This is the changelog for the version differences in the base code for RPG Maker MZ across the versions.
Update #14: 1.8.0 to 1.8.1
Official Steam Update Notice Link
- rmmz_objects.js
- Version Number Update
- Game_System.prototype.isMessageSkipEnabled function added
- Game_Unit.prototype.substituteBattler function updated
- Substitute mechanic no longer prevents the target from substituting an attack for itself
- rmmz_scenes.js
- Version Number Update
- Scene_Equip.prototype.onSlotOk function updated
- Equip Scene will forcefully select the first slot whenever player picks a slot to equip
- rmmz_windows.js
- Version Number Update
- Window_Message.prototype.cancelWait updated to acknowledge message skip feature
Update #13: 1.7.0 to 1.8.0
Official Steam Update Notice Link
- rmmz_managers.js
- Version Number Update
- BattleManager.isActionForced function added extra conditions to make sure no win or lose conditions are fulfilled
- rmmz_scenes.js
- Version Number Update
- Scene_Boot.prototype.startNormalGame function exchanged a SceneManager.goto from Scene_Title to Scene_Splash
- Scene_Splash added
- Scene_Message.prototype.cancelMessageWait added
- Related to the new ability to fast forward the \| wait timer
- Scene_Map.prototype.updateMainMultiply added cancelMessageWait() to its fastforward mode
- rmmz_windows.js
- Version Number Update
- Window_EventItem.prototype.initialize added new flag for _canRepeat
- Window_Message.prototype.cancelWait added
- Linked to the added Scene_Message.prototype.cancelMessageWait function
Update #12: 1.6.1 to 1.7.0
- rmmz_core.js
- Version Number Update
- Tilemap.prototype._createLayers function updated to use Tilemap.CombinedLayer() instead of Tilemap.Layer()
- New Function: Tilemap.Layer.prototype.size
- New Class: Tilemap.CombinedLayer
- rmmz_managers.js
- Version Number Update
- New Function: DataManager.isTitleSkip
- BattleManager.forceAction updated to check to see if there's existing actions before forcing the battler to perform a forced action
- rmmz_scenes.js
- Version Number Update
- Scene_Boot.prototype.start updated to utilize the new Title Skip functionality
- rmmz_windows.js
- Version Number Update
- Window_ScrollText.prototype.refresh updated to calculate the y position in reference to the scroll position of the window
- Window_ScrollText.prototype.contentsHeight updated to check if allTextHeight variable is larger than 1 before returning a value
- Window_ScrollText.prototype.updateMessage updated to utilize the new scrollY check
Update #11: 1.6.0 to 1.6.1
The core scripts are identical to 1.6.0.
Not even the version numbers are changed to v1.6.1.
Update #10: 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
- rmmz_core.js
- Version Number Update
- Graphics._updateErrorPrinter updated to show errors more relative to window scale
- rmmz_scenes.js
- Version Number Update
- Scene_Boot.prototype.adjustWindow updated to utilize new ScreenScale calculation
- New function: Scene_Boot.prototype.screenScale
- rmmz_windows.js
- Version Number Update
- Window_Base.prototype.convertEscapeCharacters updated to fully convert all \v[x] variables even when embedded.
- rmmz_core.js
- Version Number Update
- The following functions have _tileWidth and _tileHeight variables changed to tileWidth and tileHeight without the underscore _
- Tilemap.prototype.initialize
- Tilemap.prototype.updateTransform
- Tilemap.prototype._addAllSpots
- Tilemap.prototype._addSpot
- Tilemap.prototype._addNormalTile
- Tilemap.prototype._addAutotile
- Tilemap.prototype._addTableEdge
- Tilemap.prototype._addShadow
- rmmz_managers.js
- Version Number Update
- SceneManager.terminate now changed to detect if running a NodeJS client to close the app instead (just like what VisuMZ Core Engine does)
- rmmz_objects.js
- Version Number Update
- Game_Map.prototype.tileWidth updated to grab the new $dataSystem.tileSize property
- Game_Map.prototype.tileHeight now replicates Game_Map.prototype.tileWidth's result
- Game_Map.prototype.bushDepth new function added
- Game_CharacterBase.prototype.refreshBushDepth updated to utilize new bushDepth function
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.command109 added
- Supposedly, this is for an Event Command that will be called "Skip" but I looked inside the RMMZ event editor and there's nothing there so it's probably not implemented yet.
