Battle Core VisuStella MZ

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This is a plugin created for RPG Maker MZ.




Click here for help on how to install plugins and an explanation on the Tier Hierarchy System.

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Masterarbeit Writer


BattleCoreBattleStyleList.png BattleCoreBattleStyleXp.png
BattleCoreBattleStylePortrait.png BattleCoreBattleStyleBorder.png

Extension Plugins

The following plugins are Extension Plugins that require this plugin as its Parent Plugin.

Place the following plugins below this plugin located in the Plugin Manager if you plan on using them.

VisuStella MZ

This plugin is a part of the VisuStella MZ Plugin Library.

Click here if you want to help support VisuStella on Patreon.


The Battle Core plugin revamps the battle engine provided by RPG Maker MZ to become more flexible, streamlined, and support a variety of features. The updated battle engine allows for custom Action Sequences, battle layout styles, and a lot of control over the battle mechanics, too.

Features include all (but not limited to) the following:

  • Action Sequence Plugin Commands to give you full control over what happens during the course of a skill or item.
  • Animated Sideview Battler support for enemies!
  • Auto Battle options for party-wide and actor-only instances.
  • Base Troop Events to quickly streamline events for all Troop events.
  • Battle Command control to let you change which commands appear for actors.
  • Battle Layout styles to change the way the battle scene looks.
  • Casting animation support for skills.
  • Critical Hit control over the success rate formula and damage multipliers.
  • Custom target scopes added for skills and items.
  • Damage formula control, including Damage Styles.
  • Damage caps, both hard caps and soft caps.
  • Damage traits such Armor Penetration/Reduction to bypass defenses.
  • Elements & Status Menu Core support for traits.
  • Multitude of JavaScript notetags and global Plugin Parameters to let you make a variety of effects across various instances during battle.
  • Party Command window can be skipped/disabled entirely.
  • Weather effects now show in battle.
  • Streamlined Battle Log to remove redundant information and improve the flow of battle.
  • Visual HP Gauges can be displayed above the heads of actors and/or enemies with a possible requirement for enemies to be defeated at least once first in order for them to show.


This plugin is made for RPG Maker MZ. This will not work in other iterations of RPG Maker.

Tier 1

This plugin is a Tier 1 plugin. Place it under other plugins of lower tier value on your Plugin Manager list (ie: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

This is to ensure that your plugins will have the best compatibility with the rest of the VisuStella MZ Plugin library.

Major Changes

This plugin will overwrite some core parts of the RPG Maker MZ base code in order to ensure the Battle Core plugin will work at full capacity. The following are explanations of what has been changed.


Action Sequences


Action sequences are now done either entirely by the Battle Log Window or through common events if the <Custom Action Sequence> notetag is used. In RPG Maker MZ by default, Action Sequences would be a mixture of using the Battle Log Window, the Battle Manager, and the Battle Scene, making it hard to fully grab control of the situation.


Action Speed

Action speeds determine the turn order in the default battle system. The AGI of a battle unit is also taken into consideration. However, the random variance applied to the action speed system makes the turn order extremely chaotic and hard for the player to determine. Thus, the random variance aspect of it has been turned off. This can be reenabled by default through Plugin Parameters => Mechanics Settings => Allow Random Speed?


Animated Sideview Battler Support For Enemies


Enemies can now use Sideview Actor sprites for themselves! They will behave like actors and can even carry their own set of weapons for physical attacks. These must be set up using notetags. More information can be found in the notetag section.

As the sprites are normally used for actors, some changes have been made to Sprite_Actor to be able to support both actors and enemies. These changes should have minimal impact on other plugins.


Battle Sprite Updates

A lot of functions in Sprite_Battler, Sprite_Actor, and Sprite_Enemy have been overwritten to make the new Action Sequence system added by this plugin possible. These changes make it possible for the sprites to move anywhere on the screen, jump, float, change visibility, and more.


Change Battleback in Battle


By default, the Change Battleback event command does not work in battle. Any settings made to it will only reflect in the following battle. Now, if the battleback event command is used during battle, it will reflect upon any new changes immediately.


Critical Hit - LUK Influence

The LUK Buffs now affect the critical hit rate based off how the formula is now calculated. Each stack of a LUK Buff will double the critical hit rate and compound upon that. That means a x1 LUK Buff stack will raise it by x2, a x2 LUK Buff stack will raise the critical hit rate by x4, a x3 LUK Buff Stack will raise the critical hit rate stack by x8, and so on.

LUK also plays a role in how much damage is dealt with critical hits. The default critical hit multiplier has been reduced from x3 to x2. However, a percentage of LUK will added on (based off the user's CRI rate) onto the finalized critical damage. If the user's CRI rate is 4%, then 4% of the user LUK value will also be added onto the damage.

This change can be altered through Plugin Parameters => Damage Settings => Critical Hits => JS: Rate Formula and JS: Damage Formula.


Damage Popups


Damage popups are now formatted with + and - to determine healing and damage. MP Damage will also include "MP" at the back. This is to make it clearer what each colored variant of the damage popup means as well as help color blind players read the on-screen data properly.

Damage popups have also been rewritten to show all changed aspects instead of just one. Previously with RPG Maker MZ, if an action would deal both HP and MP damage, only one of them would show. Now, everything is separated and both HP and MP changes will at a time.


Dual Wield

BattleCore DualWield.gif

Previously, RPG Maker MZ had "Dual Wielding" attack using both weapon animations at once, with the combined ATK of each weapon. It's confusing to look at and does not portray the nature of "Dual Wielding".

Dual Wielding, or in the case of users adding in third and fourth weapons, Multi Wielding is now changed. Each weapon is displayed individually, each producing its own attack animation, showing each weapon type, and applying only that weapon's ATK, Traits, and related effects. It is no longer a combined effect to display everything at once like RPG Maker MZ default.

If an actor has multiple weapon slots but some of them are unequipped, then the action will treat the attack as a single attack. There will be no barehanded attack to add on top of it. This is to match RPG Maker MZ's decision to omit a second animation if the same scenario is applied.

Force Action


Previously, Forced Actions would interrupt the middle of an event to perform an action. However, with the addition of more flexible Action Sequences, the pre-existing Force Action system would not be able to exist and would require being remade.

Forced Actions now are instead, added to a separate queue from the action battler list. Whenever an action and/or common event is completed, then if there's a Forced Action battler queued, then the Forced Action battler will have its turn. This is the cleanest method available and avoids the most conflicts possible.

This means if you planned to make cinematic sequences with Forced Actions, you will need to account for the queued Force Actions. However, in the case of battle cinematics, we would highly recommend that you use the newly added Action Sequence Plugin Commands instead as those give you more control than any Force Action ever could.


Random Scope

The skill and item targeting scopes for Random Enemy, 2 Random Enemies, 3 Random Enemies, 4 Random Enemies will now ignore TGR and utilize true randomness.


Spriteset_Battle Update

The spriteset now has extra containers to separate battlers (actors and enemies), animations, and damage. This is to make actors and enemy battler sprites more efficient to sort (if enabled), so that animations won't interfere with and cover damage sprites, and to make sure damage sprites are unaffected by screen tints in order to ensure the player will always have a clear read on the information relaying sprites.


TPB/ATB Active Battle Actor Shifting


The above image is a demonstration of what the bug looks like in an empty project.

Pressing cancel on the Actor Command Window no longer switches between actors with a full TPB/ATB gauge before reaching the Party Command Window. This is to accomplish a couple of things: 1) reduce the number of button presses to reach the Party Command Window and 2) to prevent motion resets and disrupting action sequences. If this feature is vital to your battle system, we recommend that you do not use this plugin or any of the Battle Core-required plugins.


Weather Displayed in Battle


Previously, weather has not been displayed in battle. This means that any weather effects placed on the map do not transfer over to battle and causes a huge disconnect for players. The Battle Core plugin will add weather effects to match the map's weather conditions. Any changes made to weather through event commands midway through battle will also be reflected.


Base Troops


Base Troops can be found, declared, and modified in the Plugin Parameters => Mechanics Settings => Base Troop ID's. All of the listed Troop ID's here will have their page events replicated and placed under all other troops found in the database.


This means that if you have an event that runs on Turn 1 of a Base Troop, then for every troop out there, that same event will also run on Turn 1, as well. This is useful for those who wish to customize their battle system further and to reduce the amount of work needed to copy/paste said event pages into every database troop object manually.


Damage Styles


Damage Styles are a new feature added through the Battle Core plugin. When using certain Battle Styles, you can completely ignore typing in the whole damage formula inside the damage formula input box, and instead, insert either a power amount or a multiplier depending on the Damage Style. The plugin will then automatically calculate damage using that value factoring in ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF values.


Here is a list of the Damage Styles that come with this plugin by default. You can add in your own and even edit them to your liking. Or just remove them if you want.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Style          Use Formula As   PH/MA Disparity   Stat Scale   Damage Scale
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard       Formula          No                Varies       Varies
ArmorScaling   Formula          No                Varies       Varies
CT             Multiplier       Yes               Low          Normal
D4             Multiplier       No                High         Normal
DQ             Multiplier       No                Low          Low
FF7            Power            Yes               Low          High
FF8            Power            Yes               Medium       Normal
FF9            Power            Yes               Low          Normal
FF10           Power            Yes               Medium       High
MK             Multiplier       No                Medium       Low
MOBA           Multiplier       No                Medium       Normal
PKMN           Power            No                Low          Normal

Use the above chart to figure out which Damage Style best fits your game, if you plan on using them.

The 'Standard' style is the same as the 'Manual' formula input, except that it allows for the support of <Armor Penetration> and <Armor Reduction> notetags.

The 'Armor Scaling' style allows you to type in the base damage calculation without the need to type in any defending modifiers.

NOTE: While these are based off the damage formulas found in other games, not all of them are exact replicas. Many of them are adapted for use in RPG Maker MZ since not all RPG's use the same set of parameters and not all external multipliers function the same way as RPG Maker MZ.



  • This is what the Damage Style is.

Use Formula As:

  • This is what you insert into the formula box.
  • Formula: Type in the formula for the action just as you would normally.
  • Multiplier: Type in the multiplier for the action. Use float values. This means 250% is typed out as 2.50
  • Power: Type in the power constant for the action. Use whole numbers. Type in something like 16 for a power constant.

PH/MA Disparity:

  • Is there a disparity between how Physical Attacks and Magical Attacks are calculated?
  • If yes, then physical attacks and magical attacks will have different formulas used.
  • If no, then physical attacks and magical attacks will share similar formulas for how they're calculated.

Stat Scale:

  • How much should stats scale throughout the game?
  • Low: Keep them under 100 for the best results.
  • Medium: Numbers work from low to mid 400's for best results.
  • High: The numbers really shine once they're higher.

Damage Scale:

  • How much does damage vary depending on small parameter changes?
  • Low: Very little increase from parameter changes.
  • Normal: Damage scales close to proportionally with parameter changes.
  • High: Damage can boost itself drastically with parameter changes.


To determine what kind of parameters are used for the Damage Styles, they will depend on two things: the action's 'Hit Type' (ie Physical Attack, Magical Attack, and Certain Hit) and the action's 'Damage Type' (ie. Damage, Recovery, or Drain).

Certain Hit tends to use whichever value is higher: ATK or MAT, and then ignores the target's defense values. Use Certain Hits for 'True Damage'.

Use the chart below to figure out everything else:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hit Type      Damage Type   Attacker Parameter   Defender Parameter
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Physical      Damage        ATK                  DEF
Magical       Damage        MAT                  MDF
Certain Hit   Damage        Larger (ATK, MAT)    -Ignores-
Physical      Recover       DEF                  -Ignores-
Magical       Recover       MDF                  -Ignores-
Certain Hit   Recover       Larger (ATK, MAT)    -Ignores-
Physical      Drain         ATK                  DEF
Magical       Drain         MAT                  MDF
Certain Hit   Drain         Larger (ATK, MAT)    -Ignores-

These can be modified within the Plugin Parameters in the individual Damage Styles themselves.


Skills and Items can use different Damage Styles from the setting you've selected in the Plugin Parameters. They can be altered to have different Damage Styles through the usage of a notetag:

<Damage Style: name>

This will use whichever style is found in the Plugin Parameters.

If "Manual" is used, then no style will be used and all calculations will be made strictly based off the formula found inside the formula box.


VisuStella MZ Compatibility

While this plugin is compatible with the majority of the VisuStella MZ plugin library, it is not compatible with specific plugins or specific features. This section will highlight the main plugins/features that will not be compatible with this plugin or put focus on how the make certain features compatible.


Boost Action VisuStella MZ

When using Action Sequences, Boost effects for damage, turn extensions, analyze, etc. will not occur for anything other than the Action Sequence: "MECH: Action Effect" in order to maintain controlled effects. However, if you do want to apply bonuses for Boosts, utilize "MECH: Boost Store Data" to store inside a variable how many times Boosts were used. This can be used however which way you want it to as long as it is manageable through events and Common Events.



RPG Maker MZ's editor is unable to allow for custom traits/properties that a game dev may wish to associate with a database object, event, map, etc. Notetags are used to work around such limitations by allowing the game dev to tag certain traits/properties using specific Notetags declared by the related plugin.

Here is a list of Notetag(s) that you may use.

The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. These notetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.

HP Gauge-Related Notetags


The following notetags allow you to set whether or not HP Gauges can be displayed by enemies regardless of Plugin Parameter settings.


<Show HP Gauge>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Will always show the HP Gauge for the enemy regardless of the defeat
  requirement setting.
- This does not bypass the player's Options preferences.
- This does not bypass disabling enemy HP Gauges as a whole.


<Hide HP Gauge>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Will always hide the HP Gauge for the enemy regardless of the defeat
  requirement setting.
- This does not bypass the player's Options preferences.


<Battle UI Offset: +x, +y>
<Battle UI Offset: -x, -y>

<Battle UI Offset X: +x>
<Battle UI Offset X: -x>

<Battle UI Offset Y: +y>
<Battle UI Offset Y: -y>

- Used for: Actor and Enemy Notetags
- Adjusts the offset of HP Gauges and State Icons above the heads of actors
  and enemies.
- Replace 'x' with a number value that offsets the x coordinate.
- Negative x values offset left. Positive x values offset right.
- Replace 'y' with a number value that offsets the y coordinate.
- Negative y values offset up. Positive x values offset down.


Animation-Related Notetags


The following notetags allow you to set animations to play at certain instances and/or conditions.


<Slip Animation: x>

- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!
- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- During the phase at which the user regenerates HP, MP, or TP, this
  animation will play as long as the user is alive and visible.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Animation ID to play.


<Cast Animation: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Plays a battle animation at the start of the skill.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Animation ID to play.


<Attack Animation: x>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Gives an enemy an attack animation to play for its basic attack.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the Animation ID to play.


Battleback-Related Notetags


You can apply these notetags to have some control over the battlebacks that appear in different regions of the map for random or touch encounters.


<Region x Battleback1: filename>
<Region x Battleback2: filename>

- Used for: Map Notetags
- If the player starts a battle while standing on 'x' region, then the
  'filename' battleback will be used.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the region ID you wish to use.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic to use. Do not insert
  any extensions. This means the file 'Castle1.png' will be only inserted
  as 'Castle1' without the '.png' at the end.
- *NOTE: This will override any specified battleback settings.


Battle Command-Related Notetags


You can use notetags to change how the battle commands of playable characters appear in battle as well as whether or not they can be used.


<Seal Attack>
<Seal Guard>
<Seal Item>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Prevents specific battle commands from being able to be used.


<Battle Commands>
 SType: x
 SType: name
 All Skills
 Skill: x
 Skill: name
 Auto Battle
 Combat Log
 Weapon Swap
</Battle Commands>

- Used for: Class Notetags
- Changes which commands appear in the Actor Command Window in battle.
  If this notetag is not used, then the default commands determined in
  Plugin Parameters => Actor Command Window => Command List will be used.
- Add/remove/modify entries as needed.

- Attack
  - Adds the basic attack command.

- Skills
  - Displays all the skill types available to the actor.

- SType: x
- Stype: name
  - Adds in a specific skill type.
  - Replace 'x' with the ID of the skill type.
  - Replace 'name' with the name of the skill type (without text codes).

- All Skills
  - Adds all usable battle skills as individual actions.

- Skill: x
- Skill: name
  - Adds in a specific skill as a usable action.
  - Replace 'x' with the ID of the skill.
  - Replace 'name' with the name of the skill.

- Guard
  - Adds the basic guard command.

- Item
  - Adds the basic item command.

- Party
  - Requires VisuMZ_2_PartySystem.
  - Allows this actor to switch out with a different party member.

- Escape
  - Adds the escape command.

- Auto Battle
  - Adds the auto battle command.

- Combat Log
  - Requires VisuMZ_4_CombatLog.
  - Opens up the combat log.

- Talk
  - Requires VisuMZ_3_BattleCmdTalk!
  - Shows talk command if applicable.

- Weapon Swap
  - Requires VisuMZ_2_WeaponSwapSystem.
  - Swaps the current weapon.


<Battle Commands>
 Skill: Heal
</Battle Commands>


<Command Text: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When a skill is used in a <Battle Commands> notetag set, you can change
  the skill name text that appears to something else.
- Replace 'x' with the skill's name you want to shown in the Actor Battle
  Command window.
- Recommended Usage: Shorten skill names that are otherwise too big to fit
  inside of the Actor Battle Command window.


<Command Icon: x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- When a skill is used in a <Battle Commands> notetag set, you can change
  the skill icon that appears to something else.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of icon you want shown in the Actor Battle Command
  window to represent the skill.


<Command Require Learn>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines if a battle command is visible or not by whether the actor has
  learned the skill.
- Learning the skill is a requirement. Acquiring the skill through traits
  does not count as learning the skill.


<Command Require Access>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines if a battle command is visible or not by whether the actor has
  access to the skill.
- Having access to the skill can come through either learning the skill or
  temporarily acquiring it through trait objects.


<Command Show Switch: x>

<Command Show All Switches: x,x,x>
<Command Show Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines if a battle command is visible or not through switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the skill's visibility.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, item will be hidden until all
  switches are ON. Then, it would be shown.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, item will be shown if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be hidden.
- This can be applied to Attack and Guard commands, too.


<Command Hide Switch: x>

<Command Hide All Switches: x,x,x>
<Command Hide Any Switches: x,x,x>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- Determines if a battle command is visible or not through switches.
- Replace 'x' with the switch ID to determine the skill's visibility.
- If 'All' notetag variant is used, item will be shown until all
  switches are ON. Then, it would be hidden.
- If 'Any' notetag variant is used, item will be hidden if any of the
  switches are ON. Otherwise, it would be shown.
- This can be applied to Attack and Guard commands, too.


<Battle Portrait: filename>

- Used for: Actor
- This is used with the "Portrait" Battle Layout.
- Sets the battle portrait image for the actor to 'filename'.
- Replace 'filename' with a picture found within your game project's
  img/pictures/ folder. Filenames are case sensitive. Leave out the filename
  extension from the notetag.
- This will override any menu images used for battle only.


<Battle Portrait Offset: +x, +y>
<Battle Portrait Offset: -x, -y>

<Battle Portrait Offset X: +x>
<Battle Portrait Offset X: -x>

<Battle Portrait Offset Y: +y>
<Battle Portrait Offset Y: -y>

- Used for: Actor
- This is used with the "Portrait" and "Border" Battle Layouts.
- Offsets the X and Y coordinates for the battle portrait.
- Replace 'x' with a number value that offsets the x coordinate.
- Negative x values offset left. Positive x values offset right.
- Replace 'y' with a number value that offsets the y coordinate.
- Negative y values offset up. Positive x values offset down.


JavaScript Notetag: Battle Command-Related

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to determine if skill-based battle commands are visible or hidden.


<JS Command Visible>
 visible = code;
</JS Command Visible>

- Used for: Skill Notetags
- The 'visible' variable is the final returned variable to determine the
  skill's visibility in the Battle Command Window.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the skill's visibility in
  the Battle Command Window.
- The 'user' variable represents the user who will perform the skill.
- The 'skill' variable represents the skill to be used.


Targeting-Related Notetags

The following notetags are related to the targeting aspect of skills and items and may adjust the scope of how certain skills/items work.


<Always Hit>

<Always Hit Rate: x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes the action to always hit or to always have a hit rate of exactly
  the marked x%.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the hit success percentage.


<Repeat Hits: x>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Changes the number of hits the action will produce.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of hits to incur.


<Target: x Random Any>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the skill pick 'x' random targets when used.
- Targets can be both actors and enemies.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of random targets.


<Target: x Random Enemies>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the skill pick 'x' random targets when used.
- Targets are only enemies.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of random targets.


<Target: x Random Allies>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Makes the skill pick 'x' random targets when used.
- Targets are only actors.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the number of random targets.


<Target: All Allies But User>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Targets all allies with the exception of the user.


<Target: Ally or Enemy>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the player to target allies or enemies with the skill/item.
  - Keep in mind this does NOT allow you to select dead party members.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Target selection emphasis will go to allies first.
- Ignored when used by enemies and will be treated as an ally scope.
- Auto-battle actors will also treat this action as an ally scope.
- For certain battle layouts in frontview, this will open the Actor Select
  window in order for Touch Input to be able to select actors.


<Target: Enemy or Ally>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Allows the player to target enemies or allies with the skill/item.
  - Keep in mind this does NOT allow you to select dead party members.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's
  existing scope in favor of this.
- Target selection emphasis will go to enemies first.
- Ignored when used by enemies and will be treated as an enemy scope.
- Auto-battle actors will also treat this action as an enemy scope.
- For certain battle layouts in frontview, this will open the Actor Select
  window in order for Touch Input to be able to select actors.


<Single or Multiple Select>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Requires an original scope that can select individual targets.
- This will allow the skill/item to be able to select either single targets
  or multiple targets at once.
  - In order to select "all enemies", the player must press the "Page Up"
    keyboard button or the visual on screen "All Enemies" button.
  - In order to select "all allies", the player must press the "Page Down"
    keyboard button or the visual on screen "All Allies" button.
  - Those wondering why this isn't regulated to a command left or right of
    the enemies and actors is because mouse controls and touch controls
    would not be able to select all enemies or all allies that way.
  - This can NOT be used with single dead ally scopes.
- If there is an enemy with Taunt or Provoke, the option to select
  "All Enemies" does not become possible.
- The enemy AI and Auto-Battle actor AI will NOT make use of the ability to
  toggle between single and multiple target scopes. They will only use the
  single target versions of these skills.


<Disperse Damage>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will cause any damage dealt by this skill to be split equally amongst
  all targets of the skill including repeats.
  - For basic attacks, any damage reduction added attack trait totals will
    by reverted.
- This does NOT have to be used with <Single or Multiple Select> notetag and
  can be used by itself for an "All" scope, making the skill/item deal less
  damage if there's more enemies and more damage if there's less enemies.


