Category:Plugin Commands (MV)

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Welcome to the wiki! This is where you can find resources from, Æ,
VisuStella, Caz Wolf, Fallen Angel Olivia, Atelier Irina, and other affiliated content creators.

Advanced Switches & Variables

These plugin commands can be used to immediately refresh a map or troop
troop event to ensure that switch/variable data gets noticed and triggered
or updated upon your call.

Plugin Command:

  - This will refresh all of the map's events. This will update any page
  conditions with Advanced Switches or Variables that may have changed
  values prior to using this plugin command. This can only be used outside
  of battle!

  - This will refresh the current event interpreter in battle. This will
  update any page condition within the current troop that utilizes Advanced
  Switches or Variables that may have changed values prior to using this
  plugin command.
  * NOTE: If you are using the Battle Engine Core, using this won't be
  necessary for the majority of the time.

Anti-Audio Delay

FlushAudioCache BGM
FlushAudioCache BGS
FlushAudioCache ME
FlushAudioCache SE
FlushAudioCache ALL

These will clear the audio caches for the written type of audio. If you pick all, then all four types will be flushed out of memory. This will give your game a clear slate for the the audio cache, which means the game may lag a little bit upon reloading the new BGM files.

In my opinion, these plugin commands should never need to be used since the plugin will automatically clear them once the cache goes over the limit, but I'm just giving you control over the audio cache for your game just in case you want to do something with it.

Action Sequence Fast Forward/Skip

If your item/skill's battle action sequence runs a common event that requires you to temporarily stop Fast Forward and Skip Forward, you can use these plugin commands to control them:

- This will stop Fast Forward and Skip Forward at this point onward.

- This will reenable Fast Forward and Skip Forward from this point onward.

Battle Engine Core

While the player is not in battle, you can change the battle system using a
Plugin Command. With only this plugin, there is only one battle system
included: the default battle system.

Plugin Command:
  setBattleSys DTB      Sets battle system to Default Turn Battle.

Other future plugins may include other battle systems that may utilize the
Battle Engine Core.

Battle System - ATB

To change your battle system to Active Turn Battle if it isn't the default
battle system, you can use the following Plugin Command:

Plugin Command:
  setBattleSys ATB      Sets battle system to Active Turn Battle.
  setBattleSys DTB      Sets battle system to Default Turn Battle.

Using the above Plugin Commands, you can toggle between the Default Battle
System and Active Turn Battle!

Battle System - CTB

To change your battle system to Charge Turn Battle if it isn't the default
battle system, you can use the following Plugin Command:

Plugin Command:
  setBattleSys CTB      Sets battle system to Charge Turn Battle.
  setBattleSys DTB      Sets battle system to Default Turn Battle.

Using the above Plugin Commands, you can toggle between the Default Battle
System and Charge Turn Battle!

Battle System - STB

To change your battle system to Standard Turn Battle if it isn't the default
battle system, you can use the following Plugin Command:

Plugin Command:
  setBattleSys STB      Sets battle system to Standard Turn Battle.
  setBattleSys DTB      Sets battle system to Default Turn Battle.

Using the above Plugin Commands, you can toggle between the Default Battle
System and Standard Turn Battle!

In-Battle Status

For those who would like to change whether the 'Status' option is shown or
hidden midway through the game, you can use the following plugin commands:

Plugin Commands:

  - This will cause the 'Status' command to show.

  - This will cause the 'Status' command to not show.

Turn Order Display

Use the following plugin commands to control the Turn Order Display.

Plugin Command:

  - Turns on the Turn Order Display to be shown in battle if the battle is
  a turn-based battle system can support the Turn Order Display.

  - Turns off the Turn Order Display to be hidden in battle.

Class Change Core

Included in this plugin are multiple Plugin Commands to help assist you with
class changing for your game.

Plugin Command
  - This opens the class changing scene.

  - This shows/hides the Class option from the main menu.

  - This makes the Class option enabled/disabled.

  UnlockClass 5 6
  - This allows Actor 5 to unlock Class 6.

  RemoveClass 5 7
  - This causes Actor 5 to no longer access Class 7.

  UnlockClassAll 8
  - This unlocks Class 8 for the global pool.

  RemoveClassAll 9
  - This removes Class 9 from the global pool.

  EnablePrimaryClassChange 5
  DisablePrimaryClassChange 5
  - This enables/disables primary class changing for actor 5.


You can use these following plugin commands to change subclassing throughout
the game!