- Oh, this is what it is for:

- You highlight the code you want to "comment out", right click, and click Toggle Skip
- This is good for testing purposes and streamlining your events during testing so that you don't have to go through entire cutscenes to see if a switch was properly turned on at the end.
- rmmz_scenes.js
- Version Number Update
- Scene_Map.prototype.create updated to no longer check for a non-existent $dataMap or a changed $gameMap.mapId() (since it's results in the same thing anyway)
- rmmz_sprites.js
- Version Number Update
- Sprite_Character.prototype.updateFrame no longer checks to see if the sprite's bitmap is loaded and ready
- Sprite_Enemy.prototype.initMembers updated the _battlerName variable to start with null instead of "" to avoid conflict
- rmmz_sprites.js
- Version Number Update
- Sprite_Character.prototype.updateFrame updated
- Now checks to see if the bitmap is loaded and ready before making changes to the tile frame, presumably to avoid updating into errors when there is either no bitmap or the bitmap is in the middle of transitioning into some other image.
- rmmz_managers.js
- Version Number Update
- BattleManager.updateTurnEnd updated to remove this.startInput() and replaced it with this._phase = "start"
- This might be potentially troublesome
- rmmz_sprites.js
- Version Number Update
- Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateParallax updated to scale better for mobile devices
- rmmz_core.js
- Version Number Update
- Bitmap.prototype.measureTextWidth returns width value, no longer rounded upwards
- rmmz_managers.js
- Version Number Update
- SceneManager.updateEffekseer will now only update if the game is currently active, too
- Function endAllBattlersTurn() is removed from BattleManager.endTurn and placed into BattleManager.updateTurnEnd
- BattleManager.checkAbort now checks if all party members are escaped before aborting to prevent a game over
- New Function added: BattleManager.processPartyEscape
- BattleManager.endBattle now clears any reserved common events
- rmmz_objects.js
- Version Number Update
- New function added: Game_Temp.prototype.clearCommonEventReservation
- New function added: Game_Timer.prototype.frames
- Game_Party.prototype.battleMembers function updated to use new functions:
- New function added: Game_Party.prototype.hiddenBattleMembers
- New function added: Game_Party.prototype.allBattleMembers
- New function added: Game_Party.prototype.isEscaped
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.command111 (Conditional Branch) updated to utilize the Game Timer frames function
- rmmz_sprites.js
- Version Number Update
- Sprite_Animation.prototype.shouldWaitForPrevious function is now completely disabled
- Sprite_Gauge.measureLabelWidth now rounds up the returned value
- rmmz_core.js
- Version Number Update
- New function added: Utils.extractFileName
- rmmz_managers.js
- Version Number Update
- Updated functions:
- ImageManager.isObjectCharacter
- ImageManager.isBigCharacter
- ImageManager.isZeroParallax
- PluginManager.setup
- To utilize the Utils.extractFileName for parsing extended filepaths
- rmmz_scenes.js
- Version Number Update
- Updated function:
- Scene_Item.prototype.createItemWindow
- Removed this._itemWindow.createContents()
- rmmz_sprites.js
- Version Number Update
- Updated functions:
- Sprite_Animation.prototype.initMembers
- Removed this._originalViewport = null
- Sprite_Animation.prototype._render
- Removed this.saveViewport(renderer)
- Sprite_Animation.prototype.resetViewport
- Updated code to, 0, renderer.view.width, renderer.view.height)
- Sprite_Gauge.prototype.bitmapHeight
- Changed value from 24 to 32
- Sprite_Gauge.prototype.drawLabel
- Sprite_Gauge.prototype.drawValue
- Changed a line to const height = this.textHeight() from const height = this.bitmapHeight()
- Added function:
- Sprite_Gauge.prototype.textHeight
- Removed function:
- Sprite_Animation.prototype.saveViewport
Changes will be included in the next update list.