<Cannot Target User>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This will cause the action to be unable to select the user as the target.
- This is not a targeting scope. Instead, it is used in addition to any
  other targeting scopes out there.
- When used with "All" scopes, the user is removed from the target pool.
- This is also applied outside of battle.
- If the user somehow enters the target pool, the user is then replaced by
  a random ally found in the party.


JavaScript Notetag: Targeting-Related


<JS Accuracy>
 rate = code;
</JS Accuracy>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Only applies during battle.
- The 'rate' variable is the final returned amount to determine the
  accuracy hit success rate.
  - Base value comes from Game_Action.itemHit
  - Skill/Item <JS Accuracy> runs
  - Then <JS Accuracy as User/Target> notetags run
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the final 'rate' to be
  returned as the accuracy hit success rate.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.
- Works best with VisuMZ Core Engine's "Improved Accuracy" QoL formula in
  order to consolidate both HIT and EVA.


<JS Accuracy as User>
 rate = code;
</JS Accuracy as User>

<JS Accuracy as Target>
 rate = code;
</JS Accuracy as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Only applies during battle.
- The 'rate' variable is the final returned amount to determine the
  accuracy hit success rate.
  - Base value comes from Game_Action.itemHit
  - Skill/Item <JS Accuracy> runs
  - Then <JS Accuracy as User/Target> notetags run
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Targets>
 targets = [code];
</JS Targets>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The 'targets' variable is an array that is returned to be used as a
  container for all the valid action targets.
- The 'targets' variable will include the original set of targets determined
  by the skill/item's original scale.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine valid targets.


Damage-Related Notetags



<Damage Style: name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Replace 'name' with a Damage Style name to change the way calculations are
  made using the damage formula input box.
- Names can be found in Plugin Parameters => Damage Settings => Style List


<Armor Reduction: x>
<Armor Reduction: x%>
- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, sets the current skill/item's armor
  reduction properties to 'x' and/or 'x%'.
- If used on trait objects, adds 'x' and/or 'x%' armor reduction properties
  when calculating one's own armor.
- Use the 'x' notetag variant to determine a flat reduction value.
- Use the 'x%' notetag variant to determine a percentile reduction value.


<Armor Penetration: x>
<Armor Penetration: x%>
- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, sets the current skill/item's armor
  penetration properties to 'x' and/or 'x%'.
- If used on trait objects, adds 'x' and/or 'x%' armor penetration
  properties when calculating a target's armor.
- Use the 'x' notetag variant to determine a flat penetration value.
- Use the 'x%' notetag variant to determine a percentile penetration value.


<Magic Reduction: x>
<Magic Reduction: x%>
- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, sets the current skill/item's armor
  reduction properties to 'x' and/or 'x%'.
- If used on trait objects, adds 'x' and/or 'x%' armor reduction properties
  when calculating one's own armor.
- This applies to magical attacks.
- Use the 'x' notetag variant to determine a flat reduction value.
- Use the 'x%' notetag variant to determine a percentile reduction value.


<Magic Penetration: x>
<Magic Penetration: x%>
- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, sets the current skill/item's armor
  penetration properties to 'x' and/or 'x%'.
- If used on trait objects, adds 'x' and/or 'x%' armor penetration
  properties when calculating a target's armor.
- This applies to magical attacks.
- Use the 'x' notetag variant to determine a flat penetration value.
- Use the 'x%' notetag variant to determine a percentile penetration value.


<Bypass Damage Cap>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, this will cause the action to never have
  its damage capped.
- If used on trait objects, this will cause the affected unit to never have
  its damage capped.


<Damage Cap: x>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, this will declare the hard damage cap to
  be the 'x' value.
- If used on trait objects, this will raise the affect unit's hard damage
  cap to 'x' value. If another trait object has a higher value, use that
  value instead.


<Bypass Soft Damage Cap>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, this will cause the action to never have
  its damage scaled downward to the soft cap.
- If used on trait objects, this will cause the affected unit to never have
  its damage scaled downward to the soft cap.


<Soft Damage Cap: +x%>
<Soft Damage Cap: -x%>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If used on skills and/or items, this will increase/decrease the action's
  soft cap by x% where 'x' is a percentage value representing the increment
  changed by the hard cap value.
- If used on trait objects, this will raise the affect unit's soft damage
  limit by x% where 'x' is a percentage value representing the increment
  changed by the hard cap value.



- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Using "Guard" against this skill will not reduce any damage.


Critical-Related Notetags

The following notetags affect skill and item critical hit rates and the critical damage multiplier.


<Always Critical>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This skill/item will always land a critical hit regardless of the
  user's CRI parameter value.


<Set Critical Rate: x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This skill/item will always have a x% change to land a critical hit
  regardless of user's CRI parameter value.
- Replace 'x' with a percerntage value representing the success rate.


<Modify Critical Rate: x%>
<Modify Critical Rate: +x%>
<Modify Critical Rate: -x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Modifies the user's CRI parameter calculation for this skill/item.
- The 'x%' notetag variant will multiply the user's CRI parameter value
  for this skill/item.
- The '+x%' and '-x%' notetag variants will incremenetally increase/decrease
  the user's CRI parameter value for this skill/item.


<Modify Critical Multiplier: x%>
<Modify Critical Multiplier: +x%>
<Modify Critical Multiplier: -x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- These notetags determine the damage multiplier when a critical hit lands.
- The 'x%' notetag variant multiply the multiplier to that exact percentage.
- The '+x%' and '-x%' notetag variants will change the multiplier with an
  incremenetal rate for this skill/item.


<Modify Critical Bonus Damage: x%>
<Modify Critical Bonus Damage: +x%>
<Modify Critical Bonus Damage: -x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- These notetags determine the bonus damage added when a critical hit lands.
- The 'x%' notetag variant multiply the damage to that exact percentage.
- The '+x%' and '-x%' notetag variants will change the bonus damage with an
  incremenetal rate for this skill/item.


JavaScript Notetags: Critical-Related

The following are notetags made for users with JavaScript knowledge to determine how critical hit-related aspects are calculated.


<JS Critical Rate>
 rate = code;
</JS Critical Rate>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The 'rate' variable is the final returned amount to determine the
  critical hit success rate.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the final 'rate' to be
  returned as the critical hit success rate.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Critical Rate as User>
 rate = code;
</JS Critical Rate as User>

<JS Critical Rate as Target>
 rate = code;
</JS Critical Rate as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Only applies during battle.
- The 'rate' variable is the final returned amount to determine the
  critical hit success rate.
  - Base value comes from Game_Action.itemCri
  - Skill/Item <JS Critical Rate> runs
  - Then <JS Critical Rate as User/Target> notetags run
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine the final 'rate' to be
  returned as the critical hit success rate.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Critical Damage>
 multiplier = code;
 bonusDamage = code;
</JS Critical Damage>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- The 'multiplier' variable is returned later and used as the damage
  multiplier used to amplify the critical damage amount.
- The 'bonusDamage' variable is returned later and used as extra added
  damage for the critical damage amount.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to determine how the 'multiplier' and
  'bonusDamage' variables are calculated.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


Life Steal-Related Notetags

BattleCore Update123 Preview1.png


<HP Life Steal: x%>
<MP Life Steal: x%>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Causes this skill/item to have Life Steal properties, allowing the user to
  take x% of the HP/MP Damage as recovered HP/MP.
  - HP Life Steal can only take HP from dealt HP damage.
  - MP Life Steal can only take MP from dealt MP damage.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the percentage of the dealt damage
  used as HP/MP recovery.
- This cannot be used with skills/items with HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal
  is a different mechanic from HP Drain/MP Drain.


<HP Life Steal Certain Hit: +x%>
<HP Life Steal Physical Hit: +x%>
<HP Life Steal Magical Hit: +x%>

<HP Life Steal Certain Hit: -x%>
<HP Life Steal Physical Hit: -x%>
<HP Life Steal Magical Hit: -x%>

<MP Life Steal Certain Hit: +x%>
<MP Life Steal Physical Hit: +x%>
<MP Life Steal Magical Hit: +x%>

<MP Life Steal Certain Hit: -x%>
<MP Life Steal Physical Hit: -x%>
<MP Life Steal Magical Hit: -x%>

- Used for: Used for: Actor, Class, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- The related battler's various trait properties can have passive life steal
  properties that will trigger upon using skills/items with matching hit
  types regardless of whether or not the skill/item innately has Life Steal.
  - Notetag variants with "Certain Hit" will only trigger from "Certain Hit"
    skill and item types. Same with "Physical" and "Magical" variants.
  - HP Life Steal can only take HP from dealt HP damage.
  - MP Life Steal can only take HP from dealt MP damage.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the additive stacking percentage
  boost of the dealt damage used as HP/MP recovery. The effects will stack
  additively with other trait objects.
- This cannot be used with skills/items with HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal
  is a different mechanic from HP Drain/MP Drain.


<Cancel Life Steal>

<Cancel HP Life Steal>
<Cancel MP Life Steal>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Prevents this skill from allowing Life Steal effects to occur including
  the passive life steal calculators from the skill/item user.
- This does not affect HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal is a different mechanic
  from HP Drain/MP Drain.


<Guard Life Steal>

<Guard HP Life Steal>
<Guard MP Life Steal>

- Used for: Used for: Actor, Class, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If the related battler becomes the target of Life Steal, this will prevent
  the Life Steal effects from taking effect.
- This does not affect HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal is a different mechanic
  from HP Drain/MP Drain.


<Disarm Life Steal>

<Disarm HP Life Steal>
<Disarm MP Life Steal>

- Used for: Used for: Actor, Class, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Makes the related battler unable to HP/MP Life Steal regardless of the
  skill/item and its related properties like equipment.
- This does not prevent skills/items with innate Life Steal from being used.
  Only the Life Steal part of the skill/item will have no effect.
- This does not affect HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal is a different mechanic
  from HP Drain/MP Drain.


<Negative Life Steal>

<Negative HP Life Steal>
<Negative MP Life Steal>

- Used for: Used for: Actor, Class, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- If the related battler becomes the target of Life Steal, this will invert
  the healing properties of Life Steal, causing the Life Steal user to
  instead take HP/MP damage.
  - This does NOT heal the target related battler.
- This does not prevent skills/items with innate Life Steal from being used.
  Only the Life Steal part of the skill/item will have no effect.
- This does not affect HP Drain/MP Drain. Life Steal is a different mechanic
  from HP Drain/MP Drain.


Action Sequence-Related Notetags


Action Sequences allow you full control over how a skill and/or item plays through its course. These notetags give you control over various aspects of those Action Sequences. More information is found in the Action Sequences help section.



<Custom Action Sequence>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Removes all automated Action Sequence parts from the skill.
- Everything Action Sequence-related will be done by Common Events.
- Insert Common Event(s) into the skill/item's effects list to make use of
  the Custom Action Sequences.
- This will prevent common events from loading in the Item Scene and Skill
  Scene when used outside of battle.


<Auto Action Sequence>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- If the Action Sequence Plugin Parameter "Auto Notetag" is enabled, this
  plugin will prevent custom action sequences from happening for the skill
  or item, and instead, use an Automatic Action Sequence instead.
- Ignore this if you have "Auto Notetag" disabled or set to false. By
  default, this setting is set to false. Please be aware of the changes
  you've made to your game before using it.


<Bypass Auto Action Sequence>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- This notetag is used for the game devs that have the Action Sequence
  Plugin Parameter "Auto Notetag" on for applying <Custom Action Sequence>
  to everything.
- This will allow items and skills to be able to launch their common
  events from the menu scene regardless of the inherent restriction to
  prevent action sequence based skills/items with common events from
- Ignore this if you have "Auto Notetag" disabled or set to false. By
  default, this setting is set to false. Please be aware of the changes
  you've made to your game before using it.


<Common Event: name>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Battle only: calls forth a Common Event of a matching name.
- Replace 'name' with the name of a Common Event to call from when this
  skill/item is used in battle.
  - Remove any \I[x] in the name.
- Insert multiple notetags to call multiple Common Events in succession.
- This will occur after any Common Event Trait Effects for the skill/item's
  database entry.
- This is primarily used for users who are reorganizing around their Common
  Events and would still like to have their skills/items perform the correct
  Action Sequences in case the ID's are different.


<Display Icon: x>
<Display Text: string>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- When displaying the skill/item name in the Action Sequence, determine the
  icon and/or text displayed.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the icon ID to be displayed.
- Replace 'string' with a text value representing the displayed name.


BattleCore CommonEventKeys.png

<Common Event Key: name>
<Common Event Keys: name, name, name>

<Common Event Keys>
</Common Event Keys>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Will generate Common Events for the skill/item with a corresponding key.
- Replace 'name' with the name of the Common Event's key that you want to
  reference. That key will be converted into a Common Event effect for the
  skill/item and be treated as an action sequence.
  - The notetag variants that use multiple keys will have the keys added in
    the order they are listed.
  - If keys do not reference any Common Events, no Common Events will be
    added for that key.
- To mark a Common Event with a key, insert inside a Common Event's name the
  [ and ] brackets around the text that will be used as the Common Event's
  key text.
  - For example, if Common Event's name is "Penta Slash [PENTA]", then the
    key used is "PENTA" without the quotes.
  - This key could then be referenced by <Common Event Key: PENTA> notetag.
  - Do not use commas (,) inside the key text as it will be automatically
    removed for the sake of consistency.
- This feature is made for make the process of sharing Action Sequences to
  become easier without needing to line up Common Event ID's.


Animated Sideview Battler-Related Notetags


Enemies can use Animated Sideview Actor graphics thanks to this plugin. These notetags give you control over that aspect. Some of these also affect actors in addition to enemies.


<Sideview Battler: filename>

<Sideview Battlers>
 filename: weight
 filename: weight
 filename: weight
</Sideview Battlers>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Replaces the enemy's battler graphic with an animated Sideview Actor
  graphic found in the img/sv_actors/ folder.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic to use. Do not insert
  any extensions. This means the file 'Actor1_1.png' will be only inserted
  as 'Actor1_1' without the '.png' at the end.
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random filename is selected
  from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'filename'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'filename' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Sideview Battlers>
 Actor1_1: 25
 Actor1_3: 10
</Sideview Battlers>


<Sideview Anchor: x, y>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets the sprite anchor positions for the sideview sprite.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers depicting where the anchors should be for
  the sideview sprite.
- By default, the x and y anchors are 0.5 and 1.0.


<Sideview Home Offset: +x, +y>
<Sideview Home Offset: -x, -y>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags
- Offsets the sideview actor sprite's home position by +/-x, +/-y.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers depicting how much to offset each of the
  coordinates by. For '0' values, use +0 or -0.
- This notetag will not work if you remove it from the JavaScript code in
  Plugin Parameters > Actor > JS:  Home Position


<Sideview Weapon Offset: +x, +y>
<Sideview Weapon Offset: -x, -y>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy State Notetags
- Offsets the sideview weapon sprite's position by +/-x, +/-y.
- Replace 'x' and 'y' with numbers depicting how much to offset each of the
  coordinates by. For '0' values, use +0 or -0.


<Sideview Show Shadow>
<Sideview Hide Shadow>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Sets it so the sideview battler's shadow will be visible or hidden.


<Sideview Shadow Scale: x%>
<Sideview Shadow Scale: x.y>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Adjusts the scaling size of the sideview battler's shadow.
- This affects both the X and Y scale.


<Sideview Shadow Scale X: x%>
<Sideview Shadow Scale X: x.y>

<Sideview Shadow Scale Y: x%>
<Sideview Shadow Scale Y: x.y>

- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Adjusts the scaling size of the sideview battler's shadow.
- These affect their respective X and Y scales separately.


<Sideview Collapse>
<Sideview No Collapse>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Either shows the collapse graphic or does not show the collapse graphic.
- Collapse graphic means the enemy will 'fade away' once it's defeated.
- No collapse graphic means the enemy's corpse will remain on the screen.


<Sideview Idle Motion: name>

<Sideview Idle Motions>
 name: weight
 name: weight
 name: weight
</Sideview Idle Motions>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Changes the default idle motion for the enemy.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following motion names:
  - 'walk', 'wait', 'chant', 'guard', 'damage', 'evade', 'thrust', 'swing',
    'missile', 'skill', 'spell', 'item', 'escape', 'victory', 'dying',
    'abnormal', 'sleep', 'dead'
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random motion name is
  selected from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'name'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'name' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Sideview Idle Motions>
 walk: 25
 wait: 50
</Sideview Idle Motions>


<Sideview Size: width, height>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- When using a sideview battler, its width and height will default to the
  setting made in Plugin Parameters => Enemy Settings => Size: Width/Height.
- This notetag lets you change that value to something else.
- Replace 'width' and 'height' with numbers representing how many pixels
  wide/tall the sprite will be treated as.
- This does NOT change the image size. This only changes the HITBOX size.


<Sideview Weapon: weapontype>

<Sideview Weapons>
 weapontype: weight
 weapontype: weight
 weapontype: weight
</Sideview Weapons>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Give your sideview enemies weapons to use.
- Replace 'weapontype' with the name of the weapon type found under the
  Database => Types => Weapon Types list (without text codes).
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random weapon type is
  selected from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the weapontype
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'weapontype' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Sideview Weapons>
 Dagger: 25
 Sword: 25
</Sideview Weapons>


<traitname Sideview Battler: filename>

<traitname Sideview Battlers>
 filename: weight
 filename: weight
 filename: weight
</traitname Sideview Battlers>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore
- Allows certain Trait Sets to cause battlers to have a unique appearance.
- Replace 'filename' with the filename of the graphic to use. Do not insert
  any extensions. This means the file 'Actor1_1.png' will be only inserted
  as 'Actor1_1' without the '.png' at the end.
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random filename is selected
  from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'filename'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'filename' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Male Sideview Battlers>
 Actor1_1: 25
 Actor1_3: 10
</Male Sideview Battlers>

<Female Sideview Battlers>
 Actor1_2: 25
 Actor1_4: 10
</Female Sideview Battlers>


<traitname Sideview Idle Motion: name>

<traitname Sideview Idle Motions>
 name: weight
 name: weight
 name: weight
</traitname Sideview Idle Motions>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore
- Allows certain Trait Sets to cause battlers to have unique idle motions.
- Replace 'name' with any of the following motion names:
  - 'walk', 'wait', 'chant', 'guard', 'damage', 'evade', 'thrust', 'swing',
    'missile', 'skill', 'spell', 'item', 'escape', 'victory', 'dying',
    'abnormal', 'sleep', 'dead'
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random motion name is
  selected from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'name'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'name' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Jolly Sideview Idle Motions>
 wait: 25
 victory: 10
</Jolly Sideview Idle Motions>

<Serious Sideview Idle Motions>
 walk: 25
 guard: 10
</Jolly Sideview Idle Motions>


<traitname Sideview Weapon: weapontype>

<traitname Sideview Weapons>
 weapontype: weight
 weapontype: weight
 weapontype: weight
</traitname Sideview Weapons>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore
- Allows certain Trait Sets to cause battlers to have unique weapons.
- Replace 'weapontype' with the name of the weapon type found under the
  Database => Types => Weapon Types list (without text codes).
- If the multiple notetag vaiant is used, then a random weapon type is
  selected from the list upon the enemy's creation.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the weapontype
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'weapontype' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Male Sideview Weapons>
 Dagger: 25
 Sword: 25
</Male Sideview Weapons>

<Female Sideview Weapons>
 Dagger: 25
 Spear: 25
</Female Sideview Weapons>


Enemy-Related Notetags


<Battler Sprite Cannot Move>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Prevents the enemy from being able to move, jump, and/or float due to
  Action Sequences. Useful for rooted enemies.



<Swap Enemies>
 name: weight
 name: weight
 name: weight
</Swap Enemies>

- Used for: Enemy Notetags
- Causes this enemy database object to function as a randomizer for any of
  the listed enemies inside the notetag. When the enemy is loaded into the
  battle scene, the enemy is immediately replaced with one of the enemies
  listed. The randomization is based off the 'weight' given to each of the
  enemy 'names'.
- Replace 'name' with the database enemy of the enemy you wish to replace
  the enemy with.
- Replace 'weight' with a number value representing how often the 'name'
  would come up. The higher the weight, the more often. You may omit this
  and the colon(:) and just type in the 'name' instead.
- Add/remove lines as you see fit.


<Swap Enemies>
 Bat: 50
 Slime: 25
</Swap Enemies>


JavaScript Notetags: Mechanics-Related

These JavaScript notetags allow you to run code at specific instances during battle provided that the unit has that code associated with them in a trait object (actor, class, weapon, armor, enemy, or state). How you use these is entirely up to you and will depend on your ability to understand the code used and driven for each case.


<JS Pre-Start Battle>
</JS Pre-Start Battle>

<JS Post-Start Battle>
</JS Post-Start Battle>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the start of battle aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-Start Turn>
</JS Pre-Start Turn>

<JS Post-Start Turn>
</JS Post-Start Turn>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the start of a turn aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-Start Action>
</JS Pre-Start Action>

<JS Post-Start Action>
</JS Post-Start Action>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the start of an action aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on skills and/or items, this will only apply to the skill/item
  being used and does not affect other skills and items.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-Apply>
</JS Pre-Apply>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the start of an action hit aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
- If used on skills and/or items, this will only apply to the skill/item
  being used and does not affect other skills and items.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Pre-Apply as User>
</JS Pre-Apply as User>

<JS Pre-Apply as Target>
</JS Pre-Apply as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the start of an action hit aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Pre-Damage>
</JS Pre-Damage>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code before damage is dealt aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
- If used on skills and/or items, this will only apply to the skill/item
  being used and does not affect other skills and items.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Pre-Damage as User>
</JS Pre-Damage as User>

<JS Pre-Damage as Target>
</JS Pre-Damage as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code before damage is dealt aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Post-Damage>
</JS Post-Damage>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code after damage is dealt aimed at the function:
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on skills and/or items, this will only apply to the skill/item
  being used and does not affect other skills and items.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Post-Damage as User>
</JS Post-Damage as User>

<JS Post-Damage as Target>
</JS Post-Damage as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code after damage is dealt aimed at the function:
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Post-Apply>
</JS Post-Apply>

- Used for: Skill, Item Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the end of an action hit aimed at the function:
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on skills and/or items, this will only apply to the skill/item
  being used and does not affect other skills and items.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one using the skill/item.
- The 'target' variable represents the one receiving the skill/item hit.


<JS Post-Apply as User>
</JS Post-Apply as User>

<JS Post-Apply as Target>
</JS Post-Apply as Target>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the end of an action hit aimed at the function:
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- If the 'as User' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action user end.
- If the 'as Target' notetag variant is used, this code will be run as a
  response to the action from the action target end.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.


