Template:VisuMZ Voice Acting Control Plugin Commands

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The following are Plugin Commands that come with this plugin. They can be accessed through the Plugin Command event command.


Sound Plugin Commands



VoiceActingControl Command1.png

Sound: Play As Voice Line
- Plays target SE as a Voice Line using the Voice Line volume channel.
  This is unaffected by SE volume channel.

  - Filename of the sound effect played.

  - Volume of the sound effect played.

  - Pitch of the sound effect played.

  - Pan of the sound effect played.


VoiceActControl LanguageSwitch1.png

Sound: Play As Voice Line (Language)
- Plays a voice line based on target audio language.
- Uses volume channel and not SE volume channel.

  Language Lines:
  - Determine which line is used based on which voice language the player
    has selected.

  Default Line:
  - Default voice line played when no language-based voice line is found.

  - Volume of the voice line played.

  - Pitch of the voice line played.

  - Pan of the voice line played.


VoiceActingControl Command2.png

Sound: Stop All Voice Lines
- Stops all currently playing Voice Lines.


VoiceActingControl Command3.png

Sound: Stop Target Voice Lines
- Stops target Voice Lines if they are currently playing.

  Specific Filenames:
  - Filenames of sound files that should be stopped as a Voice Line.
  - Case sensitive.

  Filename Text Markers:
  - Text markers used to automatically mark filenames (not folders) as
    a Voice Line.
  - Case sensitive.

  Specific Folders:
  - Anything that contains these folder names will be stopped as a
    Voice Line.
  - These can be main or sub folders.
  - Case sensitive.

  Folder Text Markers:
  - Text markers used to automatically mark folders (not filenames) for
    Voice Line playing.
  - Case sensitive.
