Template:VisuMZ Furniture System Plugin Commands

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The following are Plugin Commands that come with this plugin. They can be accessed through the Plugin Command event command.


Furniture Plugin Commands

FurnitureSys Preview.gif


Furniture: Add Player Placement
- Start furniture placement mode for a specific template type.
- Player determines the actual position.
- Cannot use this Plugin Command during Furniture Mode.

  Furniture Item:
  - Which furniture item is used to be placed?
  - Non-furniture items won't work.

  Generate Item?:
  - Generate an item for the player?
  - If the player does not have the furniture item in stock, this will not


Furniture: Spawn At X, Y
- Spawns desired furniture at X, Y location on the current map.
- Cannot use this Plugin Command during Furniture Mode.

  Furniture Item:
  - Which furniture item is used to be placed?
  - Non-furniture items won't work.

  Template Index:
  - Which template index do you wish to use for the spawned furniture item?
  - Index starts at 0.


    X Coordinate:
    Y Coordinate:
    - Target X/Y coordinate to spawn at.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  Success Switch ID:
  - Target switch ID to record spawning success.
  - Ignore if ID is 0. OFF means failed. ON means success.


Event At X/Y Plugin Commands

FurnitureSys Preview3.gif


Event At X/Y: Despawn Furniture
- Completely remove the furniture event at X/Y.
- Can use on either furniture or non-furniture.

  X Coordinate:
  Y Coordinate:
  - Target X/Y coordinate to search for Furniture Event.
  - You may use JavaScript code.


Event At X/Y: Move Furniture
- Move the furniture item event at X/Y.
- Use on a template event that can be spawned and moved.
- Cannot use this Plugin Command during Furniture Mode.

  X Coordinate:
  Y Coordinate:
  - Target X/Y coordinate to search for Furniture Event.
  - You may use JavaScript code.


Event At X/Y: Retrieve Furniture
- Retrieve the furniture at X/Y to Player's inventory.
- Use on a template event that can be spawned and moved.

  X Coordinate:
  Y Coordinate:
  - Target X/Y coordinate to search for Furniture Event.
  - You may use JavaScript code.


This Event Plugin Commands

FurnitureSys Preview.gif


This Event: Despawn Furniture
- Completely remove this current furniture event.
- Can use on either furniture or non-furniture.


This Event: Move Furniture
- Move this current furniture item.
- Use on a template event that can be spawned and moved.


This Event: Retrieve Furniture
- Retrieve this current furniture to Player's inventory.
- Use on a template event that can be spawned and moved.