<JS Pre-End Action>
</JS Pre-End Action>

<JS Post-End Action>
</JS Post-End Action>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the end of an action aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- If used on trait objects, this will apply to any skills/items used as long
  as the unit affected by the trait object has access to the trait object.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-End Turn>
</JS Pre-End Turn>

<JS Post-End Turn>
</JS Post-End Turn>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code at the end of a turn aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-Regenerate>
</JS Pre-Regenerate>

<JS Post-Regenerate>
</JS Post-Regenerate>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when a unit regenerates HP/MP aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Battle Victory>
</JS Battle Victory>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when a battle is won aimed at the function:
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Escape Success>
</JS Escape Success>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when escaping succeeds aimed at the function:
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Escape Failure>
</JS Escape Failure>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when escaping fails aimed at the function:
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Battle Defeat>
</JS Battle Defeat>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when a battle is lost aimed at the function:
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


<JS Pre-End Battle>
</JS Pre-End Battle>

<JS Post-End Battle>
</JS Post-End Battle>

- Used for: Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
- Runs JavaScript code when the battle is over aimed at the function:
  - 'Pre' runs before the function runs.
  - 'Post' runs after the function runs.
- Replace 'code' with JavaScript code to run desired effects.
- The 'user' variable represents the one affected by the trait object.


Battle Layout-Related Notetags


These tags will change the battle layout for a troop regardless of how the plugin parameters are set up normally. Insert these tags in either the noteboxes of maps or the names of troops for them to take effect. If both are present for a specific battle, then priority goes to the setting found in the troop name.


<Layout: type>
<Battle Layout: type>

- Used for: Map Notetags, Troop Name Tags, and Troop Comment Tags
- Changes the battle layout style used for this specific map or battle.
- Replace 'type' with 'default', 'list', 'xp', 'portrait', or 'border'.
- Those with VisuMZ_3_FrontviewBattleUI can use 'frontview'.
- Those with VisuMZ_3_SideviewBattleUI can use 'sideview'.
- If using Troop Comment Tags, then as long as the tag appears in a comment
  found on any of the Troop's pages (even if they don't run), the tag will
  be considered in effect.


Troop Size Tags

BattleCore ExtTroop.png


<Extend: x>
<Extend: x, x, x>

- Used for: Troop Name Tags and Troop Comment Tags
- Adds enemies from another troop to the current troop.
- Enemies from another troop will retain their database positions.
- Replace 'x' with the ID of the database troop entry you wish to add enemy
  members from.
  - Insert multiple x's to add from more troops.
- Extended troop members will be added in the order they're listed.
- Be cautious of how many enemies you add as too many will lag the battle
  system. We are not responsible for frame drops due to this.


Troop Comment Tags

Place these tags inside of a comment found in a troop page's event list.


BattleCore OnceParallelWhenStartBattle.png

<Once Parallel When Start Battle>

- Used for: Troop Page Comment Tags
- Causes the troop page to immediately load the moment the battle scene
  begins to fade in (not after it fades in). This is faster than a turn 0
  condition troop page. Troop page conditions are ignored.
- This can be used for things like the Action Sequence Camera plugin, the
  Visual Battle Environment plugin, and/or initial battle poses and such in
  order to provide a near seamless battle transition experience.
- This does NOT trigger when coming out of the options menu or party menu.
- This WILL trigger when going from battle to battle nonstop via plugins
  like VisuStella MZ's Chain Battles.
- When actors are moving towards their home positions, it will take around
  30 frames by default. Use this information however you like.


Plugin Commands


Plugin Commands are event commands that are used to call upon functions added by a plugin that aren't inherently a part of RPG Maker MZ.

Here is a list of Plugin Command(s) that you may use:



Skills and items, when used in battle, have a pre-determined series of actions to display to the player as a means of representing what's going on with the action. For some game devs, this may not be enough and they would like to get more involved with the actions themselves.

Action Sequences, added through this plugin, enable this. To give a skill or item a Custom Action Sequence, a couple of steps must be followed:



1. Insert the <Custom Action Sequence> notetag into the skill or item's notebox (or else this would not work as intended). 2. Give that skill/item a Common Event through the Effects box. The selected Common Event will contain all the Action Sequence data. 3. Create the Common Event with Action Sequence Plugin Commands and/or event commands to make the skill/item do what you want it to do.


The Plugin Commands added through the Battle Core plugin focus entirely on Action Sequences. However, despite the fact that they're made for skills and items, some of these Action Sequence Plugin Commands can still be used for regular Troop events and Common Events.


Action Sequence - Action Sets


Action Sequence Action Sets are groups of commonly used Action Sequence Commands put together for more efficient usage.


ACSET: Setup Action Set
- The generic start to most actions.

  Display Action:
  Immortal: On:
  Battle Step:
  Wait For Movement:
  Cast Animation:
  Wait For Animation:
  - Use this part of the action sequence?


ACSET: All Targets Action Set
- Affects all targets simultaneously performing the following.

  Dual/Multi Wield?
  - Add times struck based on weapon quantity equipped?

  Perform Action:
  Wait Count:
  Action Animation:
  Wait For Animation:
  Action Effect:
  Immortal: Off:
  - Use this part of the action sequence?
  - Insert values for the Wait Count(s).


ACSET: Each Target Action Set
- Goes through each target one by one to perform the following.

  Dual/Multi Wield?
  - Add times struck based on weapon quantity equipped?

  Perform Action:
  Wait Count:
  Action Animation:
  Wait Count:
  Action Effect:
  Immortal: Off:
  - Use this part of the action sequence?
  - Insert values for the Wait Count(s).


ACSET: Finish Action
- The generic ending to most actions.

  Immortal: Off:
  Wait For New Line:
  Wait For Effects:
  Clear Battle Log:
  Home Reset:
  Wait For Movement:
  - Use this part of the action sequence?


Action Sequences - Angle (Camera)

VisuMZ ActSeqCamera Angle.gif

These action sequences allow you to have control over the camera angle. Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!


ANGLE: Change Angle
- Changes the camera angle.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  - Change the camera angle to this many degrees.

  - Duration in frames to change camera angle.

  Angle Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Angle?:
  - Wait for angle changes to complete before performing next command?


ANGLE: Reset Angle
- Reset any angle settings.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  - Duration in frames to reset camera angle.

  Angle Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Angle?:
  - Wait for angle changes to complete before performing next command?


ANGLE: Wait For Angle
- Waits for angle changes to complete before performing next command.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!


Action Sequences - Animations


These Action Sequences are related to the 'Animations' that can be found in the Animations tab of the Database.


ANIM: Action Animation
- Plays the animation associated with the action.

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  Mirror Animation:
  - Mirror the animation?

  Wait For Animation?:
  - Wait for animation to complete before performing next command?


ANIM: Attack Animation
- Plays the animation associated with the user's weapon.

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  Mirror Animation:
  - Mirror the animation?

  Wait For Animation?:
  - Wait for animation to complete before performing next command?


ANIM: Attack Animation 2+
- Plays the animation associated with the user's other weapons.
- Plays nothing if there is no other weapon equipped.

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  - Which weapon slot to get this data from?
  - Main-hand weapon is weapon slot 1.

  Mirror Animation:
  - Mirror the animation?

  Wait For Animation?:
  - Wait for animation to complete before performing next command?


BattleCore Update132 Preview.png

ANIM: Balloon Animation
- Plays a balloon animation on target(s).

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  Balloon Type:
  - What kind of balloon should be played on target(s)?

  Wait for Completion:
  - Wait for balloon animation completion before continuing?


ANIM: Balloon Icon (Single)
- Plays a balloon animation using an icon on target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_4_IconBalloons!

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  Icon Index:
  - Insert the ID of the icon to show.
  - Tip: Right click > Insert Icon Index

  Wait for Completion:
  - Wait for balloon animation completion before continuing?


ANIM: Balloon Icon (Range)
- Plays a balloon animation an icon range on target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_4_IconBalloons!

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  Starting Icon Index:
  - Insert the ID of the icon to show.
  - Tip: Right click > Insert Icon Index

  Ending Icon Index:
  - Insert the ID of the icon to show.
  - Tip: Right click > Insert Icon Index

  Wait for Completion:
  - Wait for balloon animation completion before continuing?


ANIM: Balloon Icon (Specific)
- Plays a balloon animation with specific icons on target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_4_IconBalloons!

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  - Insert the ID(s) of the icon to show.
  - Tip: Right click > Insert Icon Index

  Wait for Completion:
  - Wait for balloon animation completion before continuing?


ANIM: Cast Animation
- Plays the cast animation associated with the action.

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  Mirror Animation:
  - Mirror the animation?

  Wait For Animation?:
  - Wait for animation to complete before performing next command?


ANIM: Change Battle Portrait
- Changes the battle portrait of the actor (if it's an actor).
- Can be used outside of battle/action sequences.

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.
  - Valid units can only be actors.

  - Select the file to change the actor's portrait to.


ANIM: Guard Animation
- Plays the animation associated with the user's guard action (if any).

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  Mirror Animation:
  - Mirror the animation?

  Wait For Animation?:
  - Wait for animation to complete before performing next command?


ANIM: Item Animation
- Plays the animation associated with a specific item.

  Item ID:
  - Which item ID will the animation come from?

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  Mirror Animation:
  - Mirror the animation?

  Wait For Animation?:
  - Wait for animation to complete before performing next command?


CoreEngine PointAni.gif

ANIM: Play at Coordinate
- Plays an animation on the screen at a specific x, y coordinate.
- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!

  Animation ID:
  - Plays this animation.


    - X/Y coordinate used for the animation.
      You may use JavaScript code.

  Mirror Animation?:
  - Mirror the animation?

  Mute Animation?:
  - Mute the animation?

  Wait for Completion?:
  - Wait the animation to finish before continuing?


ANIM: Show Animation
- Plays the a specific animation on unit(s).

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  Animation ID:
  - Select which animation to play on unit(s).

  Mirror Animation:
  - Mirror the animation?

  Wait For Animation?:
  - Wait for animation to complete before performing next command?


ANIM: Show Animation JS
- Plays the a specific animation on unit(s).
- Uses JavaScript to determine animation ID.

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  JS: Animation ID:
  - Select which animation to play on unit(s).
  - Uses JavaScript to determine animation ID.

  Mirror Animation:
  - Mirror the animation?

  Wait For Animation?:
  - Wait for animation to complete before performing next command?


ANIM: Skill Animation
- Plays the animation associated with a specific skill.

  Skill ID:
  - Which skill ID will the animation come from?

  - Select unit(s) to play the animation on.

  Mirror Animation:
  - Mirror the animation?

  Wait For Animation?:
  - Wait for animation to complete before performing next command?


ANIM: Wait For Animation
- Causes the interpreter to wait for any animation(s) to finish.


Action Sequences - Battle Log


These Action Sequences are related to the Battle Log Window, the window found at the top of the battle screen.


BTLOG: Add Text
- Adds a new line of text into the Battle Log.

  - Add this text into the Battle Log.
  - Text codes allowed.

  Copy to Combat Log?:
  - Copies text to the Combat Log.
  - Requires VisuMZ_4_CombatLog

    Combat Log Icon:
    - What icon would you like to bind to this entry?
    - Requires VisuMZ_4_CombatLog


BTLOG: Clear Battle Log
- Clears all the text in the Battle Log.


BTLOG: Display Action
- plays the current action in the Battle Log.


BTLOG: Pop Base Line
- Removes the Battle Log's last added base line and  all text up to its
  former location.


BTLOG: Push Base Line
- Adds a new base line to where the Battle Log currently is at.


BTLOG: Refresh Battle Log
- Refreshes the Battle Log.


BTLOG: UI Show/Hide
- Shows or hides the Battle UI (including the Battle Log).

  - Shows/hides the Battle UI.


BTLOG: Wait For Battle Log
- Causes the interpreter to wait for the Battle Log to finish.


BTLOG: Wait For New Line
- Causes the interpreter to wait for a new line in the Battle Log.


Action Sequences - Camera

VisuMZ ActSeqCamera Pan.gif

These Action Sequences are battle camera-related. Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!


- Turns battle camera clamping on/off.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  - Turns camera clamping on/off.


CAMERA: Focus Point
- Focus the battle camera on a certain point in the screen.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  X Coordinate:
  - Insert the point to focus the camera on.
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  Y Coordinate:
  - Insert the point to focus the camera on.
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for camera focus change.

  Camera Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Camera?
  - Wait for camera changes to complete before performing next command?


CAMERA: Focus Target(s)
- Focus the battle camera on certain battler target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  - Select unit(s) to focus the battle camera on.

  - Duration in frames for camera focus change.

  Camera Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Camera?
  - Wait for camera changes to complete before performing next command?


CAMERA: Offset
- Offset the battle camera from the focus target.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  Offset X:
  - How much to offset the camera X by.
  - Negative: left. Positive: right.

  Offset Y:
  - How much to offset the camera Y by.
  - Negative: up. Positive: down.

  - Duration in frames for offset change.

  Camera Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Camera?
  - Wait for camera changes to complete before performing next command?


- Reset the battle camera settings.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  Reset Focus?:
  - Reset the focus point?

  Reset Offset?:
  - Reset the camera offset?

  - Duration in frames for reset change.

  Camera Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Camera?
  - Wait for camera changes to complete before performing next command?


CAMERA: Wait For Camera
- Waits for camera changes to complete before performing next command.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!


Action Sequences - Dragonbones


These Action Sequences are Dragonbones-related. Requires VisuMZ_2_DragonbonesUnion!


DB: Dragonbones Animation
- Causes the unit(s) to play a Dragonbones motion animation.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_DragonbonesUnion!

  - Select which unit(s) to perform a motion animation.

  Motion Animation:
  - What is the name of the Dragonbones motion animation you wish to play?


DB: Dragonbones Time Scale
- Causes the unit(s) to change their Dragonbones time scale.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_DragonbonesUnion!

  - Select which unit(s) to perform a motion animation.

  Time Scale:
  - Change the value of the Dragonbones time scale to this.


Action Sequences - Elements


These Action Sequences can change up the element(s) used for the action's damage calculation midway through an action.

They also require the VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore plugin to be present in order for them to work.


ELE: Add Elements
- Adds element(s) to be used when calculating damage.
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore!

  - Select which element ID to add onto the action.
  - Insert multiple element ID's to add multiple at once.


ELE: Clear Element Changes
- Clears all element changes made through Action Sequences.
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore!


ELE: Force Elements
- Forces only specific element(s) when calculating damage.
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore!

  - Select which element ID to force in the action.
  - Insert multiple element ID's to force multiple at once.


ELE: Null Element
- Forces no element to be used when calculating damage.
- Requires VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore!


Action Sequences - Grid

These Action Sequences are Battle Grid System-related. Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!


BattleGridSystem SelectNode.gif

GRID: Action Animation at Node
- Plays action animation at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit's Node do you want to play an animation on?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to play an
      animation on.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to play
      an animation on.

  Offset X:
  - Offsets the animation x position.
  - Negative: left. Positive: right.

  Offset Y:
  - Offsets the animation y position.
  - Negative: up. Positive: down.


BattleGridSystem NodePassives.gif

GRID: Add Passive State(s) to Node
- Adds Passive State(s) at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  State ID(s):
  - Select which State ID(s) to add as a Passive State.

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to add the Passive State Node effect for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to add a
      Passive State(s) to.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to add a
      Passive State(s) to.


BattleGridSystem NodeTraps.gif

GRID: Add Trigger to Node
- Adds Trigger to target node.
- Target node cannot have battler.
- Each node can only contain ONE trigger!
- Otherwise, newly placed triggers will overwrite the old ones.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Skill ID:
  - Select which Skill ID(s) to add as the trigger.

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to add the Trigger Node effect for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to add a
      Trigger to.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to add a
      Trigger to.


GRID: Add Trigger to Node JS
- Adds JS Trigger to target node.
- Target node cannot have battler.
- Each node can only contain ONE trigger!
- Otherwise, newly placed triggers will overwrite the old ones.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  JS: Skill ID:
  - Use JavaScript to determine what skill ID to add to this node.

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to add the Trigger Node effect for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to add a
      Trigger to.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to add a
      Trigger to.


BattleGridSystem SelectNode.gif

GRID: Animation ID at Node
- Plays specific animation ID at target node.

  Animation ID:
  - Play this animation at target node.

    - Mirror this animation?

    - Mute this animation?

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit's Node do you want to play an animation on?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to play an
      animation on.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to play
      an animation on.

  Offset X:
  - Offsets the animation x position.
  - Negative: left. Positive: right.

  Offset Y:
  - Offsets the animation y position.
  - Negative: up. Positive: down.


BattleGridSystem SelectNode.gif

GRID: Animation JS at Node
- Uses JS to calculate which animation to play at target node.

  JS: Animation ID:
  - Calculate which animation to play on unit(s).
  - Uses JavaScript to determine animation ID.

    - Mirror this animation?

    - Mute this animation?

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit's Node do you want to play an animation on?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to play an
      animation on.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to play
      an animation on.

  Offset X:
  - Offsets the animation x position.
  - Negative: left. Positive: right.

  Offset Y:
  - Offsets the animation y position.
  - Negative: up. Positive: down.


BattleGridSystem SelectNode.gif

GRID: Animation Type at Node
- Plays certain animation type at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  - What is the animation type you would like to play?
    - Attack
    - Guard
    - Item
    - Skill

    Slot (Attack Type):
    - Which weapon slot to get this data from?
    - Main-hand weapon is weapon slot 1.

    Item ID (Item Type):
    - Which item ID will the animation come from?

    Skill ID (Skill Type):
    - Which skill ID will the animation come from?

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit's Node do you want to play an animation on?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to play an
      animation on.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to play
      an animation on.

  Offset X:
  - Offsets the animation x position.
  - Negative: left. Positive: right.

  Offset Y:
  - Offsets the animation y position.
  - Negative: up. Positive: down.


BattleGridSystem Knockback.gif

GRID: Move Target(s) In Direction
- Moves target(s) in a specific direction to other Nodes.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!
- This will bypass the "once per action" condition used for both the
  <rule Move User Node direction: x> & <rule Move Target Node direction: x>
  notetags as this is not a notetag effect.

  - Select unit(s) to move.

  Movement Type:
  - Select the Movement type rulings.
  - See VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem help file for details.

    - Select the movement direction.

    - The number of nodes to be moved.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Input the number representing the frames used to move.

  Silent Change?:
  - Silent: Discreet changes shown. More apparent later.
  - Visual: Instant changes shown.


BattleGridSystem Knockback.gif

GRID: Pull To Target Node
- Pulls battlers towards target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>

    - Which unit do you want to pull on?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to
      pull to.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to
      pull to.

  - Input the strength level of the pull.

  - Input the number representing the frames used to move.


BattleGridSystem Knockback.gif

GRID: Push From Target Node
- Pushes battlers away from target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>

    - Which unit do you want to push from?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to
      push from.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to
      push from.

  - Input the strength level of the push.

  - Input the number representing the frames used to move.


BattleGridSystem NodePassives.gif

GRID: Remove All Passive States from Node
- Removes all Passive State effects at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to clear the Node for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to clear
      Passive States from.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to clear
      Passive States from.


BattleGridSystem NodePassives.gif

GRID: Remove Passive State(s) from Node
- Remove Passive State(s) at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  State ID(s):
  - Select which State ID(s) to remove as a Passive State.

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to remove the Passive State Node effect for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to remove
      a Passive State(s) from.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to remove
      a Passive State(s) from.


BattleGridSystem NodeTraps.gif

GRID: Remove Trigger from Node
- Removes Trigger at target node.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!

  Action-Selected Node?:
  - Use Action-Selected Node Coordinates if possible?
  - Requires "Empty" or "Any" for <Target: x Grid Node>
  - If the no action is in effect or the action doesn't use that target
    structure, use the node coordinates below:

    - Which unit do you want to clear Triggers for?

    - Input the number representing the Rank of the Node you want to clear
      Triggers from.

    - Input the number representing the Flank of the Node you want to clear
      Triggers from.


Action Sequences - Horror Effects

HorrorEffects Battle.gif

HorrorEffects BattleParty.gif

HorrorEffects BattleEnemy.gif

These Action Sequences are Horror Effects-related.

Requires VisuMZ_2_HorrorEffects!


HORROR: Clear All Filters
- Clear all Horror Effects filters on the target battler(s).

  - Select unit(s) to remove Horror Effects for.


HORROR: Glitch Create
- Creates the glitch effect on the target battler(s).

  - Select unit(s) to create the Horror Effect for.

  Glitch Slices:
  - Glitch slices to be used with the target.

  Glitch Offset:
  - Default offset value.

  Glitch Animated?:
  - Animate the glitch effect?

  Glitch Frequency:
  - If animated, how frequent to make the glitch effect?
  - Lower = often     Higher = rarer

  Glitch Strength:
  - If animated, how strong is the glitch effect?
  - Lower = weaker     Higher = stronger


HORROR: Glitch Remove
- Removes the glitch effect on the target battler(s).

  - Select unit(s) to remove the Horror Effect for.


HORROR: Noise Create
- Creates the noise effect on the target battler(s).

  - Select unit(s) to create the Horror Effect for.

  Noise Rate:
  - Noise rate to be used with the target.

  Noise Animated:
  - Animate the noise for the target?


HORROR: Noise Remove
- Removes the noise effect on the target battler(s).

  - Select unit(s) to remove the Horror Effect for.


- Creates the TV effect on the target battler(s).

  - Select unit(s) to create the Horror Effect for.

  TV Line Thickness:
  - Default TV line thickness
  - Lower = thinner     Higher = thicker

  TV Corner Size:
  - Default TV line corner size
  - Lower = smaller     Higher = bigger

  TV Animated:
  - Animate the TV?

  TV Speed:
  - Speed used to animate the TV if animated
  - Lower = slower     Higher = faster


- Removes the TV effect on the target battler(s).

  - Select unit(s) to remove the Horror Effect for.



Action Sequences - Impact

These Action Sequences are related to creating impact.

Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!


ActionSequenceImpact Bizarro.png

IMPACT: Bizarro Inversion
- Swaps blue/red colors on the battlefield.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Enable Bizarro Inversion effect?


ActSeqImpact ColorBreak.gif

IMPACT: Color Break
- Breaks the colors on the screen before reassembling.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - What is the intensity of the color break effect?

  - What is the duration of the color break effect?

  Easing Type:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.


ActionSequenceImpact Desat.png

IMPACT: Desaturation
- Desaturates all colors on the battlefield.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!
- Created by Manu Gaming!

  - Enable Desaturation effect?


