More Currencies (YEP)

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This is a plugin created for RPG Maker MV.

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Masterarbeit Writer

Required Plugins

The following plugins are required in order to use this plugin.

Place the following plugins above this plugin located in the Plugin Manager.

Yanfly Engine Plugins

This plugin is a part of the Yanfly Engine Plugins library.


This plugin requires YEP_ShopMenuCore.
Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_ShopMenuCore in the plugin list.

As an extension of the Shop Menu Core, this plugin enables you to have items
cost multiple currencies or different currencies using variables and/or
other items themselves.


Variables as Currency

If you're planning to use variables as currency (and you should!), you can
set them up in a way to have them show an icon. Name your currency variable
as such:

\i[x]Variable Name

When displayed in shops, it will show the icon and the name. However, if you
want it to display only the icon and/or exclude some text, place the text
inside a << and >> bracket like such:

\i[x]<<Variable Name>>

That way, only the icon will be shown while all the next inside the << >>
will be hidden.


Perhaps in your game, you would like for the player to have multiple ways of
purchasing an item through one currency or another. However, inputting the
costs for all of the options makes the item cost every single aspect. But,
what you can do is make proxies of these items. For example, in the database
will will have the following:

Potion           - 50 Gold
Potion (Proxy A) - 5 Gems
Potion (Proxy B) - 3 Jewels

Placing all three items in your shop normally would result in three types of
potions that do not stack into the same category. However, by using this
proxy notetag, you can make them all attribute to the same Potion item:

  <Proxy Buy: x>
  <Proxy Buy: name>
  If you're using this item as a proxy for another item (so you can set a
  different cost for the item), this item will end up representing item x,
  weapon x, or armor x of the same type. If you're using a named notetag and
  you have multiple entries in your database with the same name, priority
  will be given to the item, weapon, or armor with the highest ID.

If Proxy A and B link back to the main Potion, then whenever the player buys
the Proxies in the shop, they will link back to the main Potion, making it
possible to buy the same item using different currencies.



RPG Maker MV's editor is unable to allow for custom traits/properties that a game dev may wish to associate with a database object, event, map, etc. Notetags are used to work around such limitations by allowing the game dev to tag certain traits/properties using specific Notetags declared by the related plugin.

Here is a list of Notetag(s) that you may use.


You can use the following notetags to adjust various properties for more
currencies for your items, weapons, and armors.

Item, Weapon, and Armor Notetags:

  <Variable x Buy Price: y>
  This sets the currency of this item, weapon, or armor to variable x with
  a buy price of y. You can insert multiples of this notetag to have more
  than one variable cost for that item, weapon, or armor.

  <Variable x Sell Price: y>
  This makes it that when selling this item, weapon, or armor, the player
  will gain variable x in y amount. You can insert multiples of this
  notetag to have more than one variable cost for that item, weapon, or

  <Item x Buy Price: y>
  <Item name Buy Price: y>
  This sets the currency of this item, weapon, or armor to cost item x (or
  the named item) with a buy price of y. You can insert multiples of this
  notetag to have more than one item cost for that item, weapon, or armor.
  If you're using Item Core, this will not work on independent items. If you
  are using the named version of the notetag and have multiple items in your
  database of the same name, priority will be given to the item with the
  highest ID.

  <Item x Sell Price: y>
  <Item name Sell Price: y>
  When selling this item, weapon, or armor, the player will get item x (or
  the named item) with a quantity of y. You can insert multiples of this
  notetag to have more than one item cost for that item, weapon, or armor.
  If you're using Item Core, this will not work on independent items. If you
  are using the named version of the notetag and have multiple items in your
  database of the same name, priority will be given to the item with the
  highest ID.

  <Weapon x Buy Price: y>
  <Weapon name Buy Price: y>
  This sets the currency of this item, weapon, or armor to cost weapon x (or
  the named weapon) with a buy price of y. You can insert multiples of this
  notetag to have more than one weapon cost for that item, weapon, or armor.
  If you're using Item Core, this will not work on independent items. If you
  are using the named version of the notetag and have multiple items in your
  database of the same name, priority will be given to the item with the
  highest ID.

  <Weapon x Sell Price: y>
  <Weapon name Sell Price: y>
  When selling this item, weapon, or armor, the player will get weapon x (or
  the named weapon) with a quantity of y. You can insert multiples of this
  notetag to have more than one weapon cost for that item, weapon, or armor.
  If you're using Item Core, this will not work on independent items. If you
  are using the named version of the notetag and have multiple items in your
  database of the same name, priority will be given to the item with the
  highest ID.

  <Armor x Buy Price: y>
  <Armor name Buy Price: y>
  This sets the currency of this item, weapon, or armor to cost armor x (or
  the named armor) with a buy price of y. You can insert multiples of this
  notetag to have more than one armor cost for that item, weapon, or armor.
  If you're using Item Core, this will not work on independent items. If you
  are using the named version of the notetag and have multiple items in your
  database of the same name, priority will be given to the item with the
  highest ID.

  <Armor x Sell Price: y>
  <Armor name Sell Price: y>
  When selling this item, weapon, or armor, the player will get armor x (or
  the named armor) with a quantity of y. You can insert multiples of this
  notetag to have more than one armor cost for that item, weapon, or armor.
  If you're using Item Core, this will not work on independent items. If you
  are using the named version of the notetag and have multiple items in your
  database of the same name, priority will be given to the item with the
  highest ID.

  <Proxy Buy: x>
  <Proxy Buy: name>
  If you're using this item as a proxy for another item (so you can set a
  different cost for the item), this item will end up representing item x,
  weapon x, or armor x of the same type. If you're using a named notetag and
  you have multiple entries in your database with the same name, priority
  will be given to the item, weapon, or armor with the highest ID.


Version 1.05:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.

Version 1.04:
- Fixed a typo within the code. Please update Item Core, Item Disassemble,
Attachable Augments, and More Currencies if you are using those plugins.

Version 1.03:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0.

Version 1.02:
- Fixed crash bugs from selling independent items from games saved before
the plugin was installed. These independent items will not contain any sell
data made from variables, items, weapons, or armors, but newly generated
ones will.

Version 1.01:
- Fixed a graphical issue with gold display in the number window.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!