Updates to the VisuStella MZ plugin library are made monthly.
This way, you don't have to stay completely on top of the wiki scouring for updates.
There is no set time for when the updates occur, they just will, and there will be an announcement for them.
Updates will be generally used for bug fixes and/or feature implementations.
The following is the VisuStella MZ Plugins Changelog.
It is listed from most recent to oldest from the beginning.
For the RPG Maker MZ Core Script changelog, click here.
January 16, 2025 - Update #145
Total Plugins Updated: 21
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.86: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an issue where certain icons were not aligning properly at different line height settings. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.86: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where during Active TPB, actors were not showing damage motions. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug regarding the in-battle status requiring that the Main Menu Core to be installed when other plugins are also present. Fix by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where <Exclude From Status Listing> notetag was not working properly due to a documentation typo of <Exclude From Status List>. Both notetags should now work. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added clarity for Plugin Parameters > Party Command Window Settings > Help Window
- Added clarity for Plugin Parameters > Actor Command Window Settings > Help Window
- The Help Window will only appear for 'Border' and 'Frontview Battle UI' battle layouts.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Irina:
- <Under>
- If this tag is found in an animation's name, the animation will appear under battlers while in battle.
- This effect only applies to battlers in the battle scene.
- Under effect is NOT applied to status window portraits.
- Under effect is NOT applied to projectile animations.
- Added new Action Sequence Projectile settings:
- Extra Settings > End Animation ID:
- Plays an animation when projectile reaches target.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an issue where certain icons were not aligning properly at different line height settings. Fix made by Olivia.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.57: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an issue where certain icons were not aligning properly at different line height settings. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added extra clarity for <Status Info> notetag:
- For clarity regarding "Damage Multiplier" and "HP Recovery"/"HP Damage":
- "Damage Multiplier" refers to the amount determined by damage formulas.
- "HP Recovery"/"HP Damage" refers to the "Recover HP" database effect.
- Likewise, the same will apply to "MP Recovery"/"MP Damage" if the damage formula type is to deal MP recovery/damage instead.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Arisu:
- <Status Style: type>
- Changes up the way the shop status window displays data for this database object in particular.
- <Custom Status Parameters: name, name, name>
- Customize which parameters are displayed for this equipment object's shop status window.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2 (11 Plugin Updates)
Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where certain grid node targeting scopes did not work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Battle A.I. regarding scopes.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.33: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an actor softlock issue where if charm, berserk, and confusion can lock a 100% charged actor for Active ATB.
- Documentation Update!
- Added extra clarification for Plugin Parameter "Stuns Reset Gauge?":
- Charm, Berserk, and Confusion states will still reset the ATB Gauge.
Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where if the entire party is completely restricted via stun, charm, confusion, or berserk, entire turns would be skipped for both actors and enemies. Fix made by Irina.
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where if the entire party is completely restricted via stun, charm, confusion, or berserk, entire turns would be skipped for both actors and enemies. Fix made by Irina.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where if the entire party is completely restricted via stun, charm, confusion, or berserk, entire turns would be skipped for both actors and enemies. Fix made by Irina.
Bright Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed bug with Tilt Shift effect not applying correctly when exiting a menu upon reentering the map scene. Fix made by Olivia.
Character Creation System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an issue where certain icons were not aligning properly at different lineheight settings. Fix made by Olivia.
Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 16, 2025
- Documentation Update!
- Updated documentation for following notetags:
- <Conical Light Offset: +x, +y>
- Used with the <Conical Light Center Offset> tag if the Plugin Parameters dictate using hand offsets.
- As of the v1.10 update of this plugin, the presence of this tag will also automatically include the <Conical Light Center Offset> tag.
- <Conical Light d Pattern p: +x, +y>
- Used with the <Conical Light Hand Offset> tag if the Plugin Parameters dictate using non-hand offsets.
- As of the v1.10 update of this plugin, the presence of this tag will also automatically include the <Conical Light Hand Offset> tag.
- Feature Update!
- Using <Conical Light Offset: +x, +y> on an event will automaticaly use the <Conical Light Center Offset> tag as of this update.
- Using <Conical Light d Pattern p: +x, +y> on an event will automatically use the <Conical Light Hand Offset> tag as of this update.
Picture Choices VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: January 16, 2025
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Commands "Picture Settings: Change ID(s)" and "Change Range" are updated to display an error message if On Select and On Deselect settings are the same.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu:
- Parameters > Same Check
- Checks to see if On Select and On Deselect settings are the same and pops up an error message.
- This is to prevent the impression that the plugin is unresponsive when the plugin command settings would have instructions for no change otherwise.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a compatibility bug that would cause the last skill of a list to be removed from learning. Fix made by Irina.
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where if an actor does not have any weapons equipped, the "Swap" command will not appear. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (6 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Projectiles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: January 16, 2025
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added new Action Sequence Projectile settings:
- Extra Settings > End Animation ID:
- Plays an animation when projectile reaches target.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.28: Version 1.10: January 16, 2025
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Battle Grid System regarding scopes.
Enemy Levels VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where this plugin would suppress Elements & Status Menu Core trait image properties.
- Documentation Update!
- Added notes for <Level x Image: filename> and <Level Images>
- If using VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore and the enemy uses a custom trait- related notetag that alters its battler, this notetag will be suppressed unless it's the original battler name being used.
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: January 16, 2025
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where graphical updates did not update properly for FTB/ETB battle systems. Fix made by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Parameters > Battle Settings > Damage Offset
- Parameters > Battle Settings > Damage Offset > Offset X
- Parameters > Battle Settings > Damage Offset > Offset Y
- How many pixels to offset the damage popup x/y position?
New Game Plus VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where New Game+ data did not carry over if the starting party did not have any actors in it. Fix made by Irina.
State Tooltips VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 16, 2025
- Bug Fixes!
- Added a failsafe to prevent crashes from party members that left. Fix made by Olivia.
December 19, 2024 - Update #144
Total Plugins Updated: 13
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.56: December 19, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where newly added equipment would cause crashes upon interaction. Fix made by Irina.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.52: December 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Text Codes added by Arisu:
- <left>
- <center>
- <right>
- When used in the Map Name, instead of aligning the text which is centered by default, the text code will align the horizontal position of the name displayed on the screen.
- <top>
- <middle>
- <bottom>
- When used in the Map Name, the text code will align the vertical position of the name displayed on the screen.
- <X: +n>
- <X: -n>
- <Y: +n>
- <Y: -n>
- Adjusts the horizontal/vertical position of map name by 'n' value.
- All of these text codes require VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine installed and its "Map Name Text Code" plugin parameter enabled.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: December 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Added new section in help file for "Keyboard/Controller Rebind Settings":
- Late Retroactive Updating of WASD
- If you've decided to enable Keyboard/Controller Rebind, decided to enable VisuMZ Core Engine's "WASD Movement" after your project has config.rmmzsave in your project's /save/ folder, then the newly added 'WASD Controls' will NOT be updated retroactively.
- This can be remedied in one of two ways:
- 1. Go into your keybindings and add them in manually (arrow keys still retain functionality). You may need to readjust the "Shift Right" option, too.
- 2. Delete the config.rmmzsave file from /save/ and the game will generate you a new one with the updated "WASD Movement" controls.
- This retroactive non-update will only affect your players if they've already begun playing your game with a version before "WASD Movement" was enabled and has a config.rmmzsave file already made. Players that are affected by this can just simply update and add the 'WASD controls' on their own.
- Otherwise, a new player would not experience this at all.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.48: December 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- Auras & Miasmas added by Olivia:
- Auras are a type passive that affects an allied party. Miasmas are a type of passive that affects an opposing party. Auras and Miasmas only need to come from a single source to give an entire party or troop a passive provided that the battler emitting the aura/miasma is alive and in battle.
- New Notetags added by Olivia:
- <Aura State: x>
- Emits an aura that affects the battler's allies and gives each affected member passive state(s) 'x'.
- <Miasma State: x>
- Emits an aura that affects the battler's opponents and gives each affected member passive state(s) 'x'.
- <Not User Aura>
- Prevents the emitting user from being affected by the related aura.
- <Allow Dead Aura>
- <Allow Dead Miasma>
- Allows aura/miasma to continue emitting even after the emitting user is in a dead state.
- <Dead Aura Only>
- <Dead Miasma Only>
- Allows aura/miasma to only emit if the emitting user is in a dead state
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2 (5 Plugin Updates)
Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: December 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Olivia:
- <Aura Range: type>
- <Miasma Range: type>
- Used together with <Aura State: x> and <Miasma State: x> from VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- Restricts the range in which the aura/miasma passive is emitted from the user.
- Read the help file for more information.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.32: December 19, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a few features that bled over into CTB if the game project used both ATB and CTB battle systems simultaneously. Fix made by Olivia.
- Feature Update!
- "Stuns Reset Gauge" set to "Don't Reset" should now work as expected for both actors and enemies, instead of just actors, while they are in the casting state. Update made by Olivia.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: December 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New plugin parameters added by Irina:
- Parameters > General Settings > Select Same Subclass?
- Allow selecting the same subclass that's already equipped in that slot?
- Mostly an aesthetic thing to allow/prevent the same subclass from being selected if that's what you want to control.
- Parameters > Window Settings > Confirm Animation ID > Play for Unassign?
- Play animation for unassigning a subclass?
- Mostly an aesthetic thing to play/not play animations when unassigning a subclass if that's what you want to control.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: December 19, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where if the button console was top positioned and the buttons were hidden, the rest of the text would not readjust. Fix made by Irina.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.32: December 19, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash upon adding new members if the VisuStella Core Engine wasn't installed. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: December 19, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better support for MV-style animations when used against frontview actors.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: December 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Updated targets <Repeat Animation: x> and <Repeat Animation Cycle: x>.
- Feature Update!
- Expanded database targets for notetags: <Repeat Animation: x> and <Repeat Animation Cycle: x>.
- From State Notetags only to Actor, Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, Enemy, State Notetags
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Gab Window VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: December 19, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where attached event gabs did not scale properly with zoom. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- Added new "Optional Settings" for various Gab Plugin Commands:
- Sound Volume
- Sound Pitch
- Sound Pan
- Previously, these were not available and defaulted to standard settings used by RPG Maker MZ.
Map Camera Zoom VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: December 19, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with outside plugins when doing battle transitions. Camera will automatically focus the player if the "Adapt Battle Encounter Ani" is enabled.
- Added better compatibility with VisuMZ's Event Title Scene plugin.
November 14, 2024 - Update #143
Total Plugins Updated: 13
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.55: November 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where you can no longer attempt to equip an actor with zero equip slots and causing a crash. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated <Status Info>
- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- Replace 'key' with one of the following for weapons and armors:
- 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', or 'LUK'
- For those with VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine:
- 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT', 'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG'
- 'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR', 'MDR', 'FDR', 'EXR'
- Only relevant if the Draw Style for equipment is "classic" or "double".
- Updated <Custom Status Info> notetag:
- Used for: Skill, Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags
- When used with weapon or armor database objects, this information is only relevant if the Draw Style for equipment is "classic" or "double".
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameters:
- Parameters > Shop Status Window > Data Style:
- How do you wish to display equipment data?
- Compare - Compares selected equip to equipped gear
- Lists all main party actors
- Displays the parameter differences when equipped
- Calculates custom JS values
- Classic - Shows basic parameters of selected equip
- Double - Shows basic parameters in double columns
- Involves no actors, only shows the item's stats
- Shows weapon or armor specific parameters
- Does not show custom JS values as those are calculated per actor
- Does not show custom parameters as those are calculated per actor
- Use <Status Info> and <Custom Status Info> notetags to overwrite or add custom data to classic equip data
- Data Style > Classic Style:
- Data Style > Double Style:
- Added Weapon Params
- Added Armor Params
- Display these parameters when a weapon/armor is selected.
- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!
Tier 2 (5 Plugin Updates)
Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: November 14, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Main Menu Core's force show/hide and force enable/disable Plugin Commands for Class, Equip, Skills, and Status commands. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: November 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the <OTB Target Follow Turn: +x> and similar notetags altered the following turn regardless of the presence of the target in current turn order. Fix made by Olivia.
Date and Time System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: November 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where turns were added to each state without using any of the notetag effects. Fix made by Olivia.
Horror Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: November 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where some horror effects would reset upon leaving the screen and/or exiting the menu. Fix made by Olivia.
Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: November 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Updated documentation for following notetags:
- <Radial Light Flash Rate: x%>
- <Radial Light Flare Rate: x%>
- To include the following:
- Must be used with a lower opacity setting.
- Use with <Radial Light Opacity: x%> notetag.
- If <Radial Light Opacity: x%> is not used, default to 50%.
- <Conical Light Flash Rate: x%>
- <Conical Light Flare Rate: x%>
- To include the following:
- Must be used with a lower opacity setting.
- Use with <Conical Light Opacity: x%> notetag.
- If <Conical Light Opacity: x%> is not used, default to 50%.
- Feature Updates!
- Notetags for flash/flare rates will now automatically default the opacity level of a light to 50% if the opacity notetag is not present. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 3 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: November 14, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Skill Cooldowns' <Once Per Turn> notetag.
Evolution Matrix Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: November 14, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility between Evolution Matrix Skills and Battle Grid System's targeting for nodes. Update made by Olivia.
Skill Cooldowns VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: November 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Irina:
- <Once Per Turn>
- Makes the skill only usable once per turn. Cannot be used in TPB, ATB, or CTB. Does not apply outside of battle.
- Best used with actors/enemies that perform multiple actions per turn.
State Tooltips VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: November 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated <Help Description> notetag documentation:
- This is used as a common notetag between Battle Core's state descriptions and State Tooltips' state descriptions.
- New Features!
- New Notetag added by Olivia:
- <State Tooltip Description>
- A prioritized help description used to separate from the common help description notetag shared with Battle Core's In-Battle Status.
Tier 4 (3 Plugin Updates)
Gab Window VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: November 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Added section "Clearing Up Misunderstandings":
- Gabs are NOT part of the Event List
- For events with Show Text messages, the game goes through the event list one by one until it reaches the end. This does not apply to Gabs. The Plugin Commands that add Gabs add them into a queue outside of the event list and therefore, any events that may be intended for gabs to be finished will launch immediately unless there are event commands or plugin commands that will cause the event list to wait for them.
Side Chatter VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Added section "Clearing Up Misunderstandings":
- Side chatter is NOT part of the Event List
- For events with Show Text messages, the game goes through the event list one by one until it reaches the end. This does not apply to side chatter. The Plugin Commands that add side chatter add them into a queue outside of the event list and therefore, any events that may be intended for side chatter to be finished will launch immediately unless there are event commands or plugin commands that will cause the event list to wait for them.
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Arisu:
- Side Chatter: Wait
- Causes the game to wait until there is no more side chatter.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: November 14, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added reflection compatibility with spawned events.
October 17, 2024 - Update #142
Total Plugins Updated: 18
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.85: October 17, 2024
- Feature Updates!
- Updated to fit RPG Maker MZ's updated 1.8.1 version better.
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.85: October 17, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the enemy name's visibility would remain after an action has taken place and before inputting is done. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where the "Name Visibility As Target" plugin parameter did not work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated <Help Description> notetag documentation:
- This is used as a common notetag between Battle Core's state descriptions and State Tooltips' state descriptions.
- New Features!
- New Notetag added by Olivia:
- <In-Battle Status Description>
- A prioritized help description used to separate from the common help description notetag shared with State Tooltips.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Actor Battlers > Frontview > Portrait Animations > Each Target
- Actor Battlers > Frontview > Portrait Animations > Center of All
- Actor Battlers > Frontview > Portrait Animations > Center of Screen
- Place animations on top or behind for these display types?
- Battle Log > Action Changes > Show Counter? > Wait Frames
- Battle Log > Action Changes > Show Reflect? > Wait Frames
- Battle Log > Action Changes > Show Substitute? > Wait Frames
- If devs allow the results of counters, reflects, and substitutes, there wasn't enough time before to allow the text to be visible on screen. You can now adjust how many frames are now visible if text is shown.
- Default values are left at 0 as to not interrupt currently existing action sequences.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.54: October 17, 2024
- Feature Update!
- If "Modern Controls" is selected while "Remove Equip" and "Optimize" are gone from the Equip Menu, right click will exit the menu. Feature added by Arisu.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: October 17, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Feature Update!
- Due to conflicts with deployment, the Custom Mouse Cursor has its base location moved from /img/system/ to /icon/.
- Please move the cursor file(s) as well as update the Plugin Parameters.
- Sorry for the inconvenience.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.51: October 17, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where \LastGainObj text code did not work with text language key codes. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added note to Text Language Information > How to Enable Switching
- IMPORTANT! The separator used for the CSV file must be a semicolon (;) and not a comma (,) as to reduce the amount of punctuation conflicts. Keep this in mind as most CSV editors will default to comma (,) instead of the semicolon (;) for their separator.
- Added note to Text Language Information > Naming Weapon Types, etc:
- You might have noticed that if you've decided to use \tl{keyName} for weapon or other database types, other parts of the game will error out. Don't worry, for these, you don't have to change the currently used database name. Go straight to the CSV and insert in a new key for that particular database name. For example, the equip type "Accessory" will use "Accessory" as the automatic key to look for a translated phrase. If there isn't any in the CSV file, then the default database text entry will be used.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Parameters > Text Language Settings > Language Fonts
- Different default fonts used for different languages. This allows different stylistic choices to be made for different languages in case the current font you're using doesn't have support for other language types.
- Keep in mind that players can override this with Options Core if they select a text option other than 'Default' for the 'Text Font' option.
- Make sure any new custom fonts used for different languages are registered with the 'Custom Font Manager' found in this plugin's Plugin Parameters.
- Parameters > Text Language Settings > Language Images
- Allows different images to be used when different languages are used. This is for images that have text on it that you want to appear in different languages based on the text language selected by the player.
Tier 2 (5 Plugin Updates)
Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: October 17, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where switching positions with dead party members using notetag effects would not move the dead member. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Fixed the documentation error for <rule Move User Node direction: x> notetag's "Must Switch Mid" rule explanation.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Bright Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: October 17, 2024
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Equip Medal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 17, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- If both "Optimize" and "Remove Equipment" are removed from the equipment scene, the Equip Medal Window would lose some modern controls. This is now properly restored. Fix made by Arisu.
Equipment Set Bonuses VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 17, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Arisu:
- <Equip Set Wildcard>
- Assigns a wildcard effect for this equipment piece.
- This will add +1 to every currently equipped equipment set on actor.
- See help file for more information.
- <Equip Set Wildcards: name, name, name>
- Assigns a limited wildcard effect for this equipment piece for specific equipment sets.
- This will add +1 to every listed limited set that is currently equipped on the actor.
- See help file for more information.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Parameters > Tooltip Settings > Vocabulary > Wildcard Format
- Parameters > Tooltip Settings > Vocabulary > Wildcard: Any Set
- See help file for more information.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Horror Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: October 17, 2024
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 3 (5 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: October 17, 2024
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle Voices VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 17, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where "Allow Self Response?" setting was inverted. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Defeat Type
- When should defeat-related battle voices by played?
- 0 HP - Plays when target reaches 0 HP the first time.
- When Collapse - Plays when target performs collapse animation.
Choice Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: October 17, 2024
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Visual Cutin Effect VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 17, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash where clearing cutins under certain conditions would cause an error. Fix made by Arisu.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: October 17, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Response Popup Settings
- Popup settings for response-type state effects (ie Counter, Reflect, Substitute).
- See help file for more information.
Tier 4 (3 Plugin Updates)
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: October 17, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin should be more compatible with Battle System - OTB.
Map Camera Zoom VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 17, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Visual Parallaxes when using plugin commands to focus scroll.
Multi-Layer HP Gauge VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 17, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with In-Battle Status feature for Battle Core as to not cover up the window.
September 19, 2024 - Update #141
Total Plugins Updated: 9
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.84: September 19, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where Action Sequence "MOVE: Change Home By Distance" would also be affected by the actor and enemy position offsets. Fixed by Irina.
- Fixed a bug where Action Sequence "MECH: STB Exploit Effect" caused a crash. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Arisu:
- ANIM: Change Battle Portrait (JS)
- Changes the battle portrait of the actor through JavaScript.
- Can be used outside of battle/action sequences.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > In-Battle Status Window
- This new window allows the player to view the status of the current active party. If the actors have states and buffs, the player can scroll through them and read about their effects through the help window.
- New Notetags added by Olivia:
- <Help Description>
- Assigns a help description for the state that's displayed under the new "Status" actor command.
- <Exclude From Status Listing>
- Excludes the state from being displayed in the status listing.
- <Aspect Name: x>
- <Aspect Icon: x>
- <Aspect Color: x>
- <Aspect Description>
- Used to define enemy aspect that will show up in the In-Battle Status as well as other supported plugins.
- <Popup Position: Head>
- <Popup Position: Center>
- <Popup Position: Base>
- Changes the popup starting position for this enemy.
- <Popup Offset X: +x>
- <Popup Offset X: -x>
- <Popup Offset Y: +y>
- <Popup Offset Y: -y>
- Changes the popup X/Y position offset for this enemy.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Party Command Window > Add Status?
- Add the "Status" command to the Command Window?
- Plugin Parameters > Actor Command Window > Command List
- Updated to have the "Status" command.
- Plugin Parameters > In-Battle Status Window
- Completely new! View the help file for more information.
- Plugin Parameters > Enemy > Aspects
- Used for the In-Battle Status as well as other supported plugins.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: September 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Parameters > Element Rulings > Reflect-Element Ruling
- Ruling on how element reflect is handled for multi-elements.
- All (All elements must be Reflected)
- Any (Only one element must be Reflected)
- New Notetag added by Olivia:
- <Element Reflect Rule: All>
- Makes this skill/item require all of the action's elements to be considered "reflected" in order for this action to be actually reflected.
- <Element Reflect Rule: All>
- Makes this skill/item require only one of action's element to be considered "reflected" in order for this action to be actually reflected.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: September 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Parameters > Custom Mouse Cursor
- Add/enable a custom mouse cursor for your game.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: September 19, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Auto Skill Triggers. Update by Arisu.
Bestiary VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: September 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Parameters > Window Settings > Skills Window > Show Aspects
- Parameters > Window Settings > Skills Window > Show Passives
- Show enemy aspect/passives if available?
- Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore/VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: September 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Parameters > Window Settings > Window Widths > Command Windows
- Parameters > Window Settings > Window Widths > Action Windows
- Type in the numeric value you want this width to be.
- Otherwise, type "auto" to let the plugin adjust them.
State Tooltips VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: September 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- Keyboard-Select Show added by Arisu.
- This allows showing enemy tooltips when selecting targets during battle while using the keyboard. Tooltip will appear after a brief pause while selecting the enemy.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Parameters > Tooltip Settings > Appearance > Centered?
- Center the state tooltip when shown through hovering?
- Parameters > Tooltip Settings > Keyboard-Select Show
- See help file for more information.
- Parameters > Vocabulary > Entries > Enemy Aspect Format
- Used to support the Battle Core's new Enemy Aspect feature.
Steal Items VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: September 19, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Frontview Battle UI.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: September 19, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added new section in Major Features section for new Battle Transitions.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Parameters > Default Battle Transition
- Select the default battle transition (10 new ones, 1 MZ original).
- Parameters > Default Battle Transition > Duration
- What is the duration of every battle transition in frames?
- Parameters > Default Battle Transition > Random List
- Pick battle transition types used for "random".
- New Plugin Commands added by Irina:
- Battle Transition: Change Type
- Changes the battle transition type.
- Battle Transition: Duration
- Changes the battle transition duration.
August 29, 2024 - Update #140
Total Plugins Updated: 16
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.84: August 29, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New notetags added by Arisu:
- Tileset Notetag: <Taller By x: id>
- Changes any page B, C, D, E tile marked by terrain tag 'id' to be taller by 'x' tiles.
- When placing these tiles on the map, all you have to do is just place the bottom tile.
- ie.: For a tree that's one tile taller, just place the tile at the bottom where you see the trunk). Then, in-game, the tree will appear taller by one tile as marked.
- O/X layer tiles have a special property where tall sprites standing in front of it will no longer clip the top of the sprite, while sprites standing behind it will be covered by it.
- This does not work with events using tiles as graphics. Instead, if you want to do similar, use the Event & Movement Core's <Tile Expand> notetags for better control.
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.60: August 29, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where events with large hitboxes do not work with crash move. Fix made by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where single-mode save games by Save Core would freeze after executed event movements. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Event Labels will adjust their vertical position to the picture of any attached event picture if one is present. Update by Arisu.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Arisu:
- <Picture Type: Enemy>
- <Picture Type: SV Enemy>
- Will use /img/enemies/ or /img/sv_enemies/ instead of /img/pictures/ to grab a picture graphic from.
- Other picture graphic sprite related notetags will apply as normal.
- <Label Range Type: Square>
- <Label Range Type: Circle>
- <Label Range Type: Diamond>
- Sets a range type for the label to appear visible for.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Parameters > Event Label Settings > Visible Range > Range Type:
- What do you want the default label visible range type?
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: August 29, 2024
- Compatibility Update
- When "Load" command is used with Save Core's Single-Save Mode, automatically load up the save instead of going to the Load Menu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Command renamed:
- Actor: Change Menu Image (JS) to Actor: Change Menu Image (JS) (Legacy)
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Arisu:
- Actor: Change Menu Image (JS) (v1.24)
- Changes an actor's Menu Image using JavaScript.
- Allows more control with more text entry.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: August 29, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where single-mode save games would freeze after executed event movements made by Events & Movement Core. Fix made by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where if the main menu is skipped, face graphics won't be loaded in time for the save or load menu. Fix made by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where the pop up duration of the autosave confirmation text was using the pop up duration of the save menu confirmation.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.47: August 29, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Arisu:
- <Bypass State Damage Removal: id/name>
- When this skill/item is used to attack an enemy with the listed state that would normally have on damage removal (ie Sleep).
- This can be used for attacks like "Dream Eater" that would prevent waking up a sleeping opponent.
- <Bypass State Damage Removal as Attacker: id/name>
- When an attacker with an associated trait object that has this notetag would attack an enemy with the listed state, bypass on damage removal.
- This can be used for effects like "Sleep Striker" that would prevent the attacker from waking up a sleeping opponent.
- <Bypass State Damage Removal as Target: id/name>
- When a target with an associated trait object that has this notetag is attacked as the target with the listed state, bypass on damage removal.
- This can be used for effects like "Deep Sleep" that would prevent the attacked target from waking up.
Tier 2 (7 Plugin Updates)
Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: August 29, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where for FTB, ETB, and PTB, movement would always count as passing a turn regardless of Plugin Parameter settings. Fixed by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where adding a battler mid-battle would cause a crash. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where enemies could ignore grid targeting restrictions. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New section added to "Major Changes":
- Temporary formations are very specific formations that will overwrite what settings the player has made. These involve specific rank/flank positions per party member (though some can be automatic). With temporary formations in play, the player cannot change them outside of battle. However, once in battle, the positions can be changed through the movement command and/or action effects.
- When a temporary formation is present, menu and battle commands involving changing party members will be disabled.
- Once a temporary formation is disbanded, the player's self-made formation settings will be returned and the player can readjust tactical formations once more.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Olivia:
- Temp: Create Temporary Tactics (Normal)
- Creates a temporary tactical formation.
- Temp: Create Temporary Tactics (JS)
- Creates a temporary tactical formation with JavaScript.
- Temp: Disband Temporary Tactics
- Clears temporary tactical formations.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: August 29, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Irina:
- Parameters > Turn Order Settings > Updates > Adjust Similar AGI
- v1.22 update. Adjust turn order calculations for battlers with very similar AGI.
- Parameters > Turn Order Settings > Updates > Force Active Slot
- v1.24 update. Force active battler to the active slot. This can be used to offset calculations that are too miniscule.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.32: August 29, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Added section: Common Armature Problems and Solutions
- Armature FPS Desynchs
- Particles Not Appearing
- "Unwanted" Animation Frames
- Read these sections for more information.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: August 29, 2024
- Feature Update!
- Added failsafes for Bad JavaScript TP Formulas to prevent them from becoming NaN values, undefined values, or null values. Bad values will default to 0 and an error message will appear telling which actor, mode, and key's formula has bad code. Update made by Arisu.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.31: August 29, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New section added to "Major Changes":
- Temporary Parties
- Temporary parties are very specific parties that will overwrite whatever the player has set as a party. These can include current party members or even actors that haven't joined. The temporary party cannot be changed nor can the positions of said party members can be changed.
- When a temporary party is present, menu and battle commands involving changing party members will be disabled.
- Once the temporary party is disbanded, the player's selected party will be available once again as well as all of the functions to change party members and their positions.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu:
- Temp: Create Temporary Party (Normal)
- Creates a temporary party with specific actors.
- Temp: Create Temporary Party (JS)
- Creates a temporary party selected with JavaScript.
- Temp: Disband Temporary Party
Tile Grafter System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 29, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility for Core Engine's version 1.84 new notetag: Taller by x: id.
Weather Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: August 29, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Parameters > General Settings > Expand Random Spawn?
- Expand random spawn locations by an extra screen size?
- This is for games that have really high walking speeds where the player can move fast enough where the weather cannot catch up.
- Power settings will be split across multiple settings so readjust your weather power accordingly.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: August 29, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Arisu:
- <AI PDR Influence: x.x>
- <AI MDR Influence: x.x>
- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the PDR/MDR rate.
- <Bypass AI PDR Influence>
- <Bypass AI MDR Influence>
- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in PDR/MDR rates when calculating TGR weights to determine action targets.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Parameters > Weights > PDR Rate => TGR
- Parameters > Weights > PDR Rate => TGR > Influence Rate
- Parameters > Weights > MDR Rate => TGR
- Parameters > Weights > MDR Rate => TGR > Influence Rate
- Alters the default PDR/MDR Influence rate.
Message Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: August 29, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused the replay button to not appear. Fix by Irina.
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Skill Containers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: August 29, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Added new instructions to notetags available:
- If you do not want known skills that should be in the Skill Container to be displayed in other skill menus, you will need to change those skills to have either a different Skill Type or "None" as the Skill Type.
Skill Shop VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: August 29, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- <Skill Shop Require Switch: x> notetag was left out from the original documentation. It is now added again.
July 18, 2024 - Update #139
Total Plugins Updated: 22
Tier 1 (5 Plugin Updates)
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: July 18, 2024
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.53: July 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added warning to <JS Parameters>:
- If you are trying to calculate a value based off a full parameter value, such as "ATK = user.atk * 0.10", it's going to break and will cause an infinite loop. Use base parameter values instead.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Irina:
- <ID Sort Priority: x>
- Used for Scene_Item, Scene_Equip, Scene_Battle, and Scene_Shop's sell option (only when selling).
- Changes sorting priority by ID for item, weapon, or armor to 'x'.
- Default priority level is '50'.
- Items, weapons, and armors with higher priority values will be sorted higher up on the list while lower values will be lower on the list.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.50: July 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New text codes added by Irina:
- <Caps> </Caps>
- <Upper> </Upper>
- <Lower> </Lower>
- Auto-text case textcodes will automatically adjust text inserted between them to respectively be completely capitalized, first-letter capitalized, or completely lowercase.
- More information in the help file.
- <Alt> </Alt>
- Alternates between uppercase and lowercase for letters.
- <Chaos> </Chaos>
- Randomly uses uppercase and lowercase for letters.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: July 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- Keyboard and Controller Rebinding added!
- New General Option added: "Limit FPS"
- Allows player to limit FPS counter. If ON, limit becomes 60. If off, the FPS counter is uncapped to whatever the player's monitor allows.
- New Plugin Parameters added for Keyboard and Controller Rebinding.
- See help file for more information.
- Added Keyboard and Controller Rebinding access to Options menu.
- If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the "General" plugin parameters found in the Options Category plugin parameter settings to your current project.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.46: July 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Parameters > Skill Settings > Skill Types > Sort: Alphabetical
- Insert the ID's of Skill Types you want sorted alphabetically.
- New notetags added by Irina:
- <ID Sort Priority: x>
- Used for Scene_Skill.
- Changes sorting priority by ID for skill to 'x'.
- Default priority level is '50'.
- Skills with higher priority values will be sorted higher up on the list while lower values will be lower on the list.
Tier 2 (8 Plugin Updates)
Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: July 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where actors sharing the same name would cause clashes in how they select same rank/flank targets. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where weapon ranges for same rank/flank would cause crashes at the start of battle. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed bugs with AOE targeting for 'Upward', 'Downward', 'Forward', 'Backward', 'Diagonal Forward', and 'Diagonal Backward' being inverted. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Fixed a documentation bug where there is a 'Can' effect for self movement examples that actually doesn't exist.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Olivia:
- <Crash Self Damage Rate: x%>
- <Crash Target Damage Rate: x%>
- Alters the crash damage received by a percentile rate. Self refers to the moved enemy. Target refers to the enemy crashed into.
- Example Usage: Rubber enemies have lower crash self damage.
- Example Usage: Fluffy enemies have lower crash target damage.
- <Crash Self Damage Bonus: +x>
- <Crash Self Damage Bonus: -x>
- <Crash Target Damage Bonus: +x>
- <Crash Target Damage Bonus: -x>
- Alters the crash damage received by a flat bonus amount. Self refers to the moved enemy. Target refers to the enemy crashed into.
- Example Usage: Brittle enemies have higher flat bonus target damage.
- Example Usage: Thorny enemies have higher flat bonus target damage.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: July 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a softlock that is caused from surprise attacks involving 100% CTB After Speed. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: July 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused custom picture graphics for Full and Half Press Turns to be swapped. Fix made by Olivia.
Equip Battle Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: July 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Compatibility with Option Core's Auto-Battle + Attack Only should now work together with this plugin. Update made by Olivia.
Equip Medal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: July 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with new Items and Equips Core features!
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: July 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with new Items and Equips Core features!
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: July 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with new Skills and States Core features!
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- Added new Plugin Parameter by Irina:
- Parameters > General Settings > Hide Learned Skills
- Hide skills after they are learned?
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: July 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the incorrect difference is displayed for swap weapons. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (4 Plugin Updates)
Button Trigger Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: July 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with Options Core's new key rebindings.
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: July 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where on the map scene so that State Tooltips no longer appear if the Frontview Battle UI is not visible. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where after turning off map visibility, State Tooltips didn't work properly in battle. Fix made by Olivia.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: July 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Parameters > General Settings > Color Settings > Background Color 1
- Parameters > General Settings > Color Settings > Background Color 2
- Parameters > General Settings > Color Settings > Reward Strip 1
- Parameters > General Settings > Color Settings > Reward Strip 1
- Parameters > General Settings > Color Settings > Actor Strip
- Colors with a bit of alpha settings.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: July 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > State Settings > Battle End Popups?
- Show State Popup removal on battle end for battle state removal?
Tier 4 (5 Plugin Updates)
Button Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: July 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with Options Core's new key rebindings. This will impose some restrictions if you allow for key rebindings.
Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: July 18, 2024
- Feature Update!
- Removed null and undefined drops from drop pool due to incorrect name spelling in notetags. Update made by Olivia.
Map Camera Zoom VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: July 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where screen scrolling and focus didn't work properly. Fix made by Irina.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin now works better with Movement Core's smooth scroll.
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: July 18, 2024
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
- Uses a better algorithm to determine terrain tags.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: July 18, 2024
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
- Uses a better algorithm to determine terrain tags.
June 13, 2024 - Update #138
Total Plugins Updated: 18
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.83: June 13, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated documentation for <param Max: x> notetag.
- This does not set the max cap to be lower than the default cap.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > UI Settings > State Icons Non-Frame
- Replace sprite frame system for non-frame.
- Better for any instances where icons are zoomed.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.59: June 13, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Added a cache check for character sprite tag names to reduce frame drops. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Arisu:
- <Location X: +x>, <Location X: -x>
- <Location Y: +y>, <Location Y: -y>
- <Location: +x, +y>, <Location: +x, -y>
- <Location: -x, +y>, <Location: -x, -y>
- Adjusts the initial location of this event by +x and +y (or -x and -y).
- This allows you to stack events on top of each other or even move them to various places of the map.
- <Tile Expand Up: x>
- <Tile Expand Down: x>
- <Tile Expand Left: x>
- <Tile Expand Right: x>
- Used for events with tile graphics. Expands the graphic up, down, left, or right from the spritesheet.
- This does NOT expand the hitbox.
- The graphic will be anchored to the tile it's expanded from. This means even if you expanded downward, the actual event's position will still be the current event's X/Y coordinates. It's just grown more vertically and is still centered horizontally.
- This is primarily used to save on having to use too many events for tiles that expanded past 1x1 tile sizes.
Tier 2 (5 Plugin Updates)
Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: June 13, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Crash targets can no longer crash into themselves. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where AoE ranges did not accept the target located in the "center" of an AoE spread. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Parameters > Passive State Settings > Position > Offset X/Y:
- Adjusts passive icon's X/Y position.
- Parameters > Trigger Settings > Position > Offset X/Y:
- Adjusts trigger icon's X/Y position.
- Extended Tactics Scene:
- The Extended Tactics scene option allows you to extend the functionality of the tactics scene beyond just repositioning actors on the grid. If the Extended Tactics option is enabled, the plugin then allows players to manage their skills, equipment, and view their status, amongst many other functions within the Tactics scene itself. Also depending on which plugins are installed, the Extended Tactics scene will also allow changing classes, adding and removing party members, and overall quicker access to individual character submenus.
- With this extended scene comes a lot more new plugin parameters:
- Parameters > Tactics Scene Settings > Extended System?
- Parameters > Compatibility Settings > Party System > Removal Shortcut
- Parameters > Window Settings > Help Window > Help: Select Node Ext
- Parameters > Window Settings > Help Window > Help: Required Actor
- Parameters > Window Settings > Tactics Command Window > Many Settings
- Refer to the help file for more information.
Bright Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: June 13, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Added a failsafe to prevent crashes when no focus target is found due to either changing map or a sprite is deleted. Fix made by Olivia.
Equip Passive System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: June 13, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash made by having link learned skills available to level 1 skills upon initializing. Fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with new Skills and States Core features!
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: June 13, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Parameters > Message Button Console > Button Visuals > Offset X
- Parameters > Message Button Console > Button Visuals > Offset Y
- Adjusts the X/Y position of the buttons.
Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: June 13, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- <Conical Light Custom Pattern: x> was not working before and should now work properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 3 (6 Plugin Updates)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: June 13, 2024
- Feature Updates!
- Reduced AI thinking times. Update made by Olivia.
Boost Action VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: June 13, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where boost would cause softlocks in certain menus. Fix made by Olivia.
Life State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: June 13, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Arisu:
- <Extinct>
- When this state effect applied to a target, the target is no longer able to revive or be revived until this state is removed.
Message Keywords VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: June 13, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Parameters > Keyword List > Keyword > Cascades
- Used only for Window_Help Cascades.
- Displays these additional keywords.
- Parameters > Tooltip Settings > Help Window Cascade
- Cascading tooltips will show all of the available keywords found in the help window and list them off to the side to show off each tooltip at once. This allows players to read keyword definitions without needing to utilize touch inputs.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: June 13, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Parameters > General > Drops Sorted By:
- Set your drops to be sorted by ID or name.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: June 13, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > State Settings > State Popups > Allow Duplicates?
- Allow duplicate state popups to appear with the same graphical frame?
Tier 4 (5 Plugin Updates)
Break Shields VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: June 13, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where turn color would not update even if break stun is over. Fix made by Olivia.
- Feature Update!
- Updated Break Shield icon to no longer be frame dependent in order to avoid pixel bleeding during zooms. Update made by Olivia.
Button Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: June 13, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where certain buttons would not register properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Dice Rolls and RNG Seeds VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: June 13, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the Plugin Parameter text for "Armor Cost Format" has an incorrect label as "Variable Cost Format". Fix made by Arisu.
Visual Item Inventory VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: June 13, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a visual overlapping error. Fix made by Olivia.
Weakness Popups VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: June 13, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Critical > Stack Offset X
- Plugin Parameters > Critical > Stack Offset Y
- Offsets the popup x/y position if stacked with a weakness popup.
May 16, 2024 - Update #137
Total Plugins Updated: 28
Tier 0 (0 Plugin Update)
Tier 1 (6 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.83: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where sometimes, a battler in Active TPB would not refresh their motion after a state has been removed. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Fixed a typo with MP Life Steal notetag entry.
- Feature Updates!
- Added fail safes for some plugin parameters in case users outright delete plugin parameter values without introducing something to replace them. Update made by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence added by Olivia:
- GRID: Add Trigger to Node JS
- Adds JS Trigger to target node. Target node cannot have battler.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!
- New notetags added by Olivia:
- <JS Accuracy>
- <JS Accuracy as User>
- <JS Accuracy as Target>
- Allows usage of JavaScript code to modify accuracy rates of actions in battle through skills, items, and trait objects.
- <JS Critical Rate as User>
- <JS Critical Rate as Target>
- Allows usage of JavaScript code to modify critical rate of actions in battle through skills, items, and trait objects.
- <JS Critical Rate> version already exists.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia
- Plugin Parameters > Damage Combo Window
- If enabled, this window will display updated information about the total amount of hits performed and total damage/healing value executed for HP.
- Plugin Parameters > Actor Battler Settings > Sideview Battlers > State Overlay > Offset X/Y
- Offsets X/Y position for state overlay on actor.
- Plugin Parameters > Enemy Battler Settings > Name Visibility > As Target
- Shows enemy name when enemy is a target.
- Plugin Parameters > Enemy Battler Settings > Name Visibility > Temporary Visibility
- Number of frames enemy's name temporarily visible after taking an action effect in battle.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where if enemies transformed, their trait sets did not. Fix made by Irina.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.58: May 16, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Features: Character Sprite Filename Tags" section.
- New Features!
- [Invisible] tag added to character sprite filenames.
- If a character sprite's filename has [invisible] in it, it will become invisible on the map screen in-game while almost everything else about it is visible. This is used for those who wish to use sprite labels for things such as autorun and parallel events.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.52: May 16, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Parameters > Item Categories > Category List > Category > Sorted By:
- You can now sort specific item categories by ID or Name.
- Only usable within Scene_Item and Scene_Shop.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.49: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem where using text codes to get database object names did not apply translated text.
- Documentation Update!
- Added note for Message Window Only text code effects:
- These text codes only work with the Message Window. Keep in mind that even if some windows might look like the Message Window, it may not necessarily be one.
- Feature Update!
- Added a failsafe for when Choice List Window doesn't have any viable options (due to being hidden or disabled). Update made by Irina.
- Added a failsafe for Language CSV when empty rows are added.
- Updated some default Text Code actions in order to make sure they're only used by the Message Window and not anything else. Update made by Irina.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.45: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with passive state conditional notetags not working properly. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 2 (9 Plugin Updates)
Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where <Area of Effect> notetags stopped working with regular selection skills.
- Fixed an incompatibility bug with Core Engine's screen repositioning messing up the grid positioning of enemies. This effect will now be disabled when using the battle grid system. Fix made by Irina.
- Fixed a bug where an enemy moving to a node that is previously occupied by a dead enemy could no longer by mouse-clicked on. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where distance between resolution UI and resolution size did not visually match for moving mode. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Action Sequences that target specific nodes for animations can now work with skills and items that target ranks and flanks. Update by Olivia.
