungeon Maps.
  - Does NOT work for non-Randomized Dungeon Maps.
- Purely randomized dungeons will start with Floor 1.


- Display Name: "Dark Dungeon <Floor>"
- Can appear ingame as "Dark Dungeon F1" if the Floor ID is positive 1.
- Can appear ingame as "Dark Dungeon B5" if the Floor ID is negative 5.
- Can appear ingame as "Dark Dungeon [Rest]" if the Floor ID is "Rest" as a
  text value.


Random Dungeon Event-Related Notetags

RandomDungeonMaps Quick 5.png


<Spawn Region: x>
<Spawn Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: Container Map Events ONLY
- Determines which tiles marked by region(s) 'x' to spawn the event from the
  Container Map upon the creation of the Random Dungeon Map. Each event is
  only spawned once.
  - This only applies upon the initial creation of the map. Any subsequent
    visits to any saved randomized dungeon maps will yield the same
    positions as the initial creation.
- This notetag only applies to the events found in the Container Map.
  - It does NOT apply to those found in the Individual Cell Maps as they are
    already in the position they need to be in.
- Replace 'x' with a number from 1 to 255 representing the Region ID to
  reference where the event will spawn upon the creation of the randomized
  dungeon map.

Possible Uses:

- Spawns events to where they need to go.
- Signs that appear in cross roads.
- Treasure chests that appear dead ends.


<Spawn on Player>
<Spawn over Player>
<Spawn under Player>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: Container Map Events ONLY
- Whereever the player initially spawns, this event will also spawn on/under
  the same tile as the player.
  - This only applies upon the initial creation of the map. Any subsequent
    visits to any saved randomized dungeon maps will yield the same
    positions as the initial creation.
  - The position won't change even if the player revisits the map and is
    transferred to a different coordinate. The spawn effect only applies to
    the very first initial spawning.
- This notetag only applies to the events found in the Container Map.
  - It does NOT apply to those found in the Individual Cell Maps as they are
    already in the position they need to be in.

Possible Uses:

- Stairs leading back.
- A teleportation circle event.


<Spawn Chance: x%>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Makes the event have a x% chance to spawn within the newly created
  randomized dungeon map for current and future visits.
  - This only applies upon the initial creation of the map. Any subsequent
    visits to any saved randomized dungeon map will retain the same result.
- The effect is the same when placed inside the noteboxes of events inside
  the Container Map or the Individual Cell Maps.
  - When used with the Container Map, pair it with the <Spawn Regions: x>
    notetag or <Spawn on Player> notetag to determine where it goes.
  - This does NOT mean the event will have a x% chance to spawn in each of
    the regions. It only means that individual event has a x% chance to
    spawn for the whole map.
- Replace 'x' with a number from 0 to 100 representing the percent chance
  that the event will spawn upon the creation of the randomized dungeon map.

Possible Uses:

- Changing up the number of treasure chests that appear.
- Changing up the number of enemies that appear.


<Cell X Only: x, x, x>
<Cell Y Only: y, y, y>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Makes the event spawn only on cells with matching X or Y values.
  - Any subsequent visits to any saved randomized dungeon maps will retain
    the same event positions as before.
- Replace 'x' with a number value from 1 and up where 1 is the left-most
  cell column that the event can spawn in.
- Replace 'y' with a number value from 1 and up where 1 is the top-most
  cell column that the event can spawn in.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to reference which cells they
    can potentially spawn in. Used with <Spawn Region: x> notetag.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to only spawn if that cell
    is used in the listed rows and/or columns.

Possible Uses:

- Making certain strong enemies that only appear at the middle of a map.
- Placing weaker enemies that border the edges of the map.


<Left Cell Col Only>
<Center Cell Col Only>
<Right Cell Col Only>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Makes the event spawn only in the left-most, center, or right-most cell
  columns for the randomized dungeon map map.
  - Any subsequent visits to any saved randomized dungeon maps will retain
    the same event positions as before.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to reference which cell columns
    they can potentially spawn in. Used with <Spawn Region: x> notetag.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to only spawn if that cell
    is in the left-most, center, or right-most cell column depending on the
    notetag used.
- If the center notetag is used and there are an even number of columns,
  then both of the center columns are potential spawn points.

Possible Uses:

- Determine the positions of stairs.
- Determine the positions of strong monsters.


<Top Cell Row Only>
<Middle Cell Row Only>
<Bottom Cell Row Only>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Makes the event spawn only in the top-most, middle, or bottom-most cell
  rows for the randomized dungeon map map.
  - Any subsequent visits to any saved randomized dungeon maps will retain
    the same event positions as before.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to reference which cell rows
    they can potentially spawn in. Used with <Spawn Region: x> notetag.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to only spawn if that cell
    is in the top-most, middle, or bottom-most cell row depending on the
    notetag used.
- If the middle notetag is used and there are an even number of rows,
  then both of the middle columns are potential spawn points.

