Template:VisuMZ Message Core Text Codes

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Revision as of 23:14, 23 December 2023 by Yanfly (talk | contribs) (Choice Window-Only Hard-Coded Text Codes)
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The following are text codes that you may use with this plugin. Some of these are original text codes provided by RPG Maker MZ, while others are new text codes added through this plugin. You may even add your own text codes through the plugin parameters.

RPG Maker MZ Text Codes

The following are text codes that come with RPG Maker MZ. These text codes cannot be edited through the Plugin Parameters.


Default MZ Text Codes

Text Code Effect (Global)
\V[x] Replaced by the value of variable 'x'.
\N[x] Replaced by the name of actor 'x'.
\P[x] Replaced by the name of party member 'x'.
\C[x] Draw the subsequent text with window skin color 'x'.
\I[x] Draw icon 'x'.
\PX[x] Moves text x position to 'x'.
\PY[x] Moves text y position to 'y'.
\G Replaced by the currency unit.
\{ Increase the text font size by one step.
\} Decrease the text font size by one step.
\FS[x] Changes the text font size to 'x'.
\\ Replaced by the backslash character.


Default MZ Message-Only Text Codes

Text Code Effect (Message Window Only)
\$ Opens the gold window.
\. Waits a 1/4 second.
\| Waits a full second.
\! Waits for button input.
\> Display remaining text on same line all at once.
\< Cancel the effect that displays text all at once.
\^ Do not wait for input after displaying text to move on.


Message Core Hard-Coded Text Codes


The following text codes are hard-coded into VisuStella MZ Message Core's code. These text codes cannot be edited through the Plugin Parameters.


Global Hard-Coded Text Codes

Text Code Effect (Global)
<b> Makes subsequent text bold.
</b> Removes bold from subsequent text.
<i> Makes subsequent text italic.
</i> Removes italic from subsequent text.
<left> Makes subsequent text left-aligned. *Note1*
</left> Removes left-alignment for subsequent text.
<center> Makes subsequent text center-aligned. *Note1*
</center> Removes center-alignment for subsequent text.
<right> Makes subsequent text right-aligned. *Note1*
</right> Removes right-alignment for subsequent text.

Note1: Use at line-start. Does not work with Word Wrap.

Text Code Effect (Global)
<ColorLock> Text codes can't change text color for subsequent text.
</ColorLock> Removes Color Lock property.
<WordWrap> Enables Word Wrap for this window. *Note2*
</WordWrap> Disables Word Wrap for this window. *Note2*
<br> Adds a line break. Requires Word Wrap enabled.
<line break> Adds a line break. Requires Word Wrap enabled.

Note2: Some windows cannot use Word Wrap such as the Choice Window. Word Wrap also cannot be used together with <left>, <center>, or <right> and will disable itself if text alignment text codes are detected.

Text Code Effect (Global)
\picture<x> Draws picture x (filename) at current text position.
\CenterPicture<x> Draws picture x (filename) centered at the window.


Message Window Only Hard-Coded Text Codes


Text Code Effect (Message Window Only)
\CommonEvent[x] Runs common event x when text code is reached.
\Wait[x] Makes the message wait x frames before continuing.
<Next Page> Ends the current message page at this line. This is used for messages when rows are at 5 or above and the message lines don't match the amount. This is used to prevent grabbing message windows from following message events. Any lines following <Next Page> in the same message event will be ignored.
<Auto> Resizes message window dimensions to fit text. *Note3*
<Auto Width> Resizes message window width to fit text. *Note3*
<Auto Height> Resizes message window height to fit text. *Note3*
<Auto Actor: x> Resizes message window and positions it over actor x sprite's head. *Note3*
<Auto Party: x> Resizes message window and positions it over party member x sprite's head. *Note3*
<Auto Player> Map-Only. Resizes message window and positions it over the player sprite's head. *Note3*
<Auto Event: x> Map-Only. Resizes message window and positions it over event x sprite's head. *Note3*
<Auto Enemy: x> Battle-Only. Resizes message window and positions it over enemy x sprite's head. *Note3*

Note3: Upon using these text codes, the message window's settings will be reset for the upcoming message. These effects do not work with Word Wrap.


Battle-Only Hard-Coded Text Codes

Text Code Effect (Battle Only)
<Current Battle Target> Replaces text code with the current target of an action in battle.
<Current Battle User> Replaces text code with the currently active user in battle.
<Current Battle Action> Replaces text code with the current battle action's name with an icon in front.
<Current Battle Action Name> Replaces text code with the current battle action's name without an icon.