- Added gap reduction for skills without visible grids. Update by Irina.
- Better enemy selection control with keyboard. Update by Olivia.
- Items and skills with the "Never" occassion won't show the target/range information in the Window_ShopStatus window anymore. Passives won't show target/range information either. Update by Irina.
- Help Window remains open when selecting a node, rank, or flank in order to remain consistent with selecting enemies and allies. Update by Olivia.
- In Battle Test mode, tactics positions are not used and instead, will use any starting rank/flank settings.
- When node triggers occur at the end of an action, the battle system will now wait for any node trigger animations to complete before continuing.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Compatibility > Items & Equips Core
- Shop Status Window
- Show scope, grid node target and casting data in Shop Status Window?
- Scope: Actor Node
- Scope: Enemy Node
- Vocabulary text used for these new Plugin Parameters.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: May 16, 2024
- Feature Update!
- Direct removal of stun states will restore actions for battlers for current turns and follow up turns. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where a recently revived actor cannot have its turn until the following turn. Fix made by Olivia.
Character Creation System VisuStella MZ
Verison 1.06: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the audio bgm being played would fade out and not return upon finishing a scene. Fix made by Irina.
Date and Time System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the Winter switch would turn on during summer. Fix made by Irina.
Equip Battle Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: May 16, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Equip Medal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where equipped medals did not play nicely when given MaxHP and MaxMP parameter related traits. Fix made by Irina.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where skill ID's could clash with state ID's from Equip Passive System and preventing states from being learned. Fixed by Irina.
Voice Acting Control VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause the replay button to skip around when using custom window positions. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (8 Plugin Updates)
Battle Voices VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: May 16, 2024
- Feature Update!
- "No Damage" voice will no longer play when recovering HP at 100%. Voices will instead play the "recover < 25%" sound bit. Update made by Arisu.
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem where in frontview, actor sprites temporarily appear when being damaged with certain plugin combinations.
- Feature Update!
- The process of entering battle from the map will no longer cause the Frontview UI on the map to enter and exit out of transparency. Update made by Arisu.
Input Combo Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the Input Combo Queue Switch was turning off earlier than normal.
Item Amplify Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that would occur upon using this plugin with Sideview Battle UI! Fix made by Irina.
- Fixed a crash that would occur upon item throw conflict. Fix made by Irina.
Item Concoction Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash for specific item combinations. Fix made by Arisu.
Sideview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: May 16, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
State Tooltips VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where state tooltips showed through skill and item windows with the VisuMZ_3_FrontviewBattleUI layout. Fix made by Olivia.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: May 16, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Olivia:
- Post-Battle: Set Post-Battle BGM
- Post-Battle: Set Post-Battle BGS
- This determines what BGM/BGM to play after battle.
- Use only in battle!
- Used to make bgm/bgs changes seamless.
Tier 4 (5 Plugin Updates)
Hospital Shop VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where custom state hospital costs were not applied properly. Fix made by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where if "Add Recover All?" plugin parameter was turned off, then there wouldn't be alignment problems. Fix made by Arisu.
Map Event Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where loading a save from a state before the installation of this plugin would result in invisible players and followers. Fix made by Arisu.
Skill Containers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: May 16, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Skill Learn System, allowing actors to learn skill containers. Update made by Irina.
Unique Tile Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: May 16, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a <Can Swim> notetag to allow inventory held items to work with it. Fix made by Arisu.
Weakness Popups VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: May 16, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with VisuStella MZ Frontview Battle UI.
April 18, 2024 - Update #136
Total Plugins Updated: 30
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.82: April 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Added failsafe for $textPopup when some windows have not been initialized and requesting the text popup.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter and playtest shortcut added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > QoL Settings > Playtest > CTRL + n: Quick Load
- CTRL + a number from 1 to 9 will yield a quick load of that save file.
- Does not count auto saves.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.48: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Added fail safe for help description checks parsing from objects without help descriptions normally. Fix made by Irina.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.44: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where passive states would not appear. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where a crash would occur if certain plugins cleared the passive state cache midway through trying to register it. Fix by Olivia.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
- States with lots and lots of text data within their notes will no longer cause FPS drops.
Tier 2 (14 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: April 18, 2024
- Feature Update!
- Altered TGR and Aggro-related stats so that they cannot dip too deep into the negatives and prevent randomized targeting altogether. Update made by Olivia.
Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where nodes without triggers would have a faint line around them. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where displaying healing skills outside the battle scene would cause the game to freeze up. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where starting rank/flanks would not register properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where certain weapon range notetags would cause some enemies to not act properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where "Damage Crash Target?" was not working properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where area of effect notetags did not work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where a crash would occur if a passive state was applied to an enemy node. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where the "Move" command name cannot be changed.
- Fixed a bug where <JS Targets> notetag causes a crash. Fix by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where self movement would suddenly stop visually animating. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where enemies using grid rank and flank targeting would hit their own allies instead. Fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Fixed a compatibility update with ETB and PTB causing movement to not work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Fixed some example notetags that weren't working.
- Added extra note to <Add Trigger to Target Node> that it does not affect nodes with any battlers on it and only works on empty nodes.
- Feature Update!
- Items and skills with the "Never" usability occassion type will not show any grid ranges.
- Items and skills with target any or empty nodes are now able to be affected by area of effects.
- New Features!
- New Notetag added by Irina:
- <Hide Grid Range>
- Hides the grid target and usability ranges for this item/skill.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Compatibility > Items & Equips Core
- Shop Status Window
- Show scope, grid node target and casting data in Shop Status Window?
- Range: Target Node
- Range: Cast Node
- Scope: Any Node
- Scope: Empty Node
- Vocabulary text used for these new Plugin Parameters.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.31: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where sideview battlers would have misplaced ATB gauge positions. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: April 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated the "Agility and Speed" section of "Major Changes" in help file:
- As of the v1.11 update, this can now be turned on/off and have AGI go in order based on party position. This can be altered in the Plugin Parameters' Mechanics section.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics > AGI Turn Order?
- Determine if the battle turn flow will be based off AGI or not.
Character Creation System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the selected battle voice did not carry over properly. Fix made by Irina.
Date and Time System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where "Show by Default" plugin parameter did not register. Fix made by Olivia.
- Feature Update!
- Default option state for the Date & Time HUD will be true for those not using the Options Core. Update by Olivia.
Equip Battle Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Auto battle now limits the skill pool to the equipped battle skills list rather than giving access to unequipped skills. Fix made by Irina.
- Plugin now works better with Command Remember. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Irina:
- <Hide Equippable>
- This skill cannot be equipped as a battle skill and will also be hidden from the equip skill list.
Equip Medal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where switching to different actors while the medal menu is selected will cause a window stacking bug. Fix made by Irina.
- Fixed a bug where using mouse controls to select Medals from the Equip menu is not optimal. Fix made by Irina.
Equip Passive System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash with the help description of a passive state not having anything to show. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Irina from other plugins:
- <Help Description>
- Assigns a help description for the passive state.
- This is so you don't need other unrelated plugins to add a help description for your psasive states.
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: April 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Round Variable Coordinates
- When using Control Variables to determine Screen X/Y coordinates, round the display coordinates or not?
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.30: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where party changes with FTB, ETB, and PTB did not replace the newely added party member on the turn order timeline. Fix by Olivia.
Tutorial Panel System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: April 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Command added by Arisu:
- Debug: Full Tutorial List?
- For playtest only! Allows you to fully view Tutorial.
- Resets when the game client is closed.
Visual Novel Picture Busts VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where bust animations weren't playing on the right spot when using a Y anchor other than 1.0. Fix made by Irina.
Voice Acting Control VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: April 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New text code added by Irina:
- <No Voice Replay>
- Hides the replace voice button if this text code is used in a message regardless of whether or not there's a voice being played.
Tier 3 (7 Plugin Updates)
Active Chain Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: April 18, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Battle Grid System.
Battle Voices VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: April 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with certain battle systems like ATB and CTB so that the input lines won't go through if any enemies are left alive.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Feature Update!
- Automated battle voices will no longer be registered as replay voices. Update made by Irina.
- Changed "Damage <= 0%" category to "No Change" in order to not draw confusion in case users may put hurt sounds in the <= 0% category.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Option Settings > Delay Victory MS:
- Delay victory phrases by how many milliseconds?
Event Chain Reactions VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where if player would still be considered a heavy object after pushing a heavy object off a pressure plate if Plugin Parameters have set the player as non-Heavy. Fix made by Arisu.
Message Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: April 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added extra compatibility for Voice Acting Control's version update.
Sideview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: April 18, 2024
- Feature Update!
- Added failsafes for in odd cases where sprites do not reregister after changing party members through the full party menu in-battle. Update made by Olivia.
Steal Items VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Added fail safe for action crash during Active TPB/ATB. Fix by Olivia.
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: April 18, 2024
- Feature Update!
- <Weapon Image: filename> notetag will automatically register sideview weapon type without needing <Sideview Weapon: x> notetag if used by an enemy database object.
- This does not enforce the motion type. You will need to do that separately.
Tier 4 (6 Plugin Updates)
Break Shields VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: April 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics > JS: On Break Stun
- Runs this code when a battler loses all Break Shields.
- Plugin Parameters > UI > Stun Text Color
- Changes the text color used for stun turns left.
CG Gallery VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause some Touch UI buttons to disappear from various menus. Fix made by Olivia.
Map Camera Zoom VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: April 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Compatibility > Map Lock Adjust
- Adjusts the Map Lock effect to the map's display position when exiting menus.
- For VisuMZ_4_VisualParallaxes.
- Best left false unless you know what you're doing.
Map Event Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Fixed a bug where the incorrect plugin order with Unique Tile Effects would block the pitfall effect. Fix made by Arisu.
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where having a '!' at the start of a fog graphic file's name did not automatically incur map lock when done from plugin commands. Fix made by Arisu.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: April 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where having a '!' at the start of a parallax file's name did not automatically incur map lock when done from plugin commands. Fix made by Arisu.
March 14, 2024 - Update #135
Total Plugins Updated: 28
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.82: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Home movement changes did not acknowledge actor and enemy offset X/Y positions. This should now be reflected properly. Fix made by Irina.
- Fixed a bug where in active TPB/ATB, revived actors may not resume normal motions after collapsing. Fix made by Olivia.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.57: March 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Command: "Event Icon: Delete" will now keep an event icon cleared until the newly added Plugin Command: "Event Icon: Restore" is used. Update made by Arisu.
- Plugin Command: "Event Icon: Change" is now renamed to have "(Temporary)" after its name in order to clarify the temporary changes made to it.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Arisu:
- Event Icon: Event Icon: Change (Forced)
- Change the icon that appears on an event.
- This change is forced and needs to be restored.
- Event Icon: Restore
- Restores a deleted or forced icon that appears on an event.
Tier 2 (17 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: March 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for other plugins.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Animated Message Text Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: March 14, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Updated compatibility with VisuMZ_2_ExtMessageFunc when the button console is located at the top of the message window. Update by Irina.
Battle Grid System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that required the State Tooltips plugin and if it wasn't present, would cause a crash upon using mouse controls. Fix by Irina.
- Fixed a bug where the add trigger to node action sequence did not work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Feature Update!
- Movement actor sprite now reflects the actor's offset X and Y settings found in the Battle Core. Update made by Irina.
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where strict action fusion combinations would not register. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: March 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics > Current Turn Revival Act?:
- Allow revived actors to act the current turn they're revived?
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: March 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics > Current Turn Revival Act?:
- Allow revived actors to act the current turn they're revived?
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: March 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics > Current Turn Revival Act?:
- Allow revived actors to act the current turn they're revived?
Equip Medal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a compatibility issue with Equip Set Bonuses where the set tooltip window would no disappear upon selecting the Medal command. Fix by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where hovering over the Medal command would stop making the hover change work for the other commands. Fix by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where pressing 'up' with Modern Controls would not return back to the command window. Fix by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where elemental damage, states, and stypes, taken and dealt was not making progress for learning new medals. Fix by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where <Equip Medal Evolves Into Next: exp> notetag was suppressed by the other notetag. Fix made by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where the <Equip Medal Evolves Into Next: exp> notetag does not require the proper amount of EXP. Fix made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- Added a fail safe where if both the optimize and clear commands are removed from the equip scene, the medal command can still be visible. Update made by Arisu.
- If a medal becomes hidden, it is no longer considered equipped.
- Inflict and Receive State effects no longer require the target to be unaffilicted by the state before to count.
Equip Passive System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if the passive state did not have a help description. Fix made by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where elemental damage, states, and stypes, taken and dealt was not making progress for learning new medals. Fix by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- If a passive becomes hidden, it is no longer considered equipped.
- Inflict and Receive State effects no longer require the target to be unaffilicted by the state before to count.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a text positioning issue with the message window when shown in battle and a top-aligned button console. Fix made by Irina.
Furniture System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the added hitboxes from Events and Movement Core were factored into event collision but not tile collision. Now, larger events should be able to factor in tile-based environmental collision. Fix made by Irina.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that would cause a conflict with related non-crafting scenes. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Windows > Custom Layout
- By enabling this, you can use JS to determine the window positions you want to layout in the item crafting scene. Otherwise, if left disabled, the plugin will automatically utilize the layout found in the shop scene to determine where the windows will go.
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the <No Smart Jump> notetag did not work. Fix by Arisu.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.29: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where party changes with PTB did not register correctly. Fix made by Olivia.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: March 14, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Fixed a problem where the learn passive notetags from the Equip Passive System plugin could be blocked by other plugins. Fix made by Irina.
Voice Acting Control VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: March 14, 2024
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: March 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Locked Weapons and Sealed Weapons" to Major Changes.
- Feature Update!
- Actors that can weapon swap are now immune to Lock Weapon and Seal Weapon traits as they go against the nature of this plugin.
Tier 3 (6 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: March 14, 2024
- Updated Features!
- Anti-tint is no longer forced. Update made by Irina.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause an infinite loop with certain battle systems under on the spot AI setting. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle Voices VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where player-created characters lacking a voice set would no longer crash battles. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Olivia:
- Mute: All Voices
- Mutes/unmutes all battle voices.
- For those times you don't want battle voices interrupt important moments.
Boost Action VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: March 14, 2024
- Feature Update!
- Removed VisuMZ_1_MessageCore dependency.
Item Concoction Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevented items from unmasking after usage. Fix made by Olivia.
Message Keywords VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash upon opening up the log window. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 4 (3 Plugin Updates)
Button Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that would occur upon mouse click. Fix made by Arisu.
Map Camera Zoom VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: March 14, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added a new section called "Caution":
- When using non-whole odd numbers like 1.3, 1.5, and 1.7, the likelihood of there being a "screen tearing" effect for the tilemap or for sprites is greatly increased. This can be avoided by having sprites with a pixel-worth of buffering space or by just simply avoiding to use non-whole odd numbers altogether.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Force Pixelated Map
- Force the map's tilesets to be rendered in pixelated form regardless of what other plugins may do.
- This is primarily for pixel art games that would look better with more pixelated tiles when zoomed in.
Visual Item Inventory VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: March 14, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with VisuMZ_3_ItemAmplifySkills! The confirm icon should now be displayed properly. Update made by Irina.
February 15, 2024 - Update #134
Total Plugins Updated: 21
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.81: February 15, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added for future plugin: VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem
- <Grid>
- <No Grid>
- Requires the future plugin VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!
- Read the help section for more information on these.
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Window > Correct Skin Bleed
- Allows you to enable/disable the window skin bleeding correction for those who wish to use the 95 calculator instead of 96 to augment higher and larger screen resolutions.
- Read the "Bug Fixes" section if you don't understand what the window skin bleeding problem is.
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.81: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would cause active TPB inputting actors to not show their damage or evasion motions. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash upon motion changes. Fix by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequences added by Olivia:
- ANIM: Show Animation JS
- Plays the a specific animation on unit(s). Uses JavaScript to determine animation ID.
- New Action Sequences added for future plugin: VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem
- GRID: Action Animation at Node
- GRID: Add Passive State(s) to Node
- GRID: Add Trigger to Node
- GRID: Animation ID at Node
- GRID: Animation JS at Node
- GRID: Animation Type at Node
- GRID: Move Target(s) In Direction
- GRID: Pull To Target Node
- GRID: Push From Target Node
- GRID: Remove All Passive States from Node
- GRID: Remove Passive State(s) from Node
- GRID: Remove Trigger from Node
- GRID: Teleport To Node
- GRID: Traverse To Node
- Requires the future plugin VisuMZ_2_BattleGridSystem!
- Read the help section for more information on these.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.56: February 15, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Added fail safes for activation proximity notetags when loaded from past save files without Events and Movement Core installed. Added by Arisu.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Arisu:
- <Encounter Half Square: x>
- <Encounter Half Circle: x>
- <Encounter Half Delta: x>
- <Encounter Half Row: x>
- <Encounter Half Column: x>
- <Encounter None Square: x>
- <Encounter None Circle: x>
- <Encounter None Delta: x>
- <Encounter None Row: x>
- <Encounter None Column: x>
- If the player is within the 'x' area effect of this event, the random encounter rate will be halved or suppressed completely depending on the notetag used.
- These include script call checks.
- <Erase if Encounter Half>
- <Erase if Encounter None>
- Automatically erase this event if the player's party has an encounter half or encounter none effect, or if the event has spawned in an encounter half or encounter none area.
- This check only occurs in two situations: when the map is first loaded after being teleported into or when the player leaves a menu and returns back to the map.
- Events that have been erased due to this effect will NOT return even if the encounter half/none effect is removed while the player is still on the map. The event will return if the player exits the map and comes back.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: February 15, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Feature Update!
- Updated the default Plugin Parameters for 'Command Window List' to include a 'Battle Tactics' command.
- This is for the upcoming VisuStella MZ plugins.
- Projects with the Main Menu Core already installed will not have this update, but you can copy over the settings from a new project with the following steps:
- Create a new project. Install Main Menu Core. Open up the new project's 'Command Window List'. Right click the 'battleGridTactics' option(s) and click copy. Go to the target project's Main Menu Core's 'Command Window List' plugin parameter. Paste the command where you want it to go.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.47: February 15, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Custom Font Manager
- Register custom fonts here.
- Custom fonts that aren't the message or number fonts cannot be used without registration.
- See help file for more information.
Tier 2 (9 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where action fusions would consume double the amount of items if the skills were to cost items. Fix made by Olivia.
Bestiary VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem where enemies weren't showing up at all in the bestiary. Fix made by Olivia.
Date and Time System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when using Real Time and skip title. Fix made by Irina.
- Fixed a bug where seasonal tilesets could cause a crash. Fix by Irina.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.31: February 15, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- Added new plugin parameter:
- Plugin Parameters > Map Sprites > Motion Settings > Anti-Loop Revert
- Prevent reverting non-looping animations with playtimes of 1.
- This was added because some users prefer the prevention while others don't. This only affects non-looping animations when they have playtime durations of 1. Choose the style you want. This will affect all map sprites that use Dragonbones.
Furniture System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: February 15, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with Message Core's <x Button> text codes to automatically update the Help Window's displayed button types when switching between keyboard and controller.
- Be sure to update these parameters if you want them updating in-game.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Arisu:
- Map Notetag: <Furniture Types: type, type, type>
- Determines which furniture types are allowed on the map to be placed from the item menu.
- Furniture items with those any of matching furniture types are allowed to be placed on the map.
- This does NOT affect the furniture types placed through the Plugin Commands or pre-existing pieces of furniture placed there.
- Item Notetag: <Furniture Types: type, type, type>
- Determines which furniture types this furniture item is considered to be when being placed by the player from the item menu.
- Furniture items can only be placed on maps that allow any of the matching furniture types.
- This does NOT affect the furniture types placed through the Plugin Commands or pre-existing pieces of furniture placed there.
- Item Notetags: <JS On Place Furniture>
- Item Notetags: <JS On Remove Furniture>
- JavaScript code that is ran whenever furniture is being placed down or removed. 'Remove' variant will also run at the start of being moved.
- New Plugin Paramter added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Default > Placeable Priority
- Prioritize placeable furniture when sorting items in the item menu?
- Placeable furniture will be sorted higher than non-placeable furniture.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: February 15, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Arisu:
- <Craft Batch>
- When this "item" is crafted, yields multiples of the listed item.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ShopBatches
Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where enemy notetags for lighting effects did not work properly. Fix made by Arisu.
QTE and Trigger System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where any input can be used for Timed Sequence QTE. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Comman added by Arisu:
- QTE: Clear Current QTE
- Clears the currently existing QTE.
- Feature Updated!
- Plugin Command: QTE: Hold & Release (OK)
- Added Hold Common Event
- Added Release Common Event
- Added Overload Common Event
- These common events will play upon different aspects of the QTE.
Tile Grafter System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a function clash with the Save Core. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (6 Plugin Updates)
Event Signals VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug with clashing common events that would cause a crash after leaving the main menu. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Added in VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine requirement for animation ID's.
- Sorry, we forgot to add that in.
Item Amplify Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 15, 2024
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Item Concoction Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that would be caused by numeric ID combination registration for concoctions. Fix made by Olivia.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Item Throw Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 15, 2024
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Shop Batches VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to buy shop batches in bulk while ignoring price constraints. Fix made by Arisu.
Skill Cooldowns VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: February 15, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where Battle System - OTB causes consistency issues with warmup turns. Fixed by Olivia.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Button Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: February 15, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Arisu:
- Skill: <Assign Button Show Cost>
- Skill: <Assign Button Pay Cost>
- Items, Weapon, Armor: <Assign Button Show Quantity>
- Items, Weapon, Armor: <Assign Button Consume Quantity>
- Read the helpfile for more information.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Cost Settings
- Adjust how costs are displayed for the plugin.
- Parameters > Key Settings > Custom Settings > Custom Width
- Parameters > Key Settings > Custom Settings > Custom Height
- Allows buttons to have custom width and height.
January 18, 2024 - Update #133
Total Plugins Updated: 16
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.80: January 18, 2024
- RPG Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
- Auto Save After New Game
- Normally, when starting a new game through the "New Game" option, there is no auto save trigger. However, if you start a new game or load a saved game, then go to the Game End screen, return back to the title screen, then start a New Game, the auto save trigger occurs when it shouldn't. The Core Engine will now patch this and prevent the trigger from taking place.
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.80: January 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that would occur with <Disperse Damage> when used outside of battle. Fix made by Irina.
- Fixed a crash that would occur with certain enemy graphics when images used for them would disappear. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequences added by Olivia:
- ANIM: Guard Animation
- ANIM: Item Animation
- ANIM: Skill Animation
- Plays the animation associated with the user's guard action (if any), or a specific item/skill.
- MECH: Emulate Attack Effect
- MECH: Emulate Guard Effect
- MECH: Emulate Item Effect
- MECH: Emulate Skill Effect
- Emulate an "Action Effect" but using a the user's attack skill, guard skill, specific item, or specific skill instead of the current action.
- Essentially lets you perform the mechanics of another action without having to use another action or needing to pay that action's costs.
- MECH: Emulate Skill Cost
- Pick a skill for target(s) to emulate paying the cost of.
- Includes cooldowns and limited uses.
- MECH: State Turns Change By
- MECH: State Turns Change To
- Changes target(s) state turns by an amount/to a certain value.
- Requires VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore!
- Projectile action sequences have new Extra Features!
- See v1.08 changes for VisuMZ_3_ActSeqProjectiles.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.46: January 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where script calls used to create message choices would not work properly. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- Text Language Switching added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Text Language Settings
- The "Text Language" feature allows your players to switch between different languages for your game to allow people from around the globe to enjoy what story you have to tell.
- Disclaimers: This is not an automatic translation tool. Translations made through the "Text Language" feature of the VisuStella MZ Message Core will require manual input by the game developer.
- Read more about it in detail within the "Text Language Information" section in the help file.
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Choices: Distance
- Change the distance from choice window to the message window.
- New parameter added to Plugin Command "Choices: Properties" by Irina:
- Minimum Choice Width
- What is the minimum width size for each choice?
- New Plugin Parameter for "Message Window" added by Irina:
- Parameters > Message Window: Choice List Window> Minimum Choice Width
- What is the minimum width size for each choice?
- New Text Codes for Choice Window added by Irina:
- <BgImg: filename> and variants
- <FgImg: filename> and variants
- These text codes allow adding a background or foreground image to a choice rectangle in stretched/scaled size.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: January 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility for Message Core's new Text Language options:
- Added compatibility for Voice Acting Control's Voice Language options:
- If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the "Audio" and "UI" plugin parameters found in the Options Category plugin parameter settings to your current project.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.43: January 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu!
- Skill Cost: Emulate Actor Pay
- Skill Cost: Emulate Enemy Pay
- Target actor(s)/enemy(s) emulates paying for skill cost.
- State Turns: Actor State Turns Change By
- State Turns: Actor State Turns Change To
- State Turns: Enemy State Turns Change By
- State Turns: Enemy State Turns Change To
- Changes actor(s)/enemy(s) state turns to a specific value/by an amount.
- Only works on states that can have turns.
Tier 2 (5 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: January 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause elemental resistances to not trigger press turn effects. Fix made by Olivia.
Bestiary VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with the <Bestiary Custom Picture: filename> notetag causing a crash. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Olivia:
- Bestiary: Reveal Enemies
- Reveals bestiary information for target enemies without needing to defeat them. Must not be forcefully hidden.
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Categories > Show All Categories?
- Show all categories or reveal them as more enemies are defeated?
Character Creation System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause the traits selected in the character creator would not carry over. Fix made by Irina.
Equip Battle Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem where no skills would show at all. Fixed made by Olivia.
Voice Acting Control VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: January 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added updated compatibility with the new changes made in Message Core in order to allow CN/JP wordwrapping. Update made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- Voice Language Switching added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > General > Language Switching
- Plugin Command > Sound: Play As Voice Line (Language)
- The "Voice Language" feature allows your players to switch between different languages for your game to allow people from around the globe to enjoy what story you have to tell.
- Disclaimers: This is not an automatic translation tool. Translations made through the "Voice Language" feature of the VisuStella MZ Voice Acting Control will require manual input by the game developer.
- Read more about it in detail within the "Voice Language Information" section in the help file.
Tier 3 (5 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Projectiles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: January 18, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Parameters added for Action Sequences by Olivia:
- Extra Effects > Effect Emulation
- Extra Effects > Effect Emulation > Action Effect
- Extra Effects > Effect Emulation > Item Effect ID
- Extra Effects > Effect Emulation > Skill Effect ID
- Emulate current Action Effect, a specific Item Effect, or a specific Skill Effect when projectile reaches target?
- Only works with start and goal targets.
- Extra Effects > Effect Emulation > Common Event ID
- Plays a Once Parallel Common Event upon reaching target.
- Works regardless of start and goal targets.
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: January 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibiliy with Battle System - OTB when using states with Action Times+. Update made by Olivia.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: January 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Updated better compatibility with Battle System - STB and Auto Skill Triggers to prevent infinite loops. Update made by Olivia.
Battle Voices VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Compatibility added for Voice Acting Control's new Voice Language Switch features. Updated by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Irina:
- <Language lang Voice Set: name>
- Declares a battle voice set for the target actor/enemy to use when using a certain voice language.
- New Plugin Command added by Irina:
- Actor: Change Battle Voice Set (Language)
- Changes battle voice set data for different languages to target actor.
- Requires VisuMZ_2_VoiceActControl and audio switching enabled!
Message Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: January 18, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where text from battle transitions would merge into the Message Log. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: January 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
December 14, 2023 - Update #132
Total Plugins Updated: 24
Tier 1 (6 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.79: December 14, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequences added by Arisu:
- ANIM: Balloon Animation
- Plays a balloon animation on target(s).
- ANIM: Balloon Icon (Single)
- ANIM: Balloon Icon (Range)
- ANIM: Balloon Icon (Specific)
- Plays a balloon animation using an icon on target(s).
- Requires VisuMZ_4_IconBalloons!
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.55: December 14, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu:
- Event Popup: Player
- Event Popup: Follower
- Event Popup: Event
- Event Popup: Target Tile
- Makes a centered event popup on the player sprite, target follower sprite, target event sprite, or target tile.
- All of these new Plugin Commands require VisuMZ_1_MessageCore and cannot be used in battle.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.51: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where if an item is unequipped, it may cause a crash. Fix made by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where <Proxy: id> did not properly give the proxy item. Fix made by Arisu.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.45: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Punctuation was, for some reason, excluded when using Wordwrap with Japanese and Chinese languages. This should be fixed now. Fixed by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added clarity to the <left>, <center>, and <right> being unable to be used together with word wrap.
- Word Wrap also cannot be used together with <left>, <center>, or <right> and will disable itself if text alignment text codes are detected.
- Feature Update!
- Wordwrap <br> now works properly with Japanese and Chinese languages.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > General Settings > Each Message Start
- Plugin Parameters > General Settings > Each Message End
- This is text that is added at the start/end of each message.
- Keep in mind that if a message extends to a different page (due to word wrap, excess lines, etc), that does not mean the starting text will be added to where the next page begins or the ending text will be added where the previous page ends.
- Can be used for things like adding "<center>" to the start of each message without having to type it every time.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: December 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Date & Time System
- If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the General plugin parameters found in the Options Category plugin parameter settings to your current project.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: December 14, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Updated Plugin Command "Autosave: Enable/Disable" description for clarity
- Enables/disables Autosave on a local (lowest) level.
- Added extra text in the Plugin Commands help section for the Command: "Autosave: Enable/Disable":
- This does NOT mean it will change autosaving for other loaded game saves or new game sessions.
- This ONLY applies to the local session for the dev to control whether or not autosaving will occur at its usual conditions and scenarios.
Tier 2 (11 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Enemy skills with Turn Count conditions will now apply a local turn count instead of the battle turn count. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Updated "Major Changes" section:
- Turn Count for Enemies
- Because the turn structure is changed, enemies will now have a different turn count structure. Their turn count only raises when the enemy troops have a turn instead of every battle turn. This means if an enemy skill page has a Turn Count condition of 3, it'll mean when the enemy team has gotten 3 turns, which will usually be around turn 6 for the whole battle.
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Enemy skills with Turn Count conditions will now apply a local turn count instead of the battle turn count. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Updated "Major Changes" section:
- Turn Count for Enemies
- Because the turn structure is changed, enemies will now have a different turn count structure. Their turn count only raises when the enemy troops have a turn instead of every battle turn. This means if an enemy skill page has a Turn Count condition of 3, it'll mean when the enemy team has gotten 3 turns, which will usually be around turn 6 for the whole battle.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Enemy skills with Turn Count conditions will now apply a local turn count instead of the battle turn count. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Updated "Major Changes" section:
- Turn Count for Enemies
- Because the turn structure is changed, enemies will now have a different turn count structure. Their turn count only raises when the enemy troops have a turn instead of every battle turn. This means if an enemy skill page has a Turn Count condition of 3, it'll mean when the enemy team has gotten 3 turns, which will usually be around turn 6 for the whole battle.
Bestiary VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 14, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Added clarity to the "Extra Features" section:
- VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore
- Any elements listed in the Elements & Status Menu Core's Plugin Parameters list for "Status Menu Settings" and "Excluded Elements" will also be excluded in the Bestiary.
Character Creation System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 14, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Added extra clarity for Instructions - Quick Start
- Step 1: Create Extra Actor Slots
- The <Empty> character must not be in your party.
- Added extra clarity for "Scene: Create Character Process" Plugin Command.
- Does not affect <Empty> named characters that have joined the party.
- Feature Update!
- If Traits Step is disabled, check for trait setups does not need to be adhered to. Fix made by Arisu.
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an incompatibility with the \Class[x] textcode from the VisuStella MZ message core. Fix made by Irina.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.30: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause an after effect color blend flash. Fix made by Irina.
Equip Battle Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where <Hide in Battle> did not apply to equipped battle skills during battle. Fix made by Olivia.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: December 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
More Currencies VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where sold item costs didn't get returned. Fixed by Arisu.
Voice Acting Control VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that would occur when trying to apply voice lines to a message without the message window having a proper container. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (6 Plugin Updates)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: December 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Updated better compatibility for the new Battle System FTB, ETB, and PTB updates. Update made by Olivia.
Life State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: December 14, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Arisu:
- <Allow Undead Regen>
- If an undead battler gets affected by a trait object (such as a state) with this notetag, then HP Regeneration will no longer damage the undead enemy but instead, heal it.
Shop Batches VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 14, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Updated default Plugin Parameter settings.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Vocabulary > Allow Name Colors?
- If item names have custom colors, add them?
- Used for items with <Color: x> notetag.
- Also used for items with <Color: #rrggbb> notetag.
- This one requires VisuMZ_1_MessageCore to be installed.
Skill Cooldowns VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the warmup turns do not properly reflect for certain types of battle systems. Fixed by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New script calls added by Arisu:
- $actorGetSkillCooldown
- $actorSetSkillCooldown
- $actorGetSkillWarmup
- $actorSetSkillWarmup
- $enemyGetSkillCooldown
- $enemySetSkillCooldown
- $enemyGetSkillWarmup
- $enemySetSkillWarmup
- Please refer to the help file on how to use these script calls.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: December 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- The default Plugin Parameter for "Reward Strips" have been updated to contain compatibility for a future plugin.
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where attack motions made through Action Sequences while having weapons that have a <Weapon Image: x> notetag will override the attack motion. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Skill Shop VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: December 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if More Currencies wasn't present. Fix made by Arisu.
November 16, 2023 - Update #131
Total Plugins Updated: 17
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.79: November 16, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Plugin Command added by Arisu:
- Text Popup: Show Text
- Adds text to a text popup window to briefly appear.
- Multiple text popups will be queued.
- Does not halt the game and works parallel to game activity.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: November 16, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Arisu:
- <Damage vs name Trait: x%>
- <Healing vs name Trait: x%>
- <Accuracy VS name Trait: x%>
- <Critical VS name Trait: x%>
- New notetags that enhance actions and trait objects to augment damage, healing, accuracy, and critical hit rates against targets with specific trait sets.
- New script calls added by Arisu:
- battler.hasTraitSet(typeName)
- This will check all 10 trait set categories (elements, subelements, gender, race, nature, alignment, blessing, curse, zodiac, variant) and if any of them match, this will return 'true'. If not, returns 'false'.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.50: November 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- <JS Buy Price> and <JS Sell Price> was not working properly. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Arisu:
- <Cursed>
- If this weapon or armor is equipped, it cannot manually be removed by the player until it is purified.
- To remove it, it must be done by event commands, script calls, or through the Purify-related Plugin Commands provided by this plugin.
- Once purified, the weapon or armor will become unequipped unless it has a purify transformation.
- If the newly transformed weapon/armor is equippable, it will remain in the actor's equipment slots.
- If you are using VisuMZ_2_WeaponSwapSystem, weapons cannot become cursed in order to allow free weapon swapping. Weaponry will not be cursed if VisuMZ_2_WeaponSwapSystem is installed.
- <Purify Transform: id>
- <Purify Transform: name>
- If this notetag is present on a <Cursed> weapon or armor, then upon the actor receiving purification, the weapon or armor will transform into a different item.
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu:
- Purify: Target Actor(s)
- Purifies target actor(s) of any cursed weapons or armors.
- Purify: Whole Party
- Purifies whole party of any cursed weapons or armors.
- Added "Cursed Equip Popup" to Equip Scene Plugin Parameters.
- Text popup appears when an actor equips a cursed weapon/armor.
- Added "Ally or Enemy" or "Enemy or Ally" scopes to Shop Status Window Plugin Parameters.
- If unused, will default to "1 Ally" or "1 Enemy" like usual. Added by Irina.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.42: November 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- 'origin' variable was not working properly for <JS On Expire State> JavaScript notetag. Should now be working properly. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 2 (6 Plugin Updates)
Character Creation System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that deducted all of an item amount upon creation. Fix by Arisu.
Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: November 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
More Currencies VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: November 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.28: November 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Random Dungeon Maps VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 16, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Added extra clarity for <Spawn Chance: x%> notetag:
- When used with Container Map events, pair it with the <Spawn Regions: x> notetag or <Spawn on Player> notetag to determine where it goes.
- This does NOT mean the event will have a x% chance to spawn in each of the regions. It only means that individual event has a x% chance to spawn for the whole map.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: November 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Visual Gauge Styles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin is more compatible with Enhanced TP's custom gauge colors.
Tier 4 (6 Plugin Updates)
Break Shields VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: November 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where a crash would occur if a non-actor type finds its way into the status window. Fix made by Olivia.
Recruiting Board VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: November 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with VisuMZ_2_MoreCurrencies!
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section:
- VisuMZ_2_MoreCurrencies
- Actors can also be recruited with items, weapons, armors, and/or variables as long as this plugin is present and the respective notetags are used.
- New Features!
- New compatibility notetags added by Arisu:
- <Item id Recruit Cost: x>
- <Weapon id Recruit Cost: x>
- <Armor id Recruit Cost: x>
- <Variable id Recruit Cost: x>
- Requires VisuMZ_2_MoreCurrencies!
- Allows recruiting of actors using items, weapons, armors, or variables as extended currency.
Skill Shop VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: November 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with VisuMZ_2_MoreCurrencies!
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section:
- VisuMZ_2_MoreCurrencies
- Skills can also be learned with items, weapons, armors, and/or variables as long as this plugin is present and the respective notetags are used.
- New Features!
- New compatibility notetags added by Arisu:
- <Item id Learn Cost: x>
- <Weapon id Learn Cost: x>
- <Armor id Learn Cost: x>
- <Variable id Learn Cost: x>
- Requires VisuMZ_2_MoreCurrencies!
- Allows purchase of skill using items, weapons, armors, or variables as extended currency.
Unique Tile Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: November 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where an updated version of Events & Movement Core would block the pitfall animation for the character sprite. Fix made by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where events were unable to fall into the water due to a few notetags clashing. Fix made by Arisu.
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: November 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: November 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
October 12, 2023 - Update #130
Total Plugins Updated: 13
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.78: October 12, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
- QoL Settings > Battle Test > Shift+R: Recover All
- For Play Test only! During battle, pressing SHIFT + R will refill the whole party's HP and MP and status.
- QoL Settings > Battle Test > Shift+T: Full TP
- For Play Test only! During battle, pressing SHIFT + T will refill the whole party's TP.
Tier 1 (5 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.78: October 12, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that is caused by using the actor escape command not escaping properly in battle and causing a freeze. Fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Parameters > Mechanics > Turn End Buffs Expire?
- Normally, buffs expire after all actions end.
- But here, you can have buffs expire on turn end.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.54: October 12, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Help file updated to reduce confusion:
- Call Event: Remote Read
- This will run the page of the target event on the current event.
- This means that any "This Event" commands will be applied to the event using this Plugin Command and NOT the target event that page data is being retrieved from.
- Think of it as the current event using the target called event as a Common Event ala how RPG Maker 2003 works (for those familiar with it).
- Feature Update!
- Renamed "Call Event: Remote Activation" to "Call Event: Remote Read" to reduce confusion.
- Feature Update!
- <Activation Radius: x> notetag is now defined as <Activation Delta: x>
- 'Radius' variant will still work and function as 'Delta' but will no longer be listed in the help file as 'Radius'
- This is changed to avoid confusion with the new notetag.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Arisu and sponsored by AndyL:
- <Activation Circle: x>
- A circle-shaped range with the event at the center.
- 'x' represents the distance from the center.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.49: October 12, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem where for weapon types, all weapon types are listed in the equip menu even when the actor cannot equip them (though they would be disabled). Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
- <Added EType: x>
- <Added ETypes: x, x, x>
- This is for armors only and does NOT work with weapons!
- Allows a piece of armor to belong to multiple ETypes. This means a glove can be equipped as "Armgear" or as an "Accessory" if you so choose.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: October 12, 2023
- Feature Update!
- Subcategories are now maintained when exiting a scene pushed forward by a subcategory. Added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.44: October 12, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated "Plugin Parameters: Word Wrap Settings" section:
- As of the v1.44 update, some Asian languages such as Chinese and Japanese are now supported for word wrap. Korean language is only supported if spaces are used.
- Feature Update!
- Word Wrap is now supported for Japanese and Chinese languages.
- Feature updated by Irina and sponsored by AndyL.
- New Features!
- New text codes added by Irina for "Show Choices" event command.
- <Shuffle>
- Shuffles the order of all choices. Any cancel shortcuts other than "Branch" will be undone.
- <Shuffle: x>
- Shuffles the order of all choices and only x number of them appear. Any cancel shortcuts other than "Branch" will be undone. Hidden choices do not count towards x number.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Character Creation System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 12, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash due to missing icon. Fix by Olivia.
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: October 12, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Fixed the documentation for terrain tag notetags:
- They should be used as Tileset notetags instead of Map notetags.
Tier 3 (4 Plugin Updates)
Boost Action VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: October 12, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Fixed a typo found within a notetag:
- <Boost Stealed> should be <Boost Sealed>.
- That is some massive Engrish there, Olivia.
- Don't sneak these kinds of comments in. They're not funny.
Event Chain Reactions VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 12, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- It appears we've left out some notetags/comment tags that could be used:
- <x Frames Decay Switch On: id>
- <x Frames Decay Switches On: id, id, id>
- <x Frames Decay Switch Off: id>
- <x Frames Decay Switches Off: id, id, id>
- These should now appear in the help file.
Evolution Matrix Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 12, 2023
- Documentation Update:
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added "VisuMZ_3_SkillCooldowns" to "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" in help.
- When using skills with cooldowns through the Evolution Skill Matrix, you may have noticed that the cooldowns may seemingly have -1 less turn. The reason is because the actor's skills may have gone through a cooldown update before the next instance of the Evolution Skill Matrix appears. It is more noticeable when using <Cooldown: 1> with 1 turn.
- Normally, upon regular input for selecting skills normally, the actor does not go through the second cooldown update so a skill with <Cooldown: 1> does have its effect "immediately" reduced.
- To remedy this, adjust the Plugin Parameter "Adjust Cooldowns" to alter how many extra turns should be applied to cooldowns when used through the skill matrix. We recommend +1.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Compatibility > Adjust Cooldowns:
- Adjust any newly applied cooldowns by this much when used through the matrix.
Life State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 12, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where if an undead target absorbs elemental damage, they would take damage instead of recovering it. This is now reversed and undead targets can now absorb the dark elemental energy you throw at it. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for <Undead> notetag.
- If the battler is the target of an elemental attack and the battler would absorb that element, the target will bypass the undead effect and recovers HP instead. Now your zombies can absorb "Darkness" elements.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Animated Pictures VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 12, 2023
- Feature Update!
- Added failsafes for loading extremely large images that may or may not load bitmaps properly and causing crashes. Update made by Arisu.
September 14, 2023 - Update #129
Total Plugins Updated: 19
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.48: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem where the help window position of the non-updated layout would appear in the wrong position. Fix made by Irina.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized when weapons and armors exceed 2000 in database quantity.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where there is not a soft fade in after using the single slot loading screen from the VisuMZ Save Core. Fix made by Olivia.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.41: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevented <Max Turns: x> for states from working due to one of the recent updates. Fix made by Arisu.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Apparently, we never put <Max Turns: x> in the help notetag section. Woops... It's there now.
Tier 2 (6 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where auto-battle would not give ONE MORE! bonus to actors. Fix made by Olivia.
