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== Text Codes ==
{{Text Codes MV}}
  <nowiki>By using certain text codes in your messages, you can have the game replace
  <nowiki>By using certain text codes in your messages, you can have the game replace
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- Finished Plugin!
- Finished Plugin!
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<!-- [[Category:Text Codes (MV)]] -->

Revision as of 14:10, 26 June 2019

Welcome to the wiki! This is where you can find resources from Yanfly.moe, Ækashics.moe,
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This is a plugin created for RPG Maker MV.

For help on how to install plugins, click here.

For help on how to update plugins, click here.

Got errors with your RPG Maker MV plugin? Click here.

Masterarbeit Writer

Required Plugins

The following plugins are required in order to use this plugin.

Place the following plugins above this plugin located in the Plugin Manager.

Yanfly Engine Plugins

This plugin is a part of the Yanfly Engine Plugins library.


This plugin requires YEP_MessageCore. Make sure this plugin is located under
YEP_MessageCore in the plugin list.

This plugin makes use of text codes to deliver vital information to the
player. It can deliver the amount of items, weapons, and armors in the
player's possession to the various parameters, extra parameters, and special
parameters for actors and enemies. The new text codes also allow you to
change the text color based on two number comparisons for conditional ways
to color your text. In addition to conditional colors, text can also be
displayed based on switch values or custom conditions.

Note: This plugin works best with RPG Maker MV 1.5.0+. Lower versions of RPG
Maker MV will still work with this plugin, but you will not be able to fully
utilize the plugin parameter features comfortably.

Text Codes


Text Codes are used in the Show Text event command. They are used to display things that text normally can't produce on its own, such as colors, get the name of a specific actor, change icons, and more.

By using certain text codes in your messages, you can have the game replace
them with the following:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Quantity    Effect:
 \qi[x]      - Returns the quantity of item x the party currently has.
 \qw[x]      - Returns the quantity of weapon x the party currently has.
 \qa[x]      - Returns the quantity of armor x the party currently has.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Compare          Effect: Changes text color based on x and y. Defaults:
 \compare<x:y>    - x >= y = Green   x < y = Red
 \compare1<x:y>   - x >= y = Red     x < y = White
 \compare2<x:y>   - x >= y = Yellow  x < y = White
 \compare3<x:y>   - x >= y = Green   x < y = White
 \compare4<x:y>   - x >= y = Blue    x < y = Purple
 \compare5<x:y>   - x >= y = White   x < y = Grey
 \compare6<x:y>   - x >= y = White   x < y = Red
 \compare7<x:y>   - x >= y = White   x < y = Purple
 \compare8<x:y>   - x >= y = White   x < y = Dark Blue
 \compare9<x:y>   - x >= y = White   x < y = Brown

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Case                Effect: Returns a different string based on conditions.

 \caseSwitch{s?x:y}  - If switch s is on, returns text x.
                       If switch s is off, returns text y.

 \caseEval{e?x:y}    - If eval code e is true, returns text x.
                       If eval code e is false, returns text y.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 ActorParam  Effect:
 \amhp[x]    - Returns the MaxHP value of actor x.
 \ahp[x]     - Returns the current HP value of actor x.
 \ahp%[x]    - Returns the HP rate of actor x.
 \ammp[x]    - Returns the MaxMP value of actor x.
 \amp[x]     - Returns the current MP value of actor x.
 \amp%[x]    - Returns the MP rate of actor x.
 \amtp[x]    - Returns the MaxTP value of actor x.
 \atp[x]     - Returns the current TP value of actor x.
 \atp%[x]    - Returns the TP rate of actor x.
 \aatk[x]    - Returns actor x's ATK value. Attack
 \adef[x]    - Returns actor x's DEF value. Defense
 \amat[x]    - Returns actor x's MAT value. Magic Attack
 \amdf[x]    - Returns actor x's MDF value. Magic Defense
 \aagi[x]    - Returns actor x's AGI value. Agility
 \aluk[x]    - Returns actor x's LUK value. Luck

