Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ

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This is a plugin created for RPG Maker MZ.




Click here for help on how to install plugins and an explanation on the Tier Hierarchy System.

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Masterarbeit Writer

BattleGridSystem Preview1.png

Required Plugins

The following plugins are required in order to use this plugin.

Place the following plugins above this plugin located in the Plugin Manager.

VisuStella MZ

This plugin is a part of the VisuStella MZ Plugin Library.

Click here if you want to help support VisuStella on Patreon.



This plugin changes battles to utilize a grid system. The grid will be composed of nodes for each team and battlers can move amongst them. By being on top of specific nodes, different strategies can be employed such as making certain skills available to use while on such nodes or applying unique passive state effects.

Features include all (but not limited to) the following:

  • Battles are changed to employ a grid system and places nodes across the battlefield for battlers to position themselves on top of.
  • Battlers can move between their team's nodes and give themselves a better position for battle. Battlers cannot move to the opposing team's nodes.
  • Ranks and Flanks determine each node's position. Depending on the Rank and Flank a node is on, different properties can be employed.
  • Certain skills and items can only be used while standing on top of certain nodes as a new type of usage requirement.
  • Skills and items can move the user and/or the targets around on the battle grid in a variety of ways, such as switching or crashing into other battlers and inflicting crash damage.
  • Skills and items can have their range restricted to certain Ranks and Flanks declared by notetags.
  • Some skills and items can have their range restricted based on the weapon equipped by the user, allow for melee-only targeting or the whole range of the battle field grid.
  • Skills and items can directly select which nodes, Ranks, or Flanks to target for attacks or healing.
  • Area of Effect notetags allow players to create skills and items that can affect more than one target based on positioning.
  • Nodes can give passive state effects while battlers stand on top of them.
  • Nodes can house triggers, which are skill actions that will set off once a battler stands on top of that node. Triggers can be used to deal damage, heal battlers, apply status ailments, and more.
  • Skills and items can be used to plant passive states and/or action triggers on specific Nodes!
  • Some skills and items can have special effects like teleporting to a specific Node, pulling all members of unit towards a specific Node, or even pushing them away.
  • The Grid Tactics scene allows players to adjust where they want the party members to start. Let the player decide which nodes to start individual party members on.


This plugin is made for RPG Maker MZ. This will not work in other iterations of RPG Maker.

Required Plugin List

This plugin requires the above listed plugins to be installed inside your game's Plugin Manager list in order to work. You cannot start your game with this plugin enabled without the listed plugins.

Tier 2

This plugin is a Tier 2 plugin. Place it under other plugins of lower tier value on your Plugin Manager list (ie: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

This is to ensure that your plugins will have the best compatibility with the rest of the VisuStella MZ Plugin library.

Grid System Mechanics

This section explains the various changes and new mechanics regarding the battle grid system.


Ranks, Flanks, and Nodes

BattleGridSystem Preview1.png


Each visually vertical column is called a "Rank". The name is from miliary usage for rows of soldiers standing side by side, also sometimes known as "files" or "lines". The numbering starts at the center of the grid going outward for each team.

          Enemy Team       Ally Team
    4    3    2    1       1    2    3    4
    4    3    2    1       1    2    3    4
    4    3    2    1       1    2    3    4


Each visually horizontal row is called a "Flank". The name is from military usage to referance the sides of a formation, also sometimes known as the "wings" of a formation. The number starts at the top of the grid going to the bottom of the grid.

          Enemy Team       Ally Team
    1    1    1    1       1    1    1    1
    2    2    2    2       2    2    2    2
    3    3    3    3       3    3    3    3


The points at which each Rank and Flank intersects is called a "Node". Every battler will be positioned on a node and only one battler can be on a node at any given time.

          Enemy Team       Ally Team
  4,1  3,1  2,1  1,1       1,1  2,1  3,1  4,1
  4,2  3,2  2,2  1,2       1,1  2,2  3,2  4,2
  4,3  3,3  2,3  1,3       1,3  2,3  3,3  4,3


Battler Movement

BattleGridSystem Movement.gif



Actors can use the "Move" command to move to any allowed node based on their moveset rulings. By default, this means they can only move to adjacent nodes relative to their current position.

Upon moving via the "Move" command, the command can undergo cooldown where the actor must wait a set amount of turns before being able to "Move" again. The cooldown amount can be adjusted through the Plugin Parameters.

Also upon moving via the "Move" command, the actor can also end their turn immediately. This is an optional command and can be adjusted per actor with notetags or by default through the Plugin Parameters.

Actors that are charmed, berserk, or on Auto-Battle will not use the "Move" command. The move command requires the actor to be able to move, too.



Enemies do not have a "Move" command and therefore, do not move by default. Instead, the best way to have enemies move is to create movement Skills and have their battle AI perform them. These skills are best left as enemy-only skills that actors do not have access to.

Their accessibility and frequency of use to move skills have no bearing to and from the nature of movement effects. However, certain effects may stop the movement effects associated with the skills such as the Battle Core notetag <Battler Sprite Cannot Move> for enemies.


Actors and Enemies Stay on Their Sides

Actors and enemies will not move onto the nodes belonging to the opposing unit. This means actors will always be on the rightmost nodes while enemies will be on the leftmost nodes. They CANNOT cross over into each other's territory as this plugin does not support that grid gameplay style. The nodes that belong to each unit's side will stay on those sides. Ownership of a node's team cannot be switched.


Movement Features



BattleGridSystem Switching.gif

If a battler moves onto a node that already has an allied battler on it, then the two battlers can switch places. The place switching will only occur if done on the acting battler's own intention or by another ally battler. Switching can be disabled by Plugin Parameters.

Certain notetags can also prevent a battler from being able to switch such as the <Battler Sprite Cannot Move> enemy-only notetag available from the VisuMZ Battle Core.

However! If a battler is dead, regardless of all other notetag properties, the corpse becomes node-switchable. The reason for this is because it helps prevent a soft-lock state in which either the player or enemy side cannot perform actions due to their current node location (think of melee battlers being stuck behind a wall of corpses loaded on the front row). By being able to move and switch nodes with corpses, soft lock scenarios can be solved. This setting can also be adjusted as a Plugin Parameter for those who feel confident in their ability to design their battles where soft locks are impossible to happen with.

If the Plugin Parameter is changed to disallow switching with corpses, this will only apply to corpses that remain visible. Corpses that fade away with collapse effects will not apply and can still be switched (even though invisible after).



BattleGridSystem Crashback.gif

If a battler uses a skill that moves an opposing battler onto a node with another opposing battler, then collision occurs. The target opposing battler that should be knocked back will return to their original position while both colliding battlers take knockback damage.


Battle Grid Tactics

BattleGridSystem Preview2.png


This is an optional feature.

You can turn on "Battle Grid Tactics" to allow for players to set up the starting positions of where the individual members of the party will go when a battle starts.

This adds a new command to the Main Menu, which takes the player to a scene where they can customize their battle grid tactics layout.

If this feature is not used, then the starting positions of individual party members will depend on the notetags used to determine their battle starting ranks and flanks.


Major Changes

This plugin adds some new hard-coded features to RPG Maker MZ's functions. The following is a list of them.


Sideview Only

BattleGridSystem Preview1.png

If your game is NOT using sideview and you are using the Battle Grid System, then the plugin will automatically enforce the sideview property. The reason behind this is because the grid system is specifically made for sideview visuals and controls. Therefore, it will not work without it.

As such, some visual properties are also changed with this. Battlers will no longer step forward or backward when it's their turn to actively input a command. The reason behind this is because it causes a visual discrepancy with the grid node they're supposed to be standing at. And depending on the size of the grid node, it may cause confusion as to where the battler is actually standing. Therefore, the plugin will keep the battlers at their node location while inputting or performing the start of their actions.


Max Battle Members

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There is a limit to how many battle members you can bring into battle based off the number of available nodes (Ranks x Flanks). If you have too few, then the plugin will warn you and then halt the game.

If you are using Battle Grid Tactics, the optional feature to let players determine where they want the party members to start at, then a maximum of 20 party members can be used in order to match the Plugin Parameter limits. If the max number becomes more than 20 members, it will be automatically capped to 20 members.


Temporary Tactical Formations

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Temporary formations are very specific formations that will overwrite what settings the player has made. These involve specific rank/flank positions per party member (though some can be automatic). With temporary formations in play, the player cannot change them outside of battle. However, once in battle, the positions can be changed through the movement command and/or action effects.

When a temporary formation is present, menu and battle commands involving changing party members will be disabled.

Once a temporary formation is disbanded, the player's self-made formation settings will be returned and the player can readjust tactical formations once more.


Extra Features

There are some extra features found if other VisuStella MZ plugins are found present in the Plugin Manager list.


Battle Core VisuStella MZ


When using the <Battle Commands> class notetag, you can manually position the "Move" command by inserting "Grid Move" in between <Battle Commands> and </Battle Commands>.


Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ


Certain features of the Battle Grid System are changed to behave slightly different when there is the presence of a provoker or taunter. These changes will be explained in the help file.


VisuStella Battle Systems


All custom battle systems made by VisuStella MZ are compatible with the battle grid system and can be used together. However, there are some restrictions put into play with specific battle systems. More information will be mentioned in detail in the "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section found below.


Party System VisuStella MZ


When the Party System is used together with the optional Battle Grid Tactics feature, players can create empty spaces in their party to allow for the positions of party members to go to specific nodes.

For example, if a party has members in slots 1, 2, and 4 while 3 is empty, then those party members will go to tactical nodes 1, 2, and 4, instead of moving 4 up to 3.

This only applies in-game and not through battle test if there are empty slots in the battle test setup.


Battle AI VisuStella MZ


Certain AI behaviors will change depending on the limitations of what an action is capable of affecting. The changes all involve factoring only what is within the range of an action.


VisuStella MZ Compatibility

While this plugin is compatible with the majority of the VisuStella MZ plugin library, it is not compatible with specific plugins or specific features. This section will highlight the main plugins/features that will not be compatible with this plugin or put focus on how the make certain features compatible.


Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ


In battle, if there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and an action that needs target selection is attempted to be used, the Provoke or Taunt targets must be within valid affected Ranks/Flanks that can be targeted by the action or else the action can't be used.

Skills that do NOT need to select a target (usually skills with a "Random" scope or "All" scope) can bypass this as they would normally without the Battle Grid System.

As such, be careful about designing your skills with restrictive Rank/Flank targeting that potential softlocks may occur if there are ever any Taunt or Provoke targets on the field.

In regards to skills that target the highest aggro member, these will target the highest aggro member within the required Ranks/Flanks made by the skill as to not further restrict this skill's targeting ability.


Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ


If the ATB Battle System is currently being used with the active setting, selecting the "Move" command during another battler's turn will queue up the system, waiting for the current battler's turn to end before allowing the inputting actor to move.


Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ


If the BTB Battle System is currently being used and the movement command will pass turn, then the move command will be disabled if the actor is under the effect of "Brave" as it becomes the same case scenario as "Guard".

On that note, during the command input phase, actors under the effect of "Brave" can select skills and items outside of their required ranks/flanks. If you wish to disable this, adjust the "Bypass Require Node?" setting in the "Compatibility Settings" Plugin Parameters.

When the queued actions occur and the required rank/flank node positions are NOT met, then the actions will be skipped.


Team-Based Battle Systems




Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ

Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ

Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ

If the ETB, FTB, or PTB Battle Systems are being used and the move command will pass turn, and if no other actors can input for that turn, any remaining actions will be forfeited for that turn.


Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ


If the OTB Battle System is being used and the movement command will pass turn, the turn passing will only apply to the current action. Any follow up actions on the same turn from that actor can be utilized.


Party System VisuStella MZ


In battle, the player cannot change entire parties at once from the Party Command Window. The feature will be unaccessible while Battle Grid System is in play. However, the player can still change party members through the Actor Command Window by having actors replace other actors. Party changing is also available through battle events, Common Events, and script calls.



RPG Maker MZ's editor is unable to allow for custom traits/properties that a game dev may wish to associate with a database object, event, map, etc. Notetags are used to work around such limitations by allowing the game dev to tag certain traits/properties using specific Notetags declared by the related plugin.

Here is a list of Notetag(s) that you may use.

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.


Setup Nodes-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Preview1.png


<Start Rank: x>
<Start Ranks: x, x, x>

<Start Flank: x>
<Start Flanks: x, x, x>

- Used for: Actor and Enemy Notetags
- If "Battle Grid Tactics" is enabled, ignore this for actors. The grid
  tactics menu will determine where actors will start in battle.
- Determines the preferred starting Rank/Flank 'x' node for this battler.
- If another allied battler is already on that node, then this battler will
  pick the next available 'x' Rank/Flank.
- If none of the preferred Ranks/Flanks are available, then the battler will
  start at the next suitable location without getting in another battler's
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ideal starting Ranks/Flanks for
  this battler with higher priority given to the numbers at the start.
- This notetag can be used together with each otherfor more precise starting
  node locations.


<Grid Size: r X f>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes the space occupied by this enemy to be 'r' Ranks and 'f' Flanks.
- This turns the enemy into a "Large Enemy" and "Large Enemies" have the
  special properties listed below:
  - Large enemies will occupy multiple nodes at the same time and will take
    on any of the effects applied all of the occupied nodes.
  - Large enemies cannot move or be moved to different nodes.
  - Large enemies will bypass the usage requirements for the notetag:
    <rule Move User Node direction: x>
  - If a small enemy transforms into a large enemy, the enemy will adjust
    its node position in order to accomodate fitting in the grid. It may or
    may not overlap other enemies and will do little to change that in order
    to avoid conflicts. Be wary of transforming enemies from smaller sizes
    to larger sizes as this can look very janky.
- If there is not enough space on the grid to fit all enemies listed in the
  troop, the plugin will ask you to redesign that troop.


  <Grid Size: 1 X 3>
  <Grid Size: 2 X 2>
  <Grid Size: 3 X 2>
  <Grid Size: 4 X 3>


Movement Range-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Movement.gif


<Move Base: type>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Sets the movement base to 'type'.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Movement Range Types" section below.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to combine the movement base.
- If this notetag or its variant is not used, then the movement base range
  will be determined by the Plugin Parameters.


<Move Base>
</Move Base>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Sets the movement base to 'type'.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Movement Range Types" section below.
- Insert as many types as you want to combine the movement base.
- If this notetag or its variant is not used, then the movement base range
  will be determined by the Plugin Parameters.


<Move Range: type>

- Used for: Actor, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Expands the movement range with 'type'.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Movement Range Types" section below.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to expand the movement range.


<Move Range>
</Move Range>

- Used for: Actor, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Expands the movement range with 'type'.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Movement Range Types" section below.
- Insert as many types as you want to expand the movement range.


<No Grid Movement>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Once applied to the affected battler, the battler cannot change grid node
  positions as if completely bound to the grid node.
- This will also disable an actor's ability to use the Move command.
- This will also disable a battler's ability to use skills/items that have
  the <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag.
- When the battler is targeted with a <rule Move Target Node direction: x>
  notetag, the battler will NOT move.


<Seal Grid Movement>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Once applied to the affected battler, the battler cannot change grid node
  positions willingly as the user but can be moved as the target.
- This will also disable an actor's ability to use the Move command.
- This will also disable a battler's ability to use skills/items that have
  the <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag.
- When the battler is targeted with a <rule Move Target Node direction: x>
  notetag, the battler can be moved.


Movement Types

BattleGridSystem Movement.gif

These are used with the <Movement Base> and <Movement Range> notetags and are the values you'd insert in place of the 'type' parameter.


 - Expands the movement range to the whole grid.
 - Takes priority over the rest of the types.
 - Removes all movement range options.
 - Takes priority over the rest of the types except for "All".


 Square x
 - Base: Sets a square-shaped range around the user.
 - Range: Expands area to a square-shaped range around the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Square x" types.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the side of a square.
 Radius x
 - Base: Sets a diamond-shaped range around the user.
 - Range: Expands area to a diamond-shaped range around the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Radius x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" type.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the edge of the radius.
 Full Rank
 - Expands movement range to the nodes with the same rank as the user.
 Rank x
 - Base: Sets the ranks to the side of the user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to side nodes the same rank as the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the Rank's ID starting from 1.
 Full Flank
 - Expands movement range to the nodes with the same flank as the user.
 Flank x
 - Base: Sets the flank to the front and back of the user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to front and back nodes the same flank as
   the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the Flank's ID starting from 1.
 Full All Diagonal
 - Expands movement range to all nodes diagonal from user.
 All Diagonal x
 - Base: Sets the movement range to diagonals from user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to diagonals from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "All Diagonal x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Diagonal Forward
 - Expands movement range to all front diagonal nodes from user.
 Diagonal Forward x
 - Base: Sets the movement range to front diagonal nodes from user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to front diagonal nodes from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Diagonal Forward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Diagonal Backward
 - Expands movement range to all behind diagonal nodes from user.
 Diagonal Backward x
 - Base: Sets the movement range to behind diagonal nodes from user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to behind diagonal nodes from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Diagonal Backward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Forward
 - Expands movement range to all nodes directly in front of user.
 Forward x
 - Base: Sets movement range to nodes directly in front of user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to nodes directly in front of user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Forward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Backward
 - Expands movement range to all nodes directly behind user.
 Backward x
 - Base: Sets movement range to nodes directly behind user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to nodes directly behind user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Backward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Upward
 - Expands movement range to all nodes to the flank above user.
 Upward x
 - Base: Sets movement range to nodes to the flank above user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to nodes to the flank above user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Upward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Downward
 - Expands movement range to all nodes to the flank below user.
 Downward x
 - Base: Sets movement range to nodes to the flank below user.
 - Range: Expands movement range to nodes to the flank below user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Downward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.


 Not Square x
 - Restricts nodes in a square-shaped area around the user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Square x" types.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the side of a square.
 Not Radius x
 - Restricts nodes in a diamond-shaped area around the user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the edge of the radius.
 Not Full Rank
 - Restricts all of the nodes with the same rank as the user.
 Not Rank x
 - Restricts movement from the side nodes the same rank as the user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Rank x" types.
 - x refers to the Rank's ID starting from 1.
 Not Full Flank
 - Restricts all of the nodes with the same flank as the user.
 Not Flank x
 - Restricts movement from the front/back nodes the same flank as the user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Flank x" types.
 - x refers to the Flank's ID starting from 1.
 Not Full All Diagonal
 - Restricts movement from all nodes diagonal from user.
 Not All Diagonal x
 - Restricts movement range from diagonals from user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not All Diagonal x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Not Full Diagonal Forward
 - Restricts movement from all front diagonal nodes from user.
 Not Diagonal Forward x
 - Restricts movement from front diagonal nodes from user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Diagonal Forward x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Not Full Diagonal Backward
 - Restricts movement from all behind diagonal nodes from user.
 Not Diagonal Backward x
 - Restricts movement from behind diagonal nodes from user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Diagonal Backward x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Not Full Forward
 - Restricts movement from all nodes directly in front of user.
 Not Forward x
 - Restricts movement from nodes directly in front of user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Forward x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Not Full Backward
 - Restricts movement from all nodes directly behind user.
 Not Backward x
 - Restricts movement from nodes directly behind user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Backward x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Not Full Upward
 - Restricts movement from nodes to the flank above user.
 Not Upward x
 - Restricts movement from nodes to the flank above user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Upward x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Not Full Downward
 - Restricts movement from nodes to the flank below user.
 Not Downward x
 - Restricts movement from nodes to the flank below user.
   - Takes largest of the "Not Downward x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.


 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's King piece.
 - This is essentially the same as "Square 1" type.
 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's Queen piece.
 - This is essentially a combination of "Full Rank", "Full Flank", and
   "Full All Diagonals" types.
 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's Rook piece.
 - This is essentially a combination of "Full Rank" and "Full Flank" types.
 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's Rook piece.
 - This is essentially a combination of "Full All Diagonals" types.
 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's Knight piece.
 - This is essentially a combination of "Square 2", "Not All Diagonal 2",
   "Not Rank 2", "Not Flank 2" types.
 - Sets the movement range to the range of a Chess board's Pawn piece.
 - This is essentially the same as "Forward 1" type.


User Action Movement-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Bladerush.gif


<rule Move User Node direction: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Upon using this skill/item, the user will move 'x' nodes in the specified
  'direction' while following the movement 'rule' needed.
  - This effect will occur before applying damage or other effects.
  - This effect will occur regardless of missing or evasion.
  - This effect will occur only once during the action and will not trigger
    multiple times with a multi-hit or multi-target skill/item.
  - This effect will NOT occur when used by Triggers.
- Replace 'rule' with any of the following text to for movement ruling:
  - Must, Mid, Must Mid, Switch, Switch Mid, Must Switch, Must Switch Mid

    - Must - User MUST be able to land on target node or else the user
      cannot move and the skill/item will be rendered unusable. If there are
      any obstacles or allies on that node, the user cannot move and cannot
      use the skill/item.

    - Mid - User aims to land on target node, but will stop mid-way if any
      allies or obstacles are in the way. User will stop at earliest node.
      If the user cannot move past the initial node, the skill/item will be
      used as if there's no need to move.

    - Must Mid - Same as the above except if the user cannot move past the
      initial node, the skill/item cannot be used.

    - Switch - Moves to target node. If there is an ally on target node that
      can switch, the user will switch positions with that ally and then the
      skill/item can be used. If the user cannot move to target node, then
      the skill/item will be used as if there's no need to move.