Bestiary VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevented the vocabulary for "Lower Level" from reflecting the changes found in the Plugin Parameters. Fix by Olivia.
Challenge System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where a crash would occur upon trying to set the challenge level to a variable. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added section: Major Changes > Switches:
- Some challenge entries will require switches to be accessible. This will require them to be in the ON state. If the game dev has set the switch ON, and then the player has enabled that challenge entry, the game dev can no longer set the switch to OFF until the player has set the entry to off. This is to prevent the player from getting confused as to why the challenge entry is suddenly disabled without their knowledge.
- If the player sets the switch to OFF and then the game dev sets the required switch to OFF, then the effect can be turned off properly in the Challenge System menu and hidden from accessibility.
- Feature Update!
- Changing Required Switch states to OFF will be locked out if a challenge entry is using it in order to prevent confusion. Update by Irina.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added:
- Reset: Global Challenge Entries
- Reset: Local Challenge Entries
- Resets all global challenges/local challenge and turns off all related entries to that challenge set.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.29: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with TPB Active causing the input animation for Dragonbones armatures to be frozen in place. Fix made by Irina.
- Feature Update!
- Added a feature to separate Dragonbones armature blend modes from being suppressed by PixiJS's filters. Update made by Irina.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the icon of the TP Modes command in the Skill Scene would still appear even if command types are set to text only through the VisuStella MZ Skills & States Core plugin. Fixed by Olivia.
Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: September 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 3 (6 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Impact VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: September 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Updated this plugin to work with Dragonbones Union's newest feature update to stop Dragonbones armatures from having their blend modes suppressed by PixiJS.
Battle Command - Talk VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: September 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Button Trigger Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that was causing some events to not register under spotlight. Fix made by Arisu.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility for Spotlight Mode with Map Zoom Camera.
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that would occur if no face graphics are used. Fix made by Irina.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with VisuMZ_3_AutoSkillTriggers.
- Added better compatibility with VisuMZ_3_StateTooltips.
Message Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where text macros from VisuMZ Message Core did not convert properly into the Message Log. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina.
- Plugin Parameters > General > Pad Sides?
- Pad the sides of the screen even without faces?
- Ignore if the screen is too small.
State Tooltips VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: September 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with VisuMZ_3_FrontviewBattleUI!
Tier 4 (4 Plugin Updates)
Attached Pictures VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Event Title Scene VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: September 14, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where single save slots loaded by the VisuMZ Save Core would not play the map BGM and BGS. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where there is not a soft fade in after using the single slot loading screen from the VisuMZ Save Core. Fix made by Olivia.
Multi-Layer HP Gauge VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Side Chatter VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: September 14, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated Plugin Command help description.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Default Side
- Which side of the screen do you wish to add the Side Chatter to?
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Command "Side Chatter: Add Entry" now has the "Screen Side" parameter defaulted to the "default" value, referencing the value used by the new Plugin Parameter.
August 17, 2023 - Update #128
Total Plugins Updated: 26
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.77: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause the BGS related Plugin Commands to crash. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Scroll-Linked Pictures now work if the image file are in a folder within the img/pictures/ folder without the folder needing a ! at the start.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu:
- Picture: Rotate by Angle
- Rotates target picture by a amount angle over a set duration instead of continuously.
- View help file for more information on the Plugin Command.
- Picture: Rotate to Angle
- Rotates target picture to a certain angle over a set duration instead of continuously.
- View help file for more information on the Plugin Command.
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Parameters > Menu Button Assist > General > Split "Escape":
- Used ONLY for those making their own custom keyboard key input maps.
- "Split" option makes separate instances of "Cancel" and "Menu" keys.
- "Don't" option will consolidate both into "Escape" keys.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.77: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where for TPB, actions aimed at dead targets would not redirect to suitable targets. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where dual wielding would not use a weapon if it was equipped in the second weapon slot if the first weapon slot was empty. Fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Added compatibility for VisuStella MZ Battle Voices Action Sequences.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.53: August 17, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- <Map Load Common Event: x>
- <Map Load Common Events: x, x, x>
- When this map is loaded, run the specified Common Events once available.
- Does NOT trigger if you transfer to a different part of the same map.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.40: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug involving the "Item Cost" skill cost type found in the Plugin Parameters when involving consumable items.
- If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore.js there, then copy over the "Item Cost" plugin parameters found in the "Skill Cost Types" plugin parameter settings to your current project.
Tier 2 (6 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: August 17, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- When enemies use skills with VisuStella MZ Battle A.I. installed, aggro settings will no longer automatically target "highest aggro targets" if there are <AI Targets: x> notetags.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.30: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an error that would cause multi-actions under restrictions to desynchronize skill speeds and result in softlocks. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed an error that would cause slow speeds to all equal one another. Fix made by Olivia.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.28: August 17, 2023
- Feature Update!
- If a Dragonbones battler has an "idle" animation, it will no longer utilize the "walk" motion and instead, refer to its own "idle" motion. Update made by Irina.
- If a Dragonbones map sprite has a non-looping animation with a playtime value of 1, the animation will halt at the last frame instead of looping or reverting to the first neutral frame. Update made by Irina.
Equip Battle Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 17, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Explanation for Battle Command > Skill Types Substitute updated.
- If an actor uses equipped battle skills, skill types added by the Battle Command 'skills' will be substituted for a single category, 'battle skills'. Here, only the equipped skills for battle will be listed.
- However, any uses of 'SType: x' or 'SType: name' will still enable those specific skill types to be fully usable. This is also how to imitate Yanfly Engine Plugins' version of "Allowed Types" for Equip Battle Skills.
- This does NOT mean that if you use 'SType: x' that only the equipped skills will appear in there and the non-equipped skills will be unavailable. This means that for 'SType: x' skill access, ALL of the skills for that skill type linked to the actor will become available regardless of what is equipped for the battle skills or not.
Equipment Set Bonuses VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: August 17, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Voice Acting Control VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when trying to change the x position of the replay voice button. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (7 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: August 17, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Action Sequence Projectiles when using MV animations for projectiles. Update made by Arisu.
Action Sequence Projectiles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: August 17, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Action Sequence Camera when using MV animations for projectiles. Update made by Arisu.
Anti-Damage Barriers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the 'user' variable was not detecting the proper scene actor when used in a JS formula outside of battle. Fix made by Arisu.
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: August 17, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Battle System - ATB's wait setting. Update made by Olivia.
Battle Voices VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem where certain conditions wouldn't play voice lines. Fix made by Arisu.
Event Chain Reactions VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an error that would cause a crash upon using the "Return to Title Screen" event command with the "Event Title Screen" plugin installed. Fix made by Irina.
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the Break Shield icon is not showing. Fix by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug where the touch hit box did not take into account the graphical offsets. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (9 Plugin Updates)
CG Gallery VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that would occur if the "Touch UI" option is off. Fix made by Arisu.
Hospital Shop VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 17, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Map Event Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug with the <Sidestep: x to y> notetag not working properly. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Added new section in "Effects List" for Repeat Animations.
- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine! Allows for animations to be played repeatedly on an event. Determine the cycle time for the repeated animation as well as other properties like mirroring it or muting it.
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Irina and sponsored by Archeia:
- <Repeat Animation: x>
- <Repeat Animation Cycle: x>
- <Repeat Animation Mirror: on/off>
- <Repeat Animation Mute: on/off>
- Refer to help file for more information.
- New Plugin Commands added by Irina and sponsored by Archeia:
- Repeat Animation: Change for Event
- Repeat Animation: Change for Follower
- Repeat Animation: Change for Player
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by Archeia:
- Default > Repeat Animation Cycle
- Default > Mirror Animation
- Default > Mute Animation
Recruiting Board VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 17, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Skill Shop VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 17, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Unique Tile Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause repeating flag errors that cannot be stopped unless you had the VisuStella MZ Core Engine installed. Fix by Irina.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with "Event Title Scene" upon using the "Return to Title Screen" event command. Fix made by Irina.
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an error that would cause a crash upon using the "Return to Title Screen" event command with the "Event Title Screen" plugin installed. Fix made by Irina.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an error that would cause a crash upon using the "Return to Title Screen" event command with the "Event Title Screen" plugin installed. Fix made by Irina.
Weakness Popups VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: August 17, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with certain elemental rates displaying the wrong popup. Fix made by Irina.
July 13, 2023 - Update #127
Total Plugins Updated: 23
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.76: July 13, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequences added by Olivia and sponsored by NSG:
- MOVE: Change Home To JS Coordinates
- Change home position(s) to specified JS Coordinates. Sideview-only! Uses JS!
- MOVE: Face JS Coordinates
- Causes the unit(s) to face specified JS Coordinates. Sideview-only! Uses JS!
- MOVE: Move To JS Coordinates
- Moves unit(s) to specified JS Coordinates. Sideview-only! Uses JS!
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.52: July 13, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated help file for <Label: text> notetags:
- If text codes are used, avoid text codes that use < and > wrappers.
- Updated help file for <Label> sandwich notetags:
- You can use text codes with < and > wrappers.
- Feature Update!
- Event labels now work properly with scaling sprites.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Arisu and sponsored by Anon:
- <Label Hue Shift: +x>
- <Label Hue Shift: -x>
- Changes the hue of the event label by +x or -x every frame.
- Keep in mind that since this is changing hue, this will appear to have no effect if you are using black and white labels.
- Use labels with text codes that add color to them like '\C[4]text'
- This only works with the sprite version of event labels and does not work with the legacy version.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.47: July 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause the shop status window to display incorrect removed buffs and debuffs. Fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Updates!
- Changes made to dynamic shop listings in order to update upon listing changes rather than having to enter and exit the shop again. Update made by Arisu.
- New Features!
- New notetag effects added by Arisu and sponsored by AndyL:
- <Conserve: x%>
- Gives the item a percent chance when used to not consume the item.
- <Buy Turn On Switches: x, x, x>
- <Buy Turn Off Switches: x, x, x>
- <Sell Turn On Switches: x, x, x>
- <Sell Turn Off Switches: x, x, x>
- When buying/selling an item, weapon, or armor with these notetags, turn on/off switch(es) 'x'.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Params > Settings > Shop Status Window > Equipment Data > Delay MS:
- How many milliseconds (MS) to delay the preview update?
- This is to prevent lag spikes for equips only.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.39: July 13, 2023
- Feature Update!
- Updated the "Item Cost" skill cost type found in the Plugin Parameters to no longer consume items that are key items or nonconsumable.
- If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore.js there, then copy over the "Item Cost" plugin parameters found in the "Skill Cost Types" plugin parameter settings to your current project.
Tier 2 (7 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: July 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an issue with non-weighted aggro selected actions that will cause actors (instead of just enemies) to also target highest TGR enemies. Fix made by Irina.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.29: July 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an error with casting times for battlers not working properly when the numeric values are too small. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: July 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed turn order gauge sprite swapping bug for battlers with similar AGI values. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: July 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug involving auto-battle that would give infinite actions if cancelled at specific timings. Fix made by Olivia.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: July 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that made dragonbones armatures persist after removing party members from the team. Fix made by Irina.
More Currencies VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: July 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash when exiting certain menus from external sources into the shop scene. Fix made by Olivia.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: July 13, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Script Call section updated for more clarity.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Irina:
- Label: Add Quest Label
- Add Quest Labels to target items, weapons, and armors.
- Label: Clear Quest Label
- Clear Quest Labels from target items, weapons, and armors.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Quest Label Settings
- Change how Quest Labels apply to your game project. Quest Labels are applied to items, weapons, and armors manually by the you, the game dev, through this plugin's Plugin Commands. They add a "QUEST" text over the icon of the target item(s) and these will be shown to the player inside most windows that show items.
- This way, players can instantly recognize which items are quest-related (as long as they are marked by you, the game dev) and make quicker on-the-go decisions such as whether or not to use them or sell them.
Tier 3 (8 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Projectiles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: July 13, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Active Chain Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: July 13, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: July 13, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Battle System - ATB's active setting. Update made by Olivia.
- Added better compatibility with Battle System - OTB for battle start and enemy responses. Update made by Olivia.
Chain Battles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: July 13, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Added extra clarity for "Next Victory: Queue Common Event" Plugin Command in the help file:
- The "Next Victory: Queue Common Event" Plugin Command will always refer to the immediate next victory sequence.
- Even if you put it after a "Chain Battle: Queue Troop ID(s)", it does not mean it will occur for that next queued troop's victory.
- Instead, the common event will run for the immediate next victory sequence regardless.
- If you would like for the queued troop ID's to have a "Next Victory" effect, run this Plugin Command AFTER the queued troop ID has been initiated in battle first.
Evolution Matrix Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: July 13, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: July 13, 2023
- Feature Update!
- When used together with VisuMZ_4_MultiLayerHpGauge, any visible enemy HP gauges will push down windows on a higher stack like item windows, skill windows, etc. in order to not obscure each other. Update by Olivia.
Input Combo Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: July 13, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Skill Mastery VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: July 13, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New script calls added by Arisu:
- $actorSkillMasteryLevel(actorID, skillID)
- $actorSkillMasteryExp(actorID, skillID)
- $enemySkillMasteryLevel(enemyIndex, skillID)
- $enemySkillMasteryExp(enemyIndex, skillID)
- Please refer to the help file on how to use these script calls.
Tier 4 (4 Plugin Updates)
Attached Pictures VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: July 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause attached pictures to appear multiple times when attaching multiple pairs. Fix made by Arisu.
Map Camera Zoom VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: July 13, 2023
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Multi-Layer HP Gauge VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: July 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an incompatibility with Visual State Effects that would prevent the state overlays on enemies from appearing. Fix made by Irina.
Visual Item Inventory VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: July 13, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with Quest Journal System's newest Quest Label update in order for the Quest Label to show up in the visual inventory. Update made by Irina.
June 15, 2023 - Update #126
Total Plugins Updated: 14
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.76: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that displayed the incorrect button press key for name input processing's cancel action. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.51: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Provided a fail safe for plugins using the scaling options from this plugin but do not have scaling parameters identified. The scaling ratio should now default to 1.0. Fix made by Olivia.
- Feature Update!
- Diagonal pathfinding is now improved as to not get stuck on tight corners on the map. Feature update made by Arisu.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.46: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem where the help and input modes are not adequately adjusted when not used with the updated layout or without the Options Core custom UI placement. Fix made by Arisu.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: June 15, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Voice Acting Control and Battle Voices
- If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the Audio plugin parameters found in the Options Category plugin parameter settings to your current project.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a rare bug that prevents plugin commands from saving in the current save slot upon certain types of loading. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.28: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Crash should no longer occur for the end of ATB actions. Fix made by Olivia.
Equip Battle Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: June 15, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Added a section to "Major Changes"
- Skills with Multiple Skill Types
- If you are using the Skills and States Core and add multiple skill types to a skill, if one of them belongs to a 'SType: x' battle command, that skill will appear in the skill type while also appearing in the equipped battle skills listing.
- Feature Update!
- If equipped battle skills are hidden by <Hide in Battle> notetags, they will become disabled and unusable for those who want to use them as equippable passives. Update made by Irina.
Furniture System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fix!
- Plugin should now be compatible with the more recent versions of the Events and Movement Core! Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (5 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Impact VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Inject animations should now work properly for animated enemies.
Active Chain Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: June 15, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with Options Core battle animation speeds to have the battle system function at regular speed until a chain is selected. Update made by Irina.
Evolution Matrix Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an incompatibility with the Options Core battle animation speeds causing matrix input to also become faster. Fix made by Irina.
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- If enemies are to go before an actor in battle, the animation will not play in the correct position. This should now be fixed. Fix by Olivia.
Input Combo Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an incompatibility with the Options Core battle animation speeds causing input timing to also become faster. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: June 15, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixes a visual bug involving the borders with the zoom animation upon entering a random encounter. Fix made by Arisu.
May 18, 2023 - Update #125
Total Plugins Updated: 16
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevented "max" element rate rulings to disable element absorption. Fix made by Arisu.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.45: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause equip slots to not be recognized properly if the equip slot name ends in a space.
Tier 2 (6 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused <All Taunt> to not work properly. Fix made by Irina.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Enemies no longer soft-lock themselves if they get stunned via a counter attack with an attack-state that applies stun. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused turn order glitches with Action Times+ that aren't at 100% value. Fix made by Olivia.
- Fixed a bug that caused added Action Times+ to not trigger on actors that have already exhausted their current turns if raised due to a state. Fix made by Olivia.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused scene changes back into the battle scene would cause collapsed Dragonbones Battlers to reappear. Fix made by Arisu.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that made hidden buttons via <Hide Button Console> still able to be pressed. Fix made by Irina.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: May 18, 2023
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Boost Action VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: May 18, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility for Chain Battles. Cooldowns will be carried across chained battles. Update made by Olivia.
Chain Battles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 18, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Boost Action and Skill Cooldowns. Update made by Olivia.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: May 18, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 4 (6 Plugin Updates)
Hospital Shop VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes
- If faces weren't loaded ahead of time, they wouldn't show up in the shop. This should now be fixed. Fix made by Arisu.
Menu Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Removed visual glitch when used together with Sideview Battle UI when selecting a target actor. Fix made by Irina.
Multi-Layer HP Gauge VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- When an enemy transforms into another with a Multi-Layer HP Gauge, it will be updated and shown. Fix made by Olivia.
Recruiting Board VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Gold window did not update on recruitment. Should work properly now. Fix made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- If your screen resolution UI is too small, the class name and gauges will not be drawn. Update made by Arisu.
Skill Shop VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- If faces weren't loaded ahead of time, they wouldn't show up in the shop. This should now be fixed. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Updated Plugin Parameter for "Draw Actor Class?" to have this line:
- If screen resolution UI is too small, class name won't be drawn.
- Feature Update!
- If your screen resolution UI is too small, the class name won't be drawn. Update made by Arisu.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: May 18, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Reflections should now work properly with VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore's latest version. Fix made by Arisu.
April 13, 2023 - Update #124
Total Plugins Updated: 9
Tier 0 (0 Plugin Update)
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.50: April 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- <Icon: x> should now update correctly when changing pages through self switches or other event conditions. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Event Labels > Mobile-Enabled?
- Plugin Parameters > Movement > Pathfinding > Mobile-Enabled?
- These settings allow you to enable or disable certain features when played on mobile devices for better performance.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.44: April 13, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag effects added by Arisu and sponsored by Anon:
- <Equip For Class Only: x>
- <Equip For Classes Only: x, x, x>
- <Equip For Class Only: name>
- <Equip For Classes Only: name, name, name>
- The piece of equipment can only be worn by the listed classes.
- <Equip Requirements> notetag added.
- Define multiple requirements that the actor needs to meet in order for this equip item to be equippable.
- See help file for more information on the types of requirements that can be added.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: April 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Multiple subcategories should now work properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.43: April 13, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Fixed incompatibilities with auto message positioning with the Map Zoom plugin. Update made by Irina.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: April 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem that caused actors to get skipped if they were revived during the same turn the rest of the party decided to guard. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: April 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevented enemies from using skills that had the <Target: x Random Any> notetag. Fix made by Irina.
Sideview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: April 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- If the UI scale is over 1.0, the UI will automatically scale back any windows that extend past screen boundaries. Update made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Status Window > Standard UI > Name > Sprite?
- Use a sprite or bitmap to draw this element?
- This is added for font sizes that do not work well with name sprites.
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Conditional Random Encounters VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: April 13, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Feature Update!
- Added an error-prevention feature for <Random Encounter Requirements> notetag effect:
- If you are using the Battle Core, this will NOT work with a Base Troop. You will get an alert message saying so.
- Why? Because this can cause all of the troops in the game to just shut off and you don't want that.
- Update made by Arisu.
Unique Tile Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: April 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- <Anti-Drown> and <Anti-Pitfall> notetags should now work properly for events. Fix made by Arisu.
- Moving into a wall while in the quicksand will no longer result in instant KO. Fix made by Arisu.
- While swimming, player can no longer move off onto land tiles that are not normally passable. Fix made by Arisu.
- Cliff tiles can no longer be bypassed via swimming. Fix made by Arisu.
March 16, 2023 - Update #123
Total Plugins Updated: 22
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.75: March 16, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- In Scene_Name, when using the Keyboard Input, the button assist windows will no longer display the keyboard shortcuts for Ok and Cancel, but instead, show them for ENTER and BKSP. Update made by Arisu.
- In Scene_Name, when manual inputting, the Page Up/Dn keys are now displayed to show changing character pages.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu and sponsored by AndyL:
- Params > Keyboard Input > Button Assist > Finish Entry
- Text used to describe finish entry.
- Params > Keyboard Input > Button Assist > Page Change
- Text used to describe changing character pages.
- Params > Window Settings > Scroll Bar
- These settings also allow you to add scroll bars to scrollable windows, letting the player know how much of the window's contents there are left for scrolling. The scroll bar can be enabled, disabled, have its thickness changed, colors changed, etc.
Tier 1 (7 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.75: March 16, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Olivia and sponsored by Anon:
- <HP Life Steal: x%>
- <MP Life Steal: x%>
- <HP Life Steal hitType: +/-x%>
- <MP Life Steal hitType: +/-x%>
- <Cancel Life Steal>
- <Guard Life Steal>
- <Disarm Life Steal>
- <Negative Life Steal>
- Life Steal properties involving HP/MP are now added. They will restore a portion of the dealt HP/MP damage to the target.
- This is a different mechanic from Drain HP/Drain MP and cannot be used together to prevent clashing.
- Read the help file for more information.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: March 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.49: March 16, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Event Notetag and Comment Tags added by Arisu:
- <Scale: x%>
- <Scale X: x%>
- <Scale Y: y%>
- Changes the scale of the sprite to the designated size.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.43: March 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Artifact armors should now update and refresh the party members' cache upon acquisition. Fix made by Olivia.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: March 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Feature Update!
- Updated the default Plugin Parameters for 'Command Window List' to include a 'Bestiary' command.
- This is for the upcoming VisuStella MZ plugins.
- Projects with the Main Menu Core already installed will not have this update, but you can copy over the settings from a new project with the following steps:
- Create a new project. Install Main Menu Core. Open up the new project's 'Command Window List'. Right click the 'bestiary' option(s) and click copy. Go to the target project's Main Menu Core's 'Command Window List' plugin parameter. Paste the command where you want it to go.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.42: March 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed some text codes that would capture way too much data than intended. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New text code added by Irina for Show Choice Window only:
- <Help> text </Help>
- Makes a help window appear and have it show 'text' in its contents.
- The help window will disappear if no text is displayed.
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu:
- Select: Weapon
- Select: Armor
- Select: Skill
- Opens the Event Select Item Window to let the player pick a weapon, armor, or skill to choose from. The selected object will have its ID recorded in a variable. These can be opened while the Message Window is opened just like the event "Select Item".
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.38: March 16, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added segment to <Replace x Gauge: type> in documentation:
- Does not work with 'Item Cost', 'Weapon Cost', or 'Armor Cost'.
- New Features!
- New "Skill Cost Type" and notetags added by Arisu and sponsored by FAQ.
- <Item Cost: x name>
- <Weapon Cost: x name>
- <Armor Cost: x name>
- The skill will consume items, weapons, and/or armors in order to be used. Even non-consumable items will be consumed.
- <Item Cost Max/Min: x name>
- <Weapon Cost Max/Min: x name>
- <Armor Cost Max/Min: x name>
- Sets up a maximum/minimum cost for the item, weapon, armor type costs.
- <Item Cost: x% name>
- <Weapon Cost: x% name>
- <Armor Cost: x% name>
- Alters cost rate of skills that would consume item, weapon, or armor.
- <Item Cost: +/-x name>
- <Weapon Cost: +/-x name>
- <Armor Cost: +/-x name>
- Alters flat costs of skills that would consume item, weapon, or armor.
- <Replace Item name1 Cost: name2>
- <Replace Weapon name1 Cost: name2>
- <Replace Armor name1 Cost: name2>
- Replaces item, weapon, or armor to be consumed for another type.
- Projects with the Skills and States Core already installed will not have this update, but you can copy over the settings from a new project with the following steps:
- Create a new project. Install Skills and States Core. Open up the new project's 'Skill Cost Types'.
- Right click the 'Item Cost' option(s) and click copy.
- Go to the target project's Skills and States Core's 'Skill Cost Types' plugin parameter. Paste the command where you want it to go.
- Only 'Item Cost' is needed as it encompasses all three types for item, weapon, and armor costs.
Tier 2 (6 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: March 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause cached battlers from a previous save file to not load up properly when actions are used for highest aggro actors. Fix made by Irina.
Animated Message Text Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: March 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Animated text that has been sized up with \{ text codes will no longer be cut off visually, especially with larger outline effects and certain font types. Fix made by Irina.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: March 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused a clash when loaded together with certain combinations of plugins. Fix made by Olivia.
Bestiary VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to scroll to unrevealed enemies. Fix made by Irina.
Bright Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: March 16, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New features added by Olivia and sponsored by Archeia:
- Blur
- The blur filter makes the screen appear less focused and more fuzzy. Details become harder to distinguish and the like.
- Notetags and Plugin Commands added.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: March 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused some Dragonbones animations to be unable to play on map sprites if they are facing specific directions. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (5 Plugin Updates)
Anti-Damage Barriers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: March 16, 2023
- Feature Update!
- Better rounding calculations are applied throughout the plugin to prevent decimal places from appear in damage barrier popups. Update by Olivia.
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: March 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a visual issue with long actor names being cut off on the last letter. Fix made by Arisu.
Message Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: March 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility for the recent Message Core additions.
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Visual Gauge Styles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 16, 2023
- Feature Update!
- Plugin now prompts you to make sure your other plugins are up to date before usage. This plugin does not work with cores that are out of date. Update made by Olivia.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: March 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin is now updated for the recent changes made with the VisuMZ_2_DragonbonesUnion plugin.
Tier 4 (3 Plugin Updates)
Break Shields VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: March 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Notetags from Elements and Status Menu Core for increasing Dealt Element damage will no longer force a Break Shield reduction when an attack has an attached element that the enemy is not weak to. Fix made by Arisu.
Map Camera Zoom VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update
- Better camera zoom with VisuStella MZ Movement Effect's Smooth Scrolling when this plugin's 'Adapt Battle Encounter Ani' setting is turned off.
Multi-Layer HP Gauge VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if the VisuMZ Core Engine wasn't installed. Fix made by Olivia.
February 16, 2023 - Update #122
Total Plugins Updated: 19
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.74: February 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin Commands for: Audio: Change Current BGM/BGS Volume/Pitch/Pan should now work properly with the updated RPG Maker MZ version and WebAudio changes. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.74: February 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if your basic attack skill somehow manages to target neither an enemy nor an actor. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Auto-action sequence for jumping forward and attacking is now reinstated so that it's only disabled when the target and user are on the same side. If there is no target, a jump still occurs for visual player feedback. Update made by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New notetag effect added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
- <Cannot Target User>
- This will cause the action to be unable to select the user as target.
- This is not a targeting scope. Instead, it is used in addition to any other targeting scopes out there.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.42: February 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Proxy items should no longer cause infinite loops if they're made to reference other proxy items in a circular fashion. Instead, they just give the exact first found proxy instead of cycling through others. Fix made by Arisu.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.38: February 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 2 (8 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: February 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem that would cause a crash when exiting the Options menu in battle when used with specific battle systems. Fix made by Irina.
Animated Message Text Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- <Clear Effect> text code was not working properly before. Now, it should work fine and clear effects. Fix made by Irina.
- Color Tone effects applied to large quantities of text should no longer cause interrupted breaks. Fix made by Irina.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: February 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevented initial ATB Gauge settings and features from working properly. Fix made by Irina.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: February 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that the "Flip Actors" and "Flip Enemies" parameters did not work properly after using a scale X notetag. Fix made by Olivia.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: February 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevents <Hide Button Console> from working when word wrap is enabled. Fix made by Irina.
Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: February 16, 2023
- Feature Update!
- During events, touch-directed flashlight movement will not occur to prevent the player character from facing different directions than intended. Update made by Irina.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: February 16, 2023
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
- Feature Update!
- When holding the "up" keyboard button with the reserve window active, the return to the active party window will no longer happen unless the "up" key is released and then pressed again. Update made by Olivia.
Weather Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: February 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- LIGHT: Confetti should no longer only display black stars when pre-render is turned off. Confetti should now be pastel colors once again. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (4 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: February 16, 2023
- Feature Update!
- Added VisuMZ Core Engine version requirements for this plugin. If you are using an outdated Core Engine by at least 50 versions, this plugin will not work. Update made by Irina.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: February 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for Battle Core updated version 1.74 new features.
Event Chain Reactions VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: February 16, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause certain notetags to not work properly when they have another notetag in front of them. Fix made by Arisu.
Skill Cooldowns VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: February 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Added compatibility for Chain Battles. Cooldowns will be carried across chained battles.
Tier 4 (3 Plugin Updates)
Credits Page VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 16, 2023
- Feature Update!
- Added arrows to the windows to indicate scrollability. Update by Irina.
Patch Notes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 16, 2023
- Feature Update!
- Added arrows to the windows to indicate scrollability. Update by Irina.
Variable Gauges VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: February 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- VisuMZ_3_VisualGaugeStyles
- You can now apply a style for each gauge in the "Gauge List" Plugin Parameters as long as VisuMZ_3_VisualGaugeStyles is installed.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added section: "Extra Features" for VisuMZ_3_VisualGaugeStyles:
- If VisuMZ's Visual Gauge Styles plugin is installed, you can apply gauge styles to the various gauges for this plugin.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Gauge List > Settings > Visual Gauge Style
- Select the gauge style to use for this gauge.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_VisualGaugeStyles!
January 20, 2023 - Update #121
Total Plugins Updated: 23
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.73: January 20, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better Effekseer version compatibility.
Tier 1 (5 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.73: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Active TPB custom action sequences will no longer play differently due to queued inputting actors causing motion refreshes. Fix made by Arisu.
- Corrected and updated Anti-Tint UI animation offsets for MV animations. Fix made by Irina.
- Fixed a problem with Sideview Battlers not working properly. Fix made by Irina.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Help file updated for to add the following text to the <Target: x> notetag entries in order to avoid confusion.
- This will overwrite the existing database scope and ignore the database's existing scope in favor of this.
- Feature Update!
- <Extend: x> Troop Name Tag is now also usable as a Troop Comment Tag.
- Action Sequence targeting has been updated with two new types "special" and "special x", to be used for future plugins.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- <Target: Ally or Enemy>
- <Target: Enemy or Ally>
- Allows the player to target allies or enemies with the skill/item.
- See help file for more information.
- <Single or Multiple Select>
- This will allow the skill/item to be able to select either single targets or multiple targets at once.
- See help file for more information.
- <Disperse Damage>
- This will cause any damage dealt by this skill to be split equally amongst all targets of the skill including repeats.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- Plugin Parameters > Multi-Target Windows
- Settings that alter the Multi-Target Windows in battle.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: January 20, 2023
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Notetags added by Olivia and sponsored by Anon:
- Trait Object Notetag: <Element Pierce: x,x,x>
- Gives the unit the ability to attack with the element and bypass any kinds of damage immunities, reflections, and absorptions. Actions can still miss or be countered, however.
- Action Object Notetag: <Element Pierce>
- Makes this skill/item bypass any kinds of damage immunities, reflections, and absorptions. Action can still miss or be countered.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.48: January 20, 2023
- Feature Update!
- <Move Synch> for certain types will also copy facing directions even if there are no tile movements (ie changing directions when pressed up against and obstacle). Update made by Arisu.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: January 20, 2023
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugin:
- Animated Message Text Effects
- If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the UI plugin parameters found in the Options Category plugin parameter settings to your current project.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.37: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused equipment to unequip if the needed equipment traits came from passive states upon learning new skills. Fix by Irina.
Tier 2 (7 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: January 20, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for Battle Core updated version 1.73 new features.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the Forced Action of a battler is not used properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Custom graphics for press turn icons should now be working properly. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: January 20, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: January 20, 2023
- Feature Update!
- Guard animations should no longer temporarily default to idle stances if an unnamed animation does not exist if the battler is guarding. Update made by Irina.
Equipment Set Bonuses VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevented character map sprites from being updated. Fix made by Irina.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: January 20, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 3 (6 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Corrected the battlefield offset when positioned in specific zoom levels that would otherwise offset the algorithm. Fix made by Olivia.
- Corrected and updated Anti-Tint UI animation offsets for MV animations. Fix made by Irina.
- Feature Update!
- Update made to be more compatibile with MZ v1.6.1's Effekseer version.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: January 20, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Battle System OTB's forced action update. Update made by Olivia.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- On-The-Spot A.I. no longer overwrites Forced Actions. Fix made by Arisu.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for Battle Core updated version 1.73 new features.
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 19, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would crash if you only have VisuMZ_1_ItemsEquipsCore installed but not the VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore.
- Fade Out event command will now hide the Frontview Battle UI on the map scene. This will not happen during battle. Fix made by Irina.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the face sprites from being clickable when it came to selecting an actor as a target for items and skills in frontview. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- "Extra Features" section updated for "VisuMZ_1_ItemsEquipsCore"
- Changed to the following:
- Those using the Items and Equips Core plugin can have the Shop Status Window be displayed during battle to show information regarding the items selected during input. If you want this to appear for skills, too, make sure you also have VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore installed.
Sideview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Skill and Item Windows should no longer disappear completely when used together with the Battle Core's "Middle Layout" for skill and item windows. Instead the intended setting will be set with the Sideview UI layout as if it's "false". Fix made by Arisu.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Weakness Display VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with Plugin Parameter "Temporary Selection?" not working properly with specific layouts. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (4 Plugin Updates)
Ambience Sounds VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Left/Right pan channels are reversed. They should now work properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Attached Pictures VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 20, 2023
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 20, 2023
- Feature Update!
- When events with <Alert> and <Follower Trigger> are chasing the player, events will no longer factor in the position of followers while determing a path and go around them. Instead, they will charge at the player as if the followers aren't there. Update made by Arisu.
Unique Tile Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- If followers are disabled, they no longer trigger footstep sound effects on unique tiles. Fix made by Arisu.
- When entering water from a bush tile, sprite glitches should no longer occur. Fix made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- This plugin is now automatically disabled when doing an event command test from right-clicking an event and clicking "Test" in order to enable a controlled environment for event testing. Fix made by Irina.
December 15, 2022 - Update #120
Total Plugins Updated: 26
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.72: December 15, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
- Skill List Active After Party Member Change
- If the skill list is active (ie. the player can move the cursor around) and the party member currently being viewed is changed via the button commands, then previously, RPG Maker MZ would still have that window be active despite having the cursor hidden temporarily. Upon pressing direction buttons, the cursor reveals itself and both the skill type window and skill list window are both active, making way for lots of potential problems to happen.
- Water Tile Bug
- It seems like there's a new bug that occurs if you create a tileset from scratch in RPG Maker MZ version 1.5.0+ and version 1.6.0+! What this bug does is it causes many tiles to become water tiles without intending to. You can find this out by turning off all the plugins in your project, putting a Ship or Boat on what are normally ground tiles, and then seeing the Ship or Boat traverse through it.
- There are two ways to fix this. We cannot fix it through code in this plugin as it's a problem that involves the tileset json data there are ways to work around it so that you can get the proper water-flags to go where they need to be at.
- 1. Copy a working un-bugged tileset onto the currently bugged one and reapply the tile features like passability, terrain tags, etc. This will make sure the water-passability tiles get copied over correctly.
- 2. If you're on RPG Maker MZ version 1.5.0 or above, select a working un-bugged tileset (usually a pre-existing tileset when a new project is made), click the "Copy Page" button, go to the bugged tileset and press "Paste Page". You'll have to reapply any different properties like passabilities and terrain tags, but the water tile flags should now be working properly.
- The plugin will not fix the problem itself since flag data is delicate and should not be tampered with midgame as the changes made by the plugin might not match the desired settings.
- This plugin, however, will also send out an alert message when coming across such a tile. Pay attention to it and do one of the following two steps above to fix the problem.
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Skill List Active After Party Member Change" section to the "Important Changes: Bug Fixes" section of the help file.
- Added "Water Tile Bug" section to the "Important Changes: Bug Fixes" section of the help file.
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Menu Backgrounds > Blur Strength
- Strength used for menu background snapshots.
Tier 1 (5 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.72: December 15, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a transformation of a sideview enemy to a static enemy and back not working properly. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina!
- Plugin Parameters > HP Gauges > Settings > Animation Duration
- How many frames should gauges animate themselves? Default: 20 frames.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Yanfly!
- Plugin Parameters > Actor Battler Settings > Shake Flinch
- Plugin Parameters > Actor Battler Settings > Shake Flinch > Max Power
- Plugin Parameters > Actor Battler Settings > Shake Flinch > Max Duration
- These new plugin parameters will cause targets that take HP damage to shake (in addition to a regular flinch) to provide better visual feedback to the player.
- Shake Flinch will be kept disabled by default and only turned on when you want it to be.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.41: December 15, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu and sponsored by Anon:
- Equip Scene > Equip Command > Help Description
- Equip Scene > Optimize Command > Help Description
- Equip Scene > Clear Command > Help Description
- Help description used when these commands are selected.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: December 15, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Feature Update!
- Updated the default Plugin Parameters for 'Command Window List' to include a 'CG Gallery', 'Credits Page', and 'Patch Notes' command.
- This is for the upcoming VisuStella MZ plugins.
- Projects with the Main Menu Core already installed will not have this update, but you can copy over the settings from a new project with the following steps:
- Create a new project. Install Main Menu Core. Open up the new project's 'Command Window List'. Right click the 'cgGallery', 'creditsPage', or 'patchNotes' option(s) and click copy. Go to the target project's Main Menu Core's 'Command Window List' plugin parameter. Paste the command where you want it to go.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.41: December 15, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New text codes added by Irina!
- For the Choice Window Only text codes:
- <BgColor: x>
- <BgColor: x, y>
- <BgColor: #rrggbb>
- <BgColor: #rrggbb, #rrggbb>
- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine! Sets the background color of this choice to 'x' text color, 'x' to 'y' gradient text color, or using '#rrggbb' hex color values.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.36: December 15, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- When enemies are defeated with their entire party having a state with the <Group Defeat> notetag, then the party will gain EXP, Gold, and Drops before when they wouldn't. Update made by Irina.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina!
- Plugin Parameters > Skill Settings > Skill Type Window > Window Width
- What is the desired pixel width of this window? Default: 240
Tier 2 (8 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: December 15, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- The Battle Core's <JS Pre-Start Turn> and <JS Post-Start Turn> notetags were previously disabled by this plugin. They should now be working again without problems. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: December 15, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: December 15, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: December 15, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: December 15, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: December 15, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Should now work with RPG Maker MZ version 1.6.1's updated Pixi JS version of 5.3.12 from 5.2.4. If ya don't have this plugin updated and you are using 5.3.12 onward, your battlers won't be loading.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: December 15, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the menu background settings from VisuMZ Core Engine did not carry over to the save menu when accessing it through the Message Button Console. Fix made by Olivia.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: December 15, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a visual listing bug effect when 'CP' and 'JP' are listed under costs but the VisuMZ Class Change System plugin isn't present. Fix made by Olivia.
Weather Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 15, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added new note for "Pre-Render Generated" in Plugin Parameters.
- Help file updated for new features.
- This is automatically turned OFF for mobile devices.
- Feature Update!
- Games running with this plugin on mobile devices will automatically default to turning off "Pre-Render Generated" in order to conserve memory usage. This is NOT disabled automatically for MacOS because memory leak problems do not apply to MacOS. If you feel like it should be disabled, we recommend that you turn off "Pre-Render Generated" in the Plugin Parameters. Update made by Arisu.
- "Pre-Render Generated" is also now set to "false" by default.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Arisu:
- BASIC: Pre-Render Generated Weather
- Selects target weather type to pre-render the generated graphics.
- This is to help reduce future lag spikes on mobile devices.
Tier 3 (6 Plugin Updates)
Boost Action VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: December 15, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that would occur with <Seal Attack> notetag on any actor that focuses on auto-battle. Fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Active Chain Skills. Boosts now carry over across the entire chain and granting bonuses to all chained skills instead of just the first skill of the chain. The bonus effects of the boosts will end when the chains end.
- Documentation Update!
- Added section to "VisuStella MZ Compatibility"
- VisuMZ_3_ActiveChainSkills
- Boosts now carry over across the entire chain and granting bonuses to all chained skills instead of just the first skill of the chain. The bonus effects of the boosts will end when the chains end.
Button Trigger Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 15, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Compatibility update with version RPG Maker MZ 1.6.0. This is not final as this was only tested on the open beta version of 1.6.0.
Event Chain Reactions VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 15, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added new section: "Warning! RPG Maker MZ Version 1.5.0+ Water-Tile Bug!"
- It seems like there's a new bug that occurs if you create a tileset from scratch in RPG Maker MZ version 1.5.0+ and version 1.6.0+! What this bug does is it causes many tiles to become water tiles without intending to. You can find this out by turning off all the plugins in your project, putting a Ship or Boat on what are normally ground tiles, and then seeing the Ship or Boat traverse through it.
- Naturally, this causes problems with the Event Chain Reactions plugin as the water tiles are important for submerging reactions.
- There are two ways to fix this. We cannot fix it through code in this plugin as it's a problem that involves the tileset json data there are ways to work around it so that you can get the proper water-flags to go where they need to be at.
- 1. Copy a working un-bugged tileset onto the currently bugged one and reapply the tile features like passability, terrain tags, etc. This will make sure the water-passability tiles get copied over correctly.
- 2. If you're on RPG Maker MZ version 1.5.0 or above, select a working un-bugged tileset (usually a pre-existing tileset when a new project is made), click the "Copy Page" button, go to the bugged tileset and press "Paste Page". You'll have to reapply any different properties like passabilities and terrain tags, but the water tile flags should now be working properly.
Field Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 15, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an incompatibility with VisuMZ Skill Learn System. Fix by Irina.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 15, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- TPB battle systems with less than max characters should no longer crash the game. Fix made by Irina.
- Compatibility Update!
- Now works properly with Combat Log and doesn't cause an extra window to appear suddenly. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL.
- Plugin Parameters > Battler Offset Settings
- Offsets the battler sprite positions when using Frontview Battle UI with frontview ONLY. Does NOT apply for Sideview.
- Plugin Parameters > Map Scene Settings > Scale Ratio
- What is the scaling for this UI on the map scene?
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: December 15, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 4 (5 Plugin Updates)
Break Shields VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 15, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Credits Page VisuStella MZ
Early Access added to Wave 4
Map Damage Effect VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 15, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Patch Notes VisuStella MZ
Early Access added to Wave 8
Unique Tile Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 15, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where you cannot respawn on X = 0 or Y = 0.
- Documentation Update!
- Added new section: "Warning! RPG Maker MZ Version 1.5.0+ Water-Tile Bug!"
- It seems like there's a new bug that occurs if you create a tileset from scratch in RPG Maker MZ version 1.5.0+ and version 1.6.0+! What this bug does is it causes many tiles to become water tiles without intending to. You can find this out by turning off all the plugins in your project, putting a Ship or Boat on what are normally ground tiles, and then seeing the Ship or Boat traverse through it.
- Naturally, this causes problems with the Unique Tile Effects plugin as the water tiles allow for swimming and drowning.