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 ActorXParam  Effect:
 \ahit[x]    - Returns actor x's HIT rate. Hit Rate
 \aeva[x]    - Returns actor x's EVA rate. Evasion Rate
 \acri[x]    - Returns actor x's CRI rate. Critical Rate
 \acev[x]    - Returns actor x's CEV rate. Critical Evasion Rate
 \amev[x]    - Returns actor x's MEV rate. Magic Evasion Rate
 \amrf[x]    - Returns actor x's MRF rate. Magic Reflection Rate
 \acnt[x]    - Returns actor x's CNT rate. Counter Attack Rate
 \ahrg[x]    - Returns actor x's HRG rate. HP Regeneration Rate
 \amrg[x]    - Returns actor x's MRG rate. MP Regeneration Rate
 \atrg[x]    - Returns actor x's TRG rate. TP Regeneration Rate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 ActorSParam  Effect:
 \atgr[x]    - Returns actor x's TGR rate. Target Rate
 \agrd[x]    - Returns actor x's GRD rate. Guard Rate
 \arec[x]    - Returns actor x's REC rate. Recovery Rate
 \apha[x]    - Returns actor x's PHA rate. Pharmacology Rate
 \amcr[x]    - Returns actor x's MCR rate. MP Cost Rate
 \atcr[x]    - Returns actor x's TCR rate. TP Charge Rate
 \apdr[x]    - Returns actor x's PDR rate. Physical Damage Rate
 \amdr[x]    - Returns actor x's MDR rate. Magical Damage Rate
 \afdr[x]    - Returns actor x's FDR rate. Floor Damaage Rate
 \aexr[x]    - Returns actor x's EXR rate. Experience Rate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 EnemyParam  Effect:
 \emhp[x]    - Returns the MaxHP value of enemy x.
 \ehp[x]     - Returns the current HP value of enemy x.
 \ehp%[x]    - Returns the HP rate of enemy x.
 \emmp[x]    - Returns the MaxMP value of enemy x.
 \emp[x]     - Returns the current MP value of enemy x.
 \emp%[x]    - Returns the MP rate of enemy x.
 \emtp[x]    - Returns the MaxTP value of enemy x.
 \etp[x]     - Returns the current TP value of enemy x.
 \etp%[x]    - Returns the TP rate of enemy x.
 \eatk[x]    - Returns enemy x's ATK value. Attack
 \edef[x]    - Returns enemy x's DEF value. Defense
 \emat[x]    - Returns enemy x's MAT value. Magic Attack
 \emdf[x]    - Returns enemy x's MDF value. Magic Defense
 \eagi[x]    - Returns enemy x's AGI value. Agility
 \eluk[x]    - Returns enemy x's LUK value. Luck
 \eexp[x]    - Returns enemy x's EXP value. Experience
 \egold[x]   - Returns enemy x's GOLD value. Gold

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 EnemyXParam  Effect:
 \ehit[x]    - Returns enemy x's HIT rate. Hit Rate
 \eeva[x]    - Returns enemy x's EVA rate. Evasion Rate
 \ecri[x]    - Returns enemy x's CRI rate. Critical Rate
 \ecev[x]    - Returns enemy x's CEV rate. Critical Evasion Rate
 \emev[x]    - Returns enemy x's MEV rate. Magic Evasion Rate
 \emrf[x]    - Returns enemy x's MRF rate. Magic Reflection Rate
 \ecnt[x]    - Returns enemy x's CNT rate. Counter Attack Rate
 \ehrg[x]    - Returns enemy x's HRG rate. HP Regeneration Rate
 \emrg[x]    - Returns enemy x's MRG rate. MP Regeneration Rate
 \etrg[x]    - Returns enemy x's TRG rate. TP Regeneration Rate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 EnemySParam  Effect:
 \etgr[x]    - Returns enemy x's TGR rate. Target Rate
 \egrd[x]    - Returns enemy x's GRD rate. Guard Rate
 \erec[x]    - Returns enemy x's REC rate. Recovery Rate
 \epha[x]    - Returns enemy x's PHA rate. Pharmacology Rate
 \emcr[x]    - Returns enemy x's MCR rate. MP Cost Rate
 \etcr[x]    - Returns enemy x's TCR rate. TP Charge Rate
 \epdr[x]    - Returns enemy x's PDR rate. Physical Damage Rate
 \emdr[x]    - Returns enemy x's MDR rate. Magical Damage Rate
 \efdr[x]    - Returns enemy x's FDR rate. Floor Damaage Rate
 \eexr[x]    - Returns enemy x's EXR rate. Experience Rate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lunatic Mode - Text Code Structure

For those with JavaScript experience and would like to customize the way the
text codes provided by this plugin behave, you can alter the code used for
each of the text codes within the plugin parameters.

Inside the plugin parameters exist the code used when each text code is
being converted by the in-game message functions. Refer to the variables
displayed in the comments at the top of each code to understand which of the
variables are being used and how they're being used.

By default:

  - Refers to the x variable being inserted into the text code. This can be
  a number or string, depending on the text code.

  - Refers to the y variable being inserted into the text code. This can be
  a number of string, depending on the text code.

  - Refers to the text that will be displayed by the message system. This is
  what will appear as the final result for using the said text code.


Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!