Updates Changing to Monthly

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Revision as of 14:15, 23 November 2022 by Irina (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the wiki! This is where you can find resources from Yanfly.moe, Ækashics.moe,
VisuStella, Caz Wolf, Fallen Angel Olivia, Atelier Irina, and other affiliated content creators.


IrinaAvatar.png This is an article written by Irina.

Hi folks, this week will be the last of our weekly updates. Starting December, we will be switching to a monthly update schedule around the middle of the month. There are a couple of reasons why we plan on switching up:

1. The plugin library is relatively stable given its size. Cores seldom have bug reports while the rest of the library only has them rarely.

2. Bug fixes and checks will still be done weekly in case something needs a hot fix. Only the finalization and proper documentation of it will be done once a month. This is to help condense reporting time into extra time for us.

3. Extra time will be spent on feature updates, new features, and more plugin development. Also thanks to the extra time made for us, we will have more time to test out new features before releasing them.

For those wondering, we will still have hot fix updates done usually the same day or day after that we deem necessary. However, those haven't been done for a very long time (last instance was February 2021) so we hope that there isn't much to worry about.

And if this whole thing doesn't work out the way we expect it to, then in a time period of 3 to 6 months, we can revert back to weekly updates if we have decided that's what works best.

These are our changes and we hope you understand why we're making them.