ActSeqImpact MotionBlur.gif

IMPACT: Motion Blur Screen
- Creates a motion blur on the whole screen.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Determine what angle to make the motion blur at.

  Intensity Rate:
  - This determines intensity rate of the motion blur.
  - Use a number between 0 and 1.

  - How many frames should the motion blur last?
  - What do you want to be its duration?

  Easing Type:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.


IMPACT: Motion Blur Target(s)
- Creates a motion blur on selected target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Select unit(s) to create motion blur effects for.

  - Determine what angle to make the motion blur at.

  Intensity Rate:
  - This determines intensity rate of the motion blur.
  - Use a number between 0 and 1.

  - How many frames should the motion blur last?
  - What do you want to be its duration?

  Easing Type:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.


ActSeqImpact MotionTrail.gif

IMPACT: Motion Trail Create
- Creates a motion trail effect for the target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Select unit(s) to create motion trail effects for.

  - How many frames to delay by when creating a motion trail?
  - The higher the delay, the less motion trails there are.

  - How many frames should the motion trail last?
  - What do you want to be its duration?

  - What do you want to be the hue for the motion trail?

  Starting Opacity:
  - What starting opacity value do you want for the motion trail?
  - Opacity values decrease over time.

  - What tone do you want for the motion trail?
  - Format: [Red, Green, Blue, Gray]


IMPACT: Motion Trail Remove
- Removes the motion trail effect from the target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Select unit(s) to clear motion trail effects for.


ActionSequenceImpact Negative.png

IMPACT: Negative Inversion
- Inverts all the colors on the battlefield.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!
- Created by Manu Gaming!

  - Enable Negative Inversion effect?


ActionSequenceImpact Oversat.png

IMPACT: Oversaturation
- Oversaturates colors on the battlefield.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Enable Oversaturation effect?


ActSeqImpact Shockwave.gif

IMPACT: Shockwave at Point
- Creates a shockwave at the designated coordinates.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  Point: X:
  Point: Y:
  - What x/y coordinate do you want to create a shockwave at?
  - You can use JavaScript code.

  - What is the aplitude of the shockwave effect?

  - What is the wavelength of the shockwave effect?

  - What is the duration of the shockwave?


IMPACT: Shockwave from Each Target(s)
- Creates a shockwave at each of the target(s) location(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Select unit(s) to start a shockwave from.

  Target Location:
  - Select which part target group to start a shockwave from.

    Offset X:
    Offset Y:
    - How much to offset the shockwave X/Y point by.

  - What is the aplitude of the shockwave effect?

  - What is the wavelength of the shockwave effect?

  - What is the duration of the shockwave?


IMPACT: Shockwave from Target(s) Center
- Creates a shockwave from the center of the target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Select unit(s) to start a shockwave from.

  Target Location:
  - Select which part target group to start a shockwave from.

    Offset X:
    Offset Y:
    - How much to offset the shockwave X/Y point by.

  - What is the aplitude of the shockwave effect?

  - What is the wavelength of the shockwave effect?

  - What is the duration of the shockwave?


ActionSequenceImpact TimeSlow.gif

ActionSequenceImpact TimeFast.gif

IMPACT: Time Scale
- Adjust time to go faster or slower!
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!
- Created by Manu Gaming!

  - Adjusts how fast/slow time goes.
  - 1.00 is normal. Lower is slower. Higher is faster.


ActionSequenceImpact TimeStop.gif

IMPACT: Time Stop
- Stops time for a set amount of milliseconds.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!
- Created by Manu Gaming!

  - How many milliseconds should time stop for?
  - 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.


ActSeqImpact ZoomBlur.gif

IMPACT: Zoom Blur at Point
- Creates a zoom blur at the designated coordinates.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  Point: X:
  Point: Y:
  - What x/y coordinate do you want to focus the zoom at?
  - You can use JavaScript code.

  Zoom Strength:
  - What is the strength of the zoom effect?
  - Use a number between 0 and 1.

  Visible Radius:
  - How much of a radius should be visible from the center?

  - What is the duration of the zoom blur?

  Easing Type:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.


IMPACT: Zoom Blur at Target(s) Center
- Creates a zoom blur at the center of targets.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Select unit(s) to start a zoom blur from.

  Target Location:
  - Select which part target group to start a zoom blur from.

    Offset X:
    Offset Y:
    - How much to offset the zoom blur X/Y point by.

  Zoom Strength:
  - What is the strength of the zoom effect?
  - Use a number between 0 and 1.

  Visible Radius:
  - How much of a radius should be visible from the center?

  - What is the duration of the zoom blur?

  Easing Type:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.


Action Sequences - Inject

These Action Sequences are related to injecting sprite animations. Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!


ActSeqImpact Inject.gif

INJECT: Animation Begin
- Injects and plays a whole spritesheet animation.
- The spritesheet animation will play over the battler until it is finished.
- The battler's original sprite will be invisible until finished.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Select unit(s) to inject the animation on.

  - Select the animation spritesheet file.
  - Located in the /img/sv_actors/ folder.

    Horizontal Cells:
    - How many horizontal cells (or columns) are there?

    Vertical Cells:
    - How many vertical cells (or rows) are there?

    Frame Delay:
    - How many frames are played inbetween cells?

    Smooth Bitmap?:
    - Smooth the spritesheet graphic?


    Offset X:
    - Offsets the X position of the injected animation.
    - Negative: left. Positive: right.

    Offset Y:
    - Offsets the Y position of the injected animation.
    - Negative: up. Positive: down.


INJECT: Animation End
- Stops and ends any injected animations on target(s).
- Any inject animation will be prematurely terminated.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Select unit(s) to stop injected animation(s).


INJECT: Animation Pause/Resume
- Pauses/resumes any injected animations on target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!

  - Select unit(s) to pause/resume injected animation(s).

  - Pause the injected animation?


INJECT: Wait For Injected Animation
- Waits for injected animations to complete before performing next command.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqImpact!


Action Sequences - Mechanics


These Action Sequences are related to various mechanics related to the battle system.


MECH: Action Effect
- Causes the unit(s) to take damage/healing from action and incurs any
  changes made such as buffs and states.

  - Select unit(s) to receive the current action's effects.


MECH: Active Chain Input Disable
- Disables input for Active Chain Skills at this time.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActiveChainSkills!


MECH: Add Buff/Debuff
- Adds buff(s)/debuff(s) to unit(s).
- Determine which parameters are affected and their durations.

  - Select unit(s) to receive the buff(s) and/or debuff(s).

  Buff Parameters:
  - Select which parameter(s) to buff.
  - Insert a parameter multiple times to raise its stacks.

  Debuff Parameters:
  - Select which parameter(s) to debuff.
  - Insert a parameter multiple times to raise its stacks.

  - Number of turns to set the parameter(s) buffs to.
  - You may use JavaScript code.


MECH: Add State
- Adds state(s) to unit(s).

  - Select unit(s) to receive the buff(s).

  - Select which state ID(s) to add to unit(s).
  - Insert multiple state ID's to add multiple at once.


MECH: Analyze Weakness
- Reveal elemental weakness(es) from target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_WeaknessDisplay!

  - Select unit(s) to reveal elemental weaknesses for.

  - How many elemental weaknesses do you wish to reveal?
  - You may use JavaScript code.


MECH: Armor Penetration
- Adds an extra layer of defensive penetration/reduction.
- You may use JavaScript code for any of these.

  Armor/Magic Penetration:

    - Penetrates an extra multiplier of armor by this value.

    - Penetrates a flat amount of armor by this value.

  Armor/Magic Reduction:

    - Reduces an extra multiplier of armor by this value.

    - Reduces a flat amount of armor by this value.


- Alters the ATB/TPB Gauges.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemATB!

  - Select unit(s) to alter the ATB/TPB Gauges for.


    Charge Rate:
    - Changes made to the ATB Gauge if it is currently charging.


    Cast Rate:
    - Changes made to the ATB Gauge if it is currently casting.

    - Interrupt the ATB Gauge if it is currently casting?


MECH: Boost Points Change
- Changes Boost Points for target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_BoostAction!

  - Select unit(s) to alter the Boost Points for.

  Alter Boost Points By:
  - Alters the unit(s) Boost Points.
  - Positive for gaining points. Negative for losing points.


MECH: Boost Store Data
- Stores the number of Boosts used this action inside a variable.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_BoostAction!

  Variable ID:
  - Which variable do you want to store the data inside?


MECH: Break Shield Change
- Changes Break Shields for target(s) if not Break Stunned.
- Requires VisuMZ_4_BreakShields!

  - Select unit(s) to alter the Break Shields for.

  Alter Break Shields By:
  - Alters the unit(s) Break Shields.
  - Positive for gaining shields. Negative for losing shields.


MECH: Break Shield Reset
- Resets Break Shields for target(s) if not Break Stunned.
- Requires VisuMZ_4_BreakShields!

  - Select unit(s) to reset the Break Shields for.


MECH: BTB Brave Points
- Alters the target(s) Brave Points to an exact value.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemBTB!

  - Select unit(s) to alter the ATB/TPB Gauges for.

  Alter Brave Points By:
  - Alters the target(s) Brave Points.
  - Positive for gaining BP.
  - Negative for losing BP.


MECH: Collapse
- Causes the unit(s) to perform its collapse animation if the unit(s)
  has died.

  - Select unit(s) to process a death collapse.

  Force Death:
  - Force death even if the unit has not reached 0 HP?
  - This will remove immortality.

  Wait For Effect?:
  - Wait for the collapse effect to complete before performing next command?


- Alters the CTB Turn Order.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemCTB!

  - Select unit(s) to alter the CTB Turn Order for.

  Change Order By:
  - Changes turn order for target(s) by this amount.
  - Positive increases wait. Negative decreases wait.


- Alters the CTB Speed.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemCTB!

  - Select unit(s) to alter the CTB Speed for.

  Charge Rate:
  - Changes made to the CTB Speed if it is currently charging.

  Cast Rate:
  - Changes made to the CTB Speed if it is currently casting.


MECH: Custom Damage Formula
- Changes the current action's damage formula to custom.
- This will assume the MANUAL damage style.

  - Changes the current action's damage formula to custom.
  - Use 'default' to revert the damage formula.


MECH: Damage Popup
- Causes the unit(s) to display the current state of damage received
  or healed.

  - Select unit(s) to prompt a damage popup.


MECH: Emulate Attack Effect
- Emulate an "Action Effect" but using a the user's attack skill instead of
  the current action.
- Essentially lets you perform the mechanics of another action without
  having to use another action or needing to pay that action's costs.

  - Select unit(s) to perform the action's effects.

  - Select unit(s) to receive the current action's effects.


MECH: Emulate Guard Effect
- Emulate an "Action Effect" but using a the user's guard skill instead of
  the current action.
- Essentially lets you perform the mechanics of another action without
  having to use another action or needing to pay that action's costs.

  - Select unit(s) to perform the action's effects.

  - Select unit(s) to receive the current action's effects.


MECH: Emulate Item Effect
- Emulate an "Action Effect" but using a specific item instead of the
  current action.
- Essentially lets you perform the mechanics of another action without
  having to use another action or needing to pay that action's costs.

  Item ID:
  - Which item ID will be emulated?

  - Select unit(s) to perform the action's effects.

  - Select unit(s) to receive the current action's effects.


MECH: Emulate Skill Cost
- Pick a skill for target(s) to emulate paying the cost of.
- Lets you cause characters to perform paying the costs of a specific skill
  without needing to actually use them.
- This will include Skill Cooldowns and Limited Skill Uses.

  Skill ID:
  - Which skill ID will have its cost paid for?
  - Use 0 for current action's skill.

  - Select unit(s) to perform the action's effects.


MECH: Emulate Skill Effect
- Emulate an "Action Effect" but using a specific skill instead of the
  current action.
- Essentially lets you perform the mechanics of another action without
  having to use another action or needing to pay that action's costs.

  Skill ID:
  - Which skill ID will be emulated?

  - Select unit(s) to perform the action's effects.

  - Select unit(s) to receive the current action's effects.


MECH: Enemy Escape
- Causes the enemy unit(s) to escape.

  - Select unit(s) to escape.


MECH: Dead Label Jump
- If the active battler is dead, jump to a specific label in the
  common event.

  Jump To Label:
  - If the active battler is dead, jump to this specific label in the
    common event.


MECH: ETB Energy Count
- Alters the subject team's available Energy Count.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemETB!

  Energy Count:
  - Alters the subject team's available Energy Count.
  - Positive for gaining energy. Negative for losing energy.


MECH: FTB Action Count
- Alters the subject team's available Action Count.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemFTB!

  Action Count:
  - Alters the subject team's available Action Count.
  - Positive for gaining actions. Negative for losing actions.


- Alters the HP, MP, and TP values for unit(s).
- Positive values for healing. Negative values for damage.

  - Select unit(s) to receive the current action's effects.

  HP, MP, TP:

    - Changes made to the parameter based on rate.
    - Positive values for healing. Negative values for damage.

    - Flat changes made to the parameter.
    - Positive values for healing. Negative values for damage.

  Damage Popup?:
  - Display a damage popup after?


MECH: Immortal
- Changes the immortal flag of targets. If immortal flag is removed and a
  unit would die, collapse that unit.

  - Alter the immortal flag of these groups. If immortal flag is removed and
    a unit would die, collapse that unit.

  - Turn immortal flag for unit(s) on/off?


MECH: Multipliers
- Changes the multipliers for the current action.
- You may use JavaScript code for any of these.

  Critical Hit%:

    - Affects chance to land a critical hit by this multiplier.

    - Affects chance to land a critical hit by this flat bonus.

  Critical Damage

    - Affects critical damage by this multiplier.

    - Affects critical damage by this flat bonus.


    - Sets the damage/healing multiplier for current action.

    - Sets the damage/healing bonus for current action.

  Hit Rate

    - Affects chance to connect attack by this multiplier.

    - Affects chance to connect attack by this flat bonus.


MECH: Once Parallel
- Plays a Common Event parallel to the battle event once without repeating
  itself when done.

  Common Event ID:
  - The ID of the parallel Common Event to play.
  - Does NOT repeat itself when finished.
  - When exiting battle scene, all Once Parallels are cleared.
  - Once Parallels are not retained upon reentering the scene.
  - Once Parallels are not stored in memory and cannot be saved.


- Alters the OTB Turn Order. Best used with single targets.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemOTB!

  - Select unit(s) to alter the OTB Turn Order for.

  Current Turn By:
  - Changes turn order for target(s) by this amount.
  - Positive increases wait. Negative decreases wait.

  Next Turn By:
  - Changes turn order for target(s) by this amount.
  - Positive increases wait. Negative decreases wait.

  Follow Turn By:
  - Changes turn order for target(s) by this amount.
  - Positive increases wait. Negative decreases wait.


MECH: PTB Alter Cost
- Alters the action's cost settings.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemPTB!

  - Overrides any 'permanent' settings for Changeability?

  Alter Changeability:
  - Allow the cost type and value to be changeable?

  Alter Cost Type:
  - Change the cost type to this scenario.
  - Use 'Unchanged' for no changes.

  Alter Cost Value:
  - What is the default action cost for this scenario?


MECH: PTB Conversion
- Converts full actions into half actions.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemPTB!

  Conversion Count:
  - Converts full actions into half actions.
  - If not enough, consume half actions.


MECH: PTB Full/Half Action(s)
- Alters the subject team's available Full/Half Actions.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemPTB!

  Full Actions:
  - Alters the subject team's available Full Actions.
  - Positive for gaining. Negative for losing.

  Half Actions:
  - Alters the subject team's available Half Actions.
  - Positive for gaining. Negative for losing.


MECH: Remove Buff/Debuff
- Removes buff(s)/debuff(s) from unit(s).
- Determine which parameters are removed.

  - Select unit(s) to have the buff(s) and/or debuff(s) removed.

  Buff Parameters:
  - Select which buffed parameter(s) to remove.

  Debuff Parameters:
  - Select which debuffed parameter(s) to remove.


MECH: Remove State
- Remove state(s) from unit(s).

  - Select unit(s) to have states removed from.

  - Select which state ID(s) to remove from unit(s).
  - Insert multiple state ID's to remove multiple at once.


MECH: State Turns Change By
- Changes target(s) state turns by an amount.
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!

  - Select unit(s) to affect state turns for.

  State ID:
  - What is the ID of the state you wish to change turns for?
  - Only works on states that can have turns.

  Change Turns By:
  - How many turns should the state be changed to?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  Auto-Add State?:
  - Automatically adds state if actor(s) does not have it applied?


MECH: State Turns Change To
- Changes target(s) state turns to a specific value.
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!

  - Select unit(s) to affect state turns for.

  State ID:
  - What is the ID of the state you wish to change turns for?
  - Only works on states that can have turns.

  Change Turns To:
  - How many turns should the state be changed to?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  Auto-Add State?:
  - Automatically adds state if target(s) does not have it applied?


MECH: STB Exploit Effect
- Utilize the STB Exploitation mechanics!
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemSTB!

  Target(s) Exploited?:
  - Exploit the below targets?

    - Select unit(s) to become exploited.

    Force Exploitation:
    - Force the exploited status?

  User Exploiter?:
  - Allow the user to become the exploiter?

    Force Exploitation:
    - Force the exploiter status?


MECH: STB Extra Action
- Adds an extra action for the currently active battler.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemSTB!

  Extra Actions:
  - How many extra actions should the active battler gain?
  - You may use JavaScript code.


MECH: STB Remove Excess Actions
- Removes excess actions from the active battler.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemSTB!

  Remove Actions:
  - How many actions to remove from the active battler?
  - You may use JavaScript code.


MECH: Swap Weapon
- Causes the unit(s) to swap their weapon for another.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_WeaponSwapSystem!

  - Select unit(s) to swap weapons for.

  Weapon Type ID:
  - Which weapon type to swap to?
  - This is NOT the weapon's ID.
  - It's the weapon TYPE.


MECH: Text Popup
- Causes the unit(s) to display a text popup.

  - Select unit(s) to prompt a text popup.

  - What text do you wish to display?

  Text Color:
  - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
    the Window Skin.

  Flash Color:
  - Adjust the popup's flash color.
  - Format: [red, green, blue, alpha]

  Flash Duration:
  - What is the frame duration of the flash effect?


MECH: Variable Popup
- Causes the unit(s) to display a popup using the data stored inside
  a variable.

  - Select unit(s) to prompt a text popup.

  - Get data from which variable to display as a popup?

  Digit Grouping:
  - Use digit grouping to separate numbers?
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!

  Text Color:
  - Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from
    the Window Skin.

  Flash Color:
  - Adjust the popup's flash color.
  - Format: [red, green, blue, alpha]

  Flash Duration:
  - What is the frame duration of the flash effect?


MECH: Wait For Effect
- Waits for the effects to complete before performing next command.


Action Sequences - Motion


These Action Sequences allow you the ability to control the motions of sideview sprites.


MOTION: Clear Freeze Frame
- Clears any freeze frames from the unit(s).

  - Select which unit(s) to clear freeze frames for.


MOTION: Freeze Motion Frame
- Forces a freeze frame instantly at the selected motion.
- Automatically clears with a new motion.

  - Select which unit(s) to freeze motions for.

  Motion Type:
  - Freeze this motion for the unit(s).

  Frame Index:
  - Which frame do you want to freeze the motion on?
  - Frame index values start at 0.

  Show Weapon?:
  - If using 'attack', 'thrust', 'swing', or 'missile', display the
    weapon sprite?


MOTION: Motion Type
- Causes the unit(s) to play the selected motion.

  - Select which unit(s) to perform a motion.

  Motion Type:
  - Play this motion for the unit(s).

  Show Weapon?:
  - If using 'attack', 'thrust', 'swing', or 'missile', display the
    weapon sprite?


MOTION: Perform Action
- Causes the unit(s) to play the proper motion based on the current action.

  - Select which unit(s) to perform a motion.


MOTION: Refresh Motion
- Cancels any set motions unit(s) has to do and use their most natural
  motion at the moment.

  - Select which unit(s) to refresh their motion state.


MOTION: Wait By Motion Frame
- Creates a wait equal to the number of motion frames passing.
- Time is based on Plugin Parameters => Actors => Motion Speed.

  Motion Frames to Wait?:
  - Each "frame" is equal to the value found in
    Plugin Parameters => Actors => Motion Speed


Action Sequences - Movement


These Action Sequences allow you the ability to control the sprites of actors and enemies in battle.


MOVE: Battle Step
- Causes the unit(s) to move forward past their home position to prepare
  for action.

  - Select which unit(s) to move.

  Wait For Movement?:
  - Wait for movement to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Change Home By Distance
- Change unit(s)'s home position by a distance from their current home
- Sideview-only!

  - Select which unit(s) to change home position(s) for.

  Distance Adjustment:
  - Makes adjustments to distance values to determine which direction to
    change by.
    - Normal - No adjustments made
    - Horizontal - Actors adjust left, Enemies adjust right
    - Vertical - Actors adjust Up, Enemies adjust down
    - Both - Applies both Horizontal and Vertical

    Distance: X:
    - Horizontal distance to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

    Distance: Y:
    - Vertical distance to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for total change amount.

  Face Destination?:
  - Turn and face the destination?

  Movement Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Movement Motion:
  - Play this motion for the unit(s).

  Wait For Movement?:
  - Wait for movement to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Change Home To JS Coordinates
- Change home position(s) to specified JS Coordinates.
- Sideview-only! Uses JavaScript!

  - Select which unit(s) to change home position(s) for.

  JS: Coordinates:
  - Code used to determine the coordinates for the target(s)'s new home

  Offset Adjustment:
  - Makes adjustments to offset values to determine which direction to
    adjust the destination by.

    Offset: X:
    - Horizontal offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

    Offset: Y:
    - Vertical offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for total change amount.

  Face Destination?:
  - Turn and face the destination?

  Movement Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Movement Motion:
  - Play this motion for the unit(s).

  Wait For Movement?:
  - Wait for movement to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Change Home To Point
- Change home position(s) to a target point on the screen.
- Sideview-only! Points based off Graphics.boxWidth/Height.

  - Select which unit(s) to change home position(s) for.

  Destination Point:
  - Select which point to face.
    - Center
    - Point X, Y
      - Replace 'x' and 'y' with coordinates

  Offset Adjustment:
  - Makes adjustments to offset values to determine which direction to
    adjust the destination by.

    Offset: X:
    - Horizontal offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

    Offset: Y:
    - Vertical offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for total change amount.

  Face Destination?:
  - Turn and face the destination?

  Movement Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Movement Motion:
  - Play this motion for the unit(s).

  Wait For Movement?:
  - Wait for movement to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Change Home To Target(s)
- Moves unit(s) to another unit(s) on the battle field.
- Sideview-only!

  Targets (Moving):
  - Select which unit(s) to change home position(s) for.