Plugin Command:

  - Shows/Hides the Subclass command in the Class Change Menu.

  - Enables/Disables the Subclass command in the Class Change Menu.

  ChangeSubclass x y
  - Changes actor x's subclass to y. Replace y with 0 to remove a subclass.

  EnableSubclassChange 5
  DisableSubclassChange 5
  - This enables/disables subclass changing for actor 5.

Core Engine

Plugin Command:
  GainGold 1234567890       # Party gains 1234567890 gold.
  LoseGold 9876543210       # Party loses 9876543210 gold.

Damage Core

The following are plugins you can use to set the damage cap rulings for your
game. Keep in mind that individual aspects such as equipment traits, skill
properties, etc. will take priority over these default caps.

Plugin Command:
  SetDamageCap 9999     Sets the default damage cap to 9999.
  SetHealingCap 9999    Sets the default healing cap to 9999.
  EnableDamageCap       Enables default cap for both damage and healing.
  DisableDamageCap      Disables default cap for both damage and healing.

Force Advantage

Use the following plugin commands to force a battle advantage on the next
upcoming battle:

Plugin Command:

  ForceAdvantage Pre-Emptive
  ForceAdvantage Preemptive
  ForceAdvantage First Strike
  ForceAdvantage Player
  - Forces a pre-emptive strike giving the player the advantage.

  ForceAdvantage Surprise
  ForceAdvantage Back Attack
  ForceAdvantage Enemy
  - Forces a surprise attack giving the enemy party the advantage.

  ForceAdvantage None
  ForceAdvantage Normal
  ForceAdvantage Neutral
  - Forces a neutral advantage where neither party has the advantage.

  ForceAdvantage Clear
  - Clears any forced advantage settings imposed by the above commands.

Improved Battlebacks

You can use the following plugin commands to alter how battlebacks behave in
your game. Keep in mind that these plugin commands must be used while the
party is in battle.


BATTLEBACK id ADD: folder, filename
BATTLEBACK id ADD: folder, filename, hue
- Replace 'id' with the battleback you wish to alter as a number larger than
2 (i.e. 3 or above). Replace 'folder' with the exact folder name in your
project's 'img' folder (case sensitive). Replace 'filename' with the image
filename without the file extension (case sensitive). If 'hue' is used,
replace 'hue' with a number between 0 and 360 to change the hue of the image
used. This will add a new battleback stacked on top of battlebacks 1 and 2
with higher ID's being on top. When newly added, the new battleback will
start at opacity 0 and fade in with a duration of 20 frames.

- Replace 'id' with the battleback you wish to alter as a number larger than
2 (i.e. 3 or above). This will remove the battleback from being shown. When
this command is used, the battleback will fade with a duration of 20 frames.
Once it reaches 0 opacity, the battleback will be removed from the battle.

BATTLEBACK id CHANGE TO: folder, filename
BATTLEBACK id CHANGE TO: folder, filename, hue
- Replace 'id' with the battleback you wish to alter. Replace 'folder' with
the exact folder name in your project's 'img' folder (case sensitive).
Replace 'filename' with the image filename without the file extension (case
sensitive). This will change the designated battleback's image to use the
desired image depicted by the folder and filename. If 'hue' is used, replace
'hue' with a number between 0 and 360 to change the hue of the image used.

- Replace 'id' with the battleback you wish to alter. This will cause the
designated battleback to fade out/in. If 'duration' is used, replace it with
a number to indicate how many frames will be used for the fade out/in. If
no duration is specified, it will default to 20 frames.

- Replace 'id' with the battleback you wish to alter. Replace 'n' with the
opacity value you wish to achieve (from 0 to 255) or replace 'n%' with the
opacity rate you wish to set the battleback to (from 0% to 100%). This will
set the designated battleback's opacity to that value. If there are any fade
in or out commands occurring as this command is issued, they'll be disabled.

- Replace 'id' with the battleback you wish to alter. Replace 'n' with the
value you wish to change the scroll speed X or scroll speed Y of. The higher
the 'n' value, the faster it scrolls.

- Replace 'id' with the battleback you wish to alter. Resets the scroll
speeds for X and Y back to 0.

Item Core

If you wish to be able to add items to your player's inventory without the
random variance being applied to it, you can use the following plugin
commands to adjust the settings for that.

Plugin Command:
  EnableVarianceStock  - Causes all items acquired from this point forward
                         to have its variance give stock (nonrandom) values.
  DisableVarianceStock - Causes all items acquired from this point forward
                         to have its variance give random values.

