Proximity Compass VisuStella MZ

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This is a plugin created for RPG Maker MZ.




Click here for help on how to install plugins and an explanation on the Tier Hierarchy System.

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Masterarbeit Writer

ProximityCompass Preview1.png

ProximityCompass Preview2.png

ProximityCompass Minimap01.gif

ProximityCompass Minimap03.gif

VisuStella MZ

This plugin is a part of the VisuStella MZ Plugin Library.

Click here if you want to help support VisuStella on Patreon.


This is a RPG Maker MZ plugin that adds a compass to the map screen, marking the position of nearby events and the directions of far away events. Events are represented by icons from the icon set. This can be used to help the player locate objectives, points of interests, NPCs, and more.

Features include all (but not limited to) the following:

  • Places a compass on the main map screen.
  • Said compass will show the marked events on it with icons.
  • Marked events will move around the compass relative to the player's current position on the map.
  • Fade out marked events that are too far from the player's location.
  • Minimap subfeature will display all of the passable tiles under the compass frame.
  • Minimap can be toggled to a larger version shown on the middle of the screen displaying more of the map's data all at once.
  • Use custom graphics to kit out the minimap to your liking.
  • The compass can be turned on/off in the Options menu.
  • The compass can also be resized in the Options menu.


This plugin is made for RPG Maker MZ. This will not work in other iterations of RPG Maker.

VisuStella MZ Compatibility

While this plugin is compatible with the majority of the VisuStella MZ plugin library, it is not compatible with specific plugins or specific features. This section will highlight the main plugins/features that will not be compatible with this plugin or put focus on how the make certain features compatible.


Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ

Region marked passability using the Events and Movement Core region restriction notetags will also be counted towards the creation of the minimap. These are the notetags that will affect the minimap:

 <All Allow Region: x>
 <Player Allow Region: x>
 <All Forbid Region: x>
 <Player Forbid Region: x>


Tier 4

This plugin is a Tier 4 plugin. Place it under other plugins of lower tier value on your Plugin Manager list (ie: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

This is to ensure that your plugins will have the best compatibility with the rest of the VisuStella MZ Plugin library.


RPG Maker MZ's editor is unable to allow for custom traits/properties that a game dev may wish to associate with a database object, event, map, etc. Notetags are used to work around such limitations by allowing the game dev to tag certain traits/properties using specific Notetags declared by the related plugin.

Here is a list of Notetag(s) that you may use.

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

Some of these are comment tags. Comment tags are used for events to mark and affect individual event pages rather than the whole event.


Map Notetags Tags



<Hide Compass>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps where you don't want the compass to show.


ProximityCompass Minimap01.gif

<Hide Minimap>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps where you don't want the minimap to show.
- The compass, however, can show by itself.
- However, if the compass does not show, neither will the minimap.


ProximityCompass Minimap02.png

<Minimap Image: filename>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps that you want to use custom minimaps for
  instead of the rendered passability map created by the plugin.
- This image will appear in both the compass's minimap and the toggled
  large minimap.
- This will remove any blend modes used by the large minimap to keep color
  consistency in line with the compass.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder.
  - Filenames are case sensitive.
  - Leave out the filename extension from the notetag.
- If the compass does not show, neither will the minimap.


ProximityCompass Minimap03.gif


- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps that you want to be explorable.
- The explorable portion will only appear with the toggled "large" minimap.
- This has no effect on maps where the compass does not show.
- This overrides the "Default Explorable?" Plugin Parameter settings.


ProximityCompass Minimap04.png

<Already Explored>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps that you want to be already explored.
- The whole map will be visible from the getgo when viewing the "large"
  version of the minimap.
- This has no effect on maps where the compass does not show.
- This overrides the "Default Explorable?" Plugin Parameter settings.


