Template:VisuMZ Boost Action Text Codes

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Revision as of 14:42, 23 March 2021 by Yanfly (talk | contribs) (Boosting-Related Text Codes)
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The following are text codes that you may use with this plugin.

Boosting-Related Text Codes

BoostAction Ani Full.gif

These text codes are used for Help Window descriptions. When Boosting, the text displayed in the Help Window can change to reflect the amount boosted.


------------------   -------------------------------------------------------
Text Code            Effect (Help Window Text Only)
------------------   -------------------------------------------------------

\boostDamage[x]      This will apply damage modifiers to number x based on
                     the actor's currently used Boost amount.

\boostTurn[x]        This will apply turn modifiers to number x based on
                     the actor's currently used Boost amount.

\boostRepeat[x]      This will apply repeat hit modifiers to number x based
                     on the actor's currently used Boost amount.

\boostEffect[x]      This will apply Boost Point effect modifiers to number
                     x based on the actor's currently used Boost amount.

\boostAnalyze[x]     This will apply analyze modifiers to number x based on
                     the actor's currently used Boost amount.


----------------     -------------------------------------------------------
Text Code            Effect (Help Window Text Only)
----------------     -------------------------------------------------------

\boost[text]         The text inside the brackets won't appear unless at
                     least 1 Boost is used.

\boost0[text]        The text inside the brackets won't appear unless if any
                     Boost is used.

\boost>=x[text]      The text inside the brackets will only appear if at
                     least x Boosts are used.

\boost>x[text]       The text inside the brackets will only appear if more
                     than x Boosts are used.

\boost=x[text]       The text inside the brackets will only appear if
                     exactly x Boosts are used.

\boost<x[text]       The text inside the brackets will only appear if less
                     than x Boosts are used.

\boost<=x[text]      The text inside the brackets will only appear if at
                     most x Boosts are used.