    - Switch Mid - User will try to move to target node. If there is an ally
      on the way towards the target node that can switch, then the user will
      switch with the ally even if the ally is not at the target node. The
      user will stop halfway for any other obstacles. If the user cannot
      move past the initial node, the skill/item will be used as if there's
      no need to move.

    - Must Switch - User must move to target node where there is an ally
      that can switch positions. If not, the skill/item cannot be used.

    - Must Switch Mid - Similar to the above but will switch to an earlier
      position if there are any allies on the way that can switch, then the
      user will switch with that ally even if the ally is not at the target
      node and then the skill/item can be used. Otherwise, the skill/item
      cannot be used even if there is a clear path to the target node.

- Replace 'direction' with any of the following text for direction:
  - Forward, Backward, Upward, Downward, Leftward, Rightward
  - Up-Forward, Up-Backward, Up-Leftward, Up-Rightward
  - Down-Forward, Down-Backward, Down-Leftward, Down-Rightward
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of nodes to move in the
  specified direction.


  <Must Move User Node Upward: 1>
  <Switch Move User Node Downward: 1>
  <Mid Move User Node Forward: 2>
  <Mid Move User Node Backward: 2>
  <Switch Move User Node Up-Forward: 1>
  <Must Switch Mid Move User Node Forward: 3>


<Silent Move User Node>
<Visual Move User Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used together with <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag.
- Determines if the change to the user's node location will be silent and
  discreet or visual and noticeable.
  - Use one notetag or the other.
- If neither notetag is used, then the effect will default to the setting
  found in the Plugin Parameters.


<Move User Node Duration: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used together with <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag.
  - Also requires the movement to be visual and noticeable.
  - Do this with either the <Visual Move User Node> notetag or the related
    Plugin Parameter.
- Determines how many frames the movement node change will take.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frame duration of the node
  change animation.
- If this notetag is not used, then the duration will default to the setting
  found in the Plugin Parameters.


Target Action Movement-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Knockback.gif

BattleGridSystem Switchback.gif

BattleGridSystem Crashback.gif


<rule Move Target Node direction: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Upon using this skill/item, the target will move 'x' nodes in the
  specified 'direction' while following the movement 'rule' needed.
  - This effect will occur after applying damage or other effects.
  - This effect will occur only if the action effect connects.
  - This effect will occur only once during the action and will not trigger
    multiple times with a multi-hit or multi-target skill/item.
  - This effect will not affect the user if the user performed a self
    movement effect with the <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag.
  - This effect will NOT occur when used by Triggers.
- Replace 'rule' with any of the following text to for movement ruling:
  - Exact, Mid, Switch, Switch Mid, Crash, Crash Mid

    - Exact - Aims to move target to target node and will take no other
      nodes except for that exact target node. If target cannot be moved to
      target node due to it being out of bounds or there being any battlers
      on that node, then no movements will be made.

    - Mid - Aims to move target to target node, but will stop mid-way if any
      battlers or obstacles are in the way. Target will stop at earliest
      node. However, if the target cannot move past the initial node, then
      no movements will be made.

    - Switch - Target a specific node and moves the target there. If there
      is a battler on target node, the target will switch positions with
      that battler if the battler can switch. If the other battler cannot
      switch, then the target will not move.

    - Switch Mid - Same as the above except the target will stop at the
      earliest available node. If there is a battler on the way, the target
      will switch places with that battler if the battler can switch nodes.
      If there are no available nodes, then the battler will not move.

    - Crash - Aims to move target to target node, but if there is another
      battler on that node, then crashing will occur and both the target and
      the battler will take crash damage. The battler will remain in place
      while the target moves back to its original node.

    - Crash Mid - Aims to move target to target node, but will stop at the
      earliest node. If there's a battler in the way, then crashing will
      occur and both the target and battler will take crash damage. The
      battler will remain in place while the target stops at the last
      availabe node before the crash.

- Replace 'direction' with any of the following text for direction:
  - Forward, Backward, Upward, Downward, Leftward, Rightward
  - Up-Forward, Up-Backward, Up-Leftward, Up-Rightward
  - Down-Forward, Down-Backward, Down-Leftward, Down-Rightward
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the number of nodes to move in the
  specified direction.


  <Mid Move Target Node Forward: 1>
  <Switch Move Target Node Forward: 1>
  <Switch Mid Move Target Node Backward: 2>
  <Crash Move Target Node Forward: 1>
  <Crash Mid Move Target Node Backward: 2>


<Silent Move Target Node>
<Visual Move Target Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used together with <rule Move Target Node direction: x> notetag.
- Determines if the change to the target's node location will be silent and
  discreet or visual and noticeable.
  - Use one notetag or the other.
- If neither notetag is used, then the effect will default to the setting
  found in the Plugin Parameters.


<Move Target Node Duration: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used together with <rule Move Target Node direction: x> notetag.
  - Also requires the movement to be visual and noticeable.
  - Do this with either the <Visual Move Target Node> notetag or the related
    Plugin Parameter.
- Determines how many frames the movement node change will take.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frame duration of the node
  change animation.
- If this notetag is not used, then the duration will default to the setting
  found in the Plugin Parameters.


<Grid Distance Damage Per Node: x% param>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Used together with one of the target movement notetags.
- Deals 'x%' of user's 'param' as damage based on target's distance moved.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing a percentage of the user's
  parameter to deal as damage.
- Replace 'param' with text representing the parameter to reference for
  - 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', or 'LUK'
  - 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT', 'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG'
  - 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR', 'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR'
  - Keep in mind if you use values like 'HIT', they will be often be rates
    (numbers between 0 and 1 as rates) so adjust your 'x%' accordingly.


<Hide Grid Range>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This skill/item will not display its grid target and usability ranges.
- These refer to the required rank/flank and node targeting notetags.


<Crash Self Damage Rate: x%>
<Crash Target Damage Rate: x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the crash damage received by a percentile rate.
  - Self refers to the moved enemy.
  - Target refers to the enemy crashed into.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing a percentile rate that will alter
  the base damage by.
- This can be stacked multiplicatively with other trait objects.
- This will be calculated before the flat bonus damage.
- Example Usage: Rubber enemies have lower crash self damage.
- Example Usage: Fluffy enemies have lower crash target damage.


<Crash Self Damage Bonus: +x>
<Crash Self Damage Bonus: -x>

<Crash Target Damage Bonus: +x>
<Crash Target Damage Bonus: -x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Alters the crash damage received by a flat bonus amount.
  - Self refers to the moved enemy.
  - Target refers to the enemy crashed into.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing a flat bonus amount of damage.
- This can be stacked additively with other trait objects.
- This will be calculated before the percentile damage rate.
- Example Usage: Brittle enemies have higher flat bonus target crash damage.
- Example Usage: Thorny enemies have higher flat bonus target crash damage.


Action-User Requirements-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Preview3.png


<Require Rank: x>
<Require Ranks: x, x, x>

<Require Flank: x>
<Require Flanks: x, x, x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Requires the user of the skill/item to be standing on a Rank/Flank 'x'
  node in order to be usable in battle.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the node Rank/Flank required for
  the user to stand on in order to use this skill/item.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to allow for a larger spread of Ranks/Flanks.
- If the user is moved to a different node that does not meet the Rank/Flank
  requirements to use this skill/item, the user will not use it.


<Require Not Rank: x>
<Require Not Ranks: x, x, x>

<Require Not Flank: x>
<Require Not Flanks: x, x, x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Requires the user of the skill/item to NOT be standing on a Rank/Flank 'x'
  node in order to be usable in battle.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the node Rank/Flank required for
  the user to NOT stand on in order to use this skill/item.
  - Insert multiple 'x' values to allow for a larger spread of Ranks/Flanks.
- If the user is moved to a different node that does not meet the Rank/Flank
  requirements to use this skill/item, the user will not use it.


<Require Front Rank>
<Require Back Rank>

<Require Top Flank>
<Require Bottom Flank>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Requires the user of the skill/item to be standing on the a certain
  Rank/Flank node.
  - A team's "Front Rank" is its first Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Back Rank" is its last Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Top Flank" is its first Flank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Bottom Flank" is its last Flank occupied by living members.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
- If the user is moved to a different node that does not meet the Rank/Flank
  requirements to use this skill/item, the user will not use it.


Action-Target Requirements-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Preview3.png


<Target Only Rank: x>
<Target Only Ranks: x, x, x>

<Target Only Flank: x>
<Target Only Flanks: x, x, x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The skill/item will only affect the targets found in Rank/Flank 'x' and
  will require there to be a target found in that Rank/Flank in order to be
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are no valid targets found in the Rank/Flank, then the
    skill/item will be disabled and cannot be used.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Target Only" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
  - This does not work with <Target: x Node, Rank, Flank> notetags.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Rank/Flank to restrict the
  scope of the skill/item action to.


<Target Only Same Rank>
<Target Only Same Flank>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The skill/item will only affect targets found in the same Rank/Flank as
  the action's user.
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are no valid targets found in the Rank/Flank, then the
    skill/item will be disabled and cannot be used.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Target Only" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
  - This does not work with <Target: x Node, Rank, Flank> notetags.


<Target Only Front Rank>
<Target Only Back Rank>

<Target Only Top Flank>
<Target Only Bottom Flank>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The skill/item will only affect targets found in certain Rank/Flank node.
  - A team's "Front Rank" is its first Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Back Rank" is its last Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Top Flank" is its first Flank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Bottom Flank" is its last Flank occupied by living members.
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Target Only" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
  - This does not work with <Target: x Node, Rank, Flank> notetags.


Weapon Range-Target Requirements-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem Preview3.png


<Target In Weapon Range>
<Use Weapon Range>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The skill/item will utilize the battler's weapon range instead of the
  action's weapon range.
- This will completely bypass the "Target Only" notetags in favor of the
  "Weapon Range" notetags.
- Actors will use the weapon range of their first weapon if they are using
  multiple weapons.
- If an actor is not using any weapon, it will use the default melee range.
  - Depending on the settings found in the Plugin Parameters, the default
    melee range may only target the Front Rank.
- Enemies will use the weapon range found in their own notetags. If there
  aren't any "Weapon Range" notetags found in the enemy's note box, then it
  will use the default melee range.
  - Depending on the settings found in the Plugin Parameters, the default
    melee range may only target the Front Rank.
- The notetag variants do the same thing. Which you choose to use is
  entirely up to personal preference.
- This does not work with <Target: x Node, Rank, Flank> notetags.


<Weapon Range Melee>
<Weapon Range All>

- Used for: Weapon, Enemy Notetags
- These are quick shortcuts to mark specific range types.
  - Melee - Targets only the front rank. Same as <Weapon Range Front Rank>.
  - All - Targets the whole battlefield. When using this, everything becomes
    a valid target. This is mostly used as a shortcut to bypass the default
    Plugin Parameter weapon range settings.
- These notetags will follow the rules of others:
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are no valid targets found in the Rank/Flank, then the
    dependent action will be disabled and cannot be used.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Weapon Range" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.