Possible Uses:

- Determine the positions of stairs.
- Determine the positions of strong monsters.


<Left-Half Cell Col Only>
<Right-Half Cell Col Only>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Makes the event spawn only in specific halves of the map (or corners if
  a column and row notetag combination is used).
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to reference which cell columns
    they can potentially spawn in. Used with <Spawn Region: x> notetag.
  - Individual Map Cell Events will use this data to only spawn if the cell
    they're normally in is a part of the specified halves.
- The horizontal notetags can be used with the vertical notetags.
- If a cell has an odd number for dimensions, the center is not
  counted as a part of the half.

Possible Uses:

- Territorial monsters that spawn on different sides of the map.
- Making a corner of the map where all the NPC's spawn.


<Top-Half Cell Row Only>
<Bottom-Half Cell Row Only>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Makes the event spawn only in specific halves of the map (or corners if
  a column and row notetag combination is used).
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to reference which cell rows
    they can potentially spawn in. Used with <Spawn Region: x> notetag.
  - Individual Map Cell Events will use this data to only spawn if the cell
    they're normally in is a part of the specified halves.
- The horizontal notetags can be used with the vertical notetags.
- If a cell has an odd number for dimensions, the middle is not
  counted as a part of the half.

Possible Uses:

- Territorial monsters that spawn on different sides of the map.
- Making a corner of the map where all the NPC's spawn.


<Inner Cell Col Only>
<Inner Cell Row Only>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Makes the event spawn in cells that are not on the border columns and/or
  rows of the map.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to reference which cell that
    they can potentially spawn in. Used with <Spawn Region: x> notetag.
  - Individual Map Cell Events will use this data to only spawn if the cell
    they're normally in is within the inner cells of the map.
- Both notetags can be used together to limit away the outer border cells.

Possible Uses:

- Spawning larger monsters that prefer being towards the center of the map.
- Spawning structures that are located towards the center of the map.


<Outer Cell Col Only>
<Outer Cell Row Only>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Makes the event spawn in cells that are on the border columns and/or rows
  of the map.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to reference which cell that
    they can potentially spawn in. Used with <Spawn Region: x> notetag.
  - Individual Map Cell Events will use this data to only spawn if the cell
    they're normally in is within the outer cells of the map.
- Both notetags can be used together to limit to only corner cells.

Possible Uses:

- Spawning minerals that are found towards the outer edges of the map.
- Spawning windows or external light sources towards the edges of the map.


<Same Cell As Player>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Restricts the event spawning to only appear in the cell that the player's
  initial spawn point is in.
  - Any subsequent visits to any saved randomized dungeon maps will retain
    the same event positions as before, even if the player transfer into the
    returning map at a different location.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to transfer the event into the
    cell the player initially spawns. Used with <Spawn Region: x> notetag.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to only spawn if that cell
    has the initial spawn point of the player.

Possible Uses:

- Spawn save points into the same initial starting cell as the player.
- Spawn NPC's into the same initial starting cell as the player.


<Not Cell With Player>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Restricts the event spawning to only appear in cells that the player's
  initial spawn point is NOT in.
  - Any subsequent visits to any saved randomized dungeon maps will retain
    the same event positions as before, even if the player transfer into the
    returning map at a different location.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to transfer the event into the
    cell the player does NOT initially spawn. This is to be used with the
    <Spawn Region: x> notetag.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to only spawn if that cell
    does NOT have the initial spawn point of the player.

Possible Uses:

- Spawn the floor exit into a different cell from the player's initial cell.
- Spawn mid-bosses into a different cell from the player's initial cell.


<Same Cell As Event: name>
<Same Cell As Event: name, name, name>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Restricts the event spawning to only appear in the cell that the event(s)
  initial spawn point is in.
  - Any subsequent visits to any saved randomized dungeon maps will retain
    the same event positions as before.
  - If multiple names are used, then the plugin picks a cell with at least
    one of the events present (not all of them).
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to transfer the event into the
    cell the event(s) exist in. Used with <Spawn Region: x> notetag.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to only spawn if that cell
    has the specified event(s) spawned in.
- Events spawn in the order of their ID's from the Container Map first to
  the Individual Cell Maps later.
  - If an event requires another event to spawn and that required event's ID
    is after the initial event's, the initial event will NOT spawn.
- Replace 'name' with the name text of the event(s) required.
  - Separate multiple names with commas. Case is not sensitive.

Possible Uses:

- Spawn baby monsters with their mother monsters.
- Spawn NPC's to be in the same room with others as a gathering.