If there is no battle, no target, no user, or no action, then the text code will just be replaced with no text.

These text codes are NOT recommended to be used inside of Help Descriptions. They are best used with "Show Text" event commands.


Choice Window-Only Hard-Coded Text Codes

Text Code Effect (Choice Window Only)
<Show> Choice is always shown.
<Show Switch: x> Choice shown if switch x is ON.
<Show Switches: x,x,x> Choice shown if the x switches are all ON.
<Show All Switches: x,x,x> Choice shown if the x switches are all ON.
<Show Any Switches: x,x,x> Choice shown if any of x switches are ON.
<Hide> Choice is always hidden.
<Hide Switch: x> Choice hidden if switch x is ON.
<Hide Switches: x,x,x> Choice hidden if the x switches are all ON.
<Hide All Switches: x,x,x> Choice hidden if the x switches are all ON.
<Hide Any Switches: x,x,x> Choice hidden if any of x switches are ON.
<Enable> Choice is always enabled.
<Enable Switch: x> Choice enabled if switch x is ON.
<Enable Switches: x,x,x> Choice enabled if the x switches are all ON.
<Enable All Switches: x,x,x> Choice enabled if the x switches are all ON.
<Enable Any Switches: x,x,x> Choice enabled if any of x switches are ON.
<Disable> Choice is always disabled.
<Disable Switch: x> Choice disabled if switch x is ON.
<Disable Switches: x,x,x> Choice disabled if the x switches are all ON.
<Choice Width: x> Sets the minimum text area width to x. Applies to whole choice window.
<Choice Indent: x> Sets the indent to x value. Applies to current choice selection only.

MessageCore BgColor.png

Text Code Effect (Choice Window Only)
<BgColor: x> Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine! Sets background color of this choice to 'x' text color. This will be combined with a fading
<BgColor: x,y> Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine! Sets background color of this choice to 'x' to 'y' gradient text color.
<BgColor: #rrggbb> Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine! Sets background color of this choice to '#rrggbb' color using hex color values.
<BgColor: #rrggbb, #rrggbb> Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine! Sets background color of this choice to '#rrggbb' gradient using hex color values.

MessageCore Update123 Preview.png

Text Code Effect (Choice Window Only)
<Help> text </Help> Makes a help window appear and have it show 'text' in its contents. The help window will disappear if no text is displayed.

Text Code Effect (Choice Window Only)
<Shuffle> Shuffles the order of all choices. Any cancel shortcuts other than "Branch" will be undone.
<Shuffle: x> Shuffles the order of all choices and only x number of them will appear. Any cancel shortcuts other than "Branch" will be undone. Hidden choices do not count towards x number.


Name Window-Only Hard-Coded Text Codes

-----------------  ---------------------------------------------------------
Text Code          Effect (Name Window Only)
-----------------  ---------------------------------------------------------
<Left>             Positions the name box window to the left.
<Center>           Positions the name box window to the center.
<Right>            Positions the name box window to the right.
<Position: x>      Replace 'x' with a number from 0 to 10. This positions
                   the name box window on the screen relative to the
                   position of the value 'x' represents.
\NormalBG          Changes background type of window to normal type.
\DimBG             Changes background type of window to dim type.
\TransparentBG     Changes background type of window to transparent type.


Message-Only Position Hard-Coded Text Codes

-------------------------------   ------------------------------------------
Text Code                         Effect (Message Window Only)
-------------------------------   ------------------------------------------

<Position: x, y, width, height>   Forces the message window to exact listed
                                  coordinates and dimensions. Replace each
                                  of the arguments with numbers. *Note*

<Coordinates: x, y>               Forces the message window to the exact
                                  listed coordinates. Replace each of the
                                  arguments with numbers. *Note*

<Dimensions: width, height>       Forces the message window size to the
                                  exact listed dimensions. Replace each of
                                  the arguments with numbers. *Note*

<Offset: +x, +y>                  Quickly adjust the message window offset
<Offset: -x, -y>                  values to the x and y amounts. The values
<Offset: +x, -y>                  will replace the previous offset settings
<Offset: -x, +y>                  if there were any.

*NOTE* These text codes do not work with Word Wrap.