<Weapon Range Rank: x>
<Weapon Range Ranks: x, x, x>

<Weapon Range Flank: x>
<Weapon Range Flanks: x, x, x>

- Used for: Weapon, Enemy Notetags
- The weapon range will only affect the targets found in Rank/Flank 'x' and
  will require there to be a target found in that Rank/Flank in order to be
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are no valid targets found in the Rank/Flank, then the
    dependent action will be disabled and cannot be used.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Weapon Range" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Rank/Flank to restrict the
  scope of the weapon range to.


<Weapon Range Same Rank>
<Weapon Range Same Flank>

- Used for: Weapon, Enemy Notetags
- The weapon range will only affect targets found in the same Rank/Flank as
  the action's user.
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are no valid targets found in the Rank/Flank, then the
    dependent action will be disabled and cannot be used.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Weapon Range" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.


<Weapon Range Front Rank>
<Weapon Range Back Rank>

<Weapon Range Top Flank>
<Weapon Range Bottom Flank>

- Used for: Weapon, Enemy Notetags
- The weapon range will only affect targets found in set Rank/Flank node.
  - A team's "Front Rank" is its first Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Back Rank" is its last Rank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Top Flank" is its first Flank occupied by living members.
  - A team's "Bottom Flank" is its last Flank occupied by living members.
  - This will be applied on top of whatever targeting scope is used.
  - This applies both ways for actors and enemies.
  - If there are Provoke or Taunt targets on the field and this is an action
    that needs target selection, they must be within valid Ranks/Flanks that
    can be targeted by this action or else this action can't be used.
  - Can be used together with other "Weapon Range" notetags.
  - Ignore this requirement when used outside of battle.


Action-Target Specific Ranks, Flanks, Nodes-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem SelectNode.gif


<Target: Enemy Grid Node>
<Target: Enemy or Ally Grid Node>

<Target: Ally Grid Node>
<Target: Ally or Enemy Grid Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the player to select a specific node to target on either the enemy
  or ally grid side (or both).
  - Using the "Enemy or Ally" or "Ally or Enemy" variants will allow players
    to select from either side. "Enemy or Ally" will default to enemy side
    first while "Ally or Enemy" will default to ally side first.
  - This can be used together with the <Area of Effect> notetags.
  - This will suppress the <Target Only> and <Weapon Range> notetag effects.
- The player must select a tile that contains a battler on it.
  - If used together with <Area of Effect> notetags, the nodes within the
    Area of Effect must contain at least one battler in it.
- If the enemy team has provoked the user or if there are taunt targets,
  the selectable nodes become limited only the provoker or taunt targets.
  - Although selecting the enemy provoker or taunter is required, they are
    not required to be present when the skill/item launches. If they changed
    nodes, the target will still be the selected node.


BattleGridSystem SelectEmpty.gif

<Target: Empty Enemy Grid Node>
<Target: Empty Enemy or Ally Grid Node>
<Target: Empty Ally Grid Node>
<Target: Empty Ally or Enemy Grid Node>

<Target: Any Enemy Grid Node>
<Target: Any Enemy or Ally Grid Node>
<Target: Any Ally Grid Node>
<Target: Any Ally or Enemy Grid Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Similar to <Target: x Grid Node> targeting types except that these require
  the player to select a specific type of node.
- "Empty" will require the player to select a node without any alive
  battlers standing on top of it.
  - Enemy AI and Auto-Battle AI will select a random empty node. If not, it
    will select a random node regardless of empty-state.
- "Any" will allow the player to select any node.
  - Enemy AI and Auto-Battle AI will select a random node.
- This will NOT select any battlers as targets. Instead, it will utilize the
  selected node to perform actions through either Action Sequences or
  special notetags found in the "Special Target Node Effects" section.


BattleGridSystem SelectRank.gif

<Target: Enemy Grid Rank>
<Target: Enemy or Ally Grid Rank>

<Target: Ally Grid Rank>
<Target: Ally or Enemy Grid Rank>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the player to select a specific Rank to target on either the enemy
  or ally grid side (or both).
  - Using the "Enemy or Ally" or "Ally or Enemy" variants will allow players
    to select from either side. "Enemy or Ally" will default to enemy side
    first while "Ally or Enemy" will default to ally side first.
  - This ignores any <Area of Effect> notetags.
  - This will suppress the <Target Only> and <Weapon Range> notetag effects.
- The player must select a Rank that contains a battler on it.
- If the enemy team has provoked the user or if there are taunt targets,
  the selectable Ranks become limited only the provoker or taunt targets.
  - Although selecting the enemy provoker or taunter is required, they are
    not required to be present when the skill/item launches. If they changed
    Ranks, the target will still be the selected Rank.


BattleGridSystem SelectFlank.gif

<Target: Enemy Grid Flank>
<Target: Enemy or Ally Grid Flank>

<Target: Ally Grid Flank>
<Target: Ally or Enemy Grid Flank>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the player to select a specific Flank to target on either the enemy
  or ally grid side (or both).
  - Using the "Enemy or Ally" or "Ally or Enemy" variants will allow players
    to select from either side. "Enemy or Ally" will default to enemy side
    first while "Ally or Enemy" will default to ally side first.
  - This ignores any <Area of Effect> notetags.
  - This will suppress the <Target Only> and <Weapon Range> notetag effects.
- The player must select a Flank that contains a battler on it.
- If the enemy team has provoked the user or if there are taunt targets,
  the selectable Flanks become limited only the provoker or taunt targets.
  - Although selecting the enemy provoker or taunter is required, they are
    not required to be present when the skill/item launches. If they changed
    Flanks, the target will still be the selected Flank.


Area of Effect-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem SelectAoE.gif


<Area of Effect: type>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Adds an area of effect to this skill/item.
  - Can only be used with skills/items that have selection properties such
    as single target skills/items or the ability to target specific nodes.
  - This does not work with non-selection skills like All targets, Random
    Targets, or User only.
  - This does not work with specific Rank and Flank selection.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Area of Effect Types" section below.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to expand the Area of Effect range.


<Area of Effect>
</Area of Effect>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Adds an area of effect to this skill/item.
  - Can only be used with skills/items that have selection properties such
    as single target skills/items or the ability to target specific nodes.
  - This does not work with non-selection skills like All targets, Random
    Targets, or User only.
  - This does not work with specific Rank and Flank selection.
- Replace 'type' with a type from the "Area of Effect Types" section below.
- Insert as many types as you want to expand the Area of Effect range.


Area of Effect Types

BattleGridSystem SelectAoE.gif

These are used with the <Area of Effect> notetags and are the values you'd insert in place of the 'type' parameter.


 - Expands the Area of Effect range to the whole grid.
 - Takes priority over the rest of the types.
 - Removes all Area of Effect range options.
 - Takes priority over the rest of the types except for "All".


 Square x
 - Expands area to a square-shaped range around the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Square x" types.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the side of a square.
 Radius x
 - Expands area to a diamond-shaped range around the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Radius x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" type.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the edge of the radius.
 Full Rank
 - Expands Area of Effect range to the nodes with the same rank as
   the user.
 Rank x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to side nodes the same rank as the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the Rank's ID starting from 1.
 Full Flank
 - Expands Area of Effect range to the nodes with the same flank as
   the user.
 Flank x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to front and back nodes the same flank as
   the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the Flank's ID starting from 1.
 Full All Diagonal
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes diagonal from user.
 All Diagonal x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to diagonals from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "All Diagonal x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Diagonal Forward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all front diagonal nodes from user.
 Diagonal Forward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to front diagonal nodes from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Diagonal Forward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Diagonal Backward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all behind diagonal nodes from user.
 Diagonal Backward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to behind diagonal nodes from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Diagonal Backward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Forward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes directly in front of user.
 Forward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes directly in front of user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Forward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Backward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes directly behind user.
 Backward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes directly behind user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Backward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Upward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes to the flank above user.
 Upward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes to the flank above user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Upward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Downward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes to the flank below user.
 Downward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes to the flank below user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Downward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.


Aura-Related Notetags

SkillsStatesCore Aura.png


<Aura Range: type>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy Notetags
- Used together with <Aura State: x> from VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- Restricts the range in which the aura passive is emitted from the user.
-  Replace 'type' with a type from the "Aura Range Types" section below.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to expand the Aura range.
- When used with Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy objects, it will
  only affect the auras emitted from that object.
- When used with States, the effect will take place as long as it is used
  as an aura regardless of where it is emitting from.


<Aura Range>
</Aura Range>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- AActor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy Notetags
- Used together with <Aura State: x> from VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- Restricts the range in which the aura passive is emitted from the user.
-  Replace 'type' with a type from the "Aura Range Types" section below.
- Insert as many types as you want to expand the Aura range.
- When used with Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy objects, it will
  only affect the auras emitted from that object.
- When used with States, the effect will take place as long as it is used
  as an aura regardless of where it is emitting from.


Aura Range Types

SkillsStatesCore Aura.png

These are used with the <Aura Range> notetags and are the values you'd insert in place of the 'type' parameter.


 - Expands the Area of Effect range to the whole grid.
 - Takes priority over the rest of the types.
 - Removes all Area of Effect range options.
 - Takes priority over the rest of the types except for "All".


 Square x
 - Expands area to a square-shaped range around the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Square x" types.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the side of a square.
 Radius x
 - Expands area to a diamond-shaped range around the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Radius x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" type.
 - x refers to the distance from the center to the edge of the radius.
 Full Rank
 - Expands Area of Effect range to the nodes with the same rank as
   the user.
 Rank x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to side nodes the same rank as the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the Rank's ID starting from 1.
 Full Flank
 - Expands Area of Effect range to the nodes with the same flank as
   the user.
 Flank x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to front and back nodes the same flank as
   the user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the Flank's ID starting from 1.
 Full All Diagonal
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes diagonal from user.
 All Diagonal x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to diagonals from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "All Diagonal x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Diagonal Forward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all front diagonal nodes from user.
 Diagonal Forward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to front diagonal nodes from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Diagonal Forward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Diagonal Backward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all behind diagonal nodes from user.
 Diagonal Backward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to behind diagonal nodes from user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Diagonal Backward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and half of "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the diagonal distance from the user.
 Full Forward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes directly in front of user.
 Forward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes directly in front of user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Forward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Backward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes directly behind user.
 Backward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes directly behind user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Backward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Flank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Upward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes to the flank above user.
 Upward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes to the flank above user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Upward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.
 Full Downward
 - Expands Area of Effect range to all nodes to the flank below user.
 Downward x
 - Expands Area of Effect range to nodes to the flank below user.
   - Boosts additively with other "Downward x" types.
   - Boosts additively with other "Rank x" types.
   - Boosts additively with "Square x" and "Radius x" types.
 - x refers to the node distance from the user.