- There are two ways to fix this. We cannot fix it through code in this plugin as it's a problem that involves the tileset json data there are ways to work around it so that you can get the proper water-flags to go where they need to be at.
- 1. Copy a working un-bugged tileset onto the currently bugged one and reapply the tile features like passability, terrain tags, etc. This will make sure the water-passability tiles get copied over correctly.
- 2. If you're on RPG Maker MZ version 1.5.0 or above, select a working un-bugged tileset (usually a pre-existing tileset when a new project is made), click the "Copy Page" button, go to the bugged tileset and press "Paste Page". You'll have to reapply any different properties like passabilities and terrain tags, but the water tile flags should now be working properly.
November 24, 2022 - Update #119
Total Plugins Updated: 4
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: November 24, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Custom motions now work better with non-actor participants during actions involving dragonbones battlers. Fix made by Arisu.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: November 24, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Updated Plugin Command "Tracker: Show/Hide Window" cases from "Enable" and "Disable" to "Show" and "Hide". Update made by Arisu.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 24, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- During the map phase, active up shift no longer occurs. Fix by Irina.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Full Field Recovery VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 24, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Updated "Understanding Auto-Priority List" section to given more info on priority healing.
- Feature Update!
- Battle-participants will be given priority for healing items first. Once they have received full recovery, reserve party members will then be focused on for full team field recovery.
November 17, 2022 - Update #118
Total Plugins Updated: 3
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: November 17, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- <JS User Aggro> and <JS Target Aggro> should now work properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: November 17, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- "Damage" motion wasn't working properly for actors. This should now be fixed and working properly.
- Bug Fixes!
- "Escape" motion should now work properly with Dragonbones actors. Idle motions will no longer take priority over them.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: November 17, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added extra clarity for Plugin Parameter "Background Settings".
- This does NOT apply to the battle Combat Log.
- Bug Fixes!
- Access to Scene_CombatLog should now be possible without Main Menu Core. Fix made by Olivia.
November 10, 2022 - Update #117
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.71: November 10, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Title Command Window should now allow for more than 4 custom commands without hidden commands. Fix made by Irina.
- Fixed a problem with repeating animations from Visual State Effects causing softlocks. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.71: November 10, 2022
- Fixed a problem with repeating animations from Visual State Effects causing softlocks. Fix made by Olivia.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.47: November 10, 2022
- Feature Update!
- If "Follower: Set Global Chase" is set to false, followers will no longer jump towards the player location when the player jumps. This does NOT apply to gather or location changing players. Followers will still have to synchronize their positions there regardless in order to maintain consistency. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: November 10, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- ATB Gauges will now display for ANIMATED sideview enemies depending on the Show Enemy Gauge setting. Fix made by Olivia.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: November 10, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug from the v1.18 update that prevented custom motions from being displayed properly with actors. Fix made by Irina.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: November 10, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Plugin Command "Message Cursor: Change Settings" no longer leaves behind the old cursor sprite when a new one is selected. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Frontview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 10, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- Plugin Parameters > Battle Scene Settings > Command Help Window?
- Show the Help Window for Actor Command Window and Party Command Window?
November 3, 2022 - Update #116
Total Plugins Updated: 3
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.40: November 3, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New text code added by Irina:
- <RNG> text1 | text2 | text3 </RNG>
- Using the above text code format in a Show Message entry, you can get a random result out of the various inserted texts. Use "|" (without quotes) as a separator between text entries. You can have unlimited entries. The result will have any excess white space trimmed.
- This text code cannot be inserted into a macro and parsed properly.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Equipment Set Bonuses VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 3, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with Custom text parameter that caused certain lines to not show up properly. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Button Trigger Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 3, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter by Arisu.
- Automatic QOL Settings > Auto <Icon: x> > Auto-Synchronize?
- Automatically synchronize with VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine?
- Will change from Keyboard to Controller icons on switch.
- Does NOT take priority over events that already have <Icon: x>.
- Does NOT take priority over specified icons in the Plugin Parameters.
October 27, 2022 - Update #115
Total Plugins Updated: 5
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: October 27, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added a new section into Plugin Parameters: Command Window List for "Subcategories" and adding info on how they are handled.
- Feature Update!
- Updated the default Plugin Parameters for 'Command Window List' to include a 'Tutorial List' command.
- This is for the upcoming VisuMZ_2_TutorialPanelSys plugin.
- Projects with the Main Menu Core already installed will not have this update, but you can copy over the settings from a new project with the following steps:
- Create a new project. Install Main Menu Core. Open up the new project's 'Command Window List'. Right click the 'tutorialList' option and click copy. Go to the target project's Main Menu Core's 'Command Window List' plugin parameter. Paste the command where you want it to go.
- Subcategory called "Datalog" is now added.
- Projects with the Main Menu Core already installed will not have this update, but you can copy over the settings from a new project with the following steps:
- Create a new project. Install Main Menu Core. Open up the new project's 'Command Window List'. Right click the 'subcategory' option and click copy. Go to the target project's Main Menu Core's 'Command Window List' plugin parameter. Paste the command where you want it to go.
- Existing entries for Quest, Message Log, and Combat Log are now added to the Datalog subcategory.
- New Features!
- Subcategory support is now added for the Main Menu Command Window.
- Subcategories allow you to make some Command Window items invisible until a subcategory is selected. This helps reduce clutter and save room on the Command Window command list.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: October 27, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugin:
- Tutorial Panel System
- If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the General and Audio settings found in the Options Category plugin parameter to your current project.
- New Features!
- Added "Master Volume Shortcut" Plugin Parameters.
- Change the master volume anywhere in the game as long as the Options Core allows players to adjust the Master Volume.
- Shortcut: Ctrl + PageUp / Ctrl + PageDn
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: October 27, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Menu Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: October 27, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Weakness Popups VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 27, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where "HP Drain" damage type would not proc weakness popups. Fix made by Olivia.
October 20, 2022 - Update #114
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.70b: October 20, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with the "Border" style where if a battle portrait changed midway through the battle, the portrait shown didn't actually update properly. Fix made by Irina.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.40: October 20, 2022
- Feature Update!
- For the shop status window, when comparing equipment of a type where there are multiple equipment slots (such as accessories), the plugin will now check for an empty equipment slot first and then make calculations there. Otherwise, it will use the first available equipment slot of that type regardless of the equipped item. Update made by Arisu.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 20, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed problem with the Energy Count Display's Actor Offset Y not working properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: October 20, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed problem with the Action Count Display's Actor Offset Y not working properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 20, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed problem with the Action Count Display's Actor Offset Y not working properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Horror Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: October 20, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New features added by Irina and sponsored by Archeia:
- Color Effect
- Color effects allow for manipulation of color effects to produce horror-esque effects that are otherwise unavailable or troublesome to replicate with vanilla RPG Maker MZ.
- Includes: Bizarro, Black and White, Browni, Desaturate, Greyscale, Kodachrome, LSD, Negative, Polaroid, Predator, Sepia, Technicolor, and Vintage.
- Available as Plugin Commands for Battle, Map, Event, Picture, Actors, Party Members, and Enemies.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Map Damage Effect VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 20, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the <Floor Damage Formula Region x> notetag wasn't working properly. Fix made by Arisu.
- Fixed a bug where the graphics didn't scale according to the screen scale properly. Fix made by Arisu.
October 13, 2022 - Update #113
Total Plugins Updated: 4
VisuStella Sample Game Project
- Updated Human's Action Sequences with notes and other info!
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update1)
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Verison 1.35: October 13, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Default values for Passive States > Cache > Switch Refresh? and Variable Refresh? are now set to "false" in order to prevent sudden lag spikes for those who are unfamiliar with how this setting works.
- Update made by Irina.
Bright Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 13, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New features added by Olivia and sponsored by Archeia:
- Tilt Shift
- The Tilt Shift filter creates a blur at the upper and lower edges of the screen with varying degrees of pixelation blur and gradient blur.
- Plugin Parameters, Notetags, and Plugin Commands added.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: October 13, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin should be more compatible with VisuMZ_3_VisualStateEffect.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: October 13, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin should be more compatible with VisuMZ_2_DragonbonesUnion.
October 6, 2022 - Update #112
Total Plugins Updated: 4
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.70: October 6, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
- A texture check will now occur for sprites that are being removed and destroyed in order to prevent crashes. In the off chance that someone creates a sprite through a script call and removes it through such, the likelihood of this occurance becomes higher. This makes the destroy property take into account a texture check in order to see if the sprite removal is taking extra steps and will reduce those extra steps.
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Sprite Removal and Destroy Crash" section to the "Important Changes: Bug Fixes" section.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.70: October 6, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence added by Olivia:
- MECH: Active Chain Input Disable
- Disables input for Active Chain Skills at this time.
- Requires VisuMZ_3_ActiveChainSkills!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia and sponsored by Anon:
- Plugin Parameters > Damage Settings > Popups > End Battle Show?
- Show or hide popups upon victory or escape?
- Used to hide battle-state removal popups.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: October 6, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Proximity Compass VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: October 6, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
September 29, 2022 - Update #111
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.46: September 29, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Altered the self switch auto-reset timing to reduce errors. Fix by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- Added self-movement prevention whenever scenes are deactivated. Update made by Arisu.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.39: September 29, 2022:
- Feature Update!
- Changed the default code for the equip scene's status window display to prevent the face graphic and basic actor stats from going above the window boundaries if there are too many parameters displayed in the status window at a time.
- If you already have this plugin installed the changes will not be reflected unless you do the following:
- BACKUP your game project.
- REMOVE this plugin from the Plugin Manager list.
- REINSTALL this plugin into the Plugin Manager list.
- SAVE the game project.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.34: September 29, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- Plugin Parameters > Gauge Settings
- These settings allow you to make minor tweaks to how the gauges look ranging from the color used for the labels to the outline types used for the values.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: September 29, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- After enemies recover from a stun, enemies no longer take an immediate action regardless of their time gauge state. Fix made by Olivia.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: September 29, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Message Letter Sounds VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 29, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Sound effects should now work better with Word Wrap. Fix made by Irina.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: September 29, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Filename has been shortened from VisuMZ_3_VisualStateEffects.js to VisuMZ_3_VisualStateEffect.js due to deployment reasons. For some mobile devices, keeping the name as long as VisuMZ_3_VisualStateEffects.js causes problems, but VisuMZ_3_VisualStateEffect.js is fine. Take note of this while you are updating.
September 22, 2022 - Update #110
Total Plugins Updated: 3
VisuStella Sample Game Project
- Added new NPC "Human" in the Battle Arena.
- Added new skills and amazing Action Sequences made by "Human".
- These Action Sequences work in tandem with "Low" battle sprites.
- Roza now has a tall sprite made from Low!
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.39: September 22, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Macros now support quotes (' and ") in the STR: Text. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (x Plugin Updates)
Active Chain Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 22, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Upon using "Home Reset" action sequences or if automatic action sequences are being used, upon the player character returning back to their home position, Active Chain Skill Buttons will be disabled if not already inputted for action. Update made by Irina.
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: September 22, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Camera shift fixed when moving from a different scene aside from the map to battle. Fix made by Olivia.
September 15, 2022 - Update #109
Total Plugins Updated: 2
VisuStella Sample Game Project
- Added new NPC "Low" in the main town and in the Battle Arena.
- This is for the collaboration with "Low" (aka Robert Pinero)
- Low lets you switch the sprites into 8-Directional & Tall Battle Sprites or revert them back to RTP format.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: September 15, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Button Assist Window no longer follows the Core Engine's Option Scene settings, but instead follows the Button Assist Window's settings. Update made by Arisu.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Parameters > Options Settings > Categories > Background Type
- Parameters > Options Settings > Options Window > Background Type
- Parameters > Options Settings > Button Assist Window > Background Type
- Select background type for this window.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: September 15, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- This plugin now works better with the Events and Movement Core's stop event movement plugin parameters and commands. Update made by Arisu.
September 8, 2022 - Update #108
Total Plugins Updated: 4
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.69: September 8, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed the combination of Button Assist Location: Top with Help Location: Bottom combination not working properly. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.69b: September 8, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added notes to the following Action Sequences:
- MOTION: Clear Freeze Frame and MOTION: Freeze Motion Frame
- Only applies to sprite sheets.
- Does NOT work with Dragonbones.
- Use "DB: Dragonbones Time Scale" instead.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Impact VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: September 8, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with motion trails not working for Dragonbones animations that have looping properties. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Skill Containers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 8, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Removed function dependency on Skills & States Core to prevent crash. Update made by Irina.
September 1, 2022 - Update #107
Total Plugins Updated: 2
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: September 1, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevented some notetags from being used. Fix by Arisu.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Button Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: September 1, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- System: Run Stored Button Common Event plugin command should now be working properly. Fix made by Irina.
August 25, 2022 - Update #106
Total Plugins Updated: 5
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.69b: August 25, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Better compatibility with VisuMZ Active Chain Skills.
- Compatibility will be seen with VisuMZ_3_ActiveChainSkills version 1.02.
- Feature Update!
- Reduced MV Animation misalignment when Screen Resolution does not match the UI Area Resolution. Update by Arisu.
- Command Remember will now remember the locations of single skills. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: August 25, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added note to the <Provoke> notetag:
- States with <Provoke> on them will automatically remove themselves if the provoker dies. Update made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- States with <Provoke> on them will automatically remove themselves if the provoker dies. Update made by Arisu.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: August 25, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Restricted enemies will no longer be action-locked after removing the restriction state. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Evolution Matrix Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 25, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevented the central skill from being used when not enough resources are available. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Visual Item Inventory VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: August 25, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Updated the boundaries for visual item name display positions to always fit within the verticality of the game screen. Fix made by Irina.
August 18, 2022 - Update #105
Total Plugins Updated: 14
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.69: August 18, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Better compatibility with VisuMZ Active Chain Skills.
- Compatibility will be seen with VisuMZ_3_ActiveChainSkills version 1.03.
- Feature Update!
- Reduced MV Animation misalignment when Screen Resolution does not match the UI Area Resolution. Update by Arisu.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: August 18, 2022
- Feature Update!
- When enemy traits are changed, their visuals will reflect the change. Update made by Arisu.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.45: August 18, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused event labels with variables from refreshing properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: August 18, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Changed actor graphics now reflect properly for those using the default status menu. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 2 (8 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: August 20, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed bugs that caused the ATB Field Gauge faces and icons to not change properly for actors and enemies. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: August 18, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed bugs that caused the BTB Turn Order faces and icons to not change properly for actors and enemies. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: August 18, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed bugs that caused the CTB Turn Order faces and icons to not change properly for actors and enemies. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: August 18, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed bugs that caused the OTB Turn Order faces and icons to not change properly for actors and enemies.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: August 18, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed bugs that caused the STB Turn Order faces and icons to not change properly for actors and enemies. Fix made by Olivia.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: August 18, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Regenerate TP functions no longer occur outside of battle. Update made by Olivia.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: August 18, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Quest Tracker Settings > Fading > Close Minimum Opacity
- Quest Tracker Settings > Fading > Tracker Fade Speed
- These settings allow you to make the quest tracker become opaque the moment the player comes near the quest tracker on the screen.
Visual Battle Environment VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: August 18, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash from a previous version of Battle Core. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Active Chain Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 18, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Better compatibility with VisuMZ Active Chain Skills.
- Compatibility will be seen with VisuMZ_1_BattleCore version 1.69.
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: August 18, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem that made weapons appear even when Action Sequences would tell it to hide the weapon otherwise. Fix made by Irina.
August 11, 2022 - Update #104
Total Plugins Updated: 9
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: August 11, 2022
- Feature Update!
- VisuMZ Core Engine menu layout window settings now apply to all windows found in the Options Scene. Update made by Arisu.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.33: August 11, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that occurs when performing a custom action sequence without a skill attached to it. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: August 11, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash due to removing actors midway in battle. Fix made by Olivia.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: August 11, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina
- Plugin Parameters > Fast Forward > Reset on Scene Change?
- Reset Fast Forward setting on scene changes (ie battle, menu, or map transfers)?
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: August 11, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash that prevented some settings from being able to be read properly. Fix made by Irina.
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: August 11, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused item duplication with the "Clear Equipment" command found in the equip scene. Fix made by Irina.
- Fixed a bug that caused the optimize command to not factor in the weapons held by the current actor. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Message Keywords VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: August 11, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused games with a sleeping mouse on initialization to always trigger the tooltip window. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Animated Pictures VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: August 11, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Reduced frame count load to hide the spritesheet for event attached animated pictures. Update made by Arisu.
Proximity Compass VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: August 11, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Minimap can now no-longer be toggled during events and messages if the other minimap-related settings have it disabled. Update made by Arisu.
August 4, 2022 - Update #103
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.68: August 4, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Olivia and sponsored by Archeia:
- Audio: Change Current BGM Volume
- Audio: Change Current BGM Pitch
- Audio: Change Current BGM Pan
- Audio: Change Current BGS Volume
- Audio: Change Current BGS Pitch
- Audio: Change Current BGS Pan
- Changes the current BGM/BGS volume/pitch/pan without changing any of the current BGM/BGS's other properties and without restarting BGM/BGS.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.68: August 4, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Damage popups are now automatically cleared upon starting battles. This is to ensure that, if for some reason, residual damage popup requests will not be retained. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Grid-Free Doodads VisuStella MZ (System Plugin)
Version 1.02: August 4, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: August 4, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Crafting an item on a different tab than the first will no longer reset back to the first tab. Fix made by Irina.
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: August 4, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Special effects now work better with zoom.
- Feature Update!
- Scroll-linked parallax images will now work better with Smooth Scroll.
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: August 4, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Vignettes now work better with zoom.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: August 4, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Map Locked parallaxes now work better with smooth scroll.
July 28, 2022 - Update #102
Total Plugins Updated: 6
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.67: July 28, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added notes for Line Height and Item Padding parameters:
- Avoid using odd numbers.
- Visuals in RPG Maker and general game dev don't work well with odd numbers so avoid them unless you want your game's visuals to behave inconsistently.
- This setting will be disabled if the map is zoomed in.
- New Features!
- New map notetags added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- <Scroll Lock X>
- <Scroll Lock X: x>
- <Scroll Lock Y>
- <Scroll Lock Y: y>
- Causes the map to not scroll left/right(x) or up/down(y). Useful for when maps are just slightly smaller than normal and the tiny scrolling is distracting.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- Plugin Parameters > Screen Resolution > Maps > Scroll Lock Small X?
- Plugin Parameters > Screen Resolution > Maps > Scroll Lock Small Y?
- Plugin Parameters > Screen Resolution > Maps > Locked Display X?
- Plugin Parameters > Screen Resolution > Maps > Locked Display Y?
- Automatically scroll locks small maps to prevent them from scrolling horizontally/vertically. Useful for 1280x720 resolutions when the map is 27 tiles wide. This will get rid of the subtle scrolling when moving from one half of the screen to the other.
- This setting will be disabled if the map is zoomed in.
- Feature Update!
- Warnings added to Line Height and Item Padding parameters:
- Avoid using odd numbers.
- Visuals in RPG Maker and general game dev don't work well with odd numbers so avoid them unless you want your game's visuals to behave inconsistently.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.67: July 28, 2022
- Feature Updates!
- Rounding window coordinates have been added for for 'XP' and 'Portrait' styles when window sizes happen to land on non-divisible numbers. Update made by Irina.
- Enemy name position rounding is now enforced. Update made by Irina.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: July 28, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Changing party members via actor command with a less than max battle size after removing a middle member midway through battle will no longer cause weird results when switching. Fix made by Arisu.
- Party members that were switched out during battle animations with active TPB/ATB will no longer cause damage popup crashes when switched back in a follow up battle. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Active Chain Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: July 28, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Users without the VisuMZ Message Core will no longer get tooltip error messages when starting battle. Fix made by Irina.
Evolution Matrix Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: July 28, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Users without the VisuMZ Message Core will no longer get tooltip error messages when starting battle. Fix made by Irina.
Input Combo Skills VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: July 28, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Users without the VisuMZ Message Core will no longer get tooltip error messages when starting battle. Fix made by Irina.
July 21, 2022 - Update #101
Total Plugins Updated: 4
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.44: July 21, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem that caused <Exit Reset Self Data> notetag to not work. Fix made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- Diagonal pathfinding is now disabled when there are too many events on a map, causing extra collission checks. This value is set to 100 for the time being until we can figure out a better way to calculate diagonal pathfinding. Update made by Irina.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.38: July 21, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: July 21, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Battlers under a "Cannot Move" state will no longer reset their ATB gauge after their "turn" comes up to update it. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: July 21, 2022
- Feature Update!
- For those who did not set up their weapon attack motions, this plugin will now default the weapon attack type to "Swing" and weapon attack image to "Dagger". Update made by Irina.
July 14, 2022 - Update #100
Total Plugins Updated: 5
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.66: July 14, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
- Debug Console Refresh Bug
- When pressing F5 to refresh while the debug console (DevTools) is open, some graphics will fail to load properly. This started occurring since the RPG Maker MZ 1.5.0 update and the code for loading the images has now been reverted to the 1.4.4 version where it was last stable.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new major bug fix.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.66: July 14, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused the various Battleback Scaling JS custom plugin parameters to not work properly. Fix made by Irina.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.43: July 14, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Move to Player for events should no longer cause hang ups. Fix by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Added caching function for pathfinding when using touch movement for a smoother experience. When touch movement is held down, pathfinding will utilize the non-diagonal function for less resource consumption to prevent FPS frame drops. Update made by Arisu.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Arisu:
- <Playtest>
- If this notetag is found in the event's notebox (NOT comments), then the event will only appear during a playtest session. It will not appear in a deployed game where the playtest flag is not on.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: July 14, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Visual Novel Picture Busts VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: July 14, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Updates!
- Plugin Parameter "JS: Position Y" default value changed to have a +5 offset for better visual compatibility with Swaying feature.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Irina:
- Starts/stops breathing aspect for selected bust(s). Breathing makes it look like the bust graphic is more alive.
- Starts/stops fidgeting aspect for selected bust(s). Bust graphic moves back and forth.
- SWAYING: Start
- Starts/stops swaying aspect for selected bust(s). The bust sways its angle back and forth.
July 7, 2022 - Update #99
Total Plugins Updated: 9
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.65: July 7, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Updates!
- Automatic action motions for HP and MP Recovery (Certain Hit type) will now use the "skill" cast SV animation instead of attack animation to better match the default RPG Maker MZ cast animation. Update by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New troop name tag added by Olivia:
- <Extend: x> and <Extend: x, x, x>
- Adds enemies from another troop to the current troop.
- Enemies from another troop will retain their database positions.
- Extended troop members will be added in the order they're listed.
- Be cautious of how many enemies you add as too many will lag the battle system. We are not responsible for frame drops due to this.
Tier 2 (6 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: July 7, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin is now updated to support larger than 8 troop sizes.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: July 7, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin is now updated to support larger than 8 troop sizes.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: July 7, 2022
- Feature Update!
- When the "Recover All" event command revives a dead unit, that revived unit can gain actions back if all other conditions are met. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: July 7, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin is now updated to support larger than 8 troop sizes.
Grid-Free Doodads VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: July 7, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Blend Modes should no longer be overwritten by hues. Fix made by Irina.
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: July 7, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Smart Blink > Mechanics > Floor to Ceiling?
- Allow blinking from floor to ceiling tiles?
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: July 7, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Blend modes are now revamped for the fogs to behave more like they do for pictures for better accuracy. Update made by Irina.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: July 7, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Blend modes are now revamped for the parallaxes to behave more like they do for pictures for better accuracy. Update made by Irina.
June 30, 2022 - Update #98
Total Plugins Updated: 6
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.65: June 30, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Parameter Settings > Show Actor Level?
- Show the actor level when displaying actors?
- Used for most windows in-game.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: June 30, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Window Settings > Show Class Level?
- Show the class level when displaying classes?
- Used for the windows in the Class Change menu.
Furniture System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: June 30, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: June 30, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Followers will no longer cause footstep sounds while in a vehicle. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update
- Added to: Plugin Parameters: Smart Rush Settings
- When Smart Rushing into walls, solid objects, or events with a priority type as "Same As Characters", the screen can shake when crashing. This does not apply when crashing into water tiles.
- Added to: Plugin Parameters: Smart Jump Settings
- When Smart Jumping, the player cannot jump from a floor tile to a ceiling tiles (the top tiles of A4 tiles). The player also cannot jump over them to reach the other side of the ceiling tile onto a floor tile.
- Feature Update!
- Smart Rush will no longer play a crash animation when targeting a water tile. Update made by Irina.
- Smart Jump will no longer be able to jump over ceiling tiles if the player character is on a floor tile. Update made by Irina.
- Smart Jump will no longer be able to jump onto ceiling tiles if the player character is on a floor tile. Update made by Irina.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: June 30, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: June 30, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New state notetag added by Irina: <Custom Overlay: filename>
- For those who don't want to use the img/system/ folder's "States" image file and want something custom, this notetag will do exactly that.
- Custom state overlays will follow similar dimensions to the original States image: Pixel Width of 768, Pixel Height of 96, Total Frames of 8.
- If you want to use different sizes, we recommend you look into Effekseer custom animations with the <Repeat Animation: x> notetag instead.
June 23, 2022 - Update #97
Total Plugins Updated: 4
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.42: June 23, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added to <Copy Event: x, y> notetag help:
- - If '0' is used for the Map ID, reference the current map.
- Feature Update!
- Default MZ behavior would have "below characters" trigger events with only comments lock out facing "same as characters" trigger events. This is now bypassed. Update made by Arisu.
- The <Copy Event: mapID, eventID> notetags now allow usage of '0' for the mapID to reference the current map. Update made by Arisu.
- <Save Event Location> should now work more efficiently. Update by Arisu.
- Dashing animations for followers will no longer look weird after having gathered up and then proceeding to dash. Update made by Irina.
- New Features!
- New event notetag added by Arisu:
- <Exit Reset Self Data>
- When the player leaves the current map, all Self Switches and Self Variables related to this event will be reset.
- New Plugin Command added by Arisu and sponsored by Anon:
- Self Data: Reset All
- Reset the Self Switch and Self Variable data of all events within the specified map.
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu and sponsored by Anon:
- Plugin Params > Movement Settings > Dash > Dash on Ladder?
- Allow dashing while on a ladder or rope?
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Furniture System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: June 23, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Stacking hitboxes should no longer be a problem for manual player placement. Fix made by Arisu.
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: June 23, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Smart Jump, Smart Rush, and Smart Blink are now temporarily disabled while followers are in the middle of gathering to reduce errors. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: June 23, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
June 16, 2022 - Update #96
Total Plugins Updated: 6
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.64: June 16, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- "All Skills" battle command should now work with the updated version of VisuMZ Skills & States Core. Fix madde by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.32: June 16, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Passive State Settings > Cache > Switch Refresh?
- Plugin Parameters > Passive State Settings > Cache > Variable Refresh?
- Refresh all battle members when switches/variables are changed in battle?
- This is primarily used for passive state conditions involve parameters that do not update due to cached data until a refresh occurs.
- If this is on, do not spam Switch/Variable changes during battle in order to prevent lag spikes.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: June 16, 2022
- Reuploaded due to hosting data error.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Enemy Levels VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: June 16, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Proximity Compass VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: June 16, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- List new minimap feature under Introduction.
- Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" for VisuMZ_1_EventsMoveCore in regards to the new Minimap feature.
- Help file updated for new features.
- Split the Notetags section up between "Map Notetags" and "Event Notetags" for better category searching.
- Added segment to <Compass Icon: x> notetag:
- This notetag effect will take priority over the <Minimap Icon: x> notetag.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
- Plugin Parameters > Compass Settings > Contents > Default Event Icons
- These settings allow you to set the default icons used for the compass based on their character priority level.
- Plugin Parameters > Compass Settings > Fading > Close Minimum Opacity
- Minimum opacity when the player is too close to the compass on the map screen. Hiding the compass during messages and events will make the compass fully transparent.
- New Feature Set: Minimap, added by Olivia and sponsored by AndlyL:
- Plugin Parameters > Minimap Settings
- Read the help file for details.
- New Notetags added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
- <Hide Minimap>
- <Explorable>
- <Already Explored>
- <Minimap Icon: x>
- <Hide Minimap Icon>
- Read the help file for details.
- New Plugin Commands added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
- Minimap: Clear Explored Minimap
- Minimap: Fully Reveal Minimap
- Minimap: Toggle Large Minimap
- Read the help file for details.
Weapon Unleash VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: June 16, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
June 9, 2022 - Update #95
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.64: June 9, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command made by Arisu and sponsored by ImGonnaPutMyGameOnXboxAndYouCantStopMe:
- Debug: Current Controller ID
- PLAY TEST ONLY. Shows current controller ID in debug console.
- Also copies to computer clipboard if possible.
- New Plugin Parameters made by Arisu and sponsored by ImGonnaPutMyGameOnXboxAndYouCantStopMe:
- Subsettings for Button Assist Window: Controller Button Assist
- These are sub-settings for the Button Assist Window Plugin Parameters. Where the Button Assist Window Plugin Parameters are focused on keyboard entries, these sections are focused on gamepad controllers.
- Add multiple gamepads to the list to give them different button assist text. If a gamepad is being used but not listed here, the button assist text will default to the keyboard version.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.37: June 9, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Picture texts with \v[x] text codes are now updated automatically.
- This is the only dynamic text code that updates this way for optimization purposes and to prevent overabundant CPU usage.
- Everything else will require the new Plugin Command.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Irina:
- Picture: Refresh Text
- Refreshes the text used for all on-screen pictures.
- To be used if any dynamic text codes are updated like \n[x].
- New Features!
- New text codes added by Arisu and sponsored by ImGonnaPutMyGameOnXboxAndYouCantStopMe:
- <Up Button>, <Left Button>, <Right Button>, <Down Button>
- <Ok Button>, <Cancel Button>, <Shift Button>, <Menu Button>
- <Page Up Button>, <Page Down Button>
- Display's VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's button assist text.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: June 9, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: June 9, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Exploit System Settings > Forced Actions
- Apply exploit system to Forced Actions?
- We added this function because forced actions can disrupt player strategies when used with the exploit system.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: June 9, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Sideview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: June 9, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused some windows to not appear correctly when cancel is pressed upon certain conditions. Fix made by Olivia.
Steal Items VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: June 9, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
June 2, 2022 - Update #94
Total Plugins Updated: 9
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.41: June 1, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Parallel Process Common Events above 1000 should no longer crash the game. Bug fixed by Irina.
Tier 2 (8 Plugin Updates)
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: June 2, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Filename has been shortened from VisuMZ_2_AggroControlSystem.js to VisuMZ_2_AggroControlSys.js due to deployment reasons. For some mobile devices, keeping the name as long as VisuMZ_2_AggroControlSystem.js causes problems, but VisuMZ_2_AggroControlSys.js is fine. Take note of this while you are updating.
- 'user' and 'target' now works properly with the JS notetags. Fix made by Irina.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: June 2, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Notetag effect for <ATB After Gauge: x%> should now be working properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Notetag effect for <JS ATB After Gauge> should now be working properly. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: June 2, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Notetag effect for <CTB After Speed: x%> should now be working properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Notetag effect for <JS CTB After Speed> should now be working properly. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: June 2, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where Force Actions do not work when there's only one action left for the turn. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: June 2, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where Force Actions do not work when there's only one action left for the turn. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: June 2, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Force Actions" to "Major Updates" section.
- Due to how OTB behaves, Force Actions have be adjusted to fit the battle system. With other battle systems, force actions are added into a hidden queue that would act upon after the current battler finishes his/her current action. The new changes made with force actions is that they now appear on the queue visibly.
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused Forced Actions to not work properly while in OTB. Changes made to Forced Actions will now insert new actions at the front of the current action queue. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: June 2, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where Force Actions do not work when there's only one action left for the turn. Fix made by Olivia.
Weather Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: June 2, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- "ICE: Aurora Borealis" default values are now fixed to properly convey proper verticality and angle. If you have the "ICE: Aurora Borealis" Plugin Command already in place, delete it and replace it with a new one for the newer default values. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Updated descriptions for "Upper/Lower?" parameters to the following:
- In battle, they are above the battlers and behind the battlebacks.
- Feature Update!
- In battle, the "lower" layer is now moved to behind the battlebacks. Update made by Irina.
May 26, 2022 - Update #93
Total Plugins Updated: 3
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.63: May 26, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- HP Gauge sprite now properly synchs with battler location.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence Effects added by Irina and sponsored by MirageV:
- INJECT action sequence series
- See the Action Sequence Impact changelog for details.
Action Sequence Impact VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: May 26, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence Effects added by Irina and sponsored by MirageV:
- INJECT: Animation Begin
- Injects and plays a whole spritesheet animation.
- The spritesheet animation will play over the battler until it is finished.
- The battler's original sprite will be invisible until finished.
- INJECT: Animation End
- Stops and ends any injected animations on target(s).
- Any inject animation will be prematurely terminated.
- INJECT: Animation Pause/Resume
- Pauses/resumes any injected animations on target(s).
- INJECT: Wait For Injected Animation
- Waits for injected animations to complete before performing next command.
New Game Plus VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: May 29, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
May 19, 2022 - Update #92
Total Plugins Updated: 3
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.40: May 19, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Sprite Event Labels with distance properties will now work properly when changing from a non-met page condition to a met page condition. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: May 19, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Camera has a different Y buffer when using VisuMZ Sideview Battle UI. Update made by Olivia.
- Feature Update!
- Smoother clamped zooming from 1.0 to 1.999. Update made by Olivia.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: May 19, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu:
- General Settings > Experimental > On-The-Spot A.I. > No Idle Chant
- Requires On-The-Spot A.I. enabled.
- For A.I. Battlers, disables idle chant motions due to inconsistency.
May 12, 2022 - Update #91
Total Plugins Updated: 3
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: May 12, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Compatibility with VisuMZ Shop Common Events added.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag effects added by Irina and sponsored by MirageV:
- <Once Craft Common Event: id>
- <Repeat Craft Common Event: id>
- Requires VisuMZ_2_ShopCommonEvents!
- This will cause a specific Common Event to launch when crafted.
- <Once Craft Common Event Switch: id>
- <Once Craft Common Event All Switches: id, id, id>
- <Once Craft Common Event Any Switches: id, id, id>
- <Repeat Craft Common Event Switch: id>
- <Repeat Craft Common Event All Switches: id, id, id>
- <Repeat Craft Common Event Any Switches: id, id, id>
- Requires the respective Craft Common Events to have these Switches enabled in the "ON" position in order for them to launch.
- New Plugin Command added by Irina and sponsored by MirageV:
- Scene: Common Event Return
- Requires VisuMZ_2_ShopCommonEvents!
- Return to the last shop if coming from a Crafting Common Event.
Shop Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: May 12, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added the following text to the <Once Buy Common Event: id>, <Repeat Buy Common Event: id>, <Once Sell Common Event: id>, and <Repeat Sell Common Event: id> notetags:
- Use the Plugin Command "Return: To Last Shop" to return back to the last shop scene.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: May 12, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Better RNG calculation when using the x% Chance conditional. Update made by Arisu.
May 5, 2022 - Update #90
Total Plugins Updated: 8
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.63: May 2, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > QoL Settings > Misc > Map Name Text Code
- If on, map names will use text codes.
- If off, only the raw map name will be used.
- Feature Update!
- The map name text code change will no longer be on forcefully. It is now something that can be toggled by Plugin Parameters. Update by Irina.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.39: May 5, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Save event location should now work properly with Set Event Location command. Fix made by Arisu.
- Sprite Event Labels with distance properties will no longer be visible when constantly entering/exiting the Main Menu. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: May 2, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: May 2, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where the element rate traits of subclasses did not apply. Fix made by Olivia.
Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 5, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Vehicles no longer auto put out light in the upper left corner of the map when they have no graphic. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Limited Skill Uses VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: May 5, 2022
- Documentation Update
- Added a line for the <User Global Uses: +x>, <User SType id Uses: +x>, and <User Skill id Uses: +x> line of notetag effects:
- This effect will only trigger once per action even if there are multiple hits as long as it successfully hits one target.
- Added a line for the <Target Global Uses: +x>, <Target SType id Uses: +x>, and <Target Skill id Uses: +x> line of notetag effects:
- This effect will trigger with each successful hit against its target.
- Feature Update!
- The user-based limited use change notetag effect will now only trigger once per action regardless of multiple hits or multiple targets. This will be different from the target-based limited use change where it will remain an effect that procs each time the target is hit.
April 28, 2022 - Update #89
Total Plugins Updated: 8
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.62: April 28, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu and sponsored by Archeia:
- Variable: JS Eval
- Pick a variable ID and value to alter through JS.
- Allows one line of code for variable ID and operand.
- Functions like RM2k3's Variable Pointers.
- Variable: JS Block
- Pick a variable ID and value to alter through JS.
- Allows JS block code for variable ID and operand.
- Functions like RM2k3's Variable Pointers.
- Map names can now use text codes. Made by Arisu and sponsored by Archeia.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: April 28, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with certain trait affinities ignoring zero values. Fix made by Olivia.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.38: April 28, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu and sponsored by Archeia:
- Plugin Parameters > Movement Settings > Event Movement > Shift Y
- How many pixels should non-tile characters be shifted by?
- New Notetags added by Arisu and sponsored by Archeia:
- <Picture Filename: filename>
- applies a picture graphic from the /img/pictures/ folder of your game project.
- This graphic will be on top of the character sprite but below the event icon sprite.
- The picture priority will be the same as the event's priority. If it is "below characters", the player can walk on top of it. If it is "above characters", the player will behind it. If it is "same as characters", the priority will be based on the current relative Y position.
- <Picture Max Size: x>
- <Picture Scale: y%>
- If the "Max Size" or "Scale" supplementary notetags are used, the picture graphic will be scaled proportionally to fit either the exact pixel size for "Max Size" or the "Scale" ratio.
- <Picture Offset: +x, +y>
- <Picture Offset: -x, -y>
- Offsets the X and Y position of the event picture relative to the event sprite's own position.
- <Picture Wait Frames: x>
- Requires VisuMZ_4_AnimatedPictures! "Wait Frames" is used with VisuMZ's Animated Pictures plugin. This determines the delay inbetween frame changes.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.31: April 28, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Custom Slip Damage JS is now totalled correctly into regular slip damage totals for damage popups. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: April 28, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Added update for CTB-specific idle time to allow a more consistent turn end processing for actors and enemies with higher than normal AGI values. Update made by Olivia.
Bright Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: April 28, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- No longer crashes with event test play. Fix made by Olivia.
Common Event Menu VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 28, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command Optional Setting added by Olivia:
- Common Event Menu: Start > Optional > List Window > Auto Sort ID's
- Automatically sort the Common Event's inserted into the Plugin Command by their database ID's?
- This only applies to the "Specific" and "Custom JS" list where the order of the ID's inserted can be controlled. "ID Range" settings are always going to be sorted by ID.
- This can be disabled for those who wish to manually switch around the order of their displayed Common Event ID's.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Animated Pictures VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 28, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility with Events & Movement Core version 1.38's new <Picture Filename: filename> related notetags.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
April 21, 2022 - Update #88
Total Plugins Updated: 9
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.61: April 21, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
- Battle Forced End Action Crash
- Depending on various circumstances, currently active battlers can be cleared from the battle system at will due to a number of reasons. However, if it just so happens that the targets are cleared, too, with actions remaining, then a crash will follow up. This plugin will prevent that change. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.62: April 22, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
- Battle Forced End Action Crash
- Depending on various circumstances, currently active battlers can be cleared from the battle system at will due to a number of reasons. However, if it just so happens that the targets are cleared, too, with actions remaining, then a crash will follow up. This plugin will prevent that change. Fix made by Olivia.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: April 21, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu and sponsored by AndyL:
- Menu Command: Clear Forced Settings
- Menu Command: Force Disable
- Menu Command: Force Enable
- Menu Command: Force Hide
- Menu Command: Force Show
- These new Plugin Commands allow you to forcefully show, hide, enable, or disable Menu Commands regardless of their required settings.
- We are not responsible for errors that occur by accessing menus that should otherwise be disabled or hidden.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: April 21, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- The endless softlock has been fixed! Much thanks to AndyL for providing a project that can easily replicate it! Fix made by Yanfly.
- Feature Update!
- Slightly more accurate turn order forecasting. However, there is only so much I can do due to JavaScript's "accuracy" with decimal values. Update made by Yanfly.
Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: April 21, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevents the battle system from shifting back to the default battle system after an enemy counter attack. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: April 21, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevents the battle system from shifting back to the default battle system after an enemy counter attack. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: April 21, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevents the battle system from shifting back to the default battle system after an enemy counter attack. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: April 21, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Rebuild the animation container for Battle Core's Anti-Tint UI so that it works properly with MV animations and zoom in sideview. Update by Irina.
Message Keywords VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 21, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility update with VisuMZ's Quest Journal System to not auto-clear the keyword tooltip window when tracking variables are being updated with the Quest Tracker open. Update made by Arisu.
April 14, 2022 - Update #87
Total Plugins Updated: 10
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.60: April 14, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Number Input window will now respond to Home/End keys properly. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.61: April 14, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Impact Effects added by Irina and collaborating with Manu Gaming!
- Impact: Bizarro Inversion
- Impact: Desaturation
- Impact: Negative Inversion
- Impact: Oversaturation
- Impact: Time Scale
- Impact: Time Stop
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.30: April 14, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Changed the state data removal timing to be after JS notetag effects take place in order for data such as origin data to remain intact. Update made by Irina.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: April 14, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Now works more compatible with counters. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: April 14, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Now works more compatible with counters. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: April 14, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Now works more compatible with counters. Update made by Olivia.
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: April 14, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with certain face index values not registering properly. Fix made by Irina.
- Feature Update!
- Added a better bitmap loading system for face graphics. Update by Irina.
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: April 14, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Compatibility update with Anti-Tint UI feature in combination with MV-related animations for non-sideview actors. Update made by Irina.
Action Sequence Impact VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: April 14, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Impact Effects added by Irina and collaborating with Manu Gaming!
- Impact: Bizarro Inversion
- Impact: Desaturation
- Impact: Negative Inversion
- Impact: Oversaturation
- Impact: Time Scale
- Impact: Time Stop
Limited Skill Uses VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: April 14, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Limited uses will now recover for battle commands that are not a part of any learned skill sets. Fix made by Arisu.
April 7, 2022 - Update #86
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.59: April 7, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- RPG Maker MZ 1.4.4 compatibility update!
- "Shutdown" command should now be more compatible with other aspects of the client when running from Node JS client on other OS's.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.60: April 7, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- <Bypass Soft Damage Cap> notetag should no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Olivia.
- Feature Update!
- Removed one of the forced log window clear events that have made log window messages impossible to utilize for certain settings. Update made by Olivia.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.36: April 7, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Auto size related text codes should now automatically disable word wrap effects as they should have before. Update made by Irina.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: April 7, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Default message cursor no longer appears in the wrong place when no message cursor skin is used for auto-sized messages. Fix by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter option added by Arisu and sponsored by Archeia:
- Plugin Parameters > Message Cursor Settings > Graphics Type
- New option added: Window Skin - Use the default Window Skin cursor
- This is for those who wish to use the default window skin cursor instead of icons or images.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: April 7, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Any disappearing categories as a result of hiding recipes after crafting an item will result in the first category being selected.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: April 7, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Compatibility update with Anti-Tint UI feature in combination with zoom for MV-related animations. Update made by Irina.
