Category:Comment Tags (MV)

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Revision as of 15:31, 27 June 2019 by Yanfly (talk | contribs)
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VisuStella, Caz Wolf, Fallen Angel Olivia, Atelier Irina, and other affiliated content creators.

Battle BGM Control

To make a specific battle play a certain BGM upon loading the battle, make a
comment in one of the Troop's event pages. Insert the following comment tags
to have it trigger a specific BGM to play when the battle starts.

Troop Event Comment Tags:

  <Battle BGM Name: filename>
  - Replace 'filename' with the filename of the BGM you wish to play at the
  start of battle without the file extension. The filename is also case
  sensitive. For example, if you wish to play Battle3.m4a, replace
  'filename' with only 'Battle3' and no '.m4a' in the tag. This is the only
  required tag. Once this tag is detected, only the remainder of the event
  page will be scanned. Other pages in the troop will be ignored.

  <Battle BGM Volume: x>
  - Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 100. This determines the volume
  of the BGM being played when the battle starts. This is an optional tag.
  If not used, it will default to a volume of 90.

  <Battle BGM Pitch: x>
  - Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 100. This determines the pitch
  of the BGM being played when the battle starts. This is an optional tag.
  If not used, it will default to a pitch of 0.

  <Battle BGM Pan: +x>
  <Battle BGM Pan: -x>
  - Replace 'x' with a number between -100 and 100. This determines the pan
  of the BGM being played when the battle starts. This is an optional tag.
  If not used, it will default to a pan of 0.

Event Click Trigger

To make an event click triggerable from anywhere on the screen, use either
notetags or comment tags to enable them to become clickable. If a notetag is
used, then this will apply to the whole event, no matter what page it is. If
only comment tags are used, it will only apply to that specific event page.

Event Notetag and Comment Tags

  <Click Trigger>
  - This will cause the event to be clickable from afar without needing the
  player to walk all the way up in front of it to trigger it.

Event Hitbox Resize

To make an event's hitbox larger, use either notetags or comment tags to
apply the hitbox enlargement. If a notetag is used, this will apply to the
event no matter what the page is. If a comment tag is used, it will
overwrite whatever setting the notetags have.

Event Notetag and Comment Tags:

  <Hitbox Up: x>
  <Hitbox Left: x>
  <Hitbox Right: x>
  <Hitbox Down: x>
  - This will expand the hitbox upward, left, right, or down by x. The value
  inserted for x will extend the hitbox that direction by that many tiles.
  If any of these notetags are used, it will make the event immobile, unable
  to move unless the movement type is set to "Through", allowing it to pass
  through anything.

Event Mini Label

Comment tags are 'notetags' used within the lines of an event's comments.
The reason I'm using the comment tags instead of the notetags is because
each page of an event can yield a different potential name.

To use this, make a comment within the event you wish to make the mini
label for and insert the following:

  <Mini Label: text>
  This will display the 'text' above the event. You can use text codes for
  this comment tag and it will create dynamic messages.

  <Mini Label Font Size: x>
  This will change the font size used for the mini label to x. If this tag
  isn't used, the font size will be the default value in the parameters.

  <Mini Label X Buffer: +x>
  <Mini Label X Buffer: -x>
  This will adjust the X buffer for the mini label by x value. If this tag
  isn't used, the X buffer will be the default value in the parameters.

  <Mini Label Y Buffer: +x>
  <Mini Label Y Buffer: -x>
  This will adjust the Y buffer for the mini label by x value. If this tag
  isn't used, the Y buffer will be the default value in the parameters.

  <Always Show Mini Label>
  This will make the mini label to always be shown, even when the plugin
  command to hide mini labels is used.

  <Mini Label Range: x>
  The player will have to be within x tiles of this event in order for the
  mini label to appear visibly.

  <Mini Label Require Facing>
  This will require the player to be facing the direction of the event in
  order for the mini label to appear.