A small note is that if you enabled the variance stock values, if the player
restarts the game by either going through the title screen or just turning
off the program and starting it back up, the random variance will be in
effect again. This plugin command is meant to exist as a short term disable.

Attachable Augments

There's a couple of pluging commands you can use with this plugin.

Plugin Command:

  - This will enable augments in the item action menu. With them enabled,
  the player can now attach and detach augments to their items.

  - This will disable augments in the item action menu and hide their
  options so that the player will be unable to attach or detach augments
  from their items.

  - This will show the augments in the item info window when looking at
  item details.

  - This will hide the augments in the item info window when looking at
  item details.

Item Disassemble

You can use the following plugin commands to alter Item Disassemble related
aspects of your game:

Plugin Command:

  - Shows the Disassemble command in the item menu if the item permits

  - Hides the Disassemble command in the item menu regardless.

Item Durability

There are a few plugin commands you can utilize to show/hide the Repair
option in the Item Action Window and/or enable/disable it.

Plugin Commands

  - This will show/hide the Repair command in the Item Action Window.

  - This will enable/disable the Repair command in the Item Action Window.

Item Upgrade Slots

The following are some Plugin Commands you can use for your game regarding
the upgrade option in the item menu:

Plugin Command:
  ShowItemUpgrade    - Shows the upgrade option in the item menu.
  HideItemUpgrade    - Hides the upgrade option in the item menu.
  DisableItemUpgrade - Disables the upgrade option in the item menu.
  EnableItemUpgrade  - Enables the upgrade option in the item menu.

You can use those Plugin Commands at any time to adjust the upgrade option.

Message Core

The following are some plugin commands you can use through the Event Editor
to change various aspects about the Message system.

Plugin Comand
  MessageRows 6
  - Changes the Message Rows displayed to 6. If you are using continuous
  Show Text events, this will continue displaying the following lines's
  texts until it hits the row limit. Anything after that is cut off until
  the next message starts to avoid accidental overlap.

  MessageWidth 400
  - Changes the Message Window Width to 400 pixels. This will cut off any
  words that are shown too far to the right so adjust accordingly!

  - Enables wordwrapping. If a word extends past the window size, it will
  automatically move onto the next line. Keep in mind, you will need to use
  \br to perform line breaks.

  - This disables wordwrapping. Line breaks will be automatic at points
  where a new line is started in the editor.

  - Enables Fast Forward key from working with messages.

  - Disables Fast Forward key from working with messages.

Extended Message Pack 1

You can use the following plugin commands to adjust a few of the settings
regarding the Message Window.

Plugin Commands

  --- Letter Sounds ---

  - These commands will enable or disable the letter sounds respectively.

  LetterSoundName Cursor2
  - This will replace the current letter sound with the written filename.
  The filename is case sensitive. Do not use the file extension.

  LetterSoundVolume 100
  - This will change the letter sound volume to 100.

  LetterSoundPitch 125
  - This will change the letter sound pitch to 125.

  LetterSoundPitchVariance 10
  - This will cause the letter sound's pitch to fluctuate between -10 & 10.

  LetterSoundPan 0
  - This will change the letter sound's pan to 0.

  LetterSoundPanVariance 10
  - This will cause the letter sound's pan to fluctuate between -10 and 10.

  LetterSoundInterval 2
  - This will change the interval at which the letter sounds are played to
  2 letters. Change it to 0 to play on every letter written out.

  - This will reset the letter sounds to their default settings.

  --- Choice Settings ---

  ChoiceRowMax 4
  - This will set the maximum amount of visible choices to 4.

  HideChoice 5
  - This will cause choice 5 to be hidden.

  ShowChoice 6
  - This will cause choice 6 to be shown and no longer hidden.

  - All choices become visible and are no longer hidden.

  DisableChoice 1
  - This will cause choice 1 to be disabled.

  EnableChoice 2
  - This will cause choice 2 to be enabled.

  - All choices become enabled and are no longer disabled.

  - All choices are shown and enabled.

  --- Message Window Positions ---

  MessageRows 6
  - Changes the Message Rows displayed to 6. If you are using continuous
  Show Text events, this will continue displaying the following lines's
  texts until it hits the row limit. Anything after that is cut off until
  the next message starts to avoid accidental overlap.

  MessageWidth 400
  - Changes the Message Window Width to 400 pixels. This will cut off any
  words that are shown too far to the right so adjust accordingly!

  MessagePositionX 300
  - Sets the Message Window's X Position to 300. This position will be
  relative to its horizontal anchor point.

