Template:VisuMZ Proximity Compass Notetags

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The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

Some of these are comment tags. Comment tags are used for events to mark and affect individual event pages rather than the whole event.


Map Notetags Tags



<Hide Compass>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps where you don't want the compass to show.


ProximityCompass Minimap01.gif

<Hide Minimap>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps where you don't want the minimap to show.
- The compass, however, can show by itself.
- However, if the compass does not show, neither will the minimap.


ProximityCompass Minimap02.png

<Minimap Image: filename>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps that you want to use custom minimaps for
  instead of the rendered passability map created by the plugin.
- This image will appear in both the compass's minimap and the toggled
  large minimap.
- This will remove any blend modes used by the large minimap to keep color
  consistency in line with the compass.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder.
  - Filenames are case sensitive.
  - Leave out the filename extension from the notetag.
- If the compass does not show, neither will the minimap.


ProximityCompass Minimap03.gif


- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps that you want to be explorable.
- The explorable portion will only appear with the toggled "large" minimap.
- This has no effect on maps where the compass does not show.
- This overrides the "Default Explorable?" Plugin Parameter settings.


ProximityCompass Minimap04.png

<Already Explored>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Place this notetag inside maps that you want to be already explored.
- The whole map will be visible from the getgo when viewing the "large"
  version of the minimap.
- This has no effect on maps where the compass does not show.
- This overrides the "Default Explorable?" Plugin Parameter settings.


Event Notetags and Comment Tags



<Compass Icon: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- This will assign an icon to the event or the event's page.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the icon index you wish for this
  event or event page to appear as in the Proximity Compass.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Compass Proximity: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- This icon will only appear on the compass if the player is within range.
- Replace 'x' with the number of tiles the player must be within range of
  this event or event page in order to appear in the Proximity Compass.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


ProximityCompass Minimap03.gif

<Minimap Icon: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- This icon will only appear if there is no designated compass icon AND
  will ONLY appear on the large minimap.
- If <Compass Icon: x> is used, then <Compass Icon: x> will take priority.
- This is primarily used to mark NPC locations.
- This will override the setting found in the Plugin Parameters.
- Minimap icons will appear a different size (by default smaller) than
  events with <Compass Icon: x>.


<Hide Minimap Icon>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes it so that it will not show an icon while on the minimap.
- If <Compass Icon: x> is used, then <Compass Icon: x> will take priority.
- This is primarily used to hide event locations that would be marked by
  default due to the Plugin Parameters.
- This will override the setting found in the Plugin Parameters.