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: April 7, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New state-only notetags added by Arisu:
- <Attack Animation: x>
- <Weapon Animation: x>
- Both notetags do the same thing, just that one is a legacy notetag from the past YEP library.
- When the battler attacks while having a state with this notetag, the battler's attack animation will be changed to 'x'.
- This can be used for things like a "Burning Weapon" state that turns the attack animation into a flame attack instead of the normal attack.
- This only applies when a skill/item's animation is set to "Normal Attack".
March 31, 2022 - Update #85
Total Plugins Updated: 10
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.59: March 31, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Escape failure will no longer trigger Post-Battle Common Events. Fix made by Arisu.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.35: March 31, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Bug fixed where if autosizing is used and it goes from a message that is shorter to longer, an extra key press is needed. This should no longer be the case. Fix made by Irina.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.29: March 31, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an error with <State x Category Remove: y> not countaing correctly unless the state count matched the exact amount. The notetag effect should work properly now. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (5 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: March 31, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Updated anti-softlock check at 180 frames (3 seconds) to automatically clear any battle states to see if they're the cause of the hangup.
- Updated anti-softlock check at 300 frames (5 seconds) to automatically clear all states to see if they're the cause of the hangup.
- Updated anti-softlock check at 600 frames (10 seconds) to automatically abort the battle to salvage the game from freezing.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: March 31, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Failsafe added for situations where if the game dev decides to force an impossible situation in the Item Crafting scene (such as turning on a switch that erases all recipes), then the Item Scene will automatically exit out of it with zero prompts. Update made by Olivia.
Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: March 31, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Irina:
- <Hard Anti-Light Regions: x, x, x>
- <Hard Anti-Light Terrain Tags: x, x, x>
- <Soft Anti-Light Regions: x, x, x>
- <Soft Anti-Light Terrain Tags: x, x, x>
- Tiles marked by these regions/terrain tags won't have any light shown on them.
- This does NOT block light from going to the other side. If the light radius is large enough, it will pierce through to the other side. It just won't be visible on the region marked tiles.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Anti-Light Settings
- Anti-Light regions and terrain tags can be used to mark certain tiles from being affected by light at all. These tiles can be used as ceiling tiles or areas outside of the map boundaries where light doesn't normally reach.
- Keep in mind that this does NOT block light from passing through it. If a light source is big enough to engulf the tiles past the anti-light marked tiles, those tiles will still be lit up by any light sources. Therefore, you need to mark those tiles on the map to be anti-light as well in addition to planning out your maps for potential light piercing through the tiles.
- There are two kinds of anti-light types. Hard edges and soft edges. Hard Edges are extremely rough and box like. Soft Edges will smooth out towards regularly lit tiles.
Movement Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 31, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- <Terrain Tag x Footsteps: filename> notetag should now work properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Weather Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 31, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem that caused any weather effects on layers 9 and 10 to cancel each other out. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: March 31, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Compatibility update with Battle Core's new Anti-Tint UI feature for MV-related animations. Update made by Irina.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Proximity Compass VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: March 31, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Spawned events with proximity compass icons will no longer show the whole spritesheet for a frame. Update made by Olivia.
March 24, 2022 - Update #84
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.58: March 24, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Commands now have separators for easier selection.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.58: March 24, 2022
- Documentation Update:
- Added extra clarity to <Sideview Size: width, height> notetag:
- This does NOT change the image size. This only changes the HITBOX size.
- Feature Update!
- Added failsafes to prevent battlers from moving to non-finite coordinates if calculations are made for non-existent targets. Updated by Olivia.
- Regeneration timing for TPB-based battle systems will now occur based on individual turn counts instead of global turn counts for initial turn 0 checks. Updated by Olivia.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.37: March 24, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added extra clarity to "Turn to Home" Movement Command.
- This refers to the original position's X/Y on the map.
- The event will turn and face the tile that is its original X/Y location.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updates)
Bright Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: March 24, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features:
- New Plugin Parameters added: "Apply Base-Only?"
- Base-Only excludes pictures, timers, and weather.
- Whole includes the above.
Lighting Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 24, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Updated battle radial light positions for games where the UI resolution is not the same as the Screen resolution. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update
- Changed the position of "Use Hand Offset?" in the Plugin Parameters for more clarity in regards to Conical Lights.
- Added "(Non-Hand)" to the respective Offset X and Offset Y plugin parameter names for those who missed the description of the previous Plugin Parameter.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina.
- Plugin Parameters > Preset Colors Settings
- You can now define what hex codes are used for each preset color.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: March 24, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Compatibility update with Skills & States Core Passive Conditions involving the party leader. Update made by Arisu.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: March 24, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Fixed a typo for missing a "/" in the <Learn Skills> group notetag.
March 17, 2022 - Update #83
Total Plugins Updated: 6
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.36: March 17, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- "Turn To Home" movement command now properly faces the home position. Fix made by Irina.
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Commands now have separators for easier selection.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ
Verison 1.02: March 17, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Death by slip damage will now perform the proper death animation. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Verison 1.06: March 17, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Death by slip damage will now perform the proper death animation. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Verison 1.02: March 17, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Death by slip damage will now perform the proper death animation. Fix made by Olivia.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: March 17, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands, Text Codes, and Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by Archeia!
- Message Tails can be made to appear from the Message Window and point towards the speaker, similar to how speech bubbles in comics point towards their speakers. The Message Tails do not appear on their own, and only come out when using auto-position text codes (if enabled) such as <Auto Player> or when text codes are used to make them appear such as <Tail Upper Left: x> and <Tail Lower Right: x>.
- These settings require custom graphics that this plugin does not come with. You will need to add them on your own or else they will not appear.
- Text Codes added: <Tail Bottom Left: x>, <Tail Bottom Right: x>, <Tail Upper Left: x>, <Tail Upper Right: x>
- Plugin Command Added: Message Tail: Change Settings
- Plugin Parameters Added: Message Tail Settings
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Picture Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: March 17, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added to "Instructions" section by Arisu:
- Also be warned that the player CANNOT press Picture Common Events whenever an event is running (with the exception of Parallels). This is NOT a bug.
- This is because if an event is running under the main event interpreter and a Picture Common Event were to be pressed, it would interrupt the flow of the event. This would result in cutscenes to be potentially bugged, currently running events to also be bugged, etc.
- As such, the ability to click and activate Picture Common Events during an event (with the exception of Parallels) are disabled to prevent potential problems with the game dev cycle.
March 10, 2022 - Update #82
Total Plugins Updated: 5
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.28: March 10, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- <State x Category Remove: All> updated to allow multiple cases in a single notebox. Updated by Arisu.
- New Features!
- New Notetag added by Arisu and sponsored by Archeia!
- <Remove Other x States>
- When the state with this notetag is added, remove other 'x' category states from the battler (except for the state being added).
- Useful for thing state types like stances and forms that there is usually only one active at a time.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: March 10, 2022
- Feature Update!
- OTB Instant Actions should now appear in the turn order in a more sensible fashion. Update made by Olivia.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: March 10, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: March 10, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Life State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: March 10, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added new bullet point to feature list.
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetags & Plugin Parameters added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
- Death Transformation
- When an enemy dies (and only works for enemies), transform them into another enemy with full HP/MP. This can be from a random pool of enemies, a weighted pool of enemies, a mix, or a single specific enemy.
- Animations and popups will play upon a death transformation. Unique animations can also be set for specific target transformations.
March 3, 2022 - Update #81
Total Plugins Updated: 8
Sample Project
- Sample project has updated to RPG Maker MZ version 1.4.4.
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.57: March 3, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- The "Shutdown" command from the title screen should now be compatible with RPG Maker MZ 1.4.4 and up. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.35: March 3, 2022
- IMPORTANT! Compatibility Update!
- Compatibility Update with RPG Maker MZ 1.4.4.
- For some reason this update broke any saves made before 1.4.4 was updated and they cannot be loaded. The only way saves would load is if you made a safe after 1.4.4 was done. This should be fixed and saves made with 1.4.3 and before should now be working. Update made by Irina.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.38: March 3, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New mechanics and notetags added by Olivia and sponsored by Anon:
- <Party Artifact>
- <Troop Artifact>
- <Stackable Party Artifact>
- <Stackable Troop Artifact>
- Armors only! This armor cannot be equipped at all. However, by simply being in the party's inventory, its parameter bonuses and traits will be applied globally throughout the whole party or troop (depending on the notetag). Add both notetags to affect both groups.
- The normal versions of the notetag is only applied once regardless of the number of copies are found in the party's inventory.
- The stackable versions of the notetag will have the bonuses and traits stacked multiple times relative to the number of copies found in the party's inventory.
- This item will NOT be added during the setup phase for Battle Tests.
- If you want to add the item, do it manually.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: March 3, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins: "Movement Effects", "Weather Effects", and "Lighting Effects". Hold on tight!
- If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the General and Audio settings found in the Options Category plugin parameter to your current project.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: March 3, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: March 3, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Reserved common events for non-action sequence skills now function separately from one another when used by a battler with Action Times+. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: March 3, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: March 3, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Added better compatibility functionality with other plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- Plugin Parameters > Message Button Console > Auto-Size Hide?
- Hide the button console when using auto-size text codes?
February 24, 2022 - Update #80
Total Plugins Updated: 8
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.34: February 24, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Choice Window Text Codes made by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- <Choice Width: x>
- Sets the minimum text area width to x. Applies to whole choice window.
- <Choice Indent: x>
- Sets the indent to x value. Applies to current choice selection only.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: February 24, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Furniture System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: February 24, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Hitbox support should now work better. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: February 24, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Randomization between zero variance A.I. is now better.
- A.I. will no longer keep unusable skills in a skill queue and replace them with new ones.
Message Keywords VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 24, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Variables are now parsed before and after the parsing of keywords. Update made by Arisu.
State Tooltips VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: February 24, 2022
- Feature Update!
- When the Choice List Window is hovered over, the State Tooltip window will hide itself. Update made by Irina.
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Event Title Scene VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: February 24, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Added failsafe to prevent title screen transition change from causing a crash while utilizing tileset-based sprites. Fix made by Arisu.
Weapon Unleash VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: February 24, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
February 17, 2022 - Update #79
Total Plugins Updated: 9
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.57: February 17, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Adjusted the offset properties for the anti-tint UI container to properly match the UI offsets if the anti-tint were to be off. Update by Irina.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.34: February 17, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
- New Features!
- Arisu has created new event notetag/comment tags:
- <Custom Z: x>
- Replace 'x' with a number value to determine the event sprite's Z value relative to the tilemap.
- View the helpfile for more information.
- <Mirror Sprite>
- The event sprite's visual appearance is mirrored.
- <Move Synch Distance Opacity: x>
- Changes the opacity of the event based on the distance between it and its move synched target. Closer means more opaque. Further away means more transparent.
- Irina has created a more memory efficient version of Event Labels.
- Plugin Parameters > Event Label Settings > Sprite Based?
- Use sprite-based labels instead of legacy-window version.
- Legacy-window version will not be supported in future.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: February 17, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: February 17, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
More Currencies VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 17, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Item, Weapon, Armor Cost Notetags should no work properly. Fix by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for the following notetags:
- <Variable id Buy Cost: x>
- <Variable id Sell Cost: x>
- <Variable id Cost: x>
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Chain Battles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: February 17, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Updated features list in Introduction.
- Added "Next Victory" segment to "Chain Battle Carry Over" section.
- Next Victory
- You can setup certain Common Events to run upon achieving Victory but before the battle ends or moves onto the next chain. These are achieved through the new Plugin Commands added through this plugin. If multiple Common Events are queued, then all of them will run before the next victory phase.
- If enemies revive in the middle of the Common Event queue, the queue is paused and resumed after the enemies are defeated once again.
- Example provided inside segment.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Olivia and sponsored by AndyL:
- Next Victory: Queue Common Event
- Queue a Common Event(s) to run next victory. If multiple, Common Events run in queued order. The Common Events will run before the next queued chain battle.
- Next Victory: Clear Common Event Queue
- Clear queued Common Event(s) for next victory.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: February 17, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: February 17, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Added a fail safe to prevent freeze motion frames on items trying to use custom weapon sprites, but do not actually have them in the game project. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: February 17, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
February 10, 2022 - Update #78
Total Plugins Updated: 8
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.56: February 10, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New features added by Arisu and sponsored by Anon:
- Plugin Parameters > QoL > Misc > Shortcut Scripts
- Enables shortcut-based script variables and functions that can be used for script calls.
- Shortcut list enabled for this is as follows:
- $commonEvent(id), $onceParallel(id), $scene, $spriteset, $subject, $targets, $target, $event
- For more information on how to use them, review the help file.
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.56: February 10, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Once Parallels for battle now operate outside of the battle process and now will function consistently throughout. Update made by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New Troop Page comment tag added by Olivia and sponsored by Puddor:
- <Once Parallel When Start Battle>
- Causes the troop page to immediately run the moment the battle scene begins to fade in (not after it fades in). This is faster than a turn 0 condition troop page. Troop page conditions are ignored.
- This can be used for things like the Action Sequence Camera plugin, the Visual Battle Environment plugin, and/or initial battle poses and such in order to provide a near seamless battle transition experience.
- This does NOT trigger when coming out of the options menu or party menu screens.
- This WILL trigger when going from battle to battle nonstop via plugins like VisuStella MZ's Chain Battles.
- When actors are moving towards their home positions, it will take around 30 frames by default. Use this information however you like.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: February 10, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.33: February 10, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Irina:
- Picture: Change Text
- This new plugin command allows you to place text on top of pictures (usually in the form of empty pages or cards) to function as stationary or other uses. Text codes are allowed.
- Text codes are supported.
- Picture: Erase Text
- Removes text from target picture(s).
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: February 10, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: February 10, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Costs for CP and JP will have better fail safes to not automatically reduce to 0 under specific conditions when learning skills. Fix by Arisu.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Sideview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: February 10, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Status Window Settings > Background Dim?
- Show the dimmed background?
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Gab Window VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: February 10, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
February 3, 2022 - Update #77
Total Plugins Updated: 4
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.33: February 3, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Arisu!
- <Hide Player>
- <Show Player>
- Map Notetag. Forcefully hides or shows the player sprite. This is so you don't need to manually turn the setting on/off each time you enter a specific map.
- <Hide Followers>
- <Show Followers>
- Map Notetag. Forcefully hides or shows the player's followers. This is so you don't need to manually turn them on/off each time you enter a specific map.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Furniture System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: February 3, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Local events should no longer trigger while in Furniture Mode.
- Opacity dimming for the help window will now adjust accordingly when the sprite is placed on the far left.
- Spelling error fixed with one of the default Plugin Parameters. Fix made by Arisu.
- Feature Updates!
- Default values for Plugin Parameters have been changed to fit the 4:3 ratio resolution sizes. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Button Trigger Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 3, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Added text for "Plugin Parameters: Spotlight Settings"
- Spotlight Mode will only enlist the events that are on the player's screen and will filter out the ones that aren't close. If there aren't any near the player's screen, then the one with the lowest event ID will automatically trigger. Otherwise, the player will select from the events visible on the screen close to the player.
- Feature Update!
- Updated the handling of event triggers for multiple events that may not appear on the player's screen. Update made by Arisu.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Event Title Scene VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: February 3, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Autosave no longer triggers from starting a new game with the locked save style. Update made by Irina.
January 27, 2022 - Update #76
Total Plugins Updated: 8
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.55: January 27, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Once Parallels for the map are now able to update even while other events are running. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.55: January 27 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- RPG Maker MV animations with front view should now play in the correct area against actor faces. Update made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Animations now play on top of all actor faces/portraits regardless of the battle layout style. Update made by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Arisu.
- <Bypass Auto Action Sequence>
- This notetag is used for the game devs that have the Action Sequence Plugin Parameter "Auto Notetag" on for applying the notetag <Custom Action Sequence> to every skill and item with common events.
- This will allow items and skills to be able to launch their common events from the menu scene regardless of the inherent restriction to prevent action sequence based skills/items with common events from launching.
- Ignore this if you have "Auto Notetag" disabled or set to false. By default, this setting is set to false. Please be aware of the changes you've made to your game before using it.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: January 27, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Custom JS Slip Damage/Healing values should now be recalculated on demand. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: January 27, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- Added Plugin Command Parameter for "Picture: Play Dragonbones Animation":
- Finish: Revert Idle?
- Revert animation to 'idle' animation after finishing?
- Added by Irina
Visual Battle Environment VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: January 27, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: June 11, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Freeze motion frames for weapon attacks will default to the enforced weapon graphic if there is no custom weapon sprite on the weapon, but on a piece of armor instead. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: January 27, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: January 27, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
January 20, 2022 - Update #75
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Sample Project
- Sample project has updated to RPG Maker MZ version 1.4.3.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.32: January 20, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Self Variable changes from custom move routes should no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Arisu.
- Self Switch custom move route toggles should now work properly. Fix made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- Better shadow tracking algorithm to remove any shadow twitching. Update made by Yanfly.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.32: January 20, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Extra Show Choice notetags will now be properly hidden. Fix by Irina.
- Compatibility Update!
- Self Switches are now made compatible with work with Show Choices. Update made by Irina.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: January 20, 2022
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Conditional Passive Bypass check is now stronger to prevent even more infinite loops from happening. Update made by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > State Settings > General > Turn End on Map
- Update any state and buff turns on the map after this many steps.
- Use 0 to disable.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Furniture System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 20, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a typo that caused an error to occur. Fix made by Irina.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: January 20, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Tooltips for proxy items no longer show the original item's materials. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Button Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 20, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Button Common Event key presses on top of below priority touch events will only be forbidden in the context of a common event assigned to the usual OK buttons instead. Update made by Arisu.
Variable Gauges VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: January 20, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Added fail safes for event test play to prevent crashes on maps without any tilesets assigned. Update made by Arisu.
January 13, 2022 - Update #74
Total Plugins Updated: 9
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.54: January 13, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
- Overly-Protective Substitute
- When an ally with critical health is being targeted by a friendly non-Certain Hit skill (such as a heal or buff) and another ally has the substitute state, the other ally would "protect" the originally targeted ally and take the heal or buff.
- The new changed behavior is that now, substitute will not trigger for any actions whose scope targets allies.
- Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new MZ Bug: Overly-Protective Substitute.
- Feature Update!
- Added a failsafe for those who did not update the plugin parameter settings and are using MV Animations.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.54: January 13, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
- Overly-Protective Substitute
- When an ally with critical health is being targeted by a friendly non-Certain Hit skill (such as a heal or buff) and another ally has the substitute state, the other ally would "protect" the originally targeted ally and take the heal or buff.
- The new changed behavior is that now, substitute will not trigger for any actions whose scope targets allies.
- Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: January 13, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - ETB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: January 13, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a redistribution error. Fix made by Olivia.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: January 13, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Boost Action VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: January 13, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Limited Skill Uses VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 13, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Removed unused template plugin commands. Update made by Arisu.
Steal Items VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: January 13, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- Better compatibility update with Extra Enemy Drops. Update made by Irina.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: January 13, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Using a space at the start of a line inbetween batch notetags will no longer cause the contents inside to not work. Update made by Olivia.
January 6, 2022 - Update #73
Total Plugins Updated: 9
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.31: January 6, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: January 6, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Furniture System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: January 6, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed an error that would cause a crash upon item usage. Fix by Arisu.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: January 6, 2022
- Compatibility Update!
- The newly added MV Animation-support should now work properly with the Action Sequence Camera plugin. Update made by Irina.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: January 6, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed incorrect level change display text. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (4 Plugin Updates)
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 6, 2022
- Bug Fixes!
- Incorrect text usage for enemy recovery is now fixed. Fix made by Arisu.
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: January 6, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Proximity Compass VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 6, 2022
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 6, 2022
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
December 30, 2021 - Update #72
Total Plugins Updated: 6
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.53: December 30, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetag added by Olivia:
- <Rate: x>
- Allows you to adjust the update for this MV Animation.
- Does NOT work with Effekseer animations.
- The lower the number, the faster.
- Replace 'x' with a number representing the animation update rate.
- Default rate: 4.
- Minimum rate: 1.
- Maximum rate: 10.
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Qualify of Life Settings > MV Animation Rate
- Adjusts the rate at which MV animations play.
- Default: 4. Lower for faster. Higher for slower.
- Optimization Update!
- MV Animations should run more optimized.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.53: December 30, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Help file updated for updated features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Battle Layout > UI Elements > Anti-Tint UI?
- Prevent UI Elements from being tinted?
- This prevents UI Elements such as HP Gauges, Enemy Names, Battle Cursor, and Weakness Display from being affected by screen tint.
- Updated Feature!
- Updated Plugin Command "PROJECTILE: Animation" by Arisu!
- New Parameter: Wait For Animation?
- Wait for animation to finish before going to the next command?
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: December 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Residual old code is now disabled from appearing on deployed projects if any carry over config data is brought over from the playtesting phase.
- Yep, again again.
- We had to call in the big boss to fix this.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Projectiles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: December 30, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Updated Feature!
- Updated Plugin Command "PROJECTILE: Animation" by Arisu!
- New Parameter: Wait For Animation?
- Wait for animation to finish before going to the next command?
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 30, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Updated better compatibility with Battle Core's most recent changes. Tints should no longer affect the Battle Cursor.
Weakness Popups VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: December 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Corrected a bug that caused 0 damage/healing when this plugin is on. Fix made by Olivia.
December 23, 2021 - Update #71
Total Plugins Updated: 6
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.37: December 23, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Created foundation for proxy items to be used in any applicable system and extension plugins. Update made by Arisu.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: December 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Residual old code is now disabled from appearing on deployed projects if any carry over config data is brought over from the playtesting phase. Fix made by Arisu.
- Yep, again.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: December 23, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added Major Changes section for "Proxy Items".
- Feature Update!
- Number window is now updated to show how much of an ingredient the player owns, how much will be consumed, and the number result of the crafting.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Arisu!
- <Proxy: id>
- <Proxy: name>
- REQUIRES the most up to date VisuMZ Items and Equips Core!
- Turns this item, weapon, or armor into a proxy for another item, allowing you to create recipes with different ingredients in <Crafting Ingredients> notetag contents and yield the same item.
- The proxy item itself will take on the name, icon, and description of the original item it is supposed to represent.
- No other properties are carried over from the original.
- When viewed through the Window_ShopStatus window, the contents will reference the original item and not the proxy item.
- Proxy items themselves cannot be acquired. This includes event commands, item drops, or equips.
- When crafted, the item yielded won't be the proxy item but the item it is a proxy for.
- Replace 'id' with a number representing the item, weapon, or armor ID of the same item type. If the proxy is an item, this will reference an item. If the proxy is a weapon, this will reference a weapon. Same for armors.
- Replace 'name' with text representing the item, weapon, or armor's name. The referenced item needs to be the same item type as the proxy. Item for item, weapon for weapon, armor for armor.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu!
- Plugin Parameters > General > Vocab > Owned
- Plugin Parameters > General > Vocab > Shift
- Plugin Parameters > General > Vocab > Net
- These are new vocabulary terms for the new number window appearance.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Visual Gold Display VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 23, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 4 (2 Plugin Updates)
Event Title Scene VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 23, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Added an extra save file exist check for the Load Screen Plugin Command using the Single Save Slot type plugin parameter in Save Core. Update made by Irina.
Weakness Popups VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: December 23, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Weakness Popups now ignore the notetags involving caster element damage when calculating the type of popup to display. Update made by Olivia.
December 16, 2021 - Update #70
Total Plugins Updated: 8
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.52: December 16, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- RPG Maker MZ 1.4.0 compatibility update!
- MV Animations played on screen level will now show up properly in the center of the screen.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.52: December 16, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- RPG Maker MZ 1.4.0 compatibility update!
- MV Animations played on screen level will now show up properly in the center of the screen.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: December 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Residual old code is now disabled from appearing on deployed projects if any carry over config data is brought over from the playtesting phase. Fix made by Arisu.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: December 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed default Plugin Parameters where the Autosave option was not properly working without the Options Core. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Added further documentation on "Plugin Parameters: Style Settings"
- Removal of "Start Enabled?" setting.
- The "NEW!" text will not appear on auto save slots. This is intentional.
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Parameter > Auto Save Settings > Start Enabled? is now removed.
- This is due to it going against what RPG Maker MZ is supposed to behave like, causing potential misunderstandings when other autosave related features are utilized. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Updates)
Visual Battle Environment VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: December 16, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Compatibility update with RPG Maker MZ's new subfolders. Update by Irina.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: December 16, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Auto Skill Triggers is now disabled with the following battle systems: ETB, FTB, and PTB. This is due to the way their turn structures work, making them highly incompatible with one another.
- We may revisit this in the future, but for now, Auto Skill Triggers are to be disabled by code when any of the battle systems are detected.
- Documentation Update!
- Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: December 16, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- RPG Maker MZ 1.4.0 compatibility update!
- Battle Core's post-battle common events should now load properly. This incompatibility is due to RPG Maker MZ 1.4.0's core scripts added in a common event queue clear. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Event Title Scene VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 16, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- This plugin now works properly with the Save Core's single save slot style plugin parameters setting. Update made by Irina.
- This plugin now works properly with the Save Core's single locked slot style plugin parameters setting. Update made by Irina.
- Feature Update!
- Autosave no longer triggers from starting a new game. It will be after the transition is done that any further requests for autosave can be utilized. Update made by Irina.
December 9, 2021 - Update #69
Total Plugins Updated: 9
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.51: December 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
- In the battle status windows, whenever actor names are displayed, the bitmap used to display their name text do not extend vertically all the way, causing letters like lowercase "Q" and "G" to be cut off, making them hard to distinguish from one another. The Core Engine will remedy this by extending the bitmap to allow enough room. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.51: December 9, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence Plugin Commands added by Arisu:
- MOVE: Change Home By Distance
- MOVE: Change Home To Point
- MOVE: Change Home To Target(s)
- These Plugin Commands allow you to adjust the home position of battlers in sideview battle.
- This is sideview only!
- This does NOT work with front view!
- For those wondering, going to the options screen, party screen, etc. won't reset the home positions like regular movement changes do.
- Merry Christmas, Harold-gang!
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.31: December 9, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New hard-coded message-only text code added by Irina:
- <Next Page>
- Ends the current message page at this line. This is used for messages when rows are at 5 or above and the message lines don't match the amount. This is used to prevent grabbing message windows from following message events. Any lines following <Next Page> in the same message event will be ignored.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: December 9, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Full Screen options have been updated to match the newest version of RPG Maker MZ's NodeJS client. Update made by Olivia.
- The "Full Screen" settings have been updated in General settings. If you want to acquire these updated settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the General settings found in the Options Category plugin parameter to your current project.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Updates)
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: December 9, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Changing classes via the Class Change System plugin should no longer dupe weapons under specific circumstances. Update made by Olivia.
- Feature Update!
- Upon an actor's turn to input a command, if the actor is barefisted while having available swap weapons, it will default the choice to the first available slot. Update made by Olivia.
- The barefisted equip would occur before because when navigating the equip menu, the switched weapon type would change to whatever is selected. If you go to a slot without any weapons equipped, it would be as having a barehanded setup.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: December 9, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Victory Aftermath gauges now automatically round to the nearest pixel rather than be on half pixels with specific resolutions. Update by Irina.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Skill Containers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Plugin Parameter for Skill Container Text should now work properly.
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: December 9, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added section to "Major Changes" for clarification purposes:
- Not For Battle
- For clarification, the VisuStella MZ Visual Fogs plugin is NOT made for battle. There's a separate plugin for that called Visual Battle Environment. The reason why fogs aren't made for battle is because the way fogs are handled in map vary from how they would be handled in battle. Using the Visual Fogs Plugin Commands will only alter the fog appearances when the player finishes battle.
- Feature Update!
- Added fail safes to prevent Plugin Command usage during battle to cause problems while inside battle test. Update made by Irina.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 9, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added section to "Major Changes" for clarification purposes:
- Not For Battle
- For clarification, the VisuStella MZ Visual Parallxes plugin is NOT made for battle. There's a separate plugin for that called Visual Battle Environment. The reason why parallaxes aren't made for battle is because the way parallaxes are handled in map vary from how they would be handled in battle. Using the Visual Parallaxes Plugin Commands will only alter the parallax appearances when the player finishes battle.
- Feature Update!
- Added fail safes to prevent Plugin Command usage during battle to cause problems while inside battle test. Update made by Irina.
December 2, 2021 - Update #68
Total Plugins Updated: 3
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.36: December 2, 2021
- Feature Update!
- For those using custom parameters from the Core Engine and do not have the parameters all-capitalized, the plugin will automatically do it for you to prevent errors. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: December 2, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- AI for skills and items should now work if their scope is <Target: All Allies But User>. Update made by Irina.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Attached Pictures VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 2, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added section under "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" for Picture Common Events explaining the new feature update.
- Feature Update!
- Attached pictures are no longer affected by Picture Common Event click triggers in order to reduce lag. Update made by Arisu.
November 25, 2021 - Update #65
Total Plugins Updated: 2
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.30: November 25, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- Map Switches and Map Variables added by Arisu:
- Map Switches are self-switches for maps. Instead of using <Self>, use <Map> in the Switch name to designate it as a Map Switch. The ON/OFF data for that Switch will vary depending on the map the player is currently on.
- Map Variables are self-variables for maps. Instead of using <Self>, use <Map> in the Variable name to designate it as a Map Switch. The number data for that Variable will vary depending on the map the player is currently on.
- Script Calls have been added for these features as well.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: October 25, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Plugin Parameter settings for automatic Command Window height adjustment should now work properly. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Added a note for the Help File: Gold Window > Thinner Gold Window
- Only applies to the Command Window style: Default Vertical.
November 18, 2021 - Update #65
Total Plugins Updated: 3
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.35: November 18, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- If this plugin's updated scene is disabled, the Help Window locations for the Item, Equip, and Shop Scenes should now be at their designated locations as calculated by the VisuMZ Core Engine instead of the RMMZ default location. Update made by Irina.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: November 18, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Picture Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 18, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Should now work properly with VisuStella MZ Picture Choices. Update made by Olivia.
November 11, 2021 - Update #65
Total Plugins Updated: 5
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.30: November 11, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Help file updated for removed "Center Window X" bit.
- Feature Update!
- Message: Properties now has "Center Window X?" removed
- Changes will now be automatically centered.
- This change is made for the new Plugin Command added for offsets which more or less replaces them.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Irina and sponsored by Puddor:
- Message: X/Y Offsets
- Change the X and Y Offsets of the Message Window.
- The offset value(s) will be saved and stored.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by Puddor:
- Plugin Parameters > General Settings > Message Window > Offset X
- Plugin Parameters > General Settings > Message Window > Offset Y
- Allows you to offset the horizontal and/or vertical positions of the message window accordingly.
- New Text Codes added by Irina and sponsored by Puddor:
- <Offset: +x, +y>
- <Offset: -x, -y>
- <Offset: +x, -y>
- <Offset: -x, +y>
- Quickly adjust the message window offset values to the x and y amounts. The values will replace the previous offset settings if there were any.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: November 11, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Hidden skill notetags should no longer crash upon not detecting actors for learned skills. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: November 11, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Olivia:
- <OTB User Add Current Turn Actions: x>
- <OTB User Add Next Turn Actions: x>
- <OTB Target Add Current Turn Actions: x>
- <OTB Target Add Next Turn Actions: x>
- Adds extra actions for the user/target to perform during the current/next turn.
- Added actions will go towards the back of the action list.
- Multi-hit skills/items will trigger this effect multiple times.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: November 11, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Critical hits for enemies with only one action per turn should now properly allow for the exploited effect to occur. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Anti-Damage Barriers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: November 11, 2021
- Documentation Update
- Added snip in "How Barriers Work" section:
- Barrier states cannot be enabled in passive state form. This is due to their nature of needing to be applied and their automatic nature of being removed upon running out. Barrier states need to be directly applied through adding a state upon the target battler. As passive states are neither applied nor removed, barrier state effects cannot apply to them naturally.
November 4, 2021 - Update #64
Total Plugins Updated: 4
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.50: November 4, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix!
- By default, if the attack skill is sealed via a trait and an actor has auto-battle, the action can still be used via auto-battle. This is now fixed and actors should not be able to attack via auto-battle if their attack ability is sealed. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new RPG Maker MZ bug fix.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.50: November 4, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- <Seal Attack> and <Seal Guard> should no longer be bypassed by auto-battle status. Fix made by Yanfly.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: November 4, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added section: "Slip Damage Popup Clarification"
- Slip Damage popups only show one popup for HP, MP, and TP each and it is the grand total of all the states and effects combined regardless of the number of states and effects on a battler. This is how it is in vanilla RPG Maker MZ and this is how we intend for it to be with the VisuStella MZ library.
- This is NOT a bug!
- The reason we are not changing this is because it does not properly relay information to the player accurately. When multiple popups appear, players only have roughly a second and a half to calculate it all for any form of information takeaway. We feel it is better suited for the player's overall convenience to show a cummulative change and steer the experience towards a more positive one.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Updates)
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: November 4, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by Archeia:
- Plugin Parameters > Message Button Console > Background Images
- Adds a background image to this button instead of using a window skin.
- This will disable the window skin.
- Various images can be used for "Disabled", "Enabled", and "Toggled".
- Offset X and Y positions.
October 28, 2021 - Update #63
Total Plugins Updated: 11
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.49: October 28, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Command added by Arisu and sponsored by Anon:
- Map: Once Parallel
- Plays a Common Event parallel to the event once without repeating itself when done. Map only!
- When exiting map scene or changing maps, all Once Parallels are cleared
- Once Parallels are not retained upon reentering the scene or map.
- Once Parallels are not stored in memory and cannot be saved.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.49: October 28, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Action Sequence: MOTION: Freeze Motion Frame will now only show weapons when using a motion that is named either "attack", "thrust", "swing", or "missile". Update made by Irina.
- Fail safe added to prevent Scene_Battle going into unsupported scenes like Scene_Equip and Scene_Skill. Update made by Olivia.
- New Feature!
- New Action Sequence Plugin Command added by Arisu and sponsored by Anon:
- MECH: Once Parallel
- Plays a Common Event parallel to the battle event once without repeating itself when done.
- When exiting battle scene, all Once Parallels are cleared.
- Once Parallels are not retained upon reentering the scene.
- Once Parallels are not stored in memory and cannot be saved.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.34: October 28, 2021
- Feature Update
- Added fail safe checks for projects that are using old data for starting equipment that no longer exist, thus preventing the game from opening. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: October 28, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Turn Order display will no longer appear at differing X and Y positions when using specific battle layouts. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 28, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Turn Order display will no longer appear at differing X and Y positions when using specific battle layouts. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - PTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 28, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Plugin now more closely fits the original source material.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: October 28, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Turn Order display will no longer appear at differing X and Y positions when using specific battle layouts. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Action Sequence Impact VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 28, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Guard shockwave now originates from the proper location with front view sprites enabled under specific battle layouts. Fix made by Irina.
Battle Command - Talk VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 28, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
State Tooltips VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 21, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added a section for VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore in the "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section since we received a very good question on it.
- The updated Status Menu currently does not contain tooltip support for the "General" pages that may display the actor's states. This is due to the customization aspect for the various Status Menu pages. There will be a future update where we will adapt this feature.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Consumable Defensive States VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 28, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed documentation error that listed the incorrect way to parse notetags for the various Evasion, Reflect, and Immune effects. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for the correct notetag parsings.
October 21, 2021 - Update #62
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.48: October 21, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Bitmap.blt function will now have source coordinates and destination X and Y coordinates rounded to prevent blurring. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.48: October 21, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Animations are now played on top of battlers in the Front View XP Battle Layout appearance. Update made by Irina.
- Battle Log, if decided to be shown, now updates faster. Update by Irina.
- Default Critical Damage Bonus increase is now updated to account for HP Healing and MP Recovery. To update this, create a new project, with the newest version of Battle Core installed. Copy over the Plugin Parameters for the Damage Settings > Critical Hits > JS: Damage Formula to your own project's version. Update made by Irina.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: October 21, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Rounding update applied to picture portraits so that coordinates aren't drawn on non-whole numbers due to base images having odd values. Update made by Olivia.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.29: October 21, 2021
- Feature Update
- Word Wrap flags are now properly adjusted when converting macros and adding bypasses towards regular messages. Update by Irina.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Updates)
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: October 21, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with the <CP: x> notetags not working properly. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: October 21, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Notetag section "Condition List" updated with the following:
- *NOTE* JavaScript cannot be used without comparison operators to reduce error. This means if you want to check if a switch is on or not, don't simply use "$gameSwitches.value(42)" as it does not have any comparison operators. Instead, use "$gameSwitches.value(42) === true" to check.
- Updated section "Regarding $gameTroop.turnCount() for A.I. Conditions"
- New Experimental Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Yanfly:
- A.I. General Settings > Experimental > On-The-Spot A.I.
- A.I. enemies/actors determine actions on the spot when it's their turn.
- Functions akin to YEP's Battle A.I. Core where enemies determine new actions on the spot. Doing so will forcefully change the way the Turn Count is handled for Game_Battler to not utilize the +1.
- This will forcefully remove the +1 towards the count and forcefully make enemies re-evaluate actions upon the start of the string of their actions. This comes with some side effects that will potentially give A.I. advantages or disadvantages depending on the battle system type. Action Speed becomes something that can be abused as it is normally something that is determined based on the queued actions. A.I. can pick a high speed weak action and then switch it for a slow speed strong action. There is no proper fix to this due to how on-the-spot A.I. works as it is ill-fitted for speed-relative battle systems. You have been warned.
- In the event that this Plugin Parameter IS enabled, then using the turnCount JavaScript code should work again due to the normalization of how the turn property is calculated.
- Optimization Update!
- Updated last version's newest change to be more optimized and occur upon each iteration of a new subject being determined to account for better check timing. Update made by Yanfly.
Chain Battles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 21, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Battle win/lose branches should now carry over. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > General > Animation > Chain Walk Forward?
- Does player party perform walk up animation for chain battles?
October 14, 2021 - Update #61
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.47: October 14, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Prevents Number Input window from having a NaN value due to holding down the fast forward key. Fix made by Arisu.
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Yanfly:
- Plugin Parameters > QoL Settings > Misc > Font Width Fix
- Fixes the font width issue with non-monospaced fonts in the Message Window. This is now an optional fix.
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.47: October 14, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Feature Update!
- Back attachment sprites are now automatically updated with sprite battlers to be shifted towards the very back.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: October 14, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Those using the updated layout of the Status Menu will now have the windows inherit the background type of the previous layout's Status Window Background Type from the Core Engine settings. Update by Irina.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.28: October 14, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: October 14, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed bugs caused by Core Engine's digit grouping that would make dates appear incorrectly. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Updates)
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 14, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Added an alert requirement for those who are using very old versions of the Message Core that cannot sustain the requirements of this plugin. Added by Irina.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: October 13, 2021
- Feature Update!
- A.I. Battlers with no currently determined actions, upon the start of the time frame for what would be their action, will have one more chance of determining a new action to use as to not waste their turns.
- This does NOT mean that the A.I. Battlers will adjust their actions for one with a higher rating. The readjustment will only occur if there are no actions determined for that instance and only a one time window upon the start of the time frame for what would be their action.
- Update made by Arisu.
October 7, 2021 - Update #60
Total Plugins Updated: 6
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.29: October 7, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Same map event spawning should now work properly without the need to add the current map ID to the preloaded map array. Update made by Arisu.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: October 7, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Updates)
Equipment Set Bonuses VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 7, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: October 7, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added section "Regarding $gameTroop.turnCount() for A.I. Conditions".
- Feature Update!
- Any A.I. Conditions found with "turnCount()" will be automatically disabled in order to reduce confusion. This is due to how turnCount() functions do not accurately depict the current Turn Count depending on when the function runs. Update made by Olivia.
Message Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: October 7, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Message Log should now work with automatic word wrap. Fix by Irina.
State Tooltips VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: October 7, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
September 30, 2021 - Update #59
Total Plugins Updated: 2
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.28: September 30, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New move route commands added by Arisu:
- Jump to Home
- Move to Home
- Crash Move to Home
- Step Toward Home
- Step Away From Home
- Turn to Home
- Turn Away From Home
- Teleport to Home
- These only work on events. Their actions should be reflective of what their command names suggest.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: September 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Patched up a rare occurance of predetermined actions still having priority despite having no valid targets. Fix made by Olivia.
September 23, 2021 - Update #58
Total Plugins Updated: 4
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.46: September 23, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added line to Plugin Command: "System: Battle System Change":
- Some battle systems REQUIRE their specific plugins!
- Added lines to "Plugin Parameters: Battle System":
- Some battle systems REQUIRE their specific plugins! This means if you do not have the required battle system plugin installed, it will not change over. The Core Engine plugin does not contain data for all of the battle systems inside its code.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.46: September 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed problem with skills and items without action sequences preventing actions from occurring. Fix made by Yanfly.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Update)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: September 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused "highest" and "lowest" target schemes to be inverted. Fix made by Olivia.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: September 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Values for parameter differences should no longer be hidden or the same as the previous values. Fix made by Irina.
September 17, 2021 - Update #57
Total Plugins Updated: 5
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.45: September 17, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem with "Picture: Coordinates Mode" to properly utilize the correct picture ID. Fix made by Arisu.
- RPG Maker MZ Bug Fix:
- Instant Text Discrepancy for Window_Message
- Window_Message displays text differently when it draws letters one by one versus when the text is displayed instantly. This isn't noticeable with the default font, but it's very visible when using something like Arial. The error is due to Bitmap.measureTextWidth yielding a rounded value per letter versus per word. The Core Engine will provide a bug fix that will single out the cause and make it so that only Window_Message will not utilize any round number values when determining the width of each letter, whether or not it is shown instantly. This change will only affect Window_Message and not any other window in order to prevent unintended side effects.
- Fix made by Yanfly.
- Compatibility Update!
- RPG Maker MZ 1.3.3 compatibility.
- Updated how gauges are drawn.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new RPG Maker MZ bug fix.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.45: September 17, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- <JS Pre-End Action> and <JS Post-End Action> effects now have multiple checks to make sure that they don't launch multiple times when a battler without actions has a turn after one that does. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence notetags added by Yanfly and Arisu:
- <Common Event Key: name>
- <Common Event Keys: name, name, name>
- <Common Event Keys> List Style
- Will generate Common Events for the skill/item with a corresponding key.
- More information will be explained inside of the help file.
- This feature is made for make the process of sharing Action Sequences to become easier without needing to line up Common Event ID's.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: September 17, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed event spawn templates so that they can work properly with Common Events. Fix made by Arisu.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: September 17, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- RPG Maker MZ 1.3.3 compatibility.
- Updated how gauges are drawn.
- Skill Cost Types Plugin Parameters need to be updated for those who want the updated gauges. This can be done easily with the following steps:
- Step 1: Create a new project.
- Step 2: Install Skills and States Core version 1.23 into it.
- Step 3: Copy the Plugin Parameter Settings for "Skill Cost Types".
- Step 4: Return back to your original project.
- Step 5: Paste Plugin Parameter Settings on top of "Skill Cost Types".