Event Notetags and Comment Tags



<Compass Icon: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- This will assign an icon to the event or the event's page.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the icon index you wish for this
  event or event page to appear as in the Proximity Compass.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Compass Proximity: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- This icon will only appear on the compass if the player is within range.
- Replace 'x' with the number of tiles the player must be within range of
  this event or event page in order to appear in the Proximity Compass.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


ProximityCompass Minimap03.gif

<Minimap Icon: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- This icon will only appear if there is no designated compass icon AND
  will ONLY appear on the large minimap.
- If <Compass Icon: x> is used, then <Compass Icon: x> will take priority.
- This is primarily used to mark NPC locations.
- This will override the setting found in the Plugin Parameters.
- Minimap icons will appear a different size (by default smaller) than
  events with <Compass Icon: x>.


<Hide Minimap Icon>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes it so that it will not show an icon while on the minimap.
- If <Compass Icon: x> is used, then <Compass Icon: x> will take priority.
- This is primarily used to hide event locations that would be marked by
  default due to the Plugin Parameters.
- This will override the setting found in the Plugin Parameters.


Plugin Commands


Plugin Commands are event commands that are used to call upon functions added by a plugin that aren't inherently a part of RPG Maker MZ.

Here is a list of Plugin Command(s) that you may use:


The following are Plugin Commands that come with this plugin. They can be accessed through the Plugin Command event command.


Compass Plugin Commands



ProximityCompass Command1.png

Compass: Show/Hide Proximity Compass
- Show or hide the Proximity Compass.
- Does not bypass user settings.

  - Show or hide the Proximity Compass.
  - Does not bypass user settings.


ProximityCompass Command2.png

Compass: Change Player Icon
- Change the player icon to a different icon.

  Icon Index:
  - This is the icon you wish to change the player icon to.


Minimap Plugin Commands


ProximityCompass Minimap03.gif

ProximityCompass Update96 Command1.png

Minimap: Clear Explored Minimap
- Clears target map's exploration progress for the large minimap.
- Does not work on maps with <Already Explored> notetag.

  Map ID:
  - ID of the map you wish to clear exploration progress for.
  - Use '0' for current map.
  - You may use JavaScript.


ProximityCompass Minimap04.png

ProximityCompass Update96 Command2.png

Minimap: Fully Reveal Minimap
- Fully reveals the minimap for target map.

  Map ID:
  - ID of the map you wish to reveal map for.
  - Use '0' for current map.
  - You may use JavaScript.


ProximityCompass Minimap04.png

ProximityCompass Update96 Command3.png

Minimap: Toggle Large Minimap
- Show, hide, or toggle the large minimap.
- Requires Minimaps to be enabled.

  - Show, hide, or toggle the large minimap.


Plugin Parameters

Default Settings

ProximityCompass Preview1.png

ProximityCompass Param1.png

Default settings used for the Proximity Compass.



 Show by Default:
 - Show the Proximity Compass by default?
 Proximity Range:
 - Default range from the player to be shown on the Proximity Compass.
 Player Icon:
 - Icon used for the player to show on the Proximity Compass.


Compass Settings


ProximityCompass Param2.png

Compass settings used for the Proximity Compass.



 Center X:
 - Code used to calculate the X position of the compass's center.
 - This is NOT the upper left corner of the compass.
 Center Y:
 - Code used to calculate the Y position of the compass's center.
 - This is NOT the upper left corner of the compass.




 Default Event Icons:
   Below Characters:
   - Default icon used for events on below characters level.
   - These appear on the compass and large minimap.
   Same as Characters:
   - Default icon used for events on same as characters level.
   - These appear on the compass and large minimap.
   Above Characters:
   - Default icon used for events on above characters level.
   - These appear on the compass and large minimap.
 - The picture used for the compass' frame.
 - This will come from the img/pictures/ folder.
 - Radius of the Proximity Compass in pixels.
 Tile Scale:
 - The scale used to calculate the distance of a tile relative to the
   distance on the compass
 Back Color:
 - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
   the Window Skin.
 Back Opacity:
 - Sets the opacity of the back color.



