Template:VisuMZ Date and Time System Plugin Commands

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The following are Plugin Commands that come with this plugin. They can be accessed through the Plugin Command event command.


Game Time Plugin Commands

DateTimeSystem Preview1.gif


DateTimeSystem Command1.png

Game Time: Change Date To
- Changes the Game Time's date to a specific date.
- Does not affect time. Does NOT affect time.

  - Changes Game Time's year to this.
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Changes Game Time's month to this.
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Allow Overflow?:
    - If allow overflow, excess months increase year count.
    - If not, excess months are clamped to what's allowed.

  - Changes Game Time's date to this.
  - You may use JavaScript code. Overflow is calculated.

    Allow Overflow?:
    - If allow overflow, excess days increase month count.
    - If not, excess days are clamped to what's allowed.


DateTimeSystem Command2.png

Game Time: Change Time To
- Changes the Game Time's time to a specific time.
- Does not affect time. CAN affect date and weekday.

  - Changes Game Time's hour to this.
  - You may use JavaScript code. Excess hours changes date.

    Allow Overflow?:
    - If allow overflow, excess hours increase date count.
    - If not, excess hours are clamped to what's allowed.

  - Changes Game Time's minute to this.
  - You may use JavaScript code. Overflow is calculated.

    Allow Overflow?:
    - If allow overflow, excess minutes increase hour count.
    - If not, excess minutes are clamped to what's allowed.


DateTimeSystem Command3.png

Game Time: Pause Time Start
- Pauses time from going forward while in Game Time.
- This only pauses Game Time. Events and Timers can still move.


DateTimeSystem Command4.png

Game Time: Pause Time End
- Allows Game Time to resume moving.


DateTimeSystem Command5.png

Game Time: Record to Variable(s)
- Records game Time data to select variable(s).
- This only records the data for this moment.


    Year Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the year.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Month Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the month.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Date Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the date.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Full Date Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the full date.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.
    - Result is year + month (2 digits) + date (2 digits)
      - For example, Year 2, Month 4, Date 12 will yield 20412


    Weekday Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the weekday.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.


    Hour Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the hour.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Minute Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the minute.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Full Time Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the full time.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.
    - Result is hour + minutes (2 digits) + seconds (2 digits)
      - For example, Hour 16, Minute 8, Seconds 0 will yield 160800


DateTimeSystem Command6.png

Game Time: Time Dilation Change
- Changes how fast it takes for a minute to pass in Game Time.

  MS Per Game Minute:
  - How many milliseconds will count as a game minute?
  - 1000 milliseconds = 1 real life second.


DateTimeSystem Command7.png

Game Time: Time Dilation Clear
- Clears the time dilation and changes it back to default settings based on
  Plugin Parameters.


Real Time Plugin Commands

DateTimeSystem Preview1.gif


DateTimeSystem Command8.png

Real Time: Record to Variable(s)
- Records Real Time data to select variable(s).
- This only records the data for this moment.


    Year Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the year.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Month Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the month.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Date Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the date.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Full Date Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the full date.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.
    - Result is year + month (2 digits) + date (2 digits)
      - For example, Year 2, Month 4, Date 12 will yield 20412


    Weekday Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the weekday.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.


    Hour Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the hour.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Minute Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the minute.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Second Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the second.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.

    Full Time Variable:
    - Select a variable to record the full time.
    - Leave at 0 to not use.
    - Result is hour + minutes (2 digits) + seconds (2 digits)
      - For example, Hour 16, Minute 8, Seconds 0 will yield 160800


HUD Plugin Commands

DateTimeSystem HUD.png


DateTimeSystem Command9.png

HUD: Show/Hide
- Makes the Date & Time HUD visible or hidden.
- Does not affect maps with forced hidden notetags.

  - Shows/hides Date & Time HUD on the map scene.
