Individual Scene Window Guide

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Generate a List of all Window Names

We added a way to show all window names in current scene by using any of the console commands. This is helpful when you are using custom scripts that add new functionality to UI, such as Yanfly Status Core, and still be able to modify them using Luna Engine.


Default RPG Maker UI Specifications


Background: The background of the scene. 
TitleCommand: The commands on the title screen. All additional commands added through plugins should be Luna compatible, but will require their own asset according to the command name if using variable names via Lunatic items. 
	itemList: ${data} 


Background: The background of the scene. By default is a blurred version of the map the player is currently on. 
Options: A window including everything on the options screen. Rather difficult to customize as it requires the manual defining of individual components all in one window. While it’s not recommended because of its unwieldiness, it is doable. 
	itemList: ${data} 

SceneSave / SceneLoad

Background: The background of the scene. By default is a blurred version of the map the player is currently on. 
Help: Contains the description of the items related to the window.
SavefileList: A window including everything on save/load scene. Rather difficult to customize as it requires the manual defining of individual components all in one window. While it’s not recommended because of its unwieldiness, it is doable. 
	itemList: ${data} 


Background: The background of the scene. By default is a blurred version of the map the player is currently on. 
MenuCommand: The menu command buttons that allow for switching between menu pages. Additional commands are compatible with Luna, but require additional assets if necessary according to the command name. 
	itemList: ${data} 
Gold: The small window that lists the gold amount. It can be used for other purposes such as drawing an ingame playtimer or current location. 
MenuStatus: Includes all actor information including, who is in the party and their current status. 
itemList: ${party.members}, ${data}


Without Yanfly’s Status Core: 
Background: The background of the scene. By default is a blurred version of the map the player is currently on. 
Status: A window including everything on the status screen. Rather difficult to customize as it requires the manual defining of individual components all in one window. While it’s not recommended because of its unwieldiness, it is doable. 
	itemList: ${data} 

With Yanfly’s Status Core (recommended): 
Background: The background of the scene. By default is a blurred version of the map the player is currently on. 
StatusCommand: The menu command buttons that allow for switching between menu pages. Additional commands are compatible with Luna, but require additional assets if necessary according to the command name. 
	itemList: ${data} 
StatusBasic: The main window with actor information such as what their hp/mp/tp is at, if they have any status effects, parameters, etc. Unlike most menus, actors are drawn as components here rather than Lunatic items. 
itemList: ${data} 
StatusInfo: Information box as defined by Yanfly’s Status Core plugin. Varies depending on settings in plugin. 
Help: Contains description and information for specific elements.


Background: The background of the scene. By default is a blurred version of the map the player is currently on. 
SkillType: The window that contains the different tables for skills. With window will exist no matter what, but it’s possible to remove it via setting its position somewhere off screen. 
	itemList: ${data} 
SkillList: The window that contains the actual skill after selecting the type of skill.
	itemList: ${data} 
SkillStatus: The window containing the information of the actor whose skills are being selected. Unlike on most other menus, the actor on this screen is drawn via component rather than Lunatic item. 
MenuActor: The small window that appears when selecting a target for the skill in the menu.
itemList: ${party.members} 
Help: The skill description window.


Background: The background of the scene. By default is a blurred version of the map the player is currently on. 
EquipCommand: The equipment commands for the equipment screen. By default includes options such as “Equip”, “Optimize”, and “Clear”. 
EquipStatus: The status of the character having their equipment changed. Contains information such as stat parameters. 
EquipSlot: The window that contains the equipment slots. 
EquipItem: The window that contains the item selection when picking to equip a slot. 
Help: Item description window. 


MapName: The small window that appears and states the map name when entering a new map. 
Message: Dialogue box window. While it’s possible to customize the message box here, it is recommended to use a plugin instead as it will likely offer more flexibility. 
ScrollText: Related to Show Scrolling Text event command.


BattleStatus: The basic status display of actors in battle. This is what displays when the actor is not currently selected for their turn. 
	itemList: ${party.members}
PartyCommand: The full party command that appears at the start of a battle, often with “fight” and “run” options. This commands the full party to execute an action. 
ActorCommand: The commands that appear when it is an actor’s turn to perform an action during the fight. This is paired with BattleActor and is often a mirror of BattleStatus
BattleActor: What information is displayed when an actor is selected to perform an action. While it is a unique window, it is often a direct copy of BattleStatus
BattleLog: The battlelog that lists what has occured in battle as it  happens. Luna is compatible with most modifications of it, including the icon-based battle log included in Yanfly’s Battle Core. 
BattleSkill: The skill window that appears when selecting skills during an actor’s turn. 
BattleItem: The item window that appears when selecting an item during an actor’s turn. 
BattleEnemy: The window that allows for selection of an enemy to attack. Can be omitted via entering a position off screen. 
Help: The description window. 
Message: In-battle dialogue box. Largely identical to the one in SceneMap, but during battle instead. 
ScrollText: In-battle scroll text.  Largely identical to the one in SceneMap, but during battle instead. 
Window_EnemyVisualSelect: The enemy name window in Yanfly’s Battle Core plugin. Completely optional.