There aren't any changes made to the code base, but there are for the editor.
The aforementioned bugs are now fixed and the lag is now gone. Hooray! Go wild, download, back up your game, and update!
Download Standalone Update Here
NOTE: I highly recommend not updating to this version yet. There are a lot of lag issues going on and there's functionality lost regarding setting tiles as event graphics.
- rmmz_core.js
- Version Number Update
- Graphics.resize function updated with app.renderer.resize line added
- Tilemap.Renderer.prototype._createShader updated uSampler1 and uSampler2's values from 1 and 2 to 0 (both)
- Window.prototype._refreshBack calculations for tiling sprite are now different (and will most likely be fixed compared to before)
- rmmz_objects
- Version Number Update
- Game_System.prototype.windowOpacity function added
- Game_Character.prototype.processRouteEnd updated to set forced movement success to false
- rmmz_sprites.js
- Version Number Update
- Sprite_Actor.prototype.setBattler updated so that when no battler is set, the battler name cache is cleared, too
- rmmz_windows.js
- Version Number Update
- Window_Base.prototype.updateBackOpacity updated to now take in the new database entry
- Window_ChoiceList.prototype.start updated to automatically scroll back to the top
- Window_Message.prototype.updateMessage and Window_Message.prototype.shouldBreakHere updated to use the new function:
- Window_Message.prototype.isWaiting new function added to determine waiting
NOTE: I highly recommend not updating to this version yet. There are a lot of lag issues going on and there's functionality lost regarding setting tiles as event graphics.
- rmmz_core.js
- Version Number Update
- Graphics._createEffekseerContext function updated with setRestorationOfStatesFlag function
- Window.prototype._refreshBack updated to use a value of 95 instead of 96 to avoid blurring edges
- rmmz_scenes.js
- Version Number Update
- Scene_Item.prototype.createItemWindow
- rmmz_sprites.js
- Version Number Update
- Sprite_Animation.prototype.onAfterRender removed contextChange function
- Sprite_Gauge.prototype.measureLabelWidth updated to take global widths of HP, MP, and TP for visual consistency
- rmmz_core.js
- Version Number Update
- Bitmap.prototype.measureTextWidth now returns a rounded value
- rmmz_objects.js
- Version Number Update
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.command119 aka Jump to Label now breaks upon finding a match instead of a return.
- This results in saving a frame count.
- rmmz_windows.js
- Version Number Update
- Window_Base.prototype.drawFace now uses a rounded value for sx and sy
- Window_MenuStatus.prototype.drawItemStatus now uses a rounded value for y
- Window_ScrollText.prototype.startMessage checks if there is text first
- rmmz_managers.js
- Version Number Update
- StorageManager.saveToForage updated to arrow function
- StorageManager.removeForage updated to arrow function
- EffectManager.startLoading arguments added for onError
- BattleManager.startAction now cancels the subject's motion refresh
- rmmz_objects.js
- Version Number Update
- Game_Battler.prototype.cancelMotionRefresh function added
- Game_Actor.prototype.makeAutoBattleActions updated from Number.MIN_VALUE to -Number.MAX_VALUE
- Game_Map.prototype.screenTileX rounds to the nearest whole number
- Game_Map.prototype.screenTileY rounds to the nearest whole number
- Game_Player.prototype.centerX is now calculated using the $gameMap.screenTileX() function
- Game_Player.prototype.centerY is now calculated using the $gameMap.screenTileY() function
- rmmz_sprites.js
- Version Number Update
- Sprite_Animation.prototype.targetSpritePosition can now align to bottom
- Sprite_Gauge.prototype.gaugeX is now calculated using measureLabelWidth function for generic gauges
- Sprite_Gauge.prototype.measureLabelWidth function added
End of Page
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