Luna Engine Configuration Guide

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Welcome to the wiki! This is where you can find resources from, Æ,
VisuStella, Caz Wolf, Fallen Angel Olivia, Atelier Irina, and other affiliated content creators.

Common Terms

This is a list of common terms you will find throughout all the configurations.

components A map of components and windows in the scene. The key is the window class name. Default windows (windows that are defined by RMMV) will have a more friendly name defined by LunaEngine. For the config of each component, see Component table.

It is important to remember that Components are only shown once and are not updated every instance.

layouts A map of layouts in the scene. MainLayout is required as it is the scene itself. The name of layout can be anything. See Layout table for more information.
events A conditional that triggers something to happen. Exclusively used for common UI animations such as transition in, transition out, on option select, and other similar effects.
lunatic Lunatic mode for each component. The key name will be the key name of component/window you want to activate lunatic mode.

Lunatic is always updated for every instance.

lunatic item A special type of component that is rendered for every entry in a list of data. Examples include things such as per party member during battle screens/status screens, per skill on skill screen, per item on the item screen, per command on a menu, etc.
type Defines what type of asset is rendered or how it is rendered. Examples for type of asset include: image, text, grid. Examples for styles of rendering include: horizontal, vertical, freestyle, fixed. Scenes/screens are also defined by type. In this case, the type will be scene, this to make sure LunaEngine knows this config is a scene config.
version This is a marker to see what version or iteration your current configuration is. This is helpful to keep track of your changes and what version has a previous feature you might’ve removed and what returned and so forth.

Common Config Commands

type: <string> 

Type is what kind of component you are using. Depending on what the type is defining, there are a number of valid strings.

version: 0.0.0 

Version, also known as Version History, is to keep track what version your Luna Config is. It is useful for Version Control and keep track of changes.

x: <number> 

X indicates either the width or horizontal position. A bigger number moves the object right, where a smaller number moves it left. Negatives are allowed for position.

y: <number> 

Y indicates either the height or vertical position. A bigger number moves the object down, where a smaller number moves it up. Negatives are allowed for position.

image: <string> 

Specifies the source image file. By default, Luna looks for all source files in the “systems” folder. Via encasing the filename (without file extension) in quotation marks, it’s possible to direct Luna to a subfolder. For Example:

image: "battlehud\cursor" 

Global Templates


This yaml file is used for general configuration, something like a core engine. When using a “default” setting in any YML, it will refer back to the presets. It is possible to define multiple presets as long as they all have their individual names.

type: presets # Defines this as the preset configuration
version: 0.1.0 # Defines the version number

presets: # Indicates the below as different presets
  default:  # name of the preset. Input this into the configuration to call data entered into this preset. 
    fontName: DS Pixel Cyr  # Name of font in the font folder. Do not include font file extensions. 
    fontSize: 16 # Size of font
    fontOutline: # Indicates how the font outline is drawn. In pixels.
      enable: true  # Tells Luna you want font outlines
      lineWidth: 4  # Width of the font outline
      lineColor: rgba(16, 16, 16, 1)  # Colour of the font outline and transparency. 
    fontShadow:  # Indicates below defines the font shadow
      enable: true  # Tells Luna you want font shadows
      shadowOffset:  # Indicates shadow offset distance. In pixels. 
        x: 2   # Horizontal offset (bigger = more right, negatives accepted)
        y: 2  # Vertical offset (bigger = more down, negatives accepted)
      shadowColor: rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.6)   # The colour and transparency of the shadow
      shadowBlur: 4  # The amount of blur on the shadow (bigger = more blur)

    lineHeight: 36 # Space between lines of text. (bigger = more space). In pixels.
    textPadding: 6 
    windowPadding: 18   # Padding around the edge of the window. (bigger = more padding). In pixels. 

      x: 0
      y: 4
    gaugeHeight: 16
      enable: true
      lineWidth: 2
      lineColor: rgba(16, 16, 16, 1)
    gaugeSlanted: true

    windowSkin: BlueWindowSkin   # Name of the windowskin used without file extensions 
    Cursor:   # Indicates below defines the cursor
      type: normal # normal / image / none |Normal uses the one included in window skin. Image, allows for the use of a seperate image instead. None means an invisible cursor.
      blink: true   # Includes whether blink animation is used
      image: cursor   # Name of the image used if image type is used. Setting to “none” produces an invisible cursor
      offset:  # Offset of the position of the cursor
        x: 0  # Horizontal offset (bigger = more right, negatives accepted)
        y: 0  # Vertical offset (bigger = more down, negatives accepted)

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands

Common Config Commands