 Close Minimum Opacity:
 - Minimum opacity when the player is too close to the compass on the
   map screen.
 - Hiding the compass during messages and events will make the compass
   fully transparent.
 Compass Fade Speed:
 - Fade speed of the compass when toggled on/off.
 - Lower is slower. Higher is faster.
 Icon Fade Speed:
 - Fade speed of the icons when out of range.
 - Lower is slower. Higher is faster.



 Hide During Messages:
 - If true, hide compass whenever a message is being displayed.
 Hide During Events:
 - If true, hide compass whenever an event is running.


Minimap Settings

As of the v1.06 update, this plugin now has a Minimap feature. This section governs the minimap feature, if you want to use it, and how it appears.

ProximityCompass Minimap01.gif

A keyboard button can be used to toggle the "large" minimap (provided minimaps are enabled for the current map). This minimap will show the areas that are explored and not explored. As the player moves around, the exploration area will enlarge based on the game's screen size.

ProximityCompass Minimap03.gif

For mouse toggling, we recommend using VisuStella MZ's Picture Common Events and this plugin's "Minimap: Toggle Large Minimap" Plugin Command for the best customization options.

The minimap used on the compass itself will always be fully revealed due to its limited area of visibility.

ProximityCompass Update96 Param1.png



 Enable Minimap?:
 - Enable the minimap for the game? Cannot disable midgame.
 - The <Hide Minimap> map notetag can hide it though.



Minimap Frame.png

 - Use this picture if current map uses a minimap.
 - This will come from the img/pictures/ folder.
 - If empty, it will use the filename used by the default compass.
 Hide Ceilings:
 - Ceiling autotiles are normally passable.
 - Hide them in the minimap?
 Tile Color:
 - Sets the color of the passable tiles found on the minimap.
 - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
   the Window Skin.
 Tile Opacity:
 - What is the opacity level for the tiles?
 Tile Sharpness:
 - How sharp do you want the passability minimap to be?
 - Use a number from 2 to 16.


Large Minimap Settings

 Border Buffer:
 - Determine the buffer distance from the edge of the map when creating the
   large minimap.
 Default Event Icons:
   Below Characters:
   - Default icon used for events on below characters level.
   - These only appear on the large minimap.
   Same as Characters:
   - Default icon used for events on same as characters level.
   - These only appear on the large minimap.
   Above Characters:
   - Default icon used for events on above characters level.
   - These only appear on the large minimap.
 Default Explorable?:
 - By default, are maps explorable or already mapped?
 - Notetags will override this feature.
 Hide During Messages:
 - If true, hide large minimap whenever a message is being displayed.
 Hide During Events:
 - If true, hide large minimap whenever an event is running.
 Icon Scaling:
   Player Icon Scale:
   - What is the icon scale for the player icon?
   - Only applies to the large minimap.
   Compass Icon Scale:
   - What is the icon scale for <Compass Icon: x>?
   - Only applies to the large minimap.
   Minimap Icon Scale:
   - What is the icon scale for <Minimap Icon: x>?
   - Only applies to the large minimap.
 Ignore Icon Proximity:
 - If true, <Compass Proximity: x> notetag effects are ignored on the
   large minimap.
 Toggle Key:
 - What key is used to toggle the larger minimap on/off?
 - This feature is not usable unless the compass is enabled.
 - This feature won't trigger if there is a <Hide Minimap> notetag.


Large Minimap Background Image

 Background Filename:
 - Use this picture if for the large minimap's background.
 - This will come from the img/pictures/ folder.
 Hide Background Color:
 - If true, hide the background color when using the minimap
   background image.
 Image Opacity:
 - Sets the opacity of the minimap background image.
 Minimap Blend Mode:
 - What kind of blend mode do you wish to apply to the rendered
   passability minimap?