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Updates)
Shop Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: September 17, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Prevents canceling purchases from launching Common Events. Fix by Arisu.
September 10, 2021 - Update #56
Total Plugins Updated: 1
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: September 10, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- VisuStella MZ Compatibility
- Core Engine VisuStella MZ
- The Core Engine will determine if icons are displayed next to class names for menus. If you do not wish to use them, then you will need to disable them via the Plugin Parameters:
- Core Engine > Plugin Parameters > UI Settings > Text Code > Class Names
- Then, set that value to false.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
September 3, 2021 - Update #55
Total Plugins Updated: 5
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: September 3, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- "Step Towards Player" custom command should now work properly. Fix made by Arisu.
- Having multiple region restriction notetags for a map will no longer cause others to lock out. Fix made by Arisu.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: September 3, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Macros should now work properly with any \x<n> based text codes. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: September 3, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added line "This does not apply to basic class data and icons." for JS: Extra Data. That JavaScript entry does not affect how class names are written out.
- Feature Update!
- Those using \I[x] in class names will automatically have those converted into <Icon: x> notetags. Update made by Irina.
- The \I[x] text code will be automatically removed from the tier selection since it's already in the form of a big icon. Update made by Irina.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 3, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Pause sprite, for the Message Window, will no longer show multiple copies if the message cursor sprite is disabled. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Message Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: September 3, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a crash pertaining to specific message windows that haven't declared a speaker name from an older RPG Maker version. Fix by Irina.
August 27, 2021 - Update #54
Total Plugins Updated: 3
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: August 27, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Macros should now work with the <WordWrap> text code. Update by Irina.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Boost Action VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: August 27, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Boost text should now work properly with VisuStella MZ's Party System switching. Update made by Olivia.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: August 27, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- X-Parameters and S-Parameters shown in the level up stat changes should now display the percentage signs properly. Fix made by Olivia.
August 20, 2021 - Update #53
Total Plugins Updated: 4
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.44: August 20, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Irina and sponsored by Anon.
- "Animation: Play at Coordinate"
- Plays an animation on the screen at a specific x, y coordinate even if there is no sprite attached.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.44: August 20, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence added by Irina and sponsored by Anon.
- "ANIM: Play at Coordinate"
- Plays an animation on the screen at a specific x, y coordinate even if there is no sprite attached.
- Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine!
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: August 20, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Macros should now work with window placement and resize options. Update made by Irina.
- Macros should now work with choice-related enable and visibility options. Update made by Irina.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: August 20, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Better compatibility with Event and Movement Core's spawn functions. Update made by Arisu.
August 13, 2021 - Update #52
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: August 13, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Crash prevented with certain Plugin Parameter combinations enabled when the ATB Gauge is filled up. Fix made by Irina.
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: August 13, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed some Plugin Parameters that did not work properly when showing/hiding action costs. Fix made by Irina.
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: August 13, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that pertained to specific subclass traits clearing cache during a multi-hit attack and causing MaxHP/MaxMP inconsistencies. Fix made by Arisu.
August 6, 2021 - Update #51
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.33: August 6, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Removed "Weapon" and "Armor" from "Used For" for <Status Info>. This was an unintended piece of documentation.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: August 6, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- "Action End Removal for States" under Major Updates is changed to:
- If your Plugin Parameter settings for "Action End Update" are enabled, then "Action End" has been updated so that it actually applies per action used instead of just being at the start of a battler's action set.
- However, there are side effects to this: if a state has the "Cannot Move" restriction along with the "Action End" removal timing, then unsurprisingly, the state will never wear off because it's now based on actual actions ending. To offset this and remove confusion, "Action End" auto-removal timings for states with "Cannot Move" restrictions will be turned into "Turn End" auto-removal timings while the "Action End Update" is enabled.
- This automatic change won't make it behave like an "Action End" removal timing would, but it's better than completely softlocking a battler.
- Feature Update!
- Those using "Cannot Move" states with "Action End" auto-removal will now have be automatically converted into "Turn End" auto-removal if the plugin parameter "Action End Update" is set to true. Update by Irina.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: August 6, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Enemies with multiple actions will no longer step forward when it's not their turn. Fix made by Olivia.
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 6, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Plugin URL now updated to most recent one.
Visual Battle Environment VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: August 6, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Environments no longer visibly vanish when changing to the Options or Party management scenes. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Message Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: August 6, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Plugin URL now updated to most recent one.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Message Visibility VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 6, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Plugin URL now updated to most recent one.
July 30, 2021 - Update #50
Total Plugins Updated: 5
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: July 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem that caused the 'setSelfSwitchValue' and 'setSelfVariableValue' functions to not work properly. Fix made by Irina.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: July 30, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Expanded "Action End Removal for States" section in Major Changes.
- These changes have been in effect since Version 1.07 but have not been explained in excess detail in the documentation since.
- Action End has been updated so that it actually applies per action used instead of just being at the start of a battler's action set. However, there are side effects to this: if a state has the "Cannot Move" restriction along with the "Action End" removal timing, then unsurprisingly, the state will never wear off because it's now based on actual actions ending. There are two solutions to this:
- Don't make "Cannot Move" restriction states with "Action End". This is not a workaround. This is how the state removal is intended to work under the new change.
- Go to the Skills & States Core Plugin Parameters, go to State Setttings, look for "Action End Update", and set it to false. You now reverted the removal timing system back to how it originally was in RPG Maker MZ's default battle system where it only updates based on an action set rather than per actual action ending.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Extended Message Functionality VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: July 30, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Added graphic pre-loading for save/load menu preparation. Added by Irina.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Update)
Sideview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: July 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Plugin Parameters for adjusting row quantity should now work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Message Visibility VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: July 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Stops an unusual crash from happening. Fix made by Irina.
July 23, 2021 - Update #49
Total Plugins Updated: 7
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.43: July 23, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Irina and sponsored by Archeia!
- "Picture: Coordinates Mode"
- Play Test Mode only!
- Gets the coordinates of a specific picture as you move it across the screen.
- Helpful for those who don't want to do guess work on the screen coordinates when it comes to placing down pictures.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.43: July 23, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Immortality now works different with instant death mechanics. Skill effects that apply instant death or attack states that apply instant death will now trigger a flag instead of cancelling immortality. The flag will remain until immortality is cancelled and then proc the death effect. This way, animations can remain to the end with instant death mechanics in mind. This does not affect script calls.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: July 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed trait blessing calculations for X Parameters to make more sense and not snuff out if the base value is 0%. Fix made by Arisu.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.32: July 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause armor duplication when changing to classes with unaligned equipment slot types. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 2 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: July 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- When enemies appear out from a troop event, Visual ATB Gauges above their heads should now appear properly for SV Enemies, too. Fix made by Irina.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: July 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that altered the current action choice when enemies are using a skill that utilizes instants when there is only enough MP left for one of those actions. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (1 Plugin Updates)
Steal Items VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: July 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed <JS Steal Armor Rate> notetag. It did not work properly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added notes for the various <JS Steal Rate> notetags:
- The 'rate' value is multiplied against the success rate of the target item being stolen. This is a multiplicative stack.
- This means an item's default steal rate of 5% and a 200% steal rate on this notetag's 'rate' variable will yield 10%. Alternatively, if the default steal rate is 0%, it will yield 0% regardless of this notetag's 'rate' variable value.
July 16, 2021 - Update #48
Total Plugins Updated: 10
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.42: July 16, 2021
- Documentation Update
- Added text to "Plugin Parameters: Color Settings" for clarification:
- If the game's Window Skin is changed mid-game, the colors used will still be based off the default Window Skin's colors. This is due to storing them in a cache and preventing extra processing and reduces lag.
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.42: July 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Added another fail safe for empty common events used for pre-battle common events. Fix made by Olivia.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: July 16, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Feature Update!
- Updated the default Plugin Parameters for 'Command Window List' to include a 'Message Log' command.
- This is for the upcoming VisuMZ_3_MessageLog plugin.
- Projects with the Main Menu Core already installed will not have this update, but you can copy over the settings from a new project with the following steps:
- Create a new project. Install Main Menu Core. Open up the new project's 'Command Window List'. Right click the 'MessageLog' option and click copy. Go to the target project's Main Menu Core's 'Command Window List' plugin parameter. Paste the command where you want it to go.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: July 16, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Word Wrap Settings > End Padding
- Add extra padding to your window to make text wrap further away from the end of the window. This will default to 0.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: July 16, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Compatibility update with Party System's max member change to fit a non-default amount of party members inside of the window. Update by Irina.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: July 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- When enemies appear out from a troop event, Visual ATB Gauges above their heads should now appear properly. Fix made by Olivia.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: July 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a problem that bypassed teaching TP modes through item usage. Fix made by Arisu.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: July 16, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Added a fail safe that prevents on-battle start events from triggering when adding party members outside of battle under evented circumstances that function as a bridge between event and battle. Fix by Irina.
Visual Battle Environment VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: July 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Games with UI dimensions that are different from screen dimensions should no longer be affected by the distance difference. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Visual Item Inventory VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: July 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Visual glitch fixed that would make item quantity not appear. Fix made by Arisu.
July 9, 2021 - Update #47
Total Plugins Updated: 11
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Updates)
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.31: July 9, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Added a failsafe for price manipulation JavaScript to never have prices drop below 0 if possible. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 2 (6 Plugin Updates)
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: July 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed bugs regarding the TP Mode Unlock notetags not being detected properly. Fix made by Olivia.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: July 9, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: July 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- When using TPB-based battle systems, adding actors to the main party would not enable them to move. This should be fixed. Fix made by Irina.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: July 9, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Improved calculations for determining window size. Update made by Irina.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: July 9, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: July 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Removed a potential equipment duplication exploit with changing classes. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: July 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused "highest" and "lowest" target schemes to be inverted. Fix made by Arisu.
Steal Items VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: July 9, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: July 9, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Menu Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: July 9, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added Item Crafting System's number window to the default list.
July 2, 2021 - Update #46
Total Plugins Updated: 11
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.41: July 2, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Further compatibility update with RPG Maker MZ 1.3.0+.
- Documentation Update
- Added extra notes to "Important Changes: Bug Fixes" section for the "Window Skin Bleeding" bug:
- This bug is fixed in the core scripts for RPG Maker MZ v1.3.0+.
Tier 1 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.41: July 2, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added entries to <Battle Command> notetags and Plugin Parameters for "Party", "Combat Log", and "Weapon Swap" which weren't updated before.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence added by Arisu:
- MECH: Enemy Escape
- Causes the enemy unit(s) to escape.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.30: July 2, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added an extra note to the help file for the following: Plugin Parameters > Item Menu Settings > List Window > Columns
- If you are using the VisuStella MZ Core Engine and the "Modern Controls" Plugin Parameter, please read through that section in case you have any questions about how to switch between categories when using multiple columns of items at a time.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: July 2, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Text Codes added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- <Current Battle Target>
- <Current Battle User>
- Replaces the text code with the current target or current user's name in-battle. Otherwise, returns nothing.
- Not recommended to be used inside of Help Descriptions. They are best used with "Show Text" event commands.
- <Current Battle Action>
- <Current Battle Action Name>
- Replaces the text code with the current battle action's name with the icon or without it respectively. Otherwise, returns nothing.
- Not recommended to be used inside of Help Descriptions. They are best used with "Show Text" event commands.
Tier 2 (3 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: July 2, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Dead battlers will no longer reappear in the turn order on subsequent turns. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Feature Update!
- "Mechanics Settings" Plugin Parameters has been updated into "Speed Mechanics" with updated formulas that will now correlate any adjusted AGI changes made to battlers to alter the following turn properly. Update made by Olivia.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: July 2, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: July 2, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Anti-Damage Barriers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: July 2, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Choice Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: July 2, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Default selected choice should now trigger upon the opening of the Choice List Window. Fix made by Arisu.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: July 2, 2021
- Feature Updates!
- When a battler's sprite opacity is zero, repeating animations are hidden along with them. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Updates)
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: July 2, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
June 25, 2021 - Update #45
Total Plugins Updated: 13
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.40: June 25, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Compatibility update with RPG Maker MZ 1.3.0+.
- Documentation Update:
- Plugin Parameters > Window Settings > Back Opacity
- As of version 1.3.0, this is no longer needed.
- This will still work for lower versions.
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Updates!
- Window Skin Bleeding fix updated to newest version.
- New Plugin Parameters added:
- Plugin Parameters > Screen Resolution Settings
- These settings have been moved from the UI settings to be its own thing.
- This is mostly for RPG Maker MZ version 1.3.0 and up where the Troops tab has been updated to match the screen resolution settings found in the System 2 Database tab.
- Reposition Enemies > For MZ 1.3.0+?
- Both of these plugin parameters need to be set to true in order for the repositioning to work for MZ v1.3.0.
- If the Core Script is below 1.3.0, this setting is ignored. This does not take into account what version the editor is on. Pay attention to that as the plugin will not auto adjust for it.

Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.40: June 25, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Transformations from static enemies to and from animated SV enemies should no longer show both sprites. Fix made by Irina.
- Compatibility Update
- Compatibility update with RPG Maker MZ 1.3.0+.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.29: June 25, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Compatibility update with RPG Maker MZ 1.3.0+.
- Feature Update!
- Phantom data when changing equipment types in the database should no longer affect actors with cached equip ID's. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updatess)
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: June 25, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Common Event Menu VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: June 25, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for Event Title Scene.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: June 25, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- When exiting out of the ingredients list back towards the item selection window, the help window should now be properly updated. Fix by Irina.
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: June 25, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Have the "Shortcut" plugin parameter off will no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3 (3 Plugin Updates)
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: June 25, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Added failsafe for those using illegal syntax charactes inside of their database type names which conflict with notetag creation. Fix by Irina.
Boost Action VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: June 25, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Life State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: June 24, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Doom expiration should no longer affect temporary actors during calculations and causing crashes. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (3 Plugin Updates)
Event Title Scene VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: June 25, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added section for VisuStella compatibility.
- Those using the VisuStella MZ Core Engine will now have the "Title Picture Buttons" imported into the Event Title Scene. They can be interacted the same way. The picture buttons will appear above all else so keep that in mind for how you position them.
- Compatibility Update!
- This plugin is now compatible with the VisuMZ Core Engine's Title Picture Buttons and will have them displayed on the same scene. Update by Arisu.
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: June 25, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for Event Title Scene.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: June 25, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for Event Title Scene.
June 18, 2021 - Update #44
Total Plugins Updated: 10
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.39: June 18, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Number Inputs should now work with the controller if keyboard Number Input is enabled. Fix made by Olivia.
- RPG Maker Bug: Termination Clear Effects
- In RPG Maker MZ, requesting an animation while transitioning between scenes, such as going from the map scene to the battle scene, can cause crashes. This is because the animation queue does not take off immediately and will likely register incorrect targets for the scene. This plugin will forcefully clear any registered animations and balloon effects when terminating a scene in order to prevent crashes.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Feature Update!
- <Battle View: x> Troop Name tags can now work with comment tags.
- <Battle System: x> Troop Name tags can now work with comment tags.
Tier 1 (2 Plugin Updates)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.39: June 18, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- MOVE: Home Reset should no longer trigger an end action function and cause plugins such as "Boost Action" to malfunction. Fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Feature Update!
- <Battle Layout: x> Troop Name tags can now work with comment tags. Update made by Irina.
- Random encounter lists are now better shuffled for more variety with how the RNG seed works. Update made by Arisu.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: June 18, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Updated automatic caching for conditional passive states to update more efficiently. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 2 (4 Plugin Updates)
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: June 18, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed turn order icon reappearing for a dying battler. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated with new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu!
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics > General > Device Friendly
- Make the calculations more device friendly? Or make it for desktop at full strength?
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: June 18, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Action Count" section to Major Changes for extra clarity on how action counts are determined.
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Olivia:
- <FTB Show Action Cost>
- Makes the FTB action cost for this skill/item visible regardless of Plugin Parameter settings.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: June 18, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Compatibility update with Elements and Status Menu Core's trait hues. These will be affected by the notetags and/or Plugin Parameters applied.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Irina and sponsored by Ækashics:
- <Dragonbones Hue Affected>
- <Dragonbones No Hue>
- Determines if this enemy's Dragonbones battler is affected by hues or not. This will bypass the Plugin Parameter's default value.
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina and sponsored by Ækashics:
- Plugin Parameters > Battler Settings > Default > Enemy Hue Affected?
- Affect hues for enemies with Dragonbones battlers?
- This will be disabled by default. Enable it or set it to true to make it work properly.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: June 18, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Sideview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: June 18, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: June 18, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Repeating animations no longer play on invisible enemies or dead enemies through passive state effects. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: June 18, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
June 11, 2021 - Update #43
Total Plugins Updated: 6
Tier 0 (1 Plugin Update)
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.38: June 11, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Irina and sponsored by Caz!
- Picture: Show Icon
- Shows an icon instead of a picture image.
- The picture icon can be controlled like any other picture.
Tier 1 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.38: June 11, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Updates!
- Location calculations will now be based off the a battler's base position in order for animations, popups, and other aspects to line up properly when scaled. Update made by Irina.
- Plugin Parameters for Enemy Battler Settings > Name have been rearranged for better organization. Update by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Olivia and sponsored by NSG:
- <Sideview Shadow Scale X: x%>
- <Sideview Shadow Scale X: x.y>
- <Sideview Shadow Scale Y: x%>
- <Sideview Shadow Scale Y: x.y>
- These new notetags allow you to adjust the X and Y scale of the SV shadow sprite separately.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia and sponsored by NSG:
- Enemy Battler Settings > Name > Name Visibility > Always Hidden
- Enemy Battler Settings > Name > Name Visibility > By Selection?
- Choose to have the names always hidden or by selection.
- These are adjusted on a priority list.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: June 11, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Plugin Command: "Enemy: Change CTB Turn Order Face" should now properly change to the correct face index. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Weakness Display VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: June 11, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia and sponsored by NSG:
- Display Settings > Always Visible? > Temporary Selection?
- Determines the conditions for Weakness Display visibility.
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: June 11, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Freeze motion frames for weapon attacks will no longer cause crashes if the user does not have a weapon equipped. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4 (1 Plugin Update)
Battle Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: June 11, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Battle Cursor now properly aligns itself when target battlers are not scaled properly and/or hovering. Fix made by Olivia.
June 4, 2021 - Update #42
Total Plugins Updated: 10
Tier 1 (4 Plugin Updates)
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: June 4, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added extra clarification on which commands will go around the player character and which ones won't.
- New Move Route Custom Commands added by Arisu:
- Crash Move (direction) Until Stop
- Crash Move To: x, y
- Crash Move To Event: x
- These allow events to collide with the player character and trigger Event Touch events.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.28: June 4, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: June 4, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added extra note to the new <Position: x, y, width, height> text codes that they do not work with Word Wrap.
- Feature Update!
- Added fail safe for preventing Common Events that don't exist from being ran at all by the Message Window. Added by Arisu.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: June 4, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2 (1 Plugin Updates)
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: June 4, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed weapon swap notetags to have them occur naturally. Fix by Arisu.
Tier 3 (2 Plugin Updates)
Skill Cooldowns VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: June 4, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- <JS Cooldowns> should now be working properly.
Steal Items VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: June 4, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- <JS Steal Rate> should now work properly. Fix by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Added clarity to <JS Steal Rate> to mention it affects all types.
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New JS notetags added by Arisu.
- <JS Steal Gold Rate>
- <JS Steal Item Rate>
- <JS Steal Weapon Rate>
- <JS Steal Armor Rate>
- Similar to the <JS Steal Rate> notetag but works only for specific categories of items.
Tier 4 (3 Plugin Updates)
Break Shields VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: June 4, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Skill Containers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: June 4, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Skill containers should now work with Auto Battle. This does not apply to enemies, however. Enemies will still require the actual skills to be used properly. Update made by Olivia.
Weakness Popups VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: June 4, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added automatic offset for those using UI Areas and Widths with different values from their screen resolutions once the Action Sequence Camera plugin is enabled. Update made by Irina.
May 28, 2021 - Update #41
Tier 1
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: May 28, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Added fail safe to prevent passive state melding from traits to crash the game when cache fails to collect data. Fix by Irina.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: May 28, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Added additional clarity for \WindowMoveTo<?> and \WindowMoveBy<?> and \WindowReset text codes with "Note 2".
- Replace '?' with the following format: targetX, targetY, targetWidth, targetHeight, duration, easingType. Only targetX and targetY are required arguments. These will only alter the window dimensions when the text has arrived at that point. They will not alter the window preemptively. This is not used as a window positioner. Use the <Position: x, y, width, height> text code for that.
- New Features!
- New hard-coded text codes added for Message Window Only. Added by Irina.
- <Position: x, y, width, height>
- <Coordinates: x, y>
- <Dimensions: width, height>
Tier 2
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 28, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Updated the text for Plugin Parameter "Maintain Same Actor?"
- Requires Free Switching. Maintain the same actor after an action or move onto the next available actor?
- Feature Update!
- When there are more actions available than the number of actions that can be shown at a time, the visible icons displayed will be trimmed to fit the number of maximum visible icons displayed. Update by Olivia.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: May 28, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Visual Battle Environment VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 28, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: May 28, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Cache clear will now occur when using automatic switching to update any cached stats for actors. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4
Menu Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: May 28, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- "Background Tiling" series has been added for more visual clarity.
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 28, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Visual Parallaxes VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: May 28, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Fail safe added for those without Pixi JS Filters added.
- Removed the VisuStella MZ Core Engine requirement.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
May 21, 2021 - Update #40
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.37: May 21, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu:
- Switches: Randomize ID(s)
- Switches: Randomize Range
- Switches: Toggle ID(s)
- Switches: Toggle Range
- These Plugin Commands allow you to randomize the ON/OFF positions of switches or toggle them so that they flip their ON/OFF status.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.37: May 21, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Olivia.
- <Command Require Learn>
- <Command Require Access>
- These two commands determine the visibility of a battle command by whether or not the skill has been learned or accessible.
- Feature Update!
- For those using TPB, each battler's regeneration phase will no longer tick multiple times in a single frame to prevent irregularities. Update made by Olivia.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: May 21, 2021
- Documentation Update
- Added for Trait "Passive States" section:
- Refer to VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore's documentation for more details.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: May 21, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Morphing by templates should no longer cause a crash. Fix made by Arisu.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: May 21, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Using the mouse right click in the Equip Scene while inside of the item to slot window will no longer exit the Equip Scene. Fix made by Yanfly.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: May 21, 2021
- Documentation Update
- Added "Passive State Clarification" section.
- As there is a lot of confusion regarding how passive states work and how people still miss the explanations found in the "Passive State Notetags" section AND the "Plugin Parameters: Passive State Settings", we are adding a third section to explain how they work.
- All three sections will contain the full detailed explanation of how passive states work to clear common misconceptions about them.
Tier 2
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: May 21, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- When slip damage is allowed to kill, dying actors will have their TPB state reset to charging in order to prevent lock-ups. Fix by Olivia.
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: May 21, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Using items and skills outside of battle will no longer have BP restrictions imposed upon them. Fix made by Olivia.
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: May 21, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Weapon type requirements for skills will the weapon type to be equipped as one of the available slots.
Tier 3
State Tooltips VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: May 21, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Irina.
- <Exclude From Tooltips>
- Excludes the state from being displayed in the state tooltips.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: May 21, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Irina:
- <Visual Breathing Effect>
- <No Breathing>
- Enables/disables breathing effects for your actors and/or enemies. Refer to the documentation for more details on how to set it up.
- These are EXPERIMENTAL notetags. This means that these effects have the possibility of creating graphical glitches when used. Use at your own risk as these are not perfected features.
Tier 4
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: May 21, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added a clause we forgot to mention that region-locked fog effects only work on maps with no looping. A note will be added to the "Regions and Terrain Tags" and notetag sections. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.
May 14, 2021 - Update #39
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.36: May 14, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Irina:
- Export: All Maps Text
- Export: All Troops Text
- Export: Current Map Text
- Export: Current Troop Text
- Play Test Only Plugin Commands. These Plugin Commands are used for extracting all messages, show choices, comments, and scrolling text to parse and export them as a TXT file. Useful for getting a game's script to a voice actor or voice actress.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.36: May 14, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Reversed an HP/MP regeneration bug that was incorrectly reported for TPB. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update
- Added "TPB/ATB Active Battle Actor Shifting" to Major Changes section:
- This change has been active since the start of this plugin. It was not documented until now.
- Pressing cancel on the Actor Command Window no longer switches between actors with a full TPB/ATB gauge before reaching the Party Command Window. This is to accomplish a couple of things: 1) reduce the number of button presses to reach the Party Command Window and 2) to prevent motion resets and disrupting action sequences. If this feature is vital to your battle system, we recommend that you do not use this plugin or any of the Battle Core-required plugins.
- Feature Updates
- Distortion sprite Y calculations will now be rounded upward for better visuals and prevent odd pixelation effects. Update made by Irina.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: May 14, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Updated the default Plugin Parameters for 'Command Window List' to include a 'Load' command after the 'Save' command.
- This allows players to access the load game screen from the Main Menu.
- Projects with the Main Menu Core already installed will not have this update, but you can copy over the settings from a new project with the following steps:
- Create a new project. Install Main Menu Core. Open up the new project's 'Command Window List'. Right click the 'Load' option and click copy. Go to the target project's Main Menu Core's 'Command Window List' plugin parameter. Paste the command where you want it to go.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: May 14, 2021
- Feature Updates!
- Line breaks can now be used by Show Choices. Make sure that there is enough room to contain the text through Plugin Commands. Update by Irina.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: May 14, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Confirmation windows now have rounded coordinates to prevent distortions. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 3
Message Letter Sounds VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: May 14, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
May 7, 2021 - Update #38
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.35: May 7, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added the following text to "Parameter Settings" Plugin Parameters for extra clarity regarding Parameter Caps:
- These settings DO NOT raise the editor's maximum values. If you want to raise an enemy's maximum parameter value past their default cap, use the associated notetag for them instead.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.35: May 7, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Pre-Battle Common Events without a wait command at the end should no longer lock up by coincidentally pressing the menu key at the same time. Fix made by Olivia.
- Feature Update!
- Added an extra check for TPB-based battle systems to not run turn end functions when it's not actually the actual turn end timing. Update made by Olivia.
- "Damage Styles" plugin parameters are now moved to the top of the Damage Settings category. This should make it easier to acknowledge the existence of and not have it be an unknown entity. Update made by Irina.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: May 7, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Plugin Commands for Event Label Visibility should now update without needing to take steps as per distance detection. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Added clarity to "Common Event on Touch" Plugin Parameters.
- Areas marked with these regions will not allow random encounters to occur. This is how RPG Maker works. Assuming you are not using plugins at all, by putting on touch events all over the map, tiles with those on touch events will not let random encounters trigger.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: May 7, 2021
- Bug Fixes
- State category removal is now usable outside of battle. Fix by Irina.
Tier 2
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: May 7, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Actions with 0 or positive speed will now act immediately without allowing a single gauge tick pass through. Update made by Olivia.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: May 7, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Normal Attack States will no longer trigger state gains if no states are applied. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 4
Visual Fogs VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: May 7, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Cached vignettes will no longer be cleared from memory. Fix by Irina.
April 30, 2021 - Update #37
Tier 1
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: April 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- When changing traits to a random value, load up any passive states and other effects that may have changed. Fix made by Arisu.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: April 30, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" added VisuMZ_1_BattleCore section regarding Damage Multiplier and Healing Multiplier vocabulary settings to reduce commonly asked questions.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Irina and sponsored by Archeia:
- <Shop Picture Name: filename>
- <Shop Picture Layer: x>
- <Shop Picture Max Width: x>
- <Shop Picture Max Height: y>
- <Shop Picture Max Dimensions: x, y>
- <Shop Picture Alignment: x>
- <Shop Picture Position: y>
- <Shop Picture Offset X: +x>
- <Shop Picture Offset X: -x>
- <Shop Picture Offset Y: +y>
- <Shop Picture Offset Y: -y>
- <Shop Picture Offset: +x, +y>
- <Shop Picture Offset: -x, -y>
- <Shop Picture Opacity: x>
- <Shop Picture Opacity: x%>
- Add images from the game project's img/pictures/ folder to display in the Shop Status Window.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: April 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Moving windows with 0 duration via text code should now instantly move the windows to the desired location with no delay. Fix made by Olivia.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: April 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- When states with step removal have the <No Recover All Clear> or <No Death Clear> notetags, their step counter is no longer reset either. Fix made by Irina.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Arisu!
- <List Name: name>
- Makes the name of the skill appear different when show in the skill list. Using \V[x] as a part of the name will display that variable.
Tier 2
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: April 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Multiclasses with Adjust HP/MP settings should now properly adjust without the Core Engine installed. Fix made by Arisu.
- Those without Victory Aftermath should no longer experience crashes when gaining Class Points or Job Points after battle. Fix made by Olivia.
- With the Maintained Levels setting enabled, all unlocked multiclasses will also acquire skills upon leveling up and not just when switching to the classes manually. Fix made by Olivia.
- Feature Update!
- During battle, equipment types belonging multiclasses will not be unequipped to prevent odd happenings. Update change by Arisu.
Visual Battle Environment VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Added a fail safe for changing color tones in case the value fails to be an array (it will default to zero tone). Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 3
Action Sequence Projectiles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: April 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Added fail safe for older versions of the projectile plugin commands that have not been updated. Fix made by Yanfly.
Tier 4
Skill Containers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: April 30, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Skills displayed inside the containers are now affected by the visibility notetags such as <Show Switch: x> and <Hide Switch :x> as well as the <JS Skill Visible> notetags. Update made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- When using the VisuMZ_3_SideviewBattleUI plugin, resize the window according to the title items inside of the container window instead of basing it off the skill window's size. Update made by Olivia.
April 23, 2021 - Update #36
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.34: April 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- For the vanilla Equip Status window, custom parameters with integer values will now show up as integers and not percentiles. Fix by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Added clarity to the <param: x> notetag for enemies.
- This notetag does NOT work with X Parameters, S Parameters, or any custom parameters. This notetag ONLY works with the base parameters.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.34: April 23, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Uses a better algorithm for determining shadow positioning. Update made by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New additions made for Projectile action sequences.
- "Start Location" and "Goal Location" now have "Target Location" parameter to determine which part of the target's body to send the projectile from or towards. Added by Olivia.
- Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore version 1.34 to have affect.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: April 23, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added clarity to the <param: +x> and <param: -x> notetags:
- These notetags do NOT work with X Parameters, S Parameters, or any custom parameters. These notetags ONLY work with the base parameters.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: April 23, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added clarity for some of the JS plugin parameters:
- JS: Enable:
- This does NOT determine the ON/OFF value of the option. It instead determines if the option can be changed (enabled) or not (disabled).
- JS: Default Value:
- This is what determines the default ON/OFF values of an option.
Tier 2
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: April 23, 2021
- Feature Update!
- When using 100% for After Speed notetag, no other battler is able to interrupt the action. Update made by Olivia.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: April 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Death effects for TP should now only trigger once. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 3
Action Sequence Projectiles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: April 23, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- "Start Location" and "Goal Location" now have "Target Location" parameter to determine which part of the target's body to send the projectile from or towards. Added by Olivia.
- Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore version 1.34 to have affect.
Boost Action VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Boost icons should no longer disappear after a single battle. Fix made by Olivia.
Sideview Battle UI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: April 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Item window during battle should now align properly. Fix made by Olivia.
April 16, 2021 - Update #35
Tier 1
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: April 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Changing an actor's equipment slots to past their original amount will no longer yield errors with duplicate slot types. Fix made by Arisu.
- Completely selling an item should now refresh the help window to the new selected item's help description. Fix made by Arisu.
- Optimization Update!
- Non-removable equipment restrictions for the equipment scene are now better optimized. Update made by Olivia.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: April 16, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Default style for List Styles now have its code updated with the JS: Default plugin parameter for games whose vertical screen resolution is larger than normal.
- To update this, do either of the following:
- Open up the Main Menu Core Plugin Parameters. Select and press delete on "List Style Settings". Press Enter. New updated settings will be replaced for the JS: Default settings.
- Or Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_MainMenuCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
Tier 2
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: April 16, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Highest and lowest TGR members are now cached on an action by action basis for reduce needed computations. Update made by Irina.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: April 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- ATB Gauge visibility is now properly updated across various events such as party removal and other obstruction effects. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Post-stun infinity clamping should now be adjusted properly for previewing turn order changes.
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: April 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Map based character sprite changes should now be reflected instantly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Added two more entries to the Clarification section. Updated by Arisu.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: April 16, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Fixed typo. Fix made by Arisu.
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Shortcut arrows should no longer be visible when an actor has only one weapon to swap to and from. Fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Weapon Swap System should now be compatible with the Item and Equip Core's non-removable types setting. Update made by Irina.
Tier 3
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: April 16, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Cached randomization seeds should no longer conflict with certain scope types. Update made by Irina.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 4
Database Inheritance VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: April 16, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Damage formula inheritance should now properly work. Fix made by Arisu.
April 9, 2021 - Update #34
All Waves Collection
- VisuMZ_5_TileD is now removed from the All Waves Collection.
- Downloads for VisuMZ_5_TileD must be done separately.
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.33: April 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug: Window Skin Bleeding
- Since the v1.2.0 update, Window.prototype._refreshBack's frame value has been set from 96 to 95. This results in the window skin bleeding past the window's intended borders. The Core Engine now reverts this change to prevent the bleeding effect from happening.
- Feature Update!
- "Encounter Rate Minimum" now has a valid minimum value of 1. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.33: April 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Skill costs should now be displayed on battle commands again. Bug fix made by Olivia.
- Pre-Battle Common Events should no longer cause stalling when used with specific event commands. Bug fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added "Weapon Swap" to the list of battle commands that can be added.
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Weapon Swap" and "Combat Log" to the list of <Battle Commands> in the notetags section.
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Olivia:
- <Sideview Shadow Scale: x%> and <Sideview Shadow Scale: x.y>
- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags
- Adjusts the scaling size of the sideview battler's shadow.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: April 9, 2021
- Feature Update!
- <Auto> text codes for message windows will round up calculations for the message width to the nearest even number for better calculations.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: April 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Turning Touch UI off should no longer disable the Button Assist Text for the Page Up/Down buttons from the Core Engine. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 2
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: April 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Provoke effect now takes into consideration when Provoke is applied by a weapon effect that comes off a counter attack from an actor. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle System - OTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: April 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Subsequent battles will properly reset the turn order. Fix by Olivia.
Visual Battle Environment VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: April 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Crashes should no longer occur when performing a troop transition from the map. Fix made by Olivia.
Weapon Swap System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: April 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Shortcut arrow now accounts for changes in the actor command window size when updated post-initialization. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Documentation updated for the "UI Settings Plugin Parameters":
- The Swap weapon command will be listed by default after the Attack command.
- If you do not have the Attack command, it will not be shown unless you add "Weapon Swap" to the battle command list.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia!
- Plugin Parameters > UI Settings > Help: Swap
- Help text for Swap command.
Tier 3
Boost Action VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: April 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- <User Boost Points: +x> notetag should now work properly. Fix by Olivia.
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: April 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Freeze Motions should now hide weapons instead of always displaying them when the hide option is enabled. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 4
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: April 9, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia!
- Plugin Parameters > General Settings > Help: Combat Log
- Help text for Combat Log command.
April 2, 2021 - Update #33
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.32: April 2, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Yanfly:
- Plugin Parameters > QoL Settings > Battle Test > Add Item Type
- Plugin Parameters > QoL Settings > Battle Test > Add Weapon Type
- Plugin Parameters > QoL Settings > Battle Test > Add Armor Type
- Plugin Parameters > QoL Settings > Battle Test > Added Quantity
- By default, RPG Maker MZ only adds 99 of items and not weapons or armor making it awkward for testing specific battle mechanics. These settings allow you to add in custom amounts of items, weapons, and/or armors if you so wish.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.32: April 2, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Sideview battler sprites when using front view will now factor in the window padding and appear properly centered to their focus point. Update made by Olivia.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: April 2, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: April 2, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- \CommonEvent[x] text code will no longer run upon message window size calculation. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Added further clarification for "Text Macros" section.
- This does NOT work with \MacroName as it did with Yanfly Engine Plugins. Use the method stated before with the brackets to [MacroName] instead.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: April 2, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Default "Special Effects" option added in v1.10 should now have a fixed load data sequence that does not force open the FPS counter. To acquire the fixed settings, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the General settings found in the Options Category plugin parameter to your current project.
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Understanding Options" section.
- Options Category: General section updated with "Special Effects" which was left out of the v1.10 update.
- Feature Update!
- Default settings will now run regardless of undefined setting provided that their other conditions for usage have showed up first. This is to reduce confusion for users. Update made by Yanfly.
Tier 2
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 2, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Action costs for FTP will now only take effect if inside battle only. Fix made by Olivia.
Bright Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: April 2, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Changing scenes while a filter change is in transition will automatically load up the changes made to the filter to prevent desynchronization. Fix made by Olivia.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: April 2, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section for detailed compatibility explanations with the VisuMZ_3_StateTooltips plugin.
Tier 3
New Game Plus VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: April 2, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Carrying over variables for a New Game+ should no longer cause crashes during the transition phase. Fix made by Arisu.
State Tooltips VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: April 2, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section for detailed compatibility explanations with the VisuMZ_2_DragonbonesUnion plugin.
Steal Items VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: April 2, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Success rate calculation should no longer be skewed by JavaScript's float value math quirks. Update made by Yanfly.
March 26, 2021 - Update #32
VisuStella Sample Game Project
- Sample project's img/picturs/ folder now include new images for use:
- Discord
- Patch Notes
- Reddit
- Wordpress
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.31: March 26, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Title screen buttons will now become fully opaque when hovered over them instead of only when pressed. Update made by Yanfly.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.31: March 26, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section for detailed compatibility explanations with the VisuMZ_3_BoostAction plugin.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: March 26, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section for detailed compatibility explanations with the VisuMZ_4_BreakShields plugin.
Tier 2
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: March 26, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section for detailed compatibility explanations with the VisuMZ_3_BoostAction plugin.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: March 26, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Enemy exploit actions should now associate A.I. properly. Fix by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section for detailed compatibility explanations with the VisuMZ_4_BreakShields plugin.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: March 26, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added "VisuStella MZ Compatibility" section for detailed compatibility explanations with the VisuMZ_2_BattleSystemOTB plugin.
Tier 3
Limited Skill Uses VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 26, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Skill type limited uses now affect all skill types with skills that have multiple skill types declared through the Skills and States Core.
Visual Text Window VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 29, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command option added by Yanfly:
- "Text Window: Add/Change Settings" Customize Settings command now has a new option: Auto-Color?
- This option allows you to enable/disable auto-color for this specific Visual Text Window.
March 19, 2021 - Update #31
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.30: March 19, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug: Invisible Battle Sprites
- If you removed a party member during battle and added that exact party member back into the same slot, their sprite would appear invisible. The VisuStella Core Engine will fix this problem and prevent it from happening. Fix made by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > QoL Settings > Misc > Ani: Mirror Offset
- When animations are mirrored, mirror their Offset X values, too.
- New animation name tags added by Arisu:
- <Mirror Offset X> and <No Mirror Offset X>
- If these text tags are placed in an animation's name, it will cause the offset X value to be mirrored when the animation is mirrored or have it ignored despite being mirrored.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.30: March 19, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Feature Update!
- <JS Targets> is now updated to include the default set of targets selected by the skill/item's original scope. Update made by Yanfly.
- If you wish to clear it out, simply do 'targets = []' first.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: March 19, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added clarity for the "Portrait Style" in Plugin Parameters section for "Status Graphic, Status List Style, & List Style Settings":
- If there is no Menu Image used, this will switch over to the Vertical Style and use a face graphic instead.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: March 19, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 2
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: March 19, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Turn Order Window calculations slightly tweaked for times when the window layer is bigger than it should be. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: March 19, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Turn Order Window calculations slightly tweaked for times when the window layer is bigger than it should be. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - FTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 19, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: March 19, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Turn Order Window calculations slightly tweaked for times when the window layer is bigger than it should be. Update made by Olivia.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: March 19, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Yanfly:
- Plugin Parameters > Experimental: Enemy Stances
- Allows enemies to utilize stance motions for idling such as chanting, guarding, etc.
- Requires VisuMZ_1_BattleCore!
- This is not available normally since animations are not available for enemies with the base RPG Maker MZ core scripts.
- Disable this to use the default animation flow for enemies.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: March 19, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 3
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: March 19, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Death Triggers that cannot be used will no longer cause the battler to become immortal. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 4
Battle Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 19, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- When using the Battle Cursor for front view actors, the cursor no longer appears out of synch from the sprite positions in the battle status window area. Fix made by Irina.
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: March 19, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Combat log should no longer mask some windows from appearing and is now instead placed as a non-window object. Fix made by Arisu.
Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: March 19, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Console no longer displays debug messages from last version. Fix made by Irina.
March 12, 2021 - Update #30
VisuStella Sample Game Project
- Options Core default plugin parameters have now been updated.
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.29: March 12, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new RPG Maker MZ bug fixes!
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Feature Update!
- Name Input should be more controller-friendly. If a controller is connected upon entering the name change scene, it will use the default manual-entry mode instead of the keyboard-entry mode. If a controller button is pressed during the keyboard-entry mode, it will automatically switch to the manual-entry mode.
- This plugin does not provide support for controllers that are undetected by RPG Maker MZ's default controller support.
- This feature was already implemented since version 1.27 but wasn't documented so here we are. Update made by Irina.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.29: March 12, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Enemy Battler Settings > Name > Legacy Option
- Use the legacy version (window) or new version (sprite).
- WARNING: Legacy version is no longer supported for bugs.
- Not all settings available here in the Plugin Parameters will be available to the legacy version (ie Always Visible and Attach States).
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: March 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Move until stop custom move routes should no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Arisu.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: March 12, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility for VisuStella MZ Bright Effects and Horror Effects.
- "Special Effects" option allows users to turn on/off filters applied by the Bright Effects and Horror Effects plugins.
- The "Special Effects" settings have been added to General settings. If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the General settings found in the Options Category plugin parameter to your current project.
- Documentation Update!
- Added Bright Effects and Horror Effects to the list of plugins with Extra Features. Update made by Olivia.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: March 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug where using the Plugin Command to save the current slot would not reload properly if the audio file BGM was not synched. Fix made by Arisu.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: March 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Max HP Buff/Debuff should now display its turn counter. Fix by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- For the <JS Passive Condition>, we've added documentation on the limitations of passive conditions since they have been reported as bug reports, when in reality, they are failsafes to prevent infinite loops. Such limitations include the following:
- A passive state that requires another passive state
- A passive state that requires a trait effect from another state
- A passive state that requires a parameter value altered by another state
- A passive state that requires equipment to be worn but its equipment type access is provided by another state.
- Anything else that is similar in style.
Tier 2
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: March 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Subsequent battles or changing scenes should no longer clear the custom rendered bitmap used for the provoke trail. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for the Skill and Item versions of the following notetags into the help file and wiki:
- <Bypass Provoke>
- <Bypass Taunt>
- <Bypass Highest Aggro>
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: March 12, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Slight change to the way calculations are made for the bottom aligned field gauge position. Update made by Olivia.