<Not Cell With Event: name>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- Restricts the event spawning to only appear in the cell that the event(s)
  do NOT spawn in.
  - Any subsequent visits to any saved randomized dungeon maps will retain
    the same event positions as before.
  - If multiple names are used, then the plugin picks potential cells where
    NONE of the events are present in.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to transfer the event into the
    cell where none of the listed events are. Used with <Spawn Region: x>.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to only spawn if that cell
    does NOT have any of the listed events.
- Events spawn in the order of their ID's from the Container Map first to
  the Individual Cell Maps later.
  - Events can share a cell their notetags say to not share with if an event
    with that name spawns AFTER the non-shared event based on ID order.
- Replace 'name' with the name text of the event(s) required.
  - Separate multiple names with commas. Case is not sensitive.

Possible Uses:

- Spawn monsters in different rooms from NPC's.
- Spawn monsters in different rooms from the floor exit.


<Floor Only: x>
<Floors Only: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- This event can only appear if the current floor number matches the listed
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to transfer the event into a
    cell as long as the floor conditions are met. Other spawning methods
    such as <Spawn Region: x> or <Spawn on Player> are still needed.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to determine if it will
    spawn as long as the floor conditions are met.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the exact floor number that the
  event can appear in.
- This is used for floors that use numeric values.

Possible Uses:

- Specific story NPC's that only appear at a certain floor(s).
- Specific cutscene trigger that only appears after traveling to floor x.


<Floor Name: x>
<Floor Names: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- This event can only appear if the current floor name matches the listed
  text name.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to transfer the event into a
    cell as long as the floor conditions are met. Other spawning methods
    such as <Spawn Region: x> or <Spawn on Player> are still needed.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to determine if it will
    spawn as long as the floor conditions are met.
- Replace 'x' with a string representing the exact floor name that the
  event can appear in.
- This is used for floors that use strings instead of numbers.

Possible Uses:

- Specific story NPC's that only appear at a certain floor(s).
- Specific cutscene trigger that only appears after traveling to floor x.


<Floor Multiple of: x>
<Floor Multiples of: x, x, x>

<Floor Multiple Buffer: y>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- This event can only appear if the current floor ID is a multiple of any of
  the listed values.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to transfer the event into a
    cell as long as the floor conditions are met. Other spawning methods
    such as <Spawn Region: x> or <Spawn on Player> are still needed.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to determine if it will
    spawn as long as the floor conditions are met.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the floor multiples that can be
  allowed for the event to spawn in.
- To offset the range of the multiples by a flat amount, use the
  <Floor Multiple Buffer: y> notetag.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the amount to offset the values by.
  - For example, <Floor Multiple of: 3> with <Floor Multiple Buffer: 1> will
    allow for floors 1, 4, 7, 10 to be acceptable.

Possible Uses:

- Save Points that appear every 3 floors.
- Treasure chests that appear every 4 floors.


<Floor Ends In: x>
<Floor Ends In: x, x, x>

- Used for: Event Notetags (NOT Comment Tags)
- Used for: BOTH Container Map Events and Individual Cell Map Events
- This event can only appear if the current floor number's last digit ends
  in x number.
- The effects between Container Maps and Individual Cell Maps are different.
  - Container Map Events will use this data to transfer the event into a
    cell as long as the floor conditions are met. Other spawning methods
    such as <Spawn Region: x> or <Spawn on Player> are still needed.
  - Individual Cell Map Events will use this data to determine if it will
    spawn as long as the floor conditions are met.
- Replace 'x' with a number presenting an acceptable floor number to end in
  for this event to spawn in.

Possible Uses:

- Special exit locations that appear on floors ending in 4 and 9.
- Unique merchant NPC's that appear on floors ending in 8.


Recruiting Board VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Recruit-Related Notetags

RecruitingBoard Preview.png


<Recruit Cost Per Level: x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Adjusts how much this actor will cost to recruit by 'x' gold per level.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing how much gold is needed per level
  in order for the player to recruit this actor.
- If this notetag is not used, use the default setting found in the
  Plugin Parameters.


<Item id Recruit Cost: x>
<Item name Recruit Cost: x>

<Weapon id Recruit Cost: x>
<Weapon name Recruit Cost: x>

<Armor id Recruit Cost: x>
<Armor name Recruit Cost: x>

<Variable id Recruit Cost: x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Requires Imported.VisuMZ_2_MoreCurrencies!
- Allows recruiting of actor using items, weapons, armors, or variables as
  extended currency.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the item, weapon, armor,
  or variable to be taken (when recruited).
- Replace 'name' with the name of the item, weapon, armor, or variable to be
  taken (when recruited).
- Replace 'x' with the quantity of the item, weapon, armor, or variable that
  will be taken (when recruited).
- Insert multiple copies of these notetags to add more item, weapon, armor,
  or variable costs.