Miasma-Related Notetags

SkillsStatesCore Aura.png


<Miasma Range: type>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy Notetags
- Used together with <Miasma State: x> from VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- Restricts the range in which the miasma passive is emitted from the user.
-  Replace 'type' with a type from the "Miasma Range Types" section below.
- Insert multiples of this notetag to expand the Miasma range.
- When used with Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy objects, it will
  only affect the miasmas emitted from that object.
- When used with States, the effect will take place as long as it is used
  as a miasma regardless of where it is emitting from.


<Miasma Range>
</Miasma Range>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- AActor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy Notetags
- Used together with <Miasma State: x> from VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- Restricts the range in which the miasma passive is emitted from the user.
-  Replace 'type' with a type from the "Miasma Range Types" section below.
- Insert as many types as you want to expand the Miasma range.
- When used with Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy objects, it will
  only affect the miasmas emitted from that object.
- When used with States, the effect will take place as long as it is used
  as a miasma regardless of where it is emitting from.


Miasma Range Types

SkillsStatesCore Aura.png

These are used with the <Miasma Range> notetags and are the values you'd insert in place of the 'type' parameter.


 Rank x
 Ranks x, x, x
 - Miasma only affects targets whose ranks are 'x'.
 Flank x
 Flanks x, x, x
 - Miasma only affects targets whose flanks are 'x'.


 Same Rank
 - Miasma only affects targets whose rank is the same as emitter's rank.
 Same Flank
 - Miasma only affects targets whose flank is the same as emitter's flank.


 Front Rank
 - Miasma only affects targets located on first occupied rank.
 Back Rank
 - Miasma only affects targets located on last occupied rank.
 Top Rank
 - Miasma only affects targets located on first occupied flank.
 Bottom Rank
 - Miasma only affects targets located on last occupied flank.


Temporary Troop Grid-Related Name Tags

BattleGridSystem Preview1.png


<Battle Grid>

<No Grid>
<No Battle Grid>

- Used for: Map Notetags, Troop Name Tags, and Troop Comment Tags
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!
- Changes the battle system to utilize the Battle Grid System or not.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.
- If none of these notetags or comment tags are found, refer to the default
  settings found in the Plugin Parameters.


Node Passive States-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem NodePassives.gif


<Actor Node x, y Passive State: id>
<Actor Node x, y Passive States: id, id, id>

<Actor Node x, y Passive State: name>
<Actor Node x, y Passive States: name, name, name>

<Enemy Node x, y Passive State: id>
<Enemy Node x, y Passive States: id, id, id>

<Enemy Node x, y Passive State: name>
<Enemy Node x, y Passive States: name, name, name>

- Used for: Troop Comment Tags
- Adds a passive state(s) to the Actor/Enemy Node at 'x', 'y' so that when a
  battler stands on that Node, that battler will gain the passive state(s).
- Pick 'Actor' or 'Enemy' to determine which side of the screen to place
  the passive state(s) on.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Node Rank.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the Node Flank.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  state you wish to add as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'id' values to add multiple passive states.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the state that you
  wish to add as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'name' values to add multiple passive states.
- Insert multiple copies of this comment tag to add Passive State Nodes
  at different grid locations.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


  <Actor Node 1, 2 Passive State: 15>
  <Actor Node 4, 3 Passive States: 15, 16>

  <Enemy Node 1, 2 Passive State: HP Regeneration>
  <Enemy Node 4, 3 Passive States: HP Regeneration, MP Regeneration>


Node Trigger-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem NodeTraps.gif


<Actor Node x, y Trigger: id>
<Actor Node x, y Trigger: name>

<Enemy Node x, y Trigger: id>
<Enemy Node x, y Trigger: name>

- Used for: Troop Comment Tags
- Adds a trigger to the Actor/Enemy Node at 'x', 'y' so that when a battler
  stands on that Node, that battler will activate the trigger and skill 'id'
  will affect the battler.
- Pick 'Actor' or 'Enemy' to determine which side of the screen to place
  the passive state(s) on.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the Node Rank.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the Node Flank.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  skill you wish to set as a trigger effect.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the skill that you
  wish to set as a trigger effect.
- Insert multiple copies of this comment tag to add Trigger Nodes at
  different grid locations.
  - Each node can only contain ONE trigger!
  - Otherwise, newly placed triggers will overwrite the old ones.
- When actors and enemies spawn in upon setup, if they happen to start the
  battle on a node with a trigger, the trigger will be erased.
- Triggers added by these notetags will have no innate user. Instead, the
  user will become the battler that triggers it.
  - Triggers will only affect the battler that triggered it regardless base
    skill's scope.
  - The trigger skill's damage formula, effects, animation, and repeat times
    will be used to determine the type of effect that occurs on the battler.
    - Common Event effects will not occur.
  - If the trigger skill has notetags that would move the user or target,
    they will NOT occur and the related notetag effects are suppressed.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


  <Actor Node 1, 2 Trigger: 52>
  <Actor Node 4, 3 Trigger: Heal I>

  <Enemy Node 1, 2 Trigger: 99>
  <Enemy Node 4, 3 Trigger: Fire I>


<Trigger Name: text>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When this skill is used as a trigger, the popup text that appears will
  show 'text' instead of the skill's name.
- Replace 'text' with text you want to display as the Trigger Skill's popup
  text when a battler activates it.


<Trigger Icon: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When this skill is used as a trigger, the popup text that appears will
  show 'x' icon instead of the skill's icon.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the icon index you want to display
  as the Trigger Skill's popup text when a battler activates it.


<Trigger Animation: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When this skill is used as a trigger, the animation that is played will
  show 'x' animation instead of the skill's animation.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the ID of the animation you want to
  play as the Trigger Skill's animation when a battler activates it.


Special Target Node Effects-Related Notetags

BattleGridSystem SelectEmpty.gif


<Clear Passive States From Target Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Clears all Passive States from target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.


<Add Passive State To Target Node: id>
<Add Passive States To Target Node: id, id, id>

<Add Passive State To Target Node: name>
<Add Passive States To Target Node: name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Adds specific Passive State(s) to target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  state you wish to add as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'id' values to add multiple passive states.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the state that you
  wish to add as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'name' values to add multiple passive states.


<Remove Passive State From Target Node: id>
<Remove Passive States From Target Node: id, id, id>

<Remove Passive State From Target Node: name>
<Remove Passive States From Target Node: name, name, name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Removes specific Passive State(s) from target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.
- For 'id' variant, replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the
  state you wish to remove as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'id' values to remove multiple passive states.
- For 'name' variant, replace 'name' with the name of the state that you
  wish to remove as a passive state effect.
  - Insert multiple 'name' values to remove multiple passive states.


<Add Trigger to Target Node>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Plants this skill as a Trigger on target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> targeting notetag.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.


<Remove Trigger From Target Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Removes any Trigger effects from target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.


<Teleport to Target Node>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Moves user (if selected on the user's side of the grid) or a random
  opposing battler (if selected on the opponent's side of the grid) to
  target selected node instantaneously.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
  - When used with <Target: Any x Grid Node>, if there is another battler on
    target node and that battler can switch, switch both members.
  - Otherwise, ignore the teleport effect.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.
- This cannot be used with <Traverse to Target Node: x Frames>.


<Traverse to Target Node: x Frames>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Moves user (if selected on the user's side of the grid) or a random
  opposing battler (if selected on the opponent's side of the grid) to
  target selected node with a duration of 'x' frames.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the frame duration in the movement
  time needed to traverse to target selected node.
- Used with <Target: Empty x Grid Node> or <Target: Any x Grid Node>
  targeting notetags.
  - When used with <Target: Any x Grid Node>, if there is another battler on
    target node and that battler can switch, switch both members.
  - Otherwise, ignore the traverse effect.
- Does NOT work with regular battler targeting scopes.
- This cannot be used with <Teleport to Target Node>.


<Level x Push From Target Node: y Frames>
<Level x Pull To Target Node: y Frames>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- 'Push' variant pushes all movable members on the targeted side of the grid
  away from target Node with 'x' strength and a duration of 'y' frames.
- 'Pull' variant pulls all movable members on the targeted side of the grid
  towards target Node with 'x' strength and a duration of 'y' frames.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the maximum times a member can move
  from this effect.
- Replace 'y' with a number representing the frame duration in the movement
  time caused by this effect.
- These notetags are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together.


Action Sequence - Plugin Commands

The following are Plugin Commands that become usable with this plugin. They can be accessed through the Plugin Command event command and selecting the VisuMZ_1_BattleCore plugin where they are stored.


Action Sequences - Grid

These Action Sequences are Battle Grid System-related.


BattleGridSystem SelectNode.gif

GRID: Action Animation at Node
- Plays action animation at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit's Node do you want to play an animation on?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to play an
      animation on.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to play
      an animation on.

  Offset X:
  - Offsets the animation x position.
  - Negative: left. Positive: right.

  Offset Y:
  - Offsets the animation y position.
  - Negative: up. Positive: down.


BattleGridSystem NodePassives.gif

GRID: Add Passive State(s) to Node
- Adds Passive State(s) at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  State ID(s):
  - Select which State ID(s) to add as a Passive State.

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to add the Passive State Node effect for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to add a
      Passive State(s) to.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to add a
      Passive State(s) to.


BattleGridSystem NodeTraps.gif

GRID: Add Trigger to Node
- Adds Trigger to target node.
- Target node cannot have battler.
- Each node can only contain ONE trigger!
- Otherwise, newly placed triggers will overwrite the old ones.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Skill ID:
  - Select which Skill ID(s) to add as the trigger.

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to add the Trigger Node effect for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to add a
      Trigger to.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to add a
      Trigger to.


GRID: Add Trigger to Node JS
- Adds JS Trigger to target node.
- Target node cannot have battler.
- Each node can only contain ONE trigger!
- Otherwise, newly placed triggers will overwrite the old ones.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  JS: Skill ID:
  - Use JavaScript to determine what skill ID to add to this node.

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to add the Trigger Node effect for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to add a
      Trigger to.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to add a
      Trigger to.


BattleGridSystem SelectNode.gif

GRID: Animation ID at Node
- Plays specific animation ID at target node.

  Animation ID:
  - Play this animation at target node.

    - Mirror this animation?

    - Mute this animation?

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit's Node do you want to play an animation on?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to play an
      animation on.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to play
      an animation on.

  Offset X:
  - Offsets the animation x position.
  - Negative: left. Positive: right.

  Offset Y:
  - Offsets the animation y position.
  - Negative: up. Positive: down.


BattleGridSystem SelectNode.gif

GRID: Animation JS at Node
- Uses JS to calculate which animation to play at target node.

  JS: Animation ID:
  - Calculate which animation to play on unit(s).
  - Uses JavaScript to determine animation ID.