Bright Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: March 12, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with the VisuStella MZ Options Core v1.10 update.
- When the "Special Effects" option is set to OFF, the filters for this plugin will be shut off. They will be returned to normal when set to ON.
- Documentation Update!
- Added the Options Core section to the "Extra Features" list.
Horror Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: March 12, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with the VisuStella MZ Options Core v1.10 update.
- When the "Special Effects" option is set to OFF, the filters for this plugin will be shut off. They will be returned to normal when set to ON.
- Documentation Update!
- Added the Options Core section to the "Extra Features" list.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: March 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Having extra spaces before an ingredient's name should no longer cause problems to information parsing. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3
Anti-Damage Barriers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: March 12, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Absorption Settings > Intact > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > Absorption Settings > Break > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > Cancellation Settings > Intact > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > Cancellation Settings > Break > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > MP-Dispersion Settings > Intact > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > MP-Dispersion Settings > Break > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > Nullification Settings > Intact > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > Nullification Settings > Break > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > Reduction Settings > Intact > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > Reduction Settings > Break > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > TP-Dispersion Settings > Intact > Enemy Flip?
- Plugin Parameters > TP-Dispersion Settings > Break > Enemy Flip?
- Flip the animation for enemies?
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: March 12, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Skills that cannot be used will no longer be checked for auto triggers. Update made by Olivia.
Life State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: March 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- When Doom is applied but the battler later gains state resistance to Doom, Doom will no longer instantly kill the battler. Fix made by Irina.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: March 12, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia!
- Plugin Parameters > General > Show EXP Gauges?
- Show the EXP Gauges of the main party members for the first screen of the Victory Aftermath?
- This is added for those with large parties and cannot fit everything into one screen for all party members and would prefer not showing any EXP Gauges at all instead.
Tier 4
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: March 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Icons for counters, reflections, and substitutes should now display properly in the combat log. Fix made by Arisu.
- Turn data should now display properly in TPB-base battle systems. Fix made by Arisu.
- Switching out to the Options Scene or Party Scene should no longer clear the Combat Log in-battle. Fix made by Arisu.
March 5, 2021 - Update #29
VisuStella Sample Game Project
- Updated CoreScript to 1.2.0
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.28: March 5, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug: The arrows drawn by a window skin will no longer by placed on a half pixel when a window's size is an odd number. This would cause sprite tearing problems and look awful. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new RPG Maker MZ bug fixes!
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.28: March 5, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Actor Command > Show Command Costs
- If you don't want to show skill costs for your commands in the Actor Command Window, you can now hide them.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements
- Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Battler Name
- Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Gauge 1 (HP)
- Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Gauge 2 (MP)
- Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Gauge 3 (TP)
- Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > State Icon
- Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > TPB/ATB Gauge
- These new Plugin Parameters allow you to offset the positions of the various Battle Status Window elements. Their base positions will be calculated by the Battle Layout used and then offset from there.
- Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Window Skin
- These settings allow you to set a specific window skin for the Battle Status Window or hide it from view completely.
- Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Selectable Background
- This option allows you to hide the black box that comes with the majority of selectable elements found in RPG Maker MZ in case it does not fit with how you want the Battle Status Window to look.
- Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Back Attachment
- Battle Layout Settings > Status Window Elements > Front Attachment
- These settings allow you to attach images to the back/front of the Battle Status Window from the img/system/ folder.
- You may offset X and Y positions for them as well.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Enemy Settings > Name: Always Visible
- Determines if the enemy name will always be visible.
- Plugin Parameters > Enemy Settings > Name: Attach States
- Attach the enemy's state icon to the enemy name?
- Plugin Parameters > Enemy Settings > Attach: Offset X/Y
- Offset the attached state icon's position.
- Feature Update!
- Switched drawing enemy names on the screen from window to sprite to reduce lag and for better screen positioning accuracy especially during screen zooming. Update by Olivia.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: March 5, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Custom equipment slots are disabled during Battle Testing for better accuracy and results.
Tier 2
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: March 5, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Aggro Settings > Battle Status Gauge
- These settings allow you to offset the Aggro Gauge in the Battle Status Window from its original position.
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: March 5, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- <BTB User Set BP: x>, <BTB User Gain BP: +x>, <BTB User Lose BP: -x> notetags should no work properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: March 5, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Commands and Item Crafting Scene option will not appear if you do not have any recipes prepared at all in your game. Update made by Irina.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: March 5, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Gneral > Battle Scene > Battle Party Icon
- For some reason, we never had a setting that lets you change the party icon. Well, now there is!
Tier 4
Weakness Popups VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: March 5, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Weakness Popups for front view actors will no longer appear at the top of the screen. Fix made by Irina.
- Weakness Popups will no longer shift positions prior to an actor's status window positioning anchor. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Extra Features" section for more clarity on what having the Battle Core enables for Front View games.
February 26, 2021 - Update #28
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: February 26, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Moved "Show Scrolling Text, additional functionality" section from Bug Fixes to Major Changes as it was placed in the wrong section.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Yanfly.
- Plugin Parameters > Keyboard Input > Name Input > Banned Words
- Insert words you don't want your players to use for character names.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.27: February 26, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics Settings > Switches > Switch: Critical
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics Settings > Switches > Switch: Miss/Evade
- Turns Switches ON if the action performs a critical hit, misses, or is evaded at any point.
- Switch reverts to OFF whenever an action starts.
- If multiple targets/hits are struck, as long as one hit respectively lands a critical hit, fails to land, then the switch will remain ON for the rest of the action.
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics Settings > Variables > Variable: Damage
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics Settings > Variables > Variable: Healing
- Variable records target damage/healing during action.
- Variable reverts to 0 whenever an action starts.
- If multiple targets/hits are struck, the variable will record the total amount of damage/healing done for the remainder of the action (unless manually reseting to 0 during an Action Sequence).
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: February 26, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: February 26, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Region Restrictions regarding Player Allow will no longer affect vehicle passability. Update made by Arisu.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: February 26, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- Plugin Parameters > Shop Menu Settings > Switches > Switch: Buy
- Plugin Parameters > Shop Menu Settings > Switches > Switch: Sell
- Buying/selling items in the Shop Scene turns this Switch to ON.
- Switch reverts to OFF whenever the Shop Scene opens.
- These switches can be used after a "Shop Processing" event command to determine if the player has bought an item, bought and sold an item, sold an item, or neither.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: February 26, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Default Plugin Parameters for the List Style Settings defaults have been updated with tighter coordinate values to allow for more accurate display of UI element positioning. Update made by Olivia.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: February 26, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- For <JS type Slip Damage> and <JS type Slip Heal> notetags, added the following notes:
- When these states are applied via action effects, the slip calculations are one time calculations made upon applying and the damage is cached to be used for future on regeneration calculations.
- For that reason, do not include game mechanics here such as adding states, buffs, debuffs, etc. as this notetag is meant for calculations only. Use the VisuStella Battle Core's <JS Pre-Regenerate> and <JS Post-Regenerate> notetags for game mechanics instead.
- Passive states and states with the <JS Slip Refresh> notetag are exempt from the one time calculation and recalculated each regeneration phase.
- Feature Update!
- Changed slip refresh requirements to entail <JS Slip Refresh> notetag for extra clarity. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 2
Afro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: February 26, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed positioning of gauge for List Style battle layouts without faces. Fix made by Olivia.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: February 26, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL:
- Plugin Parameters > General Settings > Switches > Switch: Craft
- Crafting items in Crafting Scene turns this Switch to ON.
- Switch reverts to OFF whenever the Crafting Scene opens.
- This can be used after an "Item Crafting" plugin command to determine if the player has crafted an item or not.
February 19, 2021 - Update #27
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: February 19, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Certain Plugin Parameters no longer have settings that restrict them to a maximum of 1. Fix made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- Changed the default value for a New Game > Common Event upon Play Testing to 0 to prevent confusion. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.26: February 19, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Battles with branching event paths found within a conditional branch or choice tree will no longer be skipped over. Fix made by Arisu.
- Compatibility Update
- Returning to the battle scene from the options scene in a Tpb-base battle system now links the current actor. Update by Irina.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: February 19, 2021
- Feature Update
- Changed the way passive state infinite stacking as a blanket coverage. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 2
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: February 19, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash upon teleporting with an altering Dragonbones armature load without a base sprite. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 4
Visual Item Inventory VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 19, 2021
- Feature Update!
- No longer requires VisuStella MZ Items and Equips Core dependency.
February 12, 2021 - Update #26
Tier 1
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: February 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- "Self Variable: Variable ID" plugin command's Map ID should now be able to use "0" to self reference the current map. Fix made by Olivia.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: February 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Auto positioned messages in battle will no longer cover the battler in question. Fix made by Irina.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: February 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Added a check to prevent passive states from infinitely stacking. Fix made by Olivia.
Tier 2
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: February 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Param bonuses for subclasses are no longer based on the current level but instead, the level for the subclass. Fix made by Irina.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: February 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug involving the changing of a Dragonbones battler in-battle to prevent multiple instances being added at once. Fix made by Irina.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: February 12, 2021
- Feature Update!
- <Force TP Mode: name> notetag is now updated to be enforced outside of battle as well. Update made by Olivia.
Tier 3
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: February 12, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Skills that cannot be used will no longer be checked for auto triggers. Update made by Olivia.
Life State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: February 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Added a check to prevent an infinite loop with Doom. Fix made by Olivia.
New Game Plus VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: February 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Carry-Over Variables Plugin Parameter should now display Variables instead of Switches. Fix made by Irina.
- Save files will no longer corrupt when carrying over uninitialized actors. Fix made by Irina.
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: February 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Freeze frame now supports enemy custom weapon images. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 4
Button Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: February 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Pressing a Button Common Event key while stepping onto a below priority touch event will no longer give priority tot he Button Common Event. Fix made by Arisu.
Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: February 12, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Opacity Fade Speed Plugin Parameter now allows you to alter the value up to 255 now. Fix made by Irina.
- EXP Setting 10 and Gold Setting 10 will no longer be hard limited. Fix made by Irina.
February 5, 2021 - Update #25
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: February 5, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- Show Scrolling Text, additional functionality added by Arisu
- The event command "Show Scrolling Text" now has additional functionality as long as the VisuStella MZ Core Engine is installed. If the game dev inserts "// Script Call" (without the quotes) inside the scrolling text, then the entirity of the Show Scrolling Text event command will be ran as a giant script call event command.
- The reason why this functionality is added is because the "Script..." event command contains only 12 lines maximum. This means for any script call larger than 12 lines of code cannot be done by normal means as each script call is ran as a separate instance.
- By repurposing the "Show Scrolling Text" event command to be able to function as an extended "Script..." event command, such a thing is now possible with less hassle and more lines to code with.
- This effect does not occur if the Show Scrolling Text event command does not have "// Script Call" in its contents.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.25: February 5, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility update with VisuStella MZ Skills and States Core's Plugin Parameter > State Settings > Action End Update
- Feature Update!
- <Common Event: name> notetag no longer requires <Custom Action Sequence> notetag if the Plugin Parameter: Auto Notetag is enabled.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: February 5, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Event icon plugin commands should now work properly. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Added new "Features: Weighted Random Movement" section.
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Arisu:
- <Random Move Weight: x>
- If this tag is used on an event with random-type autonomous movement, then the event will stick closer to their home location (where they are located upon spawning on the map). How close they stick to their home location will depend on the weighted 'x' value.
- <True Random Move>
- If this tag is used on an event with random-type autonomous movement, then that event will ignore the effects of weighted randomized movement.
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu and sponsored by AndyL:
- Event Timer: Change Speed
- Event Timer: Expire Event Assign
- Event Timer: Expire Event Clear
- Event Timer: Frames Gain
- Event Timer: Frames Set
- Event Timer: Pause
- Event Timer: Resume
- The above Plugin Commands allow you to control the game timer better.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Movement > Event Movement > Random Move Weight
- Use numbers between 0 and 1. Numbers closer to 1 stay closer to their home position.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: February 5, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Choice List Window with a dimmed background should now have a more consistent sized dim sprite. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 2
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: February 5, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Aggro is now cleared at the end of each battle in addition to the start of each battle. Update made by Olivia.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: February 5, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu!
- Party: Move Party Index to Reserve
- Moves an actor in a specific party index to reserve. Map only. Must be 1 actor left. You may use code.
- Party: Move Random Reserve to Active
- Moves a random actor from the reserve party to active. Map only. Must be enough space in active party.
Tier 4
Menu Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: February 5, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for removed feature.
- Feature Update!
- "Window_NumberInput" for Window Padding Settings Plugin Parameter is now removed. This is due to numerous "bug reports" despite the issue of no numbers being shown having been fixed since v1.01. Since many users did not do a fresh reinstall of the plugin to fix the problem and continued to submit it as bug reports, we have decided it would be better to just hardcode the padding values for this window instead. Update by Irina.
January 29, 2021 - Update #24
- VisuStella Wave 7 is ready in the All Waves Bundle as Early Access!
- Now includes Wave 7 Plugins for early access!
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: January 29, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Plugin Parameters: Custom Parameters Settings added the following note:
- For clarification, these settings do NOT create brand-new parameters for you to use and add to your game nor are the bonuses supported by other plugins in the VisuStella MZ library. These settings exist to function as a bridge for non-VisuStella MZ plugins that have created their own parameter values and to show them inside VisuStella menus.
- Feature Update!
- Default JS Plugin Parameter for the Title Command: "Shutdown" now has a note in it that reads: "Do NOT use this command with mobile devices or browser games. All it does is cause the game to display a blank, black canvas which the player is unable to do anything with. It does NOT force close the browser tab nor the app."
- This is also why this command is disabled by default for any non-NodeJS client deployed game versions.
- Disabled some bug fixes made by the Core Engine for the default RMMZ code base since the 1.1.1 version now contains those very same fixes.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.24: January 29, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- MOVE: Move To Point and MOVE: Move To Target(s) Action Sequences' "Offset Adjustment" normal setting will now factor in Offset X and Offset Y positions unlike before where it cancels them. Update by Irina.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Arisu:
- <Common Event: name>
- Battle only: calls forth a Common Event of a matching name.
- This is primarily used for users who are reorganizing around their Common Events and would still like to have their skills/items perform the correct Action Sequences in case the ID's are different.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 29, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- <Multi-Element: x> notetags should now work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Irina:
- <Equip Trait Requirement: name>
- Makes this piece of equipment equippable by only actors with those traits. If there are multiple traits required, all of them have to be met. If multiple trait types share the same trait name, the listed name will count for all of them.
- Usage Example: <Equip Trait Requirement: Female> makes the item only equippable by female actors as long as they are tagged as female.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina and sponsored by AndyL.
- Status Menu Settings > Elements > IDs: Column 1 added
- Status Menu Settings > Elements > IDs: Column 2 added
- The list of element ID's to show in column 1/2.
- If neither column has ID's, list all elements.
- If you do not update the drawn JS found in the Status Menu Categories Plugin Parameters, these new settings won't do anything.
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Parameter updates made by Irina and sponsored by AndyL.
- Status Menu Categories > Parameters updated
- Default draw options now have a slightly thicker padding to make the parameter values easier to read.
- Status Menu Categories > Elements updated
- Default draw options now factor in multiple columns as applied by the new plugin parameters above.
- Status Menu Categories > Access updated
- Skill Types, Weapon Types, and Armor Types are now centered in the various data columns to allow for better reading.
- Default settings have been added to the Plugin Parameters. If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_ElementStatusCore.js there, then copy over the "Status Menu Categories" parameters found in the Plugin Parameters to your current project.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: January 29, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Do NOT insert quotes" to "Balloon: name" and "Pose: name".
- Added Examples for extra clarification.
- Optimization Update!
- When touch clicking an event on a map with multiple events, pathfinding will utilize the non-diagonal function for less resource consumption to prevent FPS frame drops. Fix made by Arisu.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: January 29, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Irina.
- <Equip Copy Limit: x>
- Sets a maximum number of copies that the actor can wear of this equipment. Usage Example: Actors can only equip one copy of the "One-of-a-Kind Ring" on at any time despite having empty accessory slots because the ring has a <Equip Copy Limit: 1> notetag.
- <Equip Weapon Type Limit: x>
- This weapon cannot be equipped with other weapons of the same type once the limited amount has been reached. Usage Example: A dualwielding warrior who can only equip one sword and a dagger but never two swords or two daggers because the swords and daggers all have the <Equip Weapon Type Limit: 1> notetags on them.
- <Equip Armor Type Limit: x>
- This armor cannot be equipped with other armors of the same type once the limited amount has been reached. Usage Example: People cannot equip more than two glove accessories on at a time because the glove is a "Glove" armor-type and each glove item has the <Equip Armor Type Limit: 2> notetags on them.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: January 29, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility for Tome571/TF's "Advanced Sound Options plugin".
- Default settings have been added to the Audio settings. If you want to acquire these settings for an already-existing project, do either of the following:
- Delete the existing VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js in the Plugin Manager list and install the newest version.
- Or create a new project, install VisuMZ_1_OptionsCore.js there, then copy over the Audio settings found in the Options Category plugin parameter to your current project.
Tier 2
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: January 29, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu!
- Party: Move Actor(s) to Active
- Map only. Moves an actor to the active party if there is room.
- Party: Move Actor(s) to Reserve
- Map only. Moves an actor to the reserve party.
Tier 3
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: January 29, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Basic weapon animations should now show the proper weapon image. Fix made by Olivia.
- Freeze frame now supports custom non-attack animations. Fix by Olivia.
January 22, 2021 - Update #23
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: January 22, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.23: January 22, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- ACSET: All Targets Action Set and ACSET: Each Target Action Set updated
- New parameter added: Dual/Multi Wield?
- Add times struck based on weapon quantity equipped?
- New Features!
- Dual Wielding now functions differently. Made by Olivia.
- Previously, RPG Maker MZ had "Dual Wielding" attack using both weapon animations at once, with the combined ATK of each weapon. It's confusing to look at and does not portray the nature of "Dual Wielding".
- Dual Wielding, or in the case of users adding in third and fourth weapons, Multi Wielding is now changed. Each weapon is displayed individually, each producing its own attack animation, showing each weapon type, and applying only that weapon's ATK, Traits, and related effects. It is no longer a combined effect to display everything at once like RPG Maker MZ default.
- If an actor has multiple weapon slots but some of them are unequipped, then the action will treat the attack as a single attack. There will be no barehanded attack to add on top of it. This is to match RPG Maker MZ's decision to omit a second animation if the same scenario is applied.
- New Action Sequence Plugin Commands added by Yanfly
- ANIM: Attack Animation 2+
- Plays the animation associated with the user's 2nd weapon. Plays nothing if there is no 2nd weapon equipped.
- New Action Sequence Plugin Commands added by Olivia
- WEAPON: Clear Weapon Slot
- WEAPON: Next Weapon Slot
- WEAPON: Set Weapon Slot
- These are Action Sequence Plugin Commands for devs who want finer control over Dual/Multi Wielding weapons.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: January 22, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- When touch clicking multiple times on an impassable tile, pathfinding will utilize the non-diagonal function for less resource consumption to prevent FPS frame drops. Fix made by Arisu.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: January 22, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Name Box Window Default Color is now disabled by default to 0 because users do not understand why their names are showing up yellow and did not bother reading the documentation. If users want this feature turned on, they will have to do it manually from now on. Update made by Irina.
Tier 2
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: January 22, 2021
- Feature Update!
- A different kind of end battle check is now made to determine hiding the turn order display. Update made by Olivia.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: January 22, 2021
- Feature Update!
- A different kind of end battle check is now made to determine hiding the turn order display. Update made by Olivia.
- Added in a built-in anti-softlock check.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: January 22, 2021
- Feature Update!
- A different kind of end battle check is now made to determine hiding the turn order display. Update made by Olivia.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 22, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Upon changing map sprites, Dragonbones characters would become skewed. This should no longer happen.
- Documentation Update!
- Updated help file for new features.
- New Features!
- Map Sprite: Actor Change Settings new Plugin Command parameters
- "Walk Rate" and "Dash Rate" modifiers added.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: January 22, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Add notes to the "Custom Label" and "Custom Color" Plugin Parameters:
- This applies to gauges only. This does NOT change the way TP costs are displayed in the skill windows.
Tier 3
Action Sequence Projectiles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 22, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Projectile start locations and end locations now factor in a target's additional Y position from jumping and/or floating. Fix made by Irina.
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: January 22, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Triggers involving the user should now work properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetag added by Arisu:
- <Auto Trigger x%: condition>
- If using the x% variant, the Auto Trigger has a x% chance to occur.
- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the chance to succeed.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: January 22, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- <AI Target: x> notetags should no longer crashes. Fix made by Irina.
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 22, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Plugin is now compatible with Battle Core's Freeze Motion.
Tier 4
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: January 22, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Dimmed background sprite now expands through the width of the screen while in battle to no longer display the jagged edges. Update by Irina.
January 15, 2021 - Update #22
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: January 15, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new RPG Maker MZ bug fixes!
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug: Sprite_Timer is added to the spriteset for the parent scene, making it affected by any filers, zooms, and/or blurs, hindering its readability.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.22: January 15, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Compatibility with "All Skills" Actor Command should now work with the Skills & States Core hide skill notetags.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: January 15, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Pressing "Shift" to remove equipment will now refresh the status window unlike before. Fix made by Olivia.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameters added
- Plugin Parameters > Item Menu Settings > Background Type
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: January 15, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 15, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameters added
- Plugin Parameters > Skill Settings > Background Type
Tier 2
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 15, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameters added
- Plugin Parameters > General Settings > Background Type
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: January 15, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- For battle testing, if the number of battle test members exceeds the maximum battle member slots, trim them until they match. Fix by Olivia.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: January 15, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Feature!
- Added new Marker to Quest Log format and Quest Tracker formats.
- RawTitle - Inserts the title of the quest without any text codes removed. Keep in mind that icons do NOT resize based on the text size.
Tier 3
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: January 15, 2021
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu!
- Plugin Parameters > Vocab > Level Up > Volume
- Plugin Parameters > Vocab > Level Up > Pitch
- Plugin Parameters > Vocab > Level Up > Pan
- For the people who want more control over the level up sound effect.
Tier 4
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 15, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Any entries added to the Combat Log with \V[x] will now have their exact variable data stored at the time instead of displaying their current variable value. Update made by Irina.
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: January 15, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for features that were left out by accident.
- Notetag/Comment Tag: <Alert FoV Angle: x>
- Notetag/Comment Tag: <Alert Hide FoV>
- Notetag/Comment Tag: <Alert Show FoV>
Menu Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 15, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Added "Window_ShopNumber" to the default black list.
Proximity Compass VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: January 15, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Failsafes added in case events added manually through other plugins do not update with proper events.
January 8, 2021 - Update #21
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: January 8, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Plugin Parameters > Keyboard Input > Controls > WASD Movement
- Plugin Parameters > Keyboard Input > Controls > R Button: Dash Toggle
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.21: January 8, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- "MOVE: Home Reset" Plugin Command Action Sequence should work properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Features!
- New Notetag snuck in by Arisu
- <Auto Action Sequence>
- Used for those who have the "Auto Notetag" Plugin Parameter enabled and just want to use an automatic Action Sequence instead.
- New Plugin Parameter snuck in by Arisu!
- Plugin Parameters > Action Sequences > Quality of Life > Auto Notetag
- Automatically apply the <Custom Action Sequence> notetag effect to any item or skill that has a Common Event?
- Any item or skill without a Common Event attached to it will use the Automatic Action Sequences instead.
- The <Auto Action Sequence> notetag will disable this effect for that particular skill or item.
- Arisu, you're going to be responsible for any bugs these may cause.
- Bring it!!!!
- And handling any bug report emails that are sent because this was turned on by accident.
- Please read the documentation, guys!
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: January 8, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Default "JS: Draw Data" code for Plugin Parameters > Status Menu Categories > Elements has been updated to account for Trait Type visibility for both Element and Sub-Element. This won't update normally as it is a part of the Plugin Parameters. You will need to either delete the reinstall the plugin into the Plugin Manager list or copy and paste the Status Menu Categories plugin parameters from a fresh install. Fix made by Irina.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 8, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- <Auto Actor: x> and <Auto Party: x> text codes should now work properly. Fix made by Irina.
- Feature Update!
- Auto Color Plugin Parameters now have their default settings set to 0. This is due to an influx of "bug reports" from users who do not understand how this feature works, and the VisuStella team has decided it is better for the feature to default to an inactive state until users decide to search and utilize it themselves. Update made by Irina.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: January 8, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- JS: Enabled accessibility option should now be working properly.
- Feature Update!
- Disabled options should now be faded out completely.
Tier 2
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 8, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Leveling up should now automatically cache the current class level. Fix made by Irina.
Tier 3
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: January 8, 2021
- Feature Update!
- For those using classic mode with a variance level of 0, action lists will be better shuffled to provide more variation between selected skills. Update made by Irina.
Grid-Free Doodads - Editor
Version 1.02: January 8, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 4
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: January 8, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Command added by Irina.
- Plugin Parameters > General Settings > Stored Logs
- How many combat logs are stored as a history?
Debugger VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 8, 2021
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Menu Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: January 8, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Menu Cursor will no longer show if there is no index selected. Fix made by Irina.
January 1, 2021 - Update #20
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: January 1, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.20: January 1, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- For TPB Active or ATB Active, inputting actors that have received damage will return back to place after flinching. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Yanfly:
- <Battle Portrait Offset: +x, +y>
- <Battle Portrait Offset X: +x>
- <Battle Portrait Offset Y: +y>
- This is used with the "Portrait" and "Border" Battle Layouts.
- Offsets the X and Y coordinates for the battle portrait.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: January 1, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Spawned events should now resume their automated self movement after being interacted with. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Feature Updates!
- Collission checks for the Spawn Event Plugin Commands now account for the spawning event's Hitbox, too. Update made by Yanfly.
- Spawn Event Plugin Commands adds a new parameter "Success Switch ID" to check if the spawning has been successful or not.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Yanfly!
- Spawn Event: Spawn At Terrain Tag
- Spawn Event: Despawn Terrain Tag(s)
- These function similar to their region counterparts except they target terrain tags instead.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: January 1, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Equipping should be working properly again. Fix made by Yanfly.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: January 1, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- Removed "<Menu Image: filename>" version of notetag to reduce confusion and to stick with the norm declared by the Battle Core.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Yanfly:
- <Menu Portrait Offset: +x, +y>
- <Menu Portrait Offset X: +x>
- <Menu Portrait Offset Y: +y>
- This is used with the "Portrait" style Main Menu list.
- Offsets the X and Y coordinates for the menu portrait.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: January 1, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Auto-color no longer applies to database names that are only numbers. Auto-color entries that are only numbers will also be ignored. This is to prevent breaking the text code parsing. Update made by Yanfly.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: January 1, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Custom JS TP slip damage and healing should now work properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
Tier 2
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: January 1, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 1, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: January 1, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: January 1, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: January 1, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- General Settings should now have default values when added. If you are still getting an error when starting a new game, please open up the General Settings in the Plugin Parameters and hit OK. Fix made by Yanfly.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: January 1, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Tier 3
Enemy Levels VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: January 1, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Average Actor/Party Levels should now work properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
New Game Plus VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: January 1, 2021
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: January 1, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Yanfly.
- <Visual Rainbow: +x> and <Visual Rainbow: -x>
Tier 4
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 1, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Compatibility with the Absorption Barrier should be fixed. Fix made by Yanfly.
Gab Window VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 1, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Changed how graphics are loaded into the gabs to make them more reliable. Update made by Yanfly.
Menu Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: January 1, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Added "Window_Status" to the default black list.
Weakness Popups VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: January 1, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Feature!
- Plugin Parameters for the Popup Settings now have a Variance factor for Offset X and Offset Y. Added by Yanfly.
December 25, 2020 - Update #19
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: December 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s) and feature updates!
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed typo inside of the comments inside the JS: Quick Functions.
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Parameters > Color Settings > Outline Color is now renamed to Font Outline.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Shaz!
- Plugin Parameters > Color Settings > Gauge Number Outline
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.19: December 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Removing a state from a Sideview Enemy during the middle of their a non-looping motion will no longer reset their motion to neutral. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for updated feature(s)!
- Feature Update!
- Action Sequence "PROJECTILE: Icon" now supports code for the "Icon" parameter. Update made by Yanfly.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: December 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Equip-Adjust HP/MP should work properly now. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added more clarity for <JS Item Enable> to state that if the VisuStella Battle Core is installed, then all battle scope items are visible, but not necessarily enabled if they are disabled otherwise.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: December 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- <JS On Add State> should no longer trigger multiple times for the death state. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for updated feature(s)!
- Feature Update!
- <No Death Clear> can now allow the affected state to be added to an already dead battler. Update made by Yanfly.
Tier 2
Battle System - BTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Brave Point preview in the battle status will now be bound by the absolute minimum hard card and the maximum soft cap. Fixed by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetag added by Yanfly.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: December 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Starting battle from a surprise attack will no longer skip turn 1. And starting battle without any inputtable actors will no longer skip turn 1. Fix made by Yanfly.
Bright Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Bright effects from battle should no longer carry back over into the map scene. Fix made by Yanfly.
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Added a refresh after setting up new actors to recalculate any cached parameter values, skills, and passive states. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Equipment duplication glitch should no longer occur.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Yanfly.
- <Class Picture: filename> and <Picture: filename>
- Uses a picture from your project's /img/pictures/ folder instead of the class icon for the Class Change scene.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Yanfly.
- Window Settings > Scene_ClassChange > Confirm Animation ID > Offset X
- Window Settings > Scene_ClassChange > Confirm Animation ID > Offset Y
- Offsets have been added to let you adjust where the animation occurs for primary and subclass changing.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: December 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Yanfly.
- <Crafting Picture: filename> and <Picture: filename>
- Uses a picture from your project's /img/pictures/ folder instead of the item, weapon, or armor's icon during crafting instead.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: December 25, 2020
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: December 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Yanfly.
- <Learn Skill Picture: filename> and <Picture: filename>
- Uses a picture from your project's /img/pictures/ folder instead of the skill's icon during learning instead.
Tier 3
Action Sequence Projectiles VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Settings are no longer cached and are now independent for one another. Fix made by Yanfly.
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: December 25, 2020
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for Battle System - STB.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: December 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Yanfly!
- <AI Target: type>
- Bypasses TGR influence in favor of picking a specific target out of a group of valid targets (does not pick from outside the valid target group) for a skill target. Read documentation to see targeting types.
Message Letter Sounds VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Empty text won't prompt a message sound effect to play. Fixed by Yanfly.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: December 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Yanfly.
- <Visual Opacity: x> and <Visual Opacity: x%>
Tier 4
Button Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- When pressing Button Common Events with the keyboard, any visible buttons on the screen will also flash their color tone briefly to show that they are being pressed. This is only if the Hover Tone Plugin Parameter is enabled. Update made by Yanfly.
- New Features!
- New Notetags Added by Yanfly!
- <Assign Button Common Event: id>
- <Assign Button Slot: x, x, x>
- New Plugin Command added by Yanfly!
- System: Clear Common Event ID(s)
- Clears any keys with the marked Common Event ID(s).
- System: Run Stored Button Common Event
- Run the Common Event stored on a specific key.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Yanfly!
- Plugin Parameters > Assignment Settings
Combat Log VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 25, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Combat Log when opened with the hot key will automatically close itself if the Message Window is open. Update made by Yanfly.
Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: December 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for updated features.
- Feature Updates!
- Many of the notetags now have a batch variant to add items, weapons, or armors into the drop pool en masse. Updated by Yanfly.
Menu Cursor VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Changed the default value of the Window_NumberInput padding amount to 0 from 16 so that numbers don't disappear. Fix made by Yanfly.
December 18, 2020 - Update #18
Sample Project
- Updated Corescripts from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: December 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Compatible string text from the Items and Equips Core will no longer register MaxHP and MaxMP as percentile values for the info window.
- RPG Maker MZ Bug: Gamepads no longer go rapidfire after a cleared input. There is now a period of delay for gamepads after an input clear.
- RPG Maker MZ Bug: Unusable items on an individual-actor basis will no longer be overwritten by party-based usability for battle. Fix by Yanfly.
- RPG Maker MV animations will no longer crash for unplayable sound effects. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- Added documentation for new RPG Maker MZ bug fixes!
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Yanfly!
- Plugin Parameters > Button Assist > Key: Shift
- Plugin Parameters > Button Assist > Key: Tab
- These let you assign text codes to the Shift and Tab buttons for the Button Assist windows.
- Plugin Parameters > QoL Settings > Misc > NewGame > CommonEvent
- For an all version (including non-play test) common event to start new games with.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.18: December 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- For TPB Active or ATB Active, inputting actors will no longer step back after an enemy's action is finished. Fix made by Yanfly and Shiro.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Features!
- Action Sequence "BTLOG: Add Text" is updated for the convenience of a new option to quickly copy the displayed text to the VisuStella MZ Combat Log if that plugin is installed. Added by Yanfly.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: December 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Caching for event label positions now account for page index. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for the new features!
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Irina.
- Follower: Set Global Chase
- Follower: Set Target Chase
- Follower: Set Control
- Follower: Reset
- These plugin commands allow you to change whether or not the followers will chase their intended targets and/or shift control over their movement route from the "Player" to the target follower.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: December 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug: Unusable items on an individual-actor basis will no longer be overwritten by party-based usability for battle. Fix by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added more clarity for <JS Item Enable> to state that it removes the usable item from visibility as well if the actor unable to use it is the only person in the party.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: December 18, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Yanfly:
- <Passive Condition Multiclass: id>
- <Passive Condition Multiclass: id, id, id>
- <Passive Condition Multiclass: name>
- <Passive Condition Multiclass: name, name, name>
- New Plugin Parameter added by Yanfly.
- Plugin Parameters > States > General > Action End Update
- States with "Action End" auto-removal will also update turns at the end of each action instead of all actions.
- Turn this off if you wish for state turn updates to function like they do by default for "Action End".
Tier 2
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: December 18, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Enemies can now benefit from <STB Instant> skills. Update made by Olivia.
- Action End States updating are now handled by Skills and States Core v1.07+ for proper intended usage. Change from Battle System - STB v1.02 is reverted here to prevent triggering the update twice.
Class Change System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Class specific character graphics no longer default to index 0 when no index is found or declared by notetags. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added "Clarification" section to the documentation to explain some things that users might not understand correctly.
- Feature Update!
- The button assist text for the "SHIFT" removal is now offset towards the left a bit for more room. Update made by Yanfly.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: December 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Removing party members in the active party by event command will now be properly removed from the party. Fix made by Yanfly.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: December 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Notetags that utilize multiple numeric ID's instead of skill names should now be working properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
Tier 3
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: December 18, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for notetag <Reference AI: Enemy id>
- Actors are only able to use skills they would normally have access to.
- Actors need to have LEARNED the skill.
- Actors need to be able to access the skill's SKILL TYPE.
- Actors need to have the RESOURCES to pay for the skill.
- If you cannot figure out why an auto battle actor cannot use a
specific skill, turn OFF auto battle and see if you can use the skill
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: December 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MV animations will no longer crash for unplayable sound effects. Requires updated Core Engine. Fix made by Yanfly.
Tier 4
Animated Map Destination VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MV animations will no longer crash for unplayable sound effects. Fix made by Yanfly.
Database Inheritance VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 18, 2020
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Tier 5
TileD VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 18, 2020
- Fixed a bug wherein balloon icons would crash the game.
December 11, 2020 - Update #17
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: December 11, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.17: December 11, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Common Events in TPB Active that cause forced actions will no longer cause currently inputting actors that match the forced action battler to crash the game. Fix made by Yanfly and Shiro.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- Feature Update!
- Action Sequence Impact Action Sequences "Shockwave from Each Target(s)", "Shockwave from Target(s) Center", and "Zoom Blur at Target(s) Center" now have "Offset X" and "Offset Y" plugin parameters. Added by Yanfly.
- Action Sequence "MOVE: Move To Target(s)" is now changed so that if the "Melee Distance" value is set to 0, battlers will no longer stand a half body distance away. Added by Yanfly.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: December 11, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: December 11, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Tier 2
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: December 11, 2020
- Bugs Fixed!
- Quest tracking should now automatically remove itself once a quest is dubbed complete, failed, or removed. Fix made by Yanfly.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 11, 2020
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Updates!
- The Plugin Parameter for "Displayed Costs" have been updated to contain compatibility for a future plugin.
- The Plugin Parameter for "JS: Draw Status" has been updated to contain compatibility for a future plugin.
- To quickly acquire the new changes for the above Plugin Parameters, delete the "General" settings from the main Plugin Parameters page, then open them up again. These settings will be defaulted to the new additions added for the plugin. Warning! Old settings will be lost.
- New Features!
- Added <Learn CP Cost: x>, <Learn JP Cost: x>, <JS Learn CP Cost>, <JS Learn JP Cost> notetags. Added by Arisu.
Tier 3
Action Sequence Impact VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 11, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- Feature Update!
- Action Sequence Impact Action Sequences "Shockwave from Each Target(s)", "Shockwave from Target(s) Center", and "Zoom Blur at Target(s) Center" now have "Offset X" and "Offset Y" plugin parameters. Added by Yanfly.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Anti-Damage Barriers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 11, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
Steal Items VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 11, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: December 11, 2020
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins.
- Feature Updates!
- The default Plugin Parameter for "Reward Strips" have been updated to contain compatibility for a future plugin.
Tier 4
Database Inheritance VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 11, 2020
- Compatibility Update
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: December 11, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Without the Events and Movement Core, events returning home after a failed alert chase will no longer crash the game. Fix by Yanfly and Shiro.
December 4, 2020 - Update #16
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: December 4, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- Feature Update!
- Button Assist Window for the change name scene will now default to "Tab" for switching between both modes. Update made by Yanfly.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Yanfly:
- Plugin Parameters > Keyboard Input > Default Mode
- Select default mode when entering the scene.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.16: December 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Bug fixes made for the RPG Maker MZ base code. If a battler has no actions, then their action speed will not be Infinity. Fix by Olivia.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: December 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Caching for event label positions now account for one-screen maps. Fix made by Arisu.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: December 4, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu!
- Actor: Change Equip Slots
- Actor: Reset Equip Slots
- These plugin commands allow you to forcefully change the equip slots available to an actor regardless of the slots provided by its class as well as reset them.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: December 4, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Select Next Command no longer returns undefined. Fix made by Olivia.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 4, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Features!
- New plugin parameters added by Arisu:
- Custom Label
- Instead of displaying "TP", what label do you want to display here? Leave empty to keep using "TP".
- Custom Color 1, Custom Color 2
- Use #rrggbb for custom colors or regular numbers for text colors from the Window Skin. Empty for default colors.
- These plugin parameters are added onto TP Modes.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: December 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- With TPB battle systems, after switching out party members, the battle system will no longer carry over any previous active battle members in the command window. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Tier 3
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Show Pictures should now appear in the right positions. Fix by Irina.
Action Sequence Impact VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: December 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Enemies with a SV Battler attached to them will no longer desynch after using a motion trail effect. Fix made by Irina.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 4, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: December 4, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Plugin Parameter added by Olivia:
- Plugin Parameters > Level Up Settings > Hide Level?
- Hide the level change in the parameter value differences when comparing the stat changes from the previous level to the next.
Tier 4
Animated Pictures VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Plugin Command "Animated Picture: Change Properties" wait frames will no longer cap at 1 frame. Fixed by Irina and Shaz.
Button Common Events VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: December 4, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Plugin Command "System: Change Button Common Event" can now use code for icons. You can insert $gameVariables.value(50) in it and it will use whichever number is stored inside it as an icon. Update made by Irina.
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: December 4, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
November 29, 2020 - Update #15
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: November 29, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Pressing "Enter" in the change name scene while the actor's name is completely empty will no longer result in endless buzzer sounds. Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- Feature Update!
- For the name change scene, the "Tab" key now also lets the user switch between the two modes. Update made by Yanfly.
- New Features!
- Two new plugin parameters added to Keyboard Input:
- "Switch To Keyboard" and "Switch To Manual"
- These determine the text used for the button assist window when switching between the two modes. Update made by Yanfly.
- Button Assist window now takes into consideration for these texts.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.15: November 29, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Completely replacing the whole party at once will no longer cause the battle system to crash. Fix made by Olivia.
- Pre-Battle Common Events will no longer cancel out any win/lose branches. Fix made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- Custom Action Sequences will no longer close the Actor Command Input window unless absolutely necessary (like for Show Message events) during Active TPB/ATB. Change made by Arisu.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: November 29, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Trait Set bonuses for X Parameters and S Parameters no longer increase exponentially with each other. Fix made by Arisu.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: November 29, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Click Triggers no longer work on erased events. Fix made by Arisu.
- Erased events no longer have icons appear above their heads. Fix made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- Initialization of the plugin's effects no only occur if the event's current page settings have been altered. Change made by Arisu.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: November 29, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Displayed month should now show the correct numeric value. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 2
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: November 29, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Dragonbones height for actors is no longer affected by frame divisibility for SV Actors to skew the positions of height data. Fix made by Arisu.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: November 29, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- If on-screen touch buttons are disabled, they will no longer cause crash errors. Fix made by Arisu.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: November 29, 2020
- Bug Fixed!
- The Button Assist Window will now properly display the text for expanding and collapsing quest categories. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 3
Action Sequence Impact VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 29, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Motion Trails for Dragonbones armatures are now properly adjusted for their scale and offset. Fix made by Arisu.
Enemy Levels VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: November 29, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Minimum level can no longer go under 1 for calculation purposes. Change made by Arisu. Anything below is unintended usage.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: November 29, 2020
- Bug Fixed!
- The default reward strips Plugin Parameters data is now updated for the SP display costs to show the Skill Points data instead of Ability Points data. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 4
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 29, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Initialization of the encounter effects no only occur if the event's current page settings have been altered. Change made by Arisu and Shaz.
November 22, 2020 - Update #14
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: November 22, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added by Yanfly!
- System: Load Images
- Allows you to (pre) load up images ahead of time.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.14: November 22, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Natural Miss and Evasion motions now have flinch distance. Added by Yanfly.
Tier 2
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: November 22, 2020
- Feature Update!
- ATB Interrupts will not clear all actions (including queued ones) for mechanical compatibility. Change made by Yanfly.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 22, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Action End States now update at the end of each individual action. Fix made by Yanfly.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: November 22, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- With Active TPB, switching out a party member mid-action is no longer possible to prevent bugs. Intead, there party switching action will be queued and take effect after the action has been completed. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Compatibility Update!
- Game_Party.swapOrder function now works with this plugin. However, keep in mind that due to how this party system plugin allows you have empty slots in the active battle party, this function will fill in the empty slots upon usage. Update made by Yanfly.
Skill Learn System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 22, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Game no longer crashes when displaying AP/SP rewards for those without the Victory Aftermath plugin. Fix made by Yanfly.
Tier 3
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: November 22, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Auto Skill Triggers no long clear battler speed in TPB. Fixed by Yanfly.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: November 22, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- <State Motion: x> now works for sideview enemies. Keep in mind the state motion does not apply to the active battler during the Input phase. Fix made by Yanfly.
Weapon Animation VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 22, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- If battlers with custom weapon animations perform an Action Sequence with "Show Weapon" set to false, they will no longer force the attack motion. Fix made by Yanfly.