<Fixed Recruit Cost: x>

- Used for: Actor Notetags
- Regardless of level, this actor can be recruited for 'x' gold.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the fixed gold cost needed for the
  player to recruit this actor.
- This will take priority over <Recruit Cost Per Level: x>.


Shop Batches VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Batch-Related Notetags

ShopBatches Preview2.png


<Shop Batch>
</Shop Batch>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Creates a list of items, weapons, and armors that the player will gain
  when this batch object is bought.
- Proxy items, weapons, or armors cannot be listed and will be bypassed.
- This item, weapon, or armor cannot be sold if all of the listed items,
  weapons, or armors are at max quantity within the party's inventory.
- The listed items will NOT utilize any buy/sell effects for the individual
  listed items themselves.
- Replace 'listing' with any of the listing types found below:

    Item id
    Item name
    Weapon id
    Weapon name
    Armor id
    Armor name

    Item id: quantity
    Item name: quantity
    Weapon id: quantity
    Weapon name: quantity
    Armor id: quantity
    Armor name: quantity

  - Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the item, weapon, or
    armor that is to be listed.
  - Replace 'name' with the associated item, weapon, or armor's name.
  - Replace 'quantity' with a number representing the number of items,
    weapons, or armors that will be acquired when the batch item is bought.
    - If the variant without 'quantity' is used, quantity will default to 1.



  <Shop Batch>
   Item Potion: 10
   Item Super Potion: 5
   Weapon Short Sword: 3
   Weapon Long Sword: 2
   Armor Linen Clothing: 4
   Armor Cloth Armor: 3
  </Shop Batch>


  <Shop Batch>
   Item 7: 10
   Item 8: 5
   Weapon 1: 3
   Weapon 2: 2
   Armor 2: 4
   Armor 8: 3
  </Shop Batch>



Shop Common Events VisuStella MZ

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Shop Common Event-Related Notetags

ShopCommonEvents Preview.gif


<Once Buy Common Event: id>
<Repeat Buy Common Event: id>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- This will cause a specific Common Event to launch when bought.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event that
  you wish to launch upon this item being bought.
- The "Once" notetag variant will only occur once when bought.
  - Any subsequent purchases of the item will not launch the Common Event.
- The "Repeat" notetag variant will occur repeatedly when bought.
- If both "Once" and "Repeat" notetags are present in the item, then the
  "Once" variant will take priority first. Any subsequent purchases will go
  to the "Repeat" variant.
- Any switch requirement notetags need to be met in order for either
  notetag to have any effect.
- Use the Plugin Command "Return: To Last Shop" to return back to the last
  shop scene.


<Once Sell Common Event: id>
<Repeat Sell Common Event: id>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- This will cause a specific Common Event to launch when sold.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event that
  you wish to launch upon this item being sold.
- The "Once" notetag variant will only occur once when sold.
  - Any subsequent sellings of the item will not launch the Common Event.
- The "Repeat" notetag variant will occur repeatedly when sold.
- If both "Once" and "Repeat" notetags are present in the item, then the
  "Once" variant will take priority first. Any subsequent sellings will go
  to the "Repeat" variant.
- Any switch requirement notetags need to be met in order for either
  notetag to have any effect.
- Use the Plugin Command "Return: To Last Shop" to return back to the last
  shop scene.


Requirement Switch-Related Notetags


<Once Buy Common Event Switch: id>
<Once Buy Common Event All Switches: id, id, id>
<Once Buy Common Event Any Switches: id, id, id>

<Repeat Buy Common Event Switch: id>
<Repeat Buy Common Event All Switches: id, id, id>
<Repeat Buy Common Event Any Switches: id, id, id>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires the respective Buy Common Events to have these Switches enabled
  in the "ON" position in order for them to launch.
  - "Once" variant will only affect the "Once" notetag buy variants.
  - "Repeat" variant will only affect the "Repeat" notetag buy variants.
- The "All" variant will require all listed Switch ID's to be "ON".
- The "Any" variant will require only one listed Switch ID to be "ON".
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the Switch ID that needs to be in
  the "ON" position for the requirement to be met.
  - Insert multiple 'id' to require more Switch ID's.


<Once Sell Common Event Switch: id>
<Once Sell Common Event All Switches: id, id, id>
<Once Sell Common Event Any Switches: id, id, id>

<Repeat Sell Common Event Switch: id>
<Repeat Sell Common Event All Switches: id, id, id>
<Repeat Sell Common Event Any Switches: id, id, id>

- Used for: Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Requires the respective Sell Common Events to have these Switches enabled
  in the "ON" position in order for them to launch.
  - "Once" variant will only affect the "Once" notetag sell variants.
  - "Repeat" variant will only affect the "Repeat" notetag sell variants.
- The "All" variant will require all listed Switch ID's to be "ON".
- The "Any" variant will require o