    - Mirror this animation?

    - Mute this animation?

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit's Node do you want to play an animation on?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to play an
      animation on.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to play
      an animation on.

  Offset X:
  - Offsets the animation x position.
  - Negative: left. Positive: right.

  Offset Y:
  - Offsets the animation y position.
  - Negative: up. Positive: down.


BattleGridSystem SelectNode.gif

GRID: Animation Type at Node
- Plays certain animation type at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  - What is the animation type you would like to play?
    - Attack
    - Guard
    - Item
    - Skill

    Slot (Attack Type):
    - Which weapon slot to get this data from?
    - Main-hand weapon is weapon slot 1.

    Item ID (Item Type):
    - Which item ID will the animation come from?

    Skill ID (Skill Type):
    - Which skill ID will the animation come from?

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit's Node do you want to play an animation on?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to play an
      animation on.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to play
      an animation on.

  Offset X:
  - Offsets the animation x position.
  - Negative: left. Positive: right.

  Offset Y:
  - Offsets the animation y position.
  - Negative: up. Positive: down.


BattleGridSystem Knockback.gif

GRID: Move Target(s) In Direction
- Moves target(s) in a specific direction to other Nodes.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!
- This will bypass the "once per action" condition used for both the
  <rule Move User Node direction: x> & <rule Move Target Node direction: x>
  notetags as this is not a notetag effect.

  - Select unit(s) to move.

  Movement Type:
  - Select the Movement type rulings.
  - See VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem help file for details.

    - Select the movement direction.

    - The number of nodes to be moved.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Input the number representing the frames used to move.

  Silent Change?:
  - Silent: Discreet changes shown. More apparent later.
  - Visual: Instant changes shown.


BattleGridSystem Knockback.gif

GRID: Pull To Target Node
- Pulls battlers towards target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>

    - Which unit do you want to pull on?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to
      pull to.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to
      pull to.

  - Input the strength level of the pull.

  - Input the number representing the frames used to move.


BattleGridSystem Knockback.gif

GRID: Push From Target Node
- Pushes battlers away from target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>

    - Which unit do you want to push from?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to
      push from.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to
      push from.

  - Input the strength level of the push.

  - Input the number representing the frames used to move.


BattleGridSystem NodePassives.gif

GRID: Remove All Passive States from Node
- Removes all Passive State effects at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to clear the Node for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to clear
      Passive States from.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to clear
      Passive States from.


BattleGridSystem NodePassives.gif

GRID: Remove Passive State(s) from Node
- Remove Passive State(s) at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  State ID(s):
  - Select which State ID(s) to remove as a Passive State.

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to remove the Passive State Node effect for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to remove
      a Passive State(s) from.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to remove
      a Passive State(s) from.


BattleGridSystem NodeTraps.gif

GRID: Remove Trigger from Node
- Removes Trigger at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to clear Triggers for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to clear
      Triggers from.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to clear
      Triggers from.


Plugin Commands


Plugin Commands are event commands that are used to call upon functions added by a plugin that aren't inherently a part of RPG Maker MZ.

Here is a list of Plugin Command(s) that you may use:


The following are Plugin Commands that come with this plugin. They can be accessed through the Plugin Command event command.


Scene Plugin Commands

BattleGridSystem Preview2.png


Scene: Open Grid Tactics Scene
- Opens the Grid Tactics menu.
- Cannot be used in battle.
- Requires Grid Tactics usage.


System Plugin Commands

BattleGridSystem Preview2.png


System: Enable Grid Tactics in Menu?
- Enables/disables Grid Tactics menu inside the main menu.

  - Enables/disables Grid Tactics menu inside the main menu.


System: Show Grid Tactics in Menu?
- Shows/hides Grid Tactics menu inside the main menu.

  - Shows/hides Grid Tactics menu inside the main menu.


Temporary Tactical Formations Plugin Commands

BattleGridSystem Preview2.png

Temporary formations are very specific formations that will overwrite what settings the player has made. These involve specific rank/flank positions per party member (though some can be automatic). With temporary formations in play, the player cannot change them outside of battle. However, once in battle, the positions can be changed through the movement command and/or action effects.

When a temporary formation is present, menu and battle commands involving changing party members will be disabled.

Once a temporary formation is disbanded, the player's self-made formation settings will be returned and the player can readjust tactical formations once more.


Temp: Create Temporary Tactics (Normal)
- Creates a temporary tactical formation.
- Can't be used in battle.

  Temporary Tactics:
  - Adjust the tactical formation to be used temporarily.
  - 0 value = automatic placement.

  Starting Positions:

    Party Leader:
    2nd - 20th Member:

      - What is the starting rank for this party member?
      - Use 0 to let plugin determine starting position.

      - What is the starting flank for this party member?
      - Use 0 to let plugin determine starting position.


Temp: Create Temporary Tactics (JS)
- Creates a temporary tactical formation with JavaScript.
- Can't be used in battle.

  JS: Tactics:
  - Use JavaScript to determine tactical formation is used.
  - 0 value = automatic placement.


Temp: Disband Temporary Tactics
- Clears temporary tactical formations.
- Can't be used in battle.


Plugin Parameters

General Settings

BattleGridSystem Preview1.png

BattleGridSystem Params1.png

General settings for this plugin including some mechanics.



 Default Grid?:
 - Are battles grid-battles by default?
 - Use <Grid> and <No Grid> in troop names otherwise.
 Movement Duration:
 - Default number of frames for movement duration.
   User Silent Move?:
   - Default setting for silent movement versus visual.
   - Applies only to user movement notetag.
   Target Silent Move?:
   - Default setting for silent movement versus visual.
   - Applies only to target movement notetag.
 Weapon Range Melee?:
 - Make weapon ranges melee by default?
 - Only affects actions with <Use Weapon Range> notetag.



 Allow Crash Death?:
 - Can battlers die from crashing into one another?
 Damage Move Target?:
 - Cause damage to the target that's being moved?
   Animation ID:
   - Play this animation when the effect activates.
   - Use 0 to not play an animation.
 Damage Crash Target?:
 - Cause damage to the target that's moved into?
   Animation ID:
   - Play this animation when the effect activates.
   - Use 0 to not play an animation.
 JS: Crash DMG Formula:
 - Formula used for calculating Crash Damage.


Switching Nodes

 Can Dead Switch?:
 - Can battlers switch Node positions with dead units?



 Show Popup?:
 - Show popups when a battler activates a Trigger?
 Text Color:
 - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
   the Window Skin.
 Flash Color:
 - Adjust the popup's flash color.
 - Format: [red, green, blue, alpha]
 Flash Duration:
 - What is the frame duration of the flash effect?


Grid Field Settings

BattleGridSystem Preview1.png

BattleGridSystem Params2.png

Settings used for the overall grid field.



 Max Ranks:
 - How many ranks are used for each team?
 - Max: 10.
 - Ranks are formation rows or columns visually.
 Max Flanks:
 - How many flanks are used for each team?
 - Max: 10.
 - Ranks are formation sides/wings or rows visually.


Field Appearance

 Max Horz Distance:
 - What is the maximum horizontal distance that the grid field spans across
   the screen?
 - Auto-shrinks if too big.
 Top/Bottom Delta:
 - What is the horizontal size difference from top to bottom of the field.
 - This adds perspective.
 Vertical Distance:
 - What is the vertical distance that the grid field spans across the
   screen from top to bottom?
 Perspective Modifier:
 - What is the perspective modifier? This is so that upper point distances
   shrink and lower point distances expand.
 Space Between:
 - How many nodes between each unit's front rank?
 - The space gives more room for movement animations.



 Blink Input User?:
 - Blink the input user for more clarity?
 Blink Color:
 - Adjust the blinking input color.
 - Format: [red, green, blue, alpha]



 Grid Node Offsets:
   Offset X:
   - Offsets the node x position.
   - Negative: left. Positive: right.
   Offset Y:
   - Offsets the node y position.
   - Negative: up. Positive: down.
 Actor Sprite Offset:
   Offset X:
   - Offsets the actor x position.
   - Negative: left. Positive: right.
   Offset Y:
   - Offsets the actor y position.
   - Negative: up. Positive: down.
 Enemy Sprite Offset:
   Offset X:
   - Offsets the enemy x position.
   - Negative: left. Positive: right.
   Offset Y:
   - Offsets the enemy y position.
   - Negative: up. Positive: down.


Outline Filter

 Show Outline Filter?:
 - Show outline filter for nodes?
 - Requires Pixi JS Filters.
 Inner Color:
 - System hex code color for inner color.
 - Format: 0xRRGGBB
 - Requires Pixi JS Filters.
 Inner Thickness:
 - What thickness do you want for inner outline?
 - Requires Pixi JS Filters.
 Outer Color:
 - System hex code color for outer color.
 - Format: 0xRRGGBB
 - Requires Pixi JS Filters.
 Outer Thickness:
 - What thickness do you want for outer outline?
 - Requires Pixi JS Filters.


Grid Node Settings

BattleGridSystem Preview1.png

BattleGridSystem Params3.png

Settings used for specific grid Nodes.


Actor Nodes

 - Filename used for the actor Node image.
 - Leave empty if you don't wish to use one.
 Generated Color:
 - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
   the Window Skin.
   Generated Opacity:
   - What is the opacity level of the generated actor node?
 Differ Blend Color:
 - Blend color used when differentiating nodes.
 - Format: [red, green, blue, alpha]


Enemy Nodes

 - Filename used for the enemy Node image.
 - Leave empty if you don't wish to use one.
 Generated Color:
 - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
   the Window Skin.
   Generated Opacity:
   - What is the opacity level of the generated enemy node?
 Differ Blend Color:
 - Blend color used when differentiating nodes.
 - Format: [red, green, blue, alpha]



 Opacity Speed:
 - Speed at which the opacity changes.
 Disabled Opacity:
 - Opacity level for disabled nodes.



 Scale X:
 - Scale X value for the node.
 Scale Y:
 - Scale Y value for the node.



 Active Blend Color:
 - Blend color used by active battler.
 - Format: [red, green, blue, alpha]
   Always Visible?:
   - Always make all grid Nodes visible?
   Any Input?:
   - Make all grid Nodes during input phase?
   - Make all grid Nodes during targeting?
   Inputting Actor?:
   - Make inputting actor's grid Node visible?
   Selected Target?:
   - Make selected target's grid Node visible?
   Active Battler?:
   - Make active battler/subject's grid Node visible?
   Action Target?:
   - Make action target's grid Node visible?


Passive State Settings

BattleGridSystem NodePassives.gif

BattleGridSystem Params4.png

Settings used for Passive State Nodes.



 Show Passive Icons?:
 - Show the icons of the passive states attached to a Node?
 Cycle Duration:
 - How many frames should each icon cycle take?
 Blend Mode:
 - The blend mode used for these icons.



