Template:VisuMZ Event Signals Plugin Commands

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The following are Plugin Commands that come with this plugin. They can be accessed through the Plugin Command event command.


Emit Signal Plugin Commands

EventSignals Preview.gif


EventSignal Command1.png

Emit Signal: From Coordinate
- Emit Signal(s) from target coordinate as the central location.
- Must be used on the map scene!

  Coordinate X:
  - The x coordinate for the signal emmission center.
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  Coordinate Y:
  - The y coordinate for the signal emmission center.
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - What signal do you wish to emit to the surroundings?

  Range Type:
  - What is the range type to emit the signal to?
    - Square: A square-shaped range with the event at the center.
    - Circle: A circle-shaped range with the event at the center.
    - Delta: A diamond-shaped range with the event at the center.
    - Row: Spans horizontally across the map. 'x' expands up and down.
    - Column: Spans vertically across the map. 'x' expands left and right.
    - Exact: Ignores range distance. Picks only coordinates.

    Range Distance:
    - What is the range distance to emit the signal to?

  Response Switch ID:
  - Turns ON this Switch if an event responds to the signal.
  - Use 0 to ignore.

  Animation ID:
  - Play this animation at target tile location.
  - Leave at 0 to not play an animation.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!

    Mirror Animation?:
    - Mirror the animation?

    Mute Animation?:
    - Mute the animation?


EventSignal Command2.png

Emit Signal: From Event
- Emit Signal(s) from target event as the central location.
- Must be used on the map scene!

  Event ID:
  - The ID of the target event.  Use 0 for current event.
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - What signal do you wish to emit to the surroundings?

  Range Type:
  - What is the range type to emit the signal to?
    - Square: A square-shaped range with the event at the center.
    - Circle: A circle-shaped range with the event at the center.
    - Delta: A diamond-shaped range with the event at the center.
    - Row: Spans horizontally across the map. 'x' expands up and down.
    - Column: Spans vertically across the map. 'x' expands left and right.
    - Exact: Ignores range distance. Picks only coordinates.

    Range Distance:
    - What is the range distance to emit the signal to?

  Response Switch ID:
  - Turns ON this Switch if an event responds to the signal.
  - Use 0 to ignore.

  Animation ID:
  - Play this animation at target tile location.
  - Leave at 0 to not play an animation.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!

    Mirror Animation?:
    - Mirror the animation?

    Mute Animation?:
    - Mute the animation?


EventSignal Command3.png

Emit Signal: From Player
- Emit Signal(s) from player as the central location.
- Must be used on the map scene!

  - What signal do you wish to emit to the surroundings?

  Range Type:
  - What is the range type to emit the signal to?
    - Square: A square-shaped range with the event at the center.
    - Circle: A circle-shaped range with the event at the center.
    - Delta: A diamond-shaped range with the event at the center.
    - Row: Spans horizontally across the map. 'x' expands up and down.
    - Column: Spans vertically across the map. 'x' expands left and right.
    - Exact: Ignores range distance. Picks only coordinates.

    Range Distance:
    - What is the range distance to emit the signal to?

  Response Switch ID:
  - Turns ON this Switch if an event responds to the signal.
  - Use 0 to ignore.

  Animation ID:
  - Play this animation at target tile location.
  - Leave at 0 to not play an animation.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!

    Mirror Animation?:
    - Mirror the animation?

    Mute Animation?:
    - Mute the animation?
