Template:VisuMZ Visual Parallaxes Plugin Commands

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The following are Plugin Commands that come with this plugin. They can be accessed through the Plugin Command event command.


Parallax Plugin Commands

VisualParallaxes Preview1.gif

VisualParallaxes Command1.png


Parallax: Add/Change Settings
- Add/Change settings for target parallax.
- Does not alter the map editor's parallax.


    - What is the ID of this parallax to be added/changed?

    - What is the filename of the parallax?

    - What kind of parallax is this going to be?
    - Normal
    - Water
    - Solid

  Optional Settings:


      Map Lock?:
      - Lock the parallax to the map's scrolling?
      - Automatically enable if the filename starts with "!"

      Loop Horizontally?:
      - Loop the parallax horizontally?
      - Does not work with Map Lock enabled.

        - What is the horizontal scroll speed?
        - Use a negative value to invert the direction.

      Loop Vertically?:
      - Loop the parallax vertically?
      - Does not work with Map Lock enabled.

        - What is the vertical scroll speed?
        - Use a negative value to invert the direction.


      - What is the opacity level for this parallax?
      - You may use JavaScript code.

      Blend Mode:
      - What kind of blend mode do you wish to apply to the parallax?
      - You may use JavaScript code.
        - Normal
        - Additive
        - Multiply
        - Screen

      - Do you wish to adjust this parallax's hue?
      - You may use JavaScript code.

      Hue Shift:
      - How much do you want the hue to shift each frame?
      - You may use JavaScript code.

      Color Tone:
      - What tone do you want for the motion trail?
      - Format: [Red, Green, Blue, Gray]


      - Which regions will show this parallax?
      - Does not work with 0. Leave empty to ignore.

      Terrain Tags:
      - Which terrain tags will show this parallax?
      - Does not work with 0. Leave empty to ignore.


VisualParallaxes Command2.png

Parallax: Fade Opacity
- Fades the target parallax(es) opacity to a different value.

  - Target which parallax(es)?
  - Cannot target the map editor's parallax.

  Target Opacity:
  - What opacity level to this value (0-255).
  - You may use JavaScript code to determine the value.

  - How many frames should this change take?
  - You may use JavaScript code to determine the value.


VisualParallaxes Command3.png

Parallax: Remove
- Removes target parallax(es).

  - Remove which parallax(es)?
  - Cannot remove the map editor's parallax.