 Opacity Speed:
 - Speed at which the opacity changes.
 Fluctuation Maximum:
 - Maximum opacity value for fluctuation effect.
 Fluctuation Range:
 - Fluctuation range of the opacity effect.
 Fluctuation Rate:
 - Fluctuation rate of the opacity effect.



 Offset X:
 - Offsets the passive icon's x position.
 - Negative: left. Positive: right.
 Offset Y:
 - Offsets the passive icon's y position.
 - Negative: up. Positive: down.



 Scale X:
 - Scale X value for the icon.
 Scale Y:
 - Scale Y value for the icon.


Trigger Settings

BattleGridSystem NodeTraps.gif

BattleGridSystem Params5.png

Settings used for Trigger Nodes.



 Show Trigger Icons?:
 - Show the icons of the trigger actions attached to a Node?
 Blend Mode:
 - The blend mode used for these icons.



 Opacity Speed:
 - Speed at which the opacity changes.
 Fluctuation Maximum:
 - Maximum opacity value for fluctuation effect.
 Fluctuation Range:
 - Fluctuation range of the opacity effect.
 Fluctuation Rate:
 - Fluctuation rate of the opacity effect.



 Offset X:
 - Offsets the trigger icon's x position.
 - Negative: left. Positive: right.
 Offset Y:
 - Offsets the trigger icon's y position.
 - Negative: up. Positive: down.



 Scale X:
 - Scale X value for the icon.
 Scale Y:
 - Scale Y value for the icon.


Compatibility Settings

Settings used for the Move Command found in Window_ActorCommand. This has both aesthetic and mechanical settings.


Items & Equips Core

 Shop Status Window:
 - Show grid node target and casting data in Shop Status Window?
 Range: Target Node:
 - Text used to label target nodes.
 Range: Cast Node:
 - Text used to label cast nodes.
 Scope: Any Node:
 Scope: Empty Node:
 Scope: Actor Node:
 Scope: Enemy Node:
 - Text used to label node scopes.


Battle System - BTB

 Bypass Require Node?:
 - During input and under "Brave" effect, ignore rank/flank node
   requirements for skills/items?


Party System

 Removal Shortcut?:
 - Add member removal shortcut for Extended Tactics scene?


Move Command Settings

BattleGridSystem Movement.gif

BattleGridSystem Params6.png

Settings used for the Move Command found in Window_ActorCommand. This has both aesthetic and mechanical settings.



 Auto Add "Move"?:
 - Automatically add the "Move" command to the actor command window list?
 Show "Move" Command?:
 - Show the "Move" command in the actor command window list?
   Command Icon:
   - Icon used for the "Move" command.
   Command Name:
   - Text used for the "Move" command.
   Queue Text:
   - Used with Active ATB/TPB to display movement queue.
   Command Queue:
   - How many turns must the actor wait before moving again?
   - If cooldown is 0, move range becomes global.
   Grid Switch on Move?:
   - Can actors switch Nodes when using the Move Command?
   Pass Turn on Move?:
   - Makes the actor pass the current turn if the Move Command is used?
 Battler Opacity Rate:
 - What opacity rate should battlers be adjusted by when the player has to
   select a Grid Node



   Blend Mode:
   - The blend mode used for an enabled cursor.
   Tone Color:
   - Adjust the tone color of an enabled cursor.
   - Format: [red, green, blue, gray]
   - What opacity level should the enabled cursor use?
   Blend Mode:
   - The blend mode used for an disabled cursor.
   Tone Color:
   - Adjust the tone color of an disabled cursor.
   - Format: [red, green, blue, gray]
   - What opacity level should the disabled cursor use?


Default Move Range

 Global Range?:
 - Give actors a global movement range by default?
 Disable Range?:
 - Disable actor movement ranges by default?
   Diagonal Forward:
   Diagonal Backward:
   - What setting distance is allowed by default?
 Not Allowed:
   Diagonal Forward:
   Diagonal Backward:
   - What setting distance is disallowed by default?


Sound Settings

BattleGridSystem Movement.gif

BattleGridSystem Params7.png

These settings let you adjust the sound effects used for this plugin.


Move Command

 - Filename of the sound effect played.
 - Volume of the sound effect played.
 - Pitch of the sound effect played.
 - Pan of the sound effect played.


Tactics Scene Settings

BattleGridSystem Preview2.png

BattleGridSystem Params8.png

These settings adjust the Battle Grid Tactics Scene. This is an entirely optional feature that does not need to be a part of your game. If you want it, make sure the "Use Tactics System?" parameter is set to "true". If not, set it to "false".

BattleGridSystem ExtendedTactics.png

The Extended Tactics scene option allows you to extend the functionality of the tactics scene beyond just repositioning actors on the grid. If the Extended Tactics option is enabled, the plugin then allows players to manage their skills, equipment, and view their status, amongst many other functions within the Tactics scene itself. Also depending on which plugins are installed, the Extended Tactics scene will also allow changing classes, adding and removing party members, and overall quicker access to individual character submenus.


Mechanics Settings

 Use Tactics System?:
 - Use the battle tactics system?
 - If not, actor positions are determined by notetags and algorithms.
 Extended System?:
 - Use extended scene? Extended scene allows for more actor management
   instead of just positioning actors pre-battle.


Main Menu

 Command Name:
 - Name of the 'Battle Tactics' option in the Main Menu.
 Show in Main Menu?:
 - Add the 'Battle Tactics' option to the Main Menu by default?
 Enable in Main Menu?:
 - Enable the 'Battle Tactics' option to the Main Menu by default?


Background Settings

 Snapshop Opacity:
 - Snapshot opacity for the scene.
 Background 1:
 - Filename used for the bottom background image.
 - Leave empty if you don't wish to use one.
 Background 2:
 - Filename used for the upper background image.
 - Leave empty if you don't wish to use one.


Starting Positions

 1st through 20th Member:
 - Adjust the settings individually for each party member.
   - What is the starting rank for this party member?
   - Use 0 to let plugin determine starting position.
   - What is the starting flank for this party member?
   - Use 0 to let plugin determine starting position.


Window Settings

BattleGridSystem Preview2.png

BattleGridSystem Params9.png

These settings let you adjust the window settings for this plugin.


Action Display

 Adjust Pixel Radius:
 - Adjust the pixel size of each node radius by this much.
 Draw Usable Nodes?:
 - Draws the nodes that the user can perform an action on.
 - This is for general windows.
   Usable Color:
   Not Usable Color:
   - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
     the Window Skin.
 Draw Target Nodes?:
 - Draws the nodes that the user can target with the action.
 - This is for general windows.
   Ally Color:
   Enemy Color:
   - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
     the Window Skin.





 Draw Usable Nodes?:
 - Draws the nodes that the user can perform an action on.
 - This is for those windows.
 Draw Target Nodes?:
 - Draws the nodes that the user can target with the action.
 - This is for those windows.


Tactics Help Window

 Background Type:
 - Select background type for this window.
 Help: Select Actor:
 - Help description to tell player to select an actor.
 Help: Select Node:
 Help: Select Node Ext:
 - Extended help description to tell player to select a node.
 - Help description to tell player to select a node.
 Help: Required Actor:
 - Extended help saying which actor is required in party.
 - %1 - Party Member's Name


Tactics Grid Window

 Background Type:
 - Select background type for this window.
 Graphic Type:
 - Choose how the actor graphics appear in tactics menu.
   - None
   - Face
   - Map Sprite
   - Sideview Battler
   Switching BG Color 1:
   Switching BG Color 2:
   - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
     the Window Skin.
   Switching Text Color:
   - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
     the Window Skin.
 Party Leader:
 - Text used for the tactics banner for the party leader.
 - Do not use Text Codes.
   Leader Text Color:
   - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
     the Window Skin.
 Party Member:
 - Text used for the tactics banner for party member.
 - %1 - Party Member Slot ID.
 - Do not use Text Codes.
   Member Text Color:
   - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
     the Window Skin.
 Empty Node:
 - Text used for the tactics banner for empty node.
 - Do not use Text Codes.
   Empty Text Color:
   - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
     the Window Skin.
 JS: X, Y, W, H:
 - Code used to determine the dimensions for this window.
 JS: Draw Empty Node:
 - Code used to draw the contents of an empty node.
 JS: Draw Actor Node:
 - Code used to draw the contents of a node with an actor.


Tactics Command Window

 Background Type:
 - Select background type for this window.
 Window Width:
 - Width of the Tactics Command Window.
 Command Order:
 - The order in which tactics commands appear.
 Command Settings:
   Party Leader:
   Class Change:
   Swap Member:
   Add Member:
   Remove Member:
     Command Name:
     - Determines how this command appears in-game.
     - You may use text codes.
     Help Description:
     - Help description used when this command is selected.
     Show Command?:
     - Show this command in the Tactics Command Window?
     - Some commands may require other plugins.


Terms of Use

1. These plugins may be used in free or commercial games provided that they have been acquired through legitimate means at and/or any other official approved VisuStella sources. Exceptions and special circumstances that may prohibit usage will be listed on

2. All of the listed coders found in the Credits section of this plugin must be given credit in your games or credited as a collective under the name: "VisuStella".

3. You may edit the source code to suit your needs, so long as you do not claim the source code belongs to you. VisuStella also does not take responsibility for the plugin if any changes have been made to the plugin's code, nor does VisuStella take responsibility for user-provided custom code used for custom control effects including advanced JavaScript notetags and/or plugin parameters that allow custom JavaScript code.

4. You may NOT redistribute these plugins nor take code from this plugin to use as your own. These plugins and their code are only to be downloaded from and other official/approved VisuStella sources. A list of official/approved sources can also be found on

5. VisuStella is not responsible for problems found in your game due to unintended usage, incompatibility problems with plugins outside of the VisuStella MZ library, plugin versions that aren't up to date, nor responsible for the proper working of compatibility patches made by any third parties. VisuStella is not responsible for errors caused by any user-provided custom code used for custom control effects including advanced JavaScript notetags and/or plugin parameters that allow JavaScript code.

6. If a compatibility patch needs to be made through a third party that is unaffiliated with VisuStella that involves using code from the VisuStella MZ library, contact must be made with a member from VisuStella and have it approved. The patch would be placed on as a free download to the public. Such patches cannot be sold for monetary gain, including commissions, crowdfunding, and/or donations.

7. If this VisuStella MZ plugin is a paid product, all project team members must purchase their own individual copies of the paid product if they are to use it. Usage includes working on related game mechanics, managing related code, and/or using related Plugin Commands and features. Redistribution of the plugin and/or its code to other members of the team is NOT allowed unless they own the plugin itself as that conflicts with Article 4.