  Targets (Destination):
  - Select which unit(s) to change home position to.

    Target Location:
    - Select which part target group to change home position to.
      - front head
      - front center
      - front base
      - middle head
      - middle center
      - middle base
      - back head
      - back center
      - back base

    Melee Distance:
    - The melee distance away from the target location in addition to the
      battler's width.

  Offset Adjustment:
  - Makes adjustments to offset values to determine which direction to
    adjust the destination by.

    Offset: X:
    - Horizontal offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

    Offset: Y:
    - Vertical offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for total change amount.

  Face Destination?:
  - Turn and face the destination?

  Movement Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Movement Motion:
  - Play this motion for the unit(s).

  Wait For Movement?:
  - Wait for movement to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Face Direction
- Causes the unit(s) to face forward or backward.
- Sideview-only!

  - Select which unit(s) to change direction.

  - Select which direction to face.


MOVE: Face JS Coordinates
- Causes the unit(s) to face specified JS Coordinates.
- Sideview-only! Uses JavaScript!

  - Select which unit(s) to change direction.

  JS: Coordinates:
  - Code used to determine the coordinates for the target(s) to face

  Face Away From?:
  - Face away from the point instead?


MOVE: Face Point
- Causes the unit(s) to face a point on the screen.
- Sideview-only!

  - Select which unit(s) to change direction.

  - Select which point to face.
    - Home
    - Center
    - Point X, Y
      - Replace 'x' and 'y' with coordinates

  Face Away From?:
  - Face away from the point instead?


MOVE: Face Target(s)
- Causes the unit(s) to face other targets on the screen.
- Sideview-only!

  Targets (facing):
  - Select which unit(s) to change direction.

  Targets (destination):
  - Select which unit(s) for the turning unit(s) to face.

  Face Away From?:
  - Face away from the unit(s) instead?


MOVE: Float
- Causes the unit(s) to float above the ground.
- Sideview-only!

  - Select which unit(s) to make float.

  Desired Height:
  - Vertical distance to float upward.
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for total float amount.

  Float Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Float?:
  - Wait for floating to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Home Reset
- Causes the unit(s) to move back to their home position(s) and face back to
  their original direction(s).

  - Select which unit(s) to move.

  Wait For Movement?:
  - Wait for movement to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Jump
- Causes the unit(s) to jump into the air.
- Sideview-only!

  - Select which unit(s) to make jump.

  Desired Height:
  - Max jump height to go above the ground
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for total jump amount.

  Wait For Jump?:
  - Wait for jumping to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Move Distance
- Moves unit(s) by a distance from their current position(s).
- Sideview-only!

  - Select which unit(s) to move.

  Distance Adjustment:
  - Makes adjustments to distance values to determine which direction to
    move unit(s).
    - Normal - No adjustments made
    - Horizontal - Actors adjust left, Enemies adjust right
    - Vertical - Actors adjust Up, Enemies adjust down
    - Both - Applies both Horizontal and Vertical

    Distance: X:
    - Horizontal distance to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

    Distance: Y:
    - Vertical distance to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for total movement amount.

  Face Destination?:
  - Turn and face the destination?

  Movement Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Movement Motion:
  - Play this motion for the unit(s).

  Wait For Movement?:
  - Wait for movement to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Move To JS Coordinates
- Moves unit(s) to specified JS Coordinates.
- Sideview-only! Uses JavaScript!

  - Select which unit(s) to move.

  JS: Coordinates:
  - Code used to determine the coordinates for the target(s) to move to.

  Offset Adjustment:
  - Makes adjustments to offset values to determine which direction to
    adjust the destination by.

    Offset: X:
    - Horizontal offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

    Offset: Y:
    - Vertical offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for total movement amount.

  Face Destination?:
  - Turn and face the destination?

  Movement Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Movement Motion:
  - Play this motion for the unit(s).

  Wait For Movement?:
  - Wait for movement to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Move To Point
- Moves unit(s) to a designated point on the screen.
- Sideview-only! Points based off Graphics.boxWidth/Height.

  - Select which unit(s) to move.

  Destination Point:
  - Select which point to face.
    - Home
    - Center
    - Point X, Y
      - Replace 'x' and 'y' with coordinates

  Offset Adjustment:
  - Makes adjustments to offset values to determine which direction to
    adjust the destination by.

    Offset: X:
    - Horizontal offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

    Offset: Y:
    - Vertical offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for total movement amount.

  Face Destination?:
  - Turn and face the destination?

  Movement Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Movement Motion:
  - Play this motion for the unit(s).

  Wait For Movement?:
  - Wait for movement to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Move To Target(s)
- Moves unit(s) to another unit(s) on the battle field.
- Sideview-only!

  Targets (Moving):
  - Select which unit(s) to move.

  Targets (Destination):
  - Select which unit(s) to move to.

    Target Location:
    - Select which part target group to move to.
      - front head
      - front center
      - front base
      - middle head
      - middle center
      - middle base
      - back head
      - back center
      - back base

    Melee Distance:
    - The melee distance away from the target location in addition to the
      battler's width.

  Offset Adjustment:
  - Makes adjustments to offset values to determine which direction to
    adjust the destination by.

    Offset: X:
    - Horizontal offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

    Offset: Y:
    - Vertical offset to move.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for total movement amount.

  Face Destination?:
  - Turn and face the destination?

  Movement Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Movement Motion:
  - Play this motion for the unit(s).

  Wait For Movement?:
  - Wait for movement to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Opacity
- Causes the unit(s) to change opacity.
- Sideview-only!

  - Select which unit(s) to change opacity.

  Desired Opacity:
  - Change to this opacity value.
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for opacity change.

  Opacity Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Opacity?:
  - Wait for opacity changes to complete before performing next command?



MOVE: Scale/Grow/Shrink
- Causes the unit(s) to scale, grow, or shrink?.
- Sideview-only!

  - Select which unit(s) to change the scale of.

  Scale X:
  Scale Y:
  - What target scale value do you want?
  - 1.0 is normal size.

  - Duration in frames to scale for.

  Scale Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Scale?:
  - Wait for scaling to complete before performing next command?



MOVE: Skew/Distort
- Causes the unit(s) to skew.
- Sideview-only!

  - Select which unit(s) to skew.

  Skew X:
  Skew Y:
  - What variance to skew?
  - Use small values for the best results.

  - Duration in frames to skew for.

  Skew Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Skew?:
  - Wait for skew to complete before performing next command?



MOVE: Spin/Rotate
- Causes the unit(s) to spin.
- Sideview-only!

  - Select which unit(s) to spin.

  - How many degrees to spin?

  - Duration in frames to spin for.

  Spin Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Revert Angle on Finish:
  - Upon finishing the spin, revert the angle back to 0.

  Wait For Spin?:
  - Wait for spin to complete before performing next command?


MOVE: Wait For Float
- Waits for floating to complete before performing next command.


MOVE: Wait For Jump
- Waits for jumping to complete before performing next command.


MOVE: Wait For Movement
- Waits for movement to complete before performing next command.


MOVE: Wait For Opacity
- Waits for opacity changes to complete before performing next command.


MOVE: Wait For Scale
- Waits for scaling to complete before performing next command.


MOVE: Wait For Skew
- Waits for skewing to complete before performing next command.


MOVE: Wait For Spin
- Waits for spinning to complete before performing next command.


Action Sequences - Projectiles

Create projectiles on the screen and fire them off at a target. Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!


ActSeqProj Ani.gif

- Create an animation projectile and fire it at a target.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!


    Start Location:
    - Settings to determine where the projectile(s) start from.

      - Select where the projectile should start from.
        - Target - Start from battler target(s)
        - Point - Start from a point on the screen

        - Select which unit(s) to start the projectile from.

          - Create one projectile at the center of the targets?
          - Or create a projectile for each target?

          Target Location:
          - Select which part of the target to send the projectile from.
          - front head
          - front center
          - front base
          - middle head
          - middle center
          - middle base
          - back head
          - back center
          - back base

        Point X:
        Point Y:
        - Insert the X/Y coordinate to start the projectile at.
        - You may use JavaScript code.

      Offset X:
      Offset Y:
      - Insert how many pixels to offset the X/Y coordinate by.
      - You may use JavaScript code.

    Goal Location:
    - Settings to determine where the projectile(s) start from.

      - Select where the projectile should go to.
        - Target - Goal is battler target(s)
        - Point - Goal is a point on the screen

        - Select which unit(s) for projectile to go to.

          - Create one projectile at the center of the targets?
          - Or create a projectile for each target?

          Target Location:
          - Select which part of the target to send the projectile to.
          - front head
          - front center
          - front base
          - middle head
          - middle center
          - middle base
          - back head
          - back center
          - back base

        Point X:
        Point Y:
        - Insert the X/Y coordinate to send the projectile to.
        - You may use JavaScript code.

      Offset X:
      Offset Y:
      - Insert how many pixels to offset the X/Y coordinate by.
      - You may use JavaScript code.


    Animation ID:
    - Determine which animation to use as a projectile.

    - Duration for the projectile(s) to travel.

    Wait For Projectile?:
    - Wait for projectile(s) to reach their destination before going onto
      the next command?

    Wait For Animation?:
    - Wait for animation to finish before going to the next command?

    Extra Settings:
    - Add extra settings to the projectile?

      Auto Angle?:
      - Automatically angle the projectile to tilt the direction
        it's moving?

      Angle Offset:
      - Alter the projectile's tilt by this many degrees.

      Arc Peak:
      - This is the height of the project's trajectory arc in pixels.

      - Select which easing type to apply to the projectile's trajectory.

      Spin Speed:
      - Determine how much angle the projectile spins per frame.
      - Does not work well with "Auto Angle".

    Effect Emulation:

      Action Effect?:
      - Emulate current Action Effect when projectile reaches target?
      - Only works with start and goal targets.

      Item Effect ID?:
      - Emulate an Item Effect when projectile reaches target?
      - Use 0 to not use.
      - Only works with start and goal targets.

      Skill Effect ID?:
      - Emulate a Skill Effect when projectile reaches target?
      - Use 0 to not use.
      - Only works with start and goal targets.

      Common Event ID:
      - Plays a Once Parallel Common Event upon reaching target.
      - Use 0 to not use.
      - Works regardless of start/goal targets.


ActSeqProj Icon.gif

- Create an icon projectile and fire it at a target.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!


    Start Location:
    - Settings to determine where the projectile(s) start from.

      - Select where the projectile should start from.
        - Target - Start from battler target(s)
        - Point - Start from a point on the screen

        - Select which unit(s) to start the projectile from.

          - Create one projectile at the center of the targets?
          - Or create a projectile for each target?

          Target Location:
          - Select which part of the target to send the projectile from.
          - front head
          - front center
          - front base
          - middle head
          - middle center
          - middle base
          - back head
          - back center
          - back base

        Point X:
        Point Y:
        - Insert the X/Y coordinate to start the projectile at.
        - You may use JavaScript code.

      Offset X:
      Offset Y:
      - Insert how many pixels to offset the X/Y coordinate by.
      - You may use JavaScript code.

    Goal Location:
    - Settings to determine where the projectile(s) start from.

      - Select where the projectile should go to.
        - Target - Goal is battler target(s)
        - Point - Goal is a point on the screen

        - Select which unit(s) for projectile to go to.

          - Create one projectile at the center of the targets?
          - Or create a projectile for each target?

          Target Location:
          - Select which part of the target to send the projectile to.
          - front head
          - front center
          - front base
          - middle head
          - middle center
          - middle base
          - back head
          - back center
          - back base

        Point X:
        Point Y:
        - Insert the X/Y coordinate to send the projectile to.
        - You may use JavaScript code.

      Offset X:
      Offset Y:
      - Insert how many pixels to offset the X/Y coordinate by.
      - You may use JavaScript code.


    - Determine which icon to use as a projectile.
    - You may use JavaScript code.

    - Duration for the projectile(s) to travel.

    Wait For Projectile?:
    - Wait for projectile(s) to reach their destination before going onto
      the next command?

    Extra Settings:
    - Add extra settings to the projectile?

      Auto Angle?:
      - Automatically angle the projectile to tilt the direction
        it's moving?

      Angle Offset:
      - Alter the projectile's tilt by this many degrees.

      Arc Peak:
      - This is the height of the project's trajectory arc in pixels.

      Blend Mode:
      - What kind of blend mode do you wish to apply to the projectile?
        - Normal
        - Additive
        - Multiply
        - Screen

      - Select which easing type to apply to the projectile's trajectory.

      - Adjust the hue of the projectile.
      - Insert a number between 0 and 360.

      - Adjust the size scaling of the projectile.
      - Use decimals for exact control.

      Spin Speed:
      - Determine how much angle the projectile spins per frame.
      - Does not work well with "Auto Angle".

    Effect Emulation:

      Action Effect?:
      - Emulate current Action Effect when projectile reaches target?
      - Only works with start and goal targets.

      Item Effect ID?:
      - Emulate an Item Effect when projectile reaches target?
      - Use 0 to not use.
      - Only works with start and goal targets.

      Skill Effect ID?:
      - Emulate a Skill Effect when projectile reaches target?
      - Use 0 to not use.
      - Only works with start and goal targets.

      Common Event ID:
      - Plays a Once Parallel Common Event upon reaching target.
      - Use 0 to not use.
      - Works regardless of start/goal targets.


ActSeqProj Picture.gif

- Create a picture projectile and fire it at a target.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles!


    Start Location:
    - Settings to determine where the projectile(s) start from.

      - Select where the projectile should start from.
        - Target - Start from battler target(s)
        - Point - Start from a point on the screen

        - Select which unit(s) to start the projectile from.

          - Create one projectile at the center of the targets?
          - Or create a projectile for each target?

          Target Location:
          - Select which part of the target to send the projectile from.
          - front head
          - front center
          - front base
          - middle head
          - middle center
          - middle base
          - back head
          - back center
          - back base

        Point X:
        Point Y:
        - Insert the X/Y coordinate to start the projectile at.
        - You may use JavaScript code.

      Offset X:
      Offset Y:
      - Insert how many pixels to offset the X/Y coordinate by.
      - You may use JavaScript code.

    Goal Location:
    - Settings to determine where the projectile(s) start from.

      - Select where the projectile should go to.
        - Target - Goal is battler target(s)
        - Point - Goal is a point on the screen

        - Select which unit(s) for projectile to go to.

          - Create one projectile at the center of the targets?
          - Or create a projectile for each target?

          Target Location:
          - Select which part of the target to send the projectile to.
          - front head
          - front center
          - front base
          - middle head
          - middle center
          - middle base
          - back head
          - back center
          - back base

        Point X:
        Point Y:
        - Insert the X/Y coordinate to send the projectile to.
        - You may use JavaScript code.

      Offset X:
      Offset Y:
      - Insert how many pixels to offset the X/Y coordinate by.
      - You may use JavaScript code.


    Picture Filename:
    - Determine which picture to use as a projectile.

    - Duration for the projectile(s) to travel.

    Wait For Projectile?:
    - Wait for projectile(s) to reach their destination before going onto
      the next command?

    Extra Settings:
    - Add extra settings to the projectile?

      Auto Angle?:
      - Automatically angle the projectile to tilt the direction
        it's moving?

      Angle Offset:
      - Alter the projectile's tilt by this many degrees.

      Arc Peak:
      - This is the height of the project's trajectory arc in pixels.

      Blend Mode:
      - What kind of blend mode do you wish to apply to the projectile?
        - Normal
        - Additive
        - Multiply
        - Screen

      - Select which easing type to apply to the projectile's trajectory.

      - Adjust the hue of the projectile.
      - Insert a number between 0 and 360.

      - Adjust the size scaling of the projectile.
      - Use decimals for exact control.

      Spin Speed:
      - Determine how much angle the projectile spins per frame.
      - Does not work well with "Auto Angle".

    Effect Emulation:

      Action Effect?:
      - Emulate current Action Effect when projectile reaches target?
      - Only works with start and goal targets.

      Item Effect ID?:
      - Emulate an Item Effect when projectile reaches target?
      - Use 0 to not use.
      - Only works with start and goal targets.

      Skill Effect ID?:
      - Emulate a Skill Effect when projectile reaches target?
      - Use 0 to not use.
      - Only works with start and goal targets.

      Common Event ID:
      - Plays a Once Parallel Common Event upon reaching target.
      - Use 0 to not use.
      - Works regardless of start/goal targets.


Action Sequences - Skew (Camera)

VisuMZ ActSeqCamera Skew.gif

These action sequences allow you to have control over the camera skew. Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!


SKEW: Change Skew
- Changes the camera skew.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  Skew X:
  - Change the camera skew X to this value.

  Skew Y:
  - Change the camera skew Y to this value.

  - Duration in frames to change camera skew.

  Skew Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Skew?:
  - Wait for skew changes to complete before performing next command?


SKEW: Reset Skew
- Reset any skew settings.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  - Duration in frames to reset camera skew.

  Skew Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Skew?:
  - Wait for skew changes to complete before performing next command?


SKEW: Wait For Skew
- Waits for skew changes to complete before performing next command.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!


Action Sequences - Target


If using a manual target by target Action Sequence, these commands will give you full control over its usage.

Refer to the image above for reference on how this works.


TARGET: Current Index
- Sets the current index to this value.
- Then decide to jump to a label (optional).

  Set Index To:
  - Sets current targeting index to this value.
  - 0 is the starting index of a target group.

  Jump To Label:
  - If a target is found after the index change, jump to this label in the
    Common Event.


TARGET: Next Target
- Moves index forward by 1 to select a new current target.
- Then decide to jump to a label (optional).

  Jump To Label:
  - If a target is found after the index change, jump to this label in the
    Common Event.


TARGET: Previous Target
- Moves index backward by 1 to select a new current target.
- Then decide to jump to a label (optional).

  Jump To Label:
  - If a target is found after the index change, jump to this label in the
    Common Event.


TARGET: Random Target
- Sets index randomly to determine new currernt target.
- Then decide to jump to a label (optional).

  Force Random?:
  - Index cannot be its previous index amount after random.

  Jump To Label:
  - If a target is found after the index change, jump to this label in the
    Common Event.


Action Sequences - Voice



VOICE: Common Line
- Plays a common voice line from target battler(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_BattleVoices!

  Speaker Target(s):
  - Select unit(s) to play voice lines from.

  Voice Line:
  - What voice line do you wish to play?


VOICE: Play Special Line
- Plays a special voice line from target battler(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_3_BattleVoices!

  Speaker Target(s):
  - Select unit(s) to play voice lines from.

  Voice Line Type:
  - What voice line type do you wish to play?
    - Action Name
    - Chant Line
    - Item Name
    - Skill Name
    - Spell Name
    - Unique Lines

  Name / Letter:
  - What voice letter/name do you want to play?


Action Sequences - Weapon

BattleCore DualWield.gif

Allows for finer control over Dual/Multi Wielding actors.

Only works for Actors.


WEAPON: Clear Weapon Slot
- Clears the active weapon slot (making others valid again).
- Only works for Actors.

  - Select unit(s) to clear the active weapon slot for.


WEAPON: Next Weapon Slot
- Goes to next active weapon slot (making others invalid).
- If next slot is weaponless, don't label jump.

  - Select unit(s) to change the next active weapon slot for.


WEAPON: Set Weapon Slot
- Sets the active weapon slot (making others invalid).
- Only works for Actors.

  - Select unit(s) to change the active weapon slot for.

  Weapon Slot ID:
  - Select weapon slot to make active (making others invalid).
  - Use 0 to clear and normalize. You may use JavaScript code.


Action Sequences - Zoom (Camera)

VisuMZ ActSeqCamera Zoom.gif

These Action Sequences are zoom-related. Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!


ZOOM: Change Scale
- Changes the zoom scale.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  - The zoom scale to change to.

  - Duration in frames to reset battle zoom.

  Zoom Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Zoom?
  - Wait for zoom changes to complete before performing next command?


ZOOM: Reset Zoom
- Reset any zoom settings.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!

  - Duration in frames to reset battle zoom.

  Zoom Easing:
  - Select which easing type you wish to apply.
  - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.

  Wait For Zoom?
  - Wait for zoom changes to complete before performing next command?


ZOOM: Wait For Zoom
- Waits for zoom changes to complete before performing next command.
Requires VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera!


Plugin Parameters

Auto Battle Settings



These Plugin Parameter settings allow you to change the aspects added by this plugin that support Auto Battle and the Auto Battle commands.

Auto Battle commands can be added to the Party Command Window and/or Actor Command Window. The one used by the Party Command Window will cause the whole party to enter an Auto Battle state until stopped by a button input. The command used by the Actor Command Window, however, will cause the actor to select an action based off the Auto Battle A.I. once for the current turn instead.


Battle Display

 - Message that's displayed when Auto Battle is on.
 Text codes allowed. %1 - OK button, %2 - Cancel button
 OK Button:
 - Text used to represent the OK button.
 - If VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine is present, ignore this.
 Cancel Button:
 - Text used to represent the Cancel button.
 - If VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine is present, ignore this.
 Background Type:
 - Select background type for Auto Battle window.
   - 0 - Window
   - 1 - Dim
   - 2 - Transparent
 JS: X, Y, W, H:
 - Code used to determine the dimensions for this window.



 Add Option?:
 - Add the Auto Battle options to the Options menu?
 Adjust Window Height:
 - Automatically adjust the options window height?
 Startup Name:
 - Command name of the option.
 Style Name:
 - Command name of the option.
 - Text displayed when Auto Battle Style is OFF.
 - Text displayed when Auto Battle Style is ON.


Damage Settings


These Plugin Parameters add a variety of things to how damage is handled in battle. These range from hard damage caps to soft damage caps to how damage popups appear, how the formulas for various aspects are handled and more.

Damage Styles are also a feature added through this plugin. More information can be found in the help section above labeled 'Damage Styles'.


Damage Cap

 Enable Damage Cap?:
 - Put a maximum hard damage cap on how far damage can go?
 - This can be broken through the usage of notetags.
 Default Hard Cap:
 - The default hard damage cap used before applying damage.
 Enable Soft Cap?:
 - Soft caps ease in the damage values leading up to the  hard damage cap.
 - Requires hard Damage Cap enabled.
   Base Soft Cap Rate:
   - The default soft damage cap used before applying damage.
   Soft Scale Constant:
   - The default soft damage cap used before applying damage.



 Popup Duration:
 - Adjusts how many frames a popup stays visible.
 Newest Popups Bottom:
 - Puts the newest popups at the bottom.
 End Battle Show?:
 - Show or hide popups upon victory or escape?
 - Used to hide battle-state removal popups.
 Offset X:
 Offset Y:
 - Sets how much to offset the sprites by horizontally/vertically.
 Shift X:
 Shift Y:
 - Sets how much to shift the sprites by horizontally/vertically.
 Critical Flash Color:
 - Adjust the popup's flash color.
 - Format: [red, green, blue, alpha]
 Critical Duration:
 - Adjusts how many frames a the flash lasts.



