Template:VisuMZ Furniture System Notetags

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The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Map-Related Notetags

FurnitureSys Preview.gif


<Allow Furniture>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Allows furniture objects to be placed on this map by the player.
- If this notetag is not present, the furniture-accessibility for the player
  is depending on the settings found in the Plugin Parameters.


<No Furniture>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Prevents furniture objects from being placed on this map by the player.
- You can still spawn furniture objects onto the map via Plugin Command.
- If this notetag is not present, the furniture-accessibility for the player
  is depending on the settings found in the Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Type: type>
<Furniture Types: type, type, type>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- Determines which furniture types are allowed on the map to be placed from
  the item menu.
- Furniture items with those any of matching furniture types are allowed to
  be placed on the map.
  - This does NOT affect the furniture types placed through the Plugin
    Commands or pre-existing pieces of furniture placed there.
- Replace 'type' with text categories explaining the type.
- All maps allow the 'any' furniture type.
- This will also provide the effect of the <Allow Furniture> notetag.


  <Furniture Type: Outdoor>
  <Furniture Types: Outdoor, Lighting>


Furniture-Related Notetags

FurnitureSys Preview2.gif


<Furniture Template: name>
<Furniture Templates: name, name, name>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Marks this item database object as a furniture piece of item.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a stored Event Template found within the
  Events and Movement Core's Plugin Parameters.
  - Insert multiple names if you want more variations associated with this
    furniture item.
  - These variations can be different rotations of the item or different
    colors of them, or maybe even both. The choice is yours.
- This notetag is absolutely needed in order to mark this database object as
  a piece of furniture item.


<Furniture Type: type>
<Furniture Types: type, type, type>

- Used for: Items Notetags
- Determines which furniture types this furniture item is considered to be
  when being placed by the player from the item menu.
- Furniture items can only be placed on maps that allow any of the matching
  furniture types.
  - This does NOT affect the furniture types placed through the Plugin
    Commands or pre-existing pieces of furniture placed there.
- Replace 'type' with text categories explaining the type.
- If no 'type' is used, this furniture item will default to the 'any' type.


  <Furniture Type: Outdoor>
  <Furniture Types: Outdoor, Lighting>


<Furniture Allow Region: x>
<Furniture Allow Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Dictates the regions that the player can ONLY place this piece of
  furniture on. In other words, you cannot place furniture on tiles without
  the region.
- This will bypass passability rules (so that you can use them for wall
- Replace 'x' with a number between 1 and 255 representing the Region ID
  associated with this notetag effect.
  - Insert multiple numbers to expand the regions that the furniture can
    be placed on.
- This notetag CANNOT be used together on the same object with the notetag:
  <Furniture Forbid Region: x> and variants.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Allowed Regions settings will
  default to whatever setting is found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Forbid Region: x>
<Furniture Forbid Regions: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Dictates the regions that the player CANNOT place this piece of furniture
  on. In other words, you cannot place furniture on tiles with this region.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 1 and 255 representing the Region ID
  associated with this notetag effect.
  - Insert multiple numbers to expand the regions that the furniture cannot
    be placed on.
- This notetag CANNOT be used together on the same object with the notetag:
  <Furniture Allow Region: x> and variants.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Forbid Regions settings will
  default to whatever setting is found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Allow Terrain Tag: x>
<Furniture Allow Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Dictates the terrain tag tiles that the player can ONLY place this piece
  of furniture on. In other words, you cannot place furniture on tiles
  without the terrain tag.
- This will bypass passability rules (so that you can use them for wall
- Replace 'x' with a number between 1 and 7 representing the Terrain Tag
  associated with this notetag effect.
  - Insert multiple numbers to expand the tiles that the furniture can
    be placed on.
- This notetag CANNOT be used together on the same object with the notetag:
  <Furniture Allow Terrain Tag: x> and variants.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Allowed Terrain Tag settings will
  default to whatever setting is found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Forbid Terrain Tag: x>
<Furniture Forbid Terrain Tags: x, x, x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Dictates the terrain tag tiles that the player CANNOT place this piece of
  furniture on. In other words, you cannot place furniture on tiles with
  this terrain tag.
- Replace 'x' with a number between 1 and 7 representing the Terrain Tag
  associated with this notetag effect.
  - Insert multiple numbers to expand the tiles that the furniture cannot
    be placed on.
- This notetag CANNOT be used together on the same object with the notetag:
  <Furniture Forbid Terrain Tag: x> and variants.
- If this notetag is not used, then the Forbid Terrain Tag settings will
  default to whatever setting is found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Check Event Collision>
<Furniture Allow Event Stacking>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Causes the furniture object to check for event collision or let the player
  stack events on a single tile infinitely.
- We recommend not using the "Allow" version. Best leave this notetag alone
  unless you absolutely know what you're doing with it.
- If either of these notetags are not used, then the default settings will
  be determined by the setting found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Need Passability>
<Furniture Free Passability>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- The "Need" notetag variant determines if the furniture object checks if
  the tile it's placed on must have passability in order to be valid.
- The "Free" notetag variant version does the opposite; it does not need any
  passability settings.
- This effect is ignored with the Allowed Region/Terrain Tag notetags.
- If either of these notetags are not used, then the default settings will
  be determined by the setting found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.
- *NOTE!* The passability check does not work well with the A4 Tiles.
  Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about this because of the way
  RPG Maker MZ handles it. No matter how you mark them in the database, RPG
  Maker MZ will decide that they are passable. You have to work around this
  with Forbid Region notetags or Forbid Terrain Tag notetags.


<Furniture Place Common Event: x>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Runs a Common Event when the furniture object is placed.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the Common Event to run.
- If this notetag is not used, then the default settings for this effect
  will be determined by this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Place Once>
<Furniture Place Until Empty>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- Automatically exit "Furniture Mode" once a furniture object is placed or
  only exit after the items placing them have been emptied out (or until the
  player presses cancel).
- If this notetag is not used, then the default settings for this effect
  will be determined by this plugin's Plugin Parameters.


<Furniture Prevent Cancel Exit>

- Used for: Item Notetags
- For those weird times where you don't want the player to be able to cancel
  out of furniture mode when using this item.
- There is no Plugin Parameter default for this.


JavaScript-Furniture Notetags

File:FurnitureSys Preview1.gif


<JS On Place Furniture>


</JS On Place Furniture>

- Used for: Item Notetags - When this furniture item is placed, run JavaScript 'code'. - The 'item' variable will refer to this item. - This JS code will run when the furniture item is placed down be it

 directly from the inventory or upon being moved and stamped down.


<JS On Remove Furniture>


</JS On Remove Furniture>

- Used for: Item Notetags - When this furniture item is removed, run JavaScript 'code'. - The 'item' variable will refer to this item. - This JS code will run when the furniture item is removed after originally

 being placed down from an item.

- This code will also run at the start of a furniture item being moved.


Event-Related Notetags

FurnitureSys Preview3.gif


<Furniture Not Movable>

- Used for: Event Notetags
- NOTE! This does NOT work if you put it inside an event's comments.
- Prevents the furniture from being movable by either player interaction or
  Plugin Command.
- Use for things like crops.
