Template:VisuMZ Map Event Effects Notetags

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The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Breathing-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Breathe.gif


<Breathing Rate: x%>

<Breathing Rate X: x%>
<Breathing Rate Y: y%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the breathing rate of the sprite to the percentile amount.
- For <Breathing Rate: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing
  the general breathing percentage to be used.
- For <Breathing Rate X: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing
  the horizontal breathing percentage to be used.
- For <Breathing Rate Y: y%> variant: replace 'y' with a number representing
  the vertical breathing percentage to be used.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Breathing Speed: x>

<Breathing Speed X: x>
<Breathing Speed Y: y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the breathing speed of the sprite.
- For <Breathing Speed: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing
  the general breathing speed rate to be used.
  - For best results, use numbers between 0 and 1.
- For <Breathing Speed X: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number
  representing the horizontal breathing speed rate to be used.
  - For best results, use numbers between 0 and 1.
- For <Breathing Speed Y: y%> variant: replace 'y' with a number
  representing the vertical breathing speed rate to be used.
  - For best results, use numbers between 0 and 1.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Breathing Random Offset>

<Breathing Random Offset X>
<Breathing Random Offset Y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's breathing rate effect different from other events by
  having different starting points.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Breathing Static Offset: x> variants.
- For <Breathing Random Offset> variant, this will affect both breathing
  rates for horizontal and vertical directions.
- For <Breathing Random Offset X> variant, this will affect only breathing
  rates for the horizontal direction.
- For <Breathing Random Offset Y> variant, this will affect only breathing
  rates for the vertical direction.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Breathing Static Offset: x>

<Breathing Static Offset X: x>
<Breathing Static Offset Y: y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's breathing rate starting count begin at 'x' and will
  share similar starting float height offsets with other events that use the
  same offset number.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Breathing Random Offset> variants.
- For <Breathing Static Offset: x> variant, replace 'x' with a number that
  adjusts the starting point for both horizontal and vertical breathing.
- For <Breathing Static Offset X: x> variant, replace 'x' with a number that
  adjusts the starting point for only horizontal breathing.
- For <Breathing Static Offset Y: y> variant, replace 'y' with a number that
  adjusts the starting point for only vertical breathing.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Flash-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Flash.gif


<Flash Color: r, g, b, a>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Gives the event an effect that will periodically flash a custom color.
- Replace 'r' with a number representing the red color value (0 to 255).
- Replace 'g' with a number representing the green color value (0 to 255).
- Replace 'b' with a number representing the blue color value (0 to 255).
- Replace 'a' with a number representing the alpha value (0 to 255).
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Flash Duration: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the duration of the flash effect to 'x' frames.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing how long the flash lasts in frames.
  - 60 frames per second.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If this notetag is not used, use the default flash duration found within
  the Plugin Parameters.


<Flash Cycle: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the cycle time of the flash effect to 'x' frames.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing how long the flash cycle begins
  anew again.
  - 60 frames per second.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
- If this notetag is not used, use the default flash cycle found within
  the Plugin Parameters.


Floating-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Float.gif


<Float Height: x>

<Float Height: x to y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's float height to 'x' or hover between 'x' and 'y'.
- With the <Float Height: x> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing
  the pixels off the ground.
- With the <Float Height: x to y> variant, replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers
  representing what pixel heights to shift between.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Float Speed: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's float speed to 'x' for the hovering float effect.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the speed at which the event floats
  between heights with.
  - For best results, use a number between 0 and 1.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Float Random Offset>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's floating height effect different from other events by
  having different starting points.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Float Static Offset: x>.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Float Static Offset: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's floating height starting count begin at 'x' and will
  share similar starting float height offsets with other events that use the
  same offset number.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Float Random Offset>.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Hue-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Hue.gif


<Hue: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's hue color to 'x'.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hue shift.
  - For best results, use a number between 0 and 360.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Random Hue>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's hue color to a random amount between 0 and 360.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Random Hue: x to y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's hue color to a random amount between 'x' and 'y'.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers representing the hue shifts.
  - For best results, use numbers between 0 and 360.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Hue Per Frame: +x>
<Hue Per Frame: -x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- The event will constantly shift hue values by 'x' each frame.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the hue shift.
  - For best results, use a number between 0 and 360.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Repeat Animation-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects RepeatMapAni.gif


<Repeat Animation: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Plays animation 'x' on event over and over.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the animation to be
  played on this event repeatedly.
  - Keep in mind that if an event changes pages to one that does not have an
    animation or if the event is erased, the animation will still have to
    finish up playing.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Repeat Animation Cycle: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines the animation cycle used for repeated animations. Animations
  will be repeated every 'x' frames.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frame count between each
  animation playthrough. 60 frames = 1 second.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Repeat Animation Mirror: On>
<Repeat Animation Mirror: Off>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines if the repeating animation is mirrored or not.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Repeat Animation Mute: On>
<Repeat Animation Mute: Off>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Determines if the repeating animation is muted or not.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Scale-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Scale.gif


<Scale: x%>

<Scale X: x%>
<Scale Y: y%>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Changes the scale of the sprite to the designated size.
- For <Scale: x%> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing the
  scaling overall percentage to be used.
- For <Scale X: x%> variant, replace 'x' with a number representing the x
  factor for the horizontal scaling percentage to be used.
- For <Scale Y: y%> variant, replace 'y' with a number representing the y
  factor for the vertical scaling percentage to be used.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Shake-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Shake.gif


<Shake Power: x>

<Shake Power X: x>
<Shake Power Y: y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's shaking to 'x' and/or 'y' power.
- For <Shake Power: x> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing the
  shake power used for both horizontal and vertical shaking.
- For <Shake Power X: x> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing the
  shake power used for only horizontal shaking.
- For <Shake Power Y: y> variant: replace 'y' with a number representing the
  shake power used for only vertical shaking.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Sidestepping-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Sidestep.gif


<Sidestep: x>

<Sidestep: x to y>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's sidestep distance to 'x' or hover between 'x' and 'y'.
- With the <Sidestep: x> variant: replace 'x' with a number representing
  the pixels to the side.
  - Negative numbers go left. Positive numbers go right.
- With the <Sidestep: x to y> variant, replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers
  representing what pixel heights to shift between.
  - Negative numbers go left. Positive numbers go right.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Sidestep Speed: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Sets the event's shifting speed to 'x' for the sidestepping effect.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the speed at which the event will
  sidestep between.
  - For best results, use a number between 0 and 1.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Sidestep Random Offset>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's sidestepping effect different from other events by
  having different starting points.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Sidestep Static Offset: x>.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


<Sidestep Static Offset: x>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Makes the event's sidestepping distance starting count begin at 'x' and
  will share similar starting sidestep static offsets with other events that
  use the same offset number.
  - This effect does NOT work with <Sidestep Random Offset>.
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.


Tint-Related Notetags

MapEventEffects Tint.gif


<Tint Color: r, g, b, k>

- Used for: Event Notetags and Event Page Comment Tags
- Tints the event with a custom tone.
- Replace 'r' with a number representing the red tone value (-255 to 255).
- Replace 'g' with a number representing the green tone value (-255 to 255).
- Replace 'b' with a number representing the blue tone value (-255 to 255).
- Replace 'k' with a number representing the grey tone value (0 to 255).
- If this is placed in a notetag, the effect will be present across
  all event pages used.
- If this is placed inside a page's comment, the effect will only occur
  if that event page is currently active.