 JS: Overall Formula:
 - The overall formula used when calculating damage.
 JS: Variance Formula:
 - The formula used when damage variance.
 JS: Guard Formula:
 - The formula used when damage is guarded.


Critical Hits

 JS: Rate Formula:
 - The formula used to calculate Critical Hit Rates.
 JS: Damage Formula:
 - The formula used to calculate Critical Hit Damage modification.


Damage Styles

 Default Style:
 - Which Damage Style do you want to set as default?
 - Use 'Manual' to not use any styles at all.
   - The 'Manual' style will not support <Armor Penetration> notetags.
   - The 'Manual' style will not support <Armor Reduction> notetags.
 Style List:
 - A list of the damage styles available.
 - These are used to calculate base damage.
   - Name of this Damage Style.
   -Used for notetags and such.
   JS: Formula:
   - The base formula for this Damage Style.
   Items & Equips Core:
     HP Damage:
     MP Damage:
     HP Recovery:
     MP Recovery:
     HP Drain:
     MP Drain:
     - Vocabulary used for this data entry.
     JS: Damage Display:
     - Code used the data displayed for this category.


Mechanics Settings


Some of the base settings for the various mechanics found in the battle system can be altered here in these Plugin Parameters. Most of these will involve JavaScript code and require you to have to good understanding of how the RPG Maker MZ code works before tampering with it.


Action Speed

 Allow Random Speed?:
 - Allow speed to be randomized base off the user's AGI?
 JS: Calculate:
 - Code used to calculate action speed.


Base Troop

 Base Troop ID's:
 - Select the Troop ID(s) to duplicate page events from for all
   other troops.
 - More information can be found in the dedicated Help section above.


Common Events (on Map)

 Pre-Battle Event:
 Post-Battle Event:
 Victory Event:
 Defeat Event:
 Escape Success Event:
 Escape Fail Event:
 - Queued Common Event to run upon meeting the condition.
 - Use to 0 to not run any Common Event at all.
 - "Post-Battle Event" will always run regardless.
 - If any events are running before the battle, they will continue running
   to the end first before the queued Common Events will run.
 - These common events only run on the map scene. They're not meant to run
   in the battle scene.
 - If the "Defeat Event" has a common event attached to it, then random
   encounters will be changed to allow defeat without being sent to the
   Game Over scene. Instead, the game will send the player to the map scene
   where the Defeat Event will run.



 JS: Calc Escape Ratio:
 - Code used to calculate the escape success ratio.
 JS: Calc Escape Raise:
 - Code used to calculate how much the escape success ratio raises upon
   each failure.


BattleCore Update28 Params1.png


 Switch: Critical:
 - Turns switch ON if the action performs a critical hit.
 - Switch reverts to OFF whenever an action starts.
 - If multiple targets/hits are struck, as long as one hit lands a critical
   hit, then the switch will remain ON for the rest of the action.
 Switch: Miss/Evade:
 - Turns switch ON if the action misses/is evaded.
 - Switch reverts to OFF whenever an action starts.
 - If multiple targets/hits are struck, as long as one hit fails to land,
   then the switch will remain ON for the rest of the action.



 Variable: Damage:
 - Variable records target damage during action.
 - Variable reverts to 0 whenever an action starts.
 - If multiple targets/hits are struck, the variable will record the total
   amount of damage done for the remainder of the action (unless manually
   reseting to 0 during an Action Sequence).
 Variable: Healing:
 - Variable records target healing during action.
 - Variable reverts to 0 whenever an action starts.
 - If multiple targets/hits are struck, the variable will record the total
   amount of healing done for the remainder of the action (unless manually
   reseting to 0 during an Action Sequence).


JS: Battle-Related

 JS: Pre-Start Battle:
 - Target function: BattleManager.startBattle()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Post-Start Battle:
 - Target function: BattleManager.startBattle()
 - JavaScript code occurs after function is run.
 JS: Battle Victory:
 - Target function: BattleManager.processVictory()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Escape Success:
 - Target function: BattleManager.onEscapeSuccess()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Escape Failure:
 - Target function: BattleManager.onEscapeFailure()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Battle Defeat:
 - Target function: BattleManager.processDefeat()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Pre-End Battle:
 - Target function: BattleManager.endBattle()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Post-End Battle:
 - Target function: BattleManager.endBattle()
 - JavaScript code occurs after function is run.


JS: Turn-Related

 JS: Pre-Start Turn:
 - Target function: BattleManager.startTurn()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Post-Start Turn:
 - Target function: BattleManager.startTurn()
 - JavaScript code occurs after function is run.
 JS: Pre-End Turn:
 - Target function: Game_Battler.prototype.onTurnEnd()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Post-End Turn:
 - Target function: Game_Battler.prototype.onTurnEnd()
 - JavaScript code occurs after function is run.
 JS: Pre-Regenerate:
 - Target function: Game_Battler.prototype.regenerateAll()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Post-Regenerate:
 - Target function: Game_Battler.prototype.regenerateAll()
 - JavaScript code occurs after function is run.


JS: Action-Related

 JS: Pre-Start Action:
 - Target function: BattleManager.startAction()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Post-Start Action:
 - Target function: BattleManager.startAction()
 - JavaScript code occurs after function is run.
 JS: Pre-Apply:
 - Target function: Game_Action.prototype.apply()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Pre-Damage:
 - Target function: Game_Action.prototype.executeDamage()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Post-Damage:
 - Target function: Game_Action.prototype.executeDamage()
 - JavaScript code occurs after function is run.
 JS: Post-Apply:
 - Target function: Game_Action.prototype.apply()
 - JavaScript code occurs after function is run.
 JS: Pre-End Action:
 - Target function: BattleManager.endAction()
 - JavaScript code occurs before function is run.
 JS: Post-End Action:
 - DescriTarget function: BattleManager.endAction()
 - JavaScript code occurs after function is run.


Battle Layout Settings


The Battle Layout Settings Plugin Parameter gives you control over the look, style, and appearance of certain UI elements. These range from the way the Battle Status Window presents its information to the way certain windows like the Party Command Window and Actor Command Window appear.


Battle Layout Style - The style used for the battle layout.

 - Shows actor faces in Battle Status.
 - Lists actors in Battle Status.
 - Shows actor battlers in a stretched Battle Status.
 - Shows portraits in a stretched Battle Status.
 - Displays windows around the screen border.



List Style

 Show Faces:
 - Shows faces in List Style?
 Command Window Width:
 - Determine the window width for the Party and Actor Command Windows.
 - Affects Default and List Battle Layout styles.



XP Style

 Command Lines:
 - Number of action lines in the Actor Command Window for the XP Style.
 Sprite Height:
 - Default sprite height used when if the sprite's height has not been
   determined yet.
 Sprite Base Location:
 - Determine where the sprite is located on the Battle Status Window.
   - Above Name - Sprite is located above the name.
   - Bottom - Sprite is located at the bottom of the window.
   - Centered - Sprite is centered in the window.
   - Top - Sprite is located at the top of the window.



Portrait Style

 Show Portraits?:
 - Requires VisuMZ_1_MainMenuCore.
 - Shows the actor's portrait instead of a face.
 Portrait Scaling:
 - If portraits are used, scale them by this much.



Border Style

 - The total number of columns for Skill & Item Windows in the battle scene
 Show Portraits?:
 - Requires VisuMZ_1_MainMenuCore.
 - Shows the actor's portrait at the edge of the screen.
 Portrait Scaling:
 - If portraits are used, scale them by this much.


Skill & Item Windows

 Middle Layout:
 - Shows the Skill & Item Windows in mid-screen?
 - The total number of columns for Skill & Item Windows in the battle scene


Status Window Elements

BattleCore LayoutUpdatePreview.png

 Battler Name:
 Gauge 1 (HP):
 Gauge 2 (MP):
 Gauge 3 (TP):
 State Icon:
 TPB/ATB Gauge:
   Offset: X/Y:
   - Offset this Battle Status Window element's X/Y.
   - For X: Negative goes left. Positive goes right.
   - For Y: Negative goes up. Positive goes down.
 Window Skin:
   - Filename used for the Battle Status Window skin.
   - Leave this empty to use the default window skin.
   Hide Window Skin?:
   - Hide the window skin for the Battle Status Window?
 Selectable Background:
   Hide Selectable BG?:
   - Show/Hide the selectable background box for the Battle Status Window?
   Back Attachment:
     - Filename used for an image to attach to the back of the Battle
       Status Window. Leave empty for none.
     Offset: X/Y:
     - Offset this Battle Status Window element's X/Y.
     - For X: Negative goes left. Positive goes right.
     - For Y: Negative goes up. Positive goes down.
   Front Attachment:
     - Filename used for an image to attach to the front of the Battle
       Status Window. Leave empty for none.


UI Elements

 Anti-Tint UI?
 - Prevent UI Elements from being tinted?
 - This prevents UI Elements such as HP Gauges, Enemy Names, Battle Cursor,
   and Weakness Display from being affected by screen tint.


Battle Log Settings


These Plugin Parameters give you control over how the Battle Log Window, the window shown at the top of the screen in the battle layout, appears, its various properties, and which text will be displayed.

The majority of the text has been disabled by default with this plugin to make the flow of battle progress faster.



 Back Color:
 - Use #rrggbb for a hex color.
 Max Lines:
 - Maximum number of lines to be displayed.
 Message Wait:
 - Number of frames for a usual message wait.
 Text Align:
 - Text alignment for the Window_BattleLog.
 JS: X, Y, W, H:
 - Code used to determine the dimensions for the battle log.


Start Turn

 Show Start Turn?:
 - Display turn changes at the start of the turn?
 Start Turn Message:
 - Message displayed at turn start.
 - %1 - Turn Count
 Start Turn Wait:
 - Number of frames to wait after a turn started.


Display Action

 Show Centered Action?:
 - Display a centered text of the action name?
 Show Skill Message 1?:
 - Display the 1st skill message?
 Show Skill Message 2?:
 - Display the 2nd skill message?
 Show Item Message?:
 - Display the item use message?


Action Changes

 Show Counter?:
 - Display counter text?
 Show Reflect?:
 - Display magic reflection text?
 Show Substitute?:
 - Display substitute text?


Action Results

 Show No Effect?:
 - Display no effect text?
 Show Critical?:
 - Display critical text?
 Show Miss/Evasion?:
 - Display miss/evasion text?
 Show HP Damage?:
 - Display HP Damage text?
 Show MP Damage?:
 - Display MP Damage text?
 Show TP Damage?:
 - Display TP Damage text?


Display States

 Show Added States?:
 - Display added states text?
 Show Removed States?:
 - Display removed states text?
 Show Current States?:
 - Display the currently affected state text?
 Show Added Buffs?:
 - Display added buffs text?
 Show Added Debuffs?:
 - Display added debuffs text?
 Show Removed Buffs?:
 - Display removed de/buffs text?


Battleback Scaling Settings

BattleCore Update10 Param1.png

By default, the battlebacks in RPG Maker MZ scale as if the screen size is a static 816x624 resolution, which isn't always the case. These settings here allow you to dictate how you want the battlebacks to scale for the whole game. These settings CANNOT be changed midgame or per battle.



 Default Style:
 - The default scaling style used for battlebacks.
 - MZ (MZ's default style)
 - 1:1 (No Scaling)
 - Scale To Fit (Scale to screen size)
 - Scale Down (Scale Downward if Larger than Screen)
 - Scale Up (Scale Upward if Smaller than Screen)
 JS: 1:1:
 JS: Scale To Fit:
 JS: Scale Down:
 JS: Scale Up:
 JS: 1:1:
 JS: 1:1:
 - This code gives you control over the scaling for this style.


Party Command Window



These Plugin Parameters allow you control over how the Party Command Window operates in the battle scene. You can turn disable it from appearing or make it so that it doesn't


Command Window

 - How do you wish to draw commands in the Party Command Window?
 - Text Only: Display only the text.
 - Icon Only: Display only the icon.
 - Icon + Text: Display the icon first, then the text.
 - Auto: Determine which is better to use based on the size of the cell.
 Text Align:
 - Text alignment for the Party Command Window.
 Fight Icon:
 - The icon used for the Fight command.
 Add Auto Battle?:
 - Add the "Auto Battle" command to the Command Window?
   Auto Battle Icon:
   - The icon used for the Auto Battle command.
   Auto Battle Text:
   - The text used for the Auto Battle command.
 Add Options?:
 - Add the "Options" command to the Command Window?
   Options Icon:
   - The icon used for the Options command.
   Active TPB Message:
   - Message that will be displayed when selecting options during the
     middle of an action.
 Escape Icon:
 - The icon used for the Escape command.



 Skip Party Command:
 - DTB: Skip Party Command selection on turn start.
 - TPB: Skip Party Command selection at battle start.
 Disable Party Command:
 - Disable the Party Command Window entirely?


Help Window

 - Text displayed when selecting a skill type.
 - %1 - Skill Type Name
 Auto Battle:
 - Text displayed when selecting the Auto Battle command.
 - Text displayed when selecting the Options command.
 - Text displayed when selecting the escape command.


Actor Command Window



These Plugin Parameters allow you to change various aspects regarding the Actor Command Window and how it operates in the battle scene. This ranges from how it appears to the default battle commands given to all players without a custom <Battle Commands> notetag.


Command Window

 - How do you wish to draw commands in the Actor Command Window?
 - Text Only: Display only the text.
 - Icon Only: Display only the icon.
 - Icon + Text: Display the icon first, then the text.
 - Auto: Determine which is better to use based on the size of the cell.
 Text Align:
 - Text alignment for the Actor Command Window.
 Item Icon:
 - The icon used for the Item command.
 Normal SType Icon:
 - Icon used for normal skill types that aren't assigned any icons.
 - Ignore if VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed.
 Magic SType Icon:
 - Icon used for magic skill types that aren't assigned any icons.
 - Ignore if VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore is installed.


Battle Commands

 Command List:
 - List of battle commands that appear by default if the <Battle Commands>
   notetag isn't present.
   - Attack
     - Adds the basic attack command.
   - Skills
     - Displays all the skill types available to the actor.
   - SType: x
   - Stype: name
     - Adds in a specific skill type.
     - Replace 'x' with the ID of the skill type.
     - Replace 'name' with the name of the skill type (without text codes).
   - All Skills
     - Adds all usable battle skills as individual actions.
   - Skill: x
   - Skill: name
     - Adds in a specific skill as a usable action.
     - Replace 'x' with the ID of the skill.
     - Replace 'name' with the name of the skill.
   - Guard
     - Adds the basic guard command.
   - Item
     - Adds the basic item command.
   - Escape
     - Adds the escape command.
   - Auto Battle
     - Adds the auto battle command.
   - Party
     - Requires VisuMZ_2_PartySystem!
     - Switches out the current actor for another.
   - Combat Log
     - Requires VisuMZ_4_CombatLog!
     - Shows combat log.
   - Talk
     - Requires VisuMZ_3_BattleCmdTalk!
     - Shows talk command if applicable.
   - Weapon Swap
     - Requires VisuMZ_2_WeaponSwapSystem!
     - Swaps current weapon for next one.
 Show Command Costs:
 - If a battle command has a resource cost, show it?


Help Window

 Skill Types:
 - Text displayed when selecting a skill type.
 - %1 - Skill Type Name
 - Text displayed when selecting the item command.
 - Text displayed when selecting the escape command.
 Auto Battle:
 - Text displayed when selecting the Auto Battle command.


Multi-Target Windows Settings

BattleCore Update121 Preview.png

BattleCore Update121 Param1.png

Action Sequence Plugin Parameters adjust how the Multi-Target Windows appear in battle. These windows are visible when selecting an enemy or actor while using a skill/item that has the <Single or Multiple Select> notetag.

Those wondering why this isn't regulated to a command left or right of the enemies and actors is because mouse controls and touch controls would not be able to select all enemies or all allies that way.



 Window Width:
 - What is the width used for the Multi-Target Window?
 Background Type:
 - Select background type for these windows.
 Show Button:
 - Shows the keyboard/controller button to press?
 - Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!



 All Actors:
 - What is the text used for the "All Actors" button?
 All Enemies:
 - What is the text used for the "All Enemies" button?


Offsets > Actor Offsets Offsets > Enemy Offsets

 Offset X:
 - Offsets the button's x position.
 - Negative: left. Positive: right.
 Offset Y:
 - Offsets the button's y position.
 - Negative: up. Positive: down.


Actor Battler Settings


These Plugin Parameter settings adjust how the sideview battlers behave for the actor sprites. Some of these settings are shared with enemies if they use sideview battler graphics.



 Flinch Distance X:
 - The normal X distance when flinching.
 Flinch Distance Y:
 - The normal Y distance when flinching.
 Flinch Duration:
 - The number of frames for a flinch to complete.

BattleCore ShakeFlinch.gif

 Shake Flinch:
 - Perform a shake flinch when taking damage?
   Max Duration:
   - Maximum duration a shake flinch can have.
   - This is reduced relative to the amount of damage taken.
   Max Power:
   - The power rating of a shake flinch at full damage.
   - This is reduced relative to the amount of damage taken.


Sideview Battlers

 Anchor: X:
 - Default X anchor for Sideview Battlers.
 - Use values between 0 and 1 to be safe.
 Anchor: Y:
 - Default Y anchor for Sideview Battlers.
 - Use values between 0 and 1 to be safe.
 Chant Style:
 - What determines the chant motion?
 - Hit type or skill type?
 Offset X:
 - Offsets X position where actor is positioned.
 - Negative values go left. Positive values go right.
 Offset Y:
 - Offsets Y position where actor is positioned.
 - Negative values go up. Positive values go down.
 Motion Speed:
 - The number of frames in between each motion.
 Priority: Active:
 - Place the active actor on top of actor and enemy sprites.
 Priority: Actors:
 - Prioritize actors over enemies when placing sprites on top of each other
 Smooth Image:
 - Smooth out the battler images or pixelate them?
 Shadow Visible:
 - Show or hide the shadow for Sideview Battlers.
 JS: Home Position:
 - Code used to calculate the home position of actors.


Enemy Battler Settings


These Plugin Parameter settings adjust how enemies appear visually in the battle scene. Some of these settings will override the settings used for actors if used as sideview battlers. Other settings include changing up the default attack animation for enemies, how the enemy select window functions, and more.



 Attack Animation:
 - Default attack animation used for enemies.
 - Use <Attack Animation: x> for custom animations.
 Emerge Text:
 - Show or hide the 'Enemy emerges!' text at the start of battle.
 Offset X:
 - Offsets X position where enemy is positioned.
 - Negative values go left. Positive values go right.
 Offset Y:
 - Offsets Y position where enemy is positioned.
 - Negative values go up. Positive values go down.
 Smooth Image:
 - Smooth out the battler images or pixelate them?


Select Window

 Any: Last Selected:
 - Prioritize last selected enemy over front view or sideview settings?
 FV: Right Priority:
 - If using frontview, auto select the enemy furthest right.
 SV: Right Priority:
 - If using sideview, auto select the enemy furthest right.



 Legacy Option:
 - Use the legacy version (window) or new version (sprite).
 - WARNING: Legacy version is no longer supported for bugs.
 - Not all settings available here in the Plugin Parameters will be
   available to the legacy version (ie Always Visible and Attach States).
 Font Size:
 - Font size used for enemy names.
 Name Position:
   Offset X:
   Offset Y:
   - Offset the enemy name's position by this much.
   - For X: Negative goes left. Positive goes right.
   - For Y: Negative goes up. Positive goes down.
 Name: Attach States:
 - Attach the enemy's state icon to the enemy name?
   Attach: Offset X:
   Attach: Offset Y:
   - How much to offset the attached icon's X/Y position by?
   - For X: Negative goes left. Positive goes right.
   - For Y: Negative goes up. Positive goes down.
 Name Visibility:
   Always Hidden:
   - Determines if the enemy name will always be visible.
   - Highest priority.
   Always Visible:
   - Determines if the enemy name will always be visible.
   - Medium priority.
   By Selection?:
   - Determines the conditions for enemy name visibility.
   - Lowest priority.


Sideview Battlers

 Allow Collapse:
 - Causes defeated enemies with SV Battler graphics to "fade away"
   when defeated?
 Anchor: X:
 - Default X anchor for Sideview Battlers.
 Anchor: Y:
 - Default Y anchor for Sideview Battlers.
 Motion: Idle:
 - Sets default idle animation used by Sideview Battlers.
 Shadow Visible:
 - Show or hide the shadow for Sideview Battlers.
 Size: Width:
 - Default width for enemies that use Sideview Battlers.
 Size: Height:
 - Default height for enemies that use Sideview Battlers.
 Weapon Type:
 - Sets default weapon type used by Sideview Battlers.
 - Use 0 for Bare Hands.


HP Gauge Settings



Settings that adjust the visual HP Gauge displayed in battle.


Show Gauges For

 - Show HP Gauges over the actor sprites' heads?
 - Requires SV Actors to be visible.
 - Show HP Gauges over the enemy sprites' heads?
 - Can be bypassed with <Hide HP Gauge> notetag.
   Requires Defeat?:
   - Requires defeating the enemy once to show HP Gauge?
   - Can be bypassed with <Show HP Gauge> notetag.
     Battle Test Bypass?:
     - Bypass the defeat requirement in battle test?



 Animation Duration:
 - How many frames should gauges animate themselves?
 - Default: 20 frames.
 Anchor X:
 Anchor Y:
 - Where do you want the HP Gauge sprite's anchor X/Y to be?
 - Use values between 0 and 1 to be safe.
 - How large/small do you want the HP Gauge to be scaled?
 Offset X:
 Offset Y:
 - How many pixels to offset the HP Gauge's X/Y by?



 Add Option?:
 - Add the 'Show HP Gauge' option to the Options menu?
 Adjust Window Height:
 - Automatically adjust the options window height?
 Option Name:
 - Command name of the option.


Action Sequence Settings


Action Sequence Plugin Parameters allow you to decide if you want automatic Action Sequences to be used for physical attacks, the default casting animations used, how counters and reflects appear visually, and what the default stepping distances are.


Automatic Sequences

 Melee Single Target:
 - Allow this auto sequence for physical, single target actions?
 Melee Multi Target:
 - Allow this auto sequence for physical, multi-target actions?


Quality of Life

 Auto Notetag:
 - Automatically apply the <Custom Action Sequence> notetag effect to any
   item or skill that has a Common Event?
 - Any item or skill without a Common Event attached to it will use the
   Automatic Action Sequences instead.
 - The <Auto Action Sequence> notetag will disable this effect for that
   particular skill or item.