Options Settings

ProximityCompass Preview2.png

ProximityCompass Param3.png

Options settings used for the Proximity Compass.



 Add Show Option?:
 - Add the 'Show Compass' option to the Options menu?
   Option Name:
   - Command name of the option.
 Add Size Option?:
 - Add the 'Compass Size' option to the Options menu?
   Option Name:
   - Command name of the option.
 Adjust Window Height:
 - Automatically adjust the options window height?


Terms of Use

1. These plugins may be used in free or commercial games provided that they have been acquired through legitimate means at and/or any other official approved VisuStella sources. Exceptions and special circumstances that may prohibit usage will be listed on

2. All of the listed coders found in the Credits section of this plugin must be given credit in your games or credited as a collective under the name: "VisuStella".

3. You may edit the source code to suit your needs, so long as you do not claim the source code belongs to you. VisuStella also does not take responsibility for the plugin if any changes have been made to the plugin's code, nor does VisuStella take responsibility for user-provided custom code used for custom control effects including advanced JavaScript notetags and/or plugin parameters that allow custom JavaScript code.

4. You may NOT redistribute these plugins nor take code from this plugin to use as your own. These plugins and their code are only to be downloaded from and other official/approved VisuStella sources. A list of official/approved sources can also be found on

5. VisuStella is not responsible for problems found in your game due to unintended usage, incompatibility problems with plugins outside of the VisuStella MZ library, plugin versions that aren't up to date, nor responsible for the proper working of compatibility patches made by any third parties. VisuStella is not responsible for errors caused by any user-provided custom code used for custom control effects including advanced JavaScript notetags and/or plugin parameters that allow JavaScript code.

6. If a compatibility patch needs to be made through a third party that is unaffiliated with VisuStella that involves using code from the VisuStella MZ library, contact must be made with a member from VisuStella and have it approved. The patch would be placed on as a free download to the public. Such patches cannot be sold for monetary gain, including commissions, crowdfunding, and/or donations.

7. If this VisuStella MZ plugin is a paid product, all project team members must purchase their own individual copies of the paid product if they are to use it. Usage includes working on related game mechanics, managing related code, and/or using related Plugin Commands and features. Redistribution of the plugin and/or its code to other members of the team is NOT allowed unless they own the plugin itself as that conflicts with Article 4.

8. Any extensions and/or addendums made to this plugin's Terms of Use can be found on and must be followed.

Terms of Use: Japanese

『VisuStella MZ』利用規約

1. これらのプラグインは、VisuStella.comおよび/または公式に承認されたVisuStellaのソースから合法的な手段で入手したものである限り、フリーゲームや商用ゲームに使用することができます。例外的に使用が禁止される場合については、VisuStella.comの記載をご確認ください。

2. 本プラグインの「クレジット」部分に記載されているすべてのコーダーの名前は、ゲーム内にクレジット表記を行うか、もしくは「VisuStella」という名前の下にまとめて表記する必要があります。

3. ソースコードを自分のものだと主張しない限りは、必要に応じて編集することが可能です。ただしプラグインのコードに変更が加えられた場合、VisuStellaはそのプラグインに対して一切の責任を負いません。高度なJavaScriptのノートタグやJavaScriptコードを許可するプラグインのパラメータを含む、カスタムコントロールエフェクトに使用される、ユーザー提供のカスタムコードについても、VisuStellaは一切の責任を負いません。

4. これらのプラグインやプラグイン内のコードを、「自分のもの」として再配布したり使用したりすることはできません。これらのプラグインとそのコードは、VisuStella.comおよび、その他の公式/承認済みVisuStellaソースからのみダウンロードすることができます。公式/承認済みのソースのリストは、VisuStella.comでご確認いただけます。

