State Categories (YEP)

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This is a plugin created for RPG Maker MV.

For help on how to install plugins, click here.

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Masterarbeit Writer

Required Plugins

The following plugins are required in order to use this plugin.

Place the following plugins above this plugin located in the Plugin Manager.

Yanfly Engine Plugins

This plugin is a part of the Yanfly Engine Plugins library.


This plugin requires YEP_BuffsStatesCore. Make sure this plugin is located
under YEP_BuffsStatesCore in the plugin list.

This plugin allows you to set categories for your states. They can be one
category, multiple categories, or no categories. With this in mind, there's
a few new features this plugin provides that pertains to this category
system such as removal of states under a certain category and the ability to
have them bypass certain key removal aspects such as on Death removal or
Recover All removal.



RPG Maker MV's editor is unable to allow for custom traits/properties that a game dev may wish to associate with a database object, event, map, etc. Notetags are used to work around such limitations by allowing the game dev to tag certain traits/properties using specific Notetags declared by the related plugin.

Here is a list of Notetag(s) that you may use.


Use the following notetags to alter various properties revolving around
state categories for your database objects.

State Notetags:

  <Category: text>
  Adds the 'text' category to this state. You can insert multiples of this
  notetag to give a state multiple categories.

  <Category: Bypass Death Removal>
  Adds the 'Bypass Death Removal' category to the state. This is a category
  utilized by the plugin to bypass removal of it upon death.

  <Category: Bypass Recover All Removal>
  Adds the 'Bypass Recover All Removal' category to the state. This is a
  category utilized by the plugin to bypass removal of it upon using the
  Recover All event.

  <Category: Group Defeat>
  Adds the 'Group Defeat' category to the state. If all group members are
  afflicted by states that have this effect, it is considered a lost battle.

Skill and Item Notetags:

  <Remove State Category: text>
  Causes this action to remove all states from category 'text' from the
  action's target. This will not attempt to remove passive states.

  <Remove x State Category: text>
  Causes this action to remove x states from category 'text' from the
  action's target. The states removed will be the front x states of highest
  to lowest priority with the matching category text. This will not attempt
  to remove passive states.

Lunatic Mode


For advanced users who have an understanding of JavaScript, you can use the following features added by the plugin to further enhance what you can do with your game project.

Custom State Category Removal
For those with JavaScript experience and would like to remove a dynamic
number of states of a pertaining category, you can do so with the following

Skill and Item Notetags:

  <Custom Remove State Category: text>
   value += user.level;
   value -= target.level;
  </Custom Remove State Category: text>
  The 'value' variable is the amount of states to be removed by the action.
  If there was a <Remove x State Category: text> in the skill/item notebox,
  then the 'value' variable will start off with that amount. If not, the
  'value' variable will start off at 1.

Script Calls


Script Calls are event commands that are used to run JavaScript code during an event to call upon unique functions, usually added by the related plugin.

Here is a list of Script Call(s) that you may use:

For those with JavaScript experience, you can use the following functions
newly added with this plugin. The 'battler' variable refers to either an
actor or an enemy.

--- Functions ---

- This will remove all states of the category 'text' from the battler.
Replace 'text' with the category name but keep the quotes. This will not
attempt to remove passive states.

battler.removeStateCategory('text', x);
- This will remove x states of the category 'text' from the battler. Replace
'text' with the category name but keep the quotes. Replace x with a number.
This will not attempt to remove passive states.

- This will return a 'true' or 'false' after checking if battler is affected
by a state with category 'text'. Replace 'text' with the category name but
keep the quotes. This will check even passive states.

- This will return a number value to see how many states (passives included)
the battler is affected by with the category 'text'. Replace 'text' with the
category name but keep the quotes.

Tips & Tricks

The following Tips & Tricks effects use this plugin:


Version 1.07:
- Bypass the isDevToolsOpen() error when bad code is inserted into a script
call or custom Lunatic Mode code segment due to updating to MV 1.6.1.

Version 1.06:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.

Version 1.05a:
- Lunatic Mode fail safes added.
- Fixed a documentation error with <Custom Remove State Category: text>.

Version 1.04:
- Compatibility update with Selection Control to not game over the player
while there are still members alive.

Version 1.03:
- States with <Category: Bypass Death Removal> can now be added onto already
dead battlers.

Version 1.02:
- When using the JavaScript functions, the categories will now automatically
be converted to uppercase to function with the rest of the plugin.

Version 1.01:
- Added <Category: Group Defeat> effect.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!