Cast Animations

 Certain Hit:
 - Cast animation for Certain Hit skills.
 - Cast animation for Physical skills.
 - Cast animation for Magical skills.



 Counter Back:
 - Play back the attack animation used?
 Reflect Animation:
 - Animation played when an action is reflected.
 Reflect Back:
 - Play back the attack animation used?



 Melee Distance:
 - Minimum distance in pixels for Movement Action Sequences.
 Step Distance X:
 - The normal X distance when stepping forward.
 Step Distance Y:
 - The normal Y distance when stepping forward.
 Step Duration:
 - The number of frames for a stepping action to complete.


Terms of Use

1. These plugins may be used in free or commercial games provided that they have been acquired through legitimate means at and/or any other official approved VisuStella sources. Exceptions and special circumstances that may prohibit usage will be listed on

2. All of the listed coders found in the Credits section of this plugin must be given credit in your games or credited as a collective under the name: "VisuStella".

3. You may edit the source code to suit your needs, so long as you do not claim the source code belongs to you. VisuStella also does not take responsibility for the plugin if any changes have been made to the plugin's code, nor does VisuStella take responsibility for user-provided custom code used for custom control effects including advanced JavaScript notetags and/or plugin parameters that allow custom JavaScript code.

4. You may NOT redistribute these plugins nor take code from this plugin to use as your own. These plugins and their code are only to be downloaded from and other official/approved VisuStella sources. A list of official/approved sources can also be found on

5. VisuStella is not responsible for problems found in your game due to unintended usage, incompatibility problems with plugins outside of the VisuStella MZ library, plugin versions that aren't up to date, nor responsible for the proper working of compatibility patches made by any third parties. VisuStella is not responsible for errors caused by any user-provided custom code used for custom control effects including advanced JavaScript notetags and/or plugin parameters that allow JavaScript code.

6. If a compatibility patch needs to be made through a third party that is unaffiliated with VisuStella that involves using code from the VisuStella MZ library, contact must be made with a member from VisuStella and have it approved. The patch would be placed on as a free download to the public. Such patches cannot be sold for monetary gain, including commissions, crowdfunding, and/or donations.

7. If this VisuStella MZ plugin is a paid product, all project team members must purchase their own individual copies of the paid product if they are to use it. Usage includes working on related game mechanics, managing related code, and/or using related Plugin Commands and features. Redistribution of the plugin and/or its code to other members of the team is NOT allowed unless they own the plugin itself as that conflicts with Article 4.

8. Any extensions and/or addendums made to this plugin's Terms of Use can be found on and must be followed.

Terms of Use: Japanese

『VisuStella MZ』利用規約

1. これらのプラグインは、VisuStella.comおよび/または公式に承認されたVisuStellaのソースから合法的な手段で入手したものである限り、フリーゲームや商用ゲームに使用することができます。例外的に使用が禁止される場合については、VisuStella.comの記載をご確認ください。

2. 本プラグインの「クレジット」部分に記載されているすべてのコーダーの名前は、ゲーム内にクレジット表記を行うか、もしくは「VisuStella」という名前の下にまとめて表記する必要があります。

3. ソースコードを自分のものだと主張しない限りは、必要に応じて編集することが可能です。ただしプラグインのコードに変更が加えられた場合、VisuStellaはそのプラグインに対して一切の責任を負いません。高度なJavaScriptのノートタグやJavaScriptコードを許可するプラグインのパラメータを含む、カスタムコントロールエフェクトに使用される、ユーザー提供のカスタムコードについても、VisuStellaは一切の責任を負いません。

4. これらのプラグインやプラグイン内のコードを、「自分のもの」として再配布したり使用したりすることはできません。これらのプラグインとそのコードは、VisuStella.comおよび、その他の公式/承認済みVisuStellaソースからのみダウンロードすることができます。公式/承認済みのソースのリストは、VisuStella.comでご確認いただけます。

5. VisuStellaは、意図しない使用方法による問題、VisuStella MZライブラリ以外のプラグインとの非互換性の問題、プラグインのバージョンが最新でないことによる問題、第三者による互換性パッチが適切に動作していないことなどが原因でゲーム内で発生した問題については、一切の責任を負いません。VisuStellaは、高度なJavaScriptのノートタグやJavaScriptコードを許可するプラグインのパラメータを含む、カスタムコントロールエフェクトに使用される、ユーザー提供のカスタムコードに起因するエラーについても、一切の責任を負いません。

6. VisuStella MZライブラリのコードを使用した互換性パッチをVisuStellaとは関係のない第三者を通じて作成する必要がある場合は、まずVisuStellaのメンバーと連絡を取り、承認を得る必要があります。パッチはVisuStella.comに公開され、誰でも無料でダウンロードすることができるようになります。このようなパッチを、制作発注やクラウドファンディングの対象にしたり、寄付などの金銭的な利益を得るために販売することはできません。

7. このVisuStella MZプラグインが商用製品である場合、プロジェクトチームのすべてのメンバーは、それを使用するため、それぞれ製品を購入しなければなりません。使用方法には、関連するゲームメカニクスの作業、関連するコードの管理、および/または関連するプラグインコマンドや機能の使用、が含まれます。プラグインそのものやそのコードをチームの他のメンバーに再配布することは第4項に抵触するため、そのメンバーがプラグインそのものを所有していない限りは許可されません。

8. このプラグインの利用規約の追加項目や補足については、VisuStella.comに掲載されていますので、それを参照し従ってください。


If you are using this plugin, credit the following people in your game:

Team VisuStella


Version 1.75: March 16, 2023

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New notetags added by Olivia and sponsored by Anon:
      • <HP Life Steal: x%>
      • <MP Life Steal: x%>
      • <HP Life Steal hitType: +/-x%>
      • <MP Life Steal hitType: +/-x%>
      • <Cancel Life Steal>
      • <Guard Life Steal>
      • <Disarm Life Steal>
      • <Negative Life Steal>
        • Life Steal properties involving HP/MP are now added. They will restore a portion of the dealt HP/MP damage to the target.
        • This is a different mechanic from Drain HP/Drain MP and cannot be used together to prevent clashing.
        • Read the help file for more information.

Version 1.74: February 16, 2023

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if your basic attack skill somehow manages to target neither an enemy nor an actor. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Update!
    • Auto-action sequence for jumping forward and attacking is now reinstated so that it's only disabled when the target and user are on the same side. If there is no target, a jump still occurs for visual player feedback. Update made by Olivia.
  • New Features!
    • New notetag effect added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
      • <Cannot Target User>
        • This will cause the action to be unable to select the user as target.
        • This is not a targeting scope. Instead, it is used in addition to any other targeting scopes out there.

Version 1.73: January 20, 2023

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Active TPB custom action sequences will no longer play differently due to queued inputting actors causing motion refreshes. Fix made by Arisu.
    • Corrected and updated Anti-Tint UI animation offsets for MV animations. Fix made by Irina.
    • Fixed a problem with Sideview Battlers not working properly. Fix made by Irina.
  • Compatibility Update!
    • Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
    • Help file updated for to add the following text to the <Target: x> notetag entries in order to avoid confusion.
      • This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's existing scope in favor of this.
  • Feature Update!
    • <Extend: x> Troop Name Tag is now also usable as a Troop Comment Tag.
    • Action Sequence targeting has been updated with two new types "special" and "special x", to be used for future plugins.
  • New Features!
    • New Notetags added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
      • <Target: Ally or Enemy>
      • <Target: Enemy or Ally>
        • Allows the player to target allies or enemies with the skill/item.
        • See help file for more information.
      • <Single or Multiple Select>
        • This will allow the skill/item to be able to select either single targets or multiple targets at once.
        • See help file for more information.
      • <Disperse Damage>
        • This will cause any damage dealt by this skill to be split equally amongst all targets of the skill including repeats.
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
      • Plugin Parameters > Multi-Target Windows
        • Settings that alter the Multi-Target Windows in battle.

Version 1.72: December 15, 2022

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed a transformation of a sideview enemy to a static enemy and back not working properly. Fix made by Irina.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Feature!
    • New Plugin Parameter added by Irina!
      • Plugin Parameters > HP Gauges > Settings > Animation Duration
        • How many frames should gauges animate themselves? Default: 20 frames.
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Yanfly!
      • Plugin Parameters > Actor Battler Settings > Shake Flinch
      • Plugin Parameters > Actor Battler Settings > Shake Flinch > Max Power
      • Plugin Parameters > Actor Battler Settings > Shake Flinch > Max Duration
        • These new plugin parameters will cause targets that take HP damage to shake (in addition to a regular flinch) to provide better visual feedback to the player.
        • Shake Flinch will be kept disabled by default and only turned on when you want it to be.
  • Optimization Update!
    • Plugin should run more optimized.

Version 1.71: November 10, 2022

    • Fixed a problem with repeating animations from Visual State Effects causing softlocks. Fix made by Olivia.

Version 1.70b: October 20, 2022

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed a problem with the "Border" style where if a battle portrait changed midway through the battle, the portrait shown didn't actually update properly. Fix made by Irina.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New Action Sequence added by Olivia:
      • MECH: Active Chain Input Disable
        • Disables input for Active Chain Skills at this time.
        • Requires VisuMZ_3_ActiveChainSkills!
    • New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia and sponsored by Anon:
      • Plugin Parameters > Damage Settings > Popups > End Battle Show?
        • Show or hide popups upon victory or escape?
        • Used to hide battle-state removal popups.

Version 1.69b: September 8, 2022

  • Compatibility Update!
    • Better compatibility with VisuMZ Active Chain Skills.
    • Compatibility will be seen with VisuMZ_3_ActiveChainSkills version 1.02.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Added notes to the following Action Sequences:
      • MOTION: Clear Freeze Frame and MOTION: Freeze Motion Frame
        • Only applies to sprite sheets.
        • Does NOT work with Dragonbones.
        • Use "DB: Dragonbones Time Scale" instead.
  • Feature Update!
    • Reduced MV Animation misalignment when Screen Resolution does not match the UI Area Resolution. Update by Arisu.
    • Command Remember will now remember the locations of single skills. Update made by Olivia.

Version 1.68: August 4, 2022

  • Feature Update!
    • Damage popups are now automatically cleared upon starting battles. This is to ensure that, if for some reason, residual damage popup requests will not be retained. Update made by Olivia.

Version 1.67: July 28, 2022

  • Feature Updates!
    • Rounding window coordinates have been added for for 'XP' and 'Portrait' styles when window sizes happen to land on non-divisible numbers. Update made by Irina.
    • Enemy name position rounding is now enforced. Update made by Irina.

Version 1.66: July 14, 2022

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed a bug that caused the various Battleback Scaling JS custom plugin parameters to not work properly. Fix made by Irina.

Version 1.65: July 7, 2022

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Updates!
    • Automatic action motions for HP and MP Recovery (Certain Hit type) will now use the "skill" cast SV animation instead of attack animation to better match the default RPG Maker MZ cast animation. Update by Olivia.
  • New Features!
    • New troop name tag added by Olivia:
      • <Extend: x> and <Extend: x, x, x>
        • Adds enemies from another troop to the current troop.
        • Enemies from another troop will retain their database positions.
        • Extended troop members will be added in the order they're listed.
        • Be cautious of how many enemies you add as too many will lag the battle system. We are not responsible for frame drops due to this.

Version 1.64: June 16, 2022

  • Bug Fixes!
    • "All Skills" battle command should now work with the updated version of VisuMZ Skills & States Core. Fix madde by Olivia.
  • Compatibility Update
    • Plugins should be more compatible with one another.

Version 1.63: May 26, 2022

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Update!
    • HP Gauge sprite now properly synchs with battler location.
  • New Features!
    • New Action Sequence Effects added by Irina and sponsored by MirageV:
      • INJECT action sequence series
        • See the Action Sequence Impact change log for details.

Version 1.62: April 22, 2022

  • Bug Fixes!
    • RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
      • Battle Forced End Action Crash
        • Depending on various circumstances, currently active battlers can be cleared from the battle system at will due to a number of reasons. However, if it just so happens that the targets are cleared, too, with actions remaining, then a crash will follow up. This plugin will prevent that change. Fix made by Olivia.

Version 1.61: April 14, 2022

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New Impact Effects added by Irina and collaborating with Manu Gaming!
      • Impact: Bizarro Inversion
      • Impact: Desaturation
      • Impact: Negative Inversion
      • Impact: Oversaturation
      • Impact: Time Scale
      • Impact: Time Stop

Version 1.60: April 7, 2022

  • Bug Fixes!
    • <Bypass Soft Damage Cap> notetag should no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Feature Update!
    • Removed one of the forced log window clear events that have made log window messages impossible to utilize for certain settings. Update made by Olivia.

Version 1.59: March 31, 2022

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Escape failure will no longer trigger Post-Battle Common Events. Fix made by Arisu.

Version 1.58: March 24, 2022

  • Documentation Update:
    • Added extra clarity to <Sideview Size: width, height> notetag:
      • This does NOT change the image size. This only changes the HITBOX size.
  • Feature Update!
    • Added failsafes to prevent battlers from moving to non-finite coordinates if calculations are made for non-existent targets. Updated by Olivia.
    • Regeneration timing for TPB-based battle systems will now occur based on individual turn counts instead of global turn counts for initial turn 0 checks. Updated by Olivia.

Version 1.57: February 17, 2022

  • Feature Update!
    • Adjusted the offset properties for the anti-tint UI container to properly match the UI offsets if the anti-tint were to be off. Update by Irina.

Version 1.56: February 10, 2022

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Update!
    • Once Parallels for battle now operate outside of the battle process and now will function consistently throughout. Update made by Olivia.
  • New Features!
    • New Troop Page comment tag added by Olivia and sponsored by Puddor:
      • <Once Parallel When Start Battle>
        • Causes the troop page to immediately run the moment the battle scene begins to fade in (not after it fades in). This is faster than a turn 0 condition troop page. Troop page conditions are ignored.
        • This can be used for things like the Action Sequence Camera plugin, the Visual Battle Environment plugin, and/or initial battle poses and such in order to provide a near seamless battle transition experience.
        • This does NOT trigger when coming out of the options menu or party menu screens.
        • This WILL trigger when going from battle to battle nonstop via plugins like VisuStella MZ's Chain Battles.
        • When actors are moving towards their home positions, it will take around 30 frames by default. Use this information however you like.
  • Optimization Update!
    • Plugin should run more optimized.

Version 1.55: January 27 2022

  • Compatibility Update!
    • RPG Maker MV animations with front view should now play in the correct area against actor faces. Update made by Olivia.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Update!
    • Animations now play on top of all actor faces/portraits regardless of the battle layout style. Update made by Olivia.
  • New Features!
    • New notetag added by Arisu.
      • <Bypass Auto Action Sequence>
        • This notetag is used for the game devs that have the Action Sequence Plugin Parameter "Auto Notetag" on for applying the notetag <Custom Action Sequence> to every skill and item with common events.
        • This will allow items and skills to be able to launch their common events from the menu scene regardless of the inherent restriction to prevent action sequence based skills/items with common events from launching.
        • Ignore this if you have "Auto Notetag" disabled or set to false. By default, this setting is set to false. Please be aware of the changes you've made to your game before using it.

Version 1.54: January 13, 2022

  • Bug Fixes!
    • RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
      • Overly-Protective Substitute
      • When an ally with critical health is being targeted by a friendly non-Certain Hit skill (such as a heal or buff) and another ally has the substitute state, the other ally would "protect" the originally targeted ally and take the heal or buff.
      • The new changed behavior is that now, substitute will not trigger for any actions whose scope targets allies.
      • Fix made by Olivia.

Version 1.53: December 30, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
    • Help file updated for updated features.
  • New Features!
    • New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
      • Plugin Parameters > Battle Layout > UI Elements > Anti-Tint UI?
        • Prevent UI Elements from being tinted?
        • This prevents UI Elements such as HP Gauges, Enemy Names, Battle Cursor, and Weakness Display from being affected by screen tint.
  • Updated Feature!
    • Updated Plugin Command "PROJECTILE: Animation" by Arisu!
      • New Parameter: Wait For Animation?
        • Wait for animation to finish before going to the next command?

Version 1.52: December 16, 2021

  • Compatibility Update!
    • RPG Maker MZ 1.4.0 compatibility update!
      • MV Animations played on screen level will now show up properly in the center of the screen.

Version 1.51: December 9, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New Action Sequence Plugin Commands added by Arisu:
      • MOVE: Change Home By Distance
      • MOVE: Change Home To Point
      • MOVE: Change Home To Target(s)
        • These Plugin Commands allow you to adjust the home position of battlers in sideview battle.
        • This is sideview only!
        • This does NOT work with front view!
        • For those wondering, going to the options screen, party screen, etc. won't reset the home positions like regular movement changes do.
        • Merry Christmas, Harold-gang!

Version 1.50: November 4, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • <Seal Attack> and <Seal Guard> should no longer be bypassed by auto-battle status. Fix made by Yanfly.

Version 1.49: October 28, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Update!
    • Action Sequence: MOTION: Freeze Motion Frame will now only show weapons when using a motion that is named either "attack", "thrust", "swing", or "missile". Update made by Irina.
    • Fail safe added to prevent Scene_Battle going into unsupported scenes like Scene_Equip and Scene_Skill. Update made by Olivia.
  • New Feature!
    • New Action Sequence Plugin Command added by Arisu and sponsored by Anon:
      • MECH: Once Parallel
        • Plays a Common Event parallel to the battle event once without repeating itself when done.
        • When exiting battle scene, all Once Parallels are cleared.
        • Once Parallels are not retained upon reentering the scene.
        • Once Parallels are not stored in memory and cannot be saved.

Version 1.48: October 21, 2021

  • Feature Update!
    • Animations are now played on top of battlers in the Front View XP Battle Layout appearance. Update made by Irina.
    • Battle Log, if decided to be shown, now updates faster. Update by Irina.
    • Default Critical Damage Bonus increase is now updated to account for HP Healing and MP Recovery. To update this, create a new project, with the newest version of Battle Core installed. Copy over the Plugin Parameters for the Damage Settings > Critical Hits > JS: Damage Formula to your own project's version. Update made by Irina.

Version 1.47: October 14, 2021

  • Compatibility Update!
    • Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
  • Feature Update!
    • Back attachment sprites are now automatically updated with sprite battlers to be shifted towards the very back.

Version 1.46: September 23, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Fixed problem with skills and items without action sequences preventing actions from occurring. Fix made by Yanfly.

Version 1.45: September 17, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • <JS Pre-End Action> and <JS Post-End Action> effects now have multiple checks to make sure that they don't launch multiple times when a battler without actions has a turn after one that does. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New Action Sequence notetags added by Yanfly and Arisu:
      • <Common Event Key: name>
      • <Common Event Keys: name, name, name>
      • <Common Event Keys> List Style
        • Will generate Common Events for the skill/item with a corresponding key.
        • More information will be explained inside of the help file.
        • This feature is made for make the process of sharing Action Sequences to become easier without needing to line up Common Event ID's.

Version 1.44: August 20, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New Action Sequence added by Irina and sponsored by Anon.
      • "ANIM: Play at Coordinate"
        • Plays an animation on the screen at a specific x, y coordinate even if there is no sprite attached.
        • Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!

Version 1.43: July 23, 2021

  • Feature Update!
    • Immortality now works different with instant death mechanics. Skill effects that apply instant death or attack states that apply instant death will now trigger a flag instead of cancelling immortality. The flag will remain until immortality is manually cancelled via Action Sequence and then proc the death effect. This way, animations can remain to the end with instant death mechanics in mind. This does not affect script calls.

Version 1.42: July 16, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Added another fail safe for empty common events used for pre-battle common events. Fix made by Olivia.

Version 1.41: July 2, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
    • Added entries to <Battle Command> notetags and Plugin Parameters for "Party", "Combat Log", and "Weapon Swap" which weren't updated before.
  • Optimization Update!
    • Plugin should run more optimized.
  • New Features!
    • New Action Sequence added by Arisu:
      • MECH: Enemy Escape
        • Causes the enemy unit(s) to escape.

Version 1.40: June 25, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Transformations from static enemies to and from animated SV enemies should no longer show both sprites. Fix made by Irina.
  • Compatibility Update
    • Compatibility update with RPG Maker MZ 1.3.0+.

Version 1.39: June 18, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • MOVE: Home Reset should no longer trigger an end action function and cause plugins such as "Boost Action" to malfunction. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Compatibility Update
    • Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for updated features.
  • Feature Update!
    • <Battle Layout: x> Troop Name tags can now work with comment tags. Update made by Irina.
    • Random encounter lists are now better shuffled for more variety with how the RNG seed works. Update made by Arisu.

Version 1.38: June 11, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Updates!
    • Location calculations will now be based off the a battler's base position in order for animations, popups, and other aspects to line up properly when scaled. Update made by Irina.
    • Plugin Parameters for Enemy Battler Settings > Name have been rearranged for better organization. Update by Olivia.
  • New Features!
    • New Notetags added by Olivia and sponsored by NSG:
      • <Sideview Shadow Scale X: x%>
      • <Sideview Shadow Scale X: x.y>
      • <Sideview Shadow Scale Y: x%>
      • <Sideview Shadow Scale Y: x.y>
        • These new notetags allow you to adjust the X and Y scale of the SV shadow sprite separately.
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia and sponsored by NSG:
      • Enemy Battler Settings > Name > Name Visibility > Always Hidden
      • Enemy Battler Settings > Name > Name Visibility > By Selection?
        • Choose to have the names always hidden or by selection.
        • These are adjusted on a priority list.

Version 1.37: May 21, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New notetags added by Olivia.
      • <Command Require Learn>
      • <Command Require Access>
        • These two commands determine the visibility of a battle command by whether or not the skill has been learned or accessible.
  • Feature Update!
    • For those using TPB, each battler's regeneration phase will no longer tick multiple times in a single frame to prevent irregularities. Update made by Olivia.

Version 1.36: May 14, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Reversed an HP/MP regeneration bug that was incorrectly reported for TPB. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Documentation Update
    • Added "TPB/ATB Active Battle Actor Shifting" to Major Changes section:
      • This change has been active since the start of this plugin. It was not documented until now.
      • Pressing cancel on the Actor Command Window no longer switches between actors with a full TPB/ATB gauge before reaching the Party Command Window. This is to accomplish a couple of things: 1) reduce the number of button presses to reach the Party Command Window and 2) to prevent motion resets and disrupting action sequences. If this feature is vital to your battle system, we recommend that you do not use this plugin or any of the Battle Core-required plugins.
    • Feature Updates
      • Distortion sprite Y calculations will now be rounded upward for better visuals and prevent odd pixelation effects. Update made by Irina.

