Skill Core (YEP)
VisuStella, Caz Wolf, Fallen Angel Olivia, Atelier Irina, and other affiliated content creators.
This is a plugin created for RPG Maker MV.
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Extension Plugins
The following plugins are Extension Plugins that require this plugin as its Parent Plugin.
Place the following plugins below this plugin located in the Plugin Manager if you plan on using them.
- Limited Skill Uses
- Multi-Type Skills
- Party Limit Gauge
- Skill Cooldowns
- Skill Cost Items
- Lunatic Pack - Skill Rewards
Yanfly Engine Plugins
This plugin is a part of the Yanfly Engine Plugins library.
Skills in RPG's consist of three main components: Costs, Damage, and Effects. Although not all components are required for a skill, they certainly make up a good chunk of it. Damage will be handled by another plugin, but this plugin will provide a core handling for skill costs and skill effects. This plugin also includes the ability for battlers to swap their HP, MP, and/or TP gauges for something different if it would fit the character better (for example, some classes don't use MP and/or TP).
RPG Maker MV's editor is unable to allow for custom traits/properties that a game dev may wish to associate with a database object, event, map, etc. Notetags are used to work around such limitations by allowing the game dev to tag certain traits/properties using specific Notetags declared by the related plugin.
Here is a list of Notetag(s) that you may use.
These notetags can adjust either skill costs or special skill effects. Skill Notetags: <HP Cost: x> Changes the skill to have x as its HP cost. RPG Maker MV's editor lacks HP cost functions so this would allow skills to use HP as their cost. <HP Cost: x%> Changes the skill to cost a percentage of the character's MaxHP value. <MP Cost: x> Changes the skill to have x as its MP cost. This helps bypass the database's hard limit of 9999. <MP Cost: x%> Changes the skill to cost a percentage of the character's MaxMP value. <TP Cost: x> Changes the skill to have x as its TP cost. This helps bypass the database's hard limit of 99. <TP Cost: x%> Changes the skill to cost a percentage of the character's MaxTP value. Although the default MaxTP is 100, this tag will be useful for any plugins that will alter a character's MaxTP values. <Hide in Battle> This will hide and disable the skill during battle. <Hide in Field> This will hide and disable the skill outside of battle. <Hide if Learned Skill: x> <Hide if Learned Skill: x, x, x> <Hide if Learned Skill: x to y> Will hide and disable this skill if skill x has been learned. If multiple skills are listed, the skill will be hidden and disabled if any one of the listed skills have been learned. This will ONLY apply to skills that have been learned and not skills added through traits.
Gauge Swapping
This plugin also lets you swap around the HP, MP, and TP Gauges to any order you want assuming that all the plugins you use will keep the same order of HP, MP, and TP and does not override the default gauge drawing process. If you use any plugin extensions, they can be swaped in as well. Note: If you do not have 'Display TP in Battle' checked under the System tab in the database, nothing will be shown for the third slot. Class Notetag: <Swap Gauge x: y> This will change gauge x (1, 2, or 3) to y. Replace y with 'HP', 'MP', or 'TP' to have it display that gauge type in that gauge slot. If you wish for that slot to display nothing, insert 'Nothing' or 'Null' in place of y in the notetag. Weapon, Armor, and State Notetags: <Swap Gauge x: y> Actors with equipment or states that contain these notetags or enemies with states that contain these notetags will display those swapped gauges in place of the default settings or settings defined by the Class or Enemy notetags. Priority will go in the following order: Weapons, Armors, States, Class, Enemy
Lunatic Mode
For advanced users who have an understanding of JavaScript, you can use the following features added by the plugin to further enhance what you can do with your game project.
Skill Costs
For users who want more control over skill costs and skill effects, there exists notetags that allow you to apply code to the costs and/or effects of a skill. For effects, this will also extend towards item control, as well. <Custom HP Cost> Example: <Custom HP Cost> code cost += $gameVariables.value(1); code </Custom HP Cost> </Custom HP Cost> This allows the skill to have a custom HP cost based off of code. For the piece of code, 'cost' is a variable already predefined with the HP Cost and the HP percentage cost. <Custom MP Cost> Example: <Custom MP Cost> code cost += $gameVariables.value(1); code </Custom MP Cost> </Custom MP Cost> This allows the skill to have a custom MP cost based off of code. For the piece of code, 'cost' is a variable already predefined with the MP Cost and the MP percentage cost. <Custom TP Cost> Example: <Custom TP Cost> code cost += $gameVariables.value(1); code </Custom TP Cost> </Custom TP Cost> This allows the skill to have a custom TP cost based off of code. For the piece of code, 'cost' is a variable already predefined with the TP Cost and the TP percentage cost.
Custom Show Requirements
For those who would like to show certain skills and disable them under any custom conditions using their JavaScript knowledge, use the following: Skill Notetag: <Custom Show Eval> if (user.level > 50) { visible = true; } else { visible = false; } </Custom Show Eval> If the visible is set to true, the skill is shown (not hidden) and enabled if all other conditions are met. If visible is set to false, the skill is disabled and hidden from the list.