5. VisuStellaは、意図しない使用方法による問題、VisuStella MZライブラリ以外のプラグインとの非互換性の問題、プラグインのバージョンが最新でないことによる問題、第三者による互換性パッチが適切に動作していないことなどが原因でゲーム内で発生した問題については、一切の責任を負いません。VisuStellaは、高度なJavaScriptのノートタグやJavaScriptコードを許可するプラグインのパラメータを含む、カスタムコントロールエフェクトに使用される、ユーザー提供のカスタムコードに起因するエラーについても、一切の責任を負いません。

6. VisuStella MZライブラリのコードを使用した互換性パッチをVisuStellaとは関係のない第三者を通じて作成する必要がある場合は、まずVisuStellaのメンバーと連絡を取り、承認を得る必要があります。パッチはVisuStella.comに公開され、誰でも無料でダウンロードすることができるようになります。このようなパッチを、制作発注やクラウドファンディングの対象にしたり、寄付などの金銭的な利益を得るために販売することはできません。

7. このVisuStella MZプラグインが商用製品である場合、プロジェクトチームのすべてのメンバーは、それを使用するため、それぞれ製品を購入しなければなりません。使用方法には、関連するゲームメカニクスの作業、関連するコードの管理、および/または関連するプラグインコマンドや機能の使用、が含まれます。プラグインそのものやそのコードをチームの他のメンバーに再配布することは第4項に抵触するため、そのメンバーがプラグインそのものを所有していない限りは許可されません。

8. このプラグインの利用規約の追加項目や補足については、VisuStella.comに掲載されていますので、それを参照し従ってください。


If you are using this plugin, credit the following people in your game:

Team VisuStella


Version 1.08: October 6, 2022

  • Compatibility Update!
    • Plugins should be more compatible with one another.

Version 1.07: August 11, 2022

  • Feature Update!
    • Minimap can now no-longer be toggled during events and messages if the other minimap-related settings have it disabled. Update made by Arisu.

Version 1.06: June 16, 2022

  • Documentation Update!
    • List new minimap feature under Introduction.
    • Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" for VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore in regards to the new Minimap feature.
    • Help file updated for new features.
    • Split the Notetags section up between "Map Notetags" and "Event Notetags" for better category searching.
    • Added segment to <Compass Icon: x> notetag:
      • This notetag effect will take priority over the <Minimap Icon: x> notetag.
  • New Features!
    • New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
      • Plugin Parameters > Compass Settings > Contents > Default Event Icons
        • These settings allow you to set the default icons used for the compass based on their character priority level.
      • Plugin Parameters > Compass Settings > Fading > Close Minimum Opacity
        • Minimum opacity when the player is too close to the compass on the map screen. Hiding the compass during messages and events will make the compass fully transparent.
    • New Feature Set: Minimap, added by Olivia and sponsored by AndlyL:
      • Plugin Parameters > Minimap Settings
        • Read the help file for details.
    • New Notetags added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
      • <Hide Minimap>
      • <Explorable>
      • <Already Explored>
      • <Minimap Icon: x>
      • <Hide Minimap Icon>
        • Read the help file for details.
    • New Plugin Commands added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
      • Minimap: Clear Explored Minimap
      • Minimap: Fully Reveal Minimap
      • Minimap: Toggle Large Minimap
        • Read the help file for details.

Version 1.05: March 31, 2022

  • Feature Update!
    • Spawned events with proximity compass icons will no longer show the whole spritesheet for a frame. Update made by Olivia.

Version 1.04: January 6, 2022

  • Optimization Update!
    • Plugin should run more optimized.

Version 1.03: January 15, 2021

  • Feature Update!
    • Failsafes added in case events added manually through other plugins do not update with proper events.

Version 1.02: November 15, 2020

  • Bug Fix!
    • Events spawned by the Events & Movement Core will now have their compass icons displayed upon spawning without requiring a reload of the map. Fix made by Arisu.

Version 1.01: October 25, 2020

  • Documentation Update
    • Added clarity on the notetags and comment tags on when their effects are present.

Version 1.00: October 23, 2020

  • Finished Plugin!

See Also

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