Version 1.35: May 7, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Pre-Battle Common Events without a wait command at the end should no longer lock up by coincidentally pressing the menu key at the same time. Fix made by Olivia.
  • Feature Update!
    • Added an extra check for TPB-based battle systems to not run turn end functions when it's not actually the actual turn end timing. Update made by Olivia.
    • "Damage Styles" plugin parameters are now moved to the top of the Damage Settings category. This should make it easier to acknowledge the existence of and not have it be an unknown entity. Update made by Irina.

Version 1.34: April 23, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Update!
    • Uses a better algorithm for determining shadow positioning. Update made by Olivia.
  • New Features!
    • New additions made for Projectile action sequences.
    • "Start Location" and "Goal Location" now have "Target Location" parameter to determine which part of the target's body to send the projectile from or towards. Added by Olivia.
    • Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore version 1.34 to have affect.

Version 1.33: April 9, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Skill costs should now be displayed on battle commands again. Bug fix made by Olivia.
    • Pre-Battle Common Events should no longer cause stalling when used with specific event commands. Bug fix made by Olivia.
  • Compatibility Update!
    • Added "Weapon Swap" to the list of battle commands that can be added.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Added "Weapon Swap" and "Combat Log" to the list of <Battle Commands> in the notetags section.
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New notetags added by Olivia:
      • <Sideview Shadow Scale: x%> and <Sideview Shadow Scale: x.y>
        • Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
        • Adjusts the scaling size of the sideview battler's shadow.

Version 1.32: April 2, 2021

  • Feature Update!
    • Sideview battler sprites when using front view will now factor in the window padding and appear properly centered to their focus point. Update made by Olivia.

Version 1.31: March 26, 2021

  • Compatibility Update!
    • Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section for detailed compatibility explanations with the VisuMZ_3_BoostAction plugin.

Version 1.30: March 19, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for updated features.
  • Feature Update!
    • <JS Targets> is now updated to include the default set of targets selected by the skill/item's original scope. Update made by Yanfly.
      • If you wish to clear it out, simply do 'targets = []' first.

Version 1.29: March 12, 2021

  • Compatibility Update!
    • Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
      • Plugin Parameters > Enemy Battler Settings > Name > Legacy Option
        • Use the legacy version (window) or new version (sprite).
        • WARNING: Legacy version is no longer supported for bugs.
        • Not all settings available here in the Plugin Parameters will be available to the legacy version (ie Always Visible and Attach States).

Version 1.28: March 5, 2021

  • Compatibility Update!
    • Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
      • Plugin Parameters > Actor Command > Show Command Costs
        • If you don't want to show skill costs for your commands in the Actor Command Window, you can now hide them.
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
      • Plugin Parameters > Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements
      • Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Battler Name
      • Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Gauge 1 (HP)
      • Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Gauge 2 (MP)
      • Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Gauge 3 (TP)
      • Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > State Icon
      • Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > TPB/ATB Gauge
        • These new Plugin Parameters allow you to offset the positions of the various Battle Status Window elements. Their base positions will be calculated by the Battle Layout used and then offset from there.
      • Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Window Skin
        • These settings allow you to set a specific window skin for the Battle Status Window or hide it from view completely.
      • Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Selectable Background
        • This option allows you to hide the black box that comes with the majority of selectable elements found in RPG Maker MZ in case it does not fit with how you want the Battle Status Window to look.
      • Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Back Attachment
      • Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Front Attachment
        • These settings allow you to attach images to the back/front of the Battle Status Window from the img/system/ folder.
        • You may offset X and Y positions for them as well.
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
      • Plugin Parameters > Enemy Settings > Name: Always Visible
        • Determines if the enemy name will always be visible.
      • Plugin Parameters > Enemy Settings > Name: Attach States
        • Attach the enemy's state icon to the enemy name?
      • Plugin Parameters > Enemy Settings > Attach: Offset X/Y
        • Offset the attached state icon's position.
  • Feature Update!
    • Switched drawing enemy names on the screen from window to sprite to reduce lag and for better screen positioning accuracy especially during screen zooming. Update by Olivia.

Version 1.27: February 26, 2021

  • Compatibility Update!
    • Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • New Features!
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
      • Plugin Parameters > Mechanics Settings > Switches > Switch: Critical
      • Plugin Parameters > Mechanics Settings > Switches > Switch: Miss/Evade
        • Turns Switches ON if the action performs a critical hit, misses, or is evaded at any point.
        • Switch reverts to OFF whenever an action starts.
        • If multiple targets/hits are struck, as long as one hit respectively lands a critical hit, fails to land, then the switch will remain ON for the rest of the action.
      • Plugin Parameters > Mechanics Settings > Variables > Variable: Damage
      • Plugin Parameters > Mechanics Settings > Variables > Variable: Healing
        • Variable records target damage/healing during action.
        • Variable reverts to 0 whenever an action starts.
        • If multiple targets/hits are struck, the variable will record the total amount of damage/healing done for the remainder of the action (unless manually reseting to 0 during an Action Sequence).

Version 1.26: February 19, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Battles with branching event paths found within a conditional branch or choice tree will no longer be skipped over. Fix made by Arisu.
  • Compatibility Update
    • Returning to the battle scene from the options scene in a Tpb-base battle system now links the current actor. Update by Irina.

Version 1.25: February 5, 2021

  • Compatibility Update
    • Added compatibility update with VisuStella MZ Skills and States Core's Plugin Parameter > State Settings > Action End Update
  • Feature Update!
    • <Common Event: name> notetag no longer requires <Custom Action Sequence> notetag if the Plugin Parameter: Auto Notetag is enabled.

Version 1.24: January 29, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Update!
    • MOVE: Move To Point and MOVE: Move To Target(s) Action Sequences' "Offset Adjustment" normal setting will now factor in Offset X and Offset Y positions unlike before where it cancels them. Update by Irina.
  • New Features!
    • New notetag added by Arisu:
      • <Common Event: name>
        • Battle only: calls forth a Common Event of a matching name.
        • This is primarily used for users who are reorganizing around their Common Events and would still like to have their skills/items perform the correct Action Sequences in case the ID's are different.

Version 1.23: January 22, 2021

  • Documentation Update!
    • Help file updated for new features.
  • Feature Update!
    • ACSET: All Targets Action Set and ACSET: Each Targets Action Set updated
      • New parameter added: Dual/Multi Wield?
        • Add times struck based on weapon quantity equipped?
  • New Features!
    • Dual Wielding now functions differently. Made by Olivia.
      • Previously, RPG Maker MZ had "Dual Wielding" attack using both weapon animations at once, with the combined ATK of each weapon. It's confusing to look at and does not portray the nature of "Dual Wielding".
      • Dual Wielding, or in the case of users adding in third and fourth weapons, Multi Wielding is now changed. Each weapon is displayed individually, each producing its own attack animation, showing each weapon type, and applying only that weapon's ATK, Traits, and related effects. It is no longer a combined effect to display everything at once like RPG Maker MZ default.
      • If an actor has multiple weapon slots but some of them are unequipped, then the action will treat the attack as a single attack. There will be no barehanded attack to add on top of it. This is to match RPG Maker MZ's decision to omit a second animation if the same scenario is applied.
    • New Action Sequence Plugin Commands added by Yanfly
      • ANIM: Attack Animation 2+
        • Plays the animation associated with the user's 2nd weapon. Plays nothing if there is no 2nd weapon equipped.
    • New Action Sequence Plugin Commands added by Olivia
      • WEAPON: Clear Weapon Slot
      • WEAPON: Next Weapon Slot
      • WEAPON: Set Weapon Slot
        • These are Action Sequence Plugin Commands for devs who want finer control over Dual/Multi Wielding weapons.

Version 1.22: January 15, 2021

  • Compatibility Update
    • Compatibility with "All Skills" Actor Command should now work with the Skills & States Core hide skill notetags.

Version 1.21: January 8, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • "MOVE: Home Reset" Plugin Command Action Sequence should work properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Added documentation for new feature(s)!
  • New Features!
    • New Notetag snuck in by Arisu
      • <Auto Action Sequence>
        • Used for those who have the "Auto Notetag" Plugin Parameter enabled and just want to use an automatic Action Sequence instead.
    • New Plugin Parameter snuck in by Arisu!
      • Plugin Parameters > Action Sequences > Quality of Life > Auto Notetag
        • Automatically apply the <Custom Action Sequence> notetag effect to any item or skill that has a Common Event?
        • Any item or skill without a Common Event attached to it will use the Automatic Action Sequences instead.
        • The <Auto Action Sequence> notetag will disable this effect for that particular skill or item.
    • Arisu, you're going to be responsible for any bugs these may cause.
      • Bring it!!!!
        • And handling any bug report emails that are sent because this was turned on by accident.
          • Please read the documentation, guys!

Version 1.20: January 1, 2021

  • Bug Fixes!
    • For TPB Active or ATB Active, inputting actors that have received damage will return back to place after flinching. Fix made by Yanfly.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Added documentation for new feature(s)!
  • New Features!
    • New notetags added by Yanfly:
      • <Battle Portrait Offset: +x, +y>
      • <Battle Portrait Offset X: +x>
      • <Battle Portrait Offset Y: +y>
        • This is used with the "Portrait" and "Border" Battle Layouts.
        • Offsets the X and Y coordinates for the battle portrait.

Version 1.19: December 25, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Removing a state from a Sideview Enemy during the middle of their a non-looping motion will no longer reset their motion to neutral. Fix made by Yanfly.
  • Compatibility Update!
    • Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Added documentation for updated feature(s)!
  • Feature Update!
    • Action Sequence "PROJECTILE: Icon" now supports code for the "Icon" parameter. Update made by Yanfly.

Version 1.18: December 18, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • For TPB Active or ATB Active, inputting actors will no longer step back after an enemy's action is finished. Fix made by Yanfly and Shiro.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Added documentation for new feature(s)!
  • New Features!
    • Action Sequence "BTLOG: Add Text" is updated for the convenience of a new option to quickly copy the displayed text to the VisuStella MZ Combat Log if that plugin is installed. Added by Yanfly.

Version 1.17: December 11, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Common Events in TPB Active that cause forced actions will no longer cause currently inputting actors that match the forced action battler to crash the game. Fix made by Yanfly and Shiro.
  • Compatibility Update!
    • Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
    • Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Added documentation for new feature(s)!
  • Feature Update!
    • Action Sequence Impact Action Sequences "Shockwave from Each Target(s)", "Shockwave from Target(s) Center", and "Zoom Blur at Target(s) Center" now have "Offset X" and "Offset Y" plugin parameters. Added by Yanfly.
    • Action Sequence "MOVE: Move To Target(s)" is now changed so that if the "Melee Distance" value is set to 0, battlers will no longer stand a half body distance away. Added by Yanfly.

Version 1.16: December 4, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Bug fixes made for the RPG Maker MZ base code. If a battler has no actions, then their action speed will not be Infinity. Fix by Olivia.
  • Compatibility Update!
    • Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
  • Optimization Update!
    • Plugin should run more optimized.

Version 1.15: November 29, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Completely replacing the whole party at once will no longer cause the battle system to crash. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Pre-Battle Common Events will no longer cancel out any win/lose branches. Fix made by Arisu.
  • Feature Update!
    • Custom Action Sequences will no longer close the Actor Command Input window unless absolutely necessary (like for Show Message events) during Active TPB/ATB. Change made by Arisu.

Version 1.14: November 22, 2020

  • Feature Update!
    • Natural Miss and Evasion motions now have flinch distance. Added by Yanfly.

Version 1.13: November 15, 2020

  • Optimization Update!
    • Plugin should run more optimized.

Version 1.12: November 8, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Failsafes added to prevent common events from running if they're empty. Fix made by Irina.
    • Skip Party Command will now work properly with TPB-based battle systems. Fix made by Yanfly.
  • Compatibility Update!
    • Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
  • Documentation Update!
    • In preparation for upcoming VisuStella MZ plugins.

Version 1.11: November 1, 2020

  • Compatibility Update!
    • Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Added clarity for the Plugin Parameters for the Common Events settings found in the mechanics section. The common events are only meant to run in the map scene and not for the battle scene. Update made by Irina.
  • Feature Update!
    • The Plugin Parameter for Mechanics, Common Events (on Map), Defeat Event now has updated functionality. If this has a common event attached to it, then losing to random encounters will no longer send the player to the Game Over scene, but instead, send the player back to the map scene, where the Defeat Common Event will run. Update made by Irina.

Version 1.10: October 25, 2020

  • Documentation Update!
    • Added documentation for new feature(s)!
  • New Features!
    • New Action Sequence Plugin Command added by Olivia:
      • MECH: Custom Damage Formula
        • Changes the current action's damage formula to custom. This will assume the MANUAL damage style.
    • New Notetag added by Irina:
    • New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
      • Plugin Parameters > Battleback Scaling Settings
        • These settings allow you to adjust how battlebacks scale to the screen in the game.
      • <Battler Sprite Grounded>
        • Prevents the enemy from being able to jumping and/or floating due to Action Sequences but still able to move. Useful for rooted enemies.

Version 1.09: October 18, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Exiting out of the Options menu scene or Party menu scene will no longer cause party members to reset their starting position. Fix made by Arisu
  • Documentation Update!
    • Added documentation for new feature(s)!
    • There was a documentation error with <JS Pre-Regenerate> and <JS Post-Regenerate>. Fix made by Yanfly.
      • Before, these were written as <JS Pre-Regenerate Turn> and <JS Post-Regenerate Turn>. The "Turn" part of the notetag has been removed in the documentation.
  • Feature Update!
    • Damage sprites on actors are now centered relative to the actor's anchor. Change made by Yanfly.
  • New Features!
    • New Action Sequence Plugin Command added by Yanfly:
      • MECH: Variable Popup
        • Causes the unit(s) to display a popup using the data stored inside a variable.

Version 1.08: October 11, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Dead party members at the start of battle no longer start offscreen. Fix made by Arisu.
    • Removed party members from battle no longer count as moving battlers. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Using specific motions should now have the weapons showing and not showing properly. Fix made by Yanfly.

Version 1.07: October 4, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Adding and removing actors will now refresh the battle status display. Fix made by Irina.
    • Adding new states that would change the affected battler's state motion will automatically refresh the battler's motion. Fix made by Irina.
    • Boss Collapse animation fixed and will sink into the ground. Fix made by Irina.
    • Failsafes added for certain animation types. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Freeze Motion for thrust, swing, and missile animations will now show the weapons properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • The Guard command will no longer display the costs of the Attack command. Fix made by Irina.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Updated help file for newly added plugin parameters.
  • Feature Updates!
    • When using the Change Battleback event command in battle, the game client will wait until both battlebacks are loaded before changing the both of them so that the appearance is synched together. Change made by Yanfly.
  • New Features!
    • New plugin parameters added by Irina!
      • Plugin Parameters > Actor Battler Settings > Chant Style
        • What determines the chant motion? Hit type or skill type?

Version 1.06: September 27, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Enemy Battler Plugin Parameter "Shadow Visible" should now work again. Fix made by Irina.
  • Compatibility Update!
    • Added compatibility functionality for future plugins. Added by Yanfly.
  • Documentation Update!
    • Updated the help file for all the new plugin parameters.
  • Feature Update!
    • Action Sequence "MECH: HP, MP, TP" will now automatically collapse an enemy if it has been killed by the effect.
    • All battle systems for front view will now have damage popups appear in front of the status window instead of just the Portrait battle layout. Update made by Yanfly.
  • New Features!
    • New Action Sequence Plugin Commands from Irina!
      • MOTION: Clear Freeze Frame
      • MOTION: Freeze Motion Frame
        • You can freeze a battler's sprite's motion with a specific frame.
    • New notetags for Maps and name tags for Troops added by Yanfly!
      • <Battle Layout: type> to change the battle layout style used for specific maps and/or troops.
    • New plugin parameters added by Yanfly!
      • Plugin Parameters > Battle Layout Settings > Command Window Width
        • This plugin parameter lets you adjust the window width for Party and Actor Command windows in the Default and List Battle Layout styles.
      • Plugin Parameters > Enemy Battler Settings > Name: Offset X
      • Plugin Parameters > Enemy Battler Settings > Name: Offset Y
        • These plugin parameters allow you to offset the position of the enemy name positions on the screen by a specific amount.

Version 1.05: September 20, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Actors now use their casting or charging animations again during TPB/ATB. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Defeat requirement for enemies will no longer crash the game if turned on after creating
    • Escaping animation no longer has actors stay in place. Fixed by Yanfly.
    • Failsafes added for newly added weapon types that have not been adjusted in the Database > System 2 tab. Fixed by Irina.
    • Shadows now appear under the actor sprites. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Victory during TPB will no longer cancel the victory animations of actors that will have their turn after. Fixed by Yanfly.
  • Documentation Update!
    • All Anchor Plugin Parameter descriptions now state to use values between 0 and 1 to be safe. Update made by Yanfly.
  • Feature Update!
    • During Active TPB / ATB, canceling out of the actor command window will go directly into the party window without having to sort through all of the available active actors.
    • Going from the Party Command Window's Fight command will immediately return back to the actor command window that was canceled from.
  • New Features!
    • Action Sequence Plugin Command "MOVE: Spin/Rotate" has been updated.
      • A new parameter has been added: "Revert Angle on Finish"
      • Added by Yanfly.
    • New plugin parameters have been added to Damage Settings.
      • Appear Position: Selects where you want popups to appear relative to the battler. Head, Center, Base. Added by Yanfly.
      • Offset X: Sets how much to offset the sprites by vertically. Added by Yanfly.
      • Offset Y: Sets how much to offset the sprites by horizontally. Added by Yanfly.
    • New plugin parameters have been added to Actor Battler Settings.
      • Priority: Active - Place the active actor on top of actor and enemy sprites. Added by Yanfly.
      • Priority: Actors - Prioritize actors over enemies when placing sprites on top of each other. Added by Yanfly.

Version 1.04: September 13, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Active Battler Sprites now remain on top and won't be hidden behind other sprites for better visual clarity. Fix made by Arisu.
    • Collapsing battlers will now show the dead motion properly. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Dead battlers can no longer be given immortality. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Going into the Options menu with no battleback set will no longer set a battle snapshot.
    • HP Gauges for Sideview Enemies are no longer flipped! Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Moving a dead battler would no longer reset their animation. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Pre-Battle Common Events now work with events instead of just random encounters. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Sideview Enemy shadows no longer twitch. Fix made by Irina.
  • Documentation Updates!
    • Added further explanations for Anchor X and Anchor Y plugin parameters. This is because there's a lot of confusion for users who aren't familiar with how sprites work. Added by Irina.
    • <Magic Reduction: x> notetag updated to say magical damage instead of physical damage. Fix made by Yanfly.
  • New Features!
    • Additional Action Sequence Plugin Commands have been added in preparation of upcoming plugins! Additions made by Irina.
      • Action Sequences - Angle (for VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera)
      • Action Sequences - Camera (for VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera)
      • Action Sequences - Skew (for VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera)
      • Action Sequences - Zoom (for VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera)
    • Additional Action Sequence Plugin Commands have been made available now and added to Battle Core! Additions made by Irina.
      • MOVE: Scale/Grow/Shrink
        • ActSeqGrowShrink.gif
      • MOVE: Skew/Distort
        • ActSeqSkew.gif
      • MOVE: Spin/Rotate
        • ActSeqSpin.gif
      • MOVE: Wait For Scale
      • MOVE: Wait For Skew
      • MOVE: Wait For Spin
    • Plugin Parameters Additions. Additions made by Irina.
      • Plugin Params > Actor Battler Settings > Offset X
      • Plugin Params > Actor Battler Settings > Offset Y
      • Plugin Params > Actor Battler Settings > Smooth Image
      • Plugin Params > Enemy Battler Settings > Offset X
      • Plugin Params > Enemy Battler Settings > Offset Y
      • Plugin Params > Enemy Battler Settings > Smooth Image

Version 1.03: September 6, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Animated Battlers will refresh their motions from the death motion once they're revived instead of waiting for their next input phase. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Battle Log speed sometimes went by too fast for certain enabled messages. Wait timers are now added to them, like state results, buff results, and debuff results. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Boss Collapse animation now works properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Freeze fix for TPB (Wait) if multiple actors get a turn at the same time. Fix made by Olivia.
    • Pressing cancel on a target window after selecting a single skill no longer causes the status window to twitch.
    • Sideview Enemies had a split frame of being visible if they were to start off hidden in battle. Fix made by Shaz.
  • Compatibility Update:
    • Battle Core's Sprite_Damage.setup() function is now separated fro the default to allow for better compatibility. Made by Yanfly.
  • Documentation Update:
    • Inserted more information for "Damage Popups" under "Major Changes"
  • New Features!
    • <Magic Penetration: x>, <Magic Penetration: x%> notetags added.
    • <Magic Reduction: x>, <Magic Reduction: x%> notetags added.
    • <Battle UI Offset: +x, +y>, <Battle UI Offset X: +x>, and <Battle UI Offset Y: +y> notetags added for adjusting the positions of HP Gauges and State Icons.
      • Notetags added by Yanfly.

Version 1.02: August 30, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Failsafes added for parsing battle targets. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Immortality is no longer ignored by skills/items with the Normal Attack state effect. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Miss and Evasion sound effects work again! Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Selecting "Escape" from the Actor Command Window will now have the Inputting Battler show its escape motion. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • Wait for Movement now applies to SV Enemies. Fix made by Yanfly.
  • New Features!
    • Plugin Command "ACSET: Finish Action" now has an option to turn off the Immortality of targets. Feature added by Yanfly.
  • Optimization Update
    • Uses less resources when making checks for Pre-Battle Battle Start events

Version 1.01: August 23, 2020

  • Bug Fixes!
    • Plugin Parameters > Damage Settings > Damage Formats are now fixed. Fix made by Olivia.
    • TPB Battle System with Disable Party Command fixed. Fix made by Olivia.
    • States now show in list format if faces are disabled. Fix made by Yanfly.
    • The default damage styles were missing the 'v' variable to allow for variable data input. These are back now. Fix made by Yanfly.
      • Users updating from version 1.00 will need to fix this problem by either removing the plugin from the Plugin Manager list and reinstalling it, or going to Plugin Parameters > Damage Settings > Style List > the style you want, and adding "const v = $gameVariables._data;" to JS: Formula
  • New Notetags Added:
    • <Command Show Switch: x> added by Olivia
    • <Command Show All Switches: x,x,x> added by Olivia
    • <Command Show Any Switches: x,x,x> added by Olivia
    • <Command Hide Switch: x> added by Olivia
    • <Command Hide All Switches: x,x,x> added by Olivia
    • <Command Hide Any Switches: x,x,x> added by Olivia
    • <JS Command Visible> added by Olivia

Version 1.00: August 20, 2020

  • Finished Plugin!

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