8. Any extensions and/or addendums made to this plugin's Terms of Use can be found on and must be followed.

Terms of Use: Japanese

『VisuStella MZ』利用規約

1. これらのプラグインは、VisuStella.comおよび/または公式に承認されたVisuStellaのソースから合法的な手段で入手したものである限り、フリーゲームや商用ゲームに使用することができます。例外的に使用が禁止される場合については、VisuStella.comの記載をご確認ください。

2. 本プラグインの「クレジット」部分に記載されているすべてのコーダーの名前は、ゲーム内にクレジット表記を行うか、もしくは「VisuStella」という名前の下にまとめて表記する必要があります。

3. ソースコードを自分のものだと主張しない限りは、必要に応じて編集することが可能です。ただしプラグインのコードに変更が加えられた場合、VisuStellaはそのプラグインに対して一切の責任を負いません。高度なJavaScriptのノートタグやJavaScriptコードを許可するプラグインのパラメータを含む、カスタムコントロールエフェクトに使用される、ユーザー提供のカスタムコードについても、VisuStellaは一切の責任を負いません。

4. これらのプラグインやプラグイン内のコードを、「自分のもの」として再配布したり使用したりすることはできません。これらのプラグインとそのコードは、VisuStella.comおよび、その他の公式/承認済みVisuStellaソースからのみダウンロードすることができます。公式/承認済みのソースのリストは、VisuStella.comでご確認いただけます。

5. VisuStellaは、意図しない使用方法による問題、VisuStella MZライブラリ以外のプラグインとの非互換性の問題、プラグインのバージョンが最新でないことによる問題、第三者による互換性パッチが適切に動作していないことなどが原因でゲーム内で発生した問題については、一切の責任を負いません。VisuStellaは、高度なJavaScriptのノートタグやJavaScriptコードを許可するプラグインのパラメータを含む、カスタムコントロールエフェクトに使用される、ユーザー提供のカスタムコードに起因するエラーについても、一切の責任を負いません。

6. VisuStella MZライブラリのコードを使用した互換性パッチをVisuStellaとは関係のない第三者を通じて作成する必要がある場合は、まずVisuStellaのメンバーと連絡を取り、承認を得る必要があります。パッチはVisuStella.comに公開され、誰でも無料でダウンロードすることができるようになります。このようなパッチを、制作発注やクラウドファンディングの対象にしたり、寄付などの金銭的な利益を得るために販売することはできません。

7. このVisuStella MZプラグインが商用製品である場合、プロジェクトチームのすべてのメンバーは、それを使用するため、それぞれ製品を購入しなければなりません。使用方法には、関連するゲームメカニクスの作業、関連するコードの管理、および/または関連するプラグインコマンドや機能の使用、が含まれます。プラグインそのものやそのコードをチームの他のメンバーに再配布することは第4項に抵触するため、そのメンバーがプラグインそのものを所有していない限りは許可されません。

8. このプラグインの利用規約の追加項目や補足については、VisuStella.comに掲載されていますので、それを参照し従ってください。


If you are using this plugin, credit the following people in your game:

Team VisuStella


Version 1.09: December 19, 2024

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New notetags added by Olivia:
      • <Aura Range: type>
      • <Miasma Range: type>
        • Used together with <Aura State: x> and <Miasma State: x> from VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
        • Restricts the range in which the aura/miasma passive is emitted from the user.
        • Read the help file for more information.
  • Optimization Update!
    • Plugin should run more optimized.

Version 1.08: November 14, 2024

  • Compatibility Update!
    • Added better compatibility with Main Menu Core's force show/hide and force enable/disable Plugin Commands for Class, Equip, Skills, and Status commands. Update made by Olivia.

Version 1.07: October 17, 2024

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed a bug where switching positions with dead party members using notetag effects would not move the dead member. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Fixed the documentation error for <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag's "Must Switch Mid" rule explanation.
  • Optimization Update!
    • Plugin should run more optimized.

Version 1.06: August 29, 2024

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed a bug where for FTB, ETB, and PTB, movement would always count as passing a turn regardless of Plugin Parameter settings. Fixed by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where adding a battler mid-battle would cause a crash. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where enemies could ignore grid targeting restrictions. Fix made by Irina.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
    • New section added to "Major Changes":
      • Temporary formations are very specific formations that will overwrite what settings the player has made. These involve specific rank/flank positions per party member (though some can be automatic). With temporary formations in play, the player cannot change them outside of battle. However, once in battle, the positions can be changed through the movement command and/or action effects.
      • When a temporary formation is present, menu and battle commands involving changing party members will be disabled.
      • Once a temporary formation is disbanded, the player's self-made formation settings will be returned and the player can readjust tactical formations once more.
  • New Features!
    • New Plugin Commands added by Olivia:
      • Temp: Create Temporary Tactics (Normal)
        • Creates a temporary tactical formation.
      • Temp: Create Temporary Tactics (JS)
        • Creates a temporary tactical formation with JavaScript.
      • Temp: Disband Temporary Tactics
        • Clears temporary tactical formations.

Version 1.05: July 18, 2024

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed a bug where actors sharing the same name would cause clashes in how they select same rank/flank targets. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where weapon ranges for same rank/flank would cause crashes at the start of battle. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed bugs with AOE targeting for 'Upward', 'Downward', 'Forward', 'Backward', 'Diagonal Forward', and 'Diagonal Backward' being inverted. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
    • Fixed a documentation bug where there is a 'Can' effect for self movement examples that actually doesn't exist.
  • New Features!
    • New notetags added by Olivia:
      • <Crash Self Damage Rate: x%>
      • <Crash Target Damage Rate: x%>
        • Alters the crash damage received by a percentile rate. Self refers to the moved enemy. Target refers to the enemy crashed into.
        • Example Usage: Rubber enemies have lower crash self damage.
        • Example Usage: Fluffy enemies have lower crash target damage.
      • <Crash Self Damage Bonus: +x>
      • <Crash Self Damage Bonus: -x>
      • <Crash Target Damage Bonus: +x>
      • <Crash Target Damage Bonus: -x>
        • Alters the crash damage received by a flat bonus amount. Self refers to the moved enemy. Target refers to the enemy crashed into.
        • Example Usage: Brittle enemies have higher flat bonus target damage.
        • Example Usage: Thorny enemies have higher flat bonus target damage.

Version 1.04: June 13, 2024

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Crash targets can no longer crash into themselves. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where AoE ranges did not accept the target located in the "center" of an AoE spread. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
      • Parameters > Passive State Settings > Position > Offset X/Y:
        • Adjusts passive icon's X/Y position.
      • Parameters > Trigger Settings > Position > Offset X/Y:
        • Adjusts trigger icon's X/Y position.
    • Extended Tactics Scene:
      • The Extended Tactics scene option allows you to extend the functionality of the tactics scene beyond just repositioning actors on the grid. If the Extended Tactics option is enabled, the plugin then allows players to manage their skills, equipment, and view their status, amongst many other functions within the Tactics scene itself. Also depending on which plugins are installed, the Extended Tactics scene will also allow changing classes, adding and removing party members, and overall quicker access to individual character submenus.
      • With this extended scene comes a lot more new plugin parameters:
        • Parameters > Tactics Scene Settings > Extended System?
        • Parameters > Compatibility Settings > Party System > Removal Shortcut
        • Parameters > Window Settings > Help Window > Help: Select Node Ext
        • Parameters > Window Settings > Help Window > Help: Required Actor
        • Parameters > Window Settings > Tactics Command Window > Many Settings
          • Refer to the help file for more information.

Version 1.03: May 16, 2024

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed a bug where <Area of Effect> notetags stopped working with regular selection skills.
    • Fixed an incompatibility bug with Core Engine's screen repositioning messing up the grid positioning of enemies. This effect will now be disabled when using the battle grid system. Fix made by Irina.
    • Fixed a bug where an enemy moving to a node that is previously occupied by a dead enemy could no longer by mouse-clicked on. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where distance between resolution UI and resolution size did not visually match for moving mode. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Update!
    • Action Sequences that target specific nodes for animations can now work with skills and items that target ranks and flanks. Update by Olivia.
    • Added gap reduction for skills without visible grids. Update by Irina.
    • Better enemy selection control with keyboard. Update by Olivia.
    • Items and skills with the "Never" occassion won't show the target/range information in the Window_ShopStatus window anymore. Passives won't show target/range information either. Update by Irina.
    • Help Window remains open when selecting a node, rank, or flank in order to remain consistent with selecting enemies and allies. Update by Olivia.
    • In Battle Test mode, tactics positions are not used and instead, will use any starting rank/flank settings.
    • When node triggers occur at the end of an action, the battle system will now wait for any node trigger animations to complete before continuing.
  • New Features!
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
      • Plugin Parameters > Compatibility > Items & Equips Core
        • Shop Status Window
          • Show scope, grid node target and casting data in Shop Status Window?
        • Scope: Actor Node
        • Scope: Enemy Node
          • Vocabulary text used for these new Plugin Parameters.

Version 1.02: April 18, 2024

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed a bug where nodes without triggers would have a faint line around them. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where displaying healing skills outside the battle scene would cause the game to freeze up. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where starting rank/flanks would not register properly. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where certain weapon range notetags would cause some enemies to not act properly. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where "Damage Crash Target?" was not working properly. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where area of effect notetags did not work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where a crash would occur if a passive state was applied to an enemy node. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where the "Move" command name cannot be changed.
    • Fixed a bug where <JS Targets> notetag causes a crash. Fix by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where self movement would suddenly stop visually animating. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Fixed a bug where enemies using grid rank and flank targeting would hit their own allies instead. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Compatibility Update!
    • Fixed a compatibility update with ETB and PTB causing movement to not work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
    • Fixed some example notetags that weren't working.
    • Added extra note to <Add Trigger to Target Node> that it does not affect nodes with any battlers on it and only works on empty nodes.
  • Feature Update!
    • Items and skills with the "Never" usability occassion type will not show any grid ranges.
    • Items and skills with target any or empty nodes are now able to be affected by area of effects.
  • New Features!
    • New Notetag added by Irina:
      • <Hide Grid Range>
        • Hides the grid target and usability ranges for this item/skill.
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
      • Plugin Parameters > Compatibility > Items & Equips Core
        • Shop Status Window
          • Show scope, grid node target and casting data in Shop Status Window?
        • Range: Target Node
        • Range: Cast Node
        • Scope: Any Node
        • Scope: Empty Node
          • Vocabulary text used for these new Plugin Parameters.

Version 1.01: March 14, 2024

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed a bug that required the State Tooltips plugin and if it wasn't present, would cause a crash upon using mouse controls. Fix by Irina.
    • Fixed a bug where the add trigger to node action sequence did not work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Feature Update!
    • Movement actor sprite now reflects the actor's offset X and Y settings found in the Battle Core. Update made by Irina.

Version 1.00 Official Release Date: March 29, 2024

  • Finished Plugin!

See Also

End of Helpfile