Controls-Related Hard-Coded Text Codes

MessageCore ControllerButtons.png

------------------   -------------------------------------------------------
Text Code            Effect (Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine)
------------------   -------------------------------------------------------
<Up Button>          Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.
<Left Button>        Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.
<Right Button>       Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.
<Down Button>        Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.

<Ok Button>          Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.
<Cancel Button>      Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.
<Shift Button>       Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.
<Menu Button>        Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.
<Page Up Button>     Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.
<Page Down Button>   Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.


Random Text Pool

MessageCore RngTextCode.png

MessageCore RngTextExample.png

<RNG> text1 | text2 | text3 </RNG>

Using the above text code format in a Show Message entry, you can get a random result out of the various inserted texts. Use "|" (without quotes) as a separator between text entries. You can have unlimited entries. The result will have any excess white space trimmed.

This text code cannot be inserted into a macro and parsed properly.


Message Core Customizable Text Codes


The following text codes can be altered through the Message Core's various Plugin Parameters to adjust replacements and actions.


Default Customizable Text Codes

------------------   -------------------------------------------------------
Text Code            Effect (Global)
------------------   -------------------------------------------------------
\Class[x]            Draws class x's icon (if have) and name.
\ClassName[x]        Draws class x's name only.

\Skill[x]            Draws skill x's icon (if have) and name.
\SkillName[x]        Draws skill x's name only.

\Item[x]             Draws item x's icon (if have) and name.
\ItemName[x]         Draws item x's name only.
\ItemQuantity[x]     Inserts the number of item x's owned by the party.

\Weapon[x]           Draws weapon x's icon (if have) and name.
\WeaponName[x]       Draws weapon x's name only.
\WeaponQuantity[x]   Inserts the number of weapon x's owned by the party.

\Armor[x]            Draws armor x's icon (if have) and name.
\ArmorName[x]        Draws armor x's name only.
\ArmorQuantity[x]    Inserts the number of armor x's owned by the party.

\LastGainObj         Draws the icon + name of the last party-gained object.
\LastGainObjName     Draws the name of the last party-gained object.
\LastGainObjQuantity Inserts the quantity of the last party-gained object.

\State[x]            Draws state x's icon (if have) and name.
\StateName[x]        Draws state x's name only.

\Enemy[x]            Draws enemy x's icon (if have) and name.
\EnemyName[x]        Draws enemy x's name only.

\Troop[x]            Draws troop x's icon (if have) and name.
\TroopName[x]        Draws troop x's name only.

\TroopMember[x]      Draws troop member x's icon (if have) and name. *Note1*
\TroopNameMember[x]  Draws troop member x's name only. *Note1*

Note1: Only works in battle.

\NormalBG            Changes background type of window to normal type.
\DimBG               Changes background type of window to dim type.
\TransparentBG       Changes background type of window to transparent type.

\FontChange<x>       Changes font face to x font name.
\ResetFont           Resets font settings.

\ResetColor          Resets color settings.
\HexColor<x>         Changes text color to x hex color (ie. #123abc).
\OutlineColor[x]     Changes outline color to text color x.
\OutlineHexColor<x>  Changes outline color to x hex color (ie. #123abc).
\OutlineWidth[x]     Changes outline width to x thickness.

\WindowMoveTo<?>     Moves window to exact coordinates. *Note2*
\WindowMoveBy<?>     Moves window by relative values. *Note2*
\WindowReset         Resets window position to original position. *Note2*

Note2: Replace '?' with the following format:
  targetX, targetY, targetWidth, targetHeight, duration, easingType
  Only targetX and targetY are required arguments. These will only alter the
  window dimensions when the text has arrived at that point. They will not
  alter the window preemptively. This is not used as a window positioner.
  Use the <Position: x, y, width, height> text code for that.


Default Message Effect Text Codes

------------------   -------------------------------------------------------
Text Code            Effect (Message Window Only)
------------------   -------------------------------------------------------
\ActorFace[x]        Inserts actor x's face into the Message Window.
\PartyFace[x]        Inserts party member x's face into the Message Window.
\ChangeFace<x,y>     Changes message face to x filename, y index.
\FaceIndex[x]        Changes message face index to x.

\TextDelay[x]        Sets delay in frames between characters to x frames.


As these text codes can be added, removed, and/or altered, their functions may or may not be the same depending on how you've altered them. VisuStella is not responsible for any errors caused by changes made to pre-made text codes nor any new text codes they did not make.