Custom Requirements and Execution
For those with a bit of JavaScript experience, you can use the following notetags to restrict a skill and what kind of code to process when executing the said skill. Skill Notetags: <Custom Requirement> if ($ > 1000) { value = true; } else { value = false; } </Custom Requirement> If value is set to true, the skill will be useable provided that all other requirements have been met. If the value is set to false, the skill won't be useable. <Custom Execution> $gameParty.loseGold(1000); </Custom Execution> This runs the code between the notetags upon using the skill.
Custom Cost Display
For those with a bit of JavaScript experience, you can add new ways to display the skill cost. Skill Notetags: <Cost Display Eval> var variableId = 1; var value = 1000; $gameVariables.setValue(variableId, value); </Cost Display Eval> This notetag runs an eval before displaying the skill's cost. This is so you can set up variables and whatnot for your skill cost display text. <Custom Cost Display> \c[4]\v[1]\c[0] Gold </Custom Cost Display> This is the custom text displayed before the rest of the skill costs. You can use text codes with this notetag.
The Skill Phases
For this skill, multiple effects are applied and at different phases. The various phases are as follows: Before Effect Phase (influenced by this plugin) if skill successfully lands: - Pre-Damage Effect Phase (influenced by this plugin) - Damage Phase - Post-Damage Effect Phase (influenced by this plugin) - Item Trait Effects Phase After Effect Phase (influenced by this plugin) There's four phases which can be influenced by this plugin. Two of which do not matter if the effect successfully lands or not, two of which do matter if the skill does land. Skill and Item Notetags: <Before Eval> code code </Before Eval> <Pre-Damage Eval> code code </Pre-Damage Eval> <Post-Damage Eval> code code </Post-Damage Eval> <After Eval> code code </After Eval> If you wish to use custom effects for your skill, you can insert the respective notetags into the skill (or item) noteboxes and it will run the code that appears in between the tags. However, using any form of comments in this tag will block out code that follows. Those using the <Pre-Damage Eval> and <Post-Damage Eval> are able to make use of the damage to be dealt and the damage that has been dealt through the 'value' variable. The <Pre-Damage Eval> notetag is capable of altering the 'value' variable and return it to have damage affected by its code.
Tips & Tricks
The following Tips & Tricks effects use this plugin:
- Absorb Ailments
- Annie's Disintegrate
- Arisen Phoenix
- Auto-Potion
- Biotic Grenade
- Blood Magic
- Blue Magic
- Buff Breaker
- Cleric Stance
- Collect & Inject Ailments
- Combo Attack
- Convert
- Circle of Radiant Glory
- Cyclone
- Dark Zone
- Death
- Emergency Tactics
- EMP Shockwave
- Enemy Thieves
- Enemy Thieves Remade
- Entrust
- Flourish
- Holy Prism
- Libra
- Magnet
- Mending
- Mirror Move
- Molten Giant
- No Kill Like Overkill
- Plague Touch
- Poach
- Power Up Transformations
- Restart State Turns
- Sacrificial Bolt
- Shades of Black
- Share Life
- Skill Cost Mastery
- Spell Siphon
- Spirit Shackles
- Stockpile Spit Up
- Stockpile Swallow
- Subjugate
- Thief's Revenge
- Topsy-Turvy
- Undo
- Void Shift
- Wish
Version 1.13: - Bypass the isDevToolsOpen() error when bad code is inserted into a script call or custom Lunatic Mode code segment due to updating to MV 1.6.1. Version 1.12: - Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0. Version 1.11a: - Lunatic Mode fail safes added. - Documentation fix for the help file. Lunatic Mode tags didn't end right. The help file is now updated to show the correct notetags. Version 1.10b: - Fixed a visual bug when using text code font changing for custom skill cost display. - <Hide if Learned Skill: x> documentation updated. - Compatibility update for future plugins. Version 1.09: - The <Pre-Damage Eval> notetag now has the ability alter damage dealt. The 'value' variable refers to and returns the damage affected by the action. Version 1.08: - Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0. Version 1.07: - Fixed a bug that prevented immortal actors at 0 HP from using skills. Version 1.06a: - Added <Hide in Battle> and <Hide in Field> notetags. - Added a failsafe to check for undefined skills. Version 1.05: - Added <Hide if Learned Skill: x> notetags. - Added <Custom Show Eval> Lunatic Mode notetag. Version 1.04: - Added four Lunatic Modes notetags: Custom Requirement, Custom Execution, Cost Display Eval, Custom Cost Display. Version 1.03: - Fixed a bug with the Lunatic Mode notetags not working. Version 1.02: - Added 'Window Columns' parameter to let users adjust the number of columns used for the skill window. Version 1.01: - Fixed a mathematical error for skill cost padding. - Added return for drawSkillCost to assist others scripters when making compatibility notes. Version 1.00: - Finished plugin!