Tier 4
Encounter Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 22, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Certain notetags will no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Erased events will have their alert sprite removed, too. Fix made by Yanfly.
Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: November 22, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Non-conditional drops should be more compatible with other plugins. Update made by Yanfly.
November 15, 2020 - Update #13
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: November 15, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.13: November 15, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: November 15, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Morph plugin command should no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for the updated features!
- Feature Updates!
- Updates to these Plugin Commands made by Yanfly:
- Call Event: Remote Activation
- Event Icon: Change
- Event Icon: Delete
- Event Location: Create
- Event Location: Delete
- Global Switch: Get Self Switch A B C D
- Global Switch: Get Self Switch ID
- Global Variable: Get Self Variable ID
- Morph Event: Change
- Morph Event: Remove
- Self Switch: A B C D
- Self Switch: Switch ID
- Self Variable: Variable ID
- All of the above Plugin Commands can now use 0 for their Event ID's in order to refer to the running event's ID value.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: November 15, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: November 15, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Some text codes left for the Name Box Window have been accidentally left out. These text codes allow for the positioning of the Name Box Window. Also, added to this section are the \NormalBG, \DimBG, and \TransparentBG text codes since people have been asking for how to change the name box window's background, but have skimmed over those text codes in different sections of the help file.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: November 15, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: November 15, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- The alignment of the Skill Type Window is now fixed and will reflect upon the default settings. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Features!
- <State x Category Remove: All> notetag added by Yanfly.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 2
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: November 15, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: November 15, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Battle System - STB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 15, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Now compatible with Party Command Window Disable from the Battle Core. Fix made by Yanfly.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: November 15, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Updated help file for new features.
- New Features!
- Two new notetags have been added for map sprites by Irina.
- <Dragonbones Sprite Walk Rate: x>
- <Dragonbones Sprite Dash Rate: x>
- These two new notetags allow you to animate specific Dragonbones animations at a different speed when walking or dashing. These speed multipliers will stack multiplicatively with the time scale.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: November 15, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: November 15, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 3
Anti-Damage Barriers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 15, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Tier 4
Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 15, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Proximity Compass VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 15, 2020
- Bug Fix!
- Events spawned by the Events & Movement Core will now have their compass icons displayed upon spawning without requiring a reload of the map. Fix made by Arisu.
November 8, 2020 - Update #12
VisuStella Sample Game Project
- New NPC!
- Name Change Robot has been added to the left part of town!
- Database Update!
- Action Sequences for the Limit skills are now updated for any missing flags.
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: November 8, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- Feature Update!
- Screen Shake Plugin Parameters and JS: Quick Function Plugin Parameters have been taken off experimental status.
- New Features!
- New plugin parameters added by Arisu.
- Plugin Parameters > Keyboard Input
- Settings for the game that utilize keyboard input. These are primarily for the name input scene (Scene_Name) and the number input event command. These settings have only been tested on English keyboards and may or may not be compatible with other languages, so please disable these features if they do not fit in with your game.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.12: November 8, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Failsafes added to prevent common events from running if they're empty. Fix made by Irina.
- Skip Party Command will now work properly with TPB-based battle systems. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Documentation Update!
- In preparation for upcoming VisuStella MZ plugins.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: November 8, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: November 8, 2020
- Bug Fix!
- Font size ratio for the shop status window now scales to a hard coded value to prevent smaller font sizes from expanding icon sizes. Fix made by Arisu.
- Feature Update!
- Currency display in the shop menu is now reflected upon how the plugin parameters set them to display. Update made by Arisu.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: November 8, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- When using auto size functions, the message pause symbol will no longer appear semi-transparent the whole time. Fix made by Irina.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: November 8, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Modern Controls compatibility with Core Engine no longer enables the Item Categories window and child classes to utilize the Home/End keys.
Tier 2
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 8, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Turning off Preserve TP will no longer generate random amounts of TP at the start of battle. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 3
Skill Cooldowns VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 8, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Cooldown updating has been changed from the start of an action to the start of a new turn processing for battlers to ensure accuracy. Update by Arisu.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: November 8, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New plugin parameter added by Arisu.
- Plugin Parameters > Reward Strips
- Reward strip settings that appear in the first screen of the Victory Aftermath. These are used to let you have control over what rewards are displayed at the end of each battle and can be used to display custom data from other plugins as well.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: November 8, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- <Add Animation: x> and <Erase Animation: x> notetags now work properly. Fix by Arisu.
November 1, 2020 - Update #11
VisuStella Sample Game Project
- Core Scripts version update!
- Updated from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0!
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: November 1, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Feature Update!
- Bitmap smoothing now takes into consideration for rounding coordinates. Update made by Irina.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.11: November 1, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Documentation Update!
- Added clarity for the Plugin Parameters for the Common Events settings found in the mechanics section. The common events are only meant to run in the map scene and not for the battle scene. Update made by Irina.
- Feature Update!
- The Plugin Parameter for Mechanics, Common Events (on Map), Defeat Event now has updated functionality. If this has a common event attached to it, then losing to random encounters will no longer send the player to the Game Over scene, but instead, send the player back to the map scene, where the Defeat Common Event will run. Update made by Irina.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: November 1, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Spawned Event preserve function now works properly. Fix made by Arisu.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: November 1, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Modern Controls compatibility with Core Engine no longer enables the Item Categories window and child classes to utilize the Home/End keys.
Tier 2
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 1, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugin is made more compatible with other plugins.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: November 1, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated with new features.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command by Irina!
- Actor: Change Field Gauge Face
- Changes the faces used for the specific actor(s) on the ATB Field Gauge.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: November 1, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated with new features.
- Optimization Update!
- Uses less resources for turn order display.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command by Irina!
- Actor: Change CTB Turn Order Face
- Changes the faces used for the specific actor(s) on the CTB Turn Order.
Enhanced TP System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: November 1, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Skill & States Core is no longer a dependency for Enhanced TP System. Fix made by Olivia.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: November 1, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: November 1, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- Feature Updates!
- When multiple parallel events are occuring, they will no longer cause lag by inducing multiple refreshes at a time. Update by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina!
- Plugin Parameters > Quest Tracker Settings > Tracker Format
- Text format for Quest Tracker Window. This lets you customize the text that appears in the Quest Tracker instead of just having the title and the objectives.
Tier 3
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 1, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Stunned enemies will have their auto triggers bypassed. Fix made by Olivia.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: November 1, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Charmed battlers will no longer vanish when attack one another. Fix made by Yanfly.
Grid-Free Doodads - In-Game Editor
Version 1.01: November 1, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Disabled window jumping with the touch input on selecting an existing Doodads if the mouse is hovered over the window. Update by Yanfly.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: November 1, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Upon dying, state removal popups are no longer shown to prevent massive clutter of the screen. Update by Irina.
October 25, 2020 - Update #10
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: October 25, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Sprite animation location now adjusts position relative to the sprite's scale, too. Update made by Arisu.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.10: October 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence Plugin Command added by Olivia:
- MECH: Custom Damage Formula
- Changes the current action's damage formula to custom. This will assume the MANUAL damage style.
- New Notetag added by Irina:
- New Plugin Parameters added by Irina:
- Plugin Parameters > Battleback Scaling Settings
- These settings allow you to adjust how battlebacks scale to the screen in the game.
- <Battler Sprite Grounded>
- Prevents the enemy from being able to jumping and/or floating due to Action Sequences but still able to move. Useful for rooted enemies.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: October 25, 2020
- Documentation Update
- Added clarity on the notetags and comment tags on when their effects are present.
- Feature Update!
- Event icons now have an unsmoothing property to them to make them look better. Update made by Irina.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: October 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- "All Items" category should now display the "Items" text. Fix by Irina.
- WType, AType, and EType categories now work with text. Fix by Irina.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added a warning message to the Fast Forward Key plugin parameter:
- WARNING: If this key is the same as the dash button, this will clear out any held down inputs upon triggering an event to prevent players from skipping potentially useful information stored in messages. If you do not want the input to be cleared, use a different key.
- Updated help file for new features.
- Feature Update!
- The default Fast Forward Key setting has now been changed from "Shift" to "Page Down". Change made by Yanfly
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Irina.
- Plugin Parameters > General > Default Outline Width
- Changes the default outline width to this many pixels thick.
Tier 2
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Plugin should now be compatible with older saves when changing to a save that didn't use a Field Gauge to one that does. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated with new features.
- Feature Update!
- <ATB Field Gauge Face: filename, index> notetag now works with actors. Update made by Irina.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: October 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Turn Order icons no longer stay invisible after rotating out completely. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated with new features.
- Feature Update!
- <CTB Turn Order Face: filename, index> notetag now works with actors. Update made by Irina.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: October 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Dead animations for actors no longer keep looping upon motion refreshes. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Updated help file for new features.
- New Features!
- New plugin parameter added by Irina.
- Plugin Parameters > Battler Settings > Idle Bypass > List
- This is a list of animations that will not return back to the idle animation after completion. Remove them if you want them to revert back to the idle animation after completion. Add to the list if you want animations to stay in their final frame.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: October 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Masked Names no longer show in the number input window. Fixed by Irina.
- Plugin no longer requires a new game to be started in order for Item Crafting to work for the main menu. Fix made by Irina.
- Touch Button for OK will no longer bypass the item requirements. Fix made by Irina.
- Uncategorized items will now default to a newly created Uncategorized list of items. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Plugin Parameters > General is updated with "Uncategorized Text" and "Uncategorized Icon" for uncategorized items.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Plugin Command "Party: Change Max Battle Members" now works again. Fix made by Arisu.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 25, 2020
- Feature Update!
- If Message Core is not detected, <ColorLock> and </ColorLock> notetags will be automatically removed. Added by Arisu.
Tier 3
Enemy Levels VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: October 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Average Actor Level and Average Party Level will now calculate levels properly if there is only one actor in the party. Fix made by Irina.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New plugin parameter added by Olivia.
- Plugin Parameters > General > Mirror Contents?
- Mirror the positions of EXP, Gold, and Items?
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 25, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Zooming in should no longer display faint outlines around state sprites. Fix made by Arisu.
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility with the Battle Core's new <Battler Sprite Grounded> notetag. Added by Irina.
Tier 4
Proximity Compass VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 25, 2020
- Documentation Update
- Added clarity on the notetags and comment tags on when their effects are present.
October 18, 2020 - Update #9
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: October 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- RPG Maker MZ Bug: Auto Battle Lock Up. Fixed by Yanfly.
- If an auto battle Actor fights against an enemy whose DEF/MDF is too high, they will not use any actions at all. This can cause potential game freezing and softlocks. This plugin will change that and have them default to a regular Attack.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.09: October 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Exiting out of the Options menu scene or Party menu scene will no longer cause party members to reset their starting position. Fix made by Arisu
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for new feature(s)!
- There was a documentation error with <JS Pre-Regenerate> and <JS Post-Regenerate>. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Before, these were written as <JS Pre-Regenerate Turn> and <JS Post-Regenerate Turn>. The "Turn" part of the notetag has been removed in the documentation.
- Feature Update!
- Damage sprites on actors are now centered relative to the actor's anchor. Change made by Yanfly.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence Plugin Command added by Yanfly:
- MECH: Variable Popup
- Causes the unit(s) to display a popup using the data stored inside a variable.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 18, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
- Documentation Update
- "Use Updated Layout" plugin parameters now have the added clause: "This will override the Core Engine windows settings." to reduce confusion. Added by Yanfly.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: October 18, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 18, 2020
Tier 2
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 18, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Battle System - CTB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Action times + should no longer freeze the game. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Actors and enemies without actions will no longer softlock the game. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Auto-battle during CTB should no longer lock the game! Fix by Yanfly.
- Enemies without any actions should no longer cause endless loops. Fix made by Yanfly.
- SV_Actor graphics on the Turn Order display are now centered. Fix made by Yanfly.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Enemies with Dragonbones battlers transforming into other enemies with Dragonbones battlers will now attach the sprites properly. Fix by Yanfly.
- Enemies with Dragonbones battlers transforming into enemies without them will now remove the non-transformed bitmap.
- Documentation Update!
- Added the 'Dragonbones Naming' section.
Item Crafting System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 18, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Bounce SFX pitch plugin parameter is now uncapped.
- Bug Fixes!
- Color matches no longer crash the game if the matching amount is set to zero. Bug fixed by Yanfly.
- Selecting a category without modern controls will now activate the list window. Bug fixed by Yanfly.
- The Category Window no longer disappears when there's only one category. Bug fixed by Yanfly.
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 18, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Tier 3
Auto Skill Triggers VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Skills and Items used outside of battle should no longer crash the game. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Specific trigger types should no longer crash the game. Fix made by Yanfly.
Battle AI VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- <All AI Conditiosn> and <Any AI Conditions> notetags are now fixed and should work properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
Enemy Levels VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 18, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added notetag information for <Enemy Skill id Require Level: x> which was previously left out by accident. Update made by Yanfly.
Skill Cooldowns VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Global and SType Cooldown modifiers should not cause crashes with specific numbers. Fix made by Yanfly.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: October 18, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Feature Update!
- Bounce SFX pitch plugin parameter is now uncapped.
- New Features!
- New plugin parameters added by Yanfly.
- Plugin Parameters > General > Collapse Effect > Normal Collapse Wait?
- Plugin Parameters > General > Collapse Effect > Boss Collapse Wait?
- These settings enable you to decide if you want the Victory Aftermath to wait until collapse effects are finished before continuing.
- Plugin Parameters > General > Music > Volume
- Plugin Parameters > General > Music > Pitch
- Plugin Parameters > General > Music > Pan
- Adjusts the volume, pitch, and pan of the victory music.
Tier 4
Extra Enemy Drops VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 18, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Bounce SFX pitch plugin parameter is now uncapped.
October 11, 2020 - Update #8
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: October 11, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Altered sprite bitmaps via the various draw functions will now be marked as modified and will automatically purge themselves from graphical memory upon a sprite's removal to free up more resources. Change made by Yanfly.
- Picture Sprite Origin anchors are now tied to the Game_Picture show and move commands instead of the Game_Interpretter commands. Change by Arisu.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: October 11, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Dead party members at the start of battle no longer start offscreen. Fix made by Arisu.
- Removed party members from battle no longer count as moving battlers. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Using specific motions should now have the weapons showing and not showing properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.08: October 11, 2020
- Compatibility Update
- Added failsafes for better compatibility.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: October 11, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- XParams and SParams in the Window_EquipStatus window will no longer show a non-percentile difference if the original value is not a whole value. Fix made by Yanfly.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 11, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Documentation added for the new plugin parameter.
- New Features!
- New plugin parameter added by Yanfly.
- Plugin Parameters > General > Status Window > Select Last?
- When picking a personal command from the Command Window, select the last picked actor or always the first?
Tier 2
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: October 11, 2020
- Documentation Update
- Help file updated with new features.
- Feature Update!
- Enemy letters are no longer drawn on the Field Gauge unless there are multiple enemies of the same type. Added by Arisu.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu and Yanfly.
- Plugin Parameters > Field Gauge > Offset X and Y
- How much to offset the X/Y coordinates of the Field Gauge by.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: October 11, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Adding party members during battle through the party window command will no longer cause crashes after they input an action. Fix made by Yanfly.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 11, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- "Control Variable and Conditional Branch Usage" section added for those who wish to gather data for the script input fields of the mentioned event commands.
Tier 3
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: October 11, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Motion Locked Battlers at the start of battle no longer show their entire sprite sheet. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 4
Animated Map Destination VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 11, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Image style will no longer be removed from cache upon changing scenes. Fix made by Yanfly.
October 4, 2020 - Update #7
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: October 4, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- New documentation added for the new Plugin Parameter category: "Custom Parameters".
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter "Custom Parameters" added by Yanfly.
- Create custom parameters for your game! These will appear in VisuStella MZ menus.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: October 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Adding and removing actors will now refresh the battle status display. Fix made by Irina.
- Adding new states that would change the affected battler's state motion will automatically refresh the battler's motion. Fix made by Irina.
- Boss Collapse animation fixed and will sink into the ground. Fix made by Irina.
- Failsafes added for certain animation types. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Freeze Motion for thrust, swing, and missile animations will now show the weapons properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
- The Guard command will no longer display the costs of the Attack command. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Update!
- Updated help file for newly added plugin parameters.
- Feature Updates!
- When using the Change Battleback event command in battle, the game client will wait until both battlebacks are loaded before changing the both of them so that the appearance is synched together. Change made by Yanfly.
- New Features!
- New plugin parameters added by Irina!
- Plugin Parameters > Actor Battler Settings > Chant Style
- What determines the chant motion? Hit type or skill type?
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Main Menu Portraits are now forced to pre-load prior to entering the Status Menu scene to ensure images will properly appear. Fix made by Irina.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.07: October 4, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Updated for the new features!
- Feature Update!
- Data from deleted events will now be cleared and removed from maps if the events do not exist to prevent conflict with plugins from the VisuStella MZ library and other plugins. Feature added by Irina.
- Move Route Custom Commands now support self variable values! If you wish to use a value from a self variable, insert \SelfVar[x] in place of the x in any of the below. This will only draw from the current event. If you wish to draw data from outside event self variables, we recommend you use the \V[x] variant after using the Plugin Commands to draw data from them for the best accuracy.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Yanfly!
- Movement > Bitmap > Smoothing
- Do you want to smooth or pixelate the map sprites? Pixelating them is better for zooming and tilting.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: October 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Select Item event command now displays the default amount of columns instead of whatever setting is made with the plugin parameters.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 4, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Certain windows will now pre-load all associated image types for the actor upon being created to avoid custom JS drawing problems. Change made by Irina.
- Failsafes have been added to prevent non-existent variables from crashing the game if a user does not remove them from the variable list. Change made by Irina.
Tier 2
Aggro Control System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Provoke lines should now be placed correctly if the UI area is smaller than the resolution area.
- The Plugin Commands should no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Irina.
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: October 4, 2020
- New Features!
- New Plugin Command added "System: ATB Field Gauge Visibility" to let you show or hide the Field Gauge during battle. Added by Arisu.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: October 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Selected Dragonbones battlers will no longer leave behind a residual blink effect. Fix made by Irina.
- There should be no more crashes from map events that have been previously deleted but not cleared from the map event list. Fix made by Irina.
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: October 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Adding party members during test play should now work again. Fix made by Irina.
- Changing party members mid-battle through the actor command should now refresh the party followers afterwards. Fix made by Yanfly.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Arisu!
- General > Party Command Window > TPB: Immediate Action
- Allow actors to immediate act upon switching in for TPB battle systems?
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: October 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Quest Tracker window refreshes should no longer cause infinite loops when used with specific script calls. Fix made by Yanfly.
Tier 3
Action Sequence Camera VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: October 4, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Damage offsets are now corrected and in line with the latest Battle Core version.
September 27, 2020 - Update #6
Sample Project
- Database Changes
- Updated the icons on some of the consumables so that they're more recognizable.
- Updated the hit types for some skills so that they make more aesthetic sense for cast animations.
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: September 27, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Battler evasion pose can now occur if there is a miss. These were made separate in RPG Maker MZ and misses didn't enable the evasion pose. Fix made by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New notetags for Maps and name tags for Troops added by Yanfly!
- <Frontview>, <Sideview> to change the battle view for that specific map, or troop regardless of what other settings are.
- <DTB>, <TPB Active>, <TPB Wait> to change the battle system for that specific map or troop regardless of what other settings are.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: September 27, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Enemy Battler Plugin Parameter "Shadow Visible" should now work again. Fix made by Irina.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for future plugins. Added by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Updated the help file for all the new plugin parameters.
- Feature Update!
- Action Sequence "MECH: HP, MP, TP" will now automatically collapse an enemy if it has been killed by the effect.
- All battle systems for front view will now have damage popups appear in front of the status window instead of just the Portrait battle layout. Update made by Yanfly.
- New Features!
- New Action Sequence Plugin Commands from Irina!
- MOTION: Clear Freeze Frame
- MOTION: Freeze Motion Frame
- You can freeze a battler's sprite's motion with a specific frame.
- New notetags for Maps and name tags for Troops added by Yanfly!
- <Battle Layout: type> to change the battle layout style used for specific maps and/or troops.
- New plugin parameters added by Yanfly!
- Plugin Parameters > Battle Layout Settings > Command Window Width
- This plugin parameter lets you adjust the window width for Party and Actor Command windows in the Default and List Battle Layout styles.
- Plugin Parameters > Enemy Battler Settings > Name: Offset X
- Plugin Parameters > Enemy Battler Settings > Name: Offset Y
- These plugin parameters allow you to offset the position of the enemy name positions on the screen by a specific amount.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: September 27, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Events & Movement Core no longer disables the Core Engine's Smart Event Collision plugin parameter. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Move Route Custom Commands updated with the new feature for inserting variable values.
- Feature Update!
- Move Route Custom Commands now support $gameVariable.value(x) values. You can also just use \V[x] for variable values, too. Added by Irina.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: September 27, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- When using the updated shop layout, leaving the sell option will no longer cause the dummy window to appear.
- Documentation Update
- "Use Updated Layout" plugin parameters now have the added clause: "This will override the Core Engine windows settings." to reduce confusion. Added by Irina.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.06: September 27, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Setting an actor's autocolor will now disable it from \N[x] and \P[x] text codes. Fix made by Irina.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 27, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- This plugin should offer better compatibility for future plugins! Update made by Yanfly.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 27, 2020
- Documentation Update
- "Use Updated Layout" plugin parameters now have the added clause: "This will override the Core Engine windows settings." to reduce confusion. Added by Irina.
Tier 2
Battle System - ATB VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: September 27, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- ATB Cast and Charge notetags no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New plugin parameter added by Olivia.
- Plugin Parameters > Mechanics > Stuns Reset Gauge?
- Should stuns reset the ATB Gauge?
Party System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: September 27, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- When switching actors with states, buffs, and/or debuffs already applied, the state icons found in the status window will now switch over properly, too. Fix made by Arisu.
Tier 4
Gab Window VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: September 27, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Using actor specific gab window settings during battle should no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Gab Window now scales the whole screen width. Fix made by Irina.
September 20, 2020 - Update #5
Sample Project
- Added Battle System Robot to the Battle Arena map.
- The Battle System Robot allows you to change the battle system in-game.
Tier 0
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: September 20, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- <Level: x> notetag for enemies is now fixed! Fix made by Arisu.
- Documentation Update!
- Documentation added for the new "System: Battle System Change" Plugin Command and removed the old "System: Set Time Progress Battle".
- Feature Update!
- The Plugin Command "System: Set Time Progress Battle" has been replaced with "System: Battle System Change" instead. This is to accommodate future plugins that allow for different battle systems. Added by Yanfly.
- If you have previously used "System: Set Time Progress Battle", please replace them. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- New Features!
- In the Core Engine's plugin parameters, you can now set the Battle System used. This will default to whatever is the game database's setting. This feature is used for the future when new battle systems are made. Feature added by Yanfly.
Tier 1
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: September 20, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Actors now use their casting or charging animations again during TPB/ATB. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Defeat requirement for enemies will no longer crash the game if turned on after creating
- Escaping animation no longer has actors stay in place. Fixed by Yanfly.
- Failsafes added for newly added weapon types that have not been adjusted in the Database > System 2 tab. Fixed by Irina.
- Shadows now appear under the actor sprites. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Victory during TPB will no longer cancel the victory animations of actors that will have their turn after. Fixed by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- All Anchor Plugin Parameter descriptions now state to use values between 0 and 1 to be safe. Update made by Yanfly.
- Feature Update!
- During Active TPB / ATB, canceling out of the actor command window will go directly into the party window without having to sort through all of the available active actors.
- Going from the Party Command Window's Fight command will immediately return back to the actor command window that was canceled from.
- New Features!
- Action Sequence Plugin Command "MOVE: Spin/Rotate" has been updated.
- A new parameter has been added: "Revert Angle on Finish"
- Added by Yanfly.
- New plugin parameters have been added to Damage Settings.
- Appear Position: Selects where you want popups to appear relative to the battler. Head, Center, Base. Added by Yanfly.
- Offset X: Sets how much to offset the sprites by vertically. Added by Yanfly.
- Offset Y: Sets how much to offset the sprites by horizontally. Added by Yanfly.
- New plugin parameters have been added to Actor Battler Settings.
- Priority: Active - Place the active actor on top of actor and enemy sprites. Added by Yanfly.
- Priority: Actors - Prioritize actors over enemies when placing sprites on top of each other. Added by Yanfly.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 20, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- The "Column 1 and 2 Traits" plugin parameters for "General Trait Set" should now work. You will need to readjust them again. Fix by Arisu.
- The "Elements" Status Menu Categories tab has its "JS: Draw Data" updated to display the percentages properly for Dealt Damage bonuses. This won't update normally as it's a part of the plugin parameters. You would need to do either a fresh install, copy from the sample project, or change the code bit yourself. To change to code bit, look for this:
let dealtText = '%1%'.format(dealt);
and change it to:
let dealtText = '%1%'.format(Math.round(dealt * 100));
Fix made by Irina.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: September 20, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- If player movement is disabled, mouse movement is disabled, too. Fix made by Arisu.
- The region restriction notetags should be fixed and work again. Fix made by Arisu.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 20, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added the alternative notetag <Menu Portrait: filename> that also works the same way as <Menu Image: filename>.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.05: September 20, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Auto Position text codes not place positions properly if the screen width and height differ from the box width and box height. Fix made by Irina.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 20, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- This plugin should offer better compatibility for future plugins! Update made by Yanfly.
Tier 2
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 20, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Hidden enemies with Dragonbones should be invisible at the start of battle. Fix made by Yanfly.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 20, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- For all the new features!
- New Features!
- New notetags added by Olivia!
- <Variable id On Death: +x> and <Variable id On Death: -x> for enemies.
- <Variable id On Gain: +x> and <Variable id On Gain: -x> for items, weapons, and armors.
- <Variable id On Lose: +x> and <Variable id On Lose: -x> for items, weapons, and armors.
- <Track With Variable id> for items, weapons, and armors.
- <Variable id On Use: +x> and <Variable id On Use: -x> for items & skills.
September 13, 2020 - Update #4
Sample Project
- Updated RPG Maker MZ Core Scripts to v1.0.2
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 13, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added new documentation for the "Title Command List" and Title Picture Buttons" plugin parameters. They now have a dedicated section each.
- Feature Updates!
- Moved the "Title Command List" and "Title Picture Buttons" parameters from the Menu Layout > Title settings. They were far too hidden away and users had a hard time finding them. Update made by Yanfly.
- Users who have customized these settings before will need to readjust them again. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 13, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Active Battler Sprites now remain on top and won't be hidden behind other sprites for better visual clarity. Fix made by Arisu.
- Collapsing battlers will now show the dead motion properly. Fix made by Olivia.
- Dead battlers can no longer be given immortality. Fix made by Olivia.
- Going into the Options menu with no battleback set will no longer set a battle snapshot.
- HP Gauges for Sideview Enemies are no longer flipped! Fix made by Yanfly.
- Moving a dead battler would no longer reset their animation. Fix made by Olivia.
- Pre-Battle Common Events now work with events instead of just random encounters. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Sideview Enemy shadows no longer twitch. Fix made by Irina.
- Documentation Updates!
- Added further explanations for Anchor X and Anchor Y plugin parameters. This is because there's a lot of confusion for users who aren't familiar with how sprites work. Added by Irina.
- <Magic Reduction: x> notetag updated to say magical damage instead of physical damage. Fix made by Yanfly.
- New Features!
- Additional Action Sequence Plugin Commands have been added in preparation of upcoming plugins! Additions made by Irina.
- Action Sequences - Angle (for VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera)
- Action Sequences - Camera (for VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera)
- Action Sequences - Skew (for VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera)
- Action Sequences - Zoom (for VisuMZ_3_ActSeqCamera)
- Additional Action Sequence Plugin Commands have been made available now and added to Battle Core! Additions made by Irina.
- MOVE: Scale/Grow/Shrink
- MOVE: Skew/Distort
- MOVE: Spin/Rotate
- MOVE: Wait For Scale
- MOVE: Wait For Skew
- MOVE: Wait For Spin
- Plugin Parameters Additions. Additions made by Irina.
- Plugin Params > Actor Battler Settings > Offset X
- Plugin Params > Actor Battler Settings > Offset Y
- Plugin Params > Actor Battler Settings > Smooth Image
- Plugin Params > Enemy Battler Settings > Offset X
- Plugin Params > Enemy Battler Settings > Offset Y
- Plugin Params > Enemy Battler Settings > Smooth Image
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 13: 2020
- Feature Update!
- Some Move Route Custom Commands are updated to ignore spaces:
- Jump To: x, y
- Move To: x, y
- Step Toward: x, y
- Step Away From: x, y
- Turn To: x, y
- Turn Away From: x, y
- Teleport To: x, y
- These can now be written as x,y. There still needs to be a space between the : and x for parsing clarity, however.
- Feature updated by Arisu with help from BlueMoon and Zeriab.
- New Features!
- New 'Move Route Custom Commands' added by Arisu.
- Fade In: x
- Fade Out: x
- Force Carry: On
- Force Carry: Off
- Force Dash: On
- Force Dash: Off
- New Plugin Commands added by Arisu.
- Player Movement: Control
- Enable or disable player control over the player character's movement.
- Player Movement: Diagonal
- Override settings to for player diagonal movement.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 13, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Pressing Shift to quickly remove equipment should no longer crash the game. This will also clear the help window text. Fix made by Arisu.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: September 13, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Better compatibility for SV Actor graphics.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.04: September 13, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Word wrap no longer affects specific battle messages. Fix made by Irina.
- Word wrap now updates properly after using the 'Message: Properties' Plugin Command. Fix made by Arisu.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: September 13, 2020
- Optimization Update!
- Scrolling through menus should consume less resources.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: September 13, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Better compatibility for SV Actor graphics.
- Documentation Update!
- The Plugin Command 'Save: Set Description' now has updated documentation for the text codes that are parsed on the local level.
- Feature Update!
- The Plugin Command 'Save: Set Description' will now parse text code data for \V[x], \N[x], \P[x] on a local save file level. Feature updated by Yanfly.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 13, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- <JS type Slip Damage> custom notetags now work for passive states. Fix made by Olivia.
- Setting the Command Window style to "Text Only" will no longer add in the icon text codes. Bug fixed by Yanfly.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 13, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility with the new Battle Core v1.04 features!
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: September 13, 2020
- Bugs Fixed!:
- Quest Tracker Window should no longer flicker.
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: September 13, 2020
- Feature Update!
- Victory Aftermath windows now wait until all boss collapse effects are done before showing. Update added by Olivia.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter under General Settings: Auto Skip Auto Battle?
- Skip the Victory Aftermath sequence if the player has decided to use the party Auto Battle command?
- Feature added by Olivia
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: September 13, 2020
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility with Battle Core's newest update for the new distortion effects.
September 6, 2020 - Update #3
Sample Project
- Added Screen Shake Robot NPC.
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 6, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Having QoL > Modern Controls disabled (why would you) used to prevent the down button from working. It works again. Fix made by Yanfly.
- New Feature!
- Plugin default settings now come with a "Game End" option on the title screen. For those updating from version 1.02 or order, you can add this in by opening the Core Engine > Plugin Parameters > Menu Layout Settings > press "delete" on Scene_Title > open it up, then the new settings will fill in automatically.
- New Experimental Feature Added:
- Screen Shake Settings added to the Plugin Parameters.
- Screen Shake: Custom Plugin Command added!
- Credit to Aries of Sheratan, who gave us permission to use her formula.
- We'll be expanding on more screen shaking options in the future.
- Optimization Update
- Digit Grouping now works more efficiently.
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 6, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Animated Battlers will refresh their motions from the death motion once they're revived instead of waiting for their next input phase. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Battle Log speed sometimes went by too fast for certain enabled messages. Wait timers are now added to them, like state results, buff results, and debuff results. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Boss Collapse animation now works properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Freeze fix for TPB (Wait) if multiple actors get a turn at the same time. Fix made by Olivia.
- Pressing cancel on a target window after selecting a single skill no longer causes the status window to twitch.
- Sideview Enemies had a split frame of being visible if they were to start off hidden in battle. Fix made by Shaz.
- Compatibility Update:
- Battle Core's Sprite_Damage.setup() function is now separated fro the default to allow for better compatibility. Made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update:
- Inserted more information for "Damage Popups" under "Major Changes"
- New Features!
- <Magic Penetration: x>, <Magic Penetration: x%> notetags added.
- <Magic Reduction: x>, <Magic Reduction: x%> notetags added.
- <Battle UI Offset: +x, +y>, <Battle UI Offset X: +x>, and <Battle UI Offset Y: +y> notetags added for adjusting the positions of HP Gauges and State Icons.
- Notetags added by Yanfly.
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 6, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- <Dealt Element id Flat: +x%> notetag gets a more indepth explanation.
- This does not add on flat bonus damages after calculating elemental rates. This merely adds onto it at the end after applying rates if the formula from above is unchanged.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added in Status Menu Settings for disabling the back rectangles and/or changing their colors.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 6, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Sleeping pose is now fixed and working! Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- Extended "Features: Self Switches and Variables" to explain how to use script calls to grab self switch information.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Commands added by Yanfly:
- Global Switch: Get Self Switch A B C D
- Global Switch: Get Self Switch ID
- Global Variable: Get Self Variable ID
- These plugin commands allow you to transfer data stored in a self switch or Self Variable into a global switch or global variable.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 6, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- If both Optimize and Clear commands have been removed and using modern controls, pressing up at the top of the slot window list will not go to the window. Fix made by Yanfly.
- If both Optimize and Clear commands have been removed, the window will no longer appear and the slot window will be moved upward to fill any empty spaces. Fix made by Yanfly.
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameter added in NEW! Label to let you adjust the font face.
- New Plugin Parameters added in Equip Menu Scene Settings for disabling the back rectangles and/or changing their colors.
- New Plugin Parameters added in Shop Status Window Settings for disabling the back rectangles and/or changing their colors.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.03: September 6, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Autoplacement of the name box window now takes its offset Y setting into account before sending it to the bottom of the message window. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Added automatic feature setting to turn off word wrap when using the auto-size and auto-position text codes. This is because the auto-size and auto-position effects don't work properly with Word Wrap based on how they both clash when adjusting the window settings. Fix made by Irina.
- New message pages after auto-sizing no longer put out empty messages. Fix made by Irina and Shiro.
- Documentation Update!
- Extended the note for auto-size and auto-position text codes to include that they do not work with Word Wrap. Added by Irina.
Save Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: September 6, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Disabling confirmation windows no longer cause crashes. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Plugin Commands for for setting descriptions and save images work despite save settings found in the database. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Save Core no longer crashes when going to the Save/Load scenes without the Core Engine enabled.
- Single and Locked save styles no longer crash the game when loading. Fix made by Olivia.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: September 6, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Previously, a Dragonbones battler does not show the blinking indicator if the battler is a selected target. This is now fixed. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Prevents a crash now if no bitmap is detected for the main sprite.
Quest Journal System VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: September 6, 2020
- Bug Fixed!
- Disabled track windows no longer appear on the screen for one frame after leaving a menu of any sort. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Viewing the failed quests no longer crash the game. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Feature Update!
- The following Plugin Commands will now automatically update the tracker if needed. Feature update by Yanfly.
- Quest: Add/Complete/Fail/Remove
- Quest: Description Change
- Quest: Objectives Change
- Quest: Quote Change
- Quest: Rewards Change
- Quest: Subtext Change
Victory Aftermath VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: September 6, 2020
- New Features!
- New Plugin Parameters added in Level Up Settings for disabling the back rectangles and/or changing their colors.
Visual State Effects VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: September 6, 2020
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility with Battle Core's newest update for the <Battle UI Offset: +x, +y> notetags. Update made by Yanfly.
August 30, 2020 - Update #2
Sample Project
- Added BGM Music to the town.
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 30, 2020
- New Feature!
- New Plugin Command: "Picture: Erase All". Added by Olivia.
- Erases all pictures on the screen because it's extremely tedious to do it one by one.
- New Plugin Command: "Picture: Erase Range"
- Erases all pictures within a range of numbers because it's extremely tedious to do it one by one.
- Optimization Update
- Added a more accurate means of parsing numbers for Digit Grouping.
- Window_Base.prototype.textSizeEx now stores data to a cache.
- Documentation Update
- Added a section to Major Changes: New Hard-Coded Features on Digit Grouping and explaining its intricacies.
- Added a note to Plugin Parameters > UI > Reposition Actors to ignore the setting if using the Battle Core VisuStella MZ.
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 30, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Failsafes added for parsing battle targets. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Immortality is no longer ignored by skills/items with the Normal Attack state effect. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Miss and Evasion sound effects work again! Fix made by Yanfly.
- Selecting "Escape" from the Actor Command Window will now have the Inputting Battler show its escape motion. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Wait for Movement now applies to SV Enemies. Fix made by Yanfly.
- New Features!
- Plugin Command "ACSET: Finish Action" now has an option to turn off the Immortality of targets. Feature added by Yanfly.
- Optimization Update
- Uses less resources when making checks for Pre-Battle Battle Start events
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 30, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Trait Set bonuses for X Parameters and S Parameters now show up properly in the Status Menu. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Trait Set Sideview Battler Solo Weapon and Solo Motion notetags are now fixed to register properly with Battle Core VisuStella MZ. Fix made by Shaz.
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 30, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- <Diagonal Movement: Off> notetag now works properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Plugin Command "Event Label: Visible" now works properly. Fix made by Shaz.
- Custom Move Route commands should now be working properly. Fix made by Shaz.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 30, 2020
- Documentation Fix!
- Added: NOTE: Regarding Damage Labels
- If Visu_1_BattleCore is installed, priority goes to its Damage Style settings. The label displayed is based on the damage style settings in place for that specific skill or item.
- Go to Battle Core VisuStella MZ > Plugin Parameters > Damage Settings > Style List > pick the damage style you want to edit > Damage Label and change the text settings you'd like there.
- Documentation update added by Yanfly.
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 30, 2020
- New Features!
- Added new hard-coded text codes for auto-sizing and auto-positioning:
- <Auto>, <Auto Width>, <Auto Height>
- <Auto Actor: x>, <Auto Party: x>, <Auto Enemy: x>
- <Auto Player>, <Auto Actor: x>, <Auto Party: x>, <Auto Event: x>
- New features added by Irina.
Options Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: August 30, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Before, already existing Options available in the RPG Maker MZ base code such as BGM Volume, Command Remember, Always Dash, and so on, would not have their default values declared through the Options Core VisuStella MZ. The Options Core VisuStella MZ now changes this functionality and gives priority to the Plugin Parameter settings declared by the game dev. Fix made by Yanfly.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.02: August 30, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- The JS Notetags for Add, Erase, and Expire states are now fixed. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Documentation Update!
- <Show if learned Skill: x> and <Hide if learned Skill: x> notetags have the following added to their descriptions:
- This does not apply to skills added by traits on actors, classes, any equipment, or states. These are not considered learned skills. They are considered temporary skills.
- New Features!
- Notetags added by Yanfly:
- <Show if has Skill: x>
- <Show if have All Skills: x,x,x>
- <Show if have Any Skills: x,x,x>
- <Show if has Skill: name>
- <Show if have All Skills: name, name, name>
- <Show if have Any Skills: name, name, name>
- <Hide if has Skill: x>
- <Hide if have All Skills: x,x,x>
- <Hide if have Any Skills: x,x,x>
- <Hide if has Skill: name>
- <Hide if have All Skills: name, name, name>
- <Hide if have Any Skills: name, name, name>
- These have been added to remove the confusion regarding learned skills as skills added through trait effects are not considered learned skills by RPG Maker MZ.
Dragonbones Union VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: August 30, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Erasing a picture no longer causes a crash when changing scenes. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Compatibility Update
- Added compatibility for VisuStella MZ's Visual State Effects.
Debugger VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01: August 30, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Deleted maps will have their ID's sorted out. Fix made by Shaz.
August 23, 2020 - Update #1
Sample Project
- Added two new NPC's
- Wiki Robot
- Troubleshooting Robot
Core Engine VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01:
- Bug Fixes!
- Digit grouping fixed to allow text codes to detect values larger than 1000. Fix made by Olivia and Yanfly.
- Param Plus, Rate, Flat notetags fixed. Fix made by Yanfly.
- New Experimental Feature Added:
- JS: Quick Functions found in the Plugin Parameters
Battle Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01:
- Bug Fixes!
- Plugin Parameters > Damage Settings > Damage Formats are now fixed. Fix made by Olivia.
- TPB Battle System with Disable Party Command fixed. Fix made by Olivia.
- States now show in list format if faces are disabled. Fix made by Yanfly.
- The default damage styles were missing the 'v' variable to allow for variable data input. These are back now. Fix made by Yanfly.
- Users updating from version 1.00 will need to fix this problem by either removing the plugin from the Plugin Manager list and reinstalling it, or going to Plugin Parameters > Damage Settings > Style List > the style you want, and adding "const v = $gameVariables._data;" to JS: Formula
- New Notetags Added:
- <Command Show Switch: x> added by Olivia
- <Command Show All Switches: x,x,x> added by Olivia
- <Command Show Any Switches: x,x,x> added by Olivia
- <Command Hide Switch: x> added by Olivia
- <Command Hide All Switches: x,x,x> added by Olivia
- <Command Hide Any Switches: x,x,x> added by Olivia
- <JS Command Visible> added by Olivia
Elements and Status Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01:
Events and Movement Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01:
- Bug Fixes!
- Event Cache issues fixed upon loading a saved game. Fix made by Yanfly.
Items and Equips Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01:
- Added failsafe to prevent non-existent equipment (because the database entries have been deleted) from being equipped as initial equipment. Fix made by Olivia.
Main Menu Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01:
- Bug Fixes!
- Skill check plugin parameter for show fixed. Fixed by Yanfly and Shaz.
- Users updating from version 1.00 will need to fix this problem by either removing the plugin from the Plugin Manager list and reinstalling it, or going to Plugin Parameters > Command Window List > skill > JS: Show > and changing 'this.needsCommand("item")' to 'this.needsCommand("skill")'
Message Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01:
- Bug Fixes!
- </Wordwrap> now works.
- \ActorFace[x] text code now fixed.
- Users updating from version 1.00 will need to fix this problem by either removing the plugin from the Plugin Manager list and reinstalling it, or going to Plugin Parameters > Text Code Replacements > ActorFace > JS: Text > and changing "$gameActors.actor(1)" to "$gameActors.actor(actorId)"
- Actors with empty names would cause auto hightlight problems. Fixed!
- Auto-colors now ignore names with special characters like !, ?, [, ], and so on.
- Line break spacing fixed.
- New Features!
- Wordwrap now works with left, center and right alignment tags.
Skills and States Core VisuStella MZ
Version 1.01:
- Bug Fixes!
- Compatibility Update
- Extended functions to allow for better compatibility.
- Updated documentation
- Explains that passive states are not directly applied and are therefore not affected by code such as "a.isStateAffected(10)".
- Instead, use "a.states().includes($dataStates[10])"
- "Use #rrggbb for a hex color." lines now replaced with "For a hex color, use #rrggbb with VisuMZ_1_MessageCore"
End of Page
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