  MessagePositionY 400
  - Sets the Message Window's Y Position to 400. This position will be
  relative to its vertical anchor point.

  - Sets the Message Window's X Position to be automatically fitted and not
  set relative to its horizontal anchor point.

  - Sets the Message Window's Y Position to be automatically fitted and not
  set relative to its vertical anchor point.

  MessageAnchorX left
  - Sets the Message Window's x anchor to 'left', 'center', or 'right' if
  you are using specified coordinates.

  MessageAnchorY bottom
  - Sets the Message Window's y anchor to 'top', 'center', or 'bottom' if
  you are using specified coordinates.

  - Resets both the Message Window's X and Y Positions to its automatic
  positions and not adjusted to its anchor points. The Message Width and the
  Message Rows.

Message Backlog

The following plugin commands can be used to alter various settings
regarding the Message Backlog.

Plugin Command:

  - This enables/disables the message backlog from being playeraccessed.

  - If enabled, new messages will be recorded to the backlog.
  If disabled, they won't be recorded.

  - This will forcefully open the message backlog if done on the map scene.
  (Highly recommended to be used with Button Common Events)

Save Core


Autosave is manually done by the game developer using plugin commands. There
are also other plugin commands that can control autosaving, too.

  Plugin Commands:

     - This will make the game automatically save in the last saved file
     slot used by the player. If the player has started a new game and did
     not save into a slot yet, nothing will happen. If autosave is disabled
     by the player through the Options menu or disabled by the system with
     a plugin command, nothing will happen either.

     - This will forcibly enable or disable autosaving done by the game.
     This will not bypass the player's option to disable Autosave if trying
     to enable it. The player's decision to disable Autosaving will take
     priority over the game dev's. If you wish to take this option away from
     the player, please change it in the plugin parameters.

New Game+

To set the current save to have New Game+ settings, you'll need to use these
plugin commands to alter the settings:

Plugin Commands:

  - This will cause any save after this has been enabled to have a New Game+
  option instead of the "Load" command on the loading screen.

  - This will disable the New Game+ option for saves made after this plugin
  command has run. The "Load" option will appear instead of "New Game+".

Self Switches & Variables

Those who would like to remotely control Self Switches and Self Variables
can use the following plugin commands:

Plugin Commands:

  SelfSwitch Map x, Event y, Switch z to true
  SelfSwitch Map x, Event y, Switch z to false
  SelfSwitch Map x, Event y, Switch z to code
  - This will change the Self Switch used for map 'x', event 'y', and
  switch 'z' to the value of 'code' value. You can replace 'code' with a
  'true' or 'false' value or a piece of code like '$gameSwitches.value(4)'.

  SelfVariable Map x, Event y, Variable z to 12345
  SelfVariable Map x, Event y, Variable z to value + 100
  SelfVariable Map x, Event y, Variable z to code
  - This will change the Self Variable used for map 'x', event 'y', and
  switch 'z' to the value of 'code' value. You can replace 'code' with a
  number like '12345', a calculation using 'value' (the current value of the
  Self Variable), or a piece of code like '$gameVariables.value(4)'.

Victory Aftermath

If you wish to alter the Victory Aftermath sequence a bit, you can use the
following Plugin Commands.

Plugin Commands:
  DisableVictoryAftermath   - Disables the Victory Aftermath sequence and
                              bypasses the Victory Aftermath music, too.
  EnableVictoryAftermath    - Enables the Victory Aftermath sequence if
                              it has been previously disabled.
  DisableVictoryMusic       - Disables the Victory Aftermath music to just
                              continue playing whatever was playing.
  EnableVictoryMusic        - Enables the Victory Aftermath music if it has
                              been previously disabled.

Aftermath Level Up

You can use these plugin commands to adjust whether or not the Level Up
portion of the Victory Aftermath will occur.

Plugin Command:

  This will cause the level up segment of the Victory Aftermath to appear if
  there is an actor that leveled up in the current battle.

  This will cause the level up segment of the Victory Aftermath to not
  appear at all regardless of any actors leveling up in that battle.

Weather In Battle

Plugin Commands:

  - Saves the current weather settings, meaning the type, power, and
  duration to change will be saved.

  - Recalls the last saved weather settings. If nothing was last saved,
  then nothing will happen. Using this plugin command will not remove the
  last saved weather settings from memory.

Pages in category "Plugin Commands (MV)"

The following 82 pages are in this category, out of 82 total.