Card Game Deck Builder (Irina)

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This is a plugin created for RPG Maker MV.

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Masterarbeit Writer

Atelier Irina


This is a plugin created by Atelier Irina.

You can also follow Atelier Irina on

RPG Maker Version

This plugin is made for and tested on RPG Maker MV with version 1.6.2. I cannot guarantee if it works on lower versions. Some of the plugin parameters require the later updates of RPG Maker MV for you to be able to use their entries so please update RPG Maker MV to the latest version if you want the best experience in using this plugin.

Terms of Use

You are only allowed to use the plugins made by Atelier Irina if you agree to all of the following:

  1. These plugins may be used in free or commercial games.
  2. 'RPG Maker Irina' must be given credit in your games.
  3. You are allowed to edit the code.
  4. Do NOT change the filename, parameters, and information of the plugin.
  5. You are NOT allowed to redistribute these Plugins.
  6. You may NOT take code for your own released Plugins.

Required Plugins

The following plugins are required in order to use this plugin.

Place the following plugins above this plugin located in the Plugin Manager.

Extension Plugins

The following plugins are Extension Plugins that require this plugin as its Parent Plugin.

Place the following plugins below this plugin located in the Plugin Manager if you plan on using them.


This file is the second of three files to be included in the collectible card game set of plugins and it primarily focuses on the deck building aspect of the plugin set. In any kind of game that offers a CCG to play with, it must have a strong deck builder and this plugin adds that scene to your game. It can be accessible through the main menu or through script call.

What comes with this deck builder is the ability to make decks based on different rulesets, letting the player make their own decks, naming them, choosing deck boxes, deck sleeves, changing up the order of decks, filtering certain cards while deck building, sorting them, and more.


As this is the second piece, it will require the first plugin to be installed and located above this file in the Plugin Manager list inside your game project.

While the Deck Builder add-on is mostly plug and play, please go through the Plugin Parameters and make sure that the settings for the game are to your liking. Otherwise, do not be surprised that things will look weird in your game if you do not adjust them properly according to your game.

It is recommended that you download the assets pack to get started with the projet. Everything should go into their respective folders structured in the assets pack archive file.

Plugin Parameters

There are Plugin Parameters that you may configure for this plugin.

There are a lot of plugin parameters. You must set these up properly if you wish to make this project work. Here's what each plugin parameter do.


Deck Rulesets

This is a list of the various deck rulesets that can be used by the card game. A deck ruleset determines the minimum deck size, maximum deck size, maximum copies of a card that a deck can have, and more.

Deck Rulesets: Name

This is the name of the deck ruleset. Make sure that the ruleset name is different from other ruleset names if you want to avoid confusion. It will be used in a variety of places such as help descriptions.

Deck Rulesets: Unlock Switch

The ruleset may or may not be available from the start of the game. If it requires a switch, then the switch must be on before the player is able to build decks using that ruleset. Otherwise, it is available automatically.

Deck Rulesets: Description

This is the help description that accompanies this ruleset while the player is selecting a ruleset before going to edit their decks. Provide a proper description of what the ruleset entails.

Deck Rulesets: Ruleset Image

When the player is picking a ruleset, this is the image used with the ruleset. The images are located in the game project's img/pictures/ folder.

Deck Rulesets: Minimum Deck Size

This is the minimum number of cards that need to be inside a deck going by this ruleset. While the player can prematurely save a deck that has not met the minimum deck size, that deck will not be considered valid for play by the game.

Deck Rulesets: Maximum Deck Size

This is the maximum number of cards that can be placed inside a deck. Deck sizes can go up to this number but not beyond it. If this number is set to 0, then there is no maximum deck size and the player can add all the cards they want to the deck.

Deck Rulesets: Max Copies of Cards

This is the maximum number of copies of a single card that can be added to the deck and extra copies of said cards cannot go beyond it. If this number is set to 0, then there is no maximum and the player can add any number of copies they want.

Deck Rulesets: JS: Filter Rules

If you wish to have the ruleset filter out certain cards, like specific rarities, elements, levels, power, etc., use JavaScript code to perform that filtering.

Deck Rulesets: JS: Restriction Rules

If you wish to have the ruleset restrict the number of copies of cards that may be added to a deck (provided that it doesn't go against the "Max Copies of Cards" plugin parameter), use JavaScript code to restrict the amount of copies you want to allow for this ruleset.


Main Menu Settings

These settings determine if the Deck Builder option will show up in the main menu and how it will appear text-wise. If you are using Yanfly's Main Menu Manager plugin, there is a section later in the help file to tell you how to integrate it into the menu. These settings can also be changed by script calls in-game.

WARNING: If the player does not have a single card in their inventory, the Deck Builder option will -NOT- appear regardless of what your plugin parameters have it set to.


Deck Builder Scene

These control the basic UI and visual aspects of the deck builder scene.

Deck Builder Scene: Icons

These are the icons used for marking a card/deck's level, power, and/or health (if your game opts to show health).

Deck Builder Scene: Parallax Background Image

If you wish to use a parallax background image for the scene, change the settings here to your liking. You can even set the scrolling speeds for the parallax image.

Deck Builder Scene: Transparent Windows

The windows (save for a few) can be made transparent in the scene. If you want them to appear transparent, they will not obscure the background. Otherwise, the game's window skin will show on them.


Select Ruleset

These plugin parameter options here let you decide how to make the ruleset selection process look like. You can determine the text displayed, the number of columns of cards to use, and more.

WARNING: If there is only one ruleset available for the player, then this part of the Deck Builder scene will be skipped.


Select Deck

After selecting a ruleset (or if there is none), players will reach this step where they have to select a deck to edit or create a new one. In the deck selection screen, it will list all the decks available to the player, a preview window that displays deck boxes/cards, a ratio window, and a contents window that displays the cards inside of a deck.

Select Deck: Preview Window

This window will display the deck box of the selected deck if the player is browsing through the deck list. If the player is browsing through the contents window, it will display the card. You can change the settings here for what's displayed and how it's displayed. JavaScript knowledge is required to move it around and change its dimensions via initialize.

Select Deck: Deck List Window

This window will display the player's decks along with a create new deck option, which, as you can guess, allows the player to create a new deck. Change the settings here to change how it appears. JavaScript knowledge is required to move it around and change its dimensions via initialize.

Select Deck: Ratio Window

This window will display the card averages, ratios, and card count for the selected deck. You may have to manually edit the RatioGauge image found in the img/pictures/ folder if you have a different series of elements that you're using. Everything else requires JavaScript knowledge to change what is displayed.

Select Deck: Contents Window

This window will display a list of the cards that the deck holds. JavaScript knowledge is required to move it around and change its dimensions via initialize.


Deck Command Window

If the player does not pick Create New Deck and instead, picks a deck on the list, the command window pops up giving the player options on what they want to do with the deck. The plugin parameters let you change their command name and help description. Some other commands have specific traits that can also be altered.

Deck Command Window: Edit Deck

Puts the player into Deck Editing mode. More on that in a later section of the help file.

Deck Command Window: Rename Deck

Lets the player rename the deck. This works with Yanfly's Key Name Entry if you want keyboard typing access for naming stuff. You can download it from here: Key Name Entry

Deck Command Window: Favorite/Unfavorite

Lets the player favorite/unfavorite their decks. Favorited decks will have a different icon than normal ones.

Deck Command Window: Change Box

Allows the player to swap out the deck box used for the currently selected deck. The plugin parameters let you decide which ones are available by default. Players can unlock more deck boxes through items with specific notetags in them (explained later in the helpfile).

Deck Command Window: Change Sleeves

Allows the player to swap out the deck sleeves used for the currently selected deck. This does not show up anywhere except during the card game. There are no default sleeves and they will be "empty" using the default card back set up in the Card Game Core plugin parameters. Players can unlock deck sleeves through items with specific notetags in them (explained later in the helpfile). If there are no unlocked deck sleeves, this option will not appear in the command window.

Deck Command Window: Order

What happens if players don't like the order of the deck list? They can reorder them with this command.

Deck Command Window: Delete Deck

And if a player decides it's time to sack a deck, this command will delete the deck from the list.


Deck Building Windows

Upon selecting Create New Deck or Edit Deck, the player is taken to these windows where the player can filter cards, sort cards, add and remove them from the currently selected deck.

Deck Building Windows: Filter/Sort Window

This window lets the player filter cards shown in the inventory window by specific elements. The player can also sort them by level, power, and/or health (if enabled). The majority of these settings are icons. JavaScript knowledge is required to move it around and change its dimensions via initialize.

Deck Building Windows: Inventory Window

This window displays the cards that are available to the player from the player's inventory. The player can add cards from here to the deck or the player can tab over to the contents window to remove them. The plugin parameter settings let you adjust the number of columns and rows you want to display for the inventory window so that it better fits your game's resolution and card size. JavaScript knowledge is required to move it around and change its dimensions via initialize.



RPG Maker MV's editor is unable to allow for custom traits/properties that a game dev may wish to associate with a database object, event, map, etc. Notetags are used to work around such limitations by allowing the game dev to tag certain traits/properties using specific Notetags declared by the related plugin.

Here is a list of Notetag(s) that you may use.


The following are notetags that you can use with your items to unlock new deck boxes or deck sleeves.

--- Item Notetags ---

<Deck Box: filename> - Replace 'filename' with the filename of a graphic from img/pictures/ to unlock this deck box image for the player if this item is in their inventory. This is case sensitive.

<Deck Sleeves: filename> - Replace 'filename' with the filename of a graphic from img/pictures/ to unlock this deck sleeves image for the player if this item is in their inventory. This is case sensitive.

Script Calls

$hideCardGameDeckBuilder(); $showCardGameDeckBuilder(); - Use these script calls to hide/show the Deck Builder command in the main menu screen respectively.

$disableCardGameDeckBuilder(); $enableCardGameDeckBuilder(); - Use these script calls to disable/enable the Deck Builder command in the main menu screen respectively.

$openCardGameDeckBuilder(); - Use this script call to open up the Deck Builder scene unless the player is currently in battle.

Main Menu Integration

For people using Yanfly's YEP_MainMenuManager (if not, why aren't you?), and would like to integrate the Deck Builder into the Main Menu, use these settings below:

Name: 'Deck Builder'
   Symbol: cardGameDeckBuilder
Show: $gameSystem.isCardGameDeckBuilderVisible()
  Enabled: $gameSystem.isCardGameDeckBuilderEnabled()
Main Bind: this.commandCardGameDeckBuilder.bind(this)

Actor Bind:

Insert the above setup within a Main Menu Manager slot. Provided you copy the exact settings to where you need it, it will appear there while using all of the naming, enabling, disabling, hiding, and showing